msgid "When you are radio-guiding a bot, you can rotate the cannon during the burst in order to sweep a whole zone. You can also do this when programming the bot, but you have to turn the whole bot with the instruction <code><a cbot|motor>motor</a>( , )</code>. This instruction asks for two numbers: the speed of the left-hand motor, and the speed of the right-hand motor. These numbers must range between -1 and +1.<c/> motor(1,1);<n/> moves the bot forward with maximum speed (both motors at full power).<c/> motor(-1,-1);<n/> moves the bot backward with maximum speed.<c/> motor(1,0.9);<n/> moves the bot forward with a slight turn to the right: the left-hand motor turns a little faster than the right-hand motor. And <c/>motor(1,-1);<n/> will turn the bot clockwise on the spot: the left-hand motor moves forward, the right-hand motor moves backward."
msgid "After a <a cbot|motor>motor</a> instruction the motors will keep this speed until the next <code>motor</code>, <code><a cbot|move>move</a></code>, <code><a cbot|turn>turn</a></code> or <code><a cbot|goto>goto</a></code> instruction. For example, if you perform a rotation on the spot with <c/>motor(1,-1);<n/> and afterward you shoot with <c/>fire(1);<n/>, the bot will continue to turn during the burst, and will sweep a whole zone."
msgid "The ants attack from the north. In order to sweep the whole zone north of the bot, first turn 90 degrees left with <c/>turn(90);<n/>, then repeat always with <code><a cbot|while>while</a> (true)</code> the following instructions:\n"