Release 0.1.8-alpha: Merge branch 'dev'

krzys-h 2016-07-11 09:27:01 +02:00
commit 2b63369060
154 changed files with 5101 additions and 4642 deletions

View File

@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ set(COLOBOT_VERSION_MINOR 1)
# Used on official releases # Used on official releases
# Used on unreleased, development builds # Used on unreleased, development builds
# Append git characteristics to version # Append git characteristics to version
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ if("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Windows")
# Platform-dependent implementation of system.h # Platform-dependent implementation of system.h
set(SYSTEM_CPP_MODULE "system_windows.cpp") set(SYSTEM_CPP_MODULE "system_windows.cpp")
set(SYSTEM_H_MODULE "system_windows.h")
elseif("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Linux") elseif("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Linux")
message(STATUS "Build for Linux system") message(STATUS "Build for Linux system")
@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ elseif("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Linux")
# Platform-dependent implementation of system.h # Platform-dependent implementation of system.h
set(SYSTEM_CPP_MODULE "system_linux.cpp") set(SYSTEM_CPP_MODULE "system_linux.cpp")
set(SYSTEM_H_MODULE "system_linux.h")
message(STATUS "Build for kFreeBSD system") message(STATUS "Build for kFreeBSD system")
@ -84,6 +86,7 @@ elseif("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "kFreeBSD" OR "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" STREQ
# Platform-dependent implementation of system.h # Platform-dependent implementation of system.h
set(SYSTEM_CPP_MODULE "system_other.cpp") set(SYSTEM_CPP_MODULE "system_other.cpp")
set(SYSTEM_H_MODULE "system_other.h")
elseif("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Darwin") elseif("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Darwin")
message(STATUS "Build for Mac OSX system") message(STATUS "Build for Mac OSX system")
@ -94,6 +97,9 @@ elseif("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Darwin")
# Platform-dependent implementation of system.h # Platform-dependent implementation of system.h
set(SYSTEM_CPP_MODULE "system_macosx.cpp") set(SYSTEM_CPP_MODULE "system_macosx.cpp")
set(SYSTEM_H_MODULE "system_macosx.h")
# To avoid CMake warning
else() else()
message(STATUS "Build for other system") message(STATUS "Build for other system")
@ -104,6 +110,7 @@ else()
# Platform-dependent implementation of system.h # Platform-dependent implementation of system.h
set(SYSTEM_CPP_MODULE "system_other.cpp") set(SYSTEM_CPP_MODULE "system_other.cpp")
set(SYSTEM_H_MODULE "system_other.h")
endif() endif()

Jenkinsfile vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
node('master') {
stage 'Pull changes'
checkout scm
stage 'Build Windows'
sh 'mkdir -p build/windows'
dir('build/windows') {
sh '''
cmake \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/share/cmake/mxe-conf.cmake \
rm -rf install
DESTDIR=. make install
sh 'rm -f'
zip zipFile: '', archive: true, dir: 'build/windows/install'
stage 'Build Linux'
sh 'mkdir -p build/linux'
dir('build/linux') {
sh '''
cmake \
rm -rf install
DESTDIR=. make install
patchelf --set-rpath '.' install/colobot
sh 'rm -f'
zip zipFile: '', archive: true, dir: 'build/linux/install'
stage 'Doxygen'
dir('build/linux') {
sh 'make doc'
publishHTML target: [$class: 'HtmlPublisherTarget', reportName: 'Doxygen', reportDir: 'build/linux/doc/html', reportFiles: 'index.html']
stage 'Run tests'
dir('build/linux') {
sh './colobot_ut --gtest_output=xml:gtestresults.xml || true'
step([$class: 'XUnitBuilder', testTimeMargin: '3000', thresholdMode: 1, thresholds: [[$class: 'FailedThreshold', failureNewThreshold: '', failureThreshold: '', unstableNewThreshold: '', unstableThreshold: '0'], [$class: 'SkippedThreshold', failureNewThreshold: '', failureThreshold: '', unstableNewThreshold: '', unstableThreshold: '']], tools: [[$class: 'GoogleTestType', deleteOutputFiles: true, failIfNotNew: true, pattern: 'build/linux/gtestresults.xml', skipNoTestFiles: false, stopProcessingIfError: true]]])

View File

@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
# Patched version of original CMake module
# Added variable GETTEXT_INSTALL_PREFIX to optionally override installation path of resulting translations
# - Find GNU gettext tools
# This module looks for the GNU gettext tools. This module defines the
# following values:
# GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE: the full path to the msgmerge tool.
# GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE: the full path to the msgfmt tool.
# GETTEXT_FOUND: True if gettext has been found.
# GETTEXT_VERSION_STRING: the version of gettext found (since CMake 2.8.8)
# Additionally it provides the following macros:
# GETTEXT_CREATE_TRANSLATIONS ( outputFile [ALL] file1 ... fileN )
# This will create a target "translations" which will convert the
# given input po files into the binary output mo file. If the
# ALL option is used, the translations will also be created when
# building the default target.
# GETTEXT_PROCESS_POT( <potfile> [ALL] [INSTALL_DESTINATION <destdir>] LANGUAGES <lang1> <lang2> ... )
# Process the given pot file to mo files.
# If INSTALL_DESTINATION is given then automatically install rules will be created,
# the language subdirectory will be taken into account (by default use share/locale/).
# If ALL is specified, the pot file is processed when building the all traget.
# It creates a custom target "potfile".
# Process the given po files to mo files for the given language.
# If INSTALL_DESTINATION is given then automatically install rules will be created,
# the language subdirectory will be taken into account (by default use share/locale/).
# If ALL is specified, the po files are processed when building the all traget.
# It creates a custom target "pofiles".
# Copyright 2007-2009 Kitware, Inc.
# Copyright 2007 Alexander Neundorf <>
# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
# see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
# This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
# See the License for more information.
# (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full
# License text for the above reference.)
find_program(GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE msgmerge)
find_program(GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE msgfmt)
execute_process(COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE} --version
OUTPUT_VARIABLE gettext_version
if (gettext_version MATCHES "^msgmerge \\(.*\\) [0-9]")
string(REGEX REPLACE "^msgmerge \\([^\\)]*\\) ([0-9\\.]+[^ \n]*).*" "\\1" GETTEXT_VERSION_STRING "${gettext_version}")
set(GETTEXT_INSTALL_PREFIX share/locale)
function(_GETTEXT_GET_UNIQUE_TARGET_NAME _name _unique_name)
set(propertyName "_GETTEXT_UNIQUE_COUNTER_${_name}")
get_property(currentCounter GLOBAL PROPERTY "${propertyName}")
if(NOT currentCounter)
set(currentCounter 1)
set(${_unique_name} "${_name}_${currentCounter}" PARENT_SCOPE)
math(EXPR currentCounter "${currentCounter} + 1")
set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} ${currentCounter} )
macro(GETTEXT_CREATE_TRANSLATIONS _potFile _firstPoFileArg)
# make it a real variable, so we can modify it here
set(_firstPoFile "${_firstPoFileArg}")
get_filename_component(_potName ${_potFile} NAME)
string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.+)(\\.[^.]+)$" "\\1" _potBasename ${_potName})
get_filename_component(_absPotFile ${_potFile} ABSOLUTE)
if(${_firstPoFile} STREQUAL "ALL")
set(_addToAll "ALL")
foreach (_currentPoFile ${_firstPoFile} ${ARGN})
get_filename_component(_absFile ${_currentPoFile} ABSOLUTE)
get_filename_component(_abs_PATH ${_absFile} PATH)
get_filename_component(_lang ${_absFile} NAME_WE)
set(_gmoFile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_lang}.gmo)
OUTPUT ${_gmoFile}
COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE} --quiet --update --backup=none -s ${_absFile} ${_absPotFile}
DEPENDS ${_absPotFile} ${_absFile}
install(FILES ${_gmoFile} DESTINATION ${GETTEXT_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES RENAME ${_potBasename}.mo)
set(_gmoFiles ${_gmoFiles} ${_gmoFile})
endforeach ()
if(NOT TARGET translations)
_GETTEXT_GET_UNIQUE_TARGET_NAME(translations uniqueTargetName)
add_custom_target(${uniqueTargetName} ${_addToAll} DEPENDS ${_gmoFiles})
add_dependencies(translations ${uniqueTargetName})
set(_options ALL)
set(_multiValueArgs LANGUAGES)
CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(_parsedArguments "${_options}" "${_oneValueArgs}" "${_multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
get_filename_component(_potName ${_potFile} NAME)
string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.+)(\\.[^.]+)$" "\\1" _potBasename ${_potName})
get_filename_component(_absPotFile ${_potFile} ABSOLUTE)
foreach (_lang ${_parsedArguments_LANGUAGES})
set(_poFile "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_lang}.po")
set(_gmoFile "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_lang}.gmo")
OUTPUT "${_poFile}"
COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE} --quiet --update --backup=none -s ${_poFile} ${_absPotFile}
DEPENDS ${_absPotFile}
OUTPUT "${_gmoFile}"
DEPENDS ${_absPotFile} ${_poFile}
install(FILES ${_gmoFile} DESTINATION ${_parsedArguments_INSTALL_DESTINATION}/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES RENAME ${_potBasename}.mo)
list(APPEND _gmoFiles ${_gmoFile})
endforeach ()
if(NOT TARGET potfiles)
_GETTEXT_GET_UNIQUE_TARGET_NAME( potfiles uniqueTargetName)
add_custom_target(${uniqueTargetName} ALL DEPENDS ${_gmoFiles})
add_custom_target(${uniqueTargetName} DEPENDS ${_gmoFiles})
add_dependencies(potfiles ${uniqueTargetName})
set(_options ALL)
set(_multiValueArgs PO_FILES)
CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(_parsedArguments "${_options}" "${_oneValueArgs}" "${_multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
foreach(_current_PO_FILE ${_parsedArguments_PO_FILES})
get_filename_component(_name ${_current_PO_FILE} NAME)
string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.+)(\\.[^.]+)$" "\\1" _basename ${_name})
set(_gmoFile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_basename}.gmo)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_gmoFile}
DEPENDS ${_current_PO_FILE}
install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_basename}.gmo DESTINATION ${_parsedArguments_INSTALL_DESTINATION}/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES/ RENAME ${_basename}.mo)
list(APPEND _gmoFiles ${_gmoFile})
if(NOT TARGET pofiles)
_GETTEXT_GET_UNIQUE_TARGET_NAME( pofiles uniqueTargetName)
add_custom_target(${uniqueTargetName} ALL DEPENDS ${_gmoFiles})
add_custom_target(${uniqueTargetName} DEPENDS ${_gmoFiles})
add_dependencies(pofiles ${uniqueTargetName})


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 90654ddfedb385d90d10db702264aa3c69c6afad Subproject commit 0a55d94b4e8a80b6873cf6c3f86d9438deed7c84

View File

@ -1,38 +1,56 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
# Render SVG icon in various sizes # Render SVG icon in various sizes
find_program(RSVG_CONVERT rsvg-convert) find_program(RSVG_CONVERT rsvg-convert)
add_custom_target(png-icons ALL) message(WARNING "rsvg-convert not found; desktop icons will not be generated")
foreach(PNGSIZE 512 256 128 48 32 16) endif()
find_program(XMLSTARLET xmlstarlet)
message(WARNING "xmlstarlet not found; desktop icons will not be generated")
add_custom_target(png-icons ALL DEPENDS ${COLOBOT_ICON_FILE})
foreach(PNG_SIZE 512 256 128 48 32 16)
# Using xmlstarlet to edit SVG file is a workaround for rsvg-convert bug (see:
add_custom_command( add_custom_command(
OUTPUT ${PNGSIZE}/colobot.png OUTPUT ${PNG_SIZE}/colobot.png
COMMAND mkdir -p ${PNGSIZE} COMMAND mkdir -p ${PNG_SIZE}
COMMAND ${RSVG_CONVERT} ${PNG_SIZE}/colobot.svg -o ${PNG_SIZE}/colobot.png
) )
add_custom_target(png-icon-${PNGSIZE} ALL DEPENDS ${PNGSIZE}/colobot.png) add_custom_target(png-icon-${PNG_SIZE} ALL DEPENDS ${PNG_SIZE}/colobot.png)
add_dependencies(png-icons png-icon-${PNGSIZE}) add_dependencies(png-icons png-icon-${PNG_SIZE})
install( install(
) )
endif() endif()
# Prepare the ICNS icon generation # Prepare the ICNS icon generation
list(APPEND ICNS_SRCS "${PNGSIZE}/colobot.png") list(APPEND ICNS_SRCS "${PNG_SIZE}/colobot.png")
endforeach() endforeach()
# Pack icon for Mac OS # Pack icon for Mac OS
find_program(PNG2ICNS png2icns) if(PLATFORM_MACOSX)
if(PNG2ICNS AND PLATFORM_MACOSX) find_program(PNG2ICNS png2icns)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT Colobot.icns if(NOT PNG2ICNS)
COMMAND ${PNG2ICNS} Colobot.icns ${ICNS_SRCS} message(WARNING "png2icns not found; icns file will not be generated")
DEPENDS png-icons endif()
add_custom_target(icns-icon ALL DEPENDS Colobot.icns) if(PNG2ICNS)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT Colobot.icns
DEPENDS png-icons
add_custom_target(icns-icon ALL DEPENDS Colobot.icns)
endif() endif()
endif() endif()
@ -54,12 +72,16 @@ if(PLATFORM_GNU)
# Install Icon # Install Icon
install( install(
DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/
) )
# Translate translatable material # Translate translatable material
find_program(PO4A po4a) find_program(PO4A po4a)
if(NOT PO4A)
message(WARNING "po4a not found; desktop and manpage files will not be translated")
if(PO4A) if(PO4A)
add_custom_target(desktop_po4a add_custom_target(desktop_po4a
COMMAND ${PO4A} po4a.cfg COMMAND ${PO4A} po4a.cfg
@ -70,6 +92,10 @@ if(PLATFORM_GNU)
# Create manpage from pod-formatted file # Create manpage from pod-formatted file
find_program(POD2MAN pod2man) find_program(POD2MAN pod2man)
message(WARNING "pod2man not found; manpage will not be generated")

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Name="Colobot" Name="Colobot"
GenericName="Game to learn programming" GenericName="Game to learn programming"
Comment="Colonize with bots" Comment="Colonize with bots"

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
xmlns:inkscape="" xmlns:inkscape=""
width="32" width="32"
height="32" height="32"
viewBox="0 0 32 32"
id="svg2" id="svg2"
version="1.1" version="1.1"
inkscape:version="0.48.4 r9939" inkscape:version="0.48.4 r9939"


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 16 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 16 KiB

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ cat
linguas=$([ ! -d lang ] || ( cd lang ; ls)); linguas=$([ ! -d lang ] || ( cd lang ; ls));
for type in Name GenericName Comment; do for type in Name GenericName Comment Keywords; do
egrep "^$type=" $fname | sed -e "s/^$type=\"\(.*\)\"$/$type=\1/g" egrep "^$type=" $fname | sed -e "s/^$type=\"\(.*\)\"$/$type=\1/g"
for l in $linguas; do for l in $linguas; do
egrep "^$type=" lang/$l/$fname | sed -e "s/^$type=\"\(.*\)\"$/$type[$l]=\1/g" egrep "^$type=" lang/$l/$fname | sed -e "s/^$type=\"\(.*\)\"$/$type[$l]=\1/g"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgid "" msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-03-25 19:24+0100\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2016-03-30 13:45+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Colonize with bots" msgid "Colonize with bots"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#. type: Keywords=
#: colobot.ini:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "robots;3d;space;astronaut;java;c++"
msgstr ""
#. type: =head1 #. type: =head1
#: colobot.pod:3 #: colobot.pod:3
msgid "NAME" msgid "NAME"

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid "" msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: colobot 0.1.7\n" "Project-Id-Version: colobot 0.1.7\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-03-25 19:24+0100\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2016-03-30 13:45+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-03-25 21:13+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-03-30 13:49+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Didier Raboud <>\n" "Last-Translator: Didier Raboud <>\n"
"Language: fr\n" "Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ msgstr "Apprentissage de la programmation par le jeu"
msgid "Colonize with bots" msgid "Colonize with bots"
msgstr "Colonise avec des roBots" msgstr "Colonise avec des roBots"
#. type: Keywords=
#: colobot.ini:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "robots;3d;space;astronaut;java;c++"
msgstr "robots;3d;espace;astronaute;cosmonaute;java;c++"
#. type: =head1 #. type: =head1
#: colobot.pod:3 #: colobot.pod:3
msgid "NAME" msgid "NAME"

View File

@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ find_package(Gettext REQUIRED)
set(_potFile colobot.pot) set(_potFile colobot.pot)
# Extract translations
find_program(XGETTEXT_CMD xgettext) find_program(XGETTEXT_CMD xgettext)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_potFile} add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_potFile}
COMMAND ${XGETTEXT_CMD} ${colobot_SOURCE_DIR}/src/app/app.cpp --output=${_potFile} COMMAND ${XGETTEXT_CMD} ${colobot_SOURCE_DIR}/src/app/app.cpp --output=${_potFile} --no-wrap
COMMAND ${XGETTEXT_CMD} ${colobot_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/restext.cpp --output=${_potFile} --join-existing --keyword=TR --no-location COMMAND ${XGETTEXT_CMD} ${colobot_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/restext.cpp --output=${_potFile} --no-wrap --join-existing --no-location --keyword=TR
COMMAND ${XGETTEXT_CMD} ${colobot_SOURCE_DIR}/src/script/script.cpp --output=${_potFile} --no-wrap --join-existing --no-location
COMMAND sed -i -e "s|^\\(\"POT-Creation-Date:\\).*$|\\1 DATE\\\\n\"|" ${_potFile} COMMAND sed -i -e "s|^\\(\"POT-Creation-Date:\\).*$|\\1 DATE\\\\n\"|" ${_potFile}
@ -18,6 +21,30 @@ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_potFile}
add_custom_target(update-pot DEPENDS ${_potFile}) add_custom_target(update-pot DEPENDS ${_potFile})
# Generate translations
file(GLOB _poFiles *.po) file(GLOB _poFiles *.po)
gettext_create_translations(${_potFile} ALL ${_poFiles}) set(_gmoFiles)
get_filename_component(_potName ${_potFile} NAME)
string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.+)(\\.[^.]+)$" "\\1" _potBasename ${_potName})
get_filename_component(_absPotFile ${_potFile} ABSOLUTE)
foreach (_currentPoFile ${_poFiles})
get_filename_component(_absFile ${_currentPoFile} ABSOLUTE)
get_filename_component(_abs_PATH ${_absFile} PATH)
get_filename_component(_lang ${_absFile} NAME_WE)
set(_gmoFile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_lang}.gmo)
OUTPUT ${_gmoFile}
COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE} --quiet --no-wrap --update --backup=none -s ${_absFile} ${_absPotFile}
COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} --check-format -o ${_gmoFile} ${_absFile}
DEPENDS ${_absPotFile} ${_absFile}
install(FILES ${_gmoFile} DESTINATION ${COLOBOT_INSTALL_I18N_DIR}/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES RENAME ${_potBasename}.mo)
set(_gmoFiles ${_gmoFiles} ${_gmoFile})
add_custom_target(translations ALL DEPENDS ${_gmoFiles})

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
msgid "Colobot rules!" msgid "Colobot rules!"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -83,34 +84,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Load a saved mission" msgid "Load a saved mission"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid " Chapters:" msgid "Chapters:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid " Planets:" msgid "Planets:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid " Custom levels:" msgid "Custom levels:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid " Levels in this chapter:" msgid "Levels in this chapter:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid " Exercises in the chapter:" msgid "Exercises in the chapter:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid " Challenges in the chapter:" msgid "Challenges in the chapter:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid " Missions on this planet:" msgid "Missions on this planet:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid " Free game on this planet:" msgid "Free game on this planet:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid " Summary:" msgid "Summary:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid " Resolution:" msgid "Resolution:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "1) First click on the key you want to redefine." msgid "1) First click on the key you want to redefine."
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games? " msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games?"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Yes" msgid "Yes"
@ -298,7 +299,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Restart\\Restart the mission from the beginning" msgid "Restart\\Restart the mission from the beginning"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Save\\Save the current mission " msgid "Save\\Save the current mission"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Load\\Load a saved mission" msgid "Load\\Load a saved mission"
@ -358,6 +359,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Render distance\\Maximum visibility" msgid "Render distance\\Maximum visibility"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Pause blur\\Blur the background on the pause screen"
msgstr ""
msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface" msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -370,9 +374,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Film sequences\\Films before and after the missions" msgid "Film sequences\\Films before and after the missions"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "" msgid "Camera border scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left border"
"Camera border scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left "
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Mouse inversion X\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the X axis" msgid "Mouse inversion X\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the X axis"
@ -459,8 +461,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Previous object\\Selects the previous object" msgid "Previous object\\Selects the previous object"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "" msgid "Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)"
"Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)" msgstr ""
msgid "Camera left\\Turns the camera left"
msgstr ""
msgid "Camera right\\Turns the camera right"
msgstr ""
msgid "Camera up\\Turns the camera up"
msgstr ""
msgid "Camera down\\Turns the camera down"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward" msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward"
@ -469,6 +482,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward" msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Alternative camera mode\\Move sideways instead of rotating (in free camera)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Next object\\Selects the next object" msgid "Next object\\Selects the next object"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -508,12 +524,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Speed 6.0x\\Sextuple speed" msgid "Speed 6.0x\\Sextuple speed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Camera up\\Increase camera angle while visiting message origin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Camera down\\Decrease camera angle while visiting message origin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pause\\Pause the game without opening menu" msgid "Pause\\Pause the game without opening menu"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -523,7 +533,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Sound effects:\\Volume of engines, voice, shooting, etc." msgid "Sound effects:\\Volume of engines, voice, shooting, etc."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Background sound :\\Volume of audio tracks" msgid "Background sound:\\Volume of audio tracks"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Lowest\\Minimum graphic quality (highest frame rate)" msgid "Lowest\\Minimum graphic quality (highest frame rate)"
@ -541,8 +551,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Normal\\Normal sound volume" msgid "Normal\\Normal sound volume"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "" msgid "Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
"Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Invert\\Invert values on this axis" msgid "Invert\\Invert values on this axis"
@ -611,13 +620,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "\\Face 1" msgid "\\Face 1"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "\\Face 4" msgid "\\Face 2"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "\\Face 3" msgid "\\Face 3"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "\\Face 2" msgid "\\Face 4"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "\\No eyeglasses" msgid "\\No eyeglasses"
@ -920,18 +929,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)" msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Camera to left"
msgstr ""
msgid "Camera to right"
msgstr ""
msgid "Camera nearest"
msgstr ""
msgid "Camera awayest"
msgstr ""
msgid "Help about selected object" msgid "Help about selected object"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -1043,22 +1040,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Clone program" msgid "Clone program"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Open (Ctrl+o)" msgid "Open (Ctrl+O)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Save (Ctrl+s)" msgid "Save (Ctrl+S)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Undo (Ctrl+z)" msgid "Undo (Ctrl+Z)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Cut (Ctrl+x)" msgid "Cut (Ctrl+X)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Copy (Ctrl+c)" msgid "Copy (Ctrl+C)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Paste (Ctrl+v)" msgid "Paste (Ctrl+V)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Font size" msgid "Font size"
@ -1067,7 +1064,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)" msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)" msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Compile" msgid "Compile"
@ -1448,10 +1445,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Transforms only titanium" msgid "Transforms only titanium"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object " msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off " msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Nothing to analyze" msgid "Nothing to analyze"
@ -1505,8 +1502,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Inappropriate object" msgid "Inappropriate object"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "" msgid "The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)"
"The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Bot destroyed" msgid "Bot destroyed"
@ -1518,13 +1514,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to control enemy objects" msgid "Unable to control enemy objects"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do not use in this exercise"
msgstr ""
msgid "Inappropriate bot" msgid "Inappropriate bot"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -1537,7 +1526,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Research program completed" msgid "Research program completed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Plans for tracked robots available " msgid "Plans for tracked robots available"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "You can fly with the keys (\\key gup;) and (\\key gdown;)" msgid "You can fly with the keys (\\key gup;) and (\\key gdown;)"
@ -1612,7 +1601,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Opening bracket missing" msgid "Opening bracket missing"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Closing bracket missing " msgid "Closing bracket missing"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "The expression must return a boolean value" msgid "The expression must return a boolean value"
@ -1636,10 +1625,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "End of block missing" msgid "End of block missing"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\" " msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Opening brace missing " msgid "Opening brace missing"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong type for the assignment" msgid "Wrong type for the assignment"
@ -1648,7 +1637,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "A variable can not be declared twice" msgid "A variable can not be declared twice"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible " msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown function" msgid "Unknown function"
@ -1693,7 +1682,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Function already exists" msgid "Function already exists"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Parameters missing " msgid "Parameters missing"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "No function with this name accepts this kind of parameter" msgid "No function with this name accepts this kind of parameter"
@ -1738,6 +1727,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Public required" msgid "Public required"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Expression expected after ="
msgstr ""
msgid "Dividing by zero" msgid "Dividing by zero"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -1747,7 +1739,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Negative value rejected by \"throw\"" msgid "Negative value rejected by \"throw\""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "The function returned no value " msgid "The function returned no value"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "No function running" msgid "No function running"
@ -1788,3 +1780,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Button %1" msgid "Button %1"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "You have to use \"%1$s\" at least once in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgid_plural "You have to use \"%1$s\" at least %3$d times in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#, c-format
msgid "You cannot use \"%s\" in this exercise (used: %d)"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "You have to use \"%1$s\" at most once in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgid_plural "You have to use \"%1$s\" at most %3$d times in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

View File

@ -20,38 +20,6 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Source-Language: en_US\n" "X-Source-Language: en_US\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1406536037.000000\n" "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1406536037.000000\n"
msgid " Challenges in the chapter:"
msgstr " Liste der Challenges des Kapitels:"
msgid " Chapters:"
msgstr " Liste der Kapitel:"
#, fuzzy
msgid " Custom levels:"
msgstr " Userlevels:"
msgid " Exercises in the chapter:"
msgstr " Liste der Übungen des Kapitels:"
msgid " Free game on this planet:"
msgstr " Liste der freien Levels des Planeten:"
#, fuzzy
msgid " Levels in this chapter:"
msgstr " Liste der Übungen des Kapitels:"
msgid " Missions on this planet:"
msgstr " Liste der Missionen des Planeten:"
msgid " Planets:"
msgstr " Liste der Planeten:"
msgid " Resolution:"
msgstr " Auflösung:"
msgid " Summary:"
msgstr " Zusammenfassung:"
msgid " or " msgid " or "
msgstr " oder " msgstr " oder "
@ -61,10 +29,6 @@ msgstr "Es fehlt eine offene eckige Klammer \" [ \""
msgid "\" ] \" missing" msgid "\" ] \" missing"
msgstr "Es fehlt eine geschlossene eckige Klammer \" ] \"" msgstr "Es fehlt eine geschlossene eckige Klammer \" ] \""
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
msgstr "Es fehlt \"%s\" in Ihrem Programm"
msgid "..behind" msgid "..behind"
msgstr "..hinten" msgstr "..hinten"
@ -90,9 +54,7 @@ msgid "<<< Well done; mission accomplished >>>"
msgstr "<<< Bravo, Mission vollendet >>>" msgstr "<<< Bravo, Mission vollendet >>>"
msgid "A label must be followed by \"for\"; \"while\"; \"do\" or \"switch\"" msgid "A label must be followed by \"for\"; \"while\"; \"do\" or \"switch\""
msgstr "" msgstr "Ein Label kann nur vor den Anweisungen \"for\", \"while\", \"do\" oder \"switch\" vorkommen"
"Ein Label kann nur vor den Anweisungen \"for\", \"while\", \"do\" oder "
"\"switch\" vorkommen"
msgid "A variable can not be declared twice" msgid "A variable can not be declared twice"
msgstr "Eine Variable wird zum zweiten Mal deklariert" msgstr "Eine Variable wird zum zweiten Mal deklariert"
@ -103,13 +65,11 @@ msgstr "Abbrechen\\Mission abbrechen"
msgid "Access beyond array limit" msgid "Access beyond array limit"
msgstr "Zugriff im Array außerhalb der Grenzen" msgstr "Zugriff im Array außerhalb der Grenzen"
msgid "" msgid "Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
"Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
msgstr "Zeigt die Lösung\\Zeigt nach 3mal Scheitern die Lösung" msgstr "Zeigt die Lösung\\Zeigt nach 3mal Scheitern die Lösung"
msgid "Access to solutions\\Show program \"4: Solution\" in the exercises" msgid "Access to solutions\\Show program \"4: Solution\" in the exercises"
msgstr "" msgstr "Lösung zugänglich\\Die Lösung ist im Programmslot \"4: Lösung\" zugänglich"
"Lösung zugänglich\\Die Lösung ist im Programmslot \"4: Lösung\" zugänglich"
msgid "Add new program" msgid "Add new program"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -123,6 +83,9 @@ msgstr "Insektenkönigin tödlich verwundet"
msgid "Already carrying something" msgid "Already carrying something"
msgstr "Trägt schon etwas" msgstr "Trägt schon etwas"
msgid "Alternative camera mode\\Move sideways instead of rotating (in free camera)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Analysis already performed" msgid "Analysis already performed"
msgstr "Analyse schon durchgeführt" msgstr "Analyse schon durchgeführt"
@ -172,7 +135,7 @@ msgid "Back"
msgstr "Vorherg. Seite" msgstr "Vorherg. Seite"
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Background sound :\\Volume of audio tracks" msgid "Background sound:\\Volume of audio tracks"
msgstr "Geräuschkulisse:\\Lautstärke der Soundtracks der CD" msgstr "Geräuschkulisse:\\Lautstärke der Soundtracks der CD"
msgid "Backward (\\key down;)" msgid "Backward (\\key down;)"
@ -325,36 +288,31 @@ msgstr "Die aufgerufene Funktion existiert nicht"
msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)" msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)"
msgstr "Kamera (\\key camera;)" msgstr "Kamera (\\key camera;)"
msgid "Camera awayest"
msgstr "Kamera weiter weg"
msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward" msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward"
msgstr "Kamera weiter\\Bewegung der Kamera rückwärts" msgstr "Kamera weiter\\Bewegung der Kamera rückwärts"
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid "Camera border scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left border"
"Camera border scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left " msgstr "Kameradrehung mit der Maus\\Die Kamera dreht wenn die Maus den Rand erreicht"
msgstr ""
"Kameradrehung mit der Maus\\Die Kamera dreht wenn die Maus den Rand erreicht"
msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward" msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward"
msgstr "Kamera näher\\Bewegung der Kamera vorwärts" msgstr "Kamera näher\\Bewegung der Kamera vorwärts"
msgid "Camera down\\Decrease camera angle while visiting message origin" #, fuzzy
msgstr "" msgid "Camera down\\Turns the camera down"
msgstr "Kamera näher\\Bewegung der Kamera vorwärts"
msgid "Camera nearest" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Kamera näher" msgid "Camera left\\Turns the camera left"
msgstr "Kamera näher\\Bewegung der Kamera vorwärts"
msgid "Camera to left" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Kamera links" msgid "Camera right\\Turns the camera right"
msgstr "Drehung nach rechts\\Steuer rechts"
msgid "Camera to right" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Kamera rechts" msgid "Camera up\\Turns the camera up"
msgstr "Kamera (\\key camera;)"
msgid "Camera up\\Increase camera angle while visiting message origin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Can not produce not researched object" msgid "Can not produce not researched object"
msgstr "Das erforschte Objekt kann nicht produziert werden" msgstr "Das erforschte Objekt kann nicht produziert werden"
@ -374,6 +332,9 @@ msgstr "Abbrechen\\Editor schließen"
msgid "Challenges" msgid "Challenges"
msgstr "Challenges" msgstr "Challenges"
msgid "Challenges in the chapter:"
msgstr "Liste der Challenges des Kapitels:"
msgid "Challenges\\Programming challenges" msgid "Challenges\\Programming challenges"
msgstr "Challenges\\Herausforderungen" msgstr "Challenges\\Herausforderungen"
@ -383,6 +344,9 @@ msgstr "Andere Kamera\\Sichtpunkt einstellen"
msgid "Change player\\Change player" msgid "Change player\\Change player"
msgstr "Anderer Spieler\\Spielername ändern" msgstr "Anderer Spieler\\Spielername ändern"
msgid "Chapters:"
msgstr "Liste der Kapitel:"
msgid "Cheat console\\Show cheat console" msgid "Cheat console\\Show cheat console"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -402,7 +366,7 @@ msgstr "Gewähltes Programm bearbeiten"
msgid "Close" msgid "Close"
msgstr "Schließen" msgstr "Schließen"
msgid "Closing bracket missing " msgid "Closing bracket missing"
msgstr "Es fehlt eine geschlossene Klammer \")\"" msgstr "Es fehlt eine geschlossene Klammer \")\""
msgid "Code battles" msgid "Code battles"
@ -414,9 +378,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Colobot rules!" msgid "Colobot rules!"
msgstr "Colobot ist wunderbar!" msgstr "Colobot ist wunderbar!"
#, fuzzy
msgid "Colobot: Gold Edition" msgid "Colobot: Gold Edition"
msgstr "COLOBOT: Gold Edition" msgstr "Colobot: Gold Edition"
msgid "Command line" msgid "Command line"
msgstr "Befehleingabe" msgstr "Befehleingabe"
@ -442,20 +405,24 @@ msgstr "Konverter Erz-Titan"
msgid "Copy" msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopieren" msgstr "Kopieren"
msgid "Copy (Ctrl+c)" msgid "Copy (Ctrl+C)"
msgstr "Kopieren (Ctrl+c)" msgstr "Kopieren (Ctrl+C)"
msgid "Current mission saved" msgid "Current mission saved"
msgstr "Mission gespeichert" msgstr "Mission gespeichert"
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom levels:"
msgstr "Userlevels:"
msgid "Custom levels\\Levels from mods created by the users" msgid "Custom levels\\Levels from mods created by the users"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Customize your appearance" msgid "Customize your appearance"
msgstr "Aussehen einstellen" msgstr "Aussehen einstellen"
msgid "Cut (Ctrl+x)" msgid "Cut (Ctrl+X)"
msgstr "Ausschneiden (Ctrl+x)" msgstr "Ausschneiden (Ctrl+X)"
msgid "Defense tower" msgid "Defense tower"
msgstr "Geschützturm" msgstr "Geschützturm"
@ -491,17 +458,14 @@ msgstr "Bildschirm\\Driver und Bildschirmauflösung"
msgid "Dividing by zero" msgid "Dividing by zero"
msgstr "Teilung durch Null" msgstr "Teilung durch Null"
msgid "Do not use in this exercise"
msgstr "In dieser Übung verboten"
msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?" msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?"
msgstr "Wollen Sie das angewählte Gebäude wirklich zerstören ?" msgstr "Wollen Sie das angewählte Gebäude wirklich zerstören ?"
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games? " msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games?"
msgstr "Wollen Sie die gespeicherten Missionen von %s löschen ?" msgstr "Wollen Sie die gespeicherten Missionen von %s löschen ?"
msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object " msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object"
msgstr "Die Türen werden von einem Gegenstand blockiert" msgstr "Die Türen werden von einem Gegenstand blockiert"
msgid "Down (\\key gdown;)" msgid "Down (\\key gdown;)"
@ -549,6 +513,9 @@ msgstr "Gewähltes Programm ausführen"
msgid "Execute/stop" msgid "Execute/stop"
msgstr "Start/Stop" msgstr "Start/Stop"
msgid "Exercises in the chapter:"
msgstr "Liste der Übungen des Kapitels:"
msgid "Exercises\\Programming exercises" msgid "Exercises\\Programming exercises"
msgstr "Programmieren\\Programmierübungen" msgstr "Programmieren\\Programmierübungen"
@ -558,6 +525,9 @@ msgstr "Explodieren (\\key action;)"
msgid "Explosive" msgid "Explosive"
msgstr "Sprengstoff" msgstr "Sprengstoff"
msgid "Expression expected after ="
msgstr ""
msgid "Extend shield (\\key action;)" msgid "Extend shield (\\key action;)"
msgstr "Schutzschild ausfahren (\\key action;)" msgstr "Schutzschild ausfahren (\\key action;)"
@ -628,6 +598,9 @@ msgstr "Markierung für vergrabenen Schlüssel D"
msgid "Free game" msgid "Free game"
msgstr "Freestyle" msgstr "Freestyle"
msgid "Free game on this planet:"
msgstr "Liste der freien Levels des Planeten:"
msgid "Free game\\Free game without a specific goal" msgid "Free game\\Free game without a specific goal"
msgstr "Freestyle\\Freies Spielen ohne vorgegebenes Ziel" msgstr "Freestyle\\Freies Spielen ohne vorgegebenes Ziel"
@ -743,7 +716,7 @@ msgstr "Es fehlt eine Anweisung \"case\""
msgid "Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\"" msgid "Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\""
msgstr "Anweisung \"case\" ohne vorhergehende Anweisung \"switch\"" msgstr "Anweisung \"case\" ohne vorhergehende Anweisung \"switch\""
msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\" " msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\""
msgstr "Anweisung \"else\" ohne vorhergehende Anweisung \"if\"" msgstr "Anweisung \"else\" ohne vorhergehende Anweisung \"if\""
msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)" msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)"
@ -803,6 +776,9 @@ msgstr "Shooter"
msgid "Legged sniffer" msgid "Legged sniffer"
msgstr "Schnüffler" msgstr "Schnüffler"
msgid "Levels in this chapter:"
msgstr "Liste der Übungen des Kapitels:"
msgid "Lightning conductor" msgid "Lightning conductor"
msgstr "Blitzableiter" msgstr "Blitzableiter"
@ -862,6 +838,9 @@ msgstr "Name der Mission"
msgid "Missions" msgid "Missions"
msgstr "Missionen" msgstr "Missionen"
msgid "Missions on this planet:"
msgstr "Liste der Missionen des Planeten:"
msgid "Missions\\Select mission" msgid "Missions\\Select mission"
msgstr "Missionen\\Aufbruch ins Weltall" msgstr "Missionen\\Aufbruch ins Weltall"
@ -1020,10 +999,10 @@ msgstr "Ein Schritt"
msgid "Open" msgid "Open"
msgstr "Öffnen" msgstr "Öffnen"
msgid "Open (Ctrl+o)" msgid "Open (Ctrl+O)"
msgstr "Öffnen (Ctrl+o)" msgstr "Öffnen (Ctrl+O)"
msgid "Opening brace missing " msgid "Opening brace missing"
msgstr "Es fehlt eine offene geschweifte Klammer\"{\"" msgstr "Es fehlt eine offene geschweifte Klammer\"{\""
msgid "Opening bracket missing" msgid "Opening bracket missing"
@ -1047,14 +1026,17 @@ msgstr "Ort der Meldung\\Zeigt den Ort, von dem die letzte Meldung stammt"
msgid "Original game developed by:" msgid "Original game developed by:"
msgstr "Ursprünglichen Spiel entwickelt von:" msgstr "Ursprünglichen Spiel entwickelt von:"
msgid "Parameters missing " msgid "Parameters missing"
msgstr "Nicht genug Parameter" msgstr "Nicht genug Parameter"
msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface" msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface"
msgstr "Partikel in den Menüs\\Funken und Sterne in den Menüs" msgstr "Partikel in den Menüs\\Funken und Sterne in den Menüs"
msgid "Paste (Ctrl+v)" msgid "Paste (Ctrl+V)"
msgstr "Einfügen (Ctrl+v)" msgstr "Einfügen (Ctrl+V)"
msgid "Pause blur\\Blur the background on the pause screen"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pause in background\\Pause the game when the window is unfocused" msgid "Pause in background\\Pause the game when the window is unfocused"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -1074,6 +1056,9 @@ msgstr "Ansicht der Mission"
msgid "Place occupied" msgid "Place occupied"
msgstr "Stelle schon besetzt" msgstr "Stelle schon besetzt"
msgid "Planets:"
msgstr "Liste der Planeten:"
msgid "Plans for defense tower available" msgid "Plans for defense tower available"
msgstr "Errichtung eines Geschützturms möglich" msgstr "Errichtung eines Geschützturms möglich"
@ -1092,7 +1077,7 @@ msgstr "Herstellung eines Shooters möglich"
msgid "Plans for thumper available" msgid "Plans for thumper available"
msgstr "Herstellung eines Stampfers möglich" msgstr "Herstellung eines Stampfers möglich"
msgid "Plans for tracked robots available " msgid "Plans for tracked robots available"
msgstr "Herstellung eines Roboters mit Kettenantrieb möglich" msgstr "Herstellung eines Roboters mit Kettenantrieb möglich"
msgid "Plant a flag" msgid "Plant a flag"
@ -1165,7 +1150,7 @@ msgstr "Programmieren"
msgid "Programming help" msgid "Programming help"
msgstr "Hilfe über Programmieren" msgstr "Hilfe über Programmieren"
msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)" msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)"
msgstr "Hilfe über Programmieren (\\key prog;)" msgstr "Hilfe über Programmieren (\\key prog;)"
msgid "Programming help\\Gives more detailed help with programming" msgid "Programming help\\Gives more detailed help with programming"
@ -1246,6 +1231,9 @@ msgstr "Dieses Wort ist reserviert"
msgid "Resolution" msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Auflösung" msgstr "Auflösung"
msgid "Resolution:"
msgstr "Auflösung:"
msgid "Resources" msgid "Resources"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -1306,13 +1294,13 @@ msgstr "Satellitenbericht"
msgid "Save" msgid "Save"
msgstr "Speichern" msgstr "Speichern"
msgid "Save (Ctrl+s)" msgid "Save (Ctrl+S)"
msgstr "Speichern (Ctrl+s)" msgstr "Speichern (Ctrl+S)"
msgid "Save the current mission" msgid "Save the current mission"
msgstr "Aktuelle Mission speichern" msgstr "Aktuelle Mission speichern"
msgid "Save\\Save the current mission " msgid "Save\\Save the current mission"
msgstr "Speichern\\Aktuelle Mission speichern" msgstr "Speichern\\Aktuelle Mission speichern"
msgid "Save\\Saves the current mission" msgid "Save\\Saves the current mission"
@ -1425,8 +1413,7 @@ msgstr "Spinne tödlich verwundet"
msgid "Stack overflow" msgid "Stack overflow"
msgstr "Stack overflow" msgstr "Stack overflow"
msgid "" msgid "Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)"
"Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)"
msgstr "Standardhandlung\\Führt die Standardhandlung des Roboters aus" msgstr "Standardhandlung\\Führt die Standardhandlung des Roboters aus"
msgid "Standard controls\\Standard key functions" msgid "Standard controls\\Standard key functions"
@ -1460,6 +1447,9 @@ msgstr "Farbe des Anzugs:"
msgid "Suit\\Astronaut suit" msgid "Suit\\Astronaut suit"
msgstr "Anzug\\Raumfahrtanzug" msgstr "Anzug\\Raumfahrtanzug"
msgid "Summary:"
msgstr "Zusammenfassung:"
msgid "Survival kit" msgid "Survival kit"
msgstr "Überlebenskit" msgstr "Überlebenskit"
@ -1487,16 +1477,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The expression must return a boolean value" msgid "The expression must return a boolean value"
msgstr "Der Ausdruck muss einen boolschen Wert ergeben" msgstr "Der Ausdruck muss einen boolschen Wert ergeben"
msgid "The function returned no value " msgid "The function returned no value"
msgstr "Die Funktion hat kein Ergebnis zurückgegeben" msgstr "Die Funktion hat kein Ergebnis zurückgegeben"
msgid "" msgid "The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)"
"The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)" msgstr "Mission noch nicht beendet (Drücken Sie auf \\key help; für weitere Informationen)"
msgstr ""
"Mission noch nicht beendet (Drücken Sie auf \\key help; für weitere "
msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible " msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible"
msgstr "Die zwei Operanden sind nicht kompatibel" msgstr "Die zwei Operanden sind nicht kompatibel"
msgid "This class already exists" msgid "This class already exists"
@ -1601,8 +1588,8 @@ msgstr "Hier muss ein Variablentyp stehen"
msgid "Unable to control enemy objects" msgid "Unable to control enemy objects"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Undo (Ctrl+z)" msgid "Undo (Ctrl+Z)"
msgstr "Widerrufen (Ctrl+z)" msgstr "Widerrufen (Ctrl+Z)"
msgid "Unit" msgid "Unit"
msgstr "Einheit" msgstr "Einheit"
@ -1712,10 +1699,26 @@ msgstr "Sie können keinen radioaktiven Gegenstand tragen"
msgid "You can not carry an object under water" msgid "You can not carry an object under water"
msgstr "Sie können unter Wasser nichts tragen" msgstr "Sie können unter Wasser nichts tragen"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You cannot use \"%s\" in this exercise (used: %d)"
msgstr "In dieser Übung verboten"
msgid "You found a usable object" msgid "You found a usable object"
msgstr "Sie haben ein brauchbares Objekt gefunden" msgstr "Sie haben ein brauchbares Objekt gefunden"
msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off " #, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You have to use \"%1$s\" at least once in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgid_plural "You have to use \"%1$s\" at least %3$d times in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgstr[0] "In dieser Übung verboten"
msgstr[1] "In dieser Übung verboten"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You have to use \"%1$s\" at most once in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgid_plural "You have to use \"%1$s\" at most %3$d times in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgstr[0] "In dieser Übung verboten"
msgstr[1] "In dieser Übung verboten"
msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off"
msgstr "Gehen Sie an Bord, bevor Sie abheben" msgstr "Gehen Sie an Bord, bevor Sie abheben"
msgid "Zoom mini-map" msgid "Zoom mini-map"
@ -1815,11 +1818,10 @@ msgid "\\Yellow flags"
msgstr "\\Gelbe Fahne" msgstr "\\Gelbe Fahne"
msgid "" msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#~ msgid " " #~ msgid " "
#~ msgstr " " #~ msgstr " "
@ -1830,6 +1832,9 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid " Missions on this level:" #~ msgid " Missions on this level:"
#~ msgstr " Missionen des Userlevels:" #~ msgstr " Missionen des Userlevels:"
#~ msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
#~ msgstr "Es fehlt \"%s\" in Ihrem Programm"
#~ msgid "3D sound\\3D positioning of the sound" #~ msgid "3D sound\\3D positioning of the sound"
#~ msgstr "3D-Geräusche\\Orten der Geräusche im Raum" #~ msgstr "3D-Geräusche\\Orten der Geräusche im Raum"
@ -1839,6 +1844,18 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "COLOBOT" #~ msgid "COLOBOT"
#~ msgstr "COLOBOT" #~ msgstr "COLOBOT"
#~ msgid "Camera awayest"
#~ msgstr "Kamera weiter weg"
#~ msgid "Camera nearest"
#~ msgstr "Kamera näher"
#~ msgid "Camera to left"
#~ msgstr "Kamera links"
#~ msgid "Camera to right"
#~ msgstr "Kamera rechts"
#~ msgid "Can not create this; there are too many objects" #~ msgid "Can not create this; there are too many objects"
#~ msgstr "Kein neues Objekt kann erstellt werden (zu viele vorhanden)" #~ msgstr "Kein neues Objekt kann erstellt werden (zu viele vorhanden)"
@ -1921,9 +1938,7 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Textures\\Quality of textures " #~ msgid "Textures\\Quality of textures "
#~ msgstr "Qualität der Texturen\\Qualität der Anzeige" #~ msgstr "Qualität der Texturen\\Qualität der Anzeige"
#~ msgid "" #~ msgid "The list is only available if a \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; is working.\n"
#~ "The list is only available if a \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; is "
#~ "working.\n"
#~ msgstr "Die Liste ist ohne \\l;Radar\\u object\\radar; nicht verfügbar.\n" #~ msgstr "Die Liste ist ohne \\l;Radar\\u object\\radar; nicht verfügbar.\n"
#~ msgid "Use a joystick\\Joystick or keyboard" #~ msgid "Use a joystick\\Joystick or keyboard"

View File

@ -15,36 +15,6 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Language: fr_FR\n" "X-Language: fr_FR\n"
"X-Source-Language: en_US\n" "X-Source-Language: en_US\n"
msgid " Challenges in the chapter:"
msgstr " Liste des défis du chapitre :"
msgid " Chapters:"
msgstr " Liste des chapitres :"
msgid " Custom levels:"
msgstr " Niveaux spéciaux :"
msgid " Exercises in the chapter:"
msgstr " Liste des exercices du chapitre :"
msgid " Free game on this planet:"
msgstr " Liste des jeux libres du chapitre :"
msgid " Levels in this chapter:"
msgstr " Liste des niveaux du chapitre :"
msgid " Missions on this planet:"
msgstr " Liste des missions du chapitre :"
msgid " Planets:"
msgstr " Liste des planètes :"
msgid " Resolution:"
msgstr " Résolutions :"
msgid " Summary:"
msgstr " Résumé :"
msgid " or " msgid " or "
msgstr " ou " msgstr " ou "
@ -54,10 +24,6 @@ msgstr "\" [ \" attendu"
msgid "\" ] \" missing" msgid "\" ] \" missing"
msgstr "\" ] \" attendu" msgstr "\" ] \" attendu"
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
msgstr "Il manque \"%s\" dans le programme"
msgid "..behind" msgid "..behind"
msgstr "..derrière" msgstr "..derrière"
@ -83,9 +49,7 @@ msgid "<<< Well done; mission accomplished >>>"
msgstr "<<< Bravo; mission terminée >>>" msgstr "<<< Bravo; mission terminée >>>"
msgid "A label must be followed by \"for\"; \"while\"; \"do\" or \"switch\"" msgid "A label must be followed by \"for\"; \"while\"; \"do\" or \"switch\""
msgstr "" msgstr "Un label ne peut se placer que devant un \"for\"; un \"while\"; un \"do\" ou un \"switch\""
"Un label ne peut se placer que devant un \"for\"; un \"while\"; un \"do\" ou "
"un \"switch\""
msgid "A variable can not be declared twice" msgid "A variable can not be declared twice"
msgstr "Redéfinition d'une variable" msgstr "Redéfinition d'une variable"
@ -96,8 +60,7 @@ msgstr "Abandonner\\Abandonner la mission en cours"
msgid "Access beyond array limit" msgid "Access beyond array limit"
msgstr "Accès hors du tableau" msgstr "Accès hors du tableau"
msgid "" msgid "Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
"Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
msgstr "Accès à la solution\\Donne la solution" msgstr "Accès à la solution\\Donne la solution"
msgid "Access to solutions\\Show program \"4: Solution\" in the exercises" msgid "Access to solutions\\Show program \"4: Solution\" in the exercises"
@ -115,6 +78,9 @@ msgstr "Pondeuse mortellement touchée"
msgid "Already carrying something" msgid "Already carrying something"
msgstr "Porte déjà quelque chose" msgstr "Porte déjà quelque chose"
msgid "Alternative camera mode\\Move sideways instead of rotating (in free camera)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Analysis already performed" msgid "Analysis already performed"
msgstr "Analyse déjà effectuée" msgstr "Analyse déjà effectuée"
@ -152,9 +118,7 @@ msgid "Automatic indent\\When program editing"
msgstr "Indentation automatique\\Pendant l'édition d'un programme" msgstr "Indentation automatique\\Pendant l'édition d'un programme"
msgid "Autosave interval\\How often your game will autosave" msgid "Autosave interval\\How often your game will autosave"
msgstr "" msgstr "Intervalle d'auto-sauvegarde\\À quels intervalles les parties vont-t-elles êtres sauvegardées automatiquement"
"Intervalle d'auto-sauvegarde\\À quels intervalles les parties vont-t-elles "
"êtres sauvegardées automatiquement"
msgid "Autosave slots\\How many autosave slots you'll have" msgid "Autosave slots\\How many autosave slots you'll have"
msgstr "Nombre d'auto-sauvegardes\\Combien d'auto-sauvegarde seront conservées" msgstr "Nombre d'auto-sauvegardes\\Combien d'auto-sauvegarde seront conservées"
@ -165,7 +129,7 @@ msgstr "Auto-sauvegarde\\Active l'auto-sauvegarde"
msgid "Back" msgid "Back"
msgstr "Page précédente" msgstr "Page précédente"
msgid "Background sound :\\Volume of audio tracks" msgid "Background sound:\\Volume of audio tracks"
msgstr "Fond sonore :\\Volume des pistes audio" msgstr "Fond sonore :\\Volume des pistes audio"
msgid "Backward (\\key down;)" msgid "Backward (\\key down;)"
@ -318,40 +282,30 @@ msgstr "Appel d'une fonction inexistante"
msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)" msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)"
msgstr "Caméra (\\key camera;)" msgstr "Caméra (\\key camera;)"
msgid "Camera awayest"
msgstr "Caméra plus loin"
msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward" msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward"
msgstr "Caméra plus loin\\Recule la caméra" msgstr "Caméra plus loin\\Recule la caméra"
msgid "" msgid "Camera border scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left border"
"Camera border scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left " msgstr "Défilement dans les bords\\Défilement lorsque la souris touche les bords gauche ou droite"
msgstr ""
"Défilement dans les bords\\Défilement lorsque la souris touche les bords "
"gauche ou droite"
msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward" msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward"
msgstr "Caméra plus proche\\Avance la caméra" msgstr "Caméra plus proche\\Avance la caméra"
msgid "Camera down\\Decrease camera angle while visiting message origin" #, fuzzy
msgstr "" msgid "Camera down\\Turns the camera down"
"Caméra plus basse\\Réduit l'angle de caméra lors de la vue de l'origine des " msgstr "Caméra plus proche\\Avance la caméra"
msgid "Camera nearest" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Caméra plus proche" msgid "Camera left\\Turns the camera left"
msgstr "Caméra plus proche\\Avance la caméra"
msgid "Camera to left" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Caméra à gauche" msgid "Camera right\\Turns the camera right"
msgstr "Tourner à droite\\Moteur à droite"
msgid "Camera to right" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Caméra à droite" msgid "Camera up\\Turns the camera up"
msgstr "Caméra (\\key camera;)"
msgid "Camera up\\Increase camera angle while visiting message origin"
msgstr ""
"Caméra plus haute\\Augmente l'angle de caméra lors de la vue de l'origine "
"des messages"
msgid "Can not produce not researched object" msgid "Can not produce not researched object"
msgstr "Impossible de créer un objet n'ayant pas été recherché" msgstr "Impossible de créer un objet n'ayant pas été recherché"
@ -371,6 +325,9 @@ msgstr "Annuler\\Annuler toutes les modifications"
msgid "Challenges" msgid "Challenges"
msgstr "Défis" msgstr "Défis"
msgid "Challenges in the chapter:"
msgstr "Liste des défis du chapitre :"
msgid "Challenges\\Programming challenges" msgid "Challenges\\Programming challenges"
msgstr "Défis\\Défis de programmation" msgstr "Défis\\Défis de programmation"
@ -380,6 +337,9 @@ msgstr "Changement de caméra\\Autre de point de vue"
msgid "Change player\\Change player" msgid "Change player\\Change player"
msgstr "Autre joueur\\Choix du nom du joueur" msgstr "Autre joueur\\Choix du nom du joueur"
msgid "Chapters:"
msgstr "Liste des chapitres :"
msgid "Cheat console\\Show cheat console" msgid "Cheat console\\Show cheat console"
msgstr "Console de triche\\Montre la console de triche" msgstr "Console de triche\\Montre la console de triche"
@ -398,15 +358,14 @@ msgstr "Dupliquer le programme sélectionné"
msgid "Close" msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer" msgstr "Fermer"
msgid "Closing bracket missing " msgid "Closing bracket missing"
msgstr "Il manque une parenthèse fermante" msgstr "Il manque une parenthèse fermante"
msgid "Code battles" msgid "Code battles"
msgstr "Batailles de code" msgstr "Batailles de code"
msgid "Code battles\\Program your robot to be the best of them all!" msgid "Code battles\\Program your robot to be the best of them all!"
msgstr "" msgstr "Batailles de code\\Programmez votre robot pour être le meilleur entre tous!"
"Batailles de code\\Programmez votre robot pour être le meilleur entre tous!"
msgid "Colobot rules!" msgid "Colobot rules!"
msgstr "Colobot est super!" msgstr "Colobot est super!"
@ -438,20 +397,23 @@ msgstr "Conversion minerai en titanium"
msgid "Copy" msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copier" msgstr "Copier"
msgid "Copy (Ctrl+c)" msgid "Copy (Ctrl+C)"
msgstr "Copier (Ctrl+c)" msgstr "Copier (Ctrl+C)"
msgid "Current mission saved" msgid "Current mission saved"
msgstr "Enregistrement effectué" msgstr "Enregistrement effectué"
msgid "Custom levels:"
msgstr "Niveaux spéciaux :"
msgid "Custom levels\\Levels from mods created by the users" msgid "Custom levels\\Levels from mods created by the users"
msgstr "Niveaux spéciaux\\Niveaux importés ou personnalisés" msgstr "Niveaux spéciaux\\Niveaux importés ou personnalisés"
msgid "Customize your appearance" msgid "Customize your appearance"
msgstr "Personnalisation de votre apparence" msgstr "Personnalisation de votre apparence"
msgid "Cut (Ctrl+x)" msgid "Cut (Ctrl+X)"
msgstr "Couper (Ctrl+x)" msgstr "Couper (Ctrl+X)"
msgid "Defense tower" msgid "Defense tower"
msgstr "Tour de défense" msgstr "Tour de défense"
@ -486,17 +448,14 @@ msgstr "Affichage\\Pilote et résolution d'affichage"
msgid "Dividing by zero" msgid "Dividing by zero"
msgstr "Division par zéro" msgstr "Division par zéro"
msgid "Do not use in this exercise"
msgstr "Interdit dans cet exercice"
msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?" msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment détruire le bâtiment sélectionné ?" msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment détruire le bâtiment sélectionné ?"
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games? " msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous détruire les sauvegardes de %s ?" msgstr "Voulez-vous détruire les sauvegardes de %s ?"
msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object " msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object"
msgstr "Portes bloquées par un robot ou un objet" msgstr "Portes bloquées par un robot ou un objet"
msgid "Down (\\key gdown;)" msgid "Down (\\key gdown;)"
@ -544,6 +503,9 @@ msgstr "Exécute le programme sélectionné"
msgid "Execute/stop" msgid "Execute/stop"
msgstr "Démarrer/stopper" msgstr "Démarrer/stopper"
msgid "Exercises in the chapter:"
msgstr "Liste des exercices du chapitre :"
msgid "Exercises\\Programming exercises" msgid "Exercises\\Programming exercises"
msgstr "Programmation\\Exercices de programmation" msgstr "Programmation\\Exercices de programmation"
@ -553,6 +515,9 @@ msgstr "Exploser (\\key action;)"
msgid "Explosive" msgid "Explosive"
msgstr "Explosif" msgstr "Explosif"
msgid "Expression expected after ="
msgstr ""
msgid "Extend shield (\\key action;)" msgid "Extend shield (\\key action;)"
msgstr "Déploie le bouclier (\\key action;)" msgstr "Déploie le bouclier (\\key action;)"
@ -623,6 +588,9 @@ msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (clé D)"
msgid "Free game" msgid "Free game"
msgstr "Jeu libre" msgstr "Jeu libre"
msgid "Free game on this planet:"
msgstr "Liste des jeux libres du chapitre :"
msgid "Free game\\Free game without a specific goal" msgid "Free game\\Free game without a specific goal"
msgstr "Jeu libre\\Jeu libre sans but précis" msgstr "Jeu libre\\Jeu libre sans but précis"
@ -737,7 +705,7 @@ msgstr "Manque une instruction \"case\""
msgid "Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\"" msgid "Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\""
msgstr "Instruction \"case\" hors d'un bloc \"switch\"" msgstr "Instruction \"case\" hors d'un bloc \"switch\""
msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\" " msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\""
msgstr "Instruction \"else\" sans \"if\" correspondant" msgstr "Instruction \"else\" sans \"if\" correspondant"
msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)" msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)"
@ -797,6 +765,9 @@ msgstr "Robot shooter"
msgid "Legged sniffer" msgid "Legged sniffer"
msgstr "Robot renifleur" msgstr "Robot renifleur"
msgid "Levels in this chapter:"
msgstr "Liste des niveaux du chapitre :"
msgid "Lightning conductor" msgid "Lightning conductor"
msgstr "Paratonnerre" msgstr "Paratonnerre"
@ -854,16 +825,17 @@ msgstr "Nom de la mission"
msgid "Missions" msgid "Missions"
msgstr "Missions" msgstr "Missions"
msgid "Missions on this planet:"
msgstr "Liste des missions du chapitre :"
msgid "Missions\\Select mission" msgid "Missions\\Select mission"
msgstr "Missions\\La grande aventure" msgstr "Missions\\La grande aventure"
msgid "Mouse inversion X\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the X axis" msgid "Mouse inversion X\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the X axis"
msgstr "" msgstr "Inversion souris X\\Inversion de la rotation lorsque la souris touche un bord"
"Inversion souris X\\Inversion de la rotation lorsque la souris touche un bord"
msgid "Mouse inversion Y\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the Y axis" msgid "Mouse inversion Y\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the Y axis"
msgstr "" msgstr "Inversion souris Y\\Inversion de la rotation lorsque la souris touche un bord"
"Inversion souris Y\\Inversion de la rotation lorsque la souris touche un bord"
msgid "Move selected program down" msgid "Move selected program down"
msgstr "Déplace le programme sélectionné vers le bas" msgstr "Déplace le programme sélectionné vers le bas"
@ -1012,10 +984,10 @@ msgstr "Un pas"
msgid "Open" msgid "Open"
msgstr "Ouvrir" msgstr "Ouvrir"
msgid "Open (Ctrl+o)" msgid "Open (Ctrl+O)"
msgstr "Ouvrir (Ctrl+o)" msgstr "Ouvrir (Ctrl+O)"
msgid "Opening brace missing " msgid "Opening brace missing"
msgstr "Début d'un bloc attendu" msgstr "Début d'un bloc attendu"
msgid "Opening bracket missing" msgid "Opening bracket missing"
@ -1039,14 +1011,17 @@ msgstr "Montrer le lieu d'un message\\Montrer le lieu du dernier message"
msgid "Original game developed by:" msgid "Original game developed by:"
msgstr "Jeu Original développé par :" msgstr "Jeu Original développé par :"
msgid "Parameters missing " msgid "Parameters missing"
msgstr "Pas assez de paramètres" msgstr "Pas assez de paramètres"
msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface" msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface"
msgstr "Particules dans l'interface\\Pluie de particules" msgstr "Particules dans l'interface\\Pluie de particules"
msgid "Paste (Ctrl+v)" msgid "Paste (Ctrl+V)"
msgstr "Coller (Ctrl+v)" msgstr "Coller (Ctrl+V)"
msgid "Pause blur\\Blur the background on the pause screen"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pause in background\\Pause the game when the window is unfocused" msgid "Pause in background\\Pause the game when the window is unfocused"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -1066,6 +1041,9 @@ msgstr "Vue de la mission"
msgid "Place occupied" msgid "Place occupied"
msgstr "Emplacement occupé" msgstr "Emplacement occupé"
msgid "Planets:"
msgstr "Liste des planètes :"
msgid "Plans for defense tower available" msgid "Plans for defense tower available"
msgstr "Construction d'une tour de défense possible" msgstr "Construction d'une tour de défense possible"
@ -1084,7 +1062,7 @@ msgstr "Fabrication de robots shooter possible"
msgid "Plans for thumper available" msgid "Plans for thumper available"
msgstr "Fabrication d'un robot secoueur possible" msgstr "Fabrication d'un robot secoueur possible"
msgid "Plans for tracked robots available " msgid "Plans for tracked robots available"
msgstr "Fabrication d'un robot à chenilles possible" msgstr "Fabrication d'un robot à chenilles possible"
msgid "Plant a flag" msgid "Plant a flag"
@ -1156,7 +1134,7 @@ msgstr "Programmation"
msgid "Programming help" msgid "Programming help"
msgstr "Aide à la programmation" msgstr "Aide à la programmation"
msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)" msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)"
msgstr "Aide à la programmation (\\key prog;)" msgstr "Aide à la programmation (\\key prog;)"
msgid "Programming help\\Gives more detailed help with programming" msgid "Programming help\\Gives more detailed help with programming"
@ -1234,6 +1212,9 @@ msgstr "Ce mot est réservé"
msgid "Resolution" msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Résolution" msgstr "Résolution"
msgid "Resolution:"
msgstr "Résolutions :"
msgid "Resources" msgid "Resources"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -1294,13 +1275,13 @@ msgstr "Rapport du satellite"
msgid "Save" msgid "Save"
msgstr "Enregistrer" msgstr "Enregistrer"
msgid "Save (Ctrl+s)" msgid "Save (Ctrl+S)"
msgstr "Enregistrer (Ctrl+s)" msgstr "Enregistrer (Ctrl+S)"
msgid "Save the current mission" msgid "Save the current mission"
msgstr "Enregistrement de la mission en cours" msgstr "Enregistrement de la mission en cours"
msgid "Save\\Save the current mission " msgid "Save\\Save the current mission"
msgstr "Enregistrer\\Enregistrer la mission en cours" msgstr "Enregistrer\\Enregistrer la mission en cours"
msgid "Save\\Saves the current mission" msgid "Save\\Saves the current mission"
@ -1313,9 +1294,7 @@ msgid "Semicolon terminator missing"
msgstr "Terminateur point-virgule non trouvé" msgstr "Terminateur point-virgule non trouvé"
msgid "Shadow resolution\\Higher means better range and quality, but slower" msgid "Shadow resolution\\Higher means better range and quality, but slower"
msgstr "" msgstr "Résolution des ombres\\Plus grand implique une meilleure qulité et amplitude, mais plus lent"
"Résolution des ombres\\Plus grand implique une meilleure qulité et "
"amplitude, mais plus lent"
msgid "Shield level" msgid "Shield level"
msgstr "Niveau du bouclier" msgstr "Niveau du bouclier"
@ -1410,8 +1389,7 @@ msgstr "Araignée mortellement touchée"
msgid "Stack overflow" msgid "Stack overflow"
msgstr "Débordement de la pile" msgstr "Débordement de la pile"
msgid "" msgid "Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)"
"Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)"
msgstr "Action standard\\Action du bouton avec le cadre rouge" msgstr "Action standard\\Action du bouton avec le cadre rouge"
msgid "Standard controls\\Standard key functions" msgid "Standard controls\\Standard key functions"
@ -1444,6 +1422,9 @@ msgstr "Couleur de la combinaison :"
msgid "Suit\\Astronaut suit" msgid "Suit\\Astronaut suit"
msgstr "Corps\\Combinaison" msgstr "Corps\\Combinaison"
msgid "Summary:"
msgstr "Résumé :"
msgid "Survival kit" msgid "Survival kit"
msgstr "Sac de survie" msgstr "Sac de survie"
@ -1471,15 +1452,13 @@ msgstr "Textures"
msgid "The expression must return a boolean value" msgid "The expression must return a boolean value"
msgstr "L'expression doit ętre un boolean" msgstr "L'expression doit ętre un boolean"
msgid "The function returned no value " msgid "The function returned no value"
msgstr "La fonction n'a pas retourné de résultat" msgstr "La fonction n'a pas retourné de résultat"
msgid "" msgid "The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)"
"The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)" msgstr "La misssion n'est pas terminée (appuyez sur \\key help; pour plus de détails)"
msgstr ""
"La misssion n'est pas terminée (appuyez sur \\key help; pour plus de détails)"
msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible " msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible"
msgstr "Les deux opérandes ne sont pas de types compatibles" msgstr "Les deux opérandes ne sont pas de types compatibles"
msgid "This class already exists" msgid "This class already exists"
@ -1498,9 +1477,7 @@ msgid "This label does not exist"
msgstr "Cette étiquette n'existe pas" msgstr "Cette étiquette n'existe pas"
msgid "This menu is for userlevels from mods, but you didn't install any" msgid "This menu is for userlevels from mods, but you didn't install any"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ce menu donne accès aux niveaux spéciaux (importés ou personnalisés), mais aucun n'est installé."
"Ce menu donne accès aux niveaux spéciaux (importés ou personnalisés), mais "
"aucun n'est installé."
msgid "This object is not a member of a class" msgid "This object is not a member of a class"
msgstr "L'objet n'est pas une instance d'une classe" msgstr "L'objet n'est pas une instance d'une classe"
@ -1586,8 +1563,8 @@ msgstr "Déclaration de type attendu"
msgid "Unable to control enemy objects" msgid "Unable to control enemy objects"
msgstr "Impossible de contrôler les objets ennemis" msgstr "Impossible de contrôler les objets ennemis"
msgid "Undo (Ctrl+z)" msgid "Undo (Ctrl+Z)"
msgstr "Annuler (Ctrl+z)" msgstr "Annuler (Ctrl+Z)"
msgid "Unit" msgid "Unit"
msgstr "Unité" msgstr "Unité"
@ -1689,8 +1666,7 @@ msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui" msgstr "Oui"
msgid "You can fly with the keys (\\key gup;) and (\\key gdown;)" msgid "You can fly with the keys (\\key gup;) and (\\key gdown;)"
msgstr "" msgstr "Il est possible de voler avec les touches (\\key gup;) et (\\key gdown;)"
"Il est possible de voler avec les touches (\\key gup;) et (\\key gdown;)"
msgid "You can not carry a radioactive object" msgid "You can not carry a radioactive object"
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas transporter un objet radioactif" msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas transporter un objet radioactif"
@ -1698,10 +1674,26 @@ msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas transporter un objet radioactif"
msgid "You can not carry an object under water" msgid "You can not carry an object under water"
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas transporter un objet sous l'eau" msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas transporter un objet sous l'eau"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You cannot use \"%s\" in this exercise (used: %d)"
msgstr "Interdit dans cet exercice"
msgid "You found a usable object" msgid "You found a usable object"
msgstr "Vous avez trouvé un objet utilisable" msgstr "Vous avez trouvé un objet utilisable"
msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off " #, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You have to use \"%1$s\" at least once in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgid_plural "You have to use \"%1$s\" at least %3$d times in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgstr[0] "Interdit dans cet exercice"
msgstr[1] "Interdit dans cet exercice"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You have to use \"%1$s\" at most once in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgid_plural "You have to use \"%1$s\" at most %3$d times in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgstr[0] "Interdit dans cet exercice"
msgstr[1] "Interdit dans cet exercice"
msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off"
msgstr "Vous devez embarquer pour pouvoir décoller" msgstr "Vous devez embarquer pour pouvoir décoller"
msgid "Zoom mini-map" msgid "Zoom mini-map"
@ -1815,6 +1807,9 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid " Missions on this level:" #~ msgid " Missions on this level:"
#~ msgstr " Missions du niveau :" #~ msgstr " Missions du niveau :"
#~ msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
#~ msgstr "Il manque \"%s\" dans le programme"
#~ msgid "3D sound\\3D positioning of the sound" #~ msgid "3D sound\\3D positioning of the sound"
#~ msgstr "Bruitages 3D\\Positionnement sonore dans l'espace" #~ msgstr "Bruitages 3D\\Positionnement sonore dans l'espace"
@ -1824,6 +1819,24 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "COLOBOT" #~ msgid "COLOBOT"
#~ msgstr "COLOBOT" #~ msgstr "COLOBOT"
#~ msgid "Camera awayest"
#~ msgstr "Caméra plus loin"
#~ msgid "Camera down\\Decrease camera angle while visiting message origin"
#~ msgstr "Caméra plus basse\\Réduit l'angle de caméra lors de la vue de l'origine des messages"
#~ msgid "Camera nearest"
#~ msgstr "Caméra plus proche"
#~ msgid "Camera to left"
#~ msgstr "Caméra à gauche"
#~ msgid "Camera to right"
#~ msgstr "Caméra à droite"
#~ msgid "Camera up\\Increase camera angle while visiting message origin"
#~ msgstr "Caméra plus haute\\Augmente l'angle de caméra lors de la vue de l'origine des messages"
#~ msgid "Can not create this; there are too many objects" #~ msgid "Can not create this; there are too many objects"
#~ msgstr "Création impossible; il y a trop d'objets" #~ msgstr "Création impossible; il y a trop d'objets"
@ -1909,9 +1922,7 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Textures\\Quality of textures " #~ msgid "Textures\\Quality of textures "
#~ msgstr "Qualité des textures\\Qualité des images" #~ msgstr "Qualité des textures\\Qualité des images"
#~ msgid "" #~ msgid "The list is only available if a \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; is working.\n"
#~ "The list is only available if a \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; is "
#~ "working.\n"
#~ msgstr "Liste non disponible sans \\l;radar\\u object\\radar;.\n" #~ msgstr "Liste non disponible sans \\l;radar\\u object\\radar;.\n"
#~ msgid "Use a joystick\\Joystick or keyboard" #~ msgid "Use a joystick\\Joystick or keyboard"

View File

@ -14,42 +14,9 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 " "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle\n"
"X-Language: pl_PL\n" "X-Language: pl_PL\n"
"X-Source-Language: en_US\n" "X-Source-Language: en_US\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1405002617.000000\n"
msgid " Challenges in the chapter:"
msgstr " Wyzwania w tym rozdziale:"
msgid " Chapters:"
msgstr " Rozdziały:"
msgid " Custom levels:"
msgstr " Własne poziomy:"
msgid " Exercises in the chapter:"
msgstr " Ćwiczenia w tym rozdziale:"
msgid " Free game on this planet:"
msgstr " Swobodna gra na tej planecie:"
msgid " Levels in this chapter:"
msgstr " Poziomy w tym rozdziale:"
msgid " Missions on this planet:"
msgstr " Misje na tej planecie:"
msgid " Planets:"
msgstr " Planety:"
msgid " Resolution:"
msgstr " Rozdzielczość:"
msgid " Summary:"
msgstr " Streszczenie:"
msgid " or " msgid " or "
msgstr " lub " msgstr " lub "
@ -60,10 +27,6 @@ msgstr "Oczekiwane \" [ \""
msgid "\" ] \" missing" msgid "\" ] \" missing"
msgstr "Brak \" ] \"" msgstr "Brak \" ] \""
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
msgstr "Brakuje \"%s\" w tym ćwiczeniu"
msgid "..behind" msgid "..behind"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -100,11 +63,8 @@ msgstr "Przerwij\\Przerywa bieżącą misję"
msgid "Access beyond array limit" msgid "Access beyond array limit"
msgstr "Dostęp poza tablicę" msgstr "Dostęp poza tablicę"
msgid "" msgid "Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
"Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)" msgstr "Dostęp do rozwiązania\\Pokazuje rozwiązanie (szczegółowe instrukcje dotyczące misji)"
msgstr ""
"Dostęp do rozwiązania\\Pokazuje rozwiązanie (szczegółowe instrukcje "
"dotyczące misji)"
msgid "Access to solutions\\Show program \"4: Solution\" in the exercises" msgid "Access to solutions\\Show program \"4: Solution\" in the exercises"
msgstr "Accčs aux solutions\\Programme \"4: Solution\" dans les exercices" msgstr "Accčs aux solutions\\Programme \"4: Solution\" dans les exercices"
@ -121,6 +81,9 @@ msgstr "Królowa Obcych została zabita"
msgid "Already carrying something" msgid "Already carrying something"
msgstr "Nie można nieść więcej przedmiotów" msgstr "Nie można nieść więcej przedmiotów"
msgid "Alternative camera mode\\Move sideways instead of rotating (in free camera)"
msgstr "Alternatywny tryb kamery\\Poruszaj na boki zamiast obracać (w kamerze swobodnej)"
msgid "Analysis already performed" msgid "Analysis already performed"
msgstr "Analiza została już wykonana" msgstr "Analiza została już wykonana"
@ -158,14 +121,10 @@ msgid "Automatic indent\\When program editing"
msgstr "Automatyczne wcięcia\\Automatyczne wcięcia podczas edycji programu" msgstr "Automatyczne wcięcia\\Automatyczne wcięcia podczas edycji programu"
msgid "Autosave interval\\How often your game will autosave" msgid "Autosave interval\\How often your game will autosave"
msgstr "" msgstr "Częstotliwość autozapisu\\Jak często gra będzie automatycznie zapisywać twój postęp"
"Częstotliwość autozapisu\\Jak często gra będzie automatycznie zapisywać twój "
msgid "Autosave slots\\How many autosave slots you'll have" msgid "Autosave slots\\How many autosave slots you'll have"
msgstr "" msgstr "Sloty autozapisów\\Określa ile slotów na automatyczne zapisy będzie dostępnych"
"Sloty autozapisów\\Określa ile slotów na automatyczne zapisy będzie "
msgid "Autosave\\Enables autosave" msgid "Autosave\\Enables autosave"
msgstr "Autozapis\\Włącza automatyczny zapis" msgstr "Autozapis\\Włącza automatyczny zapis"
@ -173,8 +132,8 @@ msgstr "Autozapis\\Włącza automatyczny zapis"
msgid "Back" msgid "Back"
msgstr "Wstecz" msgstr "Wstecz"
msgid "Background sound :\\Volume of audio tracks" msgid "Background sound:\\Volume of audio tracks"
msgstr "Muzyka w tle :\\Głośność ścieżek dźwiękowych" msgstr "Muzyka w tle:\\Głośność ścieżek dźwiękowych"
msgid "Backward (\\key down;)" msgid "Backward (\\key down;)"
msgstr "Cofnij (\\key down;)" msgstr "Cofnij (\\key down;)"
@ -186,9 +145,7 @@ msgid "Bad argument for \"new\""
msgstr "Zły argument dla funkcji \"new\"" msgstr "Zły argument dla funkcji \"new\""
msgid "Big indent\\Indent 2 or 4 spaces per level defined by braces" msgid "Big indent\\Indent 2 or 4 spaces per level defined by braces"
msgstr "" msgstr "Duże wcięcie\\2 lub 4 spacje wcięcia na każdy poziom zdefiniowany przez klamry"
"Duże wcięcie\\2 lub 4 spacje wcięcia na każdy poziom zdefiniowany przez "
msgid "Black box" msgid "Black box"
msgstr "Czarna skrzynka" msgstr "Czarna skrzynka"
@ -328,36 +285,26 @@ msgstr "Odwołanie do nieznanej funkcji"
msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)" msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)"
msgstr "Kamera (\\key camera;)" msgstr "Kamera (\\key camera;)"
msgid "Camera awayest"
msgstr "Camera awayest"
msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward" msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward"
msgstr "Kamera dalej\\Oddala kamerę" msgstr "Kamera dalej\\Oddala kamerę"
msgid "" msgid "Camera border scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left border"
"Camera border scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left " msgstr "Przewijanie kamery przy krawędzi\\Ekran jest przewijany gdy mysz dotknie prawej lub lewej jego krawędzi"
msgstr ""
"Przewijanie kamery przy krawędzi\\Ekran jest przewijany gdy mysz dotknie "
"prawej lub lewej jego krawędzi"
msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward" msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward"
msgstr "Kamera bliżej\\Przybliża kamerę" msgstr "Kamera bliżej\\Przybliża kamerę"
msgid "Camera down\\Decrease camera angle while visiting message origin" msgid "Camera down\\Turns the camera down"
msgstr "Kamera w dół\\Opuść kamerę podczas sprawdzania źródła wiadomości" msgstr "Kamera w dół\\Obraca kamerę w dół"
msgid "Camera nearest" msgid "Camera left\\Turns the camera left"
msgstr "Camera nearest" msgstr "Kamera w lewo\\Obraca kamerę w lewo"
msgid "Camera to left" msgid "Camera right\\Turns the camera right"
msgstr "Camera to left" msgstr "Kamera w prawo\\Obróć kamerę w prawo"
msgid "Camera to right" msgid "Camera up\\Turns the camera up"
msgstr "Camera to right" msgstr "Kamera w górę\\Obróć kamerę w górę"
msgid "Camera up\\Increase camera angle while visiting message origin"
msgstr "Kamera w górę\\Podnieś kamerę podczas sprawdzania źródła wiadomości"
msgid "Can not produce not researched object" msgid "Can not produce not researched object"
msgstr "Nie można wyprodukować nie wynalezionego obiektu" msgstr "Nie można wyprodukować nie wynalezionego obiektu"
@ -377,6 +324,9 @@ msgstr "Anuluj\\Pomija wszystkie zmiany"
msgid "Challenges" msgid "Challenges"
msgstr "Wyzwania" msgstr "Wyzwania"
msgid "Challenges in the chapter:"
msgstr "Wyzwania w tym rozdziale:"
msgid "Challenges\\Programming challenges" msgid "Challenges\\Programming challenges"
msgstr "Wyzwania\\Wyzwania programistyczne" msgstr "Wyzwania\\Wyzwania programistyczne"
@ -386,6 +336,9 @@ msgstr "Zmień kamerę\\Przełącza pomiędzy kamerą pokładową i śledzącą"
msgid "Change player\\Change player" msgid "Change player\\Change player"
msgstr "Zmień gracza\\Zmień gracza" msgstr "Zmień gracza\\Zmień gracza"
msgid "Chapters:"
msgstr "Rozdziały:"
msgid "Cheat console\\Show cheat console" msgid "Cheat console\\Show cheat console"
msgstr "Konsola komend\\Pokaż konsolę komend" msgstr "Konsola komend\\Pokaż konsolę komend"
@ -404,15 +357,14 @@ msgstr "Skopiuj zaznaczony program"
msgid "Close" msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zamknij" msgstr "Zamknij"
msgid "Closing bracket missing " msgid "Closing bracket missing"
msgstr "Brak nawiasu zamykającego" msgstr "Brak nawiasu zamykającego"
msgid "Code battles" msgid "Code battles"
msgstr "Programobitwy" msgstr "Programobitwy"
msgid "Code battles\\Program your robot to be the best of them all!" msgid "Code battles\\Program your robot to be the best of them all!"
msgstr "" msgstr "Programobitwy\\Zaprogramuj swego robota by był najlepszy ze wszystkich!"
"Programobitwy\\Zaprogramuj swego robota by był najlepszy ze wszystkich!"
msgid "Colobot rules!" msgid "Colobot rules!"
msgstr "Colobot rządzi!" msgstr "Colobot rządzi!"
@ -444,19 +396,22 @@ msgstr "Przetop rudę na tytan"
msgid "Copy" msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopiuj" msgstr "Kopiuj"
msgid "Copy (Ctrl+c)" msgid "Copy (Ctrl+C)"
msgstr "Kopiuj (Ctrl+C)" msgstr "Kopiuj (Ctrl+C)"
msgid "Current mission saved" msgid "Current mission saved"
msgstr "Bieżąca misja zapisana" msgstr "Bieżąca misja zapisana"
msgid "Custom levels:"
msgstr "Własne poziomy:"
msgid "Custom levels\\Levels from mods created by the users" msgid "Custom levels\\Levels from mods created by the users"
msgstr "Własne poziomy\\Poziomy z modyfikacji stworzonych przez użytkowników" msgstr "Własne poziomy\\Poziomy z modyfikacji stworzonych przez użytkowników"
msgid "Customize your appearance" msgid "Customize your appearance"
msgstr "Dostosuj wygląd" msgstr "Dostosuj wygląd"
msgid "Cut (Ctrl+x)" msgid "Cut (Ctrl+X)"
msgstr "Wytnij (Ctrl+X)" msgstr "Wytnij (Ctrl+X)"
msgid "Defense tower" msgid "Defense tower"
@ -492,18 +447,15 @@ msgstr "Urządzenie\\Ustawienia sterownika i rozdzielczości"
msgid "Dividing by zero" msgid "Dividing by zero"
msgstr "Dzielenie przez zero" msgstr "Dzielenie przez zero"
msgid "Do not use in this exercise"
msgstr "Do not use in this exercise"
msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?" msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz zniszczyć zaznaczony budynek?" msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz zniszczyć zaznaczony budynek?"
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games? " msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz skasować zapisane gry gracza %s? " msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz skasować zapisane gry gracza %s?"
msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object " msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object"
msgstr "Drzwi zablokowane przez robota lub inny obiekt " msgstr "Drzwi zablokowane przez robota lub inny obiekt"
msgid "Down (\\key gdown;)" msgid "Down (\\key gdown;)"
msgstr "Dół (\\key gdown;)" msgstr "Dół (\\key gdown;)"
@ -550,6 +502,9 @@ msgstr "Wykonaj zaznaczony program"
msgid "Execute/stop" msgid "Execute/stop"
msgstr "Wykonaj/Zatrzymaj" msgstr "Wykonaj/Zatrzymaj"
msgid "Exercises in the chapter:"
msgstr "Ćwiczenia w tym rozdziale:"
msgid "Exercises\\Programming exercises" msgid "Exercises\\Programming exercises"
msgstr "Ćwiczenia\\Ćwiczenia programistyczne" msgstr "Ćwiczenia\\Ćwiczenia programistyczne"
@ -559,6 +514,9 @@ msgstr "Wysadź (\\key action;)"
msgid "Explosive" msgid "Explosive"
msgstr "Materiały wybuchowe" msgstr "Materiały wybuchowe"
msgid "Expression expected after ="
msgstr "Oczekiwano wyrażenia po ="
msgid "Extend shield (\\key action;)" msgid "Extend shield (\\key action;)"
msgstr "Rozszerz osłonę (\\key action;)" msgstr "Rozszerz osłonę (\\key action;)"
@ -629,6 +587,9 @@ msgstr "Znaleziono klucz D (miejsce na kopalnię)"
msgid "Free game" msgid "Free game"
msgstr "Swobodna gra" msgstr "Swobodna gra"
msgid "Free game on this planet:"
msgstr "Swobodna gra na tej planecie:"
msgid "Free game\\Free game without a specific goal" msgid "Free game\\Free game without a specific goal"
msgstr "Swobodna gra\\Swobodna gra bez konkretnych celów" msgstr "Swobodna gra\\Swobodna gra bez konkretnych celów"
@ -690,8 +651,7 @@ msgid "Help balloons\\Explain the function of the buttons"
msgstr "Dymki pomocy\\Wyjaśnia funkcje przycisków" msgstr "Dymki pomocy\\Wyjaśnia funkcje przycisków"
msgid "Highest\\Highest graphic quality (lowest frame rate)" msgid "Highest\\Highest graphic quality (lowest frame rate)"
msgstr "" msgstr "Najwyższa\\Maksymalna jakość grafiki (najniższa częstotliwość odświeżania)"
"Najwyższa\\Maksymalna jakość grafiki (najniższa częstotliwość odświeżania)"
msgid "Home" msgid "Home"
msgstr "Początek" msgstr "Początek"
@ -744,8 +704,8 @@ msgstr "Brak polecenia \"case"
msgid "Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\"" msgid "Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\""
msgstr "Polecenie \"case\" na zewnątrz bloku \"switch\"" msgstr "Polecenie \"case\" na zewnątrz bloku \"switch\""
msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\" " msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\""
msgstr "Polecenie \"else\" bez wystąpienia \"if\" " msgstr "Polecenie \"else\" bez wystąpienia \"if\""
msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)" msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)"
msgstr "Rozkazy (\\key help;)" msgstr "Rozkazy (\\key help;)"
@ -804,6 +764,9 @@ msgstr "Działo na nogach"
msgid "Legged sniffer" msgid "Legged sniffer"
msgstr "Szperacz na nogach" msgstr "Szperacz na nogach"
msgid "Levels in this chapter:"
msgstr "Poziomy w tym rozdziale:"
msgid "Lightning conductor" msgid "Lightning conductor"
msgstr "Odgromnik" msgstr "Odgromnik"
@ -838,8 +801,7 @@ msgid "Loading terrain"
msgstr "Wczytywanie terenu" msgstr "Wczytywanie terenu"
msgid "Lowest\\Minimum graphic quality (highest frame rate)" msgid "Lowest\\Minimum graphic quality (highest frame rate)"
msgstr "" msgstr "Najniższa\\Minimalna jakość grafiki (najwyższa częstotliwość odświeżania)"
"Najniższa\\Minimalna jakość grafiki (najwyższa częstotliwość odświeżania)"
msgid "Lunar Roving Vehicle" msgid "Lunar Roving Vehicle"
msgstr "Pojazd Księżycowy" msgstr "Pojazd Księżycowy"
@ -862,6 +824,9 @@ msgstr "Nazwa misji"
msgid "Missions" msgid "Missions"
msgstr "Misje" msgstr "Misje"
msgid "Missions on this planet:"
msgstr "Misje na tej planecie:"
msgid "Missions\\Select mission" msgid "Missions\\Select mission"
msgstr "Misje\\Wybierz misję" msgstr "Misje\\Wybierz misję"
@ -1018,10 +983,10 @@ msgstr "Jeden krok"
msgid "Open" msgid "Open"
msgstr "Otwórz" msgstr "Otwórz"
msgid "Open (Ctrl+o)" msgid "Open (Ctrl+O)"
msgstr "Otwórz (Ctrl+O)" msgstr "Otwórz (Ctrl+O)"
msgid "Opening brace missing " msgid "Opening brace missing"
msgstr "Brak klamry otwierającej" msgstr "Brak klamry otwierającej"
msgid "Opening bracket missing" msgid "Opening bracket missing"
@ -1040,21 +1005,23 @@ msgid "Organic matter"
msgstr "Materia organiczna" msgstr "Materia organiczna"
msgid "Origin of last message\\Shows where the last message was sent from" msgid "Origin of last message\\Shows where the last message was sent from"
msgstr "" msgstr "Miejsce nadania wiadomości\\Pokazuje skąd została wysłana ostatnia wiadomość"
"Miejsce nadania wiadomości\\Pokazuje skąd została wysłana ostatnia wiadomość"
msgid "Original game developed by:" msgid "Original game developed by:"
msgstr "Twórcy oryginalnej gry:" msgstr "Twórcy oryginalnej gry:"
msgid "Parameters missing " msgid "Parameters missing"
msgstr "Brak wymaganego parametru" msgstr "Brak wymaganego parametru"
msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface" msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface"
msgstr "Cząstki w interfejsie\\Para i iskry z silników w interfejsie" msgstr "Cząstki w interfejsie\\Para i iskry z silników w interfejsie"
msgid "Paste (Ctrl+v)" msgid "Paste (Ctrl+V)"
msgstr "Wklej (Ctrl+V)" msgstr "Wklej (Ctrl+V)"
msgid "Pause blur\\Blur the background on the pause screen"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pause in background\\Pause the game when the window is unfocused" msgid "Pause in background\\Pause the game when the window is unfocused"
msgstr "Wstrzymaj w tle\\Wstrzymaj grę gdy okno stanie się nieaktywne" msgstr "Wstrzymaj w tle\\Wstrzymaj grę gdy okno stanie się nieaktywne"
@ -1073,6 +1040,9 @@ msgstr "Fotografia"
msgid "Place occupied" msgid "Place occupied"
msgstr "Miejsce zajęte" msgstr "Miejsce zajęte"
msgid "Planets:"
msgstr "Planety:"
msgid "Plans for defense tower available" msgid "Plans for defense tower available"
msgstr "Dostępne plany wieży obronnej" msgstr "Dostępne plany wieży obronnej"
@ -1091,7 +1061,7 @@ msgstr "Dostępne plany działa"
msgid "Plans for thumper available" msgid "Plans for thumper available"
msgstr "Dostępne plany robota uderzacza" msgstr "Dostępne plany robota uderzacza"
msgid "Plans for tracked robots available " msgid "Plans for tracked robots available"
msgstr "Dostępne plany tranporterów na gąsienicach" msgstr "Dostępne plany tranporterów na gąsienicach"
msgid "Plant a flag" msgid "Plant a flag"
@ -1125,8 +1095,7 @@ msgid "Practice bot"
msgstr "Robot treningowy" msgstr "Robot treningowy"
msgid "Press \\key help; to read instructions on your SatCom" msgid "Press \\key help; to read instructions on your SatCom"
msgstr "" msgstr "Naciśnij klawisz \\key help; aby wyświetlić rozkazy na przekaźniku SatCom"
"Naciśnij klawisz \\key help; aby wyświetlić rozkazy na przekaźniku SatCom"
msgid "Previous" msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Poprzedni" msgstr "Poprzedni"
@ -1164,8 +1133,8 @@ msgstr "Ćwiczenia programistyczne"
msgid "Programming help" msgid "Programming help"
msgstr "Podręcznik programowania" msgstr "Podręcznik programowania"
msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)" msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)"
msgstr "Podręcznik programowania (\\key prog;)" msgstr "Podręcznik programowania (\\key prog;)"
msgid "Programming help\\Gives more detailed help with programming" msgid "Programming help\\Gives more detailed help with programming"
msgstr "Podręcznik programowania\\Dostarcza szczegółową pomoc w programowaniu" msgstr "Podręcznik programowania\\Dostarcza szczegółową pomoc w programowaniu"
@ -1242,6 +1211,9 @@ msgstr "Słowo zarezerwowane języka CBOT"
msgid "Resolution" msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Rozdzielczość" msgstr "Rozdzielczość"
msgid "Resolution:"
msgstr "Rozdzielczość:"
msgid "Resources" msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Zasoby" msgstr "Zasoby"
@ -1302,13 +1274,13 @@ msgstr "Raport z satelity"
msgid "Save" msgid "Save"
msgstr "Zapisz" msgstr "Zapisz"
msgid "Save (Ctrl+s)" msgid "Save (Ctrl+S)"
msgstr "Zapisz (Ctrl+S)" msgstr "Zapisz (Ctrl+S)"
msgid "Save the current mission" msgid "Save the current mission"
msgstr "Zapisz bieżącą misję" msgstr "Zapisz bieżącą misję"
msgid "Save\\Save the current mission " msgid "Save\\Save the current mission"
msgstr "Zapisz\\Zapisuje bieżącą misję" msgstr "Zapisz\\Zapisuje bieżącą misję"
msgid "Save\\Saves the current mission" msgid "Save\\Saves the current mission"
@ -1321,9 +1293,7 @@ msgid "Semicolon terminator missing"
msgstr "Brak średnika na końcu wiersza" msgstr "Brak średnika na końcu wiersza"
msgid "Shadow resolution\\Higher means better range and quality, but slower" msgid "Shadow resolution\\Higher means better range and quality, but slower"
msgstr "" msgstr "Rozdzielczość cieni\\Wyższa wartość oznacza wyższy zasięg i jakość, ale jest wolniejsza"
"Rozdzielczość cieni\\Wyższa wartość oznacza wyższy zasięg i jakość, ale jest "
msgid "Shield level" msgid "Shield level"
msgstr "Poziom osłony" msgstr "Poziom osłony"
@ -1418,11 +1388,8 @@ msgstr "Pająk śmiertelnie raniony"
msgid "Stack overflow" msgid "Stack overflow"
msgstr "Przepełnienie stosu" msgstr "Przepełnienie stosu"
msgid "" msgid "Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)"
"Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)" msgstr "Standardowa akcja\\Standardowa akcja robota (podnieś/upuść, strzelaj, szukaj, itp.)"
msgstr ""
"Standardowa akcja\\Standardowa akcja robota (podnieś/upuść, strzelaj, "
"szukaj, itp.)"
msgid "Standard controls\\Standard key functions" msgid "Standard controls\\Standard key functions"
msgstr "Standardowa kontrola\\Standardowe klawisze funkcyjne" msgstr "Standardowa kontrola\\Standardowe klawisze funkcyjne"
@ -1454,6 +1421,9 @@ msgstr "Kolor skafandra:"
msgid "Suit\\Astronaut suit" msgid "Suit\\Astronaut suit"
msgstr "Skafander\\Skafander astronauty" msgstr "Skafander\\Skafander astronauty"
msgid "Summary:"
msgstr "Streszczenie:"
msgid "Survival kit" msgid "Survival kit"
msgstr "Zestaw przetrwania" msgstr "Zestaw przetrwania"
@ -1481,14 +1451,13 @@ msgstr "Tekstury"
msgid "The expression must return a boolean value" msgid "The expression must return a boolean value"
msgstr "Wyrażenie musi zwrócić wartość logiczną" msgstr "Wyrażenie musi zwrócić wartość logiczną"
msgid "The function returned no value " msgid "The function returned no value"
msgstr "Funkcja nie zwróciła żadnej wartości " msgstr "Funkcja nie zwróciła żadnej wartości"
msgid "" msgid "The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)"
"The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)"
msgstr "Misja nie jest wypełniona (naciśnij \\key help; aby uzyskać szczegóły)" msgstr "Misja nie jest wypełniona (naciśnij \\key help; aby uzyskać szczegóły)"
msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible " msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible"
msgstr "Niezgodne typy operatorów" msgstr "Niezgodne typy operatorów"
msgid "This class already exists" msgid "This class already exists"
@ -1507,9 +1476,7 @@ msgid "This label does not exist"
msgstr "Taka etykieta nie istnieje" msgstr "Taka etykieta nie istnieje"
msgid "This menu is for userlevels from mods, but you didn't install any" msgid "This menu is for userlevels from mods, but you didn't install any"
msgstr "" msgstr "To menu jest przeznaczone na poziomy użytkownika z modyfikacji, ale żadne nie są zainstalowane"
"To menu jest przeznaczone na poziomy użytkownika z modyfikacji, ale żadne "
"nie są zainstalowane"
msgid "This object is not a member of a class" msgid "This object is not a member of a class"
msgstr "Ten obiekt nie jest członkiem klasy" msgstr "Ten obiekt nie jest członkiem klasy"
@ -1595,7 +1562,7 @@ msgstr "Brak deklaracji typu"
msgid "Unable to control enemy objects" msgid "Unable to control enemy objects"
msgstr "Nie można kontrolować wrogich obiektów" msgstr "Nie można kontrolować wrogich obiektów"
msgid "Undo (Ctrl+z)" msgid "Undo (Ctrl+Z)"
msgstr "Cofnij (Ctrl+Z)" msgstr "Cofnij (Ctrl+Z)"
msgid "Unit" msgid "Unit"
@ -1706,10 +1673,28 @@ msgstr "Nie możesz przenosić przedmiotów radioaktywnych"
msgid "You can not carry an object under water" msgid "You can not carry an object under water"
msgstr "Nie możesz przenosić przedmiotów pod wodą" msgstr "Nie możesz przenosić przedmiotów pod wodą"
#, c-format
msgid "You cannot use \"%s\" in this exercise (used: %d)"
msgstr "Nie możesz użyć \"%s\" w tym ćwiczeniu (użyto: %d)"
msgid "You found a usable object" msgid "You found a usable object"
msgstr "Znaleziono użyteczny przedmiot" msgstr "Znaleziono użyteczny przedmiot"
msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off " #, c-format
msgid "You have to use \"%1$s\" at least once in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgid_plural "You have to use \"%1$s\" at least %3$d times in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgstr[0] "Musisz użyć \"%1$s\" przynajmniej raz w tym ćwiczeniu (użyto: %2$d)"
msgstr[1] "Musisz użyć \"%1$s\" przynajmniej %3$d razy w tym ćwiczeniu (użyto: %2$d)"
msgstr[2] "Musisz użyć \"%1$s\" przynajmniej %3$d razy w tym ćwiczeniu (użyto: %2$d)"
#, c-format
msgid "You have to use \"%1$s\" at most once in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgid_plural "You have to use \"%1$s\" at most %3$d times in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgstr[0] "Możesz użyć \"%1$s\" najwyżej raz w tym ćwiczeniu (użyto: %2$d)"
msgstr[1] "Możesz użyć \"%1$s\" najwyżej %3$d razy w tym ćwiczeniu (użyto: %2$d)"
msgstr[2] "Możesz użyć \"%1$s\" najwyżej %3$d razy w tym ćwiczeniu (użyto: %2$d)"
msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off"
msgstr "Musisz być na statku kosmicznym aby nim odlecieć" msgstr "Musisz być na statku kosmicznym aby nim odlecieć"
msgid "Zoom mini-map" msgid "Zoom mini-map"
@ -1817,12 +1802,33 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid " Drivers:" #~ msgid " Drivers:"
#~ msgstr " Sterowniki:" #~ msgstr " Sterowniki:"
#~ msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
#~ msgstr "Brakuje \"%s\" w tym ćwiczeniu"
#~ msgid "3D sound\\3D positioning of the sound" #~ msgid "3D sound\\3D positioning of the sound"
#~ msgstr "Dźwięk 3D\\Przestrzenne pozycjonowanie dźwięków" #~ msgstr "Dźwięk 3D\\Przestrzenne pozycjonowanie dźwięków"
#~ msgid "Building too close" #~ msgid "Building too close"
#~ msgstr "Budynek za blisko" #~ msgstr "Budynek za blisko"
#~ msgid "Camera awayest"
#~ msgstr "Camera awayest"
#~ msgid "Camera down\\Decrease camera angle while visiting message origin"
#~ msgstr "Kamera w dół\\Opuść kamerę podczas sprawdzania źródła wiadomości"
#~ msgid "Camera nearest"
#~ msgstr "Camera nearest"
#~ msgid "Camera to left"
#~ msgstr "Camera to left"
#~ msgid "Camera to right"
#~ msgstr "Camera to right"
#~ msgid "Camera up\\Increase camera angle while visiting message origin"
#~ msgstr "Kamera w górę\\Podnieś kamerę podczas sprawdzania źródła wiadomości"
#~ msgid "Can not create this; there are too many objects" #~ msgid "Can not create this; there are too many objects"
#~ msgstr "Nie można tego utworzyć, za dużo obiektów" #~ msgstr "Nie można tego utworzyć, za dużo obiektów"
@ -1844,6 +1850,9 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Details\\Visual quality of 3D objects" #~ msgid "Details\\Visual quality of 3D objects"
#~ msgstr "Szczegóły\\Jakość wizualna obiektów 3D" #~ msgstr "Szczegóły\\Jakość wizualna obiektów 3D"
#~ msgid "Do not use in this exercise"
#~ msgstr "Do not use in this exercise"
#~ msgid "Do you want to quit Colobot: Gold Edition?" #~ msgid "Do you want to quit Colobot: Gold Edition?"
#~ msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz opuścić grę Colobot: Gold Edition?" #~ msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz opuścić grę Colobot: Gold Edition?"
@ -1857,8 +1866,7 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr "Nieodpowiedni teren" #~ msgstr "Nieodpowiedni teren"
#~ msgid "Key word help\\More detailed help about key words" #~ msgid "Key word help\\More detailed help about key words"
#~ msgstr "" #~ msgstr "Pomoc dot. słów kluczowych\\Dokładniejsza pomoc na temat słów kluczowych"
#~ "Pomoc dot. słów kluczowych\\Dokładniejsza pomoc na temat słów kluczowych"
#~ msgid "Loading programs" #~ msgid "Loading programs"
#~ msgstr "Wczytywanie programów" #~ msgstr "Wczytywanie programów"
@ -1876,8 +1884,7 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr "Wciąż za mało energii" #~ msgstr "Wciąż za mało energii"
#~ msgid "Num of decorative objects\\Number of purely ornamental objects" #~ msgid "Num of decorative objects\\Number of purely ornamental objects"
#~ msgstr "" #~ msgstr "Ilość elementów dekoracyjnych \\Ilość elementów czysto dekoracyjnych"
#~ "Ilość elementów dekoracyjnych \\Ilość elementów czysto dekoracyjnych"
#~ msgid "Object not found" #~ msgid "Object not found"
#~ msgstr "Obiekt nieznany" #~ msgstr "Obiekt nieznany"
@ -1903,12 +1910,8 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Textures\\Quality of textures " #~ msgid "Textures\\Quality of textures "
#~ msgstr "Tekstury\\Jakość tekstur " #~ msgstr "Tekstury\\Jakość tekstur "
#~ msgid "" #~ msgid "The list is only available if a \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; is working.\n"
#~ "The list is only available if a \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; is " #~ msgstr "Lista jest dostępna jedynie gdy działa \\l;stacja radarowa\\u object\\radar;.\n"
#~ "working.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Lista jest dostępna jedynie gdy działa \\l;stacja radarowa\\u object"
#~ "\\radar;.\n"
#~ msgid "Use a joystick\\Joystick or keyboard" #~ msgid "Use a joystick\\Joystick or keyboard"
#~ msgstr "Używaj joysticka\\Joystick lub klawiatura" #~ msgstr "Używaj joysticka\\Joystick lub klawiatura"

View File

@ -18,38 +18,6 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Language: ru_RU\n" "X-Language: ru_RU\n"
"X-Source-Language: en_US\n" "X-Source-Language: en_US\n"
msgid " Challenges in the chapter:"
msgstr " Задачи к главе:"
msgid " Chapters:"
msgstr " Разделы:"
#, fuzzy
msgid " Custom levels:"
msgstr " Пользовательские уровни:"
msgid " Exercises in the chapter:"
msgstr " Упражнения в разделе:"
msgid " Free game on this planet:"
msgstr " Свободная игра на этой планете:"
#, fuzzy
msgid " Levels in this chapter:"
msgstr " Упражнения в разделе:"
msgid " Missions on this planet:"
msgstr "Миссии на этой планете:"
msgid " Planets:"
msgstr " Планеты:"
msgid " Resolution:"
msgstr " Разрешение:"
msgid " Summary:"
msgstr " Итог:"
msgid " or " msgid " or "
msgstr " или " msgstr " или "
@ -59,10 +27,6 @@ msgstr "Ожидалось \" [ \""
msgid "\" ] \" missing" msgid "\" ] \" missing"
msgstr "Отсутствует \"]\" " msgstr "Отсутствует \"]\" "
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
msgstr "\"%s\" отсутствует в этом упражнении"
msgid "..behind" msgid "..behind"
msgstr "Сзади" msgstr "Сзади"
@ -99,8 +63,7 @@ msgstr "Выход\\Прервать текущую миссию"
msgid "Access beyond array limit" msgid "Access beyond array limit"
msgstr "Доступ к массиву за предел" msgstr "Доступ к массиву за предел"
msgid "" msgid "Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
"Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
msgstr "Доступ к решению\\Показывает решение (подробные инструкции для миссий)" msgstr "Доступ к решению\\Показывает решение (подробные инструкции для миссий)"
msgid "Access to solutions\\Show program \"4: Solution\" in the exercises" msgid "Access to solutions\\Show program \"4: Solution\" in the exercises"
@ -118,6 +81,9 @@ msgstr "Королева чужих убита"
msgid "Already carrying something" msgid "Already carrying something"
msgstr "Уже что-то несу" msgstr "Уже что-то несу"
msgid "Alternative camera mode\\Move sideways instead of rotating (in free camera)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Analysis already performed" msgid "Analysis already performed"
msgstr "Анализ уже выполнен" msgstr "Анализ уже выполнен"
@ -167,7 +133,7 @@ msgid "Back"
msgstr "Назад" msgstr "Назад"
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Background sound :\\Volume of audio tracks" msgid "Background sound:\\Volume of audio tracks"
msgstr "Фоновый звук:\\Громкость звуковых дорожек на CD" msgstr "Фоновый звук:\\Громкость звуковых дорожек на CD"
msgid "Backward (\\key down;)" msgid "Backward (\\key down;)"
@ -320,35 +286,31 @@ msgstr "Вызов неизвестной функции"
msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)" msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)"
msgstr "Камера (\\key camera;)" msgstr "Камера (\\key camera;)"
msgid "Camera awayest"
msgstr "Отдалить камеру"
msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward" msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward"
msgstr "Отдалить камеру\\Перемещение камеры назад" msgstr "Отдалить камеру\\Перемещение камеры назад"
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid "Camera border scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left border"
"Camera border scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left "
msgstr "Прокрутка\\Прокрутка, когда указатель мыши касается граней экрана" msgstr "Прокрутка\\Прокрутка, когда указатель мыши касается граней экрана"
msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward" msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward"
msgstr "Приблизать камеру\\Перемещение камеры вперед" msgstr "Приблизать камеру\\Перемещение камеры вперед"
msgid "Camera down\\Decrease camera angle while visiting message origin" #, fuzzy
msgstr "" msgid "Camera down\\Turns the camera down"
msgstr "Приблизать камеру\\Перемещение камеры вперед"
msgid "Camera nearest" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Приблизить камеру" msgid "Camera left\\Turns the camera left"
msgstr "Приблизать камеру\\Перемещение камеры вперед"
msgid "Camera to left" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Камеру влево" msgid "Camera right\\Turns the camera right"
msgstr "Повернуть налево\\Поворот налево"
msgid "Camera to right" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Камеру вправо" msgid "Camera up\\Turns the camera up"
msgstr "Камера (\\key camera;)"
msgid "Camera up\\Increase camera angle while visiting message origin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Can not produce not researched object" msgid "Can not produce not researched object"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -368,6 +330,9 @@ msgstr "Отмена\\Отменить все изменения"
msgid "Challenges" msgid "Challenges"
msgstr "Задания" msgstr "Задания"
msgid "Challenges in the chapter:"
msgstr "Задачи к главе:"
msgid "Challenges\\Programming challenges" msgid "Challenges\\Programming challenges"
msgstr "Задания\\Практика программирования" msgstr "Задания\\Практика программирования"
@ -377,6 +342,9 @@ msgstr "Изменить вид\\Переключение между борто
msgid "Change player\\Change player" msgid "Change player\\Change player"
msgstr "Новый игрок\\Выберите имя для игрока" msgstr "Новый игрок\\Выберите имя для игрока"
msgid "Chapters:"
msgstr "Разделы:"
msgid "Cheat console\\Show cheat console" msgid "Cheat console\\Show cheat console"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -396,7 +364,7 @@ msgstr "Изменить выбранную программу"
msgid "Close" msgid "Close"
msgstr "Закрыть" msgstr "Закрыть"
msgid "Closing bracket missing " msgid "Closing bracket missing"
msgstr "Закрывающая скобка отсутствует" msgstr "Закрывающая скобка отсутствует"
msgid "Code battles" msgid "Code battles"
@ -435,19 +403,22 @@ msgstr "Преобразует руду в титан"
msgid "Copy" msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Копировать" msgstr "Копировать"
msgid "Copy (Ctrl+c)" msgid "Copy (Ctrl+C)"
msgstr "Копировать (Ctrl+C)" msgstr "Копировать (Ctrl+C)"
msgid "Current mission saved" msgid "Current mission saved"
msgstr "Текущая миссия сохранена" msgstr "Текущая миссия сохранена"
msgid "Custom levels:"
msgstr "Пользовательские уровни:"
msgid "Custom levels\\Levels from mods created by the users" msgid "Custom levels\\Levels from mods created by the users"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Customize your appearance" msgid "Customize your appearance"
msgstr "Настроить свой внешний вид" msgstr "Настроить свой внешний вид"
msgid "Cut (Ctrl+x)" msgid "Cut (Ctrl+X)"
msgstr "Вырезать (Ctrl+X)" msgstr "Вырезать (Ctrl+X)"
msgid "Defense tower" msgid "Defense tower"
@ -484,17 +455,14 @@ msgstr "Устройство\\Драйвер и настройки разреш
msgid "Dividing by zero" msgid "Dividing by zero"
msgstr "Деление на ноль (запрещено!)" msgstr "Деление на ноль (запрещено!)"
msgid "Do not use in this exercise"
msgstr "Не используй в этом упражнении"
msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?" msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?"
msgstr "Вы действительно хотите уничтожить выбранное здание?" msgstr "Вы действительно хотите уничтожить выбранное здание?"
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games? " msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games?"
msgstr "Вы действительно хотите удалить сохраненные игры игрока %s?" msgstr "Вы действительно хотите удалить сохраненные игры игрока %s?"
msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object " msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object"
msgstr "Двери заблокированы роботом или другим объектом" msgstr "Двери заблокированы роботом или другим объектом"
msgid "Down (\\key gdown;)" msgid "Down (\\key gdown;)"
@ -542,6 +510,9 @@ msgstr "Выполнить выбранную программу"
msgid "Execute/stop" msgid "Execute/stop"
msgstr "Выполнить/стоп" msgstr "Выполнить/стоп"
msgid "Exercises in the chapter:"
msgstr "Упражнения в разделе:"
msgid "Exercises\\Programming exercises" msgid "Exercises\\Programming exercises"
msgstr "Упражнения\\Упражнения по программированию" msgstr "Упражнения\\Упражнения по программированию"
@ -551,6 +522,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Explosive" msgid "Explosive"
msgstr "Взрывчатка" msgstr "Взрывчатка"
msgid "Expression expected after ="
msgstr ""
msgid "Extend shield (\\key action;)" msgid "Extend shield (\\key action;)"
msgstr "Поднять щит (\\key action;)" msgstr "Поднять щит (\\key action;)"
@ -621,6 +595,9 @@ msgstr "Найден ключ D (место для буровой вышки)"
msgid "Free game" msgid "Free game"
msgstr "Свободная игра" msgstr "Свободная игра"
msgid "Free game on this planet:"
msgstr "Свободная игра на этой планете:"
msgid "Free game\\Free game without a specific goal" msgid "Free game\\Free game without a specific goal"
msgstr "Свобод. игра\\Игра без четкой цели" msgstr "Свобод. игра\\Игра без четкой цели"
@ -735,7 +712,7 @@ msgstr "Отсутствует инструкция \"case\""
msgid "Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\"" msgid "Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\""
msgstr "Инструкция \"case\" вне блока \"switch\" " msgstr "Инструкция \"case\" вне блока \"switch\" "
msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\" " msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\""
msgstr "Инструкция \"else\" без \"if\" " msgstr "Инструкция \"else\" без \"if\" "
msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)" msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)"
@ -795,6 +772,9 @@ msgstr "Шагающий стрелок"
msgid "Legged sniffer" msgid "Legged sniffer"
msgstr "Шагающий искатель" msgstr "Шагающий искатель"
msgid "Levels in this chapter:"
msgstr "Упражнения в разделе:"
msgid "Lightning conductor" msgid "Lightning conductor"
msgstr "Громоотвод" msgstr "Громоотвод"
@ -854,6 +834,9 @@ msgstr "Название миссии"
msgid "Missions" msgid "Missions"
msgstr "Миссии" msgstr "Миссии"
msgid "Missions on this planet:"
msgstr "Миссии на этой планете:"
msgid "Missions\\Select mission" msgid "Missions\\Select mission"
msgstr "Миссии\\Выбор миссии" msgstr "Миссии\\Выбор миссии"
@ -1012,11 +995,11 @@ msgstr "Один шаг"
msgid "Open" msgid "Open"
msgstr "Открыть" msgstr "Открыть"
msgid "Open (Ctrl+o)" msgid "Open (Ctrl+O)"
msgstr "Открыть (Ctrl+o)" msgstr "Открыть (Ctrl+O)"
msgid "Opening brace missing " msgid "Opening brace missing"
msgstr "Открывающая скобка отсутствует " msgstr "Открывающая скобка отсутствует"
msgid "Opening bracket missing" msgid "Opening bracket missing"
msgstr "Открывающая скобка отсутствует" msgstr "Открывающая скобка отсутствует"
@ -1034,22 +1017,23 @@ msgid "Organic matter"
msgstr "Органическое вещество" msgstr "Органическое вещество"
msgid "Origin of last message\\Shows where the last message was sent from" msgid "Origin of last message\\Shows where the last message was sent from"
msgstr "" msgstr "Источник сообщения\\Показывает место, откуда было отправлено последнеее сообщение"
"Источник сообщения\\Показывает место, откуда было отправлено последнеее "
msgid "Original game developed by:" msgid "Original game developed by:"
msgstr "Оригинальная игра была разработана:" msgstr "Оригинальная игра была разработана:"
msgid "Parameters missing " msgid "Parameters missing"
msgstr "Отсутствуют параметры " msgstr "Отсутствуют параметры"
msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface" msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface"
msgstr "Частицы в интерфейсе меню\\Пар из труб и искры в интерфейсе меню" msgstr "Частицы в интерфейсе меню\\Пар из труб и искры в интерфейсе меню"
msgid "Paste (Ctrl+v)" msgid "Paste (Ctrl+V)"
msgstr "Вставить (Ctrl+V)" msgstr "Вставить (Ctrl+V)"
msgid "Pause blur\\Blur the background on the pause screen"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pause in background\\Pause the game when the window is unfocused" msgid "Pause in background\\Pause the game when the window is unfocused"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -1068,6 +1052,9 @@ msgstr "Фотография"
msgid "Place occupied" msgid "Place occupied"
msgstr "Место занято" msgstr "Место занято"
msgid "Planets:"
msgstr "Планеты:"
msgid "Plans for defense tower available" msgid "Plans for defense tower available"
msgstr "Доступны схемы защитной башни" msgstr "Доступны схемы защитной башни"
@ -1086,8 +1073,8 @@ msgstr "Доступны схемы стрелка"
msgid "Plans for thumper available" msgid "Plans for thumper available"
msgstr "Доступны схемы ударника" msgstr "Доступны схемы ударника"
msgid "Plans for tracked robots available " msgid "Plans for tracked robots available"
msgstr "Доступны схемы гусеничных роботов " msgstr "Доступны схемы гусеничных роботов"
msgid "Plant a flag" msgid "Plant a flag"
msgstr "Установить флаг" msgstr "Установить флаг"
@ -1159,12 +1146,11 @@ msgstr "Упражнения"
msgid "Programming help" msgid "Programming help"
msgstr "Помощь в программировании" msgstr "Помощь в программировании"
msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)" msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)"
msgstr "Помощь в программировании (\\key prog;)" msgstr "Помощь в программировании (\\key prog;)"
msgid "Programming help\\Gives more detailed help with programming" msgid "Programming help\\Gives more detailed help with programming"
msgstr "" msgstr "Помощь в программировании\\Дает более детальную помощь в программировании"
"Помощь в программировании\\Дает более детальную помощь в программировании"
msgid "Programs dispatched by Houston" msgid "Programs dispatched by Houston"
msgstr "Программы переданные с Хьюстона" msgstr "Программы переданные с Хьюстона"
@ -1240,6 +1226,9 @@ msgstr "Резервное ключевое слово языка CBOT"
msgid "Resolution" msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Разрешение" msgstr "Разрешение"
msgid "Resolution:"
msgstr "Разрешение:"
msgid "Resources" msgid "Resources"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -1300,13 +1289,13 @@ msgstr "Спутниковый отчет"
msgid "Save" msgid "Save"
msgstr "Сохранить" msgstr "Сохранить"
msgid "Save (Ctrl+s)" msgid "Save (Ctrl+S)"
msgstr "Сохранить (Ctrl+s)" msgstr "Сохранить (Ctrl+S)"
msgid "Save the current mission" msgid "Save the current mission"
msgstr "Сохранить" msgstr "Сохранить"
msgid "Save\\Save the current mission " msgid "Save\\Save the current mission"
msgstr "Сохранить\\Сохранить текущую миссию" msgstr "Сохранить\\Сохранить текущую миссию"
msgid "Save\\Saves the current mission" msgid "Save\\Saves the current mission"
@ -1415,11 +1404,8 @@ msgstr "Паук смертельно ранен"
msgid "Stack overflow" msgid "Stack overflow"
msgstr "Переполнение стека" msgstr "Переполнение стека"
msgid "" msgid "Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)"
"Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)" msgstr "Стандартное действие\\Стандартное действие бота (брать/взять, стрелять, искать и т.д.)"
msgstr ""
"Стандартное действие\\Стандартное действие бота (брать/взять, стрелять, "
"искать и т.д.)"
msgid "Standard controls\\Standard key functions" msgid "Standard controls\\Standard key functions"
msgstr "Стандартное управление\\Сделать управление по умолчанию" msgstr "Стандартное управление\\Сделать управление по умолчанию"
@ -1452,6 +1438,9 @@ msgstr "Костюм:"
msgid "Suit\\Astronaut suit" msgid "Suit\\Astronaut suit"
msgstr "Костюм\\Костюм астронавта" msgstr "Костюм\\Костюм астронавта"
msgid "Summary:"
msgstr "Итог:"
msgid "Survival kit" msgid "Survival kit"
msgstr "Аптечка" msgstr "Аптечка"
@ -1479,15 +1468,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The expression must return a boolean value" msgid "The expression must return a boolean value"
msgstr "Выражение должно возвращать логическое значение" msgstr "Выражение должно возвращать логическое значение"
msgid "The function returned no value " msgid "The function returned no value"
msgstr "Функция не возвратила значения" msgstr "Функция не возвратила значения"
msgid "" msgid "The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)"
"The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)" msgstr "Миссия еще не выполнена (нажмите \\key help; для более подробной информации)"
msgstr ""
"Миссия еще не выполнена (нажмите \\key help; для более подробной информации)"
msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible " msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible"
msgstr "Типы операндов несовместимы" msgstr "Типы операндов несовместимы"
msgid "This class already exists" msgid "This class already exists"
@ -1592,7 +1579,7 @@ msgstr "Не задан тип"
msgid "Unable to control enemy objects" msgid "Unable to control enemy objects"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Undo (Ctrl+z)" msgid "Undo (Ctrl+Z)"
msgstr "Отмена (Ctrl+Z)" msgstr "Отмена (Ctrl+Z)"
msgid "Unit" msgid "Unit"
@ -1703,10 +1690,26 @@ msgstr "Вы не можете нести радиоактивные объек
msgid "You can not carry an object under water" msgid "You can not carry an object under water"
msgstr "Вы не можете нести объекты под водой" msgstr "Вы не можете нести объекты под водой"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You cannot use \"%s\" in this exercise (used: %d)"
msgstr "Не используй в этом упражнении"
msgid "You found a usable object" msgid "You found a usable object"
msgstr "Вы нашли рабочий объект" msgstr "Вы нашли рабочий объект"
msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off " #, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You have to use \"%1$s\" at least once in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgid_plural "You have to use \"%1$s\" at least %3$d times in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgstr[0] "Не используй в этом упражнении"
msgstr[1] "Не используй в этом упражнении"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You have to use \"%1$s\" at most once in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgid_plural "You have to use \"%1$s\" at most %3$d times in this exercise (used: %2$d)"
msgstr[0] "Не используй в этом упражнении"
msgstr[1] "Не используй в этом упражнении"
msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off"
msgstr "Вы должны быть на борту корабля, чтобы взлететь" msgstr "Вы должны быть на борту корабля, чтобы взлететь"
msgid "Zoom mini-map" msgid "Zoom mini-map"
@ -1806,11 +1809,10 @@ msgid "\\Yellow flags"
msgstr "\\Желтый флаг" msgstr "\\Желтый флаг"
msgid "" msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#~ msgid " " #~ msgid " "
#~ msgstr " " #~ msgstr " "
@ -1821,6 +1823,9 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid " Missions on this level:" #~ msgid " Missions on this level:"
#~ msgstr " Миссии на этом уровне:" #~ msgstr " Миссии на этом уровне:"
#~ msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
#~ msgstr "\"%s\" отсутствует в этом упражнении"
#~ msgid "3D sound\\3D positioning of the sound" #~ msgid "3D sound\\3D positioning of the sound"
#~ msgstr "3D-звук\\Стерео звук" #~ msgstr "3D-звук\\Стерео звук"
@ -1830,6 +1835,18 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "COLOBOT" #~ msgid "COLOBOT"
#~ msgstr "КОЛОБОТ" #~ msgstr "КОЛОБОТ"
#~ msgid "Camera awayest"
#~ msgstr "Отдалить камеру"
#~ msgid "Camera nearest"
#~ msgstr "Приблизить камеру"
#~ msgid "Camera to left"
#~ msgstr "Камеру влево"
#~ msgid "Camera to right"
#~ msgstr "Камеру вправо"
#~ msgid "Can not create this; there are too many objects" #~ msgid "Can not create this; there are too many objects"
#~ msgstr "Не удается это создать, слишком много объектов" #~ msgstr "Не удается это создать, слишком много объектов"
@ -1912,11 +1929,8 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Textures\\Quality of textures " #~ msgid "Textures\\Quality of textures "
#~ msgstr "Текстуры\\Качество текстур " #~ msgstr "Текстуры\\Качество текстур "
#~ msgid "" #~ msgid "The list is only available if a \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; is working.\n"
#~ "The list is only available if a \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; is " #~ msgstr "Список доступен только если \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; работают\n"
#~ "working.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Список доступен только если \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; работают\n"
#~ msgid "Use a joystick\\Joystick or keyboard" #~ msgid "Use a joystick\\Joystick or keyboard"
#~ msgstr "Использовать джойстик\\Джойстик или клавиатура" #~ msgstr "Использовать джойстик\\Джойстик или клавиатура"

View File

@ -19,8 +19,10 @@
#include "CBot/CBotClass.h" #include "CBot/CBotClass.h"
#include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotInstrUtils.h"
#include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotNew.h" #include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotNew.h"
#include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotLeftExprVar.h" #include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotLeftExprVar.h"
#include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotExprLitNull.h"
#include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotTwoOpExpr.h" #include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotTwoOpExpr.h"
#include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotFunction.h" #include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotFunction.h"
#include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotExpression.h" #include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotExpression.h"
@ -32,6 +34,7 @@
#include "CBot/CBotExternalCall.h" #include "CBot/CBotExternalCall.h"
#include "CBot/CBotStack.h" #include "CBot/CBotStack.h"
#include "CBot/CBotCStack.h" #include "CBot/CBotCStack.h"
#include "CBot/CBotDefParam.h"
#include "CBot/CBotUtils.h" #include "CBot/CBotUtils.h"
#include "CBot/CBotFileUtils.h" #include "CBot/CBotFileUtils.h"
#include "CBot/CBotCallMethode.h" #include "CBot/CBotCallMethode.h"
@ -549,6 +552,7 @@ bool CBotClass::CompileDefItem(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bSecond)
while (pStack->IsOk()) while (pStack->IsOk())
{ {
CBotTypResult type2 = CBotTypResult(type); // reset type after comma
std::string pp = p->GetString(); std::string pp = p->GetString();
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_NOT) ) if ( IsOfType(p, ID_NOT) )
{ {
@ -561,29 +565,27 @@ bool CBotClass::CompileDefItem(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bSecond)
while ( IsOfType( p, ID_OPBRK ) ) // a table? while ( IsOfType( p, ID_OPBRK ) ) // a table?
{ {
CBotInstr* i = nullptr; CBotInstr* i = nullptr;
pStack->SetStartError( p->GetStart() );
if ( p->GetType() != ID_CLBRK ) if ( p->GetType() != ID_CLBRK )
i = CBotExpression::Compile( p, pStack ); // expression for the value i = CBotExpression::Compile( p, pStack ); // expression for the value
if (i == nullptr || pStack->GetType() != CBotTypInt) // must be a number
pStack->SetError(CBotErrBadIndex, p->GetStart());
return false;
else else
i = new CBotEmpty(); // special if not a formula i = new CBotEmpty(); // special if not a formula
type = CBotTypResult(CBotTypArrayPointer, type); type2 = CBotTypResult(CBotTypArrayPointer, type2);
if (!pStack->IsOk() || !IsOfType( p, ID_CLBRK ) )
pStack->SetError(CBotErrCloseIndex, p->GetStart());
return false;
/* CBotVar* pv = pStack->GetVar();
if ( pv->GetType()>= CBotTypBoolean )
pStack->SetError(CBotErrBadType1, p->GetStart());
return false;
if (limites == nullptr) limites = i; if (limites == nullptr) limites = i;
else limites->AddNext3(i); else limites->AddNext3(i);
if (IsOfType(p, ID_CLBRK)) continue;
pStack->SetError(CBotErrCloseIndex, p->GetStart());
return false;
} }
if ( p->GetType() == ID_OPENPAR ) if ( p->GetType() == ID_OPENPAR )
@ -604,9 +606,14 @@ bool CBotClass::CompileDefItem(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bSecond)
// return a method precompiled in pass 1 // return a method precompiled in pass 1
CBotFunction* pf = m_pMethod; CBotFunction* pf = m_pMethod;
CBotFunction* prev = nullptr; CBotFunction* prev = nullptr;
while ( pf != nullptr ) CBotToken* ppp = p;
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(nullptr, true);
CBotDefParam* params = CBotDefParam::Compile(p, pStk );
delete pStk;
p = ppp;
while ( pf != nullptr ) // search by name and parameters
{ {
if (pf->GetName() == pp) break; if (pf->GetName() == pp && pf->CheckParam( params )) break;
prev = pf; prev = pf;
pf = pf->Next(); pf = pf->Next();
} }
@ -672,7 +679,7 @@ bool CBotClass::CompileDefItem(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bSecond)
} }
// definition of an element // definition of an element
if (type.Eq(0)) if (type2.Eq(0))
{ {
pStack->SetError(CBotErrNoTerminator, p); pStack->SetError(CBotErrNoTerminator, p);
return false; return false;
@ -681,22 +688,47 @@ bool CBotClass::CompileDefItem(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bSecond)
CBotInstr* i = nullptr; CBotInstr* i = nullptr;
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_ASS ) ) if ( IsOfType(p, ID_ASS ) )
{ {
if ( type.Eq(CBotTypArrayPointer) ) pStack->SetStartError(p->GetStart());
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SEP) )
{ {
i = CBotListArray::Compile(p, pStack, type.GetTypElem()); pStack->SetError(CBotErrNoExpression, p->GetStart());
return false;
if ( type2.Eq(CBotTypArrayPointer) )
if ( nullptr == (i = CBotListArray::Compile(p, pStack, type2.GetTypElem())) )
if (pStack->IsOk())
i = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(p, pStack);
if (i == nullptr || !pStack->GetTypResult().Compare(type2))
pStack->SetError(CBotErrBadType1, p->GetStart());
return false;
} }
else else
{ {
// it has an assignmet to calculate // it has an assignmet to calculate
i = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(p, pStack); i = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(p, pStack);
if ( !(type.Eq(CBotTypPointer) && pStack->GetTypResult().Eq(CBotTypNullPointer)) &&
!TypesCompatibles( type2, pStack->GetTypResult()) )
pStack->SetError(CBotErrBadType1, p->GetStart());
return false;
} }
if ( !pStack->IsOk() ) return false; if ( !pStack->IsOk() ) return false;
} }
else if ( type2.Eq(CBotTypArrayPointer) ) i = new CBotExprLitNull();
if ( !bSecond ) if ( !bSecond )
{ {
CBotVar* pv = CBotVar::Create(pp, type); CBotVar* pv = CBotVar::Create(pp, type2);
pv -> SetStatic( bStatic ); pv -> SetStatic( bStatic );
pv -> SetPrivate( mProtect ); pv -> SetPrivate( mProtect );
@ -709,8 +741,15 @@ bool CBotClass::CompileDefItem(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bSecond)
if ( pv->IsStatic() && pv->m_InitExpr != nullptr ) if ( pv->IsStatic() && pv->m_InitExpr != nullptr )
{ {
CBotStack* pile = CBotStack::AllocateStack(); // independent stack CBotStack* pile = CBotStack::AllocateStack(); // independent stack
while(pile->IsOk() && !pv->m_InitExpr->Execute(pile)); // evaluates the expression without timer if ( type2.Eq(CBotTypArrayPointer) )
pv->SetVal( pile->GetVar() ) ; {
while(pile->IsOk() && !pv->m_InitExpr->Execute(pile, pv));
while(pile->IsOk() && !pv->m_InitExpr->Execute(pile)); // evaluates the expression without timer
pv->SetVal( pile->GetVar() ) ;
pile->Delete(); pile->Delete();
} }
} }

View File

@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ enum CBotError : int
CBotErrBadIndex = 5040, //!< wrong index type "[ false ]" CBotErrBadIndex = 5040, //!< wrong index type "[ false ]"
CBotErrPrivate = 5041, //!< protected item CBotErrPrivate = 5041, //!< protected item
CBotErrNoPublic = 5042, //!< missing word "public" CBotErrNoPublic = 5042, //!< missing word "public"
CBotErrNoExpression = 5043, //!< expression expected after =
// Runtime errors // Runtime errors
CBotErrZeroDiv = 6000, //!< division by zero CBotErrZeroDiv = 6000, //!< division by zero

View File

@ -72,19 +72,26 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefArray::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotTypResul
CBotInstr* i; CBotInstr* i;
while (IsOfType(p, ID_OPBRK)) while (IsOfType(p, ID_OPBRK))
{ {
if (p->GetType() != ID_CLBRK) if (p->GetType() != ID_CLBRK)
i = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pStk); // expression for the value {
i = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pStk); // expression for the value
if (i == nullptr || pStk->GetType() != CBotTypInt) // must be a number
pStk->SetError(CBotErrBadIndex, p->GetStart());
goto error;
else else
i = new CBotEmpty(); // if no special formula i = new CBotEmpty(); // if no special formula
inst->AddNext3b(i); // construct a list inst->AddNext3b(i); // construct a list
type = CBotTypResult(CBotTypArrayPointer, type); type = CBotTypResult(CBotTypArrayPointer, type);
if (!pStk->IsOk() || !IsOfType(p, ID_CLBRK )) if (IsOfType(p, ID_CLBRK)) continue;
pStk->SetError(CBotErrCloseIndex, p->GetStart()); pStk->SetError(CBotErrCloseIndex, p->GetStart());
goto error; goto error;
} }
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create(*vartoken, type); // create an instance CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create(*vartoken, type); // create an instance
@ -96,17 +103,32 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefArray::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotTypResul
if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS)) // with an assignment if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS)) // with an assignment
{ {
if ((inst->m_listass = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(p, pStk)) != nullptr) pStk->SetStartError(p->GetStart());
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SEP) )
{ {
if (!pStk->GetTypResult().Compare(type)) // compatible type ? pStk->SetError(CBotErrNoExpression, p->GetPrev());
goto error;
if ( nullptr == (inst->m_listass = CBotListArray::Compile(p, pStk, type.GetTypElem())) )
if (pStk->IsOk())
{ {
pStk->SetError(CBotErrBadType1, p->GetStart()); inst->m_listass = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(p, pStk);
goto error; if (inst->m_listass == nullptr || !pStk->GetTypResult().Compare(type)) // compatible type ?
pStk->SetError(CBotErrBadType1, p->GetStart());
goto error;
} }
} }
if (pStk->IsOk()) while (true) // mark initialized
{ {
inst->m_listass = CBotListArray::Compile(p, pStk, type.GetTypElem()); var = var->GetItem(0, true);
if (var == nullptr) break;
if (var->GetType() == CBotTypArrayPointer) continue;
if (var->GetType() <= CBotTypString) var->SetInit(CBotVar::InitType::DEF);
} }
} }

View File

@ -82,16 +82,17 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefBoolean::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont,
inst = static_cast<CBotDefBoolean*>(CBotDefArray::Compile(p, pStk, CBotTypBoolean)); inst = static_cast<CBotDefBoolean*>(CBotDefArray::Compile(p, pStk, CBotTypBoolean));
if (!pStk->IsOk() )
pStk->SetError(CBotErrCloseIndex, p->GetStart());
goto error;
goto suite; // no assignment, variable already created goto suite; // no assignment, variable already created
} }
if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS)) if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS))
{ {
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SEP) )
pStk->SetError(CBotErrNoExpression, p->GetStart());
goto error;
if (nullptr == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk ))) if (nullptr == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk )))
{ {
goto error; goto error;
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefBoolean::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont,
(static_cast<CBotLeftExprVar*>(inst->m_var))->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum()); (static_cast<CBotLeftExprVar*>(inst->m_var))->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum());
pStack->AddVar(var); pStack->AddVar(var);
suite: suite:
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) if (pStk->IsOk() && IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA))
{ {
if (nullptr != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotDefBoolean::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip))) if (nullptr != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotDefBoolean::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip)))
{ {

View File

@ -101,11 +101,6 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefClass::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotClass* p
inst = static_cast<CBotDefClass*>(CBotDefArray::Compile(p, pStk, type )); inst = static_cast<CBotDefClass*>(CBotDefArray::Compile(p, pStk, type ));
if (!pStk->IsOk() )
pStk->SetError(CBotErrCloseIndex, p->GetStart());
goto error;
goto suite; // no assignment, variable already created goto suite; // no assignment, variable already created
} }
@ -159,12 +154,19 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefClass::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotClass* p
if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS)) // with a assignment? if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS)) // with a assignment?
{ {
if (inst->m_hasParams) if (inst->m_hasParams)
{ {
pStk->SetError(CBotErrNoTerminator, p->GetStart()); pStk->SetError(CBotErrNoTerminator, p->GetStart());
goto error; goto error;
} }
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SEP) )
pStk->SetError(CBotErrNoExpression, p->GetStart());
goto error;
if ( nullptr == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk )) ) if ( nullptr == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk )) )
{ {
goto error; goto error;
@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefClass::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotClass* p
var->SetInit(CBotVar::InitType::IS_POINTER); // marks the pointer as init var->SetInit(CBotVar::InitType::IS_POINTER); // marks the pointer as init
} }
suite: suite:
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) // several chained definitions if (pStk->IsOk() && IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) // several chained definitions
{ {
if ( nullptr != ( inst->m_next = CBotDefClass::Compile(p, pStk, pClass) )) // compiles the following if ( nullptr != ( inst->m_next = CBotDefClass::Compile(p, pStk, pClass) )) // compiles the following
{ {
@ -208,7 +210,7 @@ suite:
} }
} }
if (IsOfType(p, ID_SEP)) // complete instruction if (!pStk->IsOk() || IsOfType(p, ID_SEP)) // complete instruction
{ {
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk); return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
} }

View File

@ -81,16 +81,17 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefFloat::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont, b
p = vartoken; p = vartoken;
inst = static_cast<CBotDefFloat*>(CBotDefArray::Compile(p, pStk, CBotTypFloat)); inst = static_cast<CBotDefFloat*>(CBotDefArray::Compile(p, pStk, CBotTypFloat));
if (!pStk->IsOk() )
pStk->SetError(CBotErrCloseIndex, p->GetStart());
goto error;
goto suite; // no assignment, variable already created goto suite; // no assignment, variable already created
} }
if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS)) if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS))
{ {
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SEP) )
pStk->SetError(CBotErrNoExpression, p->GetStart());
goto error;
if (nullptr == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk ))) if (nullptr == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk )))
{ {
goto error; goto error;
@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefFloat::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont, b
(static_cast<CBotLeftExprVar*>(inst->m_var))->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum()); (static_cast<CBotLeftExprVar*>(inst->m_var))->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum());
pStack->AddVar(var); pStack->AddVar(var);
suite: suite:
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) if (pStk->IsOk() && IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA))
{ {
if (nullptr != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotDefFloat::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip))) if (nullptr != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotDefFloat::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip)))
{ {

View File

@ -84,25 +84,18 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefInt::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont, boo
CBotInstr* inst2 = CBotDefArray::Compile(p, pStk, CBotTypInt); CBotInstr* inst2 = CBotDefArray::Compile(p, pStk, CBotTypInt);
if (!pStk->IsOk() )
pStk->SetError(CBotErrCloseIndex, p->GetStart());
goto error;
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) // several definition chained
if (nullptr != ( inst2->m_next2b = CBotDefInt::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip))) // compile the next one
return pStack->Return(inst2, pStk);
inst = static_cast<CBotDefInt*>(inst2); inst = static_cast<CBotDefInt*>(inst2);
goto suite; // no assignment, variable already created goto suite; // no assignment, variable already created
} }
if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS)) // with an assignment? if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS)) // with an assignment?
{ {
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SEP) )
pStk->SetError(CBotErrNoExpression, p->GetStart());
goto error;
if (nullptr == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk ))) if (nullptr == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk )))
{ {
goto error; goto error;
@ -121,15 +114,15 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefInt::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont, boo
(static_cast<CBotLeftExprVar*>(inst->m_var))->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum()); (static_cast<CBotLeftExprVar*>(inst->m_var))->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum());
pStack->AddVar(var); // place it on the stack pStack->AddVar(var); // place it on the stack
} }
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) // chained several definitions if (pStk->IsOk() && IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) // chained several definitions
{ {
if (nullptr != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotDefInt::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip))) // compile next one if (nullptr != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotDefInt::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip))) // compile next one
{ {
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk); return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
} }
} }
if (noskip || IsOfType(p, ID_SEP)) // instruction is completed if (noskip || IsOfType(p, ID_SEP)) // instruction is completed
{ {
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk); return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotDefString.h" #include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotDefString.h"
#include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotLeftExprVar.h" #include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotLeftExprVar.h"
#include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotDefArray.h"
#include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotTwoOpExpr.h" #include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotTwoOpExpr.h"
#include "CBot/CBotStack.h" #include "CBot/CBotStack.h"
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefString::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont,
inst->m_expr = nullptr; inst->m_expr = nullptr;
CBotToken* vartoken = p; CBotToken* vartoken = p;
CBotVar* var = nullptr;
inst->SetToken(vartoken); inst->SetToken(vartoken);
if (nullptr != (inst->m_var = CBotLeftExprVar::Compile( p, pStk ))) if (nullptr != (inst->m_var = CBotLeftExprVar::Compile( p, pStk )))
@ -73,8 +75,27 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefString::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont,
goto error; goto error;
} }
if (IsOfType(p, ID_OPBRK))
delete inst; // type is not CBotDefString
p = vartoken; // returns the variable name
// compiles an array declaration
CBotInstr* inst2 = CBotDefArray::Compile(p, pStk, CBotTypString);
inst = static_cast<CBotDefString*>(inst2);
goto suite; // no assignment, variable already created
if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS)) if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS))
{ {
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SEP) )
pStk->SetError(CBotErrNoExpression, p->GetStart());
goto error;
if (nullptr == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk ))) if (nullptr == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk )))
{ {
goto error; goto error;
@ -86,13 +107,13 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefString::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont,
}*/ }*/
} }
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create(*vartoken, CBotTypString); var = CBotVar::Create(*vartoken, CBotTypString);
var->SetInit(inst->m_expr != nullptr ? CBotVar::InitType::DEF : CBotVar::InitType::UNDEF); var->SetInit(inst->m_expr != nullptr ? CBotVar::InitType::DEF : CBotVar::InitType::UNDEF);
var->SetUniqNum( var->SetUniqNum(
(static_cast<CBotLeftExprVar*>(inst->m_var))->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum()); (static_cast<CBotLeftExprVar*>(inst->m_var))->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum());
pStack->AddVar(var); pStack->AddVar(var);
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) if (pStk->IsOk() && IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA))
{ {
if (nullptr != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotDefString::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip))) if (nullptr != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotDefString::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip)))
{ {

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@ -71,6 +71,13 @@ CBotInstr* CBotExpression::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
return nullptr; return nullptr;
} }
if ( p->GetType() == ID_SEP )
pStack->SetError(CBotErrNoExpression, p);
delete inst;
return nullptr;
inst->m_rightop = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pStack); inst->m_rightop = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pStack);
if (inst->m_rightop == nullptr) if (inst->m_rightop == nullptr)
{ {
@ -118,13 +125,13 @@ CBotInstr* CBotExpression::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
break; break;
if (type2.Eq(CBotTypBoolean) || if (type2.Eq(CBotTypBoolean) ||
type2.Eq(CBotTypPointer) ) type2 = -1; // numbers and strings type2.GetType() > CBotTypString ) type2.SetType(-1); // numbers and strings
break; break;
if (type2.GetType() >= CBotTypBoolean) type2 = -1; // numbers only if (type2.GetType() >= CBotTypBoolean) type2.SetType(-1); // numbers only
break; break;
} }
@ -179,6 +186,18 @@ bool CBotExpression::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
if ( pile2->GetState()==0) if ( pile2->GetState()==0)
{ {
if (m_rightop && !m_rightop->Execute(pile2)) return false; // initial value // interrupted? if (m_rightop && !m_rightop->Execute(pile2)) return false; // initial value // interrupted?
if (m_rightop)
CBotVar* var = pile1->GetVar();
CBotVar* value = pile2->GetVar();
if (var->GetType() == CBotTypString && value->GetType() != CBotTypString)
CBotVar* newVal = CBotVar::Create("", var->GetTypResult());
pile2->IncState(); pile2->IncState();
} }

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@ -840,8 +840,8 @@ bool CBotFunction::CheckParam(CBotDefParam* pParam)
CBotDefParam* pp = m_param; CBotDefParam* pp = m_param;
while ( pp != nullptr && pParam != nullptr ) while ( pp != nullptr && pParam != nullptr )
{ {
CBotTypResult type1 = pp->GetType(); CBotTypResult type1 = pp->GetTypResult();
CBotTypResult type2 = pParam->GetType(); CBotTypResult type2 = pParam->GetTypResult();
if ( !type1.Compare(type2) ) return false; if ( !type1.Compare(type2) ) return false;
pp = pp->GetNext(); pp = pp->GetNext();
pParam = pParam->GetNext(); pParam = pParam->GetNext();

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@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ bool CBotInstrMethode::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotStack* &pj, CBotToken* pre
if (pVar->GetPointer() == nullptr) if (pVar->GetPointer() == nullptr)
{ {
pj->SetError(CBotErrNull, prevToken); pj->SetError(CBotErrNull, prevToken);
return pj->Return(pile1);
} }
if (pile1->IfStep()) return false; if (pile1->IfStep()) return false;
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ bool CBotInstrMethode::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotStack* &pj, CBotToken* pre
pThis->SetName("this"); pThis->SetName("this");
pThis->SetUniqNum(-2); pThis->SetUniqNum(-2);
pile1->AddVar(pThis); pile1->SetVar(pThis);
pile1->IncState(); pile1->IncState();
} }
int i = 0; int i = 0;
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ bool CBotInstrMethode::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotStack* &pj, CBotToken* pre
ppVars[i] = nullptr; ppVars[i] = nullptr;
CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(m_className); CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(m_className);
CBotVar* pThis = pile1->FindVar(-2, false); CBotVar* pThis = pile1->GetVar();
CBotVar* pResult = nullptr; CBotVar* pResult = nullptr;
if (m_typRes.GetType() > 0) pResult = CBotVar::Create("", m_typRes); if (m_typRes.GetType() > 0) pResult = CBotVar::Create("", m_typRes);
if (m_typRes.Eq(CBotTypClass)) if (m_typRes.Eq(CBotTypClass))
@ -174,7 +175,10 @@ void CBotInstrMethode::RestoreStateVar(CBotStack* &pile, bool bMain)
CBotStack* pile2 = pile1->RestoreStack(); // and for the parameters coming CBotStack* pile2 = pile1->RestoreStack(); // and for the parameters coming
if (pile2 == nullptr) return; if (pile2 == nullptr) return;
CBotVar* pThis = pile1->FindVar("this"); CBotVar* pThis = pile1->GetVar();
assert(pThis != nullptr); // see fix for issues #256 & #436
pThis->SetUniqNum(-2); pThis->SetUniqNum(-2);
int i = 0; int i = 0;
@ -226,7 +230,7 @@ bool CBotInstrMethode::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
// Test.Action (Test = Other); // Test.Action (Test = Other);
// Action must act on the value before test = Other! // Action must act on the value before test = Other!
pThis->SetName("this"); pThis->SetName("this");
pile1->AddVar(pThis); pile1->SetVar(pThis);
pile1->IncState(); pile1->IncState();
} }
int i = 0; int i = 0;
@ -250,7 +254,7 @@ bool CBotInstrMethode::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
ppVars[i] = nullptr; ppVars[i] = nullptr;
CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(m_className); CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(m_className);
CBotVar* pThis = pile1->FindVar("this"); CBotVar* pThis = pile1->GetVar();
CBotVar* pResult = nullptr; CBotVar* pResult = nullptr;
if (m_typRes.GetType()>0) pResult = CBotVar::Create("", m_typRes); if (m_typRes.GetType()>0) pResult = CBotVar::Create("", m_typRes);
if (m_typRes.Eq(CBotTypClass)) if (m_typRes.Eq(CBotTypClass))

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@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ bool TypeCompatible(CBotTypResult& type1, CBotTypResult& type2, int op)
if (max == 99) return false; // result is void? if (max == 99) return false; // result is void?
// special case for strin concatenation // special case for strin concatenation
if (op == ID_ADD && max >= CBotTypString) return true; if (op == ID_ADD && t1 == CBotTypString) return true;
if (op == ID_ASSADD && max >= CBotTypString) return true; if (op == ID_ASSADD && t2 == CBotTypString) return true;
if (op == ID_ASS && t1 == CBotTypString) return true; if (op == ID_ASS && t2 == CBotTypString) return true;
if (max >= CBotTypBoolean) if (max >= CBotTypBoolean)
{ {

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@ -39,7 +39,13 @@ CBotInstr* CompileParams(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotVar** ppVars);
/*! /*!
* \brief TypeCompatible Check if two results are consistent to make an * \brief TypeCompatible Check if two results are consistent to make an
* operation. * operation. TypeCompatible is used in two ways:
* For non-assignment operations: see CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile
* TypeCompatible( leftType, rightType, opType )
* For assignment or compound assignment operations (it's reversed):
* see CBotReturn::Compile & CBotExpression::Compile
* TypeCompatible( valueType, varType, opType )
* \param type1 * \param type1
* \param type2 * \param type2
* \param op * \param op

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@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ bool CBotLeftExprVar::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotVar* var2 = pj->GetVar(); // Initial value on the stack CBotVar* var2 = pj->GetVar(); // Initial value on the stack
if (var2 != nullptr) if (var2 != nullptr)
{ {
if (m_typevar.Eq(CBotTypString) && var2->GetType() != CBotTypString)
return true;
var1->SetVal(var2); // Set the value var1->SetVal(var2); // Set the value
} }

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@ -51,12 +51,13 @@ CBotInstr* CBotListArray::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotTypResu
CBotToken* pp = p; CBotToken* pp = p;
if (IsOfType( p, ID_NULL )) if (IsOfType( p, ID_NULL ) || (IsOfType(p, ID_OPBLK) && IsOfType(p, ID_CLBLK)))
{ {
CBotInstr* inst = new CBotExprLitNull(); CBotInstr* inst = new CBotExprLitNull();
inst->SetToken(pp); inst->SetToken(pp);
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk); // ok with empty element return pStack->Return(inst, pStk); // ok with empty element
} }
p = pp;
CBotListArray* inst = new CBotListArray(); CBotListArray* inst = new CBotListArray();
@ -65,25 +66,45 @@ CBotInstr* CBotListArray::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotTypResu
// each element takes the one after the other // each element takes the one after the other
if (type.Eq( CBotTypArrayPointer )) if (type.Eq( CBotTypArrayPointer ))
{ {
type = type.GetTypElem();
pStk->SetStartError(p->GetStart()); pStk->SetStartError(p->GetStart());
if (nullptr == ( inst->m_expr = CBotListArray::Compile( p, pStk, type ) )) if (nullptr == ( inst->m_expr = CBotListArray::Compile( p, pStk, type.GetTypElem() ) ))
{ {
goto error; if (pStk->IsOk())
inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(p, pStk);
if (inst->m_expr == nullptr || !pStk->GetTypResult().Compare(type)) // compatible type ?
pStk->SetError(CBotErrBadType1, p->GetStart());
goto error;
} }
while (IsOfType( p, ID_COMMA )) // other elements? while (IsOfType( p, ID_COMMA )) // other elements?
{ {
pStk->SetStartError(p->GetStart()); pStk->SetStartError(p->GetStart());
CBotInstr* i = CBotListArray::Compile(p, pStk, type); CBotInstr* i = nullptr;
if (nullptr == i) if (nullptr == ( i = CBotListArray::Compile(p, pStk, type.GetTypElem() ) ))
{ {
goto error; if (pStk->IsOk())
i = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(p, pStk);
if (i == nullptr || !pStk->GetTypResult().Compare(type)) // compatible type ?
pStk->SetError(CBotErrBadType1, p->GetStart());
goto error;
} }
inst->m_expr->AddNext3(i); inst->m_expr->AddNext3b(i);
if ( p->GetType() == ID_COMMA ) continue;
if ( p->GetType() == ID_CLBLK ) break;
pStk->SetError(CBotErrClosePar, p);
goto error;
} }
} }
else else
@ -93,9 +114,10 @@ CBotInstr* CBotListArray::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotTypResu
{ {
goto error; goto error;
} }
CBotVar* pv = pStk->GetVar(); // result of the expression
if (pv == nullptr || !TypesCompatibles( type, pv->GetTypResult())) // compatible type? CBotTypResult valType = pStk->GetTypResult();
if (!TypeCompatible(valType, type, ID_ASS) )
{ {
pStk->SetError(CBotErrBadType1, p->GetStart()); pStk->SetError(CBotErrBadType1, p->GetStart());
goto error; goto error;
@ -111,14 +133,20 @@ CBotInstr* CBotListArray::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotTypResu
goto error; goto error;
} }
CBotVar* pv = pStk->GetVar(); // result of the expression CBotTypResult valType = pStk->GetTypResult();
if (pv == nullptr || !TypesCompatibles( type, pv->GetTypResult())) // compatible type? if (!TypeCompatible(valType, type, ID_ASS) )
{ {
pStk->SetError(CBotErrBadType1, p->GetStart()); pStk->SetError(CBotErrBadType1, p->GetStart());
goto error; goto error;
} }
inst->m_expr->AddNext3(i); inst->m_expr->AddNext3b(i);
if (p->GetType() == ID_COMMA) continue;
if (p->GetType() == ID_CLBLK) break;
pStk->SetError(CBotErrClosePar, p);
goto error;
} }
} }
@ -146,7 +174,7 @@ bool CBotListArray::Execute(CBotStack* &pj, CBotVar* pVar)
int n = 0; int n = 0;
for (; p != nullptr ; n++, p = p->GetNext3()) for (; p != nullptr ; n++, p = p->GetNext3b())
{ {
if (pile1->GetState() > n) continue; if (pile1->GetState() > n) continue;
@ -178,7 +206,7 @@ void CBotListArray::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
int state = pile->GetState(); int state = pile->GetState();
while(state-- > 0) p = p->GetNext3() ; while(state-- > 0) p = p->GetNext3b() ;
p->RestoreState(pile, bMain); // size calculation //interrupted! p->RestoreState(pile, bMain); // size calculation //interrupted!
} }

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@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ protected:
virtual std::map<std::string, CBotInstr*> GetDebugLinks() override; virtual std::map<std::string, CBotInstr*> GetDebugLinks() override;
private: private:
//! An expression for an element others are linked with CBotInstr :: m_next3; //! An expression for an element others are linked with CBotInstr :: m_next3b;
CBotInstr* m_expr; CBotInstr* m_expr;
}; };

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@ -50,7 +50,11 @@ CBotInstr* CBotNew::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
if (!IsOfType(p, ID_NEW)) return nullptr; if (!IsOfType(p, ID_NEW)) return nullptr;
// verifies that the token is a class name // verifies that the token is a class name
if (p->GetType() != TokenTypVar) return nullptr; if (p->GetType() != TokenTypVar)
pStack->SetError(CBotErrBadNew, p);
return nullptr;
CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(p); CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(p);
if (pClass == nullptr) if (pClass == nullptr)

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@ -214,6 +214,13 @@ CBotInstr* CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, int* pOpera
type2 = pStk->GetTypResult(); // what kind of results? type2 = pStk->GetTypResult(); // what kind of results?
if ( type1.Eq(99) || type2.Eq(99) ) // operand is void
pStack->SetError(CBotErrBadType2, &inst->m_token);
delete inst;
return nullptr;
// what kind of result? // what kind of result?
int TypeRes = std::max( type1.GetType(CBotTypResult::GetTypeMode::NULL_AS_POINTER), type2.GetType(CBotTypResult::GetTypeMode::NULL_AS_POINTER) ); int TypeRes = std::max( type1.GetType(CBotTypResult::GetTypeMode::NULL_AS_POINTER), type2.GetType(CBotTypResult::GetTypeMode::NULL_AS_POINTER) );
if (typeOp == ID_ADD && type1.Eq(CBotTypString)) if (typeOp == ID_ADD && type1.Eq(CBotTypString))
@ -267,7 +274,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, int* pOpera
return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk); return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk);
} }
if ( TypeRes != CBotTypString ) if ( TypeRes != CBotTypString ) // keep string conversion
TypeRes = std::max(type1.GetType(), type2.GetType()); TypeRes = std::max(type1.GetType(), type2.GetType());
inst = i; inst = i;
} }
@ -370,7 +377,9 @@ bool CBotTwoOpExpr::Execute(CBotStack* &pStack)
// what kind of result? // what kind of result?
int TypeRes = std::max(type1.GetType(), type2.GetType()); int TypeRes = std::max(type1.GetType(), type2.GetType());
if ( GetTokenType() == ID_ADD && type1.Eq(CBotTypString) ) // see "any type convertible chain" in compile method
if ( GetTokenType() == ID_ADD &&
(type1.Eq(CBotTypString) || type2.Eq(CBotTypString)) )
{ {
TypeRes = CBotTypString; TypeRes = CBotTypString;
} }
@ -397,7 +406,8 @@ bool CBotTwoOpExpr::Execute(CBotStack* &pStack)
CBotVar* result = CBotVar::Create("", TypeRes); CBotVar* result = CBotVar::Create("", TypeRes);
// creates a variable to perform the calculation in the appropriate type // creates a variable to perform the calculation in the appropriate type
TypeRes = std::max(type1.GetType(), type2.GetType()); if ( TypeRes != CBotTypString ) // keep string conversion
TypeRes = std::max(type1.GetType(), type2.GetType());
if ( GetTokenType() == ID_ADD && type1.Eq(CBotTypString) ) if ( GetTokenType() == ID_ADD && type1.Eq(CBotTypString) )
{ {

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@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ bool CBotProgram::Run(void* pUser, int timer)
m_error = m_stack->GetError(m_errorStart, m_errorEnd); m_error = m_stack->GetError(m_errorStart, m_errorEnd);
m_stack->Delete(); m_stack->Delete();
m_stack = nullptr; m_stack = nullptr;
return true; // execution is finished! return true; // execution is finished!
} }
@ -226,6 +227,7 @@ void CBotProgram::Stop()
m_stack->Delete(); m_stack->Delete();
m_stack = nullptr; m_stack = nullptr;
m_entryPoint = nullptr; m_entryPoint = nullptr;
} }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public:
* \param[out] code Error code * \param[out] code Error code
* \param[out] start Starting position in the code string of this error * \param[out] start Starting position in the code string of this error
* \param[out] end Ending position in the code string of this error * \param[out] end Ending position in the code string of this error
* \return false if no error has occured * \return false if no error has occurred
*/ */
bool GetError(CBotError& code, int& start, int& end); bool GetError(CBotError& code, int& start, int& end);
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ public:
* \param[out] start Starting position in the code string of this error * \param[out] start Starting position in the code string of this error
* \param[out] end Ending position in the code string of this error * \param[out] end Ending position in the code string of this error
* \param[out] pProg Program that caused the error (TODO: This always returns "this"... what?) * \param[out] pProg Program that caused the error (TODO: This always returns "this"... what?)
* \return false if no error has occured * \return false if no error has occurred
*/ */
bool GetError(CBotError& code, int& start, int& end, CBotProgram*& pProg); bool GetError(CBotError& code, int& start, int& end, CBotProgram*& pProg);

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@ -805,6 +805,8 @@ bool CBotVar::RestoreState(FILE* pf, CBotVar* &pVar)
CBotToken token(name, std::string()); CBotToken token(name, std::string());
bool isClass = false;
switch (w) switch (w)
{ {
case CBotTypInt: case CBotTypInt:
@ -826,6 +828,7 @@ bool CBotVar::RestoreState(FILE* pf, CBotVar* &pVar)
// returns an intrinsic object or element of an array // returns an intrinsic object or element of an array
case CBotTypIntrinsic: case CBotTypIntrinsic:
isClass = true;
case CBotTypArrayBody: case CBotTypArrayBody:
{ {
CBotTypResult r; CBotTypResult r;
@ -843,6 +846,17 @@ bool CBotVar::RestoreState(FILE* pf, CBotVar* &pVar)
if ( !RestoreState(pf, (static_cast<CBotVarClass*>(pNew))->m_pVar)) return false; if ( !RestoreState(pf, (static_cast<CBotVarClass*>(pNew))->m_pVar)) return false;
pNew->SetIdent(id); pNew->SetIdent(id);
if (isClass && p == nullptr) // set id for each item in this instance
CBotVar* pVars = pNew->GetItemList();
long itemId = 1;
while (pVars != nullptr)
pVars->m_ident = itemId++;
pVars = pVars->GetNext();
if ( p != nullptr ) if ( p != nullptr )
{ {
delete pNew; delete pNew;

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@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public:
/** /**
* \brief Check if there was an error * \brief Check if there was an error
* \return false if an error occured * \return false if an error occurred
* \see GetError() * \see GetError()
*/ */
bool IsOk() bool IsOk()

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@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ CBotVar::CBotVar( )
m_mPrivate = ProtectionLevel::Public; m_mPrivate = ProtectionLevel::Public;
} }
CBotVar::CBotVar(const CBotToken &name) : CBotVar()
m_token = new CBotToken(name);
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CBotVar::~CBotVar( ) CBotVar::~CBotVar( )
{ {
@ -698,7 +703,16 @@ void CBotVar::Dec()
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CBotVar::Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName) void CBotVar::Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName)
{ {
assert(0); if (bName) *m_token = *pSrc->m_token;
m_type = pSrc->m_type;
m_binit = pSrc->m_binit;
//- m_bStatic = pSrc->m_bStatic;
m_next = nullptr;
m_pMyThis = nullptr;//p->m_pMyThis;
m_pUserPtr = pSrc->m_pUserPtr;
// keeps indentificator the same (by default)
if (m_ident == 0) m_ident = pSrc->m_ident;
} }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@ -727,4 +741,39 @@ CBotClass* CBotVar::GetClass()
return nullptr; return nullptr;
} }
CBotVar::operator int()
return GetValInt();
CBotVar::operator float()
return GetValFloat();
CBotVar::operator std::string()
return GetValString();
void CBotVar::operator=(const CBotVar &var)
void CBotVar::operator=(int x)
void CBotVar::operator=(float x)
void CBotVar::operator=(const std::string &x)
} // namespace CBot } // namespace CBot

View File

@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ public:
*/ */
CBotVar(); CBotVar();
* \brief Constructor. Do not call directly, use CBotVar::Create()
CBotVar(const CBotToken& name);
/** /**
* \brief Destructor. Do not call directly, use CBotVar::Destroy() * \brief Destructor. Do not call directly, use CBotVar::Destroy()
*/ */
@ -439,6 +444,14 @@ public:
*/ */
//@{ //@{
operator int();
operator float();
operator std::string();
void operator=(const CBotVar& var);
void operator=(int x);
void operator=(float x);
void operator=(const std::string &x);
/** /**
* \brief Set the value * \brief Set the value
* \param var Another variable to copy value from * \param var Another variable to copy value from

View File

@ -19,137 +19,27 @@
#include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarBoolean.h" #include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarBoolean.h"
#include "CBot/CBotEnums.h"
#include "CBot/CBotUtils.h"
#include "CBot/CBotToken.h"
namespace CBot namespace CBot
{ {
CBotVarBoolean::CBotVarBoolean(const CBotToken& name)
m_token = new CBotToken(name);
m_next = nullptr;
m_pMyThis = nullptr;
m_pUserPtr = nullptr;
m_InitExpr = nullptr;
m_LimExpr = nullptr;
m_type = CBotTypBoolean;
m_binit = InitType::UNDEF;
m_bStatic = false;
m_mPrivate = ProtectionLevel::Public;
m_val = 0;
void CBotVarBoolean::Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName)
CBotVarBoolean* p = static_cast<CBotVarBoolean*>(pSrc);
if (bName) *m_token = *p->m_token;
m_type = p->m_type;
m_val = p->m_val;
m_binit = p->m_binit;
//- m_bStatic = p->m_bStatic;
m_next = nullptr;
m_pMyThis = nullptr;//p->m_pMyThis;
m_pUserPtr = p->m_pUserPtr;
// keeps indentificator the same (by default)
if (m_ident == 0 ) m_ident = p->m_ident;
void CBotVarBoolean::SetValInt(int val, const std::string& s)
m_val = static_cast<bool>(val);
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarBoolean::SetValFloat(float val)
m_val = static_cast<bool>(val);
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
int CBotVarBoolean::GetValInt()
return m_val;
float CBotVarBoolean::GetValFloat()
return static_cast<float>(m_val);
std::string CBotVarBoolean::GetValString()
std::string ret;
std::string res;
if ( m_binit == CBotVar::InitType::UNDEF )
res = LoadString(TX_UNDEF);
return res;
if ( m_binit == CBotVar::InitType::IS_NAN )
res = LoadString(TX_NAN);
return res;
ret = LoadString( m_val > 0 ? ID_TRUE : ID_FALSE );
return ret;
void CBotVarBoolean::And(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) void CBotVarBoolean::And(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
{ {
m_val = left->GetValInt() && right->GetValInt(); SetValInt(left->GetValInt() && right->GetValInt());
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
} }
void CBotVarBoolean::Or(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) void CBotVarBoolean::Or(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
{ {
m_val = left->GetValInt() || right->GetValInt(); SetValInt(left->GetValInt() || right->GetValInt());
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
} }
void CBotVarBoolean::XOr(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) void CBotVarBoolean::XOr(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
{ {
m_val = left->GetValInt() ^ right->GetValInt(); SetValInt(left->GetValInt() ^ right->GetValInt());
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
} }
void CBotVarBoolean::Not() void CBotVarBoolean::Not()
{ {
m_val = m_val ? false : true ; SetValInt(!GetValInt());
} }
bool CBotVarBoolean::Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValInt() == right->GetValInt();
bool CBotVarBoolean::Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValInt() != right->GetValInt();
bool CBotVarBoolean::Save1State(FILE* pf) bool CBotVarBoolean::Save1State(FILE* pf)
{ {
return WriteWord(pf, m_val); // the value of the variable return WriteWord(pf, m_val); // the value of the variable

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVar.h" #include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarValue.h"
namespace CBot namespace CBot
{ {
@ -27,35 +27,17 @@ namespace CBot
/** /**
* \brief CBotVar subclass for managing boolean values (::CBotTypBoolean) * \brief CBotVar subclass for managing boolean values (::CBotTypBoolean)
*/ */
class CBotVarBoolean : public CBotVar class CBotVarBoolean : public CBotVarNumberBase<bool, CBotTypBoolean>
{ {
public: public:
/** CBotVarBoolean(const CBotToken &name) : CBotVarNumberBase(name) {}
* \brief Constructor. Do not call directly, use CBotVar::Create()
CBotVarBoolean(const CBotToken& name);
void SetValInt(int val, const std::string& s = nullptr) override;
void SetValFloat(float val) override;
int GetValInt() override;
float GetValFloat() override;
std::string GetValString() override;
void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName = true) override;
void And(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; void And(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void Or(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; void Or(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void XOr(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; void XOr(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void Not() override; void Not() override;
bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override; bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override;
//! The value.
bool m_val;
}; };
} // namespace CBot } // namespace CBot

View File

@ -343,10 +343,12 @@ std::string CBotVarClass::GetValString()
res += " ("; res += " (";
} }
} }
res += " )";
} }
else else
{ {
res = "( "; res = "{ ";
CBotVar* pv = m_pVar; CBotVar* pv = m_pVar;
while ( pv != nullptr ) while ( pv != nullptr )
@ -355,9 +357,10 @@ std::string CBotVarClass::GetValString()
if ( pv->GetNext() != nullptr ) res += ", "; if ( pv->GetNext() != nullptr ) res += ", ";
pv = pv->GetNext(); pv = pv->GetNext();
} }
res += " }";
} }
res += " )";
return res; return res;
} }

View File

@ -19,205 +19,9 @@
#include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarFloat.h" #include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarFloat.h"
#include "CBot/CBotEnums.h"
#include "CBot/CBotToken.h"
#include "CBot/CBotUtils.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace CBot namespace CBot
{ {
CBotVarFloat::CBotVarFloat(const CBotToken& name)
m_token = new CBotToken(name);
m_next = nullptr;
m_pMyThis = nullptr;
m_pUserPtr = nullptr;
m_InitExpr = nullptr;
m_LimExpr = nullptr;
m_type = CBotTypFloat;
m_binit = InitType::UNDEF;
m_bStatic = false;
m_mPrivate = ProtectionLevel::Public;
m_val = 0;
void CBotVarFloat::Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName)
CBotVarFloat* p = static_cast<CBotVarFloat*>(pSrc);
if (bName) *m_token = *p->m_token;
m_type = p->m_type;
m_val = p->m_val;
m_binit = p->m_binit;
//- m_bStatic = p->m_bStatic;
m_next = nullptr;
m_pMyThis = nullptr;//p->m_pMyThis;
m_pUserPtr = p->m_pUserPtr;
// keeps indentificator the same (by default)
if (m_ident == 0 ) m_ident = p->m_ident;
void CBotVarFloat::SetValInt(int val, const std::string& s)
m_val = static_cast<float>(val);
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarFloat::SetValFloat(float val)
m_val = val;
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
int CBotVarFloat::GetValInt()
return static_cast<int>(m_val);
float CBotVarFloat::GetValFloat()
return m_val;
std::string CBotVarFloat::GetValString()
std::string res;
if ( m_binit == CBotVar::InitType::UNDEF )
return LoadString(TX_UNDEF);
if ( m_binit == CBotVar::InitType::IS_NAN )
return LoadString(TX_NAN);
char buffer[300];
sprintf(buffer, "%.2f", m_val);
res = buffer;
return res;
void CBotVarFloat::Mul(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = left->GetValFloat() * right->GetValFloat();
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarFloat::Power(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = static_cast<float>(pow( left->GetValFloat() , right->GetValFloat() ));
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
CBotError CBotVarFloat::Div(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
float r = right->GetValFloat();
if ( r != 0 )
m_val = left->GetValFloat() / r;
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
return ( r == 0 ? CBotErrZeroDiv : CBotNoErr );
CBotError CBotVarFloat::Modulo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
float r = right->GetValFloat();
if ( r != 0 )
m_val = static_cast<float>(fmod( left->GetValFloat() , r ));
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
return ( r == 0 ? CBotErrZeroDiv : CBotNoErr );
void CBotVarFloat::Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = left->GetValFloat() + right->GetValFloat();
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarFloat::Sub(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = left->GetValFloat() - right->GetValFloat();
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarFloat::Neg()
m_val = -m_val;
void CBotVarFloat::Inc()
void CBotVarFloat::Dec()
bool CBotVarFloat::Lo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValFloat() < right->GetValFloat();
bool CBotVarFloat::Hi(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValFloat() > right->GetValFloat();
bool CBotVarFloat::Ls(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValFloat() <= right->GetValFloat();
bool CBotVarFloat::Hs(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValFloat() >= right->GetValFloat();
bool CBotVarFloat::Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValFloat() == right->GetValFloat();
bool CBotVarFloat::Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValFloat() != right->GetValFloat();
bool CBotVarFloat::Save1State(FILE* pf) bool CBotVarFloat::Save1State(FILE* pf)
{ {
return WriteFloat(pf, m_val); // the value of the variable return WriteFloat(pf, m_val); // the value of the variable

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVar.h" #include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarValue.h"
namespace CBot namespace CBot
{ {
@ -27,45 +27,12 @@ namespace CBot
/** /**
* \brief CBotVar subclass for managing float values (::CBotTypFloat) * \brief CBotVar subclass for managing float values (::CBotTypFloat)
*/ */
class CBotVarFloat : public CBotVar class CBotVarFloat : public CBotVarNumber<float, CBotTypFloat>
{ {
public: public:
/** CBotVarFloat(const CBotToken &name) : CBotVarNumber(name) {}
* \brief Constructor. Do not call directly, use CBotVar::Create()
CBotVarFloat(const CBotToken& name);
void SetValInt(int val, const std::string& s = nullptr) override;
void SetValFloat(float val) override;
int GetValInt() override;
float GetValFloat() override;
std::string GetValString() override;
void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName = true) override;
void Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void Sub(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void Mul(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
CBotError Div(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
CBotError Modulo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void Power(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Lo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Hi(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ls(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Hs(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void Neg() override;
void Inc() override;
void Dec() override;
bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override; bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override;
//! The value.
float m_val;
}; };
} // namespace CBot } // namespace CBot

View File

@ -19,276 +19,93 @@
#include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarInt.h" #include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarInt.h"
#include "CBot/CBotEnums.h"
#include "CBot/CBotToken.h"
#include "CBot/CBotUtils.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace CBot namespace CBot
{ {
CBotVarInt::CBotVarInt(const CBotToken& name)
m_token = new CBotToken(name);
m_next = nullptr;
m_pMyThis = nullptr;
m_pUserPtr = nullptr;
m_InitExpr = nullptr;
m_LimExpr = nullptr;
m_type = CBotTypInt;
m_binit = InitType::UNDEF;
m_bStatic = false;
m_mPrivate = ProtectionLevel::Public;
m_val = 0;
void CBotVarInt::Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName) void CBotVarInt::Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName)
{ {
CBotVarInt* p = static_cast<CBotVarInt*>(pSrc); CBotVarNumber::Copy(pSrc, bName);
CBotVarInt* p = static_cast<CBotVarInt*>(pSrc);
if ( bName) *m_token = *p->m_token; m_defnum = p->m_defnum;
m_type = p->m_type;
m_val = p->m_val;
m_binit = p->m_binit;
m_pMyThis = nullptr;
m_pUserPtr = p->m_pUserPtr;
// identificator is the same (by défaut)
if (m_ident == 0 ) m_ident = p->m_ident;
m_defnum = p->m_defnum;
} }
void CBotVarInt::SetValInt(int val, const std::string& defnum) void CBotVarInt::SetValInt(int val, const std::string& defnum)
{ {
m_val = val; CBotVarNumber::SetValInt(val, defnum);
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
m_defnum = defnum; m_defnum = defnum;
} }
void CBotVarInt::SetValFloat(float val)
m_val = static_cast<int>(val);
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
int CBotVarInt::GetValInt()
return m_val;
float CBotVarInt::GetValFloat()
return static_cast<float>(m_val);
std::string CBotVarInt::GetValString() std::string CBotVarInt::GetValString()
{ {
if ( !m_defnum.empty() ) return m_defnum; if (!m_defnum.empty()) return m_defnum;
return CBotVarValue::GetValString();
std::string res;
if ( m_binit == CBotVar::InitType::UNDEF )
return LoadString(TX_UNDEF);
if ( m_binit == CBotVar::InitType::IS_NAN )
return LoadString(TX_NAN);
char buffer[300];
sprintf(buffer, "%d", m_val);
res = buffer;
return res;
} }
void CBotVarInt::Mul(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = left->GetValInt() * right->GetValInt();
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarInt::Power(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = static_cast<int>( pow( static_cast<double>(left->GetValInt()) , static_cast<double>(right->GetValInt()) ));
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
CBotError CBotVarInt::Div(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
int r = right->GetValInt();
if ( r != 0 )
m_val = left->GetValInt() / r;
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
return ( r == 0 ? CBotErrZeroDiv : CBotNoErr );
CBotError CBotVarInt::Modulo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
int r = right->GetValInt();
if ( r != 0 )
m_val = left->GetValInt() % r;
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
return ( r == 0 ? CBotErrZeroDiv : CBotNoErr );
void CBotVarInt::Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = left->GetValInt() + right->GetValInt();
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarInt::Sub(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = left->GetValInt() - right->GetValInt();
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarInt::XOr(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = left->GetValInt() ^ right->GetValInt();
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarInt::And(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = left->GetValInt() & right->GetValInt();
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarInt::Or(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = left->GetValInt() | right->GetValInt();
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarInt::SL(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = left->GetValInt() << right->GetValInt();
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarInt::ASR(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
m_val = left->GetValInt() >> right->GetValInt();
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarInt::SR(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
int source = left->GetValInt();
int shift = right->GetValInt();
if (shift>=1) source &= 0x7fffffff;
m_val = source >> shift;
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void CBotVarInt::Neg() void CBotVarInt::Neg()
{ {
m_val = -m_val; CBotVarNumber::Neg();
void CBotVarInt::Inc()
void CBotVarInt::Dec()
void CBotVarInt::XOr(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
SetValInt(left->GetValInt() ^ right->GetValInt());
void CBotVarInt::And(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
SetValInt(left->GetValInt() & right->GetValInt());
void CBotVarInt::Or(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
SetValInt(left->GetValInt() | right->GetValInt());
void CBotVarInt::SL(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
SetValInt(left->GetValInt() << right->GetValInt());
void CBotVarInt::ASR(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
SetValInt(left->GetValInt() >> right->GetValInt());
void CBotVarInt::SR(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
int source = left->GetValInt();
int shift = right->GetValInt();
if (shift >= 1) source &= 0x7fffffff;
SetValInt(source >> shift);
} }
void CBotVarInt::Not() void CBotVarInt::Not()
{ {
m_val = ~m_val; m_val = ~m_val;
} }
void CBotVarInt::Inc()
void CBotVarInt::Dec()
bool CBotVarInt::Lo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValInt() < right->GetValInt();
bool CBotVarInt::Hi(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValInt() > right->GetValInt();
bool CBotVarInt::Ls(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValInt() <= right->GetValInt();
bool CBotVarInt::Hs(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValInt() >= right->GetValInt();
bool CBotVarInt::Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValInt() == right->GetValInt();
bool CBotVarInt::Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return left->GetValInt() != right->GetValInt();
bool CBotVarInt::Save0State(FILE* pf) bool CBotVarInt::Save0State(FILE* pf)
{ {
if ( !m_defnum.empty() ) if (!m_defnum.empty())
{ {
if(!WriteWord(pf, 200 )) return false; // special marker if(!WriteWord(pf, 200)) return false; // special marker
if(!WriteString(pf, m_defnum)) return false; // name of the value if(!WriteString(pf, m_defnum)) return false;
} }
return CBotVar::Save0State(pf); return CBotVar::Save0State(pf);
} }
bool CBotVarInt::Save1State(FILE* pf) bool CBotVarInt::Save1State(FILE* pf)
{ {
return WriteWord(pf, m_val); // the value of the variable return WriteWord(pf, m_val);
} }
} // namespace CBot } // namespace CBot

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVar.h" #include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarValue.h"
namespace CBot namespace CBot
{ {
@ -27,35 +27,19 @@ namespace CBot
/** /**
* \brief CBotVar subclass for managing integer values (::CBotTypInt) * \brief CBotVar subclass for managing integer values (::CBotTypInt)
*/ */
class CBotVarInt : public CBotVar class CBotVarInt : public CBotVarNumber<int, CBotTypInt>
{ {
public: public:
/** CBotVarInt(const CBotToken &name) : CBotVarNumber(name) {}
* \brief Constructor. Do not call directly, use CBotVar::Create()
CBotVarInt(const CBotToken& name);
void SetValInt(int val, const std::string& s = "") override; void SetValInt(int val, const std::string& s = "") override;
void SetValFloat(float val) override;
int GetValInt() override;
float GetValFloat() override;
std::string GetValString() override; std::string GetValString() override;
void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName = true) override; void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName = true) override;
void Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; void Neg() override;
void Sub(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; void Inc() override;
void Mul(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; void Dec() override;
CBotError Div(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
CBotError Modulo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void Power(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Lo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Hi(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ls(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Hs(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void XOr(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; void XOr(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void Or(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; void Or(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
@ -66,16 +50,10 @@ public:
void SR(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; void SR(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void ASR(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; void ASR(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void Neg() override;
void Inc() override;
void Dec() override;
bool Save0State(FILE* pf) override; bool Save0State(FILE* pf) override;
bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override; bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override;
private: protected:
//! The value.
int m_val;
//! The name if given by DefineNum. //! The name if given by DefineNum.
std::string m_defnum; std::string m_defnum;
friend class CBotVar; friend class CBotVar;

View File

@ -19,117 +19,27 @@
#include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarString.h" #include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarString.h"
#include "CBot/CBotEnums.h"
#include "CBot/CBotToken.h"
#include "CBot/CBotUtils.h"
namespace CBot namespace CBot
{ {
CBotVarString::CBotVarString(const CBotToken& name)
m_token = new CBotToken(name);
m_next = nullptr;
m_pMyThis = nullptr;
m_pUserPtr = nullptr;
m_InitExpr = nullptr;
m_LimExpr = nullptr;
m_type = CBotTypString;
m_binit = InitType::UNDEF;
m_bStatic = false;
m_mPrivate = ProtectionLevel::Public;
void CBotVarString::Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName)
CBotVarString* p = static_cast<CBotVarString*>(pSrc);
if (bName) *m_token = *p->m_token;
m_type = p->m_type;
m_val = p->m_val;
m_binit = p->m_binit;
//- m_bStatic = p->m_bStatic;
m_next = nullptr;
m_pMyThis = nullptr;//p->m_pMyThis;
m_pUserPtr = p->m_pUserPtr;
// keeps indentificator the same (by default)
if (m_ident == 0 ) m_ident = p->m_ident;
void CBotVarString::SetValString(const std::string& val)
m_val = val;
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
std::string CBotVarString::GetValString()
if ( m_binit == CBotVar::InitType::UNDEF )
return LoadString(TX_UNDEF);
if ( m_binit == CBotVar::InitType::IS_NAN )
return LoadString(TX_NAN);
return m_val;
void CBotVarString::Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) void CBotVarString::Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
{ {
m_val = left->GetValString() + right->GetValString(); SetValString(left->GetValString() + right->GetValString());
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
} }
bool CBotVarString::Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) bool CBotVarString::Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
{ {
return (left->GetValString() == right->GetValString()); return left->GetValString() == right->GetValString();
} }
bool CBotVarString::Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) bool CBotVarString::Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
{ {
return (left->GetValString() != right->GetValString()); return left->GetValString() != right->GetValString();
} }
bool CBotVarString::Lo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return (left->GetValString() == right->GetValString());
bool CBotVarString::Hi(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return (left->GetValString() == right->GetValString());
bool CBotVarString::Ls(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return (left->GetValString() == right->GetValString());
bool CBotVarString::Hs(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right)
return (left->GetValString() == right->GetValString());
bool CBotVarString::Save1State(FILE* pf) bool CBotVarString::Save1State(FILE* pf)
{ {
return WriteString(pf, m_val); // the value of the variable return WriteString(pf, m_val);
} }
} // namespace CBot } // namespace CBot

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVar.h" #include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarValue.h"
namespace CBot namespace CBot
{ {
@ -27,33 +27,61 @@ namespace CBot
/** /**
* \brief CBotVar subclass for managing string values (::CBotTypString) * \brief CBotVar subclass for managing string values (::CBotTypString)
*/ */
class CBotVarString : public CBotVar class CBotVarString : public CBotVarValue<std::string, CBotTypString>
{ {
public: public:
/** CBotVarString(const CBotToken &name) : CBotVarValue(name) {}
* \brief Constructor. Do not call directly, use CBotVar::Create()
CBotVarString(const CBotToken& name);
void SetValString(const std::string& val) override; void SetValString(const std::string& val) override
std::string GetValString() override; {
m_val = val;
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName = true) override; void SetValInt(int val, const std::string& s = "") override
void SetValFloat(float val) override
int GetValInt()
return FromString<int>(GetValString());
float GetValFloat()
return FromString<float>(GetValString());
void Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; void Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Lo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Hi(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ls(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Hs(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override; bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override;
private: private:
//! The value. template<typename T>
std::string m_val; static std::string ToString(T val)
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << val;
return ss.str();
template<typename T>
static T FromString(std::string val)
std::istringstream ss(val);
T v;
ss >> v;
return v;
}; };
} // namespace CBot } // namespace CBot

View File

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
* Copyright (C) 2001-2016, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
#pragma once
#include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVar.h"
#include "CBot/CBotEnums.h"
#include "CBot/CBotToken.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
namespace CBot
* \brief A variable holding a simple value (bool, int, float, string)
template <typename T, CBotType type>
class CBotVarValue : public CBotVar
* \brief Constructor. Do not call directly, use CBotVar::Create()
CBotVarValue(const CBotToken& name) : CBotVar(name)
m_type = type;
void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName = true) override
CBotVar::Copy(pSrc, bName);
CBotVarValue* p = static_cast<CBotVarValue*>(pSrc);
m_val = p->m_val;
void SetValString(const std::string& val) override
std::istringstream s(val);
s >> m_val;
m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
std::string GetValString() override
if (m_binit == CBotVar::InitType::UNDEF)
return LoadString(TX_UNDEF);
if (m_binit == CBotVar::InitType::IS_NAN)
return LoadString(TX_NAN);
std::ostringstream s;
s << m_val;
return s.str();
//! The value
T m_val;
* \brief A number based variable (bool, int, float)
template <typename T, CBotType type>
class CBotVarNumberBase : public CBotVarValue<T, type>
CBotVarNumberBase(const CBotToken &name) : CBotVarValue<T, type>(name) {}
void SetValInt(int val, const std::string &s = "") override
this->m_val = static_cast<T>(val);
this->m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
void SetValFloat(float val) override
this->m_val = static_cast<T>(val);
this->m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF;
int GetValInt() override
return static_cast<int>(this->m_val);
float GetValFloat() override
return static_cast<float>(this->m_val);
bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override
return left->GetValFloat() == right->GetValFloat();
bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override
return left->GetValFloat() != right->GetValFloat();
* \brief A number variable (int, float)
template <typename T, CBotType type>
class CBotVarNumber : public CBotVarNumberBase<T, type>
CBotVarNumber(const CBotToken &name) : CBotVarNumberBase<T, type>(name) {}
void Mul(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override
this->SetValFloat(left->GetValFloat() * right->GetValFloat());
void Power(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override
this->SetValFloat(pow(left->GetValFloat(), right->GetValFloat()));
CBotError Div(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override
float r = right->GetValFloat();
if (r == 0) return CBotErrZeroDiv;
this->SetValFloat(left->GetValFloat() / r);
return CBotNoErr;
CBotError Modulo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override
float r = right->GetValFloat();
if (r == 0) return CBotErrZeroDiv;
this->SetValFloat(fmod(left->GetValFloat(), r));
return CBotNoErr;
void Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override
this->SetValFloat(left->GetValFloat() + right->GetValFloat());
void Sub(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override
this->SetValFloat(left->GetValFloat() - right->GetValFloat());
void Neg() override
this->m_val = - this->m_val;
void Inc() override
void Dec() override
bool Lo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override
return left->GetValFloat() < right->GetValFloat();
bool Hi(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override
return left->GetValFloat() > right->GetValFloat();
bool Ls(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override
return left->GetValFloat() <= right->GetValFloat();
bool Hs(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override
return left->GetValFloat() >= right->GetValFloat();

View File

@ -1,75 +1,149 @@
CBotCallMethode.cpp CBot.h
CBotCStack.cpp CBotCStack.cpp
CBotDebug.cpp CBotDebug.cpp
CBotDefParam.cpp CBotDefParam.cpp
CBotExternalCall.cpp CBotExternalCall.cpp
CBotFileUtils.cpp CBotFileUtils.cpp
CBotProgram.cpp CBotFileUtils.h
CBotInstr/CBotBlock.cpp CBotInstr/CBotBlock.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotBoolExpr.cpp CBotInstr/CBotBoolExpr.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotBreak.cpp CBotInstr/CBotBreak.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotCase.cpp CBotInstr/CBotCase.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotCatch.cpp CBotInstr/CBotCatch.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotCondition.cpp CBotInstr/CBotCondition.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotDefArray.cpp CBotInstr/CBotDefArray.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotDefBoolean.cpp CBotInstr/CBotDefBoolean.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotDefClass.cpp CBotInstr/CBotDefClass.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotDefFloat.cpp CBotInstr/CBotDefFloat.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotDefInt.cpp CBotInstr/CBotDefInt.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotDefString.cpp CBotInstr/CBotDefString.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotDo.cpp CBotInstr/CBotDo.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotEmpty.cpp CBotInstr/CBotEmpty.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotExpression.cpp CBotInstr/CBotEmpty.h
CBotInstr/CBotExprLitBool.cpp CBotInstr/CBotExprLitBool.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotExprLitNan.cpp CBotInstr/CBotExprLitNan.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotExprLitNull.cpp CBotInstr/CBotExprLitNull.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotExprLitNum.cpp CBotInstr/CBotExprLitNum.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotExprLitString.cpp CBotInstr/CBotExprLitString.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotExprUnaire.cpp CBotInstr/CBotExprUnaire.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotExprVar.cpp CBotInstr/CBotExprVar.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotFieldExpr.cpp CBotInstr/CBotFieldExpr.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotFor.cpp CBotInstr/CBotFor.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotFunction.cpp CBotInstr/CBotFunction.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotIf.cpp CBotInstr/CBotIf.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotIndexExpr.cpp CBotInstr/CBotIndexExpr.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotInstrCall.cpp CBotInstr/CBotIndexExpr.h
CBotInstr/CBotInstr.cpp CBotInstr/CBotInstr.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotInstrMethode.cpp CBotInstr/CBotInstrMethode.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotInstrUtils.cpp CBotInstr/CBotInstrUtils.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotLeftExpr.cpp CBotInstr/CBotLeftExpr.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotLeftExprVar.cpp CBotInstr/CBotLeftExprVar.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotListArray.cpp CBotInstr/CBotListArray.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotListExpression.cpp CBotInstr/CBotListExpression.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotListInstr.cpp CBotInstr/CBotListInstr.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotLogicExpr.cpp CBotInstr/CBotLogicExpr.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotNew.cpp CBotInstr/CBotNew.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotParExpr.cpp CBotInstr/CBotParExpr.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotPostIncExpr.cpp CBotInstr/CBotPostIncExpr.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotPreIncExpr.cpp CBotInstr/CBotPreIncExpr.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotReturn.cpp CBotInstr/CBotReturn.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotSwitch.cpp CBotInstr/CBotSwitch.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotThrow.cpp CBotInstr/CBotThrow.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotTry.cpp CBotInstr/CBotTry.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotTwoOpExpr.cpp CBotInstr/CBotTwoOpExpr.cpp
CBotInstr/CBotWhile.cpp CBotInstr/CBotWhile.cpp
CBotVar/CBotVarArray.cpp CBotInstr/CBotWhile.h
CBotVar/CBotVarBoolean.cpp CBotProgram.cpp
CBotVar/CBotVarClass.cpp CBotProgram.h
CBotVar/CBotVar.cpp CBotVar/CBotVar.cpp
CBotVar/CBotVarFloat.cpp CBotVar/CBotVarFloat.cpp
CBotVar/CBotVarInt.cpp CBotVar/CBotVarInt.cpp
CBotVar/CBotVarPointer.cpp CBotVar/CBotVarPointer.cpp
CBotVar/CBotVarString.cpp CBotVar/CBotVarString.cpp
stdlib/Compilation.cpp stdlib/Compilation.cpp
stdlib/FileFunctions.cpp stdlib/FileFunctions.cpp
stdlib/MathFunctions.cpp stdlib/MathFunctions.cpp
stdlib/StringFunctions.cpp stdlib/StringFunctions.cpp
) )
# Includes # Includes
@ -90,3 +164,4 @@ else()
endif() endif()
group_sources("${SOURCES}" "Source Files")

View File

# Groups source files for IDE project
macro(group_sources SOURCES GROUP_ROOT)
get_filename_component(GROUP "${SOURCE_FILE}" PATH)
string(REPLACE "/" "\\" GROUP "${GROUP}")
source_group("${GROUP}" FILES "${SOURCE_FILE}")
# Subdirectories # Subdirectories
@ -64,6 +73,10 @@ if(OPENAL_SOUND)
sound/oalsound/buffer.cpp sound/oalsound/buffer.cpp
sound/oalsound/channel.cpp sound/oalsound/channel.cpp
sound/oalsound/check.cpp sound/oalsound/check.cpp
) )
endif() endif()
@ -75,195 +88,439 @@ endif()
# Source files # Source files
) )
@ -271,7 +528,6 @@ set(MAIN_SOURCES
) )
# Libraries # Libraries
set(LIBS set(LIBS
CBot CBot
@ -341,3 +597,5 @@ endif()
add_fake_header_sources("src") add_fake_header_sources("src")
endif() endif()
group_sources("${BASE_SOURCES}" "Source Files")

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "app/controller.h" #include "app/controller.h"
#include "app/input.h" #include "app/input.h"
#include "app/pathman.h"
#include "app/system.h" #include "app/system.h"
#include "common/config_file.h" #include "common/config_file.h"
@ -28,7 +29,6 @@
#include "common/key.h" #include "common/key.h"
#include "common/logger.h" #include "common/logger.h"
#include "common/make_unique.h" #include "common/make_unique.h"
#include "common/pathman.h"
#include "common/stringutils.h" #include "common/stringutils.h"
#include "common/version.h" #include "common/version.h"
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@
#include "object/object_manager.h" #include "object/object_manager.h"
#include "sound/sound.h"
#include "sound/oalsound/alsound.h" #include "sound/oalsound/alsound.h"
#endif #endif
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp> #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
#include <SDL.h> #include <SDL.h>
@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ bool CApplication::ChangeVideoConfig(const Gfx::DeviceConfig &newConfig)
m_device->ConfigChanged(m_deviceConfig); m_device->ConfigChanged(m_deviceConfig);
m_engine->ResetAfterVideoConfigChanged(); m_eventQueue->AddEvent(Event(EVENT_RESOLUTION_CHANGED));
return true; return true;
} }
@ -1812,13 +1812,17 @@ void CApplication::SetLanguage(Language language)
char* defaultLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); // Load system locale char* defaultLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); // Load system locale
GetLogger()->Debug("Default system locale: %s\n", defaultLocale); GetLogger()->Debug("Default system locale: %s\n", defaultLocale);
if (!locale.empty()) // Override system locale?
setlocale(LC_ALL, locale.c_str());
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); // Force numeric locale to "C" (fixes decimal point problems) setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); // Force numeric locale to "C" (fixes decimal point problems)
char* systemLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, nullptr); // Get current locale configuration std::string systemLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, nullptr); // Get current locale configuration
GetLogger()->Debug("Setting locale: %s\n", systemLocale); GetLogger()->Debug("Setting locale: %s\n", systemLocale.c_str());
// Update C++ locale // Update C++ locale
try try
{ {
std::locale::global(std::locale(systemLocale)); std::locale::global(std::locale(systemLocale.c_str()));
} }
catch (...) catch (...)
{ {

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include <sstream> #include <sstream>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <SDL_system.h>
template<> CInput* CSingleton<CInput>::m_instance = nullptr; template<> CInput* CSingleton<CInput>::m_instance = nullptr;
@ -48,8 +49,13 @@ CInput::CInput()
{ INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA, "camera" }, { INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA, "camera" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_DESEL, "desel" }, { INPUT_SLOT_DESEL, "desel" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_ACTION, "action" }, { INPUT_SLOT_ACTION, "action" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_NEAR, "near" }, { INPUT_SLOT_CAM_LEFT, "cleft" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_AWAY, "away" }, { INPUT_SLOT_CAM_RIGHT,"cright" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_CAM_UP, "cup" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_CAM_DOWN, "cdown" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_CAM_NEAR, "near" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_CAM_AWAY, "away" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_CAM_ALT, "camalt" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_NEXT, "next" }, { INPUT_SLOT_NEXT, "next" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_HUMAN, "human" }, { INPUT_SLOT_HUMAN, "human" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_QUIT, "quit" }, { INPUT_SLOT_QUIT, "quit" },
@ -63,13 +69,10 @@ CInput::CInput()
{ INPUT_SLOT_SPEED30, "speed30" }, { INPUT_SLOT_SPEED30, "speed30" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_SPEED40, "speed40" }, { INPUT_SLOT_SPEED40, "speed40" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_SPEED60, "speed60" }, { INPUT_SLOT_SPEED60, "speed60" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA_UP, "camup" }, { INPUT_SLOT_PAUSE, "pause" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA_DOWN, "camdown" }, { INPUT_SLOT_CMDLINE, "cmdline" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_PAUSE, "pause" },
{ INPUT_SLOT_CMDLINE, "cmdline" },
}; };
m_kmodState = 0;
m_mousePos = Math::Point(); m_mousePos = Math::Point();
m_mouseButtonsState = 0; m_mouseButtonsState = 0;
std::fill_n(m_keyPresses, static_cast<std::size_t>(INPUT_SLOT_MAX), false); std::fill_n(m_keyPresses, static_cast<std::size_t>(INPUT_SLOT_MAX), false);
@ -80,13 +83,6 @@ CInput::CInput()
void CInput::EventProcess(Event& event) void CInput::EventProcess(Event& event)
{ {
if (event.type == EVENT_KEY_DOWN ||
event.type == EVENT_KEY_UP)
// Use the occasion to update kmods
m_kmodState = event.kmodState;
// Use the occasion to update mouse button state // Use the occasion to update mouse button state
if (event.type == EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN) if (event.type == EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN)
{ {
@ -107,7 +103,7 @@ void CInput::EventProcess(Event& event)
data->slot = FindBinding(data->key); data->slot = FindBinding(data->key);
} }
event.kmodState = m_kmodState; event.kmodState = SDL_GetModState();
event.mousePos = m_mousePos; event.mousePos = m_mousePos;
event.mouseButtonsState = m_mouseButtonsState; event.mouseButtonsState = m_mouseButtonsState;
@ -134,12 +130,12 @@ void CInput::EventProcess(Event& event)
if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_GUP ) m_keyMotion.z = 1.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_GUP ) m_keyMotion.z = 1.0f;
if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_GDOWN) m_keyMotion.z = -1.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_GDOWN) m_keyMotion.z = -1.0f;
if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA_UP ) m_cameraKeyMotion.z = 1.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAM_LEFT ) m_cameraKeyMotion.x = -1.0f;
if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA_DOWN) m_cameraKeyMotion.z = -1.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAM_RIGHT) m_cameraKeyMotion.x = 1.0f;
if (data->key == KEY(KP_4) ) m_cameraKeyMotion.x = -1.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAM_UP ) m_cameraKeyMotion.y = 1.0f;
if (data->key == KEY(KP_6) ) m_cameraKeyMotion.x = 1.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAM_DOWN ) m_cameraKeyMotion.y = -1.0f;
if (data->key == KEY(KP_8) ) m_cameraKeyMotion.y = 1.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAM_NEAR ) m_cameraKeyMotion.z = -1.0f;
if (data->key == KEY(KP_2) ) m_cameraKeyMotion.y = -1.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAM_AWAY ) m_cameraKeyMotion.z = 1.0f;
} }
else if (event.type == EVENT_KEY_UP) else if (event.type == EVENT_KEY_UP)
{ {
@ -152,12 +148,12 @@ void CInput::EventProcess(Event& event)
if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_GUP ) m_keyMotion.z = 0.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_GUP ) m_keyMotion.z = 0.0f;
if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_GDOWN) m_keyMotion.z = 0.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_GDOWN) m_keyMotion.z = 0.0f;
if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA_UP ) m_cameraKeyMotion.z = 0.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAM_LEFT ) m_cameraKeyMotion.x = 0.0f;
if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA_DOWN) m_cameraKeyMotion.z = 0.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAM_RIGHT) m_cameraKeyMotion.x = 0.0f;
if (data->key == KEY(KP_4) ) m_cameraKeyMotion.x = 0.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAM_UP ) m_cameraKeyMotion.y = 0.0f;
if (data->key == KEY(KP_6) ) m_cameraKeyMotion.x = 0.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAM_DOWN ) m_cameraKeyMotion.y = 0.0f;
if (data->key == KEY(KP_8) ) m_cameraKeyMotion.y = 0.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAM_NEAR ) m_cameraKeyMotion.z = 0.0f;
if (data->key == KEY(KP_2) ) m_cameraKeyMotion.y = 0.0f; if (data->slot == INPUT_SLOT_CAM_AWAY ) m_cameraKeyMotion.z = 0.0f;
} }
else if (event.type == EVENT_JOY_AXIS) else if (event.type == EVENT_JOY_AXIS)
{ {
@ -183,10 +179,31 @@ void CInput::EventProcess(Event& event)
if (GetJoyAxisBinding(JOY_AXIS_SLOT_Z).invert) if (GetJoyAxisBinding(JOY_AXIS_SLOT_Z).invert)
m_joyMotion.z *= -1.0f; m_joyMotion.z *= -1.0f;
} }
if (data->axis == GetJoyAxisBinding(JOY_AXIS_SLOT_CAM_X).axis)
m_joyMotionCam.x = -Math::Neutral(data->value / 32768.0f, m_joystickDeadzone);
if (GetJoyAxisBinding(JOY_AXIS_SLOT_CAM_X).invert)
m_joyMotionCam.x *= -1.0f;
if (data->axis == GetJoyAxisBinding(JOY_AXIS_SLOT_CAM_Y).axis)
m_joyMotionCam.y = -Math::Neutral(data->value / 32768.0f, m_joystickDeadzone);
if (GetJoyAxisBinding(JOY_AXIS_SLOT_CAM_Y).invert)
m_joyMotionCam.y *= -1.0f;
if (data->axis == GetJoyAxisBinding(JOY_AXIS_SLOT_CAM_Z).axis)
m_joyMotionCam.z = -Math::Neutral(data->value / 32768.0f, m_joystickDeadzone);
if (GetJoyAxisBinding(JOY_AXIS_SLOT_CAM_Z).invert)
m_joyMotionCam.z *= -1.0f;
} }
event.motionInput = Math::Clamp(m_joyMotion + m_keyMotion, Math::Vector(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f), Math::Vector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); event.motionInput = Math::Clamp(m_joyMotion + m_keyMotion, Math::Vector(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f), Math::Vector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
event.cameraInput = m_cameraKeyMotion; event.cameraInput = Math::Clamp(m_joyMotionCam + m_cameraKeyMotion, Math::Vector(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f), Math::Vector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
} }
void CInput::MouseMove(Math::IntPoint pos) void CInput::MouseMove(Math::IntPoint pos)
@ -194,16 +211,6 @@ void CInput::MouseMove(Math::IntPoint pos)
m_mousePos = Gfx::CEngine::GetInstancePointer()->WindowToInterfaceCoords(pos); m_mousePos = Gfx::CEngine::GetInstancePointer()->WindowToInterfaceCoords(pos);
} }
int CInput::GetKmods() const
return m_kmodState;
bool CInput::GetKmodState(int kmod) const
return (m_kmodState & kmod) != 0;
bool CInput::GetKeyState(InputSlot key) const bool CInput::GetKeyState(InputSlot key) const
{ {
return m_keyPresses[key]; return m_keyPresses[key];
@ -217,10 +224,10 @@ bool CInput::GetMouseButtonState(int index) const
void CInput::ResetKeyStates() void CInput::ResetKeyStates()
{ {
GetLogger()->Trace("Reset key states\n"); GetLogger()->Trace("Reset key states\n");
m_kmodState = 0;
m_keyMotion = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); m_keyMotion = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
m_joyMotion = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); m_joyMotion = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
m_cameraKeyMotion = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); m_cameraKeyMotion = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
m_joyMotionCam = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for(int i=0; i<INPUT_SLOT_MAX; i++) for(int i=0; i<INPUT_SLOT_MAX; i++)
m_keyPresses[i] = false; m_keyPresses[i] = false;
} }
@ -257,8 +264,13 @@ void CInput::SetDefaultInputBindings()
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_DESEL ].primary = KEY(KP_0); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_DESEL ].primary = KEY(KP_0);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_ACTION ].primary = KEY(RETURN); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_ACTION ].primary = KEY(RETURN);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_ACTION ].secondary = KEY(e); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_ACTION ].secondary = KEY(e);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_NEAR ].primary = KEY(KP_PLUS); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_CAM_LEFT ].primary = KEY(KP_4);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_AWAY ].primary = KEY(KP_MINUS); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_CAM_RIGHT].primary = KEY(KP_6);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_CAM_UP ].primary = KEY(KP_8);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_CAM_DOWN ].primary = KEY(KP_2);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_CAM_NEAR ].primary = KEY(KP_PLUS);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_CAM_AWAY ].primary = KEY(KP_MINUS);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_CAM_ALT ].primary = VIRTUAL_KMOD(ALT);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_NEXT ].primary = KEY(TAB); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_NEXT ].primary = KEY(TAB);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_HUMAN ].primary = KEY(HOME); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_HUMAN ].primary = KEY(HOME);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_QUIT ].primary = KEY(ESCAPE); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_QUIT ].primary = KEY(ESCAPE);
@ -272,8 +284,6 @@ void CInput::SetDefaultInputBindings()
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_SPEED30].primary = KEY(F7); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_SPEED30].primary = KEY(F7);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_SPEED40].primary = KEY(F8); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_SPEED40].primary = KEY(F8);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_SPEED60].primary = KEY(F9); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_SPEED60].primary = KEY(F9);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA_UP].primary = KEY(PAGEUP);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA_DOWN].primary = KEY(PAGEDOWN);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_PAUSE].primary = KEY(PAUSE); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_PAUSE].primary = KEY(PAUSE);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_PAUSE].secondary = KEY(p); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_PAUSE].secondary = KEY(p);
m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_CMDLINE].primary = KEY(BACKQUOTE); m_inputBindings[INPUT_SLOT_CMDLINE].primary = KEY(BACKQUOTE);
@ -281,6 +291,9 @@ void CInput::SetDefaultInputBindings()
m_joyAxisBindings[JOY_AXIS_SLOT_X].axis = 0; m_joyAxisBindings[JOY_AXIS_SLOT_X].axis = 0;
m_joyAxisBindings[JOY_AXIS_SLOT_Y].axis = 1; m_joyAxisBindings[JOY_AXIS_SLOT_Y].axis = 1;
m_joyAxisBindings[JOY_AXIS_SLOT_Z].axis = 2; m_joyAxisBindings[JOY_AXIS_SLOT_Z].axis = 2;
m_joyAxisBindings[JOY_AXIS_SLOT_CAM_X].axis = -1;
m_joyAxisBindings[JOY_AXIS_SLOT_CAM_Y].axis = -1;
m_joyAxisBindings[JOY_AXIS_SLOT_CAM_Z].axis = -1;
} }
void CInput::SetInputBinding(InputSlot slot, InputBinding binding) void CInput::SetInputBinding(InputSlot slot, InputBinding binding)
@ -332,7 +345,7 @@ InputSlot CInput::FindBinding(unsigned int key)
void CInput::SaveKeyBindings() void CInput::SaveKeyBindings()
{ {
std::stringstream key; std::stringstream key;
CConfigFile::GetInstancePointer()->SetStringProperty("Keybindings", "_Version", "SDL2"); GetConfigFile().SetStringProperty("Keybindings", "_Version", "SDL2");
for (int i = 0; i < INPUT_SLOT_MAX; i++) for (int i = 0; i < INPUT_SLOT_MAX; i++)
{ {
InputBinding b = GetInputBinding(static_cast<InputSlot>(i)); InputBinding b = GetInputBinding(static_cast<InputSlot>(i));
@ -341,30 +354,30 @@ void CInput::SaveKeyBindings()
key.str(""); key.str("");
key << b.primary << " " << b.secondary; key << b.primary << " " << b.secondary;
CConfigFile::GetInstancePointer()->SetStringProperty("Keybindings", m_keyTable[static_cast<InputSlot>(i)], key.str()); GetConfigFile().SetStringProperty("Keybindings", m_keyTable[static_cast<InputSlot>(i)], key.str());
} }
for (int i = 0; i < JOY_AXIS_SLOT_MAX; i++) for (int i = 0; i < JOY_AXIS_SLOT_MAX; i++)
{ {
JoyAxisBinding b = GetJoyAxisBinding(static_cast<JoyAxisSlot>(i)); JoyAxisBinding b = GetJoyAxisBinding(static_cast<JoyAxisSlot>(i));
CConfigFile::GetInstancePointer()->SetIntProperty("Setup", "JoystickAxisBinding"+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i), b.axis); GetConfigFile().SetIntProperty("Setup", "JoystickAxisBinding"+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i), b.axis);
CConfigFile::GetInstancePointer()->SetIntProperty("Setup", "JoystickAxisInvert"+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i), b.invert); GetConfigFile().SetIntProperty("Setup", "JoystickAxisInvert"+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i), b.invert);
} }
CConfigFile::GetInstancePointer()->SetFloatProperty("Setup", "JoystickDeadzone", GetJoystickDeadzone()); GetConfigFile().SetFloatProperty("Setup", "JoystickDeadzone", GetJoystickDeadzone());
} }
void CInput::LoadKeyBindings() void CInput::LoadKeyBindings()
{ {
std::stringstream skey; std::stringstream skey;
std::string keys; std::string keys;
if (CConfigFile::GetInstancePointer()->GetStringProperty("Keybindings", "_Version", keys) && keys == "SDL2") // Keybindings from SDL1.2 are incompatible with SDL2 !! if (GetConfigFile().GetStringProperty("Keybindings", "_Version", keys) && keys == "SDL2") // Keybindings from SDL1.2 are incompatible with SDL2 !!
{ {
for (int i = 0; i < INPUT_SLOT_MAX; i++) for (int i = 0; i < INPUT_SLOT_MAX; i++)
{ {
InputBinding b; InputBinding b;
if (!CConfigFile::GetInstancePointer()->GetStringProperty("Keybindings", m_keyTable[static_cast<InputSlot>(i)], keys)) if (!GetConfigFile().GetStringProperty("Keybindings", m_keyTable[static_cast<InputSlot>(i)], keys))
continue; continue;
skey.clear(); skey.clear();
skey.str(keys); skey.str(keys);
@ -380,17 +393,17 @@ void CInput::LoadKeyBindings()
{ {
JoyAxisBinding b; JoyAxisBinding b;
if (!CConfigFile::GetInstancePointer()->GetIntProperty("Setup", "JoystickAxisBinding"+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i), b.axis)) if (!GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "JoystickAxisBinding"+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i), b.axis))
continue; continue;
int x = 0; int x = 0;
CConfigFile::GetInstancePointer()->GetIntProperty("Setup", "JoystickAxisInvert"+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i), x); // If doesn't exist, use default (0) GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "JoystickAxisInvert"+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i), x); // If doesn't exist, use default (0)
b.invert = (x != 0); b.invert = (x != 0);
SetJoyAxisBinding(static_cast<JoyAxisSlot>(i), b); SetJoyAxisBinding(static_cast<JoyAxisSlot>(i), b);
} }
float deadzone; float deadzone;
if (CConfigFile::GetInstancePointer()->GetFloatProperty("Setup", "JoystickDeadzone", deadzone)) if (GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Setup", "JoystickDeadzone", deadzone))
SetJoystickDeadzone(deadzone); SetJoystickDeadzone(deadzone);
} }

View File

@ -81,12 +81,6 @@ public:
void MouseMove(Math::IntPoint pos); void MouseMove(Math::IntPoint pos);
//! Returns the current key modifiers
int GetKmods() const;
//! Returns whether the given kmod is active
bool GetKmodState(int kmod) const;
//! Returns whether the key is pressed //! Returns whether the key is pressed
bool GetKeyState(InputSlot key) const; bool GetKeyState(InputSlot key) const;
@ -140,8 +134,6 @@ public:
//@} //@}
private: private:
//! Current state of key modifiers (bitmask of SDLMod)
unsigned int m_kmodState;
//! Current state of keys //! Current state of keys
bool m_keyPresses[INPUT_SLOT_MAX]; bool m_keyPresses[INPUT_SLOT_MAX];
@ -156,6 +148,8 @@ private:
Math::Vector m_keyMotion; Math::Vector m_keyMotion;
//! Motion vector set by joystick axes //! Motion vector set by joystick axes
Math::Vector m_joyMotion; Math::Vector m_joyMotion;
//! Camera motion vector set by joystick axes
Math::Vector m_joyMotionCam;
//! Camera controls on the numpad //! Camera controls on the numpad
Math::Vector m_cameraKeyMotion; Math::Vector m_cameraKeyMotion;

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
*/ */
#include "common/pathman.h" #include "app/pathman.h"
#include "common/config.h" #include "common/config.h"
@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ void CPathManager::InitPaths()
void CPathManager::LoadModsFromDir(const std::string &dir) void CPathManager::LoadModsFromDir(const std::string &dir)
{ {
GetLogger()->Trace("Looking for mods in '%s' ...\n", dir.c_str());
try try
{ {

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
*/ */
/** /**
* \file common/pathman.h * \file app/pathman.h
* \brief Class for managing data/lang/save paths * \brief Class for managing data/lang/save paths
*/ */

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "level/robotmain.h" #include "level/robotmain.h"
#include <algorithm> #include <algorithm>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
struct ActivePause struct ActivePause
{ {
@ -41,6 +42,17 @@ struct ActivePause
PauseMusic music; PauseMusic music;
}; };
std::string GetPauseName(PauseType type)
std::vector<std::string> x;
if ((type & PAUSE_ENGINE) != 0) x.push_back("engine");
if ((type & PAUSE_HIDE_SHORTCUTS) != 0) x.push_back("hide_shortcuts");
if ((type & PAUSE_PHOTO) != 0) x.push_back("photo");
if ((type & PAUSE_OBJECT_UPDATES) != 0) x.push_back("object_updates");
if ((type & PAUSE_MUTE_SOUND) != 0) x.push_back("mute_sound");
if ((type & PAUSE_CAMERA) != 0) x.push_back("camera");
return boost::algorithm::join(x, "|");
CPauseManager::CPauseManager() CPauseManager::CPauseManager()
{ {
@ -52,7 +64,7 @@ CPauseManager::~CPauseManager()
ActivePause* CPauseManager::ActivatePause(PauseType type, PauseMusic music) ActivePause* CPauseManager::ActivatePause(PauseType type, PauseMusic music)
{ {
//GetLogger()->Debug("Activated pause mode - %s\n", GetPauseName(type).c_str()); GetLogger()->Debug("Activated pause mode - %s\n", GetPauseName(type).c_str());
auto pause = MakeUnique<ActivePause>(type, music); auto pause = MakeUnique<ActivePause>(type, music);
ActivePause* ptr = pause.get(); ActivePause* ptr = pause.get();
m_activePause.push_back(std::move(pause)); m_activePause.push_back(std::move(pause));
@ -63,7 +75,7 @@ ActivePause* CPauseManager::ActivatePause(PauseType type, PauseMusic music)
void CPauseManager::DeactivatePause(ActivePause* pause) void CPauseManager::DeactivatePause(ActivePause* pause)
{ {
if (pause == nullptr) return; if (pause == nullptr) return;
//GetLogger()->Debug("Deactivated pause mode - %s\n", GetPauseName(pause->type).c_str()); GetLogger()->Debug("Deactivated pause mode - %s\n", GetPauseName(pause->type).c_str());
auto it = std::remove_if( auto it = std::remove_if(
m_activePause.begin(), m_activePause.end(), m_activePause.begin(), m_activePause.end(),
[&](const std::unique_ptr<ActivePause>& x) { return x.get() == pause; } [&](const std::unique_ptr<ActivePause>& x) { return x.get() == pause; }

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ enum PauseType
PAUSE_PHOTO = (1<<2), //!< photo mode, TODO: remove PAUSE_PHOTO = (1<<2), //!< photo mode, TODO: remove
PAUSE_OBJECT_UPDATES = (1<<3), //!< do not send events to objects PAUSE_OBJECT_UPDATES = (1<<3), //!< do not send events to objects
PAUSE_MUTE_SOUND = (1<<4), //!< mute sound PAUSE_MUTE_SOUND = (1<<4), //!< mute sound
PAUSE_CAMERA = (1<<5), //!< freeze camera
}; };
inline PauseType& operator|=(PauseType& a, const PauseType& b) inline PauseType& operator|=(PauseType& a, const PauseType& b)
{ {

View File

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ void CSignalHandlers::ReportError(const std::string& errorMessage)
} }
std::stringstream msg; std::stringstream msg;
msg << "Unhandled exception occured!" << std::endl; msg << "Unhandled exception occurred!" << std::endl;
msg << "==============================" << std::endl; msg << "==============================" << std::endl;
msg << errorMessage << std::endl; msg << errorMessage << std::endl;
msg << "==============================" << std::endl; msg << "==============================" << std::endl;
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ void CSignalHandlers::ReportError(const std::string& errorMessage)
std::cerr << std::endl << msg.str() << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl << msg.str() << std::endl;
m_systemUtils->SystemDialog(SDT_ERROR, "Unhandled exception occured!", msg.str()); m_systemUtils->SystemDialog(SDT_ERROR, "Unhandled exception occurred!", msg.str());
if (canSave && !triedSaving) if (canSave && !triedSaving)
{ {

View File

@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ private:
bool m_loaded; bool m_loaded;
}; };
//! Global function to get profile instance //! Global function to get config file instance
inline CConfigFile & GetConfigFile() inline CConfigFile & GetConfigFile()
{ {
return *CConfigFile::GetInstancePointer(); return CConfigFile::GetInstance();
} }

View File

@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ void InitializeEventTypeTexts()
@ -249,13 +251,19 @@ void InitializeEventTypeTexts()
@ -472,10 +480,6 @@ void InitializeEventTypeTexts()

View File

@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ enum EventType
//! Event sent on user quit request //! Event sent on user quit request
//! Event sent on resolution change
//! Event sent when textures have to be reloaded
@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ enum EventType
EVENT_WINDOW4 = 84, //!< CDisplayInfo EVENT_WINDOW4 = 84, //!< CDisplayInfo
EVENT_WINDOW5 = 85, //!< all menu windows EVENT_WINDOW5 = 85, //!< all menu windows
EVENT_WINDOW6 = 86, //!< code battle interface EVENT_WINDOW6 = 86, //!< code battle interface
EVENT_WINDOW7 = 87, //!< (unused) EVENT_WINDOW7 = 87, //!< debug interface
EVENT_WINDOW8 = 88, //!< (unused) EVENT_WINDOW8 = 88, //!< (unused)
EVENT_WINDOW9 = 89, //!< CMainDialog and CStudio file selector EVENT_WINDOW9 = 89, //!< CMainDialog and CStudio file selector
@ -233,6 +237,7 @@ enum EventType
@ -280,24 +285,30 @@ enum EventType
@ -376,6 +387,31 @@ enum EventType
EVENT_CMD = 800, EVENT_CMD = 800,

View File

@ -87,8 +87,13 @@ enum InputSlot
@ -102,8 +107,6 @@ enum InputSlot
@ -119,6 +122,9 @@ enum JoyAxisSlot
}; };

View File

@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
* Copyright (C) 2001-2016, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
#include "common/misc.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <chrono>
// Returns a non-accented letter.
char GetNoAccent(char letter)
if ( letter < 0 )
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'a';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'e';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'i';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'o';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'u';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'c';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'n';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'A';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'E';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'I';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'O';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ||
letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'U';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'C';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return 'N';
return letter;
// Returns an uppercase letter.
char GetToUpper(char letter)
/*if ( letter < 0 )
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
return toupper(letter);
// Returns a lowercase letter.
char GetToLower(char letter)
/*if ( letter < 0 )
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
if ( letter == '<EFBFBD>' ) return '<EFBFBD>';
return tolower(letter);
// Converting time to string.
void TimeToAscii(time_t time, char *buffer)
struct tm when;
int year;
when = *localtime(&time);
year = when.tm_year+1900;
if ( year < 2000 ) year -= 1900;
else year -= 2000;
char format[10];
int hour;
hour = when.tm_hour; // 0..23
if ( hour < 12 ) // morning?
strcpy(format, "am");
else // afternoon?
strcpy(format, "pm");
hour -= 12; // 0..11
if ( hour == 0 ) hour = 12;
sprintf(buffer, "%.2d.%.2d.%.2d %.2d:%.2d %s",
when.tm_mon+1, when.tm_mday, year,
hour, when.tm_min, format);
// Converting time to string.
void TimeToAsciiClean(time_t time, char *buffer)
struct tm when;
int year;
when = *localtime(&time);
year = when.tm_year+1900;
if ( year < 2000 ) year -= 1900;
else year -= 2000;
sprintf(buffer, "%.2d%.2d%.2d%.2d%.2d",
year, when.tm_mon+1, when.tm_mday,
when.tm_hour, when.tm_min);
std::string TimeFormat(float time)
int minutes = floor(time/60);
double time2 = fmod(time, 60);
double seconds;
double fraction = modf(time2, &seconds)*100;
std::ostringstream sstream;
sstream << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << minutes << ":" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << floor(seconds) << "." << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << floor(fraction);
return sstream.str();
// Adds an extension to file, if doesn't already one.
void AddExt(char* filename, const char* ext)
if ( strchr(filename, '.') != nullptr ) return; // already an extension?
strcat(filename, ext);
int GetCurrentTimestamp()
return std::chrono::seconds(std::time(nullptr)).count();

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
* Copyright (C) 2001-2016, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
#pragma once
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
// TODO: rewrite/refactor or remove
extern char GetNoAccent(char letter);
extern char GetToUpper(char letter);
extern char GetToLower(char letter);
extern void TimeToAscii(time_t time, char *buffer);
extern void TimeToAsciiClean(time_t time, char *buffer);
extern std::string TimeFormat(float time);
extern void AddExt(char* filename, const char* ext);
extern int GetCurrentTimestamp();

View File

@ -31,11 +31,8 @@
#include <physfs.h> #include <physfs.h>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp> #include <boost/regex.hpp>
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
CResourceManager::CResourceManager(const char *argv0) CResourceManager::CResourceManager(const char *argv0)
{ {
@ -152,27 +149,17 @@ bool CResourceManager::CreateDirectory(const std::string& directory)
return false; return false;
} }
//TODO: Don't use boost::filesystem here
bool CResourceManager::RemoveDirectory(const std::string& directory) bool CResourceManager::RemoveDirectory(const std::string& directory)
{ {
if (PHYSFS_isInit()) if (PHYSFS_isInit())
{ {
bool success = true; std::string path = CleanPath(directory);
std::string writeDir = PHYSFS_getWriteDir(); for (auto file : ListFiles(path))
{ {
std::string path = writeDir + "/" + CleanPath(directory); if (PHYSFS_delete((path + "/" + file).c_str()) == 0)
#if PLATFORM_WINDOWS return false;
} }
catch (std::exception&) return PHYSFS_delete(path.c_str()) != 0;
success = false;
return success;
} }
return false; return false;
} }
@ -241,32 +228,6 @@ long long CResourceManager::GetLastModificationTime(const std::string& filename)
return -1; return -1;
} }
//TODO: Don't use boost::filesystem. Why doesn't PHYSFS have this?
bool CResourceManager::Move(const std::string& from, const std::string& to)
if (PHYSFS_isInit())
bool success = true;
std::string writeDir = PHYSFS_getWriteDir();
std::string path_from = writeDir + "/" + CleanPath(from);
std::string path_to = writeDir + "/" + CleanPath(to);
fs::rename(CSystemUtilsWindows::UTF8_Decode(path_from), CSystemUtilsWindows::UTF8_Decode(path_to));
fs::rename(path_from, path_to);
catch (std::exception&)
success = false;
return success;
return false;
bool CResourceManager::Remove(const std::string& filename) bool CResourceManager::Remove(const std::string& filename)
{ {
if (PHYSFS_isInit()) if (PHYSFS_isInit())

View File

@ -66,8 +66,6 @@ public:
//! Returns last modification date as timestamp //! Returns last modification date as timestamp
static long long GetLastModificationTime(const std::string &filename); static long long GetLastModificationTime(const std::string &filename);
//! Move file/directory
static bool Move(const std::string &from, const std::string &to);
//! Remove file //! Remove file
static bool Remove(const std::string& filename); static bool Remove(const std::string& filename);
}; };

View File

@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsText[RT_TITLE_WRITE] = TR("Save the current mission"); stringsText[RT_TITLE_WRITE] = TR("Save the current mission");
stringsText[RT_TITLE_READ] = TR("Load a saved mission"); stringsText[RT_TITLE_READ] = TR("Load a saved mission");
stringsText[RT_PLAY_CHAP_CHAPTERS] = TR(" Chapters:"); stringsText[RT_PLAY_CHAP_CHAPTERS] = TR("Chapters:");
stringsText[RT_PLAY_CHAP_PLANETS] = TR(" Planets:"); stringsText[RT_PLAY_CHAP_PLANETS] = TR("Planets:");
stringsText[RT_PLAY_CHAP_USERLVL] = TR(" Custom levels:"); stringsText[RT_PLAY_CHAP_USERLVL] = TR("Custom levels:");
stringsText[RT_PLAY_LIST_LEVELS] = TR(" Levels in this chapter:"); stringsText[RT_PLAY_LIST_LEVELS] = TR("Levels in this chapter:");
stringsText[RT_PLAY_LIST_EXERCISES] = TR(" Exercises in the chapter:"); stringsText[RT_PLAY_LIST_EXERCISES] = TR("Exercises in the chapter:");
stringsText[RT_PLAY_LIST_CHALLENGES] = TR(" Challenges in the chapter:"); stringsText[RT_PLAY_LIST_CHALLENGES] = TR("Challenges in the chapter:");
stringsText[RT_PLAY_LIST_MISSIONS] = TR(" Missions on this planet:"); stringsText[RT_PLAY_LIST_MISSIONS] = TR("Missions on this planet:");
stringsText[RT_PLAY_LIST_FREEGAME] = TR(" Free game on this planet:"); stringsText[RT_PLAY_LIST_FREEGAME] = TR("Free game on this planet:");
stringsText[RT_PLAY_RESUME] = TR(" Summary:"); stringsText[RT_PLAY_RESUME] = TR("Summary:");
stringsText[RT_SETUP_MODE] = TR(" Resolution:"); stringsText[RT_SETUP_MODE] = TR("Resolution:");
stringsText[RT_SETUP_KEY1] = TR("1) First click on the key you want to redefine."); stringsText[RT_SETUP_KEY1] = TR("1) First click on the key you want to redefine.");
stringsText[RT_SETUP_KEY2] = TR("2) Then press the key you want to use instead."); stringsText[RT_SETUP_KEY2] = TR("2) Then press the key you want to use instead.");
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsText[RT_DIALOG_ABORT] = TR("Abort\\Abort the current mission"); stringsText[RT_DIALOG_ABORT] = TR("Abort\\Abort the current mission");
stringsText[RT_DIALOG_CONTINUE] = TR("Continue\\Continue the current mission"); stringsText[RT_DIALOG_CONTINUE] = TR("Continue\\Continue the current mission");
stringsText[RT_DIALOG_DELOBJ] = TR("Do you really want to destroy the selected building?"); stringsText[RT_DIALOG_DELOBJ] = TR("Do you really want to destroy the selected building?");
stringsText[RT_DIALOG_DELGAME] = TR("Do you want to delete %s's saved games? "); stringsText[RT_DIALOG_DELGAME] = TR("Do you want to delete %s's saved games?");
stringsText[RT_DIALOG_YES] = TR("Yes"); stringsText[RT_DIALOG_YES] = TR("Yes");
stringsText[RT_DIALOG_NO] = TR("No"); stringsText[RT_DIALOG_NO] = TR("No");
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_NAME] = TR("Change player\\Change player"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_NAME] = TR("Change player\\Change player");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_SETUP] = TR("Options\\Preferences"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_SETUP] = TR("Options\\Preferences");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_AGAIN] = TR("Restart\\Restart the mission from the beginning"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_AGAIN] = TR("Restart\\Restart the mission from the beginning");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_WRITE] = TR("Save\\Save the current mission "); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_WRITE] = TR("Save\\Save the current mission");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_READ] = TR("Load\\Load a saved mission"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_READ] = TR("Load\\Load a saved mission");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_ABORT] = TR("\\Return to Colobot: Gold Edition"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_ABORT] = TR("\\Return to Colobot: Gold Edition");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_QUIT] = TR("Quit\\Quit Colobot: Gold Edition"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_QUIT] = TR("Quit\\Quit Colobot: Gold Edition");
@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_LIGHT] = TR("Dynamic lighting\\Mobile light sources"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_LIGHT] = TR("Dynamic lighting\\Mobile light sources");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PARTI] = TR("Number of particles\\Explosions, dust, reflections, etc."); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PARTI] = TR("Number of particles\\Explosions, dust, reflections, etc.");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_CLIP] = TR("Render distance\\Maximum visibility"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_CLIP] = TR("Render distance\\Maximum visibility");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PAUSE_BLUR]= TR("Pause blur\\Blur the background on the pause screen");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_RAIN] = TR("Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_RAIN] = TR("Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_GLINT] = TR("Reflections on the buttons \\Shiny buttons"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_GLINT] = TR("Reflections on the buttons \\Shiny buttons");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_TOOLTIP] = TR("Help balloons\\Explain the function of the buttons"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_TOOLTIP] = TR("Help balloons\\Explain the function of the buttons");
@ -220,8 +221,13 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA] = TR("Change camera\\Switches between onboard camera and following camera"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA] = TR("Change camera\\Switches between onboard camera and following camera");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_DESEL] = TR("Previous object\\Selects the previous object"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_DESEL] = TR("Previous object\\Selects the previous object");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_ACTION] = TR("Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_ACTION] = TR("Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_NEAR] = TR("Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CAM_LEFT] = TR("Camera left\\Turns the camera left");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_AWAY] = TR("Camera back\\Moves the camera backward"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CAM_RIGHT] = TR("Camera right\\Turns the camera right");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CAM_UP] = TR("Camera up\\Turns the camera up");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CAM_DOWN] = TR("Camera down\\Turns the camera down");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CAM_NEAR] = TR("Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CAM_AWAY] = TR("Camera back\\Moves the camera backward");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CAM_ALT] = TR("Alternative camera mode\\Move sideways instead of rotating (in free camera)");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_NEXT] = TR("Next object\\Selects the next object"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_NEXT] = TR("Next object\\Selects the next object");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_HUMAN] = TR("Select the astronaut\\Selects the astronaut"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_HUMAN] = TR("Select the astronaut\\Selects the astronaut");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_QUIT] = TR("Quit\\Quit the current mission or exercise"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_QUIT] = TR("Quit\\Quit the current mission or exercise");
@ -235,13 +241,11 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_SPEED30] = TR("Speed 3.0x\\Triple speed"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_SPEED30] = TR("Speed 3.0x\\Triple speed");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_SPEED40] = TR("Speed 4.0x\\Quadruple speed"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_SPEED40] = TR("Speed 4.0x\\Quadruple speed");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_SPEED60] = TR("Speed 6.0x\\Sextuple speed"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_SPEED60] = TR("Speed 6.0x\\Sextuple speed");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA_UP] = TR("Camera up\\Increase camera angle while visiting message origin");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CAMERA_DOWN] = TR("Camera down\\Decrease camera angle while visiting message origin");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_PAUSE] = TR("Pause\\Pause the game without opening menu"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_PAUSE] = TR("Pause\\Pause the game without opening menu");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CMDLINE] = TR("Cheat console\\Show cheat console"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_KEY+INPUT_SLOT_CMDLINE] = TR("Cheat console\\Show cheat console");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_VOLSOUND] = TR("Sound effects:\\Volume of engines, voice, shooting, etc."); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_VOLSOUND] = TR("Sound effects:\\Volume of engines, voice, shooting, etc.");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_VOLMUSIC] = TR("Background sound :\\Volume of audio tracks"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_VOLMUSIC] = TR("Background sound:\\Volume of audio tracks");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_MIN] = TR("Lowest\\Minimum graphic quality (highest frame rate)"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_MIN] = TR("Lowest\\Minimum graphic quality (highest frame rate)");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_NORM] = TR("Normal\\Normal graphic quality"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_NORM] = TR("Normal\\Normal graphic quality");
@ -254,6 +258,9 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_JOYSTICK_X_INVERT] = TR("Invert\\Invert values on this axis"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_JOYSTICK_X_INVERT] = TR("Invert\\Invert values on this axis");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_JOYSTICK_Y_INVERT] = TR("Invert\\Invert values on this axis"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_JOYSTICK_Y_INVERT] = TR("Invert\\Invert values on this axis");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_JOYSTICK_Z_INVERT] = TR("Invert\\Invert values on this axis"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_JOYSTICK_Z_INVERT] = TR("Invert\\Invert values on this axis");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_JOYSTICK_CAM_X_INVERT] = TR("Invert\\Invert values on this axis");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_JOYSTICK_CAM_Y_INVERT] = TR("Invert\\Invert values on this axis");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_JOYSTICK_CAM_Z_INVERT] = TR("Invert\\Invert values on this axis");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_NEDIT] = TR("\\New player name"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_NEDIT] = TR("\\New player name");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_NOK] = TR("OK\\Choose the selected player"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_NOK] = TR("OK\\Choose the selected player");
@ -283,9 +290,9 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PCGb] = TR("Green"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PCGb] = TR("Green");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PCBb] = TR("Blue"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PCBb] = TR("Blue");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PFACE1] = TR("\\Face 1"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PFACE1] = TR("\\Face 1");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PFACE2] = TR("\\Face 4"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PFACE2] = TR("\\Face 2");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PFACE3] = TR("\\Face 3"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PFACE3] = TR("\\Face 3");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PFACE4] = TR("\\Face 2"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PFACE4] = TR("\\Face 4");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PGLASS0] = TR("\\No eyeglasses"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PGLASS0] = TR("\\No eyeglasses");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PGLASS1] = TR("\\Eyeglasses 1"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PGLASS1] = TR("\\Eyeglasses 1");
stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PGLASS2] = TR("\\Eyeglasses 2"); stringsEvent[EVENT_INTERFACE_PGLASS2] = TR("\\Eyeglasses 2");
@ -388,10 +395,6 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_GINFO] = TR("Transmitted information"); stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_GINFO] = TR("Transmitted information");
stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_MAPZOOM] = TR("Zoom mini-map"); stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_MAPZOOM] = TR("Zoom mini-map");
stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_CAMERA] = TR("Camera (\\key camera;)"); stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_CAMERA] = TR("Camera (\\key camera;)");
stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_CAMERAleft] = TR("Camera to left");
stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_CAMERAright] = TR("Camera to right");
stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_CAMERAnear] = TR("Camera nearest");
stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_CAMERAaway] = TR("Camera awayest");
stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_HELP] = TR("Help about selected object"); stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_HELP] = TR("Help about selected object");
stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_SOLUCE] = TR("Show the solution"); stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_SOLUCE] = TR("Show the solution");
stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_SHORTCUT_MODE]= TR("Switch bots <-> buildings"); stringsEvent[EVENT_OBJECT_SHORTCUT_MODE]= TR("Switch bots <-> buildings");
@ -436,15 +439,15 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_CANCEL] = TR("Cancel\\Cancel all changes"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_CANCEL] = TR("Cancel\\Cancel all changes");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_CLONE] = TR("Clone program"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_CLONE] = TR("Clone program");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_NEW] = TR("New"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_NEW] = TR("New");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_OPEN] = TR("Open (Ctrl+o)"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_OPEN] = TR("Open (Ctrl+O)");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_SAVE] = TR("Save (Ctrl+s)"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_SAVE] = TR("Save (Ctrl+S)");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_UNDO] = TR("Undo (Ctrl+z)"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_UNDO] = TR("Undo (Ctrl+Z)");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_CUT] = TR("Cut (Ctrl+x)"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_CUT] = TR("Cut (Ctrl+X)");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_COPY] = TR("Copy (Ctrl+c)"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_COPY] = TR("Copy (Ctrl+C)");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_PASTE] = TR("Paste (Ctrl+v)"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_PASTE] = TR("Paste (Ctrl+V)");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_SIZE] = TR("Font size"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_SIZE] = TR("Font size");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_TOOL] = TR("Instructions (\\key help;)"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_TOOL] = TR("Instructions (\\key help;)");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_HELP] = TR("Programming help (\\key prog;)"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_HELP] = TR("Programming help (\\key prog;)");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_COMPILE] = TR("Compile"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_COMPILE] = TR("Compile");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_RUN] = TR("Execute/stop"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_RUN] = TR("Execute/stop");
stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_REALTIME] = TR("Pause/continue"); stringsEvent[EVENT_STUDIO_REALTIME] = TR("Pause/continue");
@ -605,8 +608,8 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsErr[ERR_ENERGY_LOW] = TR("Not enough energy yet"); stringsErr[ERR_ENERGY_LOW] = TR("Not enough energy yet");
stringsErr[ERR_ENERGY_EMPTY] = TR("No titanium to transform"); stringsErr[ERR_ENERGY_EMPTY] = TR("No titanium to transform");
stringsErr[ERR_ENERGY_BAD] = TR("Transforms only titanium"); stringsErr[ERR_ENERGY_BAD] = TR("Transforms only titanium");
stringsErr[ERR_BASE_DLOCK] = TR("Doors blocked by a robot or another object "); stringsErr[ERR_BASE_DLOCK] = TR("Doors blocked by a robot or another object");
stringsErr[ERR_BASE_DHUMAN] = TR("You must get on the spaceship to take off "); stringsErr[ERR_BASE_DHUMAN] = TR("You must get on the spaceship to take off");
stringsErr[ERR_LABO_NULL] = TR("Nothing to analyze"); stringsErr[ERR_LABO_NULL] = TR("Nothing to analyze");
stringsErr[ERR_LABO_BAD] = TR("Analyzes only organic matter"); stringsErr[ERR_LABO_BAD] = TR("Analyzes only organic matter");
stringsErr[ERR_LABO_ALREADY] = TR("Analysis already performed"); stringsErr[ERR_LABO_ALREADY] = TR("Analysis already performed");
@ -632,14 +635,12 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsErr[ERR_DELETEMOBILE] = TR("Bot destroyed"); stringsErr[ERR_DELETEMOBILE] = TR("Bot destroyed");
stringsErr[ERR_DELETEBUILDING] = TR("Building destroyed"); stringsErr[ERR_DELETEBUILDING] = TR("Building destroyed");
stringsErr[ERR_ENEMY_OBJECT] = TR("Unable to control enemy objects"); stringsErr[ERR_ENEMY_OBJECT] = TR("Unable to control enemy objects");
stringsErr[ERR_OBLIGATORYTOKEN] = TR("\"%s\" missing in this exercise");
stringsErr[ERR_PROHIBITEDTOKEN] = TR("Do not use in this exercise");
stringsErr[ERR_WRONG_BOT] = TR("Inappropriate bot"); stringsErr[ERR_WRONG_BOT] = TR("Inappropriate bot");
stringsErr[INFO_BUILD] = TR("Building completed"); stringsErr[INFO_BUILD] = TR("Building completed");
stringsErr[INFO_CONVERT] = TR("Titanium available"); stringsErr[INFO_CONVERT] = TR("Titanium available");
stringsErr[INFO_RESEARCH] = TR("Research program completed"); stringsErr[INFO_RESEARCH] = TR("Research program completed");
stringsErr[INFO_RESEARCHTANK] = TR("Plans for tracked robots available "); stringsErr[INFO_RESEARCHTANK] = TR("Plans for tracked robots available");
stringsErr[INFO_RESEARCHFLY] = TR("You can fly with the keys (\\key gup;) and (\\key gdown;)"); stringsErr[INFO_RESEARCHFLY] = TR("You can fly with the keys (\\key gup;) and (\\key gdown;)");
stringsErr[INFO_RESEARCHTHUMP] = TR("Plans for thumper available"); stringsErr[INFO_RESEARCHTHUMP] = TR("Plans for thumper available");
stringsErr[INFO_RESEARCHCANON] = TR("Plans for shooter available"); stringsErr[INFO_RESEARCHCANON] = TR("Plans for shooter available");
@ -673,7 +674,7 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrOpenPar] = TR("Opening bracket missing"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrOpenPar] = TR("Opening bracket missing");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrClosePar] = TR("Closing bracket missing "); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrClosePar] = TR("Closing bracket missing");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNotBoolean] = TR("The expression must return a boolean value"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNotBoolean] = TR("The expression must return a boolean value");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrUndefVar] = TR("Variable not declared"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrUndefVar] = TR("Variable not declared");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrBadLeft] = TR("Assignment impossible"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrBadLeft] = TR("Assignment impossible");
@ -681,11 +682,11 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrCaseOut] = TR("Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\""); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrCaseOut] = TR("Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\"");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoEnd] = TR("Instructions after the final closing brace"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoEnd] = TR("Instructions after the final closing brace");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrCloseBlock] = TR("End of block missing"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrCloseBlock] = TR("End of block missing");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrElseWhitoutIf] = TR("Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\" "); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrElseWhitoutIf] = TR("Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\"");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrOpenBlock] = TR("Opening brace missing "); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrOpenBlock] = TR("Opening brace missing");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrBadType1] = TR("Wrong type for the assignment"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrBadType1] = TR("Wrong type for the assignment");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrRedefVar] = TR("A variable can not be declared twice"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrRedefVar] = TR("A variable can not be declared twice");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrBadType2] = TR("The types of the two operands are incompatible "); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrBadType2] = TR("The types of the two operands are incompatible");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrUndefCall] = TR("Unknown function"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrUndefCall] = TR("Unknown function");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoDoubleDots] = TR("Sign \" : \" missing"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoDoubleDots] = TR("Sign \" : \" missing");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoWhile] = TR("Keyword \"while\" missing"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoWhile] = TR("Keyword \"while\" missing");
@ -700,7 +701,7 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoFunc] = TR("Function name missing"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoFunc] = TR("Function name missing");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrOverParam] = TR("Too many parameters"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrOverParam] = TR("Too many parameters");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrRedefFunc] = TR("Function already exists"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrRedefFunc] = TR("Function already exists");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrLowParam] = TR("Parameters missing "); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrLowParam] = TR("Parameters missing");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrBadParam] = TR("No function with this name accepts this kind of parameter"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrBadParam] = TR("No function with this name accepts this kind of parameter");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNbParam] = TR("No function with this name accepts this number of parameters"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNbParam] = TR("No function with this name accepts this number of parameters");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrUndefItem] = TR("This is not a member of this class"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrUndefItem] = TR("This is not a member of this class");
@ -715,11 +716,12 @@ void InitializeRestext()
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrBadIndex] = TR("Incorrect index type"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrBadIndex] = TR("Incorrect index type");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrPrivate] = TR("Private element"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrPrivate] = TR("Private element");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoPublic] = TR("Public required"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoPublic] = TR("Public required");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoExpression] = TR("Expression expected after =");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrZeroDiv] = TR("Dividing by zero"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrZeroDiv] = TR("Dividing by zero");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNotInit] = TR("Variable not initialized"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNotInit] = TR("Variable not initialized");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrBadThrow] = TR("Negative value rejected by \"throw\""); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrBadThrow] = TR("Negative value rejected by \"throw\"");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoRetVal] = TR("The function returned no value "); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoRetVal] = TR("The function returned no value");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoRun] = TR("No function running"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNoRun] = TR("No function running");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrUndefFunc] = TR("Calling an unknown function"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrUndefFunc] = TR("Calling an unknown function");
stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNotClass] = TR("This class does not exist"); stringsCbot[CBot::CBotErrNotClass] = TR("This class does not exist");

View File

@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ void CSettings::SaveSettings()
GetConfigFile().SetIntProperty("Setup", "MusicVolume", sound->GetMusicVolume()); GetConfigFile().SetIntProperty("Setup", "MusicVolume", sound->GetMusicVolume());
GetConfigFile().SetBoolProperty("Setup", "EditIndentMode", engine->GetEditIndentMode()); GetConfigFile().SetBoolProperty("Setup", "EditIndentMode", engine->GetEditIndentMode());
GetConfigFile().SetIntProperty("Setup", "EditIndentValue", engine->GetEditIndentValue()); GetConfigFile().SetIntProperty("Setup", "EditIndentValue", engine->GetEditIndentValue());
GetConfigFile().SetBoolProperty("Setup", "PauseBlur", engine->GetPauseBlurEnabled());
GetConfigFile().SetIntProperty("Setup", "MipmapLevel", engine->GetTextureMipmapLevel()); GetConfigFile().SetIntProperty("Setup", "MipmapLevel", engine->GetTextureMipmapLevel());
GetConfigFile().SetIntProperty("Setup", "Anisotropy", engine->GetTextureAnisotropyLevel()); GetConfigFile().SetIntProperty("Setup", "Anisotropy", engine->GetTextureAnisotropyLevel());
@ -229,6 +230,9 @@ void CSettings::LoadSettings()
if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "EditIndentValue", iValue)) if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "EditIndentValue", iValue))
engine->SetEditIndentValue(iValue); engine->SetEditIndentValue(iValue);
if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "PauseBlur", bValue))
if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "MipmapLevel", iValue)) if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "MipmapLevel", iValue))
engine->SetTextureMipmapLevel(iValue); engine->SetTextureMipmapLevel(iValue);

View File

@ -413,9 +413,6 @@ public:
//! Sets only the texture wrap modes (for faster than thru stage params) //! Sets only the texture wrap modes (for faster than thru stage params)
virtual void SetTextureStageWrap(int index, TexWrapMode wrapS, TexWrapMode wrapT) = 0; virtual void SetTextureStageWrap(int index, TexWrapMode wrapS, TexWrapMode wrapT) = 0;
//! Sets the texture coordinate generation mode for given texture unit
virtual void SetTextureCoordGeneration(int index, TextureGenerationParams &params) = 0;
//! Renders primitive composed of vertices with single texture //! Renders primitive composed of vertices with single texture
virtual void DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices , int vertexCount, virtual void DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices , int vertexCount,
Color color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) = 0; Color color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) = 0;

View File

@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ namespace Gfx
CNullDevice::CNullDevice() CNullDevice::CNullDevice()
{ {
m_matrix = Math::Matrix();
m_material = Material();
m_light = Light();
} }
CNullDevice::~CNullDevice() CNullDevice::~CNullDevice()
@ -157,10 +154,6 @@ void CNullDevice::SetTextureStageWrap(int index, TexWrapMode wrapS, TexWrapMode
{ {
} }
void CNullDevice::SetTextureCoordGeneration(int index, TextureGenerationParams &params)
void CNullDevice::DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices, int vertexCount, void CNullDevice::DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices, int vertexCount,
Color color) Color color)
{ {

View File

@ -17,11 +17,6 @@
* along with this program. If not, see * along with this program. If not, see
*/ */
* \file graphics/core/device.h
* \brief Abstract graphics device - CDevice class and related structs/enums
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "graphics/core/device.h" #include "graphics/core/device.h"
@ -38,7 +33,6 @@ namespace Gfx
/** /**
* \class CNullDevice * \class CNullDevice
* \brief Device implementation that doesn't render anything * \brief Device implementation that doesn't render anything
*/ */
class CNullDevice : public CDevice class CNullDevice : public CDevice
{ {
@ -86,7 +80,6 @@ public:
void SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &params) override; void SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &params) override;
void SetTextureStageWrap(int index, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapS, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapT) override; void SetTextureStageWrap(int index, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapS, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapT) override;
void SetTextureCoordGeneration(int index, TextureGenerationParams &params) override;
void DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex* vertices, int vertexCount, Color color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) override; void DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex* vertices, int vertexCount, Color color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) override;
void DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const VertexTex2* vertices, int vertexCount, Color color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) override; void DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const VertexTex2* vertices, int vertexCount, Color color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) override;
@ -160,11 +153,6 @@ public:
int GetMaxTextureSize() override; int GetMaxTextureSize() override;
bool IsFramebufferSupported() override; bool IsFramebufferSupported() override;
Math::Matrix m_matrix;
Material m_material;
Light m_light;
}; };

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -44,29 +44,25 @@ namespace Gfx
enum CameraType enum CameraType
{ {
//! Undefined //! Undefined
//! Free camera (? never in principle ?) //! Free camera
//! Camera while editing a program //! Camera while editing a program
//! Camera on board a robot //! Camera on board a robot
//! Camera behind a robot //! Camera behind a robot
//! Static camera following robot //! Static camera following robot
//! Camera steady after explosion //! Camera steady after explosion
//! Camera during a film script //! Camera during a cutscene
//! Camera for displaying information //! Visit camera, rotates around given position
//! Visit instead of an error
//! Camera for dialog
//! Static camera height //! Static camera height
}; };
enum CameraSmooth enum CameraSmooth
@ -93,15 +89,15 @@ enum CameraEffect
//! Digging in //! Digging in
//! ? Vehicle driving is severely ? //! Hard landing
//! Explosion //! Explosion
//! ? Not mortal shot ? //! Shot by an enemy
//! Vibration during construction //! Vibration during construction
//! ? Spleen reactor ? //! Overheated reactor
}; };
@ -126,7 +122,9 @@ enum CameraOverEffect
\class CCamera \class CCamera
\brief Camera moving in 3D scene \brief Camera moving in 3D scene
... */ This class manages everything related to animating the camera in 3D scene.
Calculated values are then passed to Gfx::CEngine.
class CCamera class CCamera
{ {
public: public:
@ -136,70 +134,83 @@ public:
//! Management of an event //! Management of an event
bool EventProcess(const Event &event); bool EventProcess(const Event &event);
//! Initializes the camera /**
* \brief Initializes the camera
* \param eye Initial eye position
* \param lookat Initial lookat position
* \param delay Time of the initial entry animation
void Init(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat, float delay); void Init(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat, float delay);
//! Sets the object controlling the camera //! Sets the object controlling the camera
void SetControllingObject(CObject* object); void SetControllingObject(CObject* object);
//! Gets the object controlling the camera
CObject* GetControllingObject(); CObject* GetControllingObject();
//! Change the type of camera //! Change the type of camera
void SetType(CameraType type); void SetType(CameraType type);
CameraType GetType(); //! Get the type of the camera
CameraType GetType();
//! Management of the smoothing mode //! Set smoothing mode
void SetSmooth(CameraSmooth type); void SetSmooth(CameraSmooth type);
//! Get smoothing mode
CameraSmooth GetSmooth(); CameraSmooth GetSmooth();
//! Management of the setback distance
void SetDist(float dist);
float GetDist();
//! Manage angle mode CAM_TYPE_FIX //! Returns the current point of view of the camera
void SetFixDirectionH(float angle);
float GetFixDirectionH();
void SetFixDirectionV(float angle);
float GetFixDirectionV();
//! Managing the triggering mode of the camera panning
void SetRemotePan(float value);
float GetRemotePan();
//! Management of the remote zoom (0 .. 1) of the camera
void SetRemoteZoom(float value);
float GetRemoteZoom();
//! Start with a tour round the camera
void StartVisit(Math::Vector goal, float dist);
//! Circular end of a visit with the camera
void StopVisit();
//! Returns the point of view of the camera
void GetCamera(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector &lookat); void GetCamera(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector &lookat);
//! Specifies a special movement of camera to frame action //! \name Visit camera management (CAM_TYPE_VISIT) - camera in this mode shows a position, constantly rotating around it
//! Start visit camera
void StartVisit(Math::Vector goal, float dist);
//! Stop visit camera
void StopVisit();
//! \name Camera "centering" - moves the camera to show some happening action (e.g. sniffer sniffing)
//! Move camera to show happening action
bool StartCentering(CObject *object, float angleH, float angleV, float dist, float time); bool StartCentering(CObject *object, float angleH, float angleV, float dist, float time);
//! Ends a special movement of camera to frame action //! Go back to normal position after showing some happening action
bool StopCentering(CObject *object, float time); bool StopCentering(CObject *object, float time);
//! Stop framing special in the current position //! Abort centering animation in the current position
void AbortCentering(); void AbortCentering();
//! Removes the special effect with the camera //! \name Camera shake effects
void FlushEffect(); //@{
//! Starts a special effect with the camera //! Starts a camera shake effect
void StartEffect(CameraEffect effect, Math::Vector pos, float force); void StartEffect(CameraEffect effect, Math::Vector pos, float force);
//! Removes the camera shake effect
void FlushEffect();
//! Removes the effect of superposition in the foreground //! \name Camera overlay effects
void FlushOver(); //@{
//! Specifies the base color //! Starts camera overlay effect
void SetOverBaseColor(Color color);
void StartOver(CameraOverEffect effect, Math::Vector pos, float force); void StartOver(CameraOverEffect effect, Math::Vector pos, float force);
//! Removes camera overlay effect
void FlushOver();
//! Specifies camera overlay effect base color
void SetOverBaseColor(Color color);
//! Sets the soft movement of the camera //! \name Script camera - cutscenes controlled by external code
void FixCamera(); //@{
void SetScriptEye(Math::Vector eye); //! Script camera: Set camera position
void SetScriptLookat(Math::Vector lookat); void SetScriptCamera(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat);
//! Script camera: Animate to given camera position
void SetScriptCameraAnimate(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat);
//! Script camera: Animate to given eye position
void SetScriptCameraAnimateEye(Math::Vector eye);
//! Script camera: Animate to given lookat position
void SetScriptCameraAnimateLookat(Math::Vector lookat);
//! \name Configuration settings
void SetEffect(bool enable); void SetEffect(bool enable);
bool GetEffect(); bool GetEffect();
void SetBlood(bool enable); void SetBlood(bool enable);
@ -210,59 +221,72 @@ public:
bool GetCameraInvertX(); bool GetCameraInvertX();
void SetCameraInvertY(bool invert); void SetCameraInvertY(bool invert);
bool GetCameraInvertY(); bool GetCameraInvertY();
//! Temporarily freeze camera movement
void SetFreeze(bool freeze);
//! Set camera speed
void SetCameraSpeed(float speed); void SetCameraSpeed(float speed);
protected: protected:
//! Changes the camera according to the mouse moved //! Advances the effect of the camera
bool EventMouseMove(const Event &event); void EffectFrame(const Event &event);
//! Mouse wheel operation //! Advanced overlay effect in the foreground
void EventMouseWheel(const Event &event); void OverFrame(const Event &event);
//! Mouse button handling
void EventMouseButton(const Event &event); bool EventFrameFree(const Event &event, bool keysAllowed);
//! Changes the camera according to the time elapsed
bool EventFrame(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameFree(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameEdit(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameDialog(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameBack(const Event &event); bool EventFrameBack(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameFix(const Event &event); bool EventFrameFix(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameExplo(const Event &event); bool EventFrameExplo(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameOnBoard(const Event &event); bool EventFrameOnBoard(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameInfo(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameVisit(const Event &event); bool EventFrameVisit(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameScript(const Event &event); bool EventFrameScript(const Event &event);
//! Specifies the location and direction of view to the 3D engine /**
void SetViewTime(const Math::Vector &eyePt, const Math::Vector &lookatPt, float rTime); * \brief Calculates camera animation and sends updated camera position to the 3D engine
//! Avoid the obstacles * \param eyePt Eye point
bool IsCollision(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector lookat); * \param lookatPt Lookat point
//! Avoid the obstacles * \param rTime Time since last time this function was called (used to calculate animation)
bool IsCollisionBack(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector lookat); * \see SetViewParams
//! Avoid the obstacles */
bool IsCollisionFix(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector lookat); void UpdateCameraAnimation(const Math::Vector &eyePt, const Math::Vector &lookatPt, float rTime);
* \brief Avoid the obstacles
* For CAM_TYPE_BACK: make obstacles transparent
* For CAM_TYPE_FIX or CAM_TYPE_PLANE: adjust eye not to hit the obstacles
* \param eye Eye position, may be adjusted
* \param lookat Lookat point
void IsCollision(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector lookat);
//! Avoid the obstacles (CAM_TYPE_BACK)
void IsCollisionBack();
//! Avoid the obstacles (CAM_TYPE_FIX or CAM_TYPE_PLANE)
void IsCollisionFix(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector lookat);
//! Adjusts the camera not to enter the ground //! Adjusts the camera not to enter the ground
Math::Vector ExcludeTerrain(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat, float &angleH, float &angleV); Math::Vector ExcludeTerrain(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat, float &angleH, float &angleV);
//! Adjusts the camera not to enter an object //! Adjusts the camera not to enter an object
Math::Vector ExcludeObject(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat, float &angleH, float &angleV); Math::Vector ExcludeObject(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat, float &angleH, float &angleV);
//! Specifies the location and direction of view /**
void SetViewParams(const Math::Vector &eye, const Math::Vector &lookat, const Math::Vector &up); * \brief Updates the location and direction of the camera in the 3D engine
//! Advances the effect of the camera * \param eye Eye point
void EffectFrame(const Event &event); * \param lookat Lookat point
//! Advanced overlay effect in the foreground * \param up Up vector
void OverFrame(const Event &event); * \see CEngine::SetViewParams
void SetViewParams(const Math::Vector &eye, const Math::Vector &lookat, const Math::Vector &up = Math::Vector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
* \brief Calculate camera movement (from user inputs) to apply
* \return Math::Vector where x, y represent respectively horizontal and vertical angle change in radians and z represents zoom (distance change)
* \remarks Should not be called more often than once every EVENT_FRAME
Math::Vector CalculateCameraMovement(const Event &event, bool keysAllowed = true);
protected: protected:
CEngine* m_engine; CEngine* m_engine;
@ -276,12 +300,10 @@ protected:
//! Type of smoothing //! Type of smoothing
CameraSmooth m_smooth; CameraSmooth m_smooth;
//! Object linked to the camera //! Object linked to the camera
CObject* m_cameraObj; CObject* m_cameraObj;
//! Distance between the eyes //! Remaining time of initial camera entry animation
float m_eyeDistance; float m_initDelay;
//! Time of initial centering
float m_initDelay;
//! Current eye //! Current eye
Math::Vector m_actualEye; Math::Vector m_actualEye;
@ -289,14 +311,14 @@ protected:
Math::Vector m_actualLookat; Math::Vector m_actualLookat;
//! Final eye //! Final eye
Math::Vector m_finalEye; Math::Vector m_finalEye;
//! Final aim //! Final lookat
Math::Vector m_finalLookat; Math::Vector m_finalLookat;
//! Normal eye //! Eye position at the moment of entering CAM_TYPE_INFO/CAM_TYPE_VISIT
Math::Vector m_normEye; Math::Vector m_prevEye;
//! Normal aim //! Lookat position at the moment of entering CAM_TYPE_INFO/CAM_TYPE_VISIT
Math::Vector m_normLookat; Math::Vector m_prevLookat;
float m_focus; float m_focus;
//! CAM_TYPE_FREE: eye //! CAM_TYPE_FREE: eye
Math::Vector m_eyePt; Math::Vector m_eyePt;
@ -313,19 +335,18 @@ protected:
//! CAM_TYPE_BACK: distance //! CAM_TYPE_BACK: distance
float m_backDist; float m_backDist;
//! CAM_TYPE_BACK: distance minimal //! CAM_TYPE_BACK: minimal distance
float m_backMin; float m_backMin;
//! CAM_TYPE_BACK: additional direction //! CAM_TYPE_BACK: additional horizontal direction
float m_addDirectionH; float m_addDirectionH;
//! CAM_TYPE_BACK: additional direction //! CAM_TYPE_BACK: additional vertical direction
float m_addDirectionV; float m_addDirectionV;
bool m_transparency;
//! CAM_TYPE_FIX: distance //! CAM_TYPE_FIX: distance
float m_fixDist; float m_fixDist;
//! CAM_TYPE_FIX: direction //! CAM_TYPE_FIX: horizontal direction
float m_fixDirectionH; float m_fixDirectionH;
//! CAM_TYPE_FIX: direction //! CAM_TYPE_FIX: vertical direction
float m_fixDirectionV; float m_fixDirectionV;
//! CAM_TYPE_VISIT: target position //! CAM_TYPE_VISIT: target position
@ -339,15 +360,14 @@ protected:
//! CAM_TYPE_VISIT: direction //! CAM_TYPE_VISIT: direction
float m_visitDirectionV; float m_visitDirectionV;
//! CAM_TYPE_EDIT: height
float m_editHeight;
float m_remotePan;
//! Last known mouse position, used to calculate change since last frame //! Last known mouse position, used to calculate change since last frame
Math::Point m_mousePos = Math::Point(0.5f, 0.5f); Math::Point m_mousePos = Math::Point(0.5f, 0.5f);
//! Change of mouse position since last frame
Math::Point m_mouseDelta = Math::Point(0.0f, 0.0f); Math::Point m_mouseDelta = Math::Point(0.0f, 0.0f);
//! Change of camera position caused by edge camera
Math::Point m_mouseDeltaEdge = Math::Point(0.0f, 0.0f); Math::Point m_mouseDeltaEdge = Math::Point(0.0f, 0.0f);
//! Change of mouse wheel since last frame
float m_mouseWheelDelta = 0.0f;
CenteringPhase m_centeringPhase; CenteringPhase m_centeringPhase;
float m_centeringAngleH; float m_centeringAngleH;
@ -376,16 +396,17 @@ protected:
Math::Vector m_scriptEye; Math::Vector m_scriptEye;
Math::Vector m_scriptLookat; Math::Vector m_scriptLookat;
//! Shocks if explosion? //! Is camera frozen?
bool m_freeze = false;
//! \name Configuration settings
bool m_effect; bool m_effect;
//! Blood?
bool m_blood; bool m_blood;
//! Scroll in the edges? bool m_oldCameraScroll;
bool m_oldCameraScroll;
//! X inversion in the edges?
bool m_cameraInvertX; bool m_cameraInvertX;
//! Y inversion in the edges?
bool m_cameraInvertY; bool m_cameraInvertY;
}; };

View File

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
#include "ui/controls/interface.h" #include "ui/controls/interface.h"
#include <iomanip> #include <iomanip>
#include <SDL_surface.h>
#include <SDL_thread.h> #include <SDL_thread.h>
template<> Gfx::CEngine* CSingleton<Gfx::CEngine>::m_instance = nullptr; template<> Gfx::CEngine* CSingleton<Gfx::CEngine>::m_instance = nullptr;
@ -67,6 +68,60 @@ template<> Gfx::CEngine* CSingleton<Gfx::CEngine>::m_instance = nullptr;
namespace Gfx namespace Gfx
{ {
* \struct EngineMouse
* \brief Information about mouse cursor
struct EngineMouse
//! Index of texture element for 1st image
int icon1;
//! Index of texture element for 2nd image
int icon2;
//! Shadow texture part
int iconShadow;
//! Mode to render 1st image in
EngineRenderState mode1;
//! Mode to render 2nd image in
EngineRenderState mode2;
//! Hot point
Math::IntPoint hotPoint;
EngineMouse(int icon1 = -1,
int icon2 = -1,
int iconShadow = -1,
EngineRenderState mode1 = ENG_RSTATE_NORMAL,
EngineRenderState mode2 = ENG_RSTATE_NORMAL,
Math::IntPoint hotPoint = Math::IntPoint())
: icon1(icon1)
, icon2(icon2)
, iconShadow(iconShadow)
, mode1(mode1)
, mode2(mode2)
, hotPoint(hotPoint)
const Math::IntPoint MOUSE_SIZE(32, 32);
const std::map<EngineMouseType, EngineMouse> MOUSE_TYPES = {
{{ENG_MOUSE_NORM}, {EngineMouse( 0, 1, 32, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, Math::IntPoint( 1, 1))}},
{{ENG_MOUSE_WAIT}, {EngineMouse( 2, 3, 33, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, Math::IntPoint( 8, 12))}},
{{ENG_MOUSE_HAND}, {EngineMouse( 4, 5, 34, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, Math::IntPoint( 7, 2))}},
{{ENG_MOUSE_NO}, {EngineMouse( 6, 7, 35, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, Math::IntPoint(10, 10))}},
{{ENG_MOUSE_EDIT}, {EngineMouse( 8, 9, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::IntPoint( 6, 10))}},
{{ENG_MOUSE_CROSS}, {EngineMouse(10, 11, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::IntPoint(10, 10))}},
{{ENG_MOUSE_MOVEV}, {EngineMouse(12, 13, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::IntPoint( 5, 11))}},
{{ENG_MOUSE_MOVEH}, {EngineMouse(14, 15, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::IntPoint(11, 5))}},
{{ENG_MOUSE_MOVED}, {EngineMouse(16, 17, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::IntPoint( 9, 9))}},
{{ENG_MOUSE_MOVEI}, {EngineMouse(18, 19, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::IntPoint( 9, 9))}},
{{ENG_MOUSE_MOVE}, {EngineMouse(20, 21, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::IntPoint(11, 11))}},
{{ENG_MOUSE_TARGET}, {EngineMouse(22, 23, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::IntPoint(15, 15))}},
CEngine::CEngine(CApplication *app, CSystemUtils* systemUtils) CEngine::CEngine(CApplication *app, CSystemUtils* systemUtils)
: m_app(app), : m_app(app),
m_systemUtils(systemUtils), m_systemUtils(systemUtils),
@ -74,8 +129,7 @@ CEngine::CEngine(CApplication *app, CSystemUtils* systemUtils)
m_fogColor(), m_fogColor(),
m_deepView(), m_deepView(),
m_fogStart(), m_fogStart(),
m_highlightRank(), m_highlightRank()
{ {
m_device = nullptr; m_device = nullptr;
@ -148,6 +202,7 @@ CEngine::CEngine(CApplication *app, CSystemUtils* systemUtils)
m_editIndentMode = true; m_editIndentMode = true;
m_editIndentValue = 4; m_editIndentValue = 4;
m_tracePrecision = 1.0f; m_tracePrecision = 1.0f;
m_pauseBlurEnabled = true;
m_updateGeometry = false; m_updateGeometry = false;
@ -158,24 +213,6 @@ CEngine::CEngine(CApplication *app, CSystemUtils* systemUtils)
m_debugLights = false; m_debugLights = false;
m_debugDumpLights = false; m_debugDumpLights = false;
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_NORM] = EngineMouse( 0, 1, 32, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, Math::Point( 1.0f, 1.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_WAIT] = EngineMouse( 2, 3, 33, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, Math::Point( 8.0f, 12.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_HAND] = EngineMouse( 4, 5, 34, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, Math::Point( 7.0f, 2.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_NO] = EngineMouse( 6, 7, 35, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, Math::Point(10.0f, 10.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_EDIT] = EngineMouse( 8, 9, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::Point( 6.0f, 10.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_CROSS] = EngineMouse(10, 11, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::Point(10.0f, 10.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_MOVEV] = EngineMouse(12, 13, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::Point( 5.0f, 11.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_MOVEH] = EngineMouse(14, 15, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::Point(11.0f, 5.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_MOVED] = EngineMouse(16, 17, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::Point( 9.0f, 9.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_MOVEI] = EngineMouse(18, 19, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::Point( 9.0f, 9.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_MOVE] = EngineMouse(20, 21, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::Point(11.0f, 11.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_TARGET] = EngineMouse(22, 23, -1, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::Point(15.0f, 15.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_SCROLLL] = EngineMouse(24, 25, 43, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::Point( 2.0f, 9.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_SCROLLR] = EngineMouse(26, 27, 44, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::Point(17.0f, 9.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_SCROLLU] = EngineMouse(28, 29, 45, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::Point( 9.0f, 2.0f));
m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_SCROLLD] = EngineMouse(30, 31, 46, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_BLACK, ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_WHITE, Math::Point( 9.0f, 17.0f));
m_mouseSize = Math::Point(0.04f, 0.04f * (800.0f / 600.0f));
m_mouseType = ENG_MOUSE_NORM; m_mouseType = ENG_MOUSE_NORM;
m_fpsCounter = 0; m_fpsCounter = 0;
@ -278,7 +315,6 @@ void CEngine::SetTerrain(CTerrain* terrain)
bool CEngine::Create() bool CEngine::Create()
{ {
m_size = m_app->GetVideoConfig().size; m_size = m_app->GetVideoConfig().size;
m_mouseSize = Math::Point(0.04f, 0.04f * (static_cast<float>(m_size.x) / static_cast<float>(m_size.y)));
// Use the setters to set defaults, because they automatically disable what is not supported // Use the setters to set defaults, because they automatically disable what is not supported
SetShadowMapping(m_shadowMapping); SetShadowMapping(m_shadowMapping);
@ -357,12 +393,9 @@ void CEngine::Destroy()
void CEngine::ResetAfterVideoConfigChanged() void CEngine::ResetAfterVideoConfigChanged()
{ {
m_size = m_app->GetVideoConfig().size; m_size = m_app->GetVideoConfig().size;
m_mouseSize = Math::Point(0.04f, 0.04f * (static_cast<float>(m_size.x) / static_cast<float>(m_size.y)));
CRobotMain::GetInstancePointer()->ResetAfterVideoConfigChanged(); //TODO: Remove cross-reference to CRobotMain
// Update the camera projection matrix for new aspect ratio // Update the camera projection matrix for new aspect ratio
SetFocus(m_focus); ApplyChange();
// This needs to be recreated on resolution change // This needs to be recreated on resolution change
m_device->DeleteFramebuffer("multisample"); m_device->DeleteFramebuffer("multisample");
@ -373,13 +406,26 @@ void CEngine::ReloadAllTextures()
FlushTextureCache(); FlushTextureCache();
m_text->FlushCache(); m_text->FlushCache();
CRobotMain::GetInstancePointer()->ReloadAllTextures(); //TODO: Remove cross-reference to CRobotMain m_app->GetEventQueue()->AddEvent(Event(EVENT_RELOAD_TEXTURES));
UpdateGroundSpotTextures(); UpdateGroundSpotTextures();
LoadAllTextures(); // LoadAllTextures() is called from CRobotMain on EVENT_RELOAD_TEXTURES
// This is required because all dynamic textures need to be loaded first
// recapture 3D scene
if (m_worldCaptured)
m_captureWorld = true;
m_worldCaptured = false;
} }
bool CEngine::ProcessEvent(const Event &event) bool CEngine::ProcessEvent(const Event &event)
{ {
if (event.type == EVENT_KEY_DOWN) if (event.type == EVENT_KEY_DOWN)
{ {
auto data = event.GetData<KeyEventData>(); auto data = event.GetData<KeyEventData>();
@ -389,18 +435,6 @@ bool CEngine::ProcessEvent(const Event &event)
m_showStats = !m_showStats; m_showStats = !m_showStats;
return false; return false;
} }
if (data->key == KEY(F11))
m_debugLights = !m_debugLights;
return false;
if (data->key == KEY(F10))
m_debugDumpLights = true;
return false;
} }
// By default, pass on all events // By default, pass on all events
@ -1750,17 +1784,18 @@ bool CEngine::DetectBBox(int objRank, Math::Point mouse)
mouse.y <= max.y ); mouse.y <= max.y );
} }
int CEngine::DetectObject(Math::Point mouse) int CEngine::DetectObject(Math::Point mouse, Math::Vector& targetPos, bool terrain)
{ {
float min = 1000000.0f; float min = 1000000.0f;
int nearest = -1; int nearest = -1;
Math::Vector pos;
for (int objRank = 0; objRank < static_cast<int>( m_objects.size() ); objRank++) for (int objRank = 0; objRank < static_cast<int>( m_objects.size() ); objRank++)
{ {
if (! m_objects[objRank].used) if (! m_objects[objRank].used)
continue; continue;
if (m_objects[objRank].type == ENG_OBJTYPE_TERRAIN) if (m_objects[objRank].type == ENG_OBJTYPE_TERRAIN && !terrain)
continue; continue;
if (! DetectBBox(objRank, mouse)) if (! DetectBBox(objRank, mouse))
@ -1789,10 +1824,11 @@ int CEngine::DetectObject(Math::Point mouse)
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( p3.vertices.size() ); i += 3) for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( p3.vertices.size() ); i += 3)
{ {
float dist = 0.0f; float dist = 0.0f;
if (DetectTriangle(mouse, &p3.vertices[i], objRank, dist) && dist < min) if (DetectTriangle(mouse, &p3.vertices[i], objRank, dist, pos) && dist < min)
{ {
min = dist; min = dist;
nearest = objRank; nearest = objRank;
targetPos = pos;
} }
} }
} }
@ -1801,10 +1837,11 @@ int CEngine::DetectObject(Math::Point mouse)
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( p3.vertices.size() ) - 2; i += 1) for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( p3.vertices.size() ) - 2; i += 1)
{ {
float dist = 0.0f; float dist = 0.0f;
if (DetectTriangle(mouse, &p3.vertices[i], objRank, dist) && dist < min) if (DetectTriangle(mouse, &p3.vertices[i], objRank, dist, pos) && dist < min)
{ {
min = dist; min = dist;
nearest = objRank; nearest = objRank;
targetPos = pos;
} }
} }
} }
@ -1815,7 +1852,7 @@ int CEngine::DetectObject(Math::Point mouse)
return nearest; return nearest;
} }
bool CEngine::DetectTriangle(Math::Point mouse, VertexTex2* triangle, int objRank, float& dist) bool CEngine::DetectTriangle(Math::Point mouse, VertexTex2* triangle, int objRank, float& dist, Math::Vector& pos)
{ {
assert(objRank >= 0 && objRank < static_cast<int>(m_objects.size())); assert(objRank >= 0 && objRank < static_cast<int>(m_objects.size()));
@ -1862,6 +1899,16 @@ bool CEngine::DetectTriangle(Math::Point mouse, VertexTex2* triangle, int objRan
if (! Math::IsInsideTriangle(a, b, c, mouse)) if (! Math::IsInsideTriangle(a, b, c, mouse))
return false; return false;
Math::Vector a2 = Math::Transform(m_objects[objRank].transform, triangle[0].coord);
Math::Vector b2 = Math::Transform(m_objects[objRank].transform, triangle[1].coord);
Math::Vector c2 = Math::Transform(m_objects[objRank].transform, triangle[2].coord);
Math::Vector e = Math::Transform(m_matView.Inverse(), Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f));
Math::Vector f = Math::Transform(m_matView.Inverse(), Math::Vector(
Math::Intersect(a2, b2, c2, e, f, pos);
dist = (p2D[0].z + p2D[1].z + p2D[2].z) / 3.0f; dist = (p2D[0].z + p2D[1].z + p2D[2].z) / 3.0f;
return true; return true;
} }
@ -2178,8 +2225,7 @@ void CEngine::SetMaterial(const Material& mat)
m_device->SetMaterial(mat); m_device->SetMaterial(mat);
} }
void CEngine::SetViewParams(const Math::Vector& eyePt, const Math::Vector& lookatPt, void CEngine::SetViewParams(const Math::Vector &eyePt, const Math::Vector &lookatPt, const Math::Vector &upVec)
const Math::Vector& upVec, float eyeDistance)
{ {
m_eyePt = eyePt; m_eyePt = eyePt;
m_lookatPt = lookatPt; m_lookatPt = lookatPt;
@ -2729,7 +2775,10 @@ float CEngine::GetDeepView(int rank)
void CEngine::SetFogStart(float start, int rank) void CEngine::SetFogStart(float start, int rank)
{ {
m_fogStart[rank] = start; if (start < 0.0f)
m_fogStart[rank] = 0.0f;
m_fogStart[rank] = start;
} }
float CEngine::GetFogStart(int rank) float CEngine::GetFogStart(int rank)
@ -3021,6 +3070,16 @@ EngineMouseType CEngine::GetMouseType()
return m_mouseType; return m_mouseType;
} }
void CEngine::SetPauseBlurEnabled(bool enable)
m_pauseBlurEnabled = enable;
bool CEngine::GetPauseBlurEnabled()
return m_pauseBlurEnabled;
const Math::Matrix& CEngine::GetMatView() const Math::Matrix& CEngine::GetMatView()
{ {
return m_matView; return m_matView;
@ -3059,6 +3118,13 @@ void CEngine::UpdateMatProj()
void CEngine::ApplyChange() void CEngine::ApplyChange()
{ {
SetFocus(m_focus); SetFocus(m_focus);
// recapture 3D scene
if (m_worldCaptured)
m_captureWorld = true;
m_worldCaptured = false;
} }
void CEngine::ClearDisplayCrashSpheres() void CEngine::ClearDisplayCrashSpheres()
@ -3128,15 +3194,30 @@ void CEngine::Render()
m_device->BeginScene(); m_device->BeginScene();
UseMSAA(true); // use currently captured scene for world
if (m_worldCaptured && !m_captureWorld)
DrawBackground(); // draws the background DrawBackground(); // draws the background
if (m_drawWorld)
if (m_drawWorld) UseMSAA(false);
UseMSAA(false); // marked to capture currently rendered world
if (m_captureWorld)
m_app->StartPerformanceCounter(PCNT_RENDER_INTERFACE); m_app->StartPerformanceCounter(PCNT_RENDER_INTERFACE);
DrawInterface(); DrawInterface();
@ -3148,6 +3229,15 @@ void CEngine::Render()
void CEngine::Draw3DScene() void CEngine::Draw3DScene()
{ {
if (!m_worldCaptured)
if (m_capturedWorldTexture.Valid())
m_capturedWorldTexture = Texture();
m_device->SetRenderState(RENDER_STATE_DEPTH_TEST, false); m_device->SetRenderState(RENDER_STATE_DEPTH_TEST, false);
UpdateGroundSpotTextures(); UpdateGroundSpotTextures();
@ -3230,7 +3320,6 @@ void CEngine::Draw3DScene()
if (!m_shadowMapping) if (!m_shadowMapping)
DrawShadowSpots(); DrawShadowSpots();
m_app->StopPerformanceCounter(PCNT_RENDER_TERRAIN); m_app->StopPerformanceCounter(PCNT_RENDER_TERRAIN);
// Draw other objects // Draw other objects
@ -3374,6 +3463,21 @@ void CEngine::Draw3DScene()
if (m_debugCrashSpheres) if (m_debugCrashSpheres)
DrawCrashSpheres(); DrawCrashSpheres();
if (m_debugGoto)
Math::Matrix worldMatrix;
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_WORLD, worldMatrix);
for (const auto& line : m_displayGoto)
m_device->DrawPrimitive(PRIMITIVE_LINE_STRIP,, line.size());
m_app->StartPerformanceCounter(PCNT_RENDER_PARTICLE); m_app->StartPerformanceCounter(PCNT_RENDER_PARTICLE);
m_particle->DrawParticle(SH_WORLD); // draws the particles of the 3D world m_particle->DrawParticle(SH_WORLD); // draws the particles of the 3D world
m_app->StopPerformanceCounter(PCNT_RENDER_PARTICLE); m_app->StopPerformanceCounter(PCNT_RENDER_PARTICLE);
@ -3387,6 +3491,143 @@ void CEngine::Draw3DScene()
if (! m_overFront) DrawOverColor(); // draws the foreground color if (! m_overFront) DrawOverColor(); // draws the foreground color
} }
void CEngine::Capture3DScene()
// destroy existing texture
if (m_capturedWorldTexture.Valid())
m_capturedWorldTexture = Texture();
// obtain pixels from screen
int width = m_size.x;
int height = m_size.y;
auto pixels = m_device->GetFrameBufferPixels();
unsigned char* data = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(pixels->GetPixelsData());
// calculate 2nd mipmap
int newWidth = width / 4;
int newHeight = height / 4;
std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> mipmap = MakeUniqueArray<unsigned char>(4 * newWidth * newHeight);
for (int x = 0; x < newWidth; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < newHeight; y++)
float color[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
int index = 4 * ((4 * x + i) + width * (4 * y + j));
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
color[k] += data[index + k];
int index = 4 * (x + newWidth * y);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
mipmap[index + k] = static_cast<unsigned char>(color[k] * (1.0f / 16.0f));
// calculate Gaussian blur
std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> blured = MakeUniqueArray<unsigned char>(4 * newWidth * newHeight);
float matrix[7][7] =
{ 0.00000067f, 0.00002292f, 0.00019117f, 0.00038771f, 0.00019117f, 0.00002292f, 0.00000067f },
{ 0.00002292f, 0.00078634f, 0.00655965f, 0.01330373f, 0.00655965f, 0.00078633f, 0.00002292f },
{ 0.00019117f, 0.00655965f, 0.05472157f, 0.11098164f, 0.05472157f, 0.00655965f, 0.00019117f },
{ 0.00038771f, 0.01330373f, 0.11098164f, 0.22508352f, 0.11098164f, 0.01330373f, 0.00038771f },
{ 0.00019117f, 0.00655965f, 0.05472157f, 0.11098164f, 0.05472157f, 0.00655965f, 0.00019117f },
{ 0.00002292f, 0.00078633f, 0.00655965f, 0.01330373f, 0.00655965f, 0.00078633f, 0.00002292f },
{ 0.00000067f, 0.00002292f, 0.00019117f, 0.00038771f, 0.00019117f, 0.00002292f, 0.00000067f }
for (int x = 0; x < newWidth; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < newHeight; y++)
float color[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
for (int i = -3; i <= 3; i++)
for (int j = -3; j <= 3; j++)
int xp = Math::Clamp(x + i, 0, newWidth - 1);
int yp = Math::Clamp(y + j, 0, newHeight - 1);
float weight = matrix[i + 3][j + 3];
int index = 4 * (newWidth * yp + xp);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
color[k] += weight * mipmap[index + k];
int index = 4 * (newWidth * y + x);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
float value = Math::Clamp(color[k], 0.0f, 255.0f);
blured[index + k] = static_cast<unsigned char>(value);
// create SDL surface and final texture
ImageData image;
image.surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(blured.get(), newWidth, newHeight, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xFF000000);
TextureCreateParams params;
params.filter = TEX_FILTER_BILINEAR;
params.format = TEX_IMG_RGBA;
params.mipmap = false;
m_capturedWorldTexture = m_device->CreateTexture(&image, params);
m_captureWorld = false;
m_worldCaptured = true;
void CEngine::DrawCaptured3DScene()
Math::Matrix identity;
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_PROJECTION, identity);
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_VIEW, identity);
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_WORLD, identity);
m_device->SetRenderState(RENDER_STATE_BLENDING, false);
m_device->SetRenderState(RENDER_STATE_CULLING, false);
Vertex vertices[4];
vertices[0] = Vertex(Math::Vector(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), Math::Vector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), Math::Point(0.0f, 0.0f));
vertices[1] = Vertex(Math::Vector(1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), Math::Vector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), Math::Point(1.0f, 0.0f));
vertices[2] = Vertex(Math::Vector(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), Math::Vector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), Math::Point(0.0f, 1.0f));
vertices[3] = Vertex(Math::Vector(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), Math::Vector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), Math::Point(1.0f, 1.0f));
m_device->SetRenderState(RENDER_STATE_DEPTH_TEST, false);
m_device->SetTexture(TEXTURE_PRIMARY, m_capturedWorldTexture);
m_device->SetTextureEnabled(TEXTURE_PRIMARY, true);
m_device->SetTextureEnabled(TEXTURE_SECONDARY, false);
m_device->DrawPrimitive(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, vertices, 4);
void CEngine::DrawCrashSpheres() void CEngine::DrawCrashSpheres()
{ {
Math::Matrix worldMatrix; Math::Matrix worldMatrix;
@ -3770,9 +4011,7 @@ void CEngine::DrawInterface()
m_device->SetRenderState(RENDER_STATE_LIGHTING, false); m_device->SetRenderState(RENDER_STATE_LIGHTING, false);
m_device->SetRenderState(RENDER_STATE_FOG, false); m_device->SetRenderState(RENDER_STATE_FOG, false);
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_VIEW, m_matViewInterface); SetInterfaceCoordinates();
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_PROJECTION, m_matProjInterface);
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_WORLD, m_matWorldInterface);
// Force new state to disable lighting // Force new state to disable lighting
m_interfaceMode = true; m_interfaceMode = true;
@ -3871,9 +4110,7 @@ void CEngine::DrawInterface()
m_device->SetRenderMode(RENDER_MODE_INTERFACE); m_device->SetRenderMode(RENDER_MODE_INTERFACE);
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_VIEW, m_matViewInterface); SetInterfaceCoordinates();
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_PROJECTION, m_matProjInterface);
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_WORLD, m_matWorldInterface);
} }
// Draw foreground color // Draw foreground color
@ -3967,7 +4204,7 @@ void CEngine::UpdateGroundSpotTextures()
set = true; set = true;
} }
if (clear || set) if (clear || set || m_debugResources || m_displayGotoImage != nullptr)
{ {
CImage shadowImg(Math::IntPoint(256, 256)); CImage shadowImg(Math::IntPoint(256, 256));
shadowImg.Fill(Gfx::IntColor(255, 255, 255, 255)); shadowImg.Fill(Gfx::IntColor(255, 255, 255, 255));
@ -4127,6 +4364,43 @@ void CEngine::UpdateGroundSpotTextures()
} }
} }
if (m_debugResources)
for (float x = min.x; x < max.x; x += 1.0f)
for (float y = min.y; y < max.y; y += 1.0f)
Math::Vector pos(
x / 4.0f / 254.0f * 3200.0f - 1600.0f,
y / 4.0f / 254.0f * 3200.0f - 1600.0f
TerrainRes res = m_terrain->GetResource(pos);
Math::IntPoint p(x-min.x, y-min.y);
if (res == TR_NULL)
shadowImg.SetPixel(p, Gfx::Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
shadowImg.SetPixelInt(p, ResourceToColor(res));
if (m_displayGotoImage != nullptr)
Math::IntPoint size = m_displayGotoImage->GetSize();
for (float x = min.x; x < max.x; x += 1.0f)
for (float y = min.y; y < max.y; y += 1.0f)
int px = x / 4.0f / 254.0f * size.x;
int py = y / 4.0f / 254.0f * size.y;
shadowImg.SetPixelInt(Math::IntPoint(x-min.x, y-min.y), m_displayGotoImage->GetPixelInt(Math::IntPoint(px, py)));
std::stringstream str; std::stringstream str;
str << "textures/shadow" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << s << ".png"; str << "textures/shadow" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << s << ".png";
std::string texName = str.str(); std::string texName = str.str();
@ -4592,8 +4866,8 @@ void CEngine::DrawOverColor()
void CEngine::DrawHighlight() void CEngine::DrawHighlight()
{ {
Math::Point min, max; Math::Point min, max;
min.x = 1000000.0f; min.x = 1000000.0f;
min.y = 1000000.0f; min.y = 1000000.0f;
max.x = -1000000.0f; max.x = -1000000.0f;
max.y = -1000000.0f; max.y = -1000000.0f;
@ -4610,10 +4884,10 @@ void CEngine::DrawHighlight()
} }
} }
if ( min.x == 1000000.0f || if (min.x == 1000000.0f ||
min.y == 1000000.0f || min.y == 1000000.0f ||
max.x == -1000000.0f || max.x == -1000000.0f ||
max.y == -1000000.0f ) max.y == -1000000.0f)
{ {
m_highlight = false; // not highlighted m_highlight = false; // not highlighted
} }
@ -4624,7 +4898,7 @@ void CEngine::DrawHighlight()
m_highlight = true; m_highlight = true;
} }
if (! m_highlight) if (!m_highlight)
return; return;
Math::Point p1 = m_highlightP1; Math::Point p1 = m_highlightP1;
@ -4640,8 +4914,8 @@ void CEngine::DrawHighlight()
float d = 0.5f+sinf(m_highlightTime*6.0f)*0.5f; float d = 0.5f + sinf(m_highlightTime * 6.0f) * 0.5f;
d *= (p2.x-p1.x)*0.1f; d *= (p2.x - p1.x) * 0.1f;
p1.x += d; p1.x += d;
p1.y += d; p1.y += d;
p2.x -= d; p2.x -= d;
@ -4650,11 +4924,11 @@ void CEngine::DrawHighlight()
Color color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // yellow Color color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // yellow
VertexCol line[3] = VertexCol line[3] =
{ {
VertexCol(Math::Vector(), color), VertexCol(Math::Vector(), color),
VertexCol(Math::Vector(), color), VertexCol(Math::Vector(), color),
VertexCol(Math::Vector(), color) VertexCol(Math::Vector(), color)
}; };
float dx = (p2.x - p1.x) / 5.0f; float dx = (p2.x - p1.x) / 5.0f;
float dy = (p2.y - p1.y) / 5.0f; float dy = (p2.y - p1.y) / 5.0f;
@ -4686,6 +4960,8 @@ void CEngine::DrawMouse()
if (mode != MOUSE_ENGINE && mode != MOUSE_BOTH) if (mode != MOUSE_ENGINE && mode != MOUSE_BOTH)
return; return;
Material material; Material material;
material.diffuse = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); material.diffuse = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
material.ambient = Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); material.ambient = Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
@ -4693,33 +4969,34 @@ void CEngine::DrawMouse()
m_device->SetMaterial(material); m_device->SetMaterial(material);
m_device->SetTexture(0, m_miceTexture); m_device->SetTexture(0, m_miceTexture);
int index = static_cast<int>(m_mouseType); Math::Point mousePos = CInput::GetInstancePointer()->GetMousePos();
Math::IntPoint pos(mousePos.x * m_size.x, m_size.y - mousePos.y * m_size.y);
pos.x -=;
pos.y -=;
Math::Point pos = CInput::GetInstancePointer()->GetMousePos(); Math::IntPoint shadowPos;
pos.x = pos.x - (m_mice[index].hotPoint.x * m_mouseSize.x) / 32.0f; shadowPos.x = pos.x + 4;
pos.y = pos.y - ((32.0f - m_mice[index].hotPoint.y) * m_mouseSize.y) / 32.0f; shadowPos.y = pos.y - 3;
Math::Point shadowPos;
shadowPos.x = pos.x + (4.0f/800.0f);
shadowPos.y = pos.y - (3.0f/600.0f);
DrawMouseSprite(shadowPos, m_mouseSize, m_mice[index].iconShadow); DrawMouseSprite(shadowPos, MOUSE_SIZE,;
SetState(m_mice[index].mode1); SetState(;
DrawMouseSprite(pos, m_mouseSize, m_mice[index].icon1); DrawMouseSprite(pos, MOUSE_SIZE,;
SetState(m_mice[index].mode2); SetState(;
DrawMouseSprite(pos, m_mouseSize, m_mice[index].icon2); DrawMouseSprite(pos, MOUSE_SIZE,;
} }
void CEngine::DrawMouseSprite(Math::Point pos, Math::Point size, int icon) void CEngine::DrawMouseSprite(Math::IntPoint pos, Math::IntPoint size, int icon)
{ {
if (icon == -1) if (icon == -1)
return; return;
Math::Point p1 = pos; Math::IntPoint p1 = pos;
Math::Point p2 = p1 + size; Math::IntPoint p2 = p1 + size;
float u1 = (32.0f / 256.0f) * (icon % 8); float u1 = (32.0f / 256.0f) * (icon % 8);
float v1 = (32.0f / 256.0f) * (icon / 8); float v1 = (32.0f / 256.0f) * (icon / 8);
@ -4736,10 +5013,10 @@ void CEngine::DrawMouseSprite(Math::Point pos, Math::Point size, int icon)
Vertex vertex[4] = Vertex vertex[4] =
{ {
Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), normal, Math::Point(u1, v2)), Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p2.y, 0.0f), normal, Math::Point(u1, v2)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p2.y, 0.0f), normal, Math::Point(u1, v1)), Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), normal, Math::Point(u1, v1)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p1.y, 0.0f), normal, Math::Point(u2, v2)), Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), normal, Math::Point(u2, v2)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), normal, Math::Point(u2, v1)) Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p1.y, 0.0f), normal, Math::Point(u2, v1))
}; };
m_device->DrawPrimitive(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, vertex, 4); m_device->DrawPrimitive(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, vertex, 4);
@ -5075,4 +5352,94 @@ void CEngine::SetStaticMeshTransparency(int meshHandle, float value)
SetObjectTransparency(objRank, value); SetObjectTransparency(objRank, value);
} }
void CEngine::SetDebugLights(bool debugLights)
m_debugLights = debugLights;
bool CEngine::GetDebugLights()
return m_debugLights;
void CEngine::DebugDumpLights()
m_debugDumpLights = true;
void CEngine::SetDebugResources(bool debugResources)
m_debugResources = debugResources;
m_firstGroundSpot = true; // Force a refresh of ground spot textures
bool CEngine::GetDebugResources()
return m_debugResources;
void CEngine::SetDebugGoto(bool debugGoto)
m_debugGoto = debugGoto;
if (!m_debugGoto)
bool CEngine::GetDebugGoto()
return m_debugGoto;
void CEngine::AddDebugGotoLine(std::vector<Gfx::VertexCol> line)
void CEngine::SetDebugGotoBitmap(std::unique_ptr<CImage> debugImage)
m_displayGotoImage = std::move(debugImage);
m_firstGroundSpot = true; // Force ground spot texture reload
void CEngine::SetInterfaceCoordinates()
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_VIEW, m_matViewInterface);
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_PROJECTION, m_matProjInterface);
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_WORLD, m_matWorldInterface);
void CEngine::EnablePauseBlur()
if (!m_pauseBlurEnabled) return;
m_captureWorld = true;
m_worldCaptured = false;
void CEngine::DisablePauseBlur()
m_captureWorld = false;
m_worldCaptured = false;
void CEngine::SetWindowCoordinates()
Math::Matrix matWorldWindow;
Math::Matrix matViewWindow;
Math::Matrix matProjWindow;
Math::LoadOrthoProjectionMatrix(matProjWindow, 0.0f, m_size.x, m_size.y, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_VIEW, matViewWindow);
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_PROJECTION, matProjWindow);
m_device->SetTransform(TRANSFORM_WORLD, matWorldWindow);
} // namespace Gfx } // namespace Gfx

View File

@ -482,40 +482,6 @@ enum EngineMouseType
}; };
* \struct EngineMouse
* \brief Information about mouse cursor
struct EngineMouse
//! Index of texture element for 1st image
int icon1;
//! Index of texture element for 2nd image
int icon2;
//! Shadow texture part
int iconShadow;
//! Mode to render 1st image in
EngineRenderState mode1;
//! Mode to render 2nd image in
EngineRenderState mode2;
//! Hot point
Math::Point hotPoint;
EngineMouse(int icon1 = -1,
int icon2 = -1,
int iconShadow = -1,
EngineRenderState mode1 = ENG_RSTATE_NORMAL,
EngineRenderState mode2 = ENG_RSTATE_NORMAL,
Math::Point hotPoint = Math::Point())
: icon1(icon1)
, icon2(icon2)
, iconShadow(iconShadow)
, mode1(mode1)
, mode2(mode2)
, hotPoint(hotPoint)
/** /**
* \class CEngine * \class CEngine
@ -655,9 +621,6 @@ public:
//! Frees all resources before exit //! Frees all resources before exit
void Destroy(); void Destroy();
//! Resets some states and flushes textures after device was changed (e.g. resoulution changed)
void ResetAfterVideoConfigChanged();
//! Called once per frame, the call is the entry point for rendering //! Called once per frame, the call is the entry point for rendering
void Render(); void Render();
@ -844,7 +807,7 @@ public:
//! Detects the target object that is selected with the mouse //! Detects the target object that is selected with the mouse
/** Returns the rank of the object or -1. */ /** Returns the rank of the object or -1. */
int DetectObject(Math::Point mouse); int DetectObject(Math::Point mouse, Math::Vector& targetPos, bool terrain = false);
//! Creates a shadow for the given object //! Creates a shadow for the given object
void CreateShadowSpot(int objRank); void CreateShadowSpot(int objRank);
@ -904,8 +867,7 @@ public:
void SetMaterial(const Material& mat); void SetMaterial(const Material& mat);
//! Specifies the location and direction of view //! Specifies the location and direction of view
void SetViewParams(const Math::Vector& eyePt, const Math::Vector& lookatPt, void SetViewParams(const Math::Vector &eyePt, const Math::Vector &lookatPt, const Math::Vector &upVec);
const Math::Vector& upVec, float eyeDistance);
//! Loads texture, creating it if not already present //! Loads texture, creating it if not already present
Texture LoadTexture(const std::string& name); Texture LoadTexture(const std::string& name);
@ -1165,6 +1127,12 @@ public:
EngineMouseType GetMouseType(); EngineMouseType GetMouseType();
//@} //@}
//! Management of pause blur
void SetPauseBlurEnabled(bool enable);
bool GetPauseBlurEnabled();
//! Returns the view matrix //! Returns the view matrix
const Math::Matrix& GetMatView(); const Math::Matrix& GetMatView();
//! Returns the camera center point //! Returns the camera center point
@ -1187,9 +1155,35 @@ public:
void ClearDisplayCrashSpheres(); void ClearDisplayCrashSpheres();
void AddDisplayCrashSpheres(const std::vector<Math::Sphere>& crashSpheres); void AddDisplayCrashSpheres(const std::vector<Math::Sphere>& crashSpheres);
void SetDebugLights(bool debugLights);
bool GetDebugLights();
void DebugDumpLights();
void SetDebugResources(bool debugResources);
bool GetDebugResources();
void SetDebugGoto(bool debugGoto);
bool GetDebugGoto();
void AddDebugGotoLine(std::vector<Gfx::VertexCol> line);
void SetDebugGotoBitmap(std::unique_ptr<CImage> debugImage);
void SetWindowCoordinates();
void SetInterfaceCoordinates();
void EnablePauseBlur();
void DisablePauseBlur();
protected: protected:
//! Resets some states and flushes textures after device was changed (e.g. resoulution changed)
/** Instead of calling this directly, send EVENT_RESOLUTION_CHANGED event **/
void ResetAfterVideoConfigChanged();
//! Prepares the interface for 3D scene //! Prepares the interface for 3D scene
void Draw3DScene(); void Draw3DScene();
//! Capture the 3D scene for pause blur
void Capture3DScene();
//! Draw the 3D scene capured for pause blur
void DrawCaptured3DScene();
//! Renders shadow map //! Renders shadow map
void RenderShadowMap(); void RenderShadowMap();
//! Enables or disables shadow mapping //! Enables or disables shadow mapping
@ -1223,7 +1217,7 @@ protected:
//! Draws the mouse cursor //! Draws the mouse cursor
void DrawMouse(); void DrawMouse();
//! Draw part of mouse cursor sprite //! Draw part of mouse cursor sprite
void DrawMouseSprite(Math::Point pos, Math::Point size, int icon); void DrawMouseSprite(Math::IntPoint pos, Math::IntPoint size, int icon);
//! Draw statistic texts //! Draw statistic texts
void DrawStats(); void DrawStats();
//! Draw mission timer //! Draw mission timer
@ -1249,7 +1243,7 @@ protected:
bool GetBBox2D(int objRank, Math::Point& min, Math::Point& max); bool GetBBox2D(int objRank, Math::Point& min, Math::Point& max);
//! Detects whether the mouse is in a triangle. //! Detects whether the mouse is in a triangle.
bool DetectTriangle(Math::Point mouse, VertexTex2* triangle, int objRank, float& dist); bool DetectTriangle(Math::Point mouse, VertexTex2* triangle, int objRank, float& dist, Math::Vector& pos);
//! Transforms a 3D point (x, y, z) in 2D space (x, y, -) of the window //! Transforms a 3D point (x, y, z) in 2D space (x, y, -) of the window
/** The coordinated p2D.z gives the distance. */ /** The coordinated p2D.z gives the distance. */
@ -1281,6 +1275,7 @@ protected:
static void WriteScreenShotThread(std::unique_ptr<WriteScreenShotData> data); static void WriteScreenShotThread(std::unique_ptr<WriteScreenShotData> data);
//! Reloads all textures //! Reloads all textures
/** This additionally sends EVENT_RELOAD_TEXTURES to reload all textures not maintained by CEngine **/
void ReloadAllTextures(); void ReloadAllTextures();
protected: protected:
@ -1391,6 +1386,7 @@ protected:
float m_terrainVision; float m_terrainVision;
bool m_backForce; bool m_backForce;
float m_tracePrecision; float m_tracePrecision;
bool m_pauseBlurEnabled;
bool m_dirty; bool m_dirty;
bool m_fog; bool m_fog;
@ -1448,12 +1444,8 @@ protected:
* so are disabled for subsequent load calls. */ * so are disabled for subsequent load calls. */
std::set<std::string> m_texBlacklist; std::set<std::string> m_texBlacklist;
//! Mouse cursor definitions
EngineMouse m_mice[ENG_MOUSE_COUNT];
//! Texture with mouse cursors //! Texture with mouse cursors
Texture m_miceTexture; Texture m_miceTexture;
//! Size of mouse cursor
Math::Point m_mouseSize;
//! Type of mouse cursor //! Type of mouse cursor
EngineMouseType m_mouseType; EngineMouseType m_mouseType;
@ -1472,15 +1464,26 @@ protected:
bool m_debugLights; bool m_debugLights;
bool m_debugDumpLights; bool m_debugDumpLights;
bool m_debugCrashSpheres = false; bool m_debugCrashSpheres = false;
bool m_debugResources = false;
bool m_debugGoto = false;
std::string m_timerText; std::string m_timerText;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> m_staticMeshBaseObjects; std::unordered_map<std::string, int> m_staticMeshBaseObjects;
std::vector<Math::Sphere> m_displayCrashSpheres; std::vector<Math::Sphere> m_displayCrashSpheres;
std::vector<std::vector<VertexCol>> m_displayGoto;
std::unique_ptr<CImage> m_displayGotoImage;
//! Pause the animation updates //! Pause the animation updates
bool m_pause = false; bool m_pause = false;
//! true means that current 3D scene was captured and is not to be rendered again
bool m_worldCaptured = false;
//! true means that currently rendered world is to be captured
bool m_captureWorld = false;
//! Texture with captured 3D world
Texture m_capturedWorldTexture;
}; };

View File

@ -82,16 +82,24 @@ bool CLightning::EventProcess(const Event &event)
bool CLightning::EventFrame(const Event &event) bool CLightning::EventFrame(const Event &event)
{ {
if (m_terrain == nullptr)
m_terrain = CRobotMain::GetInstancePointer()->GetTerrain();
if (m_camera == nullptr)
m_camera = CRobotMain::GetInstancePointer()->GetCamera();
if (m_sound == nullptr)
m_sound = CApplication::GetInstancePointer()->GetSound();
if (m_engine->GetPause()) return true; if (m_engine->GetPause()) return true;
if (CRobotMain::GetInstancePointer()->GetMovieLock()) return true; if (CRobotMain::GetInstancePointer()->GetMovieLock()) return true;
m_progress += event.rTime*m_speed; m_progress += event.rTime*m_speed;
if (m_phase == LightningPhase::Wait) if (m_phase == LightningPhase::Wait && m_lightningExists)
{ {
if (m_progress >= 1.0f) if (m_progress >= 1.0f)
{ {
m_pos.x = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*(3200.0f-200.0f); m_pos.x = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*(3200.0f-200.0f);
m_pos.z = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*(3200.0f-200.0f); m_pos.z = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*(3200.0f-200.0f);
m_pos.y = 0.0f; m_pos.y = 0.0f;
@ -127,21 +135,7 @@ bool CLightning::EventFrame(const Event &event)
} }
} }
Math::Vector eye = m_engine->GetEyePt(); StrikeAtPos(m_pos);
float dist = Math::Distance(m_pos, eye);
float deep = m_engine->GetDeepView();
if (dist < deep)
Math::Vector pos = eye+((m_pos-eye)*0.2f); // like so close!
m_sound->Play(SOUND_BLITZ, pos);
m_camera->StartOver(CAM_OVER_EFFECT_LIGHTNING, m_pos, 1.0f);
m_phase = LightningPhase::Flash;
m_progress = 0.0f;
m_speed = 1.0f;
} }
} }
@ -193,15 +187,6 @@ bool CLightning::Create(float sleep, float delay, float magnetic)
m_progress = 0.0f; m_progress = 0.0f;
m_speed = 1.0f / m_sleep; m_speed = 1.0f / m_sleep;
if (m_terrain == nullptr)
m_terrain = CRobotMain::GetInstancePointer()->GetTerrain();
if (m_camera == nullptr)
m_camera = CRobotMain::GetInstancePointer()->GetCamera();
if (m_sound == nullptr)
m_sound = CApplication::GetInstancePointer()->GetSound();
return false; return false;
} }
@ -233,7 +218,6 @@ bool CLightning::SetStatus(float sleep, float delay, float magnetic, float progr
void CLightning::Draw() void CLightning::Draw()
{ {
if (!m_lightningExists) return;
if (m_phase != LightningPhase::Flash) return; if (m_phase != LightningPhase::Flash) return;
CDevice* device = m_engine->GetDevice(); CDevice* device = m_engine->GetDevice();
@ -368,4 +352,25 @@ CObject* CLightning::SearchObject(Math::Vector pos)
} }
void CLightning::StrikeAtPos(Math::Vector pos)
m_pos = pos;
Math::Vector eye = m_engine->GetEyePt();
float dist = Math::Distance(m_pos, eye);
float deep = m_engine->GetDeepView();
if (dist < deep)
Math::Vector pos = eye+((m_pos-eye)*0.2f); // like so close!
m_sound->Play(SOUND_BLITZ, pos);
m_camera->StartOver(CAM_OVER_EFFECT_LIGHTNING, m_pos, 1.0f);
m_phase = LightningPhase::Flash;
m_progress = 0.0f;
m_speed = 1.0f;
} // namespace Gfx } // namespace Gfx

View File

@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ public:
//! Draws lightning //! Draws lightning
void Draw(); void Draw();
//! Shoots lightning strike at given position
void StrikeAtPos(Math::Vector pos);
protected: protected:
//! Updates lightning //! Updates lightning
bool EventFrame(const Event &event); bool EventFrame(const Event &event);

View File

@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ int CParticle::CreateTrack(Math::Vector pos, Math::Vector speed, Math::Point dim
if (!m_track[i].used) // free? if (!m_track[i].used) // free?
{ {
int rank = channel; int rank = channel;
if (!CheckChannel(rank)) return -1; GetRankFromChannel(rank);
m_particle[rank].trackRank = i; m_particle[rank].trackRank = i;
m_track[i].used = true; m_track[i].used = true;
@ -636,28 +636,27 @@ void CParticle::CreateWheelTrace(const Math::Vector &p1, const Math::Vector &p2,
/** Adapts the channel so it can be used as an offset in m_particle */ void CParticle::GetRankFromChannel(int &channel)
bool CParticle::CheckChannel(int &channel)
{ {
int uniqueStamp = (channel>>16)&0xffff; int uniqueStamp = (channel>>16)&0xffff;
channel &= 0xffff; channel &= 0xffff;
if (channel < 0) return false; if (channel < 0 || channel >= MAXPARTICULE*MAXPARTITYPE) throw std::runtime_error("Tried to access invalid particle channel (invalid ID)");
if (channel >= MAXPARTICULE*MAXPARTITYPE) return false; if (!m_particle[channel].used) throw std::runtime_error("Tried to access invalid particle channel (used=false)");
if (m_particle[channel].uniqueStamp != uniqueStamp) throw std::runtime_error("Tried to access invalid particle channel (uniqueStamp changed)");
if (!m_particle[channel].used) bool CParticle::ParticleExists(int channel)
return true;
catch (const std::runtime_error& e)
{ {
GetLogger()->Error("CheckChannel used=false !\n");
return false; return false;
} }
if (m_particle[channel].uniqueStamp != uniqueStamp)
GetLogger()->Error("CheckChannel uniqueStamp !\n");
return false;
return true;
} }
void CParticle::DeleteRank(int rank) void CParticle::DeleteRank(int rank)
@ -685,7 +684,7 @@ void CParticle::DeleteParticle(ParticleType type)
void CParticle::DeleteParticle(int channel) void CParticle::DeleteParticle(int channel)
{ {
if (!CheckChannel(channel)) return; GetRankFromChannel(channel);
if (m_totalInterface[channel/MAXPARTICULE][m_particle[channel].sheet] > 0 ) if (m_totalInterface[channel/MAXPARTICULE][m_particle[channel].sheet] > 0 )
m_totalInterface[channel/MAXPARTICULE][m_particle[channel].sheet]--; m_totalInterface[channel/MAXPARTICULE][m_particle[channel].sheet]--;
@ -699,50 +698,50 @@ void CParticle::DeleteParticle(int channel)
void CParticle::SetObjectLink(int channel, CObject *object) void CParticle::SetObjectLink(int channel, CObject *object)
{ {
if (!CheckChannel(channel)) return; GetRankFromChannel(channel);
m_particle[channel].objLink = object; m_particle[channel].objLink = object;
} }
void CParticle::SetObjectFather(int channel, CObject *object) void CParticle::SetObjectFather(int channel, CObject *object)
{ {
if (!CheckChannel(channel)) return; GetRankFromChannel(channel);
m_particle[channel].objFather = object; m_particle[channel].objFather = object;
} }
void CParticle::SetPosition(int channel, Math::Vector pos) void CParticle::SetPosition(int channel, Math::Vector pos)
{ {
if (!CheckChannel(channel)) return; GetRankFromChannel(channel);
m_particle[channel].pos = pos; m_particle[channel].pos = pos;
} }
void CParticle::SetDimension(int channel, Math::Point dim) void CParticle::SetDimension(int channel, Math::Point dim)
{ {
if (!CheckChannel(channel)) return; GetRankFromChannel(channel);
m_particle[channel].dim = dim; m_particle[channel].dim = dim;
} }
void CParticle::SetZoom(int channel, float zoom) void CParticle::SetZoom(int channel, float zoom)
{ {
if (!CheckChannel(channel)) return; GetRankFromChannel(channel);
m_particle[channel].zoom = zoom; m_particle[channel].zoom = zoom;
} }
void CParticle::SetAngle(int channel, float angle) void CParticle::SetAngle(int channel, float angle)
{ {
if (!CheckChannel(channel)) return; GetRankFromChannel(channel);
m_particle[channel].angle = angle; m_particle[channel].angle = angle;
} }
void CParticle::SetIntensity(int channel, float intensity) void CParticle::SetIntensity(int channel, float intensity)
{ {
if (!CheckChannel(channel)) return; GetRankFromChannel(channel);
m_particle[channel].intensity = intensity; m_particle[channel].intensity = intensity;
} }
void CParticle::SetParam(int channel, Math::Vector pos, Math::Point dim, float zoom, void CParticle::SetParam(int channel, Math::Vector pos, Math::Point dim, float zoom,
float angle, float intensity) float angle, float intensity)
{ {
if (!CheckChannel(channel)) return; GetRankFromChannel(channel);
m_particle[channel].pos = pos; m_particle[channel].pos = pos;
m_particle[channel].dim = dim; m_particle[channel].dim = dim;
m_particle[channel].zoom = zoom; m_particle[channel].zoom = zoom;
@ -752,17 +751,16 @@ void CParticle::SetParam(int channel, Math::Vector pos, Math::Point dim, float z
void CParticle::SetPhase(int channel, ParticlePhase phase, float duration) void CParticle::SetPhase(int channel, ParticlePhase phase, float duration)
{ {
if (!CheckChannel(channel)) return; GetRankFromChannel(channel);
m_particle[channel].phase = phase; m_particle[channel].phase = phase;
m_particle[channel].duration = duration; m_particle[channel].duration = duration;
m_particle[channel].phaseTime = m_particle[channel].time; m_particle[channel].phaseTime = m_particle[channel].time;
} }
bool CParticle::GetPosition(int channel, Math::Vector &pos) Math::Vector CParticle::GetPosition(int channel)
{ {
if (!CheckChannel(channel)) return false; GetRankFromChannel(channel);
pos = m_particle[channel].pos; return m_particle[channel].pos;
return true;
} }
void CParticle::SetFrameUpdate(int sheet, bool update) void CParticle::SetFrameUpdate(int sheet, bool update)
@ -3724,12 +3722,4 @@ Color CParticle::GetFogColor(Math::Vector pos)
return result; return result;
} }
bool CParticle::WriteWheelTrace(const char *filename, int width, int height,
Math::Vector dl, Math::Vector ur)
// TODO: stub!
GetLogger()->Trace("CParticle::WriteWheelTrace(): stub!\n");
return true;
} // namespace Gfx } // namespace Gfx

View File

@ -162,9 +162,9 @@ enum ParticlePhase
struct Particle struct Particle
{ {
bool used = false; // TRUE -> particle used bool used = false; //!< true if this channel is used, false if not
bool ray = false; // TRUE -> ray with goal bool ray = false; // TRUE -> ray with goal
unsigned short uniqueStamp = 0; // unique mark unsigned short uniqueStamp = 0; //!< unique marker added to particle channel ID to make sure this is still the same particle
short sheet = 0; // sheet (0..n) short sheet = 0; // sheet (0..n)
ParticleType type = {}; // type PARTI* ParticleType type = {}; // type PARTI*
ParticlePhase phase = {}; // phase PARPH* ParticlePhase phase = {}; // phase PARPH*
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ public:
void SetPhase(int channel, ParticlePhase phase, float duration); void SetPhase(int channel, ParticlePhase phase, float duration);
//! Returns the position of the particle //! Returns the position of the particle
bool GetPosition(int channel, Math::Vector &pos); Math::Vector GetPosition(int channel);
//! Returns the color if you're in the fog or black if you're not //! Returns the color if you're in the fog or black if you're not
Color GetFogColor(Math::Vector pos); Color GetFogColor(Math::Vector pos);
@ -291,14 +291,18 @@ public:
//! Draws all the particles //! Draws all the particles
void DrawParticle(int sheet); void DrawParticle(int sheet);
//! Writes a file containing all the tire tracks //! Checks if given particle channel still exists
bool WriteWheelTrace(const char *filename, int width, int height, Math::Vector dl, Math::Vector ur); bool ParticleExists(int channel);
protected: protected:
//! Removes a particle of given rank //! Removes a particle of given rank
void DeleteRank(int rank); void DeleteRank(int rank);
//! Check a channel number /**
bool CheckChannel(int &channel); * \brief Adapts the channel so it can be used as an offset in m_particle
* \param channel Channel number to process, will be modified to be index of particle in m_particle
* \throw std::runtime_error if this particle does not exist any more
void GetRankFromChannel(int &channel);
//! Draws a triangular particle //! Draws a triangular particle
void DrawParticleTriangle(int i); void DrawParticleTriangle(int i);
//! Draw a normal particle //! Draw a normal particle

View File

@ -192,6 +192,22 @@ void CTerrain::AddMaterial(int id, const std::string& texName, const Math::Point
} }
// values from original bitmap palette
const std::map<TerrainRes, Gfx::IntColor> RESOURCE_PALETTE = {
{TR_STONE, Gfx::IntColor(255, 0, 0)},
{TR_URANIUM, Gfx::IntColor(255, 255, 0)},
{TR_POWER, Gfx::IntColor( 0, 255, 0)},
{TR_KEY_A, Gfx::IntColor( 0, 204, 0)},
{TR_KEY_B, Gfx::IntColor( 51, 204, 0)},
{TR_KEY_C, Gfx::IntColor(102, 204, 0)},
{TR_KEY_D, Gfx::IntColor(153, 204, 0)}
Gfx::IntColor ResourceToColor(TerrainRes res)
/** /**
* The image must be 24 bits/pixel and grayscale and dx x dy in size * The image must be 24 bits/pixel and grayscale and dx x dy in size
* with dx = dy = (mosaic*brick)+1 */ * with dx = dy = (mosaic*brick)+1 */
@ -224,21 +240,11 @@ bool CTerrain::LoadResources(const std::string& fileName)
Gfx::IntColor pixel = img.GetPixelInt(Math::IntPoint(x, size - y - 1)); Gfx::IntColor pixel = img.GetPixelInt(Math::IntPoint(x, size - y - 1));
TerrainRes res = TR_NULL; TerrainRes res = TR_NULL;
// values from original bitmap palette for (const auto& it : RESOURCE_PALETTE)
if (pixel.r == 255 && pixel.g == 0 && pixel.b == 0) {
res = TR_STONE; if (pixel.r == it.second.r && pixel.g == it.second.g && pixel.b == it.second.b)
else if (pixel.r == 255 && pixel.g == 255 && pixel.b == 0) res = it.first;
res = TR_URANIUM; }
else if (pixel.r == 0 && pixel.g == 255 && pixel.b == 0)
res = TR_POWER;
else if (pixel.r == 0 && pixel.g == 204 && pixel.b == 0)
res = TR_KEY_A;
else if (pixel.r == 51 && pixel.g == 204 && pixel.b == 0)
res = TR_KEY_B;
else if (pixel.r == 102 && pixel.g == 204 && pixel.b == 0)
res = TR_KEY_C;
else if (pixel.r == 153 && pixel.g == 204 && pixel.b == 0)
res = TR_KEY_D;
m_resources[x+size*y] = static_cast<unsigned char>(res); m_resources[x+size*y] = static_cast<unsigned char>(res);
} }

View File

@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ enum TerrainRes
TR_KEY_D = 7 TR_KEY_D = 7
//@} //@}
}; };
//! Converts TerrainRes to color
Gfx::IntColor ResourceToColor(TerrainRes res);
/** /**
* \class CTerrain * \class CTerrain

View File

@ -214,7 +214,9 @@ void CText::DrawText(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterato
pos.x -= sw; pos.x -= sw;
} }
DrawString(text, format, end, size, pos, width, eol, color); Math::IntPoint intPos = m_engine->InterfaceToWindowCoords(pos);
int intWidth = width * m_engine->GetWindowSize().x;
DrawString(text, format, end, size, intPos, intWidth, eol, color);
} }
void CText::DrawText(const std::string &text, FontType font, void CText::DrawText(const std::string &text, FontType font,
@ -236,7 +238,9 @@ void CText::DrawText(const std::string &text, FontType font,
pos.x -= sw; pos.x -= sw;
} }
DrawString(text, font, size, pos, width, eol, color); Math::IntPoint intPos = m_engine->InterfaceToWindowCoords(pos);
int intWidth = width * m_engine->GetWindowSize().x;
DrawString(text, font, size, intPos, intWidth, eol, color);
} }
void CText::SizeText(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format, void CText::SizeText(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format,
@ -322,6 +326,14 @@ float CText::GetHeight(FontType font, float size)
return ifSize.y; return ifSize.y;
} }
int CText::GetHeightInt(FontType font, float size)
assert(font != FONT_BUTTON);
CachedFont* cf = GetOrOpenFont(font, size);
assert(cf != nullptr);
return TTF_FontHeight(cf->font);
float CText::GetStringWidth(const std::string &text, float CText::GetStringWidth(const std::string &text,
std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format,
@ -416,6 +428,46 @@ float CText::GetCharWidth(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, float offset)
return charSize.x * width; return charSize.x * width;
} }
int CText::GetCharWidthInt(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, float offset)
if (font == FONT_BUTTON)
Math::IntPoint windowSize = m_engine->GetWindowSize();
int height = GetHeightInt(FONT_COLOBOT, size);
int width = height*(static_cast<float>(windowSize.y)/windowSize.x);
return width;
int width = 1;
if (ch.c1 < 32 && ch.c1 >= 0)
if (ch.c1 == '\t')
width = m_tabSize;
// TODO: tab sizing at intervals?
ch.c1 = ':';
CachedFont* cf = GetOrOpenFont(font, size);
assert(cf != nullptr);
Math::IntPoint charSize;
auto it = cf->cache.find(ch);
if (it != cf->cache.end())
charSize = (*it).second.charSize;
std::string text;
text.append({ch.c1, ch.c2, ch.c3});
TTF_SizeUTF8(cf->font, text.c_str(), &charSize.x, &charSize.y);
return charSize.x * width;
int CText::Justify(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format, int CText::Justify(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format,
std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator end, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator end,
@ -636,11 +688,11 @@ UTF8Char CText::TranslateSpecialChar(int specialChar)
void CText::DrawString(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format, void CText::DrawString(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format,
std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator end, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator end,
float size, Math::Point pos, float width, int eol, Color color) float size, Math::IntPoint pos, int width, int eol, Color color)
{ {
m_engine->SetState(ENG_RSTATE_TEXT); m_engine->SetState(ENG_RSTATE_TEXT);
float start = pos.x; int start = pos.x;
unsigned int fmtIndex = 0; unsigned int fmtIndex = 0;
@ -654,12 +706,12 @@ void CText::DrawString(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::itera
UTF8Char ch = *it; UTF8Char ch = *it;
float offset = pos.x - start; int offset = pos.x - start;
float cw = GetCharWidth(ch, font, size, offset); int cw = GetCharWidthInt(ch, font, size, offset);
if (offset + cw > width) // exceeds the maximum width? if (offset + cw > width) // exceeds the maximum width?
{ {
ch = TranslateSpecialChar(CHAR_SKIP_RIGHT); ch = TranslateSpecialChar(CHAR_SKIP_RIGHT);
cw = GetCharWidth(ch, font, size, offset); cw = GetCharWidthInt(ch, font, size, offset);
pos.x = start + width - cw; pos.x = start + width - cw;
color = Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); color = Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
DrawCharAndAdjustPos(ch, font, size, pos, color); DrawCharAndAdjustPos(ch, font, size, pos, color);
@ -668,43 +720,42 @@ void CText::DrawString(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::itera
Color c = color; Color c = color;
FontHighlight hl = static_cast<FontHighlight>(format[fmtIndex] & FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT); FontHighlight hl = static_cast<FontHighlight>(format[fmtIndex] & FONT_MASK_HIGHLIGHT);
{ {
if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN) c = Color(0.490f, 0.380f, 0.165f, 1.0f); // #7D612A
{ }
c = Color(0.490f, 0.380f, 0.165f, 1.0f); // #7D612A else if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TYPE)
} {
else if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TYPE) c = Color(0.31f, 0.443f, 0.196f, 1.0f); // #4F7132
{ }
c = Color(0.31f, 0.443f, 0.196f, 1.0f); // #4F7132 else if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_CONST)
} {
else if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_CONST) c = Color(0.882f, 0.176f, 0.176f, 1.0f); // #E12D2D
{ }
c = Color(0.882f, 0.176f, 0.176f, 1.0f); // #E12D2D else if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_THIS)
} {
else if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_THIS) c = Color(0.545f, 0.329f, 0.608f, 1.0f); // #8B549B
{ }
c = Color(0.545f, 0.329f, 0.608f, 1.0f); // #8B549B else if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_COMMENT)
} {
else if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_COMMENT) c = Color(0.251f, 0.271f, 0.306f, 1.0f); // #40454E
{ }
c = Color(0.251f, 0.271f, 0.306f, 1.0f); // #40454E else if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_KEYWORD)
} {
else if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_KEYWORD) c = Color(0.239f, 0.431f, 0.588f, 1.0f); // #3D6E96
{ }
c = Color(0.239f, 0.431f, 0.588f, 1.0f); // #3D6E96 else if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_STRING)
} {
else if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_STRING) c = Color(0.239f, 0.384f, 0.341f, 1.0f); // #3D6257
{ }
c = Color(0.239f, 0.384f, 0.341f, 1.0f); // #3D6257
} // draw highlight background or link underline
else if (font != FONT_BUTTON)
{ {
Math::Point charSize; Math::IntPoint charSize;
charSize.x = GetCharWidth(ch, font, size, offset); charSize.x = GetCharWidthInt(ch, font, size, offset);
charSize.y = GetHeight(font, size); charSize.y = GetHeightInt(font, size);
DrawHighlight(hl, pos, charSize); DrawHighlight(format[fmtIndex], pos, charSize);
} }
DrawCharAndAdjustPos(ch, font, size, pos, c); DrawCharAndAdjustPos(ch, font, size, pos, c);
@ -788,7 +839,7 @@ void CText::StringToUTFCharList(const std::string &text, std::vector<UTF8Char> &
} }
void CText::DrawString(const std::string &text, FontType font, void CText::DrawString(const std::string &text, FontType font,
float size, Math::Point pos, float width, int eol, Color color) float size, Math::IntPoint pos, int width, int eol, Color color)
{ {
assert(font != FONT_BUTTON); assert(font != FONT_BUTTON);
@ -802,76 +853,73 @@ void CText::DrawString(const std::string &text, FontType font,
} }
} }
void CText::DrawHighlight(FontHighlight hl, Math::Point pos, Math::Point size) void CText::DrawHighlight(FontMetaChar hl, Math::IntPoint pos, Math::IntPoint size)
{ {
// Gradient colors // Gradient colors
Color grad[4]; Color grad[4];
// TODO: switch to alpha factors // TODO: switch to alpha factors
switch (hl) if ((hl & FONT_MASK_LINK) != 0)
{ {
case FONT_HIGHLIGHT_LINK: grad[0] = grad[1] = grad[2] = grad[3] = Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
grad[0] = grad[1] = grad[2] = grad[3] = Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); }
case FONT_HIGHLIGHT_KEY: grad[0] = grad[1] = grad[2] = grad[3] =
grad[0] = grad[1] = grad[2] = grad[3] = Color(192.0f / 256.0f, 192.0f / 256.0f, 192.0f / 256.0f, 0.5f);
Color(192.0f / 256.0f, 192.0f / 256.0f, 192.0f / 256.0f, 0.5f); }
break; else
default: return;
} }
Math::IntPoint vsize = m_engine->GetWindowSize(); Math::IntPoint vsize = m_engine->GetWindowSize();
float h = 0.0f; float h = 0.0f;
if (vsize.y <= 768.0f) // 1024x768 or less? if (vsize.y <= 768.0f) // 1024x768 or less?
h = 1.01f / vsize.y; // 1 pixel h = 1.01f; // 1 pixel
else // more than 1024x768? else // more than 1024x768?
h = 2.0f / vsize.y; // 2 pixels h = 2.0f; // 2 pixels
Math::Point p1, p2; Math::Point p1, p2;
p1.x = pos.x; p1.x = pos.x;
p1.y = pos.y - size.y;
p2.x = pos.x + size.x; p2.x = pos.x + size.x;
p2.y = pos.y;
if (hl == FONT_HIGHLIGHT_LINK) if ((hl & FONT_MASK_LINK) != 0)
{ {
p1.y = pos.y; p1.y = pos.y - h; // just emphasized
p2.y = pos.y + h; // just emphasized
p1.y = pos.y;
p2.y = pos.y + size.y;
} }
m_device->SetTextureEnabled(0, false); m_device->SetTextureEnabled(0, false);
VertexCol quad[] = VertexCol quad[] =
{ {
VertexCol(Math::Vector(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), grad[3]), VertexCol(Math::Vector(p1.x, p2.y, 0.0f), grad[3]),
VertexCol(Math::Vector(p1.x, p2.y, 0.0f), grad[0]), VertexCol(Math::Vector(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), grad[0]),
VertexCol(Math::Vector(p2.x, p1.y, 0.0f), grad[2]), VertexCol(Math::Vector(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), grad[2]),
VertexCol(Math::Vector(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), grad[1]) VertexCol(Math::Vector(p2.x, p1.y, 0.0f), grad[1])
}; };
m_device->DrawPrimitive(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, quad, 4); m_device->DrawPrimitive(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, quad, 4);
m_engine->AddStatisticTriangle(2); m_engine->AddStatisticTriangle(2);
m_device->SetTextureEnabled(0, true); m_device->SetTextureEnabled(0, true);
} }
void CText::DrawCharAndAdjustPos(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, Math::Point &pos, Color color) void CText::DrawCharAndAdjustPos(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, Math::IntPoint &pos, Color color)
{ {
if(font == FONT_BUTTON) if (font == FONT_BUTTON)
{ {
Math::IntPoint windowSize = m_engine->GetWindowSize(); Math::IntPoint windowSize = m_engine->GetWindowSize();
float height = GetHeight(FONT_COLOBOT, size); int height = GetHeightInt(FONT_COLOBOT, size);
float width = height*(static_cast<float>(windowSize.y)/windowSize.x); int width = height * (static_cast<float>(windowSize.y)/windowSize.x);
Math::Point p1(pos.x, pos.y); Math::IntPoint p1(pos.x, pos.y - height);
Math::Point p2(pos.x + width, pos.y + height); Math::IntPoint p2(pos.x + width, pos.y);
Math::Vector n(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); // normal Math::Vector n(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); // normal
@ -909,13 +957,15 @@ void CText::DrawCharAndAdjustPos(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, Math::P
Vertex quad[4] = Vertex quad[4] =
{ {
Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(uv1.x, uv2.y)), Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(uv1.x, uv2.y)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(uv1.x, uv1.y)), Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(uv1.x, uv1.y)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(uv2.x, uv2.y)), Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(uv2.x, uv2.y)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(uv2.x, uv1.y)) Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(uv2.x, uv1.y))
}; };
m_device->DrawPrimitive(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, quad, 4, color); m_device->DrawPrimitive(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, quad, 4, color);
m_engine->AddStatisticTriangle(2); m_engine->AddStatisticTriangle(2);
pos.x += width; pos.x += width;
@ -939,30 +989,31 @@ void CText::DrawCharAndAdjustPos(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, Math::P
CharTexture tex = GetCharTexture(ch, font, size); CharTexture tex = GetCharTexture(ch, font, size);
Math::Point charInterfaceSize = m_engine->WindowToInterfaceSize(tex.charSize); Math::Point p1(pos.x, pos.y - tex.charSize.y);
Math::Point p2(pos.x + tex.charSize.x, pos.y);
Math::Point p1(pos.x, pos.y); const float halfPixelMargin = 0.5f;
Math::Point p2(pos.x + charInterfaceSize.x, pos.y + charInterfaceSize.y); Math::Point texCoord1(static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.x + halfPixelMargin) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.x,
static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.y + halfPixelMargin) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.y);
Math::Point texCoord1(static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.x) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.x, Math::Point texCoord2(static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.x + tex.charSize.x - halfPixelMargin) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.x,
static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.y) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.y); static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.y + tex.charSize.y - halfPixelMargin) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.y);
Math::Point texCoord2(static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.x + tex.charSize.x) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.x,
static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.y + tex.charSize.y) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.y);
Math::Vector n(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); // normal Math::Vector n(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); // normal
Vertex quad[4] = Vertex quad[4] =
{ {
Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(texCoord1.x, texCoord2.y)), Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(texCoord1.x, texCoord2.y)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(texCoord1.x, texCoord1.y)), Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(texCoord1.x, texCoord1.y)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(texCoord2.x, texCoord2.y)), Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(texCoord2.x, texCoord2.y)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(texCoord2.x, texCoord1.y)) Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(texCoord2.x, texCoord1.y))
}; };
m_device->SetTexture(0,; m_device->SetTexture(0,;
m_device->DrawPrimitive(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, quad, 4, color); m_device->DrawPrimitive(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, quad, 4, color);
m_engine->AddStatisticTriangle(2); m_engine->AddStatisticTriangle(2);
pos.x += charInterfaceSize.x * width; pos.x += tex.charSize.x * width;
} }
} }
@ -1061,8 +1112,9 @@ CharTexture CText::CreateCharTexture(UTF8Char ch, CachedFont* font)
return texture; return texture;
} }
Math::IntPoint tileSize(Math::NextPowerOfTwo(textSurface->w), const int pixelMargin = 1;
Math::NextPowerOfTwo(textSurface->h)); Math::IntPoint tileSize(Math::Max(16, Math::NextPowerOfTwo(textSurface->w)) + pixelMargin,
Math::Max(16, Math::NextPowerOfTwo(textSurface->h)) + pixelMargin);
FontTexture* fontTexture = GetOrCreateFontTexture(tileSize); FontTexture* fontTexture = GetOrCreateFontTexture(tileSize);
@ -1075,7 +1127,6 @@ CharTexture CText::CreateCharTexture(UTF8Char ch, CachedFont* font) = fontTexture->id; = fontTexture->id;
texture.charPos = GetNextTilePos(*fontTexture); texture.charPos = GetNextTilePos(*fontTexture);
texture.charSize = Math::IntPoint(textSurface->w, textSurface->h); texture.charSize = Math::IntPoint(textSurface->w, textSurface->h);
texture.tileSize = tileSize;
ImageData imageData; ImageData imageData;
imageData.surface = textSurface; imageData.surface = textSurface;

View File

@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ enum FontTitle
enum FontHighlight enum FontHighlight
{ {
FONT_HIGHLIGHT_LINK = 0x01 << 6, //!< link underline
FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TABLE = 0x02 << 6, //!< code background in SatCom FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TABLE = 0x02 << 6, //!< code background in SatCom
FONT_HIGHLIGHT_KEY = 0x03 << 6, //!< background for keys in documentation in SatCom FONT_HIGHLIGHT_KEY = 0x03 << 6, //!< background for keys in documentation in SatCom
FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN = 0x04 << 6, //!< keywords in CBot scripts FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN = 0x04 << 6, //!< keywords in CBot scripts
@ -142,8 +141,10 @@ enum FontMask
//! Mask for FontHighlight //! Mask for FontHighlight
//! Mask for links
//! Mask for image bit (TODO: not used?) //! Mask for image bit (TODO: not used?)
}; };
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ struct CharTexture
unsigned int id = 0; unsigned int id = 0;
Math::IntPoint charPos; Math::IntPoint charPos;
Math::IntPoint charSize; Math::IntPoint charSize;
Math::IntPoint tileSize;
}; };
// Definition is private - in text.cpp // Definition is private - in text.cpp
@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ public:
float GetDescent(FontType font, float size); float GetDescent(FontType font, float size);
//! Returns the height font metric //! Returns the height font metric
float GetHeight(FontType font, float size); float GetHeight(FontType font, float size);
int GetHeightInt(FontType font, float size);
//! Returns width of string (multi-format) //! Returns width of string (multi-format)
TEST_VIRTUAL float GetStringWidth(const std::string& text, TEST_VIRTUAL float GetStringWidth(const std::string& text,
@ -291,6 +292,7 @@ public:
TEST_VIRTUAL float GetStringWidth(std::string text, FontType font, float size); TEST_VIRTUAL float GetStringWidth(std::string text, FontType font, float size);
//! Returns width of single character //! Returns width of single character
TEST_VIRTUAL float GetCharWidth(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, float offset); TEST_VIRTUAL float GetCharWidth(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, float offset);
int GetCharWidthInt(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, float offset);
//! Justifies a line of text (multi-format) //! Justifies a line of text (multi-format)
int Justify(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format, int Justify(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format,
@ -320,11 +322,11 @@ protected:
void DrawString(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format, void DrawString(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format,
std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator end, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator end,
float size, Math::Point pos, float width, int eol, Color color); float size, Math::IntPoint pos, int width, int eol, Color color);
void DrawString(const std::string &text, FontType font, void DrawString(const std::string &text, FontType font,
float size, Math::Point pos, float width, int eol, Color color); float size, Math::IntPoint pos, int width, int eol, Color color);
void DrawHighlight(FontHighlight hl, Math::Point pos, Math::Point size); void DrawHighlight(FontMetaChar hl, Math::IntPoint pos, Math::IntPoint size);
void DrawCharAndAdjustPos(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, Math::Point &pos, Color color); void DrawCharAndAdjustPos(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, Math::IntPoint &pos, Color color);
void StringToUTFCharList(const std::string &text, std::vector<UTF8Char> &chars); void StringToUTFCharList(const std::string &text, std::vector<UTF8Char> &chars);
void StringToUTFCharList(const std::string &text, std::vector<UTF8Char> &chars, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator end); void StringToUTFCharList(const std::string &text, std::vector<UTF8Char> &chars, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator end);

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
*/ */
#include "graphics/opengl/gldevice.h" #include "graphics/opengl/gl14device.h"
#include "common/config.h" #include "common/config.h"
@ -43,22 +43,22 @@
namespace Gfx namespace Gfx
{ {
CGLDevice::CGLDevice(const DeviceConfig &config) CGL14Device::CGL14Device(const DeviceConfig &config)
: m_config(config) : m_config(config)
{} {}
CGLDevice::~CGLDevice() CGL14Device::~CGL14Device()
{ {
} }
void CGLDevice::DebugHook() void CGL14Device::DebugHook()
{ {
/* This function is only called here, so it can be used /* This function is only called here, so it can be used
* as a breakpoint when debugging using gDEBugger */ * as a breakpoint when debugging using gDEBugger */
glColor3i(0, 0, 0); glColor3i(0, 0, 0);
} }
void CGLDevice::DebugLights() void CGL14Device::DebugLights()
{ {
Gfx::ColorHSV color(0.0, 1.0, 1.0); Gfx::ColorHSV color(0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
@ -158,18 +158,18 @@ void CGLDevice::DebugLights()
UpdateModelviewMatrix(); UpdateModelviewMatrix();
} }
std::string CGLDevice::GetName() std::string CGL14Device::GetName()
{ {
return std::string("OpenGL 1.4"); return std::string("OpenGL 1.4");
} }
bool CGLDevice::Create() bool CGL14Device::Create()
{ {
GetLogger()->Info("Creating CDevice - OpenGL 1.4\n"); GetLogger()->Info("Creating CDevice - OpenGL 1.4\n");
if (!InitializeGLEW()) if (!InitializeGLEW())
{ {
m_errorMessage = "An error occured while initializing GLEW."; m_errorMessage = "An error occurred while initializing GLEW.";
return false; return false;
} }
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ bool CGLDevice::Create()
return true; return true;
} }
void CGLDevice::Destroy() void CGL14Device::Destroy()
{ {
// delete framebuffers // delete framebuffers
for (auto& framebuffer : m_framebuffers) for (auto& framebuffer : m_framebuffers)
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ void CGLDevice::Destroy()
m_textureStageParams.clear(); m_textureStageParams.clear();
} }
void CGLDevice::ConfigChanged(const DeviceConfig& newConfig) void CGL14Device::ConfigChanged(const DeviceConfig& newConfig)
{ {
m_config = newConfig; m_config = newConfig;
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ void CGLDevice::ConfigChanged(const DeviceConfig& newConfig)
m_framebuffers["default"] = MakeUnique<CDefaultFramebuffer>(framebufferParams); m_framebuffers["default"] = MakeUnique<CDefaultFramebuffer>(framebufferParams);
} }
void CGLDevice::BeginScene() void CGL14Device::BeginScene()
{ {
Clear(); Clear();
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ void CGLDevice::BeginScene()
UpdateModelviewMatrix(); UpdateModelviewMatrix();
} }
void CGLDevice::EndScene() void CGL14Device::EndScene()
{ {
#ifdef DEV_BUILD #ifdef DEV_BUILD
int count = ClearGLErrors(); int count = ClearGLErrors();
@ -443,18 +443,18 @@ void CGLDevice::EndScene()
#endif #endif
} }
void CGLDevice::Clear() void CGL14Device::Clear()
{ {
glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
} }
void CGLDevice::SetRenderMode(RenderMode mode) void CGL14Device::SetRenderMode(RenderMode mode)
{ {
// nothing is done // nothing is done
} }
void CGLDevice::SetTransform(TransformType type, const Math::Matrix &matrix) void CGL14Device::SetTransform(TransformType type, const Math::Matrix &matrix)
{ {
if (type == TRANSFORM_WORLD) if (type == TRANSFORM_WORLD)
{ {
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ void CGLDevice::SetTransform(TransformType type, const Math::Matrix &matrix)
} }
} }
void CGLDevice::UpdateModelviewMatrix() void CGL14Device::UpdateModelviewMatrix()
{ {
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
glLoadIdentity(); glLoadIdentity();
@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ void CGLDevice::UpdateModelviewMatrix()
} }
} }
void CGLDevice::SetMaterial(const Material &material) void CGL14Device::SetMaterial(const Material &material)
{ {
m_material = material; m_material = material;
@ -516,12 +516,12 @@ void CGLDevice::SetMaterial(const Material &material)
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, m_material.specular.Array()); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, m_material.specular.Array());
} }
int CGLDevice::GetMaxLightCount() int CGL14Device::GetMaxLightCount()
{ {
return m_lights.size(); return m_lights.size();
} }
void CGLDevice::SetLight(int index, const Light &light) void CGL14Device::SetLight(int index, const Light &light)
{ {
assert(index >= 0); assert(index >= 0);
assert(index < static_cast<int>( m_lights.size() )); assert(index < static_cast<int>( m_lights.size() ));
@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ void CGLDevice::SetLight(int index, const Light &light)
UpdateLightPosition(index); UpdateLightPosition(index);
} }
void CGLDevice::UpdateLightPosition(int index) void CGL14Device::UpdateLightPosition(int index)
{ {
assert(index >= 0); assert(index >= 0);
assert(index < static_cast<int>( m_lights.size() )); assert(index < static_cast<int>( m_lights.size() ));
@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ void CGLDevice::UpdateLightPosition(int index)
glPopMatrix(); glPopMatrix();
} }
void CGLDevice::UpdateLightPositions() void CGL14Device::UpdateLightPositions()
{ {
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
glPushMatrix(); glPushMatrix();
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ void CGLDevice::UpdateLightPositions()
glPopMatrix(); glPopMatrix();
} }
void CGLDevice::SetLightEnabled(int index, bool enabled) void CGL14Device::SetLightEnabled(int index, bool enabled)
{ {
assert(index >= 0); assert(index >= 0);
assert(index < static_cast<int>( m_lights.size() )); assert(index < static_cast<int>( m_lights.size() ));
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ void CGLDevice::SetLightEnabled(int index, bool enabled)
/** If image is invalid, returns invalid texture. /** If image is invalid, returns invalid texture.
Otherwise, returns pointer to new Texture struct. Otherwise, returns pointer to new Texture struct.
This struct must not be deleted in other way than through DeleteTexture() */ This struct must not be deleted in other way than through DeleteTexture() */
Texture CGLDevice::CreateTexture(CImage *image, const TextureCreateParams &params) Texture CGL14Device::CreateTexture(CImage *image, const TextureCreateParams &params)
{ {
ImageData *data = image->GetData(); ImageData *data = image->GetData();
if (data == nullptr) if (data == nullptr)
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ Texture CGLDevice::CreateTexture(CImage *image, const TextureCreateParams &param
return tex; return tex;
} }
Texture CGLDevice::CreateTexture(ImageData *data, const TextureCreateParams &params) Texture CGL14Device::CreateTexture(ImageData *data, const TextureCreateParams &params)
{ {
Texture result; Texture result;
@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ Texture CGLDevice::CreateTexture(ImageData *data, const TextureCreateParams &par
return result; return result;
} }
Texture CGLDevice::CreateDepthTexture(int width, int height, int depth) Texture CGL14Device::CreateDepthTexture(int width, int height, int depth)
{ {
Texture result; Texture result;
@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ Texture CGLDevice::CreateDepthTexture(int width, int height, int depth)
return result; return result;
} }
void CGLDevice::UpdateTexture(const Texture& texture, Math::IntPoint offset, ImageData* data, TexImgFormat format) void CGL14Device::UpdateTexture(const Texture& texture, Math::IntPoint offset, ImageData* data, TexImgFormat format)
{ {
// Use & enable 1st texture stage // Use & enable 1st texture stage
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + m_remap[0]); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + m_remap[0]);
@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ void CGLDevice::UpdateTexture(const Texture& texture, Math::IntPoint offset, Ima
SDL_FreeSurface(texData.convertedSurface); SDL_FreeSurface(texData.convertedSurface);
} }
void CGLDevice::DestroyTexture(const Texture &texture) void CGL14Device::DestroyTexture(const Texture &texture)
{ {
// Unbind the texture if in use anywhere // Unbind the texture if in use anywhere
for (int index = 0; index < static_cast<int>( m_currentTextures.size() ); ++index) for (int index = 0; index < static_cast<int>( m_currentTextures.size() ); ++index)
@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ void CGLDevice::DestroyTexture(const Texture &texture)
} }
} }
void CGLDevice::DestroyAllTextures() void CGL14Device::DestroyAllTextures()
{ {
// Unbind all texture stages // Unbind all texture stages
for (int index = 0; index < static_cast<int>( m_currentTextures.size() ); ++index) for (int index = 0; index < static_cast<int>( m_currentTextures.size() ); ++index)
@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ void CGLDevice::DestroyAllTextures()
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_currentTextures[0].id); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_currentTextures[0].id);
} }
int CGLDevice::GetMaxTextureStageCount() int CGL14Device::GetMaxTextureStageCount()
{ {
return m_currentTextures.size(); return m_currentTextures.size();
} }
@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ int CGLDevice::GetMaxTextureStageCount()
If \a texture is invalid, unbinds the given texture. If \a texture is invalid, unbinds the given texture.
If valid, binds the texture and enables the given texture stage. If valid, binds the texture and enables the given texture stage.
The setting is remembered, even if texturing is disabled at the moment. */ The setting is remembered, even if texturing is disabled at the moment. */
void CGLDevice::SetTexture(int index, const Texture &texture) void CGL14Device::SetTexture(int index, const Texture &texture)
{ {
assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>( m_currentTextures.size() )); assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>( m_currentTextures.size() ));
@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ void CGLDevice::SetTexture(int index, const Texture &texture)
UpdateTextureParams(index); UpdateTextureParams(index);
} }
void CGLDevice::SetTexture(int index, unsigned int textureId) void CGL14Device::SetTexture(int index, unsigned int textureId)
{ {
assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>(m_currentTextures.size())); assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>(m_currentTextures.size()));
@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ void CGLDevice::SetTexture(int index, unsigned int textureId)
UpdateTextureParams(index); UpdateTextureParams(index);
} }
void CGLDevice::SetTextureEnabled(int index, bool enabled) void CGL14Device::SetTextureEnabled(int index, bool enabled)
{ {
assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>(m_currentTextures.size())); assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>(m_currentTextures.size()));
@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ void CGLDevice::SetTextureEnabled(int index, bool enabled)
Sets the texture parameters for the given texture stage. Sets the texture parameters for the given texture stage.
If the given texture was not set (bound) yet, nothing happens. If the given texture was not set (bound) yet, nothing happens.
The settings are remembered, even if texturing is disabled at the moment. */ The settings are remembered, even if texturing is disabled at the moment. */
void CGLDevice::SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &params) void CGL14Device::SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &params)
{ {
assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>(m_currentTextures.size())); assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>(m_currentTextures.size()));
@ -992,47 +992,7 @@ void CGLDevice::SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &param
UpdateTextureParams(index); UpdateTextureParams(index);
} }
void CGLDevice::SetTextureCoordGeneration(int index, TextureGenerationParams &params) void CGL14Device::UpdateTextureParams(int index)
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + m_remap[index]);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
GLuint texCoordGen = TranslateTextureCoordinateGen(i);
GLuint texCoord = TranslateTextureCoordinate(i);
switch (params.coords[i].mode)
glTexGenfv(texCoord, GL_OBJECT_PLANE, params.coords[i].plane);
glTexGenfv(texCoord, GL_EYE_PLANE, params.coords[i].plane);
void CGLDevice::UpdateTextureParams(int index)
{ {
assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>(m_currentTextures.size())); assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>(m_currentTextures.size()));
@ -1197,7 +1157,7 @@ after_tex_color:
after_tex_operations: ; after_tex_operations: ;
} }
void CGLDevice::EnableShadows() void CGL14Device::EnableShadows()
{ {
// already enabled // already enabled
if (m_shadowMapping) return; if (m_shadowMapping) return;
@ -1292,7 +1252,7 @@ void CGLDevice::EnableShadows()
m_shadowMapping = true; m_shadowMapping = true;
} }
void CGLDevice::DisableShadows() void CGL14Device::DisableShadows()
{ {
// already disabled // already disabled
if (!m_shadowMapping) return; if (!m_shadowMapping) return;
@ -1316,7 +1276,7 @@ void CGLDevice::DisableShadows()
m_shadowMapping = false; m_shadowMapping = false;
} }
void CGLDevice::SetTextureStageWrap(int index, TexWrapMode wrapS, TexWrapMode wrapT) void CGL14Device::SetTextureStageWrap(int index, TexWrapMode wrapS, TexWrapMode wrapT)
{ {
assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>( m_currentTextures.size() )); assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>( m_currentTextures.size() ));
@ -1347,7 +1307,7 @@ void CGLDevice::SetTextureStageWrap(int index, TexWrapMode wrapS, TexWrapMode wr
else assert(false); else assert(false);
} }
void CGLDevice::DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices, int vertexCount, void CGL14Device::DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices, int vertexCount,
Color color) Color color)
{ {
Vertex* vs = const_cast<Vertex*>(vertices); Vertex* vs = const_cast<Vertex*>(vertices);
@ -1371,7 +1331,7 @@ void CGLDevice::DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices, int ve
} }
void CGLDevice::DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const VertexTex2 *vertices, int vertexCount, void CGL14Device::DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const VertexTex2 *vertices, int vertexCount,
Color color) Color color)
{ {
VertexTex2* vs = const_cast<VertexTex2*>(vertices); VertexTex2* vs = const_cast<VertexTex2*>(vertices);
@ -1403,7 +1363,7 @@ void CGLDevice::DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const VertexTex2 *vertices, in
glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
} }
void CGLDevice::DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const VertexCol *vertices, int vertexCount) void CGL14Device::DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const VertexCol *vertices, int vertexCount)
{ {
VertexCol* vs = const_cast<VertexCol*>(vertices); VertexCol* vs = const_cast<VertexCol*>(vertices);
@ -1419,7 +1379,7 @@ void CGLDevice::DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const VertexCol *vertices, int
glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
} }
void CGLDevice::DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices, void CGL14Device::DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices,
int first[], int count[], int drawCount, Color color) int first[], int count[], int drawCount, Color color)
{ {
Vertex* vs = const_cast<Vertex*>(vertices); Vertex* vs = const_cast<Vertex*>(vertices);
@ -1453,7 +1413,7 @@ void CGLDevice::DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices,
} }
void CGLDevice::DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType type, const VertexTex2 *vertices, void CGL14Device::DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType type, const VertexTex2 *vertices,
int first[], int count[], int drawCount, Color color) int first[], int count[], int drawCount, Color color)
{ {
VertexTex2* vs = const_cast<VertexTex2*>(vertices); VertexTex2* vs = const_cast<VertexTex2*>(vertices);
@ -1494,7 +1454,7 @@ void CGLDevice::DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType type, const VertexTex2 *vertices,
glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
} }
void CGLDevice::DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType type, const VertexCol *vertices, void CGL14Device::DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType type, const VertexCol *vertices,
int first[], int count[], int drawCount) int first[], int count[], int drawCount)
{ {
VertexCol* vs = const_cast<VertexCol*>(vertices); VertexCol* vs = const_cast<VertexCol*>(vertices);
@ -1521,7 +1481,7 @@ void CGLDevice::DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType type, const VertexCol *vertices,
glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
} }
unsigned int CGLDevice::CreateStaticBuffer(PrimitiveType primitiveType, const Vertex* vertices, int vertexCount) unsigned int CGL14Device::CreateStaticBuffer(PrimitiveType primitiveType, const Vertex* vertices, int vertexCount)
{ {
unsigned int id = 0; unsigned int id = 0;
if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST) if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST)
@ -1565,7 +1525,7 @@ unsigned int CGLDevice::CreateStaticBuffer(PrimitiveType primitiveType, const Ve
return id; return id;
} }
unsigned int CGLDevice::CreateStaticBuffer(PrimitiveType primitiveType, const VertexTex2* vertices, int vertexCount) unsigned int CGL14Device::CreateStaticBuffer(PrimitiveType primitiveType, const VertexTex2* vertices, int vertexCount)
{ {
unsigned int id = 0; unsigned int id = 0;
if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST) if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST)
@ -1609,7 +1569,7 @@ unsigned int CGLDevice::CreateStaticBuffer(PrimitiveType primitiveType, const Ve
return id; return id;
} }
unsigned int CGLDevice::CreateStaticBuffer(PrimitiveType primitiveType, const VertexCol* vertices, int vertexCount) unsigned int CGL14Device::CreateStaticBuffer(PrimitiveType primitiveType, const VertexCol* vertices, int vertexCount)
{ {
unsigned int id = 0; unsigned int id = 0;
if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST) if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST)
@ -1653,7 +1613,7 @@ unsigned int CGLDevice::CreateStaticBuffer(PrimitiveType primitiveType, const Ve
return id; return id;
} }
void CGLDevice::UpdateStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId, PrimitiveType primitiveType, const Vertex* vertices, int vertexCount) void CGL14Device::UpdateStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId, PrimitiveType primitiveType, const Vertex* vertices, int vertexCount)
{ {
if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST) if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST)
{ {
@ -1689,7 +1649,7 @@ void CGLDevice::UpdateStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId, PrimitiveType primitiv
} }
} }
void CGLDevice::UpdateStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId, PrimitiveType primitiveType, const VertexTex2* vertices, int vertexCount) void CGL14Device::UpdateStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId, PrimitiveType primitiveType, const VertexTex2* vertices, int vertexCount)
{ {
if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST) if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST)
{ {
@ -1725,7 +1685,7 @@ void CGLDevice::UpdateStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId, PrimitiveType primitiv
} }
} }
void CGLDevice::UpdateStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId, PrimitiveType primitiveType, const VertexCol* vertices, int vertexCount) void CGL14Device::UpdateStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId, PrimitiveType primitiveType, const VertexCol* vertices, int vertexCount)
{ {
if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST) if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST)
{ {
@ -1761,7 +1721,7 @@ void CGLDevice::UpdateStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId, PrimitiveType primitiv
} }
} }
void CGLDevice::DrawStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId) void CGL14Device::DrawStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId)
{ {
if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST) if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST)
{ {
@ -1846,7 +1806,7 @@ void CGLDevice::DrawStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId)
} }
} }
void CGLDevice::DestroyStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId) void CGL14Device::DestroyStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId)
{ {
if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST) if (m_vertexBufferType != VBT_DISPLAY_LIST)
{ {
@ -1869,7 +1829,7 @@ void CGLDevice::DestroyStaticBuffer(unsigned int bufferId)
/* Based on libwine's implementation */ /* Based on libwine's implementation */
int CGLDevice::ComputeSphereVisibility(const Math::Vector &center, float radius) int CGL14Device::ComputeSphereVisibility(const Math::Vector &center, float radius)
{ {
if (m_combinedMatrixOutdated) if (m_combinedMatrixOutdated)
{ {
@ -1948,12 +1908,12 @@ int CGLDevice::ComputeSphereVisibility(const Math::Vector &center, float radius)
return result; return result;
} }
void CGLDevice::SetViewport(int x, int y, int width, int height) void CGL14Device::SetViewport(int x, int y, int width, int height)
{ {
glViewport(x, y, width, height); glViewport(x, y, width, height);
} }
void CGLDevice::SetRenderState(RenderState state, bool enabled) void CGL14Device::SetRenderState(RenderState state, bool enabled)
{ {
{ {
@ -2005,42 +1965,42 @@ void CGLDevice::SetRenderState(RenderState state, bool enabled)
glDisable(flag); glDisable(flag);
} }
void CGLDevice::SetColorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha) void CGL14Device::SetColorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha)
{ {
glColorMask(red, green, blue, alpha); glColorMask(red, green, blue, alpha);
} }
void CGLDevice::SetDepthTestFunc(CompFunc func) void CGL14Device::SetDepthTestFunc(CompFunc func)
{ {
glDepthFunc(TranslateGfxCompFunc(func)); glDepthFunc(TranslateGfxCompFunc(func));
} }
void CGLDevice::SetDepthBias(float factor, float units) void CGL14Device::SetDepthBias(float factor, float units)
{ {
glPolygonOffset(factor, units); glPolygonOffset(factor, units);
} }
void CGLDevice::SetAlphaTestFunc(CompFunc func, float refValue) void CGL14Device::SetAlphaTestFunc(CompFunc func, float refValue)
{ {
glAlphaFunc(TranslateGfxCompFunc(func), refValue); glAlphaFunc(TranslateGfxCompFunc(func), refValue);
} }
void CGLDevice::SetBlendFunc(BlendFunc srcBlend, BlendFunc dstBlend) void CGL14Device::SetBlendFunc(BlendFunc srcBlend, BlendFunc dstBlend)
{ {
glBlendFunc(TranslateGfxBlendFunc(srcBlend), TranslateGfxBlendFunc(dstBlend)); glBlendFunc(TranslateGfxBlendFunc(srcBlend), TranslateGfxBlendFunc(dstBlend));
} }
void CGLDevice::SetClearColor(const Color &color) void CGL14Device::SetClearColor(const Color &color)
{ {
glClearColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); glClearColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
} }
void CGLDevice::SetGlobalAmbient(const Color &color) void CGL14Device::SetGlobalAmbient(const Color &color)
{ {
glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, color.Array()); glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, color.Array());
} }
void CGLDevice::SetFogParams(FogMode mode, const Color &color, float start, float end, float density) void CGL14Device::SetFogParams(FogMode mode, const Color &color, float start, float end, float density)
{ {
if (mode == FOG_LINEAR) glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_LINEAR); if (mode == FOG_LINEAR) glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_LINEAR);
else if (mode == FOG_EXP) glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_EXP); else if (mode == FOG_EXP) glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_EXP);
@ -2053,7 +2013,7 @@ void CGLDevice::SetFogParams(FogMode mode, const Color &color, float start, floa
glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, color.Array()); glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, color.Array());
} }
void CGLDevice::SetCullMode(CullMode mode) void CGL14Device::SetCullMode(CullMode mode)
{ {
// Cull clockwise back faces, so front face is the opposite // Cull clockwise back faces, so front face is the opposite
// (assuming GL_CULL_FACE is GL_BACK) // (assuming GL_CULL_FACE is GL_BACK)
@ -2062,19 +2022,19 @@ void CGLDevice::SetCullMode(CullMode mode)
else assert(false); else assert(false);
} }
void CGLDevice::SetShadeModel(ShadeModel model) void CGL14Device::SetShadeModel(ShadeModel model)
{ {
if (model == SHADE_FLAT) glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); if (model == SHADE_FLAT) glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);
else if (model == SHADE_SMOOTH) glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); else if (model == SHADE_SMOOTH) glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);
else assert(false); else assert(false);
} }
void CGLDevice::SetShadowColor(float value) void CGL14Device::SetShadowColor(float value)
{ {
// doesn't do anything because it can't // doesn't do anything because it can't
} }
void CGLDevice::SetFillMode(FillMode mode) void CGL14Device::SetFillMode(FillMode mode)
{ {
if (mode == FILL_POINT) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_POINT); if (mode == FILL_POINT) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_POINT);
else if (mode == FILL_LINES) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); else if (mode == FILL_LINES) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
@ -2082,7 +2042,7 @@ void CGLDevice::SetFillMode(FillMode mode)
else assert(false); else assert(false);
} }
void CGLDevice::CopyFramebufferToTexture(Texture& texture, int xOffset, int yOffset, int x, int y, int width, int height) void CGL14Device::CopyFramebufferToTexture(Texture& texture, int xOffset, int yOffset, int x, int y, int width, int height)
{ {
if ( == 0) return; if ( == 0) return;
@ -2096,12 +2056,12 @@ void CGLDevice::CopyFramebufferToTexture(Texture& texture, int xOffset, int yOff
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_currentTextures[0].id); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_currentTextures[0].id);
} }
std::unique_ptr<CFrameBufferPixels> CGLDevice::GetFrameBufferPixels() const std::unique_ptr<CFrameBufferPixels> CGL14Device::GetFrameBufferPixels() const
{ {
return GetGLFrameBufferPixels(m_config.size); return GetGLFrameBufferPixels(m_config.size);
} }
CFramebuffer* CGLDevice::GetFramebuffer(std::string name) CFramebuffer* CGL14Device::GetFramebuffer(std::string name)
{ {
auto it = m_framebuffers.find(name); auto it = m_framebuffers.find(name);
if (it == m_framebuffers.end()) if (it == m_framebuffers.end())
@ -2110,7 +2070,7 @@ CFramebuffer* CGLDevice::GetFramebuffer(std::string name)
return it->second.get(); return it->second.get();
} }
CFramebuffer* CGLDevice::CreateFramebuffer(std::string name, const FramebufferParams& params) CFramebuffer* CGL14Device::CreateFramebuffer(std::string name, const FramebufferParams& params)
{ {
// existing framebuffer was found // existing framebuffer was found
if (m_framebuffers.find(name) != m_framebuffers.end()) if (m_framebuffers.find(name) != m_framebuffers.end())
@ -2134,7 +2094,7 @@ CFramebuffer* CGLDevice::CreateFramebuffer(std::string name, const FramebufferPa
return framebufferPtr; return framebufferPtr;
} }
void CGLDevice::DeleteFramebuffer(std::string name) void CGL14Device::DeleteFramebuffer(std::string name)
{ {
// can't delete default framebuffer // can't delete default framebuffer
if (name == "default") return; if (name == "default") return;
@ -2147,32 +2107,32 @@ void CGLDevice::DeleteFramebuffer(std::string name)
} }
} }
bool CGLDevice::IsAnisotropySupported() bool CGL14Device::IsAnisotropySupported()
{ {
return m_capabilities.anisotropySupported; return m_capabilities.anisotropySupported;
} }
int CGLDevice::GetMaxAnisotropyLevel() int CGL14Device::GetMaxAnisotropyLevel()
{ {
return m_capabilities.maxAnisotropy; return m_capabilities.maxAnisotropy;
} }
int CGLDevice::GetMaxSamples() int CGL14Device::GetMaxSamples()
{ {
return m_capabilities.maxSamples; return m_capabilities.maxSamples;
} }
bool CGLDevice::IsShadowMappingSupported() bool CGL14Device::IsShadowMappingSupported()
{ {
return m_capabilities.shadowMappingSupported; return m_capabilities.shadowMappingSupported;
} }
int CGLDevice::GetMaxTextureSize() int CGL14Device::GetMaxTextureSize()
{ {
return m_capabilities.maxTextureSize; return m_capabilities.maxTextureSize;
} }
bool CGLDevice::IsFramebufferSupported() bool CGL14Device::IsFramebufferSupported()
{ {
return m_capabilities.framebufferSupported; return m_capabilities.framebufferSupported;
} }

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
*/ */
/** /**
* \file graphics/opengl/gldevice.h * \file graphics/opengl/gl14device.h
* \brief OpenGL implementation - CGLDevice class * \brief OpenGL implementation - CGL14Device class
*/ */
#pragma once #pragma once
@ -62,21 +62,21 @@ enum ShadowMappingSupport
}; };
/** /**
\class CGLDevice \class CGL14Device
\brief Implementation of CDevice interface in OpenGL \brief Implementation of CDevice interface in OpenGL
Provides the concrete implementation of 3D device in OpenGL. Provides the concrete implementation of 3D device in OpenGL.
This class should be initialized (by calling Initialize() ) only after This class should be initialized (by calling Initialize() ) only after
setting the video mode by CApplication, once the OpenGL context is defined. setting the video mode by CApplication, once the OpenGL context is defined.
Because of that, CGLDeviceConfig is outside the CDevice class and must be set Because of that, CGL14DeviceConfig is outside the CDevice class and must be set
in CApplication. in CApplication.
*/ */
class CGLDevice : public CDevice class CGL14Device : public CDevice
{ {
public: public:
CGLDevice(const DeviceConfig &config); CGL14Device(const DeviceConfig &config);
virtual ~CGLDevice(); virtual ~CGL14Device();
void DebugHook() override; void DebugHook() override;
void DebugLights() override; void DebugLights() override;
@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ public:
void SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &params) override; void SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &params) override;
void SetTextureStageWrap(int index, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapS, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapT) override; void SetTextureStageWrap(int index, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapS, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapT) override;
void SetTextureCoordGeneration(int index, TextureGenerationParams &params) override;
virtual void DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices , int vertexCount, virtual void DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices , int vertexCount,
Color color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) override; Color color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) override;

View File

@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ bool CGL21Device::Create()
if (!InitializeGLEW()) if (!InitializeGLEW())
{ {
m_errorMessage = "An error occured while initializing GLEW."; m_errorMessage = "An error occurred while initializing GLEW.";
return false; return false;
} }
@ -1058,48 +1058,6 @@ void CGL21Device::SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &par
UpdateTextureParams(index); UpdateTextureParams(index);
} }
void CGL21Device::SetTextureCoordGeneration(int index, TextureGenerationParams &params)
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + index);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
GLuint texCoordGen = TranslateTextureCoordinateGen(i);
GLuint texCoord = TranslateTextureCoordinate(i);
switch (params.coords[i].mode)
glTexGenfv(texCoord, GL_OBJECT_PLANE, params.coords[i].plane);
glTexGenfv(texCoord, GL_EYE_PLANE, params.coords[i].plane);
// */
void CGL21Device::UpdateTextureParams(int index) void CGL21Device::UpdateTextureParams(int index)
{ {
assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>( m_currentTextures.size() )); assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>( m_currentTextures.size() ));

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
*/ */
/** /**
* \file graphics/opengl/gldevice.h * \file graphics/opengl/gl21device.h
* \brief OpenGL implementation - CGL21Device class * \brief OpenGL implementation - CGL21Device class
*/ */
@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ public:
void SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &params) override; void SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &params) override;
void SetTextureStageWrap(int index, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapS, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapT) override; void SetTextureStageWrap(int index, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapS, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapT) override;
void SetTextureCoordGeneration(int index, TextureGenerationParams &params) override;
virtual void DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices , int vertexCount, virtual void DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices , int vertexCount,
Color color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) override; Color color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) override;

View File

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ bool CGL33Device::Create()
if (!InitializeGLEW()) if (!InitializeGLEW())
{ {
m_errorMessage = "An error occured while initializing GLEW."; m_errorMessage = "An error occurred while initializing GLEW.";
return false; return false;
} }
@ -1009,11 +1009,6 @@ void CGL33Device::SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &par
UpdateTextureParams(index); UpdateTextureParams(index);
} }
void CGL33Device::SetTextureCoordGeneration(int index, TextureGenerationParams &params)
void CGL33Device::UpdateTextureParams(int index) void CGL33Device::UpdateTextureParams(int index)
{ {
assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>( m_currentTextures.size() )); assert(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>( m_currentTextures.size() ));

View File

@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ public:
void SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &params) override; void SetTextureStageParams(int index, const TextureStageParams &params) override;
void SetTextureStageWrap(int index, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapS, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapT) override; void SetTextureStageWrap(int index, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapS, Gfx::TexWrapMode wrapT) override;
void SetTextureCoordGeneration(int index, TextureGenerationParams &params) override;
virtual void DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices , int vertexCount, virtual void DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType type, const Vertex *vertices , int vertexCount,
Color color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) override; Color color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) override;

View File

@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
#include "common/logger.h" #include "common/logger.h"
#include "common/make_unique.h" #include "common/make_unique.h"
#include "graphics/opengl/gl14device.h"
#include "graphics/opengl/gl21device.h" #include "graphics/opengl/gl21device.h"
#include "graphics/opengl/gl33device.h" #include "graphics/opengl/gl33device.h"
#include "graphics/opengl/gldevice.h"
#include <SDL.h> #include <SDL.h>
#include <physfs.h> #include <physfs.h>
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ FramebufferSupport DetectFramebufferSupport()
std::unique_ptr<CDevice> CreateDevice(const DeviceConfig &config, const std::string& name) std::unique_ptr<CDevice> CreateDevice(const DeviceConfig &config, const std::string& name)
{ {
if (name == "default") return MakeUnique<CGLDevice>(config); if (name == "default") return MakeUnique<CGL14Device>(config);
else if (name == "opengl") return MakeUnique<CGLDevice>(config); else if (name == "opengl") return MakeUnique<CGL14Device>(config);
else if (name == "gl14") return MakeUnique<CGLDevice>(config); else if (name == "gl14") return MakeUnique<CGL14Device>(config);
else if (name == "gl21") return MakeUnique<CGL21Device>(config); else if (name == "gl21") return MakeUnique<CGL21Device>(config);
else if (name == "gl33") return MakeUnique<CGL33Device>(config); else if (name == "gl33") return MakeUnique<CGL33Device>(config);
else if (name == "auto") else if (name == "auto")
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<CDevice> CreateDevice(const DeviceConfig &config, const std::str
if (version >= 33) return MakeUnique<CGL33Device>(config); if (version >= 33) return MakeUnique<CGL33Device>(config);
else if (version >= 21) return MakeUnique<CGL21Device>(config); else if (version >= 21) return MakeUnique<CGL21Device>(config);
else return MakeUnique<CGLDevice>(config); else return MakeUnique<CGL14Device>(config);
} }
return nullptr; return nullptr;
@ -480,8 +480,8 @@ GLint LoadShader(GLint type, const char* filename)
auto message = MakeUniqueArray<GLchar>(len + 1); auto message = MakeUniqueArray<GLchar>(len + 1);
glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, len + 1, nullptr, message.get()); glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, len + 1, nullptr, message.get());
GetLogger()->Error("Shader compilation error occured!\n%s\n", message.get()); GetLogger()->Error("Shader compilation error occurred!\n%s\n", message.get());
lastShaderError = std::string("Shader compilation error occured!\n\n") + std::string(message.get()); lastShaderError = std::string("Shader compilation error occurred!\n\n") + std::string(message.get());
glDeleteShader(shader); glDeleteShader(shader);
return 0; return 0;
@ -513,8 +513,8 @@ GLint LinkProgram(int count, GLint shaders[])
auto message = MakeUniqueArray<GLchar>(len + 1); auto message = MakeUniqueArray<GLchar>(len + 1);
glGetProgramInfoLog(program, len + 1, nullptr, message.get()); glGetProgramInfoLog(program, len + 1, nullptr, message.get());
GetLogger()->Error("Shader program linking error occured!\n%s\n", message.get()); GetLogger()->Error("Shader program linking error occurred!\n%s\n", message.get());
lastShaderError = std::string("Shader program linking error occured!\n\n") + std::string(message.get()); lastShaderError = std::string("Shader program linking error occurred!\n\n") + std::string(message.get());
glDeleteProgram(program); glDeleteProgram(program);

View File

@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ const std::map<LevelCategory, std::string> CATEGORY_DIR_MAP = {
{ LevelCategory::Challenges, "challenges" }, { LevelCategory::Challenges, "challenges" },
{ LevelCategory::CodeBattles, "battles" }, { LevelCategory::CodeBattles, "battles" },
{ LevelCategory::CustomLevels, "custom" }, { LevelCategory::CustomLevels, "custom" },
{ LevelCategory::Win, "win" },
{ LevelCategory::Lost, "lost" },
{ LevelCategory::Perso, "perso" },
}; };
std::string GetLevelCategoryDir(LevelCategory category) std::string GetLevelCategoryDir(LevelCategory category)

View File

@ -30,11 +30,6 @@ enum class LevelCategory
CodeBattles, CodeBattles,
CustomLevels, CustomLevels,
Max, Max,
// These are special types not runnable by the user
}; };
std::string GetLevelCategoryDir(LevelCategory category); std::string GetLevelCategoryDir(LevelCategory category);

View File

@ -95,9 +95,7 @@ bool CMainMovie::Start(MainMovieType type, float time)
m_camera->GetCamera(m_initialEye, m_initialLookat); m_camera->GetCamera(m_initialEye, m_initialLookat);
m_camera->SetType(Gfx::CAM_TYPE_SCRIPT); m_camera->SetType(Gfx::CAM_TYPE_SCRIPT);
m_camera->SetSmooth(Gfx::CAM_SMOOTH_HARD); m_camera->SetSmooth(Gfx::CAM_SMOOTH_HARD);
m_camera->SetScriptEye(m_initialEye); m_camera->SetScriptCamera(m_initialEye, m_initialLookat);
mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0);
m_finalLookat[0] = Math::Transform(*mat, Math::Vector( 1.6f, 1.0f, 1.2f)); m_finalLookat[0] = Math::Transform(*mat, Math::Vector( 1.6f, 1.0f, 1.2f));
@ -187,9 +185,7 @@ bool CMainMovie::EventProcess(const Event &event)
eye = (finalEye-initialEye)*progress+initialEye; eye = (finalEye-initialEye)*progress+initialEye;
lookat = (finalLookat-initialLookat)*progress+initialLookat; lookat = (finalLookat-initialLookat)*progress+initialLookat;
m_camera->SetScriptEye(eye); m_camera->SetScriptCameraAnimate(eye, lookat);
// m_camera->FixCamera();
} }
else else
{ {

View File

@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ ObjectType CLevelParserParam::ToObjectType(std::string value)
if (value == "Me" ) return OBJECT_HUMAN; if (value == "Me" ) return OBJECT_HUMAN;
if (value == "Tech" ) return OBJECT_TECH; if (value == "Tech" ) return OBJECT_TECH;
if (value == "MissionController" ) return OBJECT_CONTROLLER; if (value == "MissionController" ) return OBJECT_CONTROLLER;
return static_cast<ObjectType>(boost::lexical_cast<int>(value)); return static_cast<ObjectType>(Cast<int>(value, "object"));
} }
const std::string CLevelParserParam::FromObjectType(ObjectType value) const std::string CLevelParserParam::FromObjectType(ObjectType value)

View File

@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ public:
bool IsDefined(); bool IsDefined();
static const std::string FromObjectType(ObjectType value); static const std::string FromObjectType(ObjectType value);
static ObjectType ToObjectType(std::string value);
private: private:
void ParseArray(); void ParseArray();
@ -133,6 +132,7 @@ private:
template<typename T> T Cast(std::string requestedType); template<typename T> T Cast(std::string requestedType);
std::string ToPath(std::string path, const std::string defaultDir); std::string ToPath(std::string path, const std::string defaultDir);
ObjectType ToObjectType(std::string value);
DriveType ToDriveType(std::string value); DriveType ToDriveType(std::string value);
ToolType ToToolType(std::string value); ToolType ToToolType(std::string value);
Gfx::WaterType ToWaterType(std::string value); Gfx::WaterType ToWaterType(std::string value);

View File

@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ void PlayerApperance::DefPerso()
this->colorCombi.r = 206.0f/256.0f; this->colorCombi.r = 206.0f/256.0f;
this->colorCombi.g = 206.0f/256.0f; this->colorCombi.g = 206.0f/256.0f;
this->colorCombi.b = 204.0f/256.0f; // ~white this->colorCombi.b = 204.0f/256.0f; // ~white
this->colorBand.r = 255.0f/256.0f; this->colorBand.r = 255.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorBand.g = 132.0f/256.0f; this->colorBand.g = 132.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorBand.b = 1.0f/256.0f; // orange this->colorBand.b = 1.0f / 256.0f; // orange
if ( this->face == 0 ) // normal ? if ( this->face == 0 ) // normal ?
{ {
@ -52,23 +52,23 @@ void PlayerApperance::DefPerso()
if ( this->face == 1 ) // bald ? if ( this->face == 1 ) // bald ?
{ {
this->glasses = 0; this->glasses = 0;
this->colorHair.r = 83.0f/256.0f; this->colorHair.r = 74.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.g = 64.0f/256.0f; this->colorHair.g = 58.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.b = 51.0f/256.0f; // brown this->colorHair.b = 46.0f / 256.0f; // brown
} }
if ( this->face == 2 ) // carlos ? if ( this->face == 2 ) // carlos ?
{ {
this->glasses = 1; this->glasses = 1;
this->colorHair.r = 85.0f/256.0f; this->colorHair.r = 70.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.g = 48.0f/256.0f; this->colorHair.g = 40.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.b = 9.0f/256.0f; // brown this->colorHair.b = 9.0f/256.0f; // brown
} }
if ( this->face == 3 ) // blond ? if ( this->face == 3 ) // blond ? -> ginger ?
{ {
this->glasses = 4; this->glasses = 4;
this->colorHair.r = 255.0f/256.0f; this->colorHair.r = 74.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.g = 255.0f/256.0f; this->colorHair.g = 16.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.b = 181.0f/256.0f; // yellow this->colorHair.b = 0.0f / 256.0f; // yellow, changed to ginger
} }
this->colorHair.a = 0.0f; this->colorHair.a = 0.0f;
@ -76,6 +76,37 @@ void PlayerApperance::DefPerso()
this->colorBand.a = 0.0f; this->colorBand.a = 0.0f;
} }
void PlayerApperance::DefHairColor()
if (this->face == 0) // normal ?
this->colorHair.r = 90.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.g = 95.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.b = 85.0f / 256.0f; // black
if (this->face == 1) // bald ?
this->colorHair.r = 74.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.g = 58.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.b = 46.0f / 256.0f; // brown
if (this->face == 2) // carlos ?
this->colorHair.r = 70.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.g = 40.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.b = 9.0f / 256.0f; // brown
if (this->face == 3) // blond ? -> ginger ?
this->colorHair.r = 74.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.g = 16.0f / 256.0f;
this->colorHair.b = 0.0f / 256.0f; // yellow, changed to ginger
this->colorHair.a = 0.0f;
CPlayerProfile::CPlayerProfile(std::string playerName) CPlayerProfile::CPlayerProfile(std::string playerName)
{ {
m_playerName = playerName; m_playerName = playerName;

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ struct PlayerApperance
Gfx::Color colorBand; // strips color Gfx::Color colorBand; // strips color
void DefPerso(); void DefPerso();
void DefHairColor();
}; };
struct SavedScene struct SavedScene

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