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* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
* Copyright (C) 2001-2014, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* http://epsiteс.ch;;
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
* \file app/app.h
* \brief CApplication class
#pragma once
#include "common/global.h"
#include "common/singleton.h"
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#include "common/profile.h"
#include "graphics/core/device.h"
#include "graphics/engine/engine.h"
#include "graphics/opengl/gldevice.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class CInstanceManager;
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class CEventQueue;
class CRobotMain;
class CSoundInterface;
class CInput;
class CObjectManager;
namespace Gfx {
class CModelManager;
* \struct JoystickDevice
* \brief Information about a joystick device
struct JoystickDevice
//! Device index (-1 = invalid device)
int index;
//! Device name
std::string name;
//! Number of axes (only available after joystick opened)
int axisCount;
//! Number of buttons (only available after joystick opened)
int buttonCount;
: index(-1), axisCount(0), buttonCount(0) {}
* \enum VideoQueryResult
* \brief Result of querying for available video resolutions
enum VideoQueryResult
* \enum ParseArgsStatus
* \brief State of parsing commandline arguments
enum ParseArgsStatus
PARSE_ARGS_OK = 1, //! < all ok
PARSE_ARGS_FAIL = 2, //! < invalid syntax
PARSE_ARGS_HELP = 3 //! < -help requested
* \enum MouseMode
* \brief Mode of mouse cursor
enum MouseMode
MOUSE_SYSTEM, //! < system cursor visible; in-game cursor hidden
MOUSE_ENGINE, //! < in-game cursor visible; system cursor hidden
MOUSE_BOTH, //! < both cursors visible (only for debug)
MOUSE_NONE, //! < no cursor visible
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* \enum PerformanceCounter
* \brief Type of counter testing performance
enum PerformanceCounter
PCNT_EVENT_PROCESSING, //! < event processing (except update events)
PCNT_UPDATE_ALL, //! < the whole frame update process
PCNT_UPDATE_ENGINE, //! < frame update in CEngine
PCNT_UPDATE_PARTICLE, //! < frame update in CParticle
PCNT_UPDATE_GAME, //! < frame update in CRobotMain
PCNT_RENDER_ALL, //! < the whole rendering process
PCNT_RENDER_PARTICLE, //! < rendering the particles in 3D
PCNT_RENDER_WATER, //! < rendering the water
PCNT_RENDER_TERRAIN, //! < rendering the terrain
PCNT_RENDER_OBJECTS, //! < rendering the 3D objects
PCNT_RENDER_INTERFACE, //! < rendering 2D interface
PCNT_ALL, //! < all counters together
enum DebugMode
DEBUG_MODELS = 1 << 2,
struct ApplicationPrivate;
2012-06-26 20:50:55 +00:00
* \class CApplication
* \brief Main application
* This class is responsible for main application execution, including creating
* and handling main application window, receiving events, etc.
* It is a singleton class with only one instance that can be created.
* \section Creation Creation of other main objects
* The class creates the only instance of CInstanceManager, CEventQueue, CEngine,
* CRobotMain and CSoundInterface classes.
* \section Window Window management
* The class is responsible for creating app window, setting and changing the video mode,
* joystick management, grabbing input and changing the system mouse cursor
* position and visibility.
* ("System mouse cursor" means the cursor displayed by the OS in constrast to the cursor
* displayed by CEngine).
* \section Events Events
* Events are taken from SDL event queue, translated to common events from src/common.h
* and pushed to global event queue CEventQueue.
* Joystick events are generated somewhat differently, by running a separate timer,
* polling the device for changes and synthesising events on change. It avoids flooding
* the event queue with too many joystick events and the granularity of the timer can be
* adjusted.
* The events are passed to ProcessEvent() of classes in this order: CApplication, CEngine
* and CRobotMain. CApplication and CEngine's ProcessEvent() functions return bool, which
* means whether to pass the event on, or stop the chain. This is to enable handling some
* events which are internal to CApplication or CEngine.
* \section Portability Portability
* Currently, the class only handles OpenGL devices. SDL can be used with DirectX, but
* for that to work, video initialization and video setting must be done differently.
class CApplication : public CSingleton<CApplication>
//! Constructor (can only be called once!)
//! Destructor
//! Returns the application's event queue
CEventQueue* GetEventQueue();
//! Returns the sound subsystem
CSoundInterface* GetSound();
//! Parses commandline arguments
ParseArgsStatus ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[]);
//! Initializes the application
bool Create();
//! Main event loop
int Run();
//! Returns the code to be returned at main() exit
int GetExitCode() const;
//! Returns the message of error (set to something if exit code is not 0)
const std::string& GetErrorMessage() const;
//! Cleans up before exit
void Destroy();
//! Restart
void Restart();
//! Should we restart after app quits?
bool IsRestarting();
//! Returns a list of possible video modes
VideoQueryResult GetVideoResolutionList(std::vector<Math::IntPoint> &resolutions,
bool fullScreen, bool resizeable) const;
//! Returns the current video mode
Gfx::GLDeviceConfig GetVideoConfig() const;
//! Change the video mode to given mode
bool ChangeVideoConfig(const Gfx::GLDeviceConfig &newConfig);
//! Suspends animation (time will not be updated)
void SuspendSimulation();
//! Resumes animation
void ResumeSimulation();
//! Returns whether simulation is suspended
bool GetSimulationSuspended() const;
//! Resets time counters to account for time spent loading game
void ResetTimeAfterLoading();
//! Management of simulation speed
void SetSimulationSpeed(float speed);
float GetSimulationSpeed() const;
//! Returns the absolute time counter [seconds]
float GetAbsTime() const;
//! Returns the exact absolute time counter [nanoseconds]
long long GetExactAbsTime() const;
//! Returns the exact absolute time counter disregarding speed setting [nanoseconds]
long long GetRealAbsTime() const;
//! Returns the relative time since last update [seconds]
float GetRelTime() const;
//! Returns the exact realative time since last update [nanoseconds]
long long GetExactRelTime() const;
//! Returns the exact relative time since last update disregarding speed setting [nanoseconds]
long long GetRealRelTime() const;
//! Returns a list of available joystick devices
std::vector<JoystickDevice> GetJoystickList() const;
//! Returns info about the current joystick
JoystickDevice GetJoystick() const;
//! Change the current joystick device
bool ChangeJoystick(const JoystickDevice &newJoystick);
//! Management of joystick enable state
void SetJoystickEnabled(bool enable);
bool GetJoystickEnabled() const;
//! Polls the state of joystick axes and buttons
void UpdateJoystick();
//! Updates the mouse position explicitly
void UpdateMouse();
//! Management of the grab mode for input (keyboard & mouse)
void SetGrabInput(bool grab);
bool GetGrabInput() const;
//! Management of mouse mode
void SetMouseMode(MouseMode mode);
MouseMode GetMouseMode() const;
//! Moves (warps) the mouse cursor to the specified position (in interface coords)
void MoveMouse(Math::Point pos);
//! Management of debug modes (printing more info in logger)
void SetDebugModeActive(DebugMode mode, bool active);
bool IsDebugModeActive(DebugMode mode) const;
static bool ParseDebugModes(const std::string& str, int& debugModes);
//! Management of language
Language GetLanguage() const;
char GetLanguageChar() const;
void SetLanguage(Language language);
static bool ParseLanguage(const std::string& str, Language& language);
//! Management of sleep in main loop (lowers CPU usage)
void SetLowCPU(bool low);
bool GetLowCPU() const;
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//! Management of performance counters
void StartPerformanceCounter(PerformanceCounter counter);
void StopPerformanceCounter(PerformanceCounter counter);
float GetPerformanceCounterData(PerformanceCounter counter) const;
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bool GetSceneTestMode();
//! Creates the window's SDL_Surface
bool CreateVideoSurface();
//! Loads all mods from given directory
void LoadModsFromDir(const std::string &dir);
//! Processes the captured SDL event to Event struct
Event ProcessSystemEvent();
//! If applicable, creates a virtual event to match the changed state as of new event
Event CreateVirtualEvent(const Event& sourceEvent);
//! Prepares a simulation update event
TEST_VIRTUAL Event CreateUpdateEvent();
//! Logs debug data for event
void LogEvent(const Event& event);
//! Renders the image in window
void Render();
//! Opens the joystick device
bool OpenJoystick();
//! Closes the joystick device
void CloseJoystick();
//! Internal procedure to reset time counters
void InternalResumeSimulation();
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//! Resets all performance counters to zero
void ResetPerformanceCounters();
//! Updates performance counters from gathered timer data
void UpdatePerformanceCountersData();
//! Private (SDL-dependent data)
ApplicationPrivate* m_private;
//! Instance manager
// TODO: to be removed
CInstanceManager* m_iMan;
//! Object manager
CObjectManager* m_objMan;
//! Global event queue
CEventQueue* m_eventQueue;
//! Graphics engine
Gfx::CEngine* m_engine;
//! Graphics device
Gfx::CDevice* m_device;
//! 3D models manager
Gfx::CModelManager* m_modelManager;
//! Sound subsystem
CSoundInterface* m_sound;
//! Main class of the proper game engine
CRobotMain* m_robotMain;
//! Profile (INI) reader/writer
CProfile* m_profile;
//! Input manager
CInput* m_input;
//! Code to return at exit
int m_exitCode;
//! Whether application window is active
bool m_active;
//! Bit array of active debug modes
long m_debugModes;
//! If we are restarting the app
bool m_restart;
//! Message to be displayed as error to the user
std::string m_errorMessage;
//! Current configuration of OpenGL display device
Gfx::GLDeviceConfig m_deviceConfig;
//! Previous configuration of OpenGL display device
Gfx::GLDeviceConfig m_lastDeviceConfig;
//! Text set as window title
std::string m_windowTitle;
//! Animation time stamps, etc.
SystemTimeStamp* m_baseTimeStamp;
SystemTimeStamp* m_lastTimeStamp;
SystemTimeStamp* m_curTimeStamp;
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SystemTimeStamp* m_performanceCounters[PCNT_MAX][2];
float m_performanceCountersData[PCNT_MAX];
long long m_realAbsTimeBase;
long long m_realAbsTime;
long long m_realRelTime;
long long m_absTimeBase;
long long m_exactAbsTime;
long long m_exactRelTime;
float m_absTime;
float m_relTime;
float m_simulationSpeed;
bool m_simulationSuspended;
//! Current mode of mouse
MouseMode m_mouseMode;
//! Info about current joystick device
JoystickDevice m_joystick;
//! Whether joystick is enabled
bool m_joystickEnabled;
//! Current state of joystick axes; may be updated from another thread
std::vector<int> m_joyAxeState;
//! Current state of joystick buttons; may be updated from another thread
std::vector<bool> m_joyButtonState;
//! Path to directory with data files
std::string m_dataPath;
//! Path to directory with language files
std::string m_langPath;
//! Path to directory with save files
std::string m_savePath;
//! Scene to run on startup
std::string m_runSceneName;
int m_runSceneRank;
//! Scene test mode
bool m_sceneTest;
//! Application language
Language m_language;
//! Low cpu mode
bool m_lowCPU;
//! Screen resoultion overriden by commandline
bool m_resolutionOverride;
//! Headles mode
bool m_headless;