msgid "A transmission from the observation satellite a few hours ago informed us that you seemed to be wandering in a frighteningly uncoordinated manner. Your SatCom has ceased broadcasting. Your reactor seems to have suffered some sort of damage and your helmet was spotted at the bottom of a lake. If this is indeed the case, do not try to retrieve it, do not go into the water! Water on Tropica is highly toxic. You would not survive it."
msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
msgid "There is nothing we can really do to guide you but don't forget that you're following in the footsteps of a previous expedition. If what happened to you is what happened to them, chances are they may have left some clues along the way back to their own spaceship which landed in roughly the same area as yours. Use those clues."
msgid "Go round the lake, and head towards the green fluorescent globe. This globe is generated by a gravi-plant that will make flight impossible inside the globe."
msgid "Follow the left flank of the valley, passing a pond on your right, and climb the small slope. On top you will be facing some giant ants: run as fast as you can towards another gravi-plant a little further on your right, your wounds will have time to heal later."
msgid "When you leave the gravi-plant, keep on the left-hand side of the lake, and follow the shore until you reach a peninsula adorned with fern-like plants."
msgid "Do some island-hopping across the larger lake. Aim for the trees in order to avoid falling into the water on the other side of the island. The last island is 50 cm under water but you can still land on it without having your head submerged. "
msgid "Give your reactor enough time to cool down, then fly across the small lake. Try to land as high on the right as you can, this is the best way not to fall into the second lake."