msgid "We are sorry to have to bring this to your attention but this seems like a good a time to let you in on a little concern we're having at the moment. There has been a strong reaction in the public opinion and in Congress concerning your systematic termination of the \"indigenous inhabitants\" of the planets you've been visiting. Congress has chosen to demonstrate its sensitivity to the concerns of the general population."
msgstr "Nous n'avons pas osé vous le dire avant, mais ce nouveau système d'armement nous en donne l'occasion: nous subissons des pressions de plus en plus fortes de la part du Congrès et de l'opinion publique pour cesser ces \"massacres\" que vous perpétrez parmi la \"population indigène\"."
msgid "We hereby relay their new directives and these directives intimate for you to limit the casualties as much as humanly possible. In other words, do your very best to spare the life-forms you encounter from now on. Your mission should of course in no way find itself jeopardized by this new course of action."
msgstr "Essayez d'éviter les exterminations systématiques à l'avenir. Mais en cas de danger, n'hésitez pas à faire feu (faut-il vous le dire?). Nous essayerons de contribuer à rendre votre arsenal d'armes défensives plus complet et efficace."
msgid "Your energy resources appear dangerously limited at this time and so is your arsenal but you need to locate and retrieve the previous expedition's <a object|bbox>black box</a> so you can proceed to the next planet."
msgstr "Trouvez et ramenez la <a object|bbox>boîte noire</a> de la première expédition pour explorer la prochaine planète."
msgid "We received a piece of information from your predecessors, via the observation satellite, regarding a new type of weaponry they have developed precisely for a predicament such as this one."
msgstr "Vos réserves énergétiques semblent limitées, et la région n'offre toujours rien pour les renouveler."
msgid "This weapon will offer you an opportunity to demonstrate your newfound compassion towards <a object|ant>indigenous species</a> for it is not a weapon of mass destruction. What it offers instead, to the best of our knowledge, is an option to incapacitate them, rendering them, if only temporarily, harmless. If this is indeed the case, you'll need to act quickly before they are given a chance to become hostile to you again."
msgstr "Nous avons maintenant reçu des informations que la première expédition avait laissées sur place et qui nous ont été transmises par le radar construit par vos soins. Il est question entre autres d'un système d'armement qui mettrait toutes les <a object|ant>fourmis</a> hors combat pendant un certain temps, dans un certain rayon. Essayez de faire marcher votre <a object|research>centre de recherches</a>; peut-être que ce système vous facilitera la tâche?"
msgid "Perform the <a object|research>research program</a> and experiment for yourself but don't forget to bring this new weapon back on board. We are very curious to study its workings."
msgstr "Ramenez également un exemplaire de ce nouveau robot sur le <a object|base>vaisseau</a>. Nous sommes curieux de voir de quoi il a l'air."