Release 0.1.10-alpha: Merge branch 'dev'
@ -1,19 +1,35 @@
node('master') {
stage 'Pull changes'
checkout scm
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith('PR-')) {
properties([[$class: 'BuildDiscarderProperty', strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator', artifactNumToKeepStr: '1']]])
} else {
properties([[$class: 'BuildDiscarderProperty', strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator', artifactDaysToKeepStr: '30', artifactNumToKeepStr: '5']]])
stage 'Build data'
sh 'mkdir -p build'
dir('build') {
sh '''
rm -rf install
DESTDIR=. make install
node('master') {
stage('Pull changes') {
checkout scm
stage 'Archive data'
sh 'rm -f'
zip zipFile: '', archive: true, dir: 'build/install'
stage('Build data') {
sh 'mkdir -p build'
dir('build') {
sh '''
rm -rf install
DESTDIR=. make install
stage('Archive data') {
sh 'rm -f'
zip zipFile: '', archive: true, dir: 'build/install'
// Clean workspace after building pull requests
// to save disk space on the Jenkins host
if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith('PR-')) {
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ You probably already know how to create a function. Every program in CBOT must h
Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword \c;\l;extern\u cbot\extern;\n; distinguish the main function from others.
Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword \c;\l;extern\u cbot\extern;\n; distinguishes the main function from others.
\b;Basic use
With functions you can divide your program into several parts. Each of them will execute a specific task. For example, see the following program:
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ You can declare several functions with the same name but different parameters:
CBOT will call either the one or the other function depending on the parameters passed. They must be distinguishable, i.e. you can't declare two functions with the same name and parameter types in the exact same order, e.g. declaring \c;int Pythagoras(float b, float a)\n; will result in error. Note that result type does not matter.
\b;Public functions
\b;Public Functions
You can also declare a function \l;public\u cbot\public; so it can be used by other bots.
@ -126,5 +126,41 @@ Declaring a function as a part of the \l;object\u cbot\object; namespace gives i
\b;Default Parameters
Last function parameters can have default values that can be omitted when calling.
\s;float Add(float a = 0.0, float b = 0.0)
\s; return a + b;
\s;// Somewhere in the main program...
\s;Add(); // Will return 0.0
\s;Add(2.0); // Will return 2.0
\s;Add(2.0, 3.0); // Will return 5.0
\s;// ...
\t;Default Parameters and Overloading
Functions with default parameters still can be overloaded, one must only ensure that function calls are not ambiguous. For example, consider the following code:
\s;float Add(float a = 0.0, float b = 0.0)
\s; return a + b;
\s;string Add(string a = "", string b = "")
\s; return a + b;
\s;// Somewhere in the main program...
\s;Add(); // Compilation error: ambiguous call
\s;Add(""); // Ok
\s;Add(0.0); // Ok
\s;// ...
Note that in the above example overloading causes the first default parameter to be useless as caller needs to pass it anyway in order to distinguish the two functions.
\t;See also
\l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.
@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:109 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:120 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extends.txt:105 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:51 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:19 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:19 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/protected.txt:26 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:19 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/super.txt:45 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:109 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:120 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extends.txt:105 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:51 ../E/function.txt:165 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:19 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:19 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/protected.txt:26 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:19 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/super.txt:45 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:52 ../E/function.txt:130 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:12 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:52 ../E/function.txt:166 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:12 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot>Programming</a>, <a cbot|type>types</a> and <a cbot|category>categories</a>."
msgstr ""
@ -5580,12 +5580,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword <code><a cbot|extern>extern</a></code> distinguish the main function from others."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:17
#, no-wrap
@ -5783,12 +5777,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "CBOT will call either the one or the other function depending on the parameters passed. They must be distinguishable, i.e. you can't declare two functions with the same name and parameter types in the exact same order, e.g. declaring <code>int Pythagoras(float b, float a)</code> will result in error. Note that result type does not matter."
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:117
#, no-wrap
msgid "Public functions"
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:120
#, no-wrap
@ -7980,3 +7968,82 @@ msgid ""
"<code>\"w\"</code> mode: open for writing.\n"
"<code>\"w\"</code> mode: open for appending."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword <code><a cbot|extern>extern</a></code> distinguishes the main function from others."
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:117
#, no-wrap
msgid "Public Functions"
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:129
#, no-wrap
msgid "Default Parameters"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:130
#, no-wrap
msgid "Last function parameters can have default values that can be omitted when calling."
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/function.txt:132
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"float Add(float a = 0.0, float b = 0.0)\n"
"\treturn a + b;\n"
"// Somewhere in the main program...\n"
"Add(); // Will return 0.0\n"
"Add(2.0); // Will return 2.0\n"
"Add(2.0, 3.0); // Will return 5.0\n"
"// ..."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/function.txt:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "Default Parameters and Overloading"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "Functions with default parameters still can be overloaded, one must only ensure that function calls are not ambiguous. For example, consider the following code:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/function.txt:147
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"float Add(float a = 0.0, float b = 0.0)\n"
"\treturn a + b;\n"
"string Add(string a = \"\", string b = \"\")\n"
"\treturn a + b;\n"
"// Somewhere in the main program...\n"
"Add(); // Compilation error: ambiguous call\n"
"Add(\"\"); // Ok\n"
"Add(0.0); // Ok\n"
"// ..."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Note that in the above example overloading causes the first default parameter to be useless as caller needs to pass it anyway in order to distinguish the two functions."
msgstr ""
@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr "Zeit in Sekunden."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:109 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:120 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extends.txt:105 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:51 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:19 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:19 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/protected.txt:26 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:19 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/super.txt:45 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:109 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:120 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extends.txt:105 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:51 ../E/function.txt:165 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:19 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:19 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/protected.txt:26 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:19 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/super.txt:45 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Siehe auch"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:52 ../E/function.txt:130 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:12 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:52 ../E/function.txt:166 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:12 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot>Programming</a>, <a cbot|type>types</a> and <a cbot|category>categories</a>."
msgstr "Die <a cbot>CBOT-Sprache</a>, <a cbot|type>Variablentypen</a> und <a cbot|category>Kategorien</a>."
@ -6281,12 +6281,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword <code><a cbot|extern>extern</a></code> distinguish the main function from others."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:17
#, no-wrap
@ -6484,12 +6478,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "CBOT will call either the one or the other function depending on the parameters passed. They must be distinguishable, i.e. you can't declare two functions with the same name and parameter types in the exact same order, e.g. declaring <code>int Pythagoras(float b, float a)</code> will result in error. Note that result type does not matter."
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:117
#, no-wrap
msgid "Public functions"
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:120
#, no-wrap
@ -8681,3 +8669,82 @@ msgid ""
"<code>\"w\"</code> mode: open for writing.\n"
"<code>\"w\"</code> mode: open for appending."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword <code><a cbot|extern>extern</a></code> distinguishes the main function from others."
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:117
#, no-wrap
msgid "Public Functions"
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:129
#, no-wrap
msgid "Default Parameters"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:130
#, no-wrap
msgid "Last function parameters can have default values that can be omitted when calling."
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/function.txt:132
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"float Add(float a = 0.0, float b = 0.0)\n"
"\treturn a + b;\n"
"// Somewhere in the main program...\n"
"Add(); // Will return 0.0\n"
"Add(2.0); // Will return 2.0\n"
"Add(2.0, 3.0); // Will return 5.0\n"
"// ..."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/function.txt:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "Default Parameters and Overloading"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "Functions with default parameters still can be overloaded, one must only ensure that function calls are not ambiguous. For example, consider the following code:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/function.txt:147
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"float Add(float a = 0.0, float b = 0.0)\n"
"\treturn a + b;\n"
"string Add(string a = \"\", string b = \"\")\n"
"\treturn a + b;\n"
"// Somewhere in the main program...\n"
"Add(); // Compilation error: ambiguous call\n"
"Add(\"\"); // Ok\n"
"Add(0.0); // Ok\n"
"// ..."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Note that in the above example overloading causes the first default parameter to be useless as caller needs to pass it anyway in order to distinguish the two functions."
msgstr ""
@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr "Temps en secondes."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:109 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:120 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extends.txt:105 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:51 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:19 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:19 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/protected.txt:26 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:19 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/super.txt:45 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:109 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:120 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extends.txt:105 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:51 ../E/function.txt:165 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:19 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:19 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/protected.txt:26 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:19 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/super.txt:45 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Voir aussi"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:52 ../E/function.txt:130 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:12 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:52 ../E/function.txt:166 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:12 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot>Programming</a>, <a cbot|type>types</a> and <a cbot|category>categories</a>."
msgstr "<a cbot>Programmation</a>, <a cbot|type>types</a> et <a cbot|category>catégories</a>."
@ -6275,12 +6275,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword <code><a cbot|extern>extern</a></code> distinguish the main function from others."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:17
#, no-wrap
@ -6478,12 +6472,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "CBOT will call either the one or the other function depending on the parameters passed. They must be distinguishable, i.e. you can't declare two functions with the same name and parameter types in the exact same order, e.g. declaring <code>int Pythagoras(float b, float a)</code> will result in error. Note that result type does not matter."
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:117
#, no-wrap
msgid "Public functions"
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:120
#, no-wrap
@ -8682,3 +8670,82 @@ msgid ""
"<code>\"w\"</code> mode: open for writing.\n"
"<code>\"w\"</code> mode: open for appending."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword <code><a cbot|extern>extern</a></code> distinguishes the main function from others."
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:117
#, no-wrap
msgid "Public Functions"
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:129
#, no-wrap
msgid "Default Parameters"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:130
#, no-wrap
msgid "Last function parameters can have default values that can be omitted when calling."
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/function.txt:132
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"float Add(float a = 0.0, float b = 0.0)\n"
"\treturn a + b;\n"
"// Somewhere in the main program...\n"
"Add(); // Will return 0.0\n"
"Add(2.0); // Will return 2.0\n"
"Add(2.0, 3.0); // Will return 5.0\n"
"// ..."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/function.txt:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "Default Parameters and Overloading"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "Functions with default parameters still can be overloaded, one must only ensure that function calls are not ambiguous. For example, consider the following code:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/function.txt:147
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"float Add(float a = 0.0, float b = 0.0)\n"
"\treturn a + b;\n"
"string Add(string a = \"\", string b = \"\")\n"
"\treturn a + b;\n"
"// Somewhere in the main program...\n"
"Add(); // Compilation error: ambiguous call\n"
"Add(\"\"); // Ok\n"
"Add(0.0); // Ok\n"
"// ..."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Note that in the above example overloading causes the first default parameter to be useless as caller needs to pass it anyway in order to distinguish the two functions."
msgstr ""
@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr "Czas w sekundach."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:109 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:120 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extends.txt:105 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:51 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:19 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:19 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/protected.txt:26 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:19 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/super.txt:45 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:109 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:120 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extends.txt:105 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:51 ../E/function.txt:165 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:19 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:19 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/protected.txt:26 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:19 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/super.txt:45 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Zobacz również"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:52 ../E/function.txt:130 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:12 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:52 ../E/function.txt:166 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:12 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot>Programming</a>, <a cbot|type>types</a> and <a cbot|category>categories</a>."
msgstr "<a cbot>Programowanie</a>, <a cbot|type>typy</a> i <a cbot|category>kategorie</a>."
@ -6338,12 +6338,6 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword <code><a cbot|extern>extern</a></code> distinguish the main function from others."
msgstr "W funkcji głównej możesz zmienić tylko nazwę. Słowo <code><a cbot|extern>extern</a></code> odróżnia funkcję główną od pozostałych."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:17
#, no-wrap
@ -6606,12 +6600,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "CBOT will call either the one or the other function depending on the parameters passed. They must be distinguishable, i.e. you can't declare two functions with the same name and parameter types in the exact same order, e.g. declaring <code>int Pythagoras(float b, float a)</code> will result in error. Note that result type does not matter."
msgstr "CBOT wywoła jedną z funkcji w zależności od przekazanych parametrów. Funkcje muszą być odróżnialne, tzn. nie możesz zadeklarować dwóch funkcji o takiej samej nazwie i typach parametrów w tej samej kolejności. Odnosząc się do przykładu: zadeklarowanie funkcji <code>int Pythagoras(float b, float a)</code> wywoła błąd. Zwróć uwagę, że typ wyniku, jaki zwraca funkcja, nie ma znaczenia."
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:117
#, no-wrap
msgid "Public functions"
msgstr "Funkcje publiczne"
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:120
#, no-wrap
@ -8847,3 +8835,82 @@ msgid ""
"<code>\"w\"</code> mode: open for writing.\n"
"<code>\"w\"</code> mode: open for appending."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword <code><a cbot|extern>extern</a></code> distinguishes the main function from others."
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:117
#, no-wrap
msgid "Public Functions"
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/function.txt:129
#, no-wrap
msgid "Default Parameters"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:130
#, no-wrap
msgid "Last function parameters can have default values that can be omitted when calling."
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/function.txt:132
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"float Add(float a = 0.0, float b = 0.0)\n"
"\treturn a + b;\n"
"// Somewhere in the main program...\n"
"Add(); // Will return 0.0\n"
"Add(2.0); // Will return 2.0\n"
"Add(2.0, 3.0); // Will return 5.0\n"
"// ..."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/function.txt:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "Default Parameters and Overloading"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "Functions with default parameters still can be overloaded, one must only ensure that function calls are not ambiguous. For example, consider the following code:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/function.txt:147
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"float Add(float a = 0.0, float b = 0.0)\n"
"\treturn a + b;\n"
"string Add(string a = \"\", string b = \"\")\n"
"\treturn a + b;\n"
"// Somewhere in the main program...\n"
"Add(); // Compilation error: ambiguous call\n"
"Add(\"\"); // Ok\n"
"Add(0.0); // Ok\n"
"// ..."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/function.txt:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Note that in the above example overloading causes the first default parameter to be useless as caller needs to pass it anyway in order to distinguish the two functions."
msgstr ""
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/cbot.txt:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programming - the CBOT language"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Программирование - язык CBOT"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cbot.txt:2
@ -71,48 +71,50 @@ msgid ""
"The CBOT language is very close in structure and syntax to C++ and Java. It has been adapted for the specific purposes of COLOBOT, and for an efficient pedagogical approach.\n"
"This language is made up of instructions (see below), <a cbot|bloc>blocks</a>, <a cbot|function>functions</a>, <a cbot|class>classes</a>, <a cbot|var>variables</a>, <a cbot|array>arrays</a>, <a cbot|expr>expressions</a> and <a cbot|cond>conditions</a>."
msgstr ""
"Язык CBOT очень близок к структуре и синтаксису языков C++ и Java. Он был адаптировать для специальный целей COLOBOT и для эффективного педагогического подхода.\n"
"Этот язык состоит из инструкций (смотри ниже), <a cbot|bloc>блоки</a>, <a cbot|function>функции</a>, <a cbot|class>классы</a>, <a cbot|var>переменные</a>, <a cbot|array>массивы</a>, <a cbot|expr>выражения</a> и <a cbot|cond>условия</a>."
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cbot.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><format type>Type</format></code>"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code><format type>Тип</format></code>"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cbot.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><format const>Constants</format></code>"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code><format const>Константы</format></code>"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cbot.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions in the CBOT language:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Инструкции в языке CBOT:"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cbot.txt:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for bots:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Специальные инструкции для ботов:"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cbot.txt:54
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions about topology:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Инструкции о топологии:"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cbot.txt:60
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions specific to some bots:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Специальные инструкции для некоторых ботов:"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cbot.txt:79
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for exchange posts:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Специальные инструкции по обмену сообщениями:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cbot.txt:80
@ -123,18 +125,22 @@ msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|testinfo>testinfo</a> </code>Tests if an information exists\n"
"<code><a cbot|delinfo>deleteinfo</a> </code>Deletes an existing information"
msgstr ""
"<code><a cbot|receive>receive</a> </code>Получает информацию\n"
"<code><a cbot|send>send</a> </code>Посылает новую информацию\n"
"<code><a cbot|testinfo>testinfo</a> </code>Проверяет существует ли информация\n"
"<code><a cbot|delinfo>deleteinfo</a> </code>Удаляет существующую информацию\n"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cbot.txt:85
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for classes:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Специальные инструкции для классов:"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cbot.txt:97
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for strings:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Специальные инструкции для строк:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cbot.txt:98
@ -149,12 +155,20 @@ msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|strupper>strupper</a> </code>Converts to upper case\n"
"<code><a cbot|strlower>strlower</a> </code>Converts to lower case"
msgstr ""
"<code><a cbot|strlen>strlen</a> </code>Получает длину строки\n"
"<code><a cbot|strleft>strleft</a> </code>Извлекает левую часть\n"
"<code><a cbot|strright>strright</a> </code>Извлекает правую часть\n"
"<code><a cbot|strmid>strmid</a> </code>Извлекает центральную часть\n"
"<code><a cbot|strfind>strfind</a> </code>Находит подстроку.\n"
"<code><a cbot|strval>strval</a> </code>Конвертирует строку в число\n"
"<code><a cbot|strupper>strupper</a> </code>Конвертирует в верхний регистр\n"
"<code><a cbot|strlower>strlower</a> </code>Конвертирует в нижний регистр"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cbot.txt:107
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for files:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Специальные инструкции для файлов:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cbot.txt:108
@ -167,6 +181,12 @@ msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|eof>eof</a> </code>Tests if end of file\n"
"<code><a cbot|deletef>deletefile</a> </code>Deletes a file"
msgstr ""
"<code><a cbot|open>open</a> </code>Открывает файл\n"
"<code><a cbot|close>close</a> </code>Закрывает файл\n"
"<code><a cbot|writeln>writeln</a> </code>Записывает строку в файл\n"
"<code><a cbot|readln>readln</a> </code>Читает строку из файла\n"
"<code><a cbot|eof>eof</a> </code>Проверяет достугнут ли конец файла\n"
"<code><a cbot|deletef>deletefile</a> </code>Удаляет файл"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/battles.txt:53 ../E/cbot.txt:131 ../E/freehelp.txt:4
@ -178,7 +198,7 @@ msgstr "См. также"
#: ../E/cbot.txt:132
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot|type>Types</a> and <a cbot|category>categories</a>."
msgstr ""
msgstr "<a cbot|type>Типы</a> и <a cbot|category>категории</a>."
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/command.txt:1
@ -458,37 +478,37 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/battles.txt:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Code battles"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Битвы программ"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/battles.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Code battle is a completely new game mode featured in Colobot: Gold Edition. The idea is that you set up two programs (yours and the opponent's) to fight with each other. The player can't interact with the world manually."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Битва программ - это полностью новый игровой режим представленный в Colobot: Gold Edition. Идея в том, что вы уставливаете две программы (вашу и оппонента) чтобы они сражались друг с другом. Игрок не может взаимодействовать с миром вручную."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/battles.txt:18
#, no-wrap
msgid "With the new functions provided in the Gold Edition, you can create a fully automatised base, which does not need any influence from <a object|human>human</a>. All of them are described in the <a cbot>CBOT documentation</a>."
msgstr ""
msgstr "С новыми функциями предоставленными в Gold Edition, вы можете создать полностью автоматизированную базу, которой не нужно никакое влияние со стороны <a object|human>человека</a>. Все они описаны в <a cbot>Документации CBOT</a>."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/battles.txt:20
#, no-wrap
msgid "Production line is explained in Missions and Exercises, but you may want to jump into code battles right away without beating the whole game. So here is a brief description of how the things works in Colobot."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Произведственная линия объяснена в Миссиях и Упражнениях, но вы можете прямо перейти в битвы программ не нарушая всю игру. Поэтому здесь приведено краткое описание как что работает в Colobot."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/battles.txt:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "What you want to achieve"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Что вы хотите достичь"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/battles.txt:23
#, no-wrap
msgid "Basically, you want to destroy the opponent. To do that, you will need something lethal, for example, a robot, specifically, a <a object|botfr>shooter</a>. But you will probably be losing them quite often, so maybe you should keep the production going on. For example, more <a object|botgr>grabbers</a> or more <a object|factory>factories</a>, <a object|convert>converters</a> and so on would be helpful in that. Remember that robots needs <a object|power>batteries</a>. Anyway, before you can start, you must also do some <a object|research>researches</a> to get better technologies. And here we are at the beginning, with a single <a object|botgr>robot</a> and a <a object|titan>Titanium</a>."
msgstr ""
msgstr "В основном, вы хотите уничтожить оппонента. Чтобы это сделать, вам нужно что то летающее, например, робот, особенно, <a object|botfr>стрелок</a>. Но вы, вероятно, будете их часто терять, поэтому, возможно, вы должны поддерживать производство работающим. Например, больше <a object|botgr>сборщиков</a> или больше <a object|factory>фабрик</a>, <a object|convert>конвертеров</a> и так далее было бы полезно в этом случае. Запомните, что роботам нужны <a object|power>батареи</a>. В любом случае, перед тем как вы начнете, вы должны также сделать несколько <a object|research>исследований</a> чтобы получить лучшие технологии. И опять, вы вначале с одним <a object|botgr>роботом</a> и <a object|titan>Титаном</a>."
#. type: Image filename
#: ../E/battles.txt:25
@ -500,7 +520,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/battles.txt:27
#, no-wrap
msgid "Titanium production"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Производство титана"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/battles.txt:28
@ -513,12 +533,18 @@ msgid ""
"5. Use or move somewhere your new Titanium.\n"
"Repeat steps 3-5 in order to keep your production going."
msgstr ""
"1. <a cbot|radar>Найдите</a> <a object|titan>Титан</a>.\n"
"2. <a cbot|build>Постройте</a> <a object|convert>Конвертер</a>.\n"
"3. Найдите <a object|titanore>Титановую руду</a>.\n"
"4. Поместите ее в конвертер. Отойдите назад и подождите, пока конвертер закончит работу.\n"
"5. Используйте или переместите ваш новый Титан.\n"
"Повторяйте шаги 3-5 чтобы поддерживать ваше производство работающим."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/battles.txt:35
#, no-wrap
msgid "Researches"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Исследования"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/battles.txt:36
@ -533,7 +559,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/battles.txt:40
#, no-wrap
msgid "Robot production"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Производство роботов"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/battles.txt:41
@ -549,7 +575,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/battles.txt:46
#, no-wrap
msgid "Power cell production"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Произодство батарей"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/battles.txt:47
@ -563,19 +589,19 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/battles.txt:50
#, no-wrap
msgid "There is more"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Есть еще"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/battles.txt:51
#, no-wrap
msgid "There is much more options, but this is the basis. Read documentation, play the game and think creatively to come up with new ideas. Good luck and have fun!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Есть еще больше опций, это только основные. Прочитайте документацию, играйте в игруи творчески думайте чтобы придумать новые идеи. Удачи и веселья!"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/battles.txt:54
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot>Programming</a>, <a cbot|type>types</a> and <a cbot|category>categories</a>."
msgstr ""
msgstr "<a cbot|programming>Программирование</a>, <a cbot|type>типы</a> и <a cbot|category>категории</a>."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cbot.txt:15
@ -595,6 +621,19 @@ msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|return>return</a> </code>Exit from a function\n"
"<code><a cbot|sizeof>sizeof</a> </code>Size of an array"
msgstr ""
"<code><a cbot|extern>extern</a> </code>Показывает главную функцию\n"
"<code><a cbot|if>if</a> </code>Структура выбора\n"
"<code><a cbot|if>else</a> </code>Структура альтернативного выбора\n"
"<code><a cbot|switch>switch</a> </code>Структура множественного выбора\n"
"<code><a cbot|switch>case</a> </code>Один выбор\n"
"<code><a cbot|switch>default</a> </code>Выбор по умолчанию \n"
"<code><a cbot|for>for</a> </code>Структура цикла\n"
"<code><a cbot|while>while</a> </code>Структура управления\n"
"<code><a cbot|do>do</a> </code>Структура управления\n"
"<code><a cbot|break>break</a> </code>Выход из цикла\n"
"<code><a cbot|continue>continue</a> </code>Продолжает цикл\n"
"<code><a cbot|return>return</a> </code>Выход из функции\n"
"<code><a cbot|sizeof>sizeof</a> </code>Размер массива"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cbot.txt:55
@ -605,6 +644,10 @@ msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|topo>topo</a> </code>Returns the altitude of a point\n"
"<code><a cbot|flatgrnd>flatground</a> </code>Returns radius of a flat area"
msgstr ""
"<code><a cbot|space>space</a> </code>Вычисляет свободное пространство\n"
"<code><a cbot|flatspace>flatspace</a> </code>Вычисляет свободное, ровное пространство\n"
"<code><a cbot|topo>topo</a> </code>Возвращает высоту точки\n"
"<code><a cbot|flatgrnd>flatground</a> </code>Возвращает радиус плоской области"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cbot.txt:61
@ -622,12 +665,23 @@ msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|canbuild>canbuild</a> </code>Checks if a building can be built\n"
"<code><a cbot|buildingenabled>buildingenabled</a> </code>Checks if a building can be built in the level"
msgstr ""
"<code><a cbot|grab>grab</a> </code>Поднимает объект\n"
"<code><a cbot|drop>drop</a> </code>Ставит объект\n"
"<code><a cbot|sniff>sniff</a> </code>Проигрывает подземные звуки\n"
"<code><a cbot|thump>thump</a> </code>Переворачивает вражеских насекомых\n"
"<code><a cbot|recycle>recycle</a> </code>Перерабатывает заброшенног бота\n"
"<code><a cbot|shield>shield</a> </code>Достает или убирает щит\n"
"<code><a cbot|fire>fire</a> </code>Стреляет из пушки\n"
"<code><a cbot|aim>aim</a> </code>Поворачивает пушку\n"
"<code><a cbot|build>build</a> </code>Строит здание\n"
"<code><a cbot|canbuild>canbuild</a> </code>Проверяет можно ли построить здание\n"
"<code><a cbot|buildingenabled>buildingenabled</a> </code>Проверяет можно ли построить здание на уровне"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cbot.txt:73
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions specific for some <a cbot|object>objects</a>:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Специальные инструкции применяемые к некоторым <a cbot|object>объектам</a>:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cbot.txt:74
@ -638,12 +692,16 @@ msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|takeoff>takeoff</a> </code>Takes off a spaceship\n"
"<code><a cbot|busy>busy</a> </code>Checks if object is busy"
msgstr ""
"<code><a cbot|factory>factory</a> </code>Начинает создание бота\n"
"<code><a cbot|research>research</a> </code>Начинает исследование\n"
"<code><a cbot|takeoff>takeoff</a> </code>Начинает взлет космического корабля\n"
"<code><a cbot|busy>busy</a> </code>Проверяет занят ли объект"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cbot.txt:115
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mathematical functions:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Математические функции:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cbot.txt:116
@ -664,18 +722,32 @@ msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|atan>atan</a> </code>Returns an arcus tangent\n"
"<code><a cbot|atan2>atan2</a> </code>Returns an arcus tangent, has two arguments"
msgstr ""
"<code><a cbot|rand>rand</a> </code>Возвращает случайное число\n"
"<code><a cbot|pow>pow</a> </code>Возвращает степень числа\n"
"<code><a cbot|sqrt>sqrt</a> </code>Вовращает квадратный корень\n"
"<code><a cbot|floor>floor</a> </code>Возвращает предыдущее целое число\n"
"<code><a cbot|ceil>ceil</a> </code>Возвращает наименьшее следующее целое число\n"
"<code><a cbot|round>round</a> </code>Возвращает округленное число\n"
"<code><a cbot|trunc>trunc</a> </code>Возвращает усеченное число\n"
"<code><a cbot|sin>sin</a> </code>Возвращает синус\n"
"<code><a cbot|cos>cos</a> </code>Возвращает косинус\n"
"<code><a cbot|tan>tan</a> </code>Возвращает тангенс\n"
"<code><a cbot|asin>asin</a> </code>Возвращает арксинус\n"
"<code><a cbot|acos>acos</a> </code>Возвращает арккосинус\n"
"<code><a cbot|atan>atan</a> </code>Возвращает арктангенс\n"
"<code><a cbot|atan2>atan2</a> </code>Возвращет арктангенс, имеет два аргумента"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cbot.txt:9
#, no-wrap
msgid "The <a cbot|type>type</a> of a variable appears like that: <format type>type</format>. "
msgstr ""
msgstr "<a cbot|type>Тип</a> переменной выглядит следующим образом: <format type>тип</format>. "
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cbot.txt:12
#, no-wrap
msgid "Constants like <a cbot|category>categories</a> are displayed like that: <format const>constant</format>. "
msgstr ""
msgstr "Константы такие как <a cbot|category>категории</a> отображаются следующим образом: <format const>константа</format>. "
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cbot.txt:5
@ -683,55 +755,55 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"<a cheats>o</a> |c;<format token>Instructions</format><n/>\n"
"In the program editor, an instruction in the CBOT language is always displayed like that: <format token>instruction</format>. If an instruction is not highlighted, this means that it has been misspelled. Instruction names are always written in lower case. "
msgstr ""
msgstr "В редакторе программы, инструкция в языке CBOT всегда отображется как <format token>инструкция</format>. Если инструкция не подсвечена, это означает что она неправильно написана. Имена инструкций всегда пишутся в нижнем регистре."
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/cheats.txt:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Cheats"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Коды к игре"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cheats.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Great, you have found this secret page. We hope you will use informations contained here only for other than cheating purposes. Like testing the game or recording a cool video about Colobot."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Прерасно, вы нашли эту секретную страницу. Мы надеемся вы будет использовать информацию содержащуюся здесь для других целей только не для обманных целей. Например тестирование игры или запись классного видео о Colobot."
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/cheats.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "Console"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Консоль"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/cheats.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "You can open the console by pressing the <key/><code>~</code><norm/> button on your keyboard. Press <key/><code>ENTER</code><norm/> to hide it or pass one of the commands below."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Вы можете открыть консоль нажатием кнопки <key/><code>~</code><norm/> на вашей клавиатуре. Нажмите <key/><code>ENTER</code><norm/> чтобы скрыть это или чтобы выполнить одну из команд приведенных ниже."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cheats.txt:7
#, no-wrap
msgid "Missions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Миссии"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cheats.txt:13
#, no-wrap
msgid "Gameplay"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Игровой процесс"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cheats.txt:32
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debug"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Отладка"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/cheats.txt:37
#, no-wrap
msgid "Aesthetic"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Эстетика"
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/cheats.txt:41
@ -743,25 +815,25 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/cheats.txt:45
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a cbot|produce>produce</a> </code>Immediately creates an object"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code><a cbot|produce>produce</a> </code>Немедленно создает объект"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>winmission </code>Immediately win the current mission"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>winmission </code>Немедленно успешно заканчивает текущую миссию"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:9
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>lostmission </code>Immediately lose the current mission"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>lostmission </code>Немедленно заканчивает текущую миссию с поражением"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>allresearch </code>All researches are done"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>allresearch </code>Все исследования сделаны"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:15
@ -779,19 +851,19 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/cheats.txt:17
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>fullenergy </code>Restore energy in the currently selected bot"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>fullenergy </code>Восстановите энегрию в текущем выбранном боте"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:18
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>fullshield </code>Restore shield in the currently selected object"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>fullshield </code>Востановите щит в текущем выбранном объекте"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>fullrange </code>Flying reactor is cold"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>fullrange </code>Летающий реактор холодный"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:20
@ -803,43 +875,43 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/cheats.txt:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>fly </code>You can fly even if flying is disabled in the current mission"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>fly </code>Вы можете летать даже если летание отключено в текущей миссии"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:24
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>addfreezer </code>Flying reactor heats more slowly"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>addfreezer </code>Летающий реактор нагревается более медленно"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:25
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>addhusky </code>You take less damage than usual"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>addhusky </code>Вы можете получать меньше повреждений чем обычно"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:26
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>nolimit </code>You can fly higher"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>nolimit </code>Вы можете лететь выше"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:27
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>trainerpilot </code>You can drive robots which could be previously controlled only by programs"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>trainerpilot </code>Вы можете вести роботов, которые раньше могли контролироваться только программами."
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:38
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>photo1 </code>Free camera, you can change angle with <key/><code>+</code><norm/> and <key/><code>-</code><norm/> keys, type again to set it off"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>photo1 </code>Свободная камера, вы можете менять угол клавишами <key/><code>+</code><norm/> и <key/><code>-</code><norm/>, нажмите опять, чтобы это отключить"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:39
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>photo2 </code>Same as <code>photo1</code>, except it hides interface, type again to set it off"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>photo2 </code>Также как <code>photo1</code>, за исключением того, что это скрывает интерфейс, нажмите опять, чтобы это отключить"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:47
@ -893,7 +965,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/cheats.txt:55
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code>stopmusic </code>Stops music"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<code>stopmusic </code>Останавливает музыку"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:10
@ -941,7 +1013,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/cheats.txt:33
#, no-wrap
msgid "These commands work also in main menu. Type them again to set them off."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Эти команды также работают в главном меню. Напишите их опять, чтобы их выключить."
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/cheats.txt:34
@ -973,31 +1045,31 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/battles.txt:17
#, no-wrap
msgid "Basics of production line\\m production;"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Основые производственной линии\\m production;"
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/battles.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "How to control the level"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Как управлять уровнем"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/battles.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Starting a code battle"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Начать битву программ"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/battles.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Controlling the spectator's view"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Управление видом наблюдателя"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/battles.txt:12
#, no-wrap
msgid "After a code battle is started, the camera is put into a special mode:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "После того, как битва программ началась, камере будет поставлена в специальный режим:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/battles.txt:7
@ -1267,19 +1267,19 @@ msgstr "<code>ResearchCenter</code>"
#: ../E/ruin.txt:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Ruin"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Руина"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/ruin.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "A ruin is what's left of a building after it has been disabled by a <a object|spider>spider</a> or by friendly fire."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Руина - это то, что останется от здания после того, как оно было отключено <a object|spider>пауком</a> или дружественным огнем."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/ruin.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "It can't be converted back into a reusable <a object|titan>titanium cube</a>."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Она не может быть конвертинована назад в многоразовый <a object|titan>титановый куб</a>."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/ruin.txt:7
@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ msgstr "<code>StartArea</code>"
#: ../E/station.txt:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "<button 164/> Power Station"
msgstr "<button 164/>Электростанция"
msgstr "<button 164/> Электростанция"
#. type: Image filename
#: ../E/station.txt:2
@ -1753,37 +1753,37 @@ msgstr "<code>Wreck</code>"
#: ../E/destroy.txt:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "<button 169/> Destroyer"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<button 169/> Уничтожитель"
#. type: Image filename
#: ../E/destroy.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "destroy"
msgstr ""
msgstr "destroy"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/destroy.txt:3
#, no-wrap
msgid "This building was designed to destroy objects. The object just needs to be placed at the center of the platform and the button can be pressed. The destroyer takes care of the rest."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Это здание было спроектировано чтобы уничтожать объекты. Объект нужно только положить в центр платформы и кнопка может быть нажата. Уничтожитель затем позаботится об остальном."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/destroy.txt:9
#, no-wrap
msgid "Object that is no longer needed."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Объект который больше не нужен."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/destroy.txt:12
#, no-wrap
msgid "Satisfaction."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Удовлетворение"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/destroy.txt:18
#, no-wrap
msgid "5 seconds."
msgstr ""
msgstr "5 секунд."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/destroy.txt:21
@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/destroy.txt:24
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot>CBOT Language</a>, <a cbot|type>variables</a> and <a cbot|category>categories</a>."
msgstr ""
msgstr "<a cbot>Язык CBOT</a>, <a cbot|type>переменные</a> и <a cbot|category>категории</a>."
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/target2.txt:1
@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/target2.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "target2"
msgstr ""
msgstr "target2"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/target2.txt:9
@ -1825,13 +1825,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/target1.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "target1"
msgstr ""
msgstr "target1"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/target1.txt:3
#, no-wrap
msgid "These buildings appear in the flying exercise missions and their height can vary. In the center <a object|target2>Target2</a> is placed."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Эти здания появляются в миссиях по тренировочным полетам и их высота может изменяться. В центре расположена <a object|target2>Target2</a>."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/target1.txt:6
@ -1843,4 +1843,4 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../E/target2.txt:3
#, no-wrap
msgid "In the flying exercise missions, brown crosses indicate positions that have to be crossed by a winged bot. They disappear as soon as a bot flies through them. They are placed in the center of the <a object|target1>Target1</a> building."
msgstr ""
msgstr "В миссиях по тренировочным полетам, коричневые пересечения обозначают позиции которые должны быть пересечены летающим ботом. Они исчезают как только бот пролетает через них. Они размещены в центре здания <a object|target1>Target1</a>."
@ -66,34 +66,34 @@ BeginObject
CreateObject pos=27.50;-72.50 dir=0.7 type=Me option=2
CreateObject pos=32.50;-77.50 dir=1.0 type=WheeledShooter reset=1 trainer=1 soluce="tfor2.txt" select=1 camera=FIX cameraDist=100
CreateObject pos=42.50;-80.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=37.50;-80.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=32.50;-80.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=27.50;-80.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=25.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=25.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=22.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=20.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=20.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=20.00;-77.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=20.00;-72.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=17.50;-70.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=12.50;-70.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=10.00;-67.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=12.50;-65.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=17.50;-65.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=22.50;-65.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=27.50;-65.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=30.00;-62.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=30.00;-57.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=32.50;-55.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=35.00;-57.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=35.00;-62.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=35.00;-67.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=35.00;-72.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=37.50;-75.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=42.50;-75.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=45.00;-77.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=42.50;-80.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=37.50;-80.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=32.50;-80.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=27.50;-80.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=25.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=25.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=22.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=20.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=20.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=20.00;-77.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=20.00;-72.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=17.50;-70.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=12.50;-70.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=10.00;-67.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=12.50;-65.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=17.50;-65.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=22.50;-65.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=27.50;-65.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=30.00;-62.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=30.00;-57.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=32.50;-55.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=35.00;-57.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=35.00;-62.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=35.00;-67.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=35.00;-72.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=37.50;-75.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=42.50;-75.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=45.00;-77.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=27.50;-75.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=27.50;-70.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ msgstr "Tytan 1"
#: ../scene.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Take a chunk of titanium ore and bring it to the converter."
msgstr "Weź porcję rudy tytanu i dostarcz jš do huty."
msgstr "Weź porcję rudy tytanu i dostarcz ją do huty."
#. type: ScriptName-text
#: ../scene.txt:3
@ -66,32 +66,32 @@ BeginObject
CreateObject pos=37.50;-65.00 dir=0.7 type=Me option=2
CreateObject pos=37.50;-75.00 dir=1.0 type=WheeledShooter reset=1 trainer=1 script4="tfor.txt" scriptRunnable4=false select=1 camera=FIX
CreateObject pos=40.00;-72.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=40.00;-77.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=37.50;-80.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=35.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=35.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=30.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=30.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=25.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=25.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=20.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=20.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=15.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=15.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=10.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=10.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos= 5.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos= 5.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos= 5.00;-77.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos= 5.00;-72.50 dir=0.5 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=40.00;-72.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=40.00;-77.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=37.50;-80.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=35.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=35.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=30.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=30.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=25.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=25.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=20.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=20.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=15.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=15.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=10.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=10.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos= 5.00;-87.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos= 5.00;-82.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos= 5.00;-77.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos= 5.00;-72.50 dir=0.5 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=32.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=27.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=22.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=17.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=12.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos= 7.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barrier1
CreateObject pos=32.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=27.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=22.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=17.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=12.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos= 7.50;-90.00 dir=0.0 type=Barricade1
CreateObject pos=32.50;-87.50 dir=1.5 type=TargetBot reset=1 script1="flash.txt" run=1
CreateObject pos=27.50;-87.50 dir=1.5 type=TargetBot reset=1 script1="flash.txt" run=1
@ -80,4 +80,4 @@ msgstr "Функции"
#: ../chapter007/chaptertitle.txt:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Classes"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Классы"
@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ msgstr "Свободная игра"
#: ../scene.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Do whatever you want, build a base camp and some bots, without any precise objective."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Делайте все что хотите, постройте базу и нескольких ботов."
@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ msgstr "Свободная игра"
#: ../scene.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Do whatever you want, build a base camp and some bots, without any precise objective."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Делайте все что хотите, постройте базу и нескольких ботов."
@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ msgstr "Свободная игра"
#: ../scene.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Do whatever you want, build a base camp and some bots, without any precise objective."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Делайте все что хотите, постройте базу и нескольких ботов."
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../scene.txt:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Free game"
msgstr "Jeu libre"
msgstr "Свободная игра"
#. type: Resume-text
#: ../scene.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Do whatever you want, build a base camp and some bots, without any precise objective."
msgstr "Construisez quelques bвtiments et robots, juste pour vous amuser, sans but prйcis."
msgstr "Делайте все что хотите, постройте базу и нескольких ботов."
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../scene.txt:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Free game"
msgstr "Jeu libre"
msgstr "Свободная игра"
#. type: Resume-text
#: ../scene.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Do whatever you want, build a base camp and some bots, without any precise objective."
msgstr "Construisez quelques bвtiments et robots, juste pour vous amuser, sans but prйcis."
msgstr "Делайте все что хотите, постройте базу и нескольких ботов."
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Reference in New Issue