Fix some mistakes from 80d0d3f94c

MrSimbax 2015-07-26 18:52:08 +02:00
parent a2578ba236
commit 38c454c346
10 changed files with 1098 additions and 583 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Use this type for variables that contain the characteristics of an object, be it
\c;\l;float\u cbot\float; object.lifeTime \n;Lifetime of the object
\c;object object.energyCell \n;Power cell on the bot
\c;object object.load \n;Object carried by the bot
\c;\l;string\u cbot\string; \n;The bot's team (see \l;code battles\u battles;)
\c;\l;int\u cbot\int; \n;The bot's team (see \l;code battles\u battles;)
\c;\l;point\u cbot\point; object.velocity \n;Velocity of the object
Also, some objects have additional methods (instructions). See them in \l;the main list\u cbot; in the \c;"Instructions specific for some objects" section.

View File

@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
\s;\c;\l;object\u cbot\object;.research ( type );\n;
Starts a research of the given type.
Starts a \l;research\u cbot\researches; of the given type.
\t;\l;object\u cbot\object;
\l;ResearchCenter\u object\research; or \l;AutoLab\u object\labo;.
\t;type: \c;\l;int\u cbot\int;\n;
Name of the research.
\l;Research name\u cbot\researches;.
\t;Return value: \c;\l;int\u cbot\int;\n;
Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the \c;\l;errmode\u cbot\errmode;(0)\n; instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by \c;factory()\n;.
Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the \c;\l;errmode\u cbot\errmode;(0)\n; instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by \c;research()\n;.
\c;== 0 \n;The research successfully started
\c;!= 0 \n;The research could not be started
\c;!= 0 \n;The research could not be started (e.g. the research is disabled in the level, no power cell)
\t;See also
\l;Research names\u cbot\researches;, \l;canresearch\u cbot\canresearch;, \l;researched\u cbot\researched;, \l;programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.

View File

@ -3,21 +3,26 @@ Research names represent the types of available researches in the CBOT language.
In a program, research names are always displayed on a \const;red background\norm;. If a research name is not highlighted in red, it is misspelled. Caps and lower cases should be kept as is.
Below are the different research names available:
Below are the different research names available.
\t;Done by \l;ResearchCenter\u object\research;:
\c;\const;ResearchTracked\norm; \n;Tracked bots (e.g. \l;tracked grabber\u object\botgc;)
\c;\const;ResearchWinged\norm; \n;Winged bots (e.g. \l;winged grabber\u object\botgj;)
\c;\const;ResearchLegged\norm; \n;Legged bots (e.g. \l;legged grabber\u object\botgs;)
\c;\const;ResearchShooter\norm; \n;Bots with cannon (e.g. \l;tracked shooter\u object\botfc;)
\c;\const;ResearchOrgaShooter\norm; \n;Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. \l;tracked orga shooter\u object\botoc;)
\c;\const;ResearchPhazerShooter\norm; \n;\l;Phazer shooter\u object\botphaz;
\c;\const;ResearchSniffer\norm; \n;Sniffers (e.g. \l;tracked sniffer\u object\botsc;)
\c;\const;ResearchThumper\norm; \n;\l;Thumper\u object\bottump;
\c;\const;ResearchShielder\norm; \n;\l;Shielder\u object\botshld;
\c;\const;ResearchRecycler\norm; \n;\l;Recycler\u object\botrecy;
\c;\const;ResearchSubber\norm; \n;\l;Subber\u object\botsub;
\c;\const;ResearchDefenseTower\norm; \n;\l;Defense tower\u object\tower;
\c;\const;ResearchNuclearPlant\norm; \n;\l;Nuclear plant\u object\nuclear;
\t;Done by \l;AutoLab\u object\labo;:
\c;\const;ResearchLegged\norm; \n;Legged bots (e.g. \l;legged grabber\u object\botgs;)
\c;\const;ResearchOrgaShooter\norm; \n;Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. \l;tracked orga shooter\u object\botoc;)
\t;Impossible to research:
\c;\const;ResearchSniffer\norm; \n;Sniffers (e.g. \l;tracked sniffer\u object\botsc;)
\c;\const;ResearchSubber\norm; \n;\l;Subber\u object\botsub;
\c;\const;ResearchRecycler\norm; \n;\l;Recycler\u object\botrecy;
\t;See also
\l;CBOT Language\u cbot;, \l;variables\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Takes off the spaceship.
\t;Return value: \c;\l;int\u cbot\int;\n;
Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the \c;\l;errmode\u cbot\errmode;(0)\n; instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by \c;takeoff()\n;.
\c;== 0 \n;Spaceship takes off
\c;!= 0 \n;Spaceship could not take off
\c;!= 0 \n;Spaceship could not take off (e.g. mission is not finished yet)
\t;See also
\l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:30 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:27 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:74 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:58 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researches.txt:22 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:16 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:30 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:27 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:74 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:58 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researches.txt:28 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:16 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr ""
@ -385,12 +385,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "In a program, categories are always displayed on a <format const>red background</format>. If a category isn't highlighted in red, it is misspelled. Caps and lower cases should be kept as is."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Buildings :"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:10
#, no-wrap
@ -416,12 +410,6 @@ msgid ""
" <code><a object|nest>AlienNest</a> </code>Alien Nest"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "Portable Objects :"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:33
#, no-wrap
@ -437,12 +425,6 @@ msgid ""
" <code><a object|key>KeyA..D</a> </code>Keys A, B, C and D"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:44
#, no-wrap
msgid "Robots :"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:46
#, no-wrap
@ -502,12 +484,6 @@ msgid ""
"<button 147/> <code><a object|botphaz>PhazerShooter</a> </code>Phazer Shooter"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enemies :"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:78
#, no-wrap
@ -520,12 +496,6 @@ msgid ""
" <code><a object|worm>AlienWorm</a> </code>Worm"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid "Miscellaneous :"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:88
#, no-wrap
@ -537,12 +507,6 @@ msgid ""
" <code><a object|ruin>Ruin</a> </code>Derelict building"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:97
#, no-wrap
@ -6197,33 +6161,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<c/><a cbot|object>object</a>.research ( type );<n/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/research.txt:10
#, no-wrap
msgid "type: <code><a cbot|int>int</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Name of the research."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>factory()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:19
#, no-wrap
@ -6249,32 +6192,7 @@ msgid "In a program, research names are always displayed on a <format const>red
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:23
#: ../E/researches.txt:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot>CBOT Language</a>, <a cbot|type>variables</a> and <a cbot|category>categories</a>."
msgstr ""
@ -6341,15 +6259,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<a object|base>SpaceShip</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/takeoff.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off"
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/object.txt:60
#, no-wrap
@ -6368,26 +6277,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Current velocity of the object. Should be treated as a three-dimensional vector."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
"<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
"<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
"<code><a cbot|string>string</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:19
#, no-wrap
@ -6412,6 +6301,219 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<a object|research>ResearchCenter</a> or <a object|labo>AutoLab</a>."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Buildings:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "Portable Objects:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:44
#, no-wrap
msgid "Robots:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enemies:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid "Miscellaneous:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid "Flags and Other Indicators:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
"<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
"<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Starts a <a cbot|researches>research</a> of the given type."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot|researches>Research name</a>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>research()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started (e.g. the research is disabled in the level, no power cell)"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below are the different research names available."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Done by <a object|research>ResearchCenter</a>:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:10
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "Done by <a object|labo>AutoLab</a>:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:20
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:23
#, no-wrap
msgid "Impossible to research:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:24
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/takeoff.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off (e.g. mission is not finished yet)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Buildings :"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Portable Objects :"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Robots :"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Enemies :"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Miscellaneous :"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Name of the research."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>factory()</code>.\n"
#~ "<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
#~ "<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
#~ "<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
#~ "<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
#~ "<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
#~ "<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|string>string</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The <n/><a cbot|category>category</a> of an object allows you to know what it is, f. ex. what kind of bot, building, enemy, etc. "
#~ msgstr ""

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr "Zeit in Sekunden."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:30 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:27 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:74 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:58 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researches.txt:22 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:16 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:30 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:27 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:74 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:58 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researches.txt:28 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:16 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Siehe auch"
@ -396,12 +396,6 @@ msgstr "Kategorien stellen die Namen der Objekte in der CBOT-Sprache dar. Alles
msgid "In a program, categories are always displayed on a <format const>red background</format>. If a category isn't highlighted in red, it is misspelled. Caps and lower cases should be kept as is."
msgstr "In einem Programm werden Kategorien immer mit <format const>rotem Hintergrund</format> angezeigt. Wenn eine Kategorie nicht rot angezeigt wird, ist sie falsch geschrieben. Bitte achten Sie auf Gross- und Kleinschreibung."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Buildings :"
msgstr "Bauten:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:10
#, no-wrap
@ -446,12 +440,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|goal>GoalArea</a> </code>Zielfläche\n"
" <code><a object|nest>AlienNest</a> </code>Orgastoffquelle"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "Portable Objects :"
msgstr "Tragbare Gegenstände:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:33
#, no-wrap
@ -476,12 +464,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|tnt>TNT</a> </code>Sprengstoff\n"
" <code><a object|key>KeyA..D</a> </code>Schlüssel A, B, C und D"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:44
#, no-wrap
msgid "Robots :"
msgstr "Roboter:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:46
#, no-wrap
@ -564,12 +546,6 @@ msgstr ""
"<button 146/> <code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a> </code>Stampfer\n"
"<button 147/> <code><a object|botphaz>PhazerShooter</a> </code>Phazershooter"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enemies :"
msgstr "Feinde:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:78
#, no-wrap
@ -588,12 +564,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|wasp>AlienWasp</a> </code>Wespe\n"
" <code><a object|worm>AlienWorm</a> </code>Wurm"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid "Miscellaneous :"
msgstr "Verschiedenes:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:88
#, no-wrap
@ -610,12 +580,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|wreck>Wreck</a> </code>Roboterwrack\n"
" <code>Ruin </code>Gebäuderuine"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
msgstr "Markierungen:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:97
#, no-wrap
@ -7019,33 +6983,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<c/><a cbot|object>object</a>.research ( type );<n/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/research.txt:10
#, no-wrap
msgid "type: <code><a cbot|int>int</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Name of the research."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>factory()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:19
#, no-wrap
@ -7071,32 +7014,7 @@ msgid "In a program, research names are always displayed on a <format const>red
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:23
#: ../E/researches.txt:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot>CBOT Language</a>, <a cbot|type>variables</a> and <a cbot|category>categories</a>."
msgstr ""
@ -7163,15 +7081,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<a object|base>SpaceShip</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/takeoff.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off"
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/object.txt:60
#, no-wrap
@ -7190,26 +7099,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Current velocity of the object. Should be treated as a three-dimensional vector."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
"<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
"<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
"<code><a cbot|string>string</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:19
#, no-wrap
@ -7234,6 +7123,219 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<a object|research>ResearchCenter</a> or <a object|labo>AutoLab</a>."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Buildings:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "Portable Objects:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:44
#, no-wrap
msgid "Robots:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enemies:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid "Miscellaneous:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid "Flags and Other Indicators:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
"<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
"<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Starts a <a cbot|researches>research</a> of the given type."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot|researches>Research name</a>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>research()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started (e.g. the research is disabled in the level, no power cell)"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below are the different research names available."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Done by <a object|research>ResearchCenter</a>:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:10
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "Done by <a object|labo>AutoLab</a>:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:20
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:23
#, no-wrap
msgid "Impossible to research:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:24
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/takeoff.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off (e.g. mission is not finished yet)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Buildings :"
#~ msgstr "Bauten:"
#~ msgid "Portable Objects :"
#~ msgstr "Tragbare Gegenstände:"
#~ msgid "Robots :"
#~ msgstr "Roboter:"
#~ msgid "Enemies :"
#~ msgstr "Feinde:"
#~ msgid "Miscellaneous :"
#~ msgstr "Verschiedenes:"
#~ msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
#~ msgstr "Markierungen:"
#~ msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Name of the research."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>factory()</code>.\n"
#~ "<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
#~ "<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
#~ "<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
#~ "<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
#~ "<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
#~ "<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|string>string</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The <n/><a cbot|category>category</a> of an object allows you to know what it is, f. ex. what kind of bot, building, enemy, etc. "
#~ msgstr "Die <n/><a cbot|category>Kategorie</a> eines Objekts gibt an, worum es sich handelt, z.B. welche Art Roboter, Gebäude, Feind, usw. "

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr "Temps en secondes."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:30 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:27 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:74 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:58 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researches.txt:22 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:16 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:30 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:27 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:74 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:58 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researches.txt:28 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:16 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Voir aussi"
@ -439,12 +439,6 @@ msgstr "La catégorie détermine la nature d'un objet. Dans COLOBOT, tout est ob
msgid "In a program, categories are always displayed on a <format const>red background</format>. If a category isn't highlighted in red, it is misspelled. Caps and lower cases should be kept as is."
msgstr "Dans un programme, un nom de catégorie est toujours <format const>colorié en rouge</format>. Si une catégorie n'est pas coloriée, c'est que son nom est mal orthographié. Il faut par exemple respecter les majuscules et les minuscules."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Buildings :"
msgstr "Catégories des bâtiments:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:10
#, no-wrap
@ -489,12 +483,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|goal>GoalArea</a> </code>But\n"
" <code><a object|nest>AlienNest</a> </code>Nid"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "Portable Objects :"
msgstr "Catégories des objets transportables:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:33
#, no-wrap
@ -519,12 +507,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|key>KeyA..D</a> </code>Clés A, B C et D\n"
" <code><a object|tnt>TNT</a> </code>Caisse d'explosif"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:44
#, no-wrap
msgid "Robots :"
msgstr "Catégories des robots:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:46
#, no-wrap
@ -607,12 +589,6 @@ msgstr ""
"<button 157/> <code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a> </code>Robot bouclier\n"
"<button 147/> <code><a object|botphaz>PhazerShooter</a> </code>Robot phazer"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enemies :"
msgstr "Catégories des ennemis:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:78
#, no-wrap
@ -631,12 +607,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|wasp>AlienWasp</a> </code>Guêpe\n"
" <code><a object|worm>AlienWorm</a> </code>Ver"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid "Miscellaneous :"
msgstr "Catégories spéciales:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:88
#, no-wrap
@ -653,12 +623,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|wreck>Wreck</a> </code>Epave de robot\n"
" <code>Ruin </code>Bâtiment en ruine"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
msgstr "Catégories des marqueurs:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:97
#, no-wrap
@ -6975,33 +6939,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<c/><a cbot|object>object</a>.research ( type );<n/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/research.txt:10
#, no-wrap
msgid "type: <code><a cbot|int>int</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Name of the research."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>factory()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:19
#, no-wrap
@ -7027,32 +6970,7 @@ msgid "In a program, research names are always displayed on a <format const>red
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:23
#: ../E/researches.txt:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot>CBOT Language</a>, <a cbot|type>variables</a> and <a cbot|category>categories</a>."
msgstr ""
@ -7119,15 +7037,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<a object|base>SpaceShip</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/takeoff.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off"
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/object.txt:60
#, no-wrap
@ -7146,26 +7055,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Current velocity of the object. Should be treated as a three-dimensional vector."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
"<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
"<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
"<code><a cbot|string>string</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:19
#, no-wrap
@ -7190,6 +7079,219 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<a object|research>ResearchCenter</a> or <a object|labo>AutoLab</a>."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Buildings:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "Portable Objects:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:44
#, no-wrap
msgid "Robots:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enemies:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid "Miscellaneous:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid "Flags and Other Indicators:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
"<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
"<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Starts a <a cbot|researches>research</a> of the given type."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot|researches>Research name</a>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>research()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started (e.g. the research is disabled in the level, no power cell)"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below are the different research names available."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Done by <a object|research>ResearchCenter</a>:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:10
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "Done by <a object|labo>AutoLab</a>:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:20
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:23
#, no-wrap
msgid "Impossible to research:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:24
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/takeoff.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off (e.g. mission is not finished yet)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Buildings :"
#~ msgstr "Catégories des bâtiments:"
#~ msgid "Portable Objects :"
#~ msgstr "Catégories des objets transportables:"
#~ msgid "Robots :"
#~ msgstr "Catégories des robots:"
#~ msgid "Enemies :"
#~ msgstr "Catégories des ennemis:"
#~ msgid "Miscellaneous :"
#~ msgstr "Catégories spéciales:"
#~ msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
#~ msgstr "Catégories des marqueurs:"
#~ msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Name of the research."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>factory()</code>.\n"
#~ "<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
#~ "<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
#~ "<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
#~ "<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
#~ "<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
#~ "<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|string>string</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The <n/><a cbot|category>category</a> of an object allows you to know what it is, f. ex. what kind of bot, building, enemy, etc. "
#~ msgstr "La <n/><a cbot|category>catégorie</a> de l'objet permet de savoir s'il s'agit d'un robot, d'un bâtiment, d'un ennemi, etc."

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr "Czas w sekundach."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:30 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:27 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:74 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:58 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researches.txt:22 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:16 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:30 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:27 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:74 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:58 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researches.txt:28 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:16 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Zobacz również"
@ -448,12 +448,6 @@ msgstr "Kategorie to nazwy obiektów języka CBOT. W grze COLOBOT wszystko to ob
msgid "In a program, categories are always displayed on a <format const>red background</format>. If a category isn't highlighted in red, it is misspelled. Caps and lower cases should be kept as is."
msgstr "W programie kategorie są wyświetlane na <format const>czerwonym tle</format>. Jeśli kategoria nie jest podświetlona na czerwono, w jej nazwie jest literówka. Wielkie i małe litery powinny być zachowane."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Buildings :"
msgstr "Budynki:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:10
#, no-wrap
@ -498,12 +492,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|goal>GoalArea</a> </code>Podest końcowy\n"
" <code><a object|nest>AlienNest</a> </code>Gniazdo Obcych"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "Portable Objects :"
msgstr "Obiekty przenośne:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:33
#, no-wrap
@ -528,12 +516,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|tnt>TNT</a> </code>Materiały wybuchowe\n"
" <code><a object|key>KeyA..D</a> </code>Klucze A, B, C i D"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:44
#, no-wrap
msgid "Robots :"
msgstr "Roboty:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:46
#, no-wrap
@ -616,12 +598,6 @@ msgstr ""
"<button 146/> <code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a> </code>Robot uderzacz\n"
"<button 147/> <code><a object|botphaz>PhazerShooter</a> </code>Działo fazowe"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enemies :"
msgstr "Wrogowie:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:78
#, no-wrap
@ -640,12 +616,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|wasp>AlienWasp</a> </code>Osa\n"
" <code><a object|worm>AlienWorm</a> </code>Robal"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid "Miscellaneous :"
msgstr "Różne:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:88
#, no-wrap
@ -662,12 +632,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|wreck>Wreck</a> </code>Szczątki robota\n"
" <code><a object|ruin>Ruin</a> </code>Szczątki budynku"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
msgstr "Flagi i inne znaczniki:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:97
#, no-wrap
@ -7024,33 +6988,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<c/><a cbot|object>object</a>.research ( type );<n/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/research.txt:10
#, no-wrap
msgid "type: <code><a cbot|int>int</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Name of the research."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>factory()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:19
#, no-wrap
@ -7076,32 +7019,7 @@ msgid "In a program, research names are always displayed on a <format const>red
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:23
#: ../E/researches.txt:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot>CBOT Language</a>, <a cbot|type>variables</a> and <a cbot|category>categories</a>."
msgstr ""
@ -7168,15 +7086,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<a object|base>SpaceShip</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/takeoff.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off"
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/object.txt:60
#, no-wrap
@ -7195,26 +7104,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Current velocity of the object. Should be treated as a three-dimensional vector."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
"<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
"<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
"<code><a cbot|string>string</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:19
#, no-wrap
@ -7239,6 +7128,219 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<a object|research>ResearchCenter</a> or <a object|labo>AutoLab</a>."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Buildings:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "Portable Objects:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:44
#, no-wrap
msgid "Robots:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enemies:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid "Miscellaneous:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid "Flags and Other Indicators:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
"<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
"<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Starts a <a cbot|researches>research</a> of the given type."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot|researches>Research name</a>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>research()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started (e.g. the research is disabled in the level, no power cell)"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below are the different research names available."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Done by <a object|research>ResearchCenter</a>:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:10
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "Done by <a object|labo>AutoLab</a>:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:20
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:23
#, no-wrap
msgid "Impossible to research:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:24
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/takeoff.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off (e.g. mission is not finished yet)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Buildings :"
#~ msgstr "Budynki:"
#~ msgid "Portable Objects :"
#~ msgstr "Obiekty przenośne:"
#~ msgid "Robots :"
#~ msgstr "Roboty:"
#~ msgid "Enemies :"
#~ msgstr "Wrogowie:"
#~ msgid "Miscellaneous :"
#~ msgstr "Różne:"
#~ msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
#~ msgstr "Flagi i inne znaczniki:"
#~ msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Name of the research."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>factory()</code>.\n"
#~ "<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
#~ "<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
#~ "<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
#~ "<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
#~ "<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
#~ "<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|string>string</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The <n/><a cbot|category>category</a> of an object allows you to know what it is, f. ex. what kind of bot, building, enemy, etc. "
#~ msgstr "<n/><a cbot|category>Kategoria</a> obiektu określa czym jest obiekt, tzn. określa np. rodzaj robota, budynku lub wroga, itp. "

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:30 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:27 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:74 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:58 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researches.txt:22 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:16 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:30 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:27 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:74 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:129 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:58 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researches.txt:28 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:16 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "См. также"
@ -447,12 +447,6 @@ msgstr "Категории отображают названия обьекто
msgid "In a program, categories are always displayed on a <format const>red background</format>. If a category isn't highlighted in red, it is misspelled. Caps and lower cases should be kept as is."
msgstr "В самой программе, категории всегда отображаются на <format const>красном фоне</format>. Если категория не выделена красным, она названа не правильно. Заглавные и обычные буквы нужно оставлять как есть."
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Buildings :"
msgstr "Здания:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:10
#, no-wrap
@ -497,12 +491,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|goal>FinishArea</a> </code>Финальная Площадка\n"
" <code><a object|nest>AlienNest</a> </code>Гнездо Чужих"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "Portable Objects :"
msgstr "Переносные обьекты:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:33
#, no-wrap
@ -527,12 +515,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|tnt>TNT</a> </code>Взрывное устройство\n"
" <code><a object|key>KeyA..D</a> </code>Ключи A, B, C and D"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:44
#, no-wrap
msgid "Robots :"
msgstr "Роботы:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:46
#, no-wrap
@ -615,12 +597,6 @@ msgstr ""
"<button 146/> <code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a> </code>Ударник\n"
"<button 147/> <code><a object|botphaz>PhazerShooter</a> </code>Фазовый стрелок"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enemies :"
msgstr "Враги :"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:78
#, no-wrap
@ -639,12 +615,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|wasp>AlienWasp</a> </code>Оса\n"
" <code><a object|worm>AlienWorm</a> </code>Червь"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid "Miscellaneous :"
msgstr "Разное:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:88
#, no-wrap
@ -661,12 +631,6 @@ msgstr ""
" <code><a object|wreck>Wreck</a> </code>Обломки\n"
" <code><a object|ruin>Ruin</a> </code>Руины"
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
msgstr "Флаги и другие индикаторы:"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/category.txt:97
#, no-wrap
@ -6984,33 +6948,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<c/><a cbot|object>object</a>.research ( type );<n/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/research.txt:10
#, no-wrap
msgid "type: <code><a cbot|int>int</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Name of the research."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>factory()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:19
#, no-wrap
@ -7036,32 +6979,7 @@ msgid "In a program, research names are always displayed on a <format const>red
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:23
#: ../E/researches.txt:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot>CBOT Language</a>, <a cbot|type>variables</a> and <a cbot|category>categories</a>."
msgstr ""
@ -7128,15 +7046,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<a object|base>SpaceShip</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/takeoff.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off"
msgstr ""
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/object.txt:60
#, no-wrap
@ -7155,26 +7064,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Current velocity of the object. Should be treated as a three-dimensional vector."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
"<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
"<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
"<code><a cbot|string>string</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:19
#, no-wrap
@ -7199,6 +7088,219 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "<a object|research>ResearchCenter</a> or <a object|labo>AutoLab</a>."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Buildings:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "Portable Objects:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:44
#, no-wrap
msgid "Robots:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enemies:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid "Miscellaneous:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/category.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid "Flags and Other Indicators:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/object.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
"<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
"<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
"<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
"<code><a cbot|int>int</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
"<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Starts a <a cbot|researches>research</a> of the given type."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "<a cbot|researches>Research name</a>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/research.txt:14
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>research()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started (e.g. the research is disabled in the level, no power cell)"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below are the different research names available."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Done by <a object|research>ResearchCenter</a>:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:10
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "Done by <a object|labo>AutoLab</a>:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:20
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
#: ../E/researches.txt:23
#, no-wrap
msgid "Impossible to research:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/researches.txt:24
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
"<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/takeoff.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
"<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
"<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off (e.g. mission is not finished yet)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Buildings :"
#~ msgstr "Здания:"
#~ msgid "Portable Objects :"
#~ msgstr "Переносные обьекты:"
#~ msgid "Robots :"
#~ msgstr "Роботы:"
#~ msgid "Enemies :"
#~ msgstr "Враги :"
#~ msgid "Miscellaneous :"
#~ msgstr "Разное:"
#~ msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
#~ msgstr "Флаги и другие индикаторы:"
#~ msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Name of the research."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>factory()</code>.\n"
#~ "<code>== 0 </code>The research successfully started\n"
#~ "<code>!= 0 </code>The research could not be started"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchTracked</format> </code>Tracked bots (e.g. <a object|botgc>tracked grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchWinged</format> </code>Winged bots (e.g. <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchLegged</format> </code>Legged bots (e.g. <a object|botgs>legged grabber</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchShooter</format> </code>Bots with cannon (e.g. <a object|botfc>tracked shooter</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchOrgaShooter</format> </code>Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. <a object|botoc>tracked orga shooter</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchPhazerShooter</format> </code><a object|botphaz>Phazer shooter</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchSniffer</format> </code>Sniffers (e.g. <a object|botsc>tracked sniffer</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchThumper</format> </code><a object|bottump>Thumper</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchShielder</format> </code><a object|botshld>Shielder</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchRecycler</format> </code><a object|botrecy>Recycler</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchSubber</format> </code><a object|botsub>Subber</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchDefenseTower</format> </code><a object|tower>Defense tower</a>\n"
#~ "<code><format const>ResearchNuclearPlant</format> </code><a object|nuclear>Nuclear plant</a>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the <code><a cbot|errmode>errmode</a>(0)</code> instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by <code>takeoff()</code>.\n"
#~ "<code>== 0 </code>Spaceship takes off\n"
#~ "<code>!= 0 </code>Spaceship could not take off"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<code><a cbot|int>int</a> object.category </code><a cbot|category>Category</a> of the object\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.position </code>Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.orientation </code>Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.pitch </code>Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.roll </code>Right/left angle of the object \n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.energyLevel </code>Energy level (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.shieldLevel </code>Shield level (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.temperature </code>Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.altitude </code>Altitude above ground\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|float>float</a> object.lifeTime </code>Lifetime of the object\n"
#~ "<code>object object.energyCell </code>Power cell on the bot\n"
#~ "<code>object object.load </code>Object carried by the bot\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|string>string</a> </code>The bot's team (see <a battles>code battles</a>)\n"
#~ "<code><a cbot|point>point</a> object.velocity </code>Velocity of the object"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The <n/><a cbot|category>category</a> of an object allows you to know what it is, f. ex. what kind of bot, building, enemy, etc. "
#~ msgstr "<n/><a cbot|category>Категория</a> объекта позволяет вам узнать, что это такое, то есть например какой это вид бота, здания, врага и так далее."