2014-10-14 13:11:37 +00:00
* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
2015-08-22 14:40:02 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2001-2015, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot
2014-10-14 13:11:37 +00:00
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses
2015-08-22 15:51:39 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
* \file CBot.h
* \brief Interpreter of the language CBot for COLOBOT game
#pragma once
#include "resource.h"
#include "CBotDll.h" // public definitions
#include "CBotToken.h" // token management
2015-04-27 16:15:29 +00:00
#define STACKMEM 1 /// \def preserve memory for the execution stack
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
#define MAXSTACK 990 /// \def stack size reserved
2012-08-12 23:26:36 +00:00
#define EOX (reinterpret_cast<CBotStack*>(-1)) /// \def tag special condition
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// forward declaration
class CBotParExpr; // basic type or instruction in parenthesis
// Toto.truc
// 12.5
// "string"
// ( expression )
class CBotExprVar; // a variable name as
// Toto
// chose.truc.machin
class CBotWhile; // while (...) {...};
class CBotIf; // if (...) {...} else {...}
class CBotDefParam; // paramerer list of a function
2013-05-26 15:47:54 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// Management of the stack of compilation
class CBotCStack
CBotCStack* m_next;
CBotCStack* m_prev;
static int m_error;
static int m_end;
int m_start;
CBotVar* m_var; // result of the operations
bool m_bBlock; // is part of a block (variables are local to this block)
CBotVar* m_listVar;
CBotProgram* m_prog; // list of compiled functions
CBotTypResult m_retTyp;
// static
// CBotToken* m_retClass;
CBotCStack(CBotCStack* ppapa);
bool IsOk();
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
int GetError();
int GetError(int& start, int& end);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// gives error number
void SetType(CBotTypResult& type);// determines the type
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotTypResult GetTypResult(int mode = 0); // gives the type of value on the stack
int GetType(int mode = 0); // gives the type of value on the stack
CBotClass* GetClass(); // gives the class of the value on the stack
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
void AddVar(CBotVar* p); // adds a local variable
CBotVar* FindVar(CBotToken* &p); // finds a variable
CBotVar* FindVar(CBotToken& Token);
bool CheckVarLocal(CBotToken* &pToken);
CBotVar* CopyVar(CBotToken& Token); // finds and makes a copy
2015-08-16 10:43:42 +00:00
CBotCStack* TokenStack(CBotToken* pToken = nullptr, bool bBlock = false);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotInstr* Return(CBotInstr* p, CBotCStack* pParent); // transmits the result upper
CBotFunction* ReturnFunc(CBotFunction* p, CBotCStack* pParent); // transmits the result upper
2013-05-26 15:47:54 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
void SetVar( CBotVar* var );
void SetCopyVar( CBotVar* var );
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotVar* GetVar();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
void SetStartError(int pos);
void SetError(int n, int pos);
void SetError(int n, CBotToken* p);
void ResetError(int n, int start, int end);
void SetRetType(CBotTypResult& type);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotTypResult GetRetType();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// void SetBotCall(CBotFunction* &pFunc);
void SetBotCall(CBotProgram* p);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotProgram* GetBotCall();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotTypResult CompileCall(CBotToken* &p, CBotVar** ppVars, long& nIdent);
bool CheckCall(CBotToken* &pToken, CBotDefParam* pParam);
bool NextToken(CBotToken* &p);
extern bool SaveVar(FILE* pf, CBotVar* pVar);
// class defining an instruction
class CBotInstr
CBotToken m_token; // keeps the token
CBotString name; // debug
CBotInstr* m_next; // linked command
CBotInstr* m_next2b; // second list definition chain
CBotInstr* m_next3; // third list for indices and fields
CBotInstr* m_next3b; // necessary for reporting tables
for example, the following program
int x[]; x[1] = 4;
int y[x[1]][10], z;
is generated
m_next3b-> CBotEmpty
CBotExpression ....
m_next3b-> CBotExpression ('x') ( m_next3-> CBotIndexExpr ('1') )
m_next3b-> CBotExpression ('10')
m_next2-> 'z'
int m_LoopLvl;
friend class CBotClassInst;
friend class CBotInt;
friend class CBotListArray;
CBotInstr* Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack);
CBotInstr* CompileArray(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotTypResult type, bool first = true);
bool Execute(CBotStack* &pj);
bool Execute(CBotStack* &pj, CBotVar* pVar);
void RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain);
bool ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotCStack* &pile);
bool ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotStack* &pile, CBotToken* prevToken, bool bStep, bool bExtend);
void RestoreStateVar(CBotStack* &pile, bool bMain);
bool CompCase(CBotStack* &pj, int val);
void SetToken(CBotToken* p);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
int GetTokenType();
CBotToken* GetToken();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
void AddNext(CBotInstr* n);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotInstr* GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
void AddNext3(CBotInstr* n);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotInstr* GetNext3();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
void AddNext3b(CBotInstr* n);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotInstr* GetNext3b();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
void IncLvl(CBotString& label);
void IncLvl();
void DecLvl();
bool ChkLvl(const CBotString& label, int type);
bool IsOfClass(CBotString name);
#define MAX(a,b) ((a>b) ? a : b)
// class for the management of integer numbers (int)
class CBotVarInt : public CBotVar
int m_val; // the value
CBotString m_defnum; // the name if given by DefineNum
friend class CBotVar;
CBotVarInt( const CBotToken* name );
// ~CBotVarInt();
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void SetValInt(int val, const char* s = nullptr) override;
void SetValFloat(float val) override;
int GetValInt() override;
float GetValFloat() override;
CBotString GetValString() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName=true) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // addition
void Sub(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // substraction
void Mul(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // multiplication
int Div(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // division
int Modulo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // remainder of division
void Power(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // power
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
bool Lo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Hi(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ls(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Hs(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void XOr(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void Or(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void And(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void SL(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void SR(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void ASR(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void Neg() override;
void Not() override;
void Inc() override;
void Dec() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
bool Save0State(FILE* pf) override;
bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// Class for managing real numbers (float)
class CBotVarFloat : public CBotVar
float m_val; // the value
CBotVarFloat( const CBotToken* name );
// ~CBotVarFloat();
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void SetValInt(int val, const char* s = nullptr) override;
void SetValFloat(float val) override;
int GetValInt() override;
float GetValFloat() override;
CBotString GetValString() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName=true) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // addition
void Sub(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // substraction
void Mul(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // multiplication
int Div(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // division
int Modulo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // remainder of division
void Power(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // power
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
bool Lo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Hi(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ls(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Hs(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void Neg() override;
void Inc() override;
void Dec() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// class for management of strings (String)
class CBotVarString : public CBotVar
CBotString m_val; // the value
CBotVarString( const CBotToken* name );
// ~CBotVarString();
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void SetValString(const char* p) override;
CBotString GetValString() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName=true) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override; // addition
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
bool Lo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Hi(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ls(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Hs(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// class for the management of boolean
class CBotVarBoolean : public CBotVar
bool m_val; // the value
CBotVarBoolean( const CBotToken* name );
// ~CBotVarBoolean();
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void SetValInt(int val, const char* s = nullptr) override;
void SetValFloat(float val) override;
int GetValInt() override;
float GetValFloat() override;
CBotString GetValString() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName=true) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void And(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void Or(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void XOr(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
void Not() override;
bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// class management class instances
class CBotVarClass : public CBotVar
CBotVarClass* m_ExClass; // list of existing instances at some point
CBotVarClass* m_ExNext; // for this general list
CBotVarClass* m_ExPrev; // for this general list
CBotClass* m_pClass; // the class definition
CBotVarClass* m_pParent; // the instance of a parent class
CBotVar* m_pVar; // contents
friend class CBotVar; // my daddy is a buddy WHAT? :D(\TODO mon papa est un copain )
friend class CBotVarPointer; // and also the pointer
int m_CptUse; // counter usage
long m_ItemIdent; // identifier (unique) of an instance
bool m_bConstructor; // set if a constructor has been called
CBotVarClass( const CBotToken* name, const CBotTypResult& type );
// CBotVarClass( const CBotToken* name, CBotTypResult& type, int &nIdent );
// void InitCBotVarClass( const CBotToken* name, CBotTypResult& type, int &nIdent );
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName=true) override;
void SetClass(CBotClass* pClass) override; //, int &nIdent);
CBotClass* GetClass() override;
CBotVar* GetItem(const char* name) override; // return an element of a class according to its name (*)
CBotVar* GetItemRef(int nIdent) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
CBotVar* GetItem(int n, bool bExtend) override;
CBotVar* GetItemList() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
CBotString GetValString() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override;
void Maj(void* pUser, bool bContinue) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
void IncrementUse(); // a reference to incrementation
void DecrementUse(); // a reference to decrementation
2013-05-26 15:47:54 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
GetPointer() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
void SetItemList(CBotVar* pVar);
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void SetIdent(long n) override;
2013-05-26 15:47:54 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
static CBotVarClass* Find(long id);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
// CBotVar* GetMyThis();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void ConstructorSet() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// class for the management of pointers to a class instances
class CBotVarPointer : public CBotVar
m_pVarClass; // contents
CBotClass* m_pClass; // class provided for this pointer
friend class CBotVar; // my daddy is a buddy
CBotVarPointer( const CBotToken* name, CBotTypResult& type );
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName=true) override;
void SetClass(CBotClass* pClass) override;
CBotClass* GetClass() override;
CBotVar* GetItem(const char* name) override; // return an element of a class according to its name (*)
CBotVar* GetItemRef(int nIdent) override;
CBotVar* GetItemList() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
CBotString GetValString() override;
void SetPointer(CBotVar* p) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
GetPointer() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void SetIdent(long n) override; // associates an identification number (unique)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
long GetIdent(); // gives the identification number associated with
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
void ConstructorSet() override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
bool Save1State(FILE* pf) override;
void Maj(void* pUser, bool bContinue) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-08-17 19:53:28 +00:00
bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right) override;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
extern CBotInstr* CompileParams(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotVar** ppVars);
extern bool TypeCompatible( CBotTypResult& type1, CBotTypResult& type2, int op = 0 );
extern bool TypesCompatibles( const CBotTypResult& type1, const CBotTypResult& type2 );
extern bool WriteWord(FILE* pf, unsigned short w);
extern bool ReadWord(FILE* pf, unsigned short& w);
extern bool ReadLong(FILE* pf, long& w);
extern bool WriteFloat(FILE* pf, float w);
extern bool WriteLong(FILE* pf, long w);
extern bool ReadFloat(FILE* pf, float& w);
extern bool WriteString(FILE* pf, CBotString s);
extern bool ReadString(FILE* pf, CBotString& s);
extern bool WriteType(FILE* pf, CBotTypResult type);
extern bool ReadType(FILE* pf, CBotTypResult& type);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
extern float GetNumFloat( const char* p );
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2015-04-27 16:15:29 +00:00
#if 0
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
extern void DEBUG( const char* text, int val, CBotStack* pile );
// class managing the methods declared by AddFunction on a class
class CBotCallMethode
CBotString m_name;
2015-07-13 16:40:13 +00:00
bool (*m_rExec) (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception, void* user);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
(*m_rComp) (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* &pVar);
CBotCallMethode* m_next;
friend class CBotClass;
long m_nFuncIdent;
2013-05-26 15:47:54 +00:00
CBotCallMethode(const char* name,
2015-07-13 16:40:13 +00:00
bool rExec (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception, void* user),
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotTypResult rCompile (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* &pVar));
2013-05-26 15:47:54 +00:00
CompileCall(const char* name, CBotVar* pThis,
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotVar** ppVars, CBotCStack* pStack,
long& nIdent);
int DoCall(long& nIdent, const char* name, CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar** ppVars, CBotVar* &pResult, CBotStack* pStack, CBotToken* pFunc);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotString GetName();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotCallMethode* Next();
void AddNext(CBotCallMethode* p);
2013-05-26 15:47:54 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// a list of parameters
class CBotDefParam
CBotToken m_token; // name of the parameter
CBotString m_typename; // type name
CBotTypResult m_type; // type of paramteter
CBotDefParam* m_next; // next parameter
long m_nIdent;
CBotDefParam* Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack);
bool Execute(CBotVar** ppVars, CBotStack* &pj);
void RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain);
void AddNext(CBotDefParam* p);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
int GetType();
CBotTypResult GetTypResult();
CBotDefParam* GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotString GetParamString();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// a function declaration
class CBotFunction : CBotInstr
// management of list of (static) public functions
CBotFunction* m_listPublic;
CBotFunction* m_nextpublic;
CBotFunction* m_prevpublic;
friend class CBotCStack;
// long m_nThisIdent;
long m_nFuncIdent;
bool m_bSynchro; // synchronized method?
CBotDefParam* m_Param; // parameter list
CBotInstr* m_Block; // the instruction block
CBotFunction* m_next;
CBotToken m_retToken; // if returns CBotTypClass
CBotTypResult m_retTyp; // complete type of the result
bool m_bPublic; // public function
bool m_bExtern; // extern function
CBotString m_MasterClass; // name of the class we derive
CBotProgram* m_pProg;
friend class CBotProgram;
friend class CBotClass;
CBotToken m_extern; // for the position of the word "extern"
CBotToken m_openpar;
CBotToken m_closepar;
CBotToken m_openblk;
CBotToken m_closeblk;
CBotFunction* Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotFunction* pFunc, bool bLocal = true);
CBotFunction* Compile1(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotClass* pClass);
2015-08-16 10:43:42 +00:00
bool Execute(CBotVar** ppVars, CBotStack* &pj, CBotVar* pInstance = nullptr);
void RestoreState(CBotVar** ppVars, CBotStack* &pj, CBotVar* pInstance = nullptr);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
void AddNext(CBotFunction* p);
CBotTypResult CompileCall(const char* name, CBotVar** ppVars, long& nIdent);
CBotFunction* FindLocalOrPublic(long& nIdent, const char* name, CBotVar** ppVars, CBotTypResult& TypeOrError, bool bPublic = true);
int DoCall(long& nIdent, const char* name, CBotVar** ppVars, CBotStack* pStack, CBotToken* pToken);
void RestoreCall(long& nIdent, const char* name, CBotVar** ppVars, CBotStack* pStack);
int DoCall(long& nIdent, const char* name, CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar** ppVars, CBotStack* pStack, CBotToken* pToken, CBotClass* pClass);
void RestoreCall(long& nIdent, const char* name, CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar** ppVars, CBotStack* pStack, CBotClass* pClass);
bool CheckParam(CBotDefParam* pParam);
void AddPublic(CBotFunction* pfunc);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotString GetName();
CBotString GetParams();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
bool IsPublic();
bool IsExtern();
CBotFunction* Next();
bool GetPosition(int& start, int& stop, CBotGet modestart, CBotGet modestop);