
744 lines
36 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: DATE\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.11.0\n"
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/1_SwitchCell.txt:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programs dispatched by Houston"
msgstr "Programy przysłane z Houston"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/1_SwitchCell1.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Following is a program that has been developed by our engineers. It allows you to switch <a object|power>power cells</a>. A charged cell needs to be placed on the ground in front of the bot."
msgstr "Poniżej znajdziesz jeden z programów napisanych przez naszych inżynierów. Umożliwia on prostszą wymianę <a object|power>ogniw elektrycznych</a>. Naładowane ogniwo elektryczne powinno znajdować się przed robotem, na ziemi."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/1_SwitchCell1.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "In order to execute this program, select the program <code>SwitchCell1</code> in the list of the programs available on the bot (on the lower left-hand corner of your screen), and click on the arrow symbol <button 21/>."
msgstr "Aby uruchomić ten program, zaznacz program <code>SwitchCell1</code> na liście dostępnych dla robota programów (w lewej dolnej części ekranu), a następnie kliknij symbol strzałki <button 21/>."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/1_SwitchCell1.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::SwitchCell1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(InFront); // take the new cell in front\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(Behind); // and drop it behind\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(EnergyCell); // take the cell from the bot\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(InFront); // and drop it in front\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(Behind); // take the new cell\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(EnergyCell); // and drop it on the bot\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::SwitchCell1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(InFront); // podnieś nowe ogniwo z przodu\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(Behind); // i zostaw je z tyłu\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(EnergyCell); // wyjmij ogniwo z robota\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(InFront); // i zostaw je z przodu\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(Behind); // podnieś nowe ogniwo\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(EnergyCell); // i włóż je do robota\n"
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:1 ../E/1_SwitchCell1.txt:1 ../E/1_SwitchCell1_link.txt:1 ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:1 ../E/2_Recharge1_link.txt:1 ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:1 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:1 ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:1 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:1 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:1 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:1 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:1 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:1 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:1 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:1 ../E/9_terranova.txt:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programs dispatched by Houston"
msgstr "Programy przysłane z Houston"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/1_SwitchCell1_link.txt:2 ../E/2_Recharge1_link.txt:2 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:2 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:2 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:2 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "We did not develop a specific program for this mission. However, you can develop your own programs if you think it would be useful."
msgstr "Nie napisaliśmy żadnego programu specjalnie dla tej misji. Jednakże możesz napisać własny program, jeśli uważasz, że przyda się on podczas tej misji."
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:40 ../E/1_SwitchCell1_link.txt:4 ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:20 ../E/2_Recharge1_link.txt:4 ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:23 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:4 ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:24 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:32 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:4 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:23 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:4 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:53 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:43 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:4 ../E/9_terranova.txt:20
#, no-wrap
msgid "Archives"
msgstr "Archiwum"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:41 ../E/1_SwitchCell1_link.txt:5 ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:21 ../E/2_Recharge1_link.txt:5 ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:24 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:5 ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:25 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:33 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:5 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:24 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:5 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:54 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:44 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:5 ../E/9_terranova.txt:21
#, no-wrap
msgid "Index of the programs dispatched in former missions:"
msgstr "Lista programów przysłanych w poprzednich misjach:"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:50 ../E/1_SwitchCell1_link.txt:7 ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:23 ../E/2_Recharge1_link.txt:8 ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:26 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:9 ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:29 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:38 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:11 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:30 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:12 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:61 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:52 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:14 ../E/9_terranova.txt:30
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/1_SwitchCell1>SwitchCell1</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below is a program that has been developed by our engineers. It allows you to recharge the <a object|power>power cell</a> of a bot: it goes to the closest <a object|station>power station</a>, waits 5 seconds, and comes back to the initial position."
msgstr "Poniżej znajdziesz jeden z programów napisanych przez naszych inżynierów. Umożliwia on naładowanie <a object|power>ogniwa elektrycznego</a> robota: idzie on do najbliższej <a object|station>stacji energetycznej</a>, czeka 5 sekund, a następnie wraca do pozycji wyjściowej."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "Remark: If you click on an element of the program underlined in blue, your SatCom will display a text that explains this element. The texts that follow a double slash <code>//</code> are not part of the program, but are comments that help you to understand the program."
msgstr "Wskazówka: Kliknięcie elementu programu podkreślonego na niebiesko spowoduje wyświetlenie tekstu opisującego ten element na komunikatorze SatCom. Teksty po podwójnych ukośnikach <code>//</code> nie są częścią programu ale komentarzem pozwalającym na lepsze zrozumienie programu."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::Recharge1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>point</a> start; // variable for initial pos.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about power station\n"
"\tstart = position; // store initial position\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>); // look for station\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the power station\n"
"\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(5); // wait 5 seconds\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(start); // go back to initial pos.\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::Recharge1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>point</a> start; // zmienna pozycji startowej\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informacja o stacji energetycznej\n"
"\tstart = position; // zachowaj pozycję startową\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>); // znajdź stację\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // idź do stacji\n"
"\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(5); // poczekaj 5 sekund\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(start); // wróć do pozycji startowej\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "We have improved the recharge program. When it arrives at the <a object|station>power station</a>, the bot does not wait exactly 5 seconds, but only until the <a object|power>power cell</a> is fully charged. After the bot is back at the initial position, it displays a message on the screen."
msgstr "Usprawniliśmy program ładowania ogniw. Po dotarciu do <a object|station>stacji energetycznej</a> robot nie czeka już dokładnie 5 sekund, ale tylko do czasu pełnego naładowania <a object|power>ogniwa elektrycznego</a>. Po powrocie na pozycję wyjściową robot wyświetla komunikat na ekranie."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::Recharge2()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>point</a> start; // variable for initial pos.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about power station\n"
"\tstart = position; // store initial position\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>); // look for station\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the power station\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( <a cbot|object>energyCell.energyLevel</a> < 1 )\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // wait until recharged\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(start); // go back to initial pos.\n"
"\t<a cbot|message>message</a>(\"Recharge completed\");\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::Recharge2()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>point</a> start; // zmienna pozycji startowej\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informacja o stacji energetycznej\n"
"\tstart = position; // zachowaj pozycję startową\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>); // znajdź stację\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // idź do stacji energetycznej\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( <a cbot|object>energyCell.energyLevel</a> < 1 )\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // poczekaj aż się naładuje\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(start); // wróć do pozycji startowej\n"
"\t<a cbot|message>message</a>(\"Ładowanie zakończone\");\n"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:49 ../E/2_Recharge1_link.txt:7 ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:27 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:8 ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:28 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:37 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:10 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:29 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:11 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:60 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:51 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:13 ../E/9_terranova.txt:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/2_Recharge1>Recharge1</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:48 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:7 ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:27 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:36 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:9 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:28 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:10 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:59 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:50 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:12 ../E/9_terranova.txt:28
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/3_Recharge2>Recharge2</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Below is one of the programs that has been developed by our engineers.\n"
"It instructs a <a object|botgr>grabber</a> to retrieve the nearest chunk of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a> and place it on the <a object|convert>converter</a>."
msgstr ""
"Poniżej znajdziesz jeden z programów napisanych przez naszych inżynierów.\n"
"Poleca on <a object|botgr>transporterowi</a> wziąć najbliższą porcję <a object|titanore>rudy </a> i dostarczyć ją do <a object|convert>huty</a>."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "In order to execute this program, select the program <code>CollectTitanium1</code> in the list of the programs available on the bot (on the lower left-hand corner of your screen), and click on the arrow symbol <button 21/>. At any moment you can stop the program and take over at the controls with the stop button <button 8/>."
msgstr "Aby uruchomić ten program, zaznacz program <code>CollectTitanium1</code> na liście dostępnych dla robota programów (w lewej dolnej części ekranu), a następnie kliknij symbol strzałki <button 21/>. W każdej chwili można zatrzymać program i przejąć nad nim kontrolę, klikając przycisk stop <button 8/>."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:7
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::CollectTitanium1()\n"
"\t// 1) Variable definition.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about objects\n"
"\t// 2) Go to the titanium ore and grab it.\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>TitaniumOre</a>);// look for titanium ore\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the position\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // grab the titanium\n"
"\t// 3) Go to the converter and drop it.\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Converter</a>); // look for converter\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the position\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // drop the titanium\n"
"\t<a cbot|move>move</a>(-2.5); // step back 2.5 m\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::CollectTitanium1()\n"
"\t// 1) Definicja zmiennej\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informacja o obiekcie\n"
"\t// 2) Idź do rudy tytanu i podnieś ją\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>TitaniumOre</a>);// znajdź rudę tytanu\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // idź do pozycji\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // podnieś porcję rudy\n"
"\t// 3) Idź do huty i zostaw rudę\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Converter</a>); // znajdź hutę\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // idź do pozycji\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // zostaw rudę\n"
"\t<a cbot|move>move</a>(-2.5); // cofnij się o 2,5 m\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Below is one of the programs that has been developed by our engineers.\n"
"An upgrade on the previous program: the <a object|botgr>grabber</a>, on its way back from the converter, makes a stop, if necessary, at the <a object|station>power station</a> to recharge its power cell."
msgstr ""
"Poniżej znajdziesz jeden z programów napisanych przez naszych inżynierów.\n"
"Poprzedni program został usprawniony: jeśli to konieczne <a object|botgr>transporter</a> w drodze powrotnej odwiedza <a object|station>stację energetyczną</a> w celu naładowania ogniwa elektrycznego."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "This program also works on <a object|botgj>winged grabbers</a>, if the <a object|derrick>derrick</a> is on another island than the <a object|convert>converter</a>."
msgstr "Program ten działa również na <a object|botgj>transporterze latającym</a>, co może być konieczne jeśli <a object|derrick>kopalnia</a> jest na innej wyspie niż <a object|convert>huta</a>."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:7
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::CollectTitanium2()\n"
"\t// 1) Variable definition.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about objects\n"
"\t// 2) Go to the titanium ore and grab it.\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>TitaniumOre</a>);// look for titanium ore\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the position\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // grab the titanium\n"
"\t// 3) Go to the converter and drop it.\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Converter</a>); // look for converter\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the position\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // drop the titanium\n"
"\t<a cbot|move>move</a>(-2.5); // step back 2.5 m\n"
"\t// 4) If power cell half empty, recharges.\n"
"\tif ( energyCell.energyLevel < 0.5 )\n"
"\t{ // if so:\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>); // look for station\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go there\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(5); // wait\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::CollectTitanium2()\n"
"\t// 1) Definicja zmiennej\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informacja o obiekcie\n"
"\t// 2) Idź do rudy tytanu i podnieś ją\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>TitaniumOre</a>);// znajdź rudę tytanu\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // idź do pozycji\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // podnieś porcję rudy\n"
"\t// 3) Idź do huty i zostaw rudę\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Converter</a>); // znajdź hutę\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // idź do pozycji\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // zostaw rudę\n"
"\t<a cbot|move>move</a>(-2.5); // cofnij się o 2,5 m\n"
"\t// 4) Naładuj ogniwo elektryczne, jeśli jest w połowie zużyte\n"
"\tif ( energyCell.energyLevel < 0.5 )\n"
"\t{ // jeśli tak:\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>); // znajdź stację energetyczną\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // idź tam\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(5); // poczekaj\n"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:47 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:35 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:8 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:27 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:9 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:58 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:49 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:11 ../E/9_terranova.txt:27
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/4_CollectTitanium1>CollectTitanium1</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:46 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:7 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:26 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:8 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:57 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:48 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:10 ../E/9_terranova.txt:26
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/5_CollectTitanium2>CollectTitanium2</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Execute the program <code>KillAnt1</code> immediately on your <a object|botfr>wheeled shooter</a>, it will protect your west flank. Meantime you can elaborate your defense strategy."
msgstr "Uruchom natychmiast program <code>KillAnt1</code> na Twoim <a object|botfr>dziale na kołach</a>, zabezpieczy on Twoją zachodnią flankę. W międzyczasie możesz opracować strategię obrony."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::KillAnt1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about object\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(-30, 0); // go west\n"
"\t<a cbot|aim>aim</a>(0); // aim straight\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( true ) // repeat forever:\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>AlienAnt</a>, 0, 360, 0, 40);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item != null ) // ant detected ?\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|turn>turn</a>(<a cbot|direct>direction</a>(item.position));\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|fire>fire</a>(0.5); // shoot 0.5 s\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // wait 1 second\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::KillAnt1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informacja o obiekcie\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(-30, 0); // idź na zachód\n"
"\t<a cbot|aim>aim</a>(0); // celuj w poziomie\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( true ) // powtarzaj w nieskończoność:\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>AlienAnt</a>, 0, 360, 0, 40);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item != null ) // wykryto mrówkę?\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|turn>turn</a>(<a cbot|direct>direction</a>(item.position));\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|fire>fire</a>(0.5); // strzelaj przez 0,5 s\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // czekaj 1 sekundę\n"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:45 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:7 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:56 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:47 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:9 ../E/9_terranova.txt:25
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/6_KillAnt1>KillAnt1</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "As you will need lots of titanium for this mission, we have made the program <code>CollectTitanium</code> still more efficient. It gathers a whole series of titanium cubes on a free surface, so you can let it work on its own. It also recharges itself at the <a object|station>power station</a> if necessary."
msgstr "Ponieważ w tej misji potrzebne będzie mnóstwo tytanu, po raz kolejny usprawniliśmy program <code>CollectTitanium</code>. Gromadzi on całą serię kostek tytanu na wolnej powierzchni, więc możesz mu już pozwolić pracować zupełnie samodzielnie. Ładuje on również swoje ogniwo elektryczne w <a object|station>stacji energetycznej</a> jeśli jest to konieczne."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::CollectTitanium3()\n"
"\t// 1) Variable definition.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about objects\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> (true) // repeat forever\n"
"\t\t// 2) Go to the titanium ore and grab it.\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>TitaniumOre</a>);// look for titanium\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the position\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // grab the titanium\n"
"\t\t// 3) Go to the converter and drop it.\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Converter</a>); // look for converter\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the position\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // drop the titanium\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|move>move</a>(-2.5); // step back 2.5 m\n"
"\t\t// 4) Wait until titanium converted and grab it\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|do>do</a>\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // wait for cube\n"
"\t\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Titanium</a>, 0, 45, 0, 5);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( item == null );\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // grab it\n"
"\t\t// 5) Drop on a free space\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(<a cbot|space>space</a>(position)); // go to free space\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // drop titanium\n"
"\t\t// 6) If power cell half empty, recharges.\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( energyCell.energyLevel < 0.5 )\n"
"\t\t{ // if so:\n"
"\t\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>);\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item != null ) // station found ?\n"
"\t\t\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go there\n"
"\t\t\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( energyCell.energyLevel < 1 )\n"
"\t\t\t\t{ // until recharged:\n"
"\t\t\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // wait\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::CollectTitanium3()\n"
"\t// 1) Deklaracje zmiennych.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informacja o obiekcie\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> (true) // informacja o obiekcie\n"
"\t\t// 2) Idź do rudy tytanu i podnieś ją\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>TitaniumOre</a>);// znajdź rudę tytanu\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // idź do pozycji\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // podnieś porcję rudy\n"
"\t\t// 3) Idź do huty i zostaw rudę\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Converter</a>); // znajdź hutę\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // idź do pozycji\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // zostaw rudę\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|move>move</a>(-2.5); // cofnij się o 2,5 m\n"
"\t\t// 4) Poczekaj na przetopienie rudy i zabierz tytan\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|do>do</a>\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // poczekaj na kostkę tytanu\n"
"\t\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Titanium</a>, 0, 45, 0, 5);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( item == null );\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // weź ją\n"
"\t\t// 5) Idź do wolnego miejsca i zostaw ją\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(<a cbot|space>space</a>(position)); // idź do wolnego miejsca\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // zostaw tytan\n"
"\t\t// 6) Naładuj ogniwo elektryczne, jeśli jest w połowie zużyte\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( energyCell.energyLevel < 0.5 )\n"
"\t\t{ // jeśli tak:\n"
"\t\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>);\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item != null ) // czy znaleziono stację \n"
"\t\t\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // idź tam\n"
"\t\t\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( energyCell.energyLevel < 1 )\n"
"\t\t\t\t{ // do czasu naładowania:\n"
"\t\t\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // czekaj\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "We have developed a program that takes care of recharging the power cell of a <a object|tower>defense tower</a>:"
msgstr "Napisaliśmy program zajmujący się ładowaniem ogniwa elektrycznego <a object|tower>wieży obronnej</a>:"
#. type: Bullet: '1)'
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "Go to a <a object|tower>defense tower</a>."
msgstr "Idź do <a object|tower>wieży obronnej</a>."
#. type: Bullet: '2)'
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Wait until the <a object|power>power cell</a> is 80% empty."
msgstr "Poczekaj aż <a object|power>ogniwo elektryczne</a> będzie w 80% puste."
#. type: Bullet: '3)'
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Grab the <a object|power>power cell</a> and recharge it on a <a object|station>power station</a>."
msgstr "Zabierz <a object|power>ogniwo elektryczne</a> i doładuj je w <a object|station>stacji energetycznej</a>."
#. type: Bullet: '4)'
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:7
#, no-wrap
msgid "Put it back on the <a object|tower>defense tower</a>."
msgstr "Odnieś je do <a object|tower>wieży obronnej</a>."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:9
#, no-wrap
msgid "Build the <a object|station>power station</a> as close as possible to the tower in order to reduce the time when the tower has got no power cell. A good trick is to place a power cell on the ground in front of the tower. The wasp will attack the power cell, and if the first shoot misses or a wasp arrives when the defense tower has got no energy, only the power cell is destroyed and not the defense tower."
msgstr "W celu zredukowania czasu gdy wieża pozostaje bez zasilania, zbuduj <a object|station>stację energetyczną</a> możliwie najbliżej wieży. Przydatną sztuczką jest zostawienie ogniwa elektrycznego na ziemi przed wieżą. Osy będą atakowały ogniwo i jeśli pierwszy strzał będzie niecelny lub osa przybędzie gdy wieża będzie bez zasilania, zniszczone zostanie tylko ogniw, a nie wieża obronna."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::ServiceTower1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|object>object</a> tower; // info. about tower\n"
"\t<a cbot|object>object</a> station; // info. about station\n"
"\t// 1) go to the defense tower\n"
"\ttower = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(DefenseTower); // look for tower\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(tower.position); // go there\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( true ) // repeat forever\n"
"\t\t// 2) wait until power cell is empty\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( tower.energyCell.energyLevel > 0.2 )\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(2);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // grab the power cell\n"
"\t\t// 3) go to the power station to recharge\n"
"\t\tstation = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(PowerStation);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(station.position); // go there\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( load.energyLevel < 1 )\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // wait until recharged\n"
"\t\t// 4) go back to defense tower\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(tower.position); // go to tower\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // drop the power cell\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::ServiceTower1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|object>object</a> tower; // informacje o wieży\n"
"\t<a cbot|object>object</a> station; // informacje o stacji\n"
"\t// 1) idź do wieży obronnej\n"
"\ttower = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(DefenseTower); // znajdź wieżę\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(tower.position); // i idź tam\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( true ) // powtarzaj w nieskończoność\n"
"\t\t// 2) poczekaj na wyczerpanie ogniwa elektrycznego\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( tower.energyCell.energyLevel > 0.2 )\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(2);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // weź ogniwo elektryczne\n"
"\t\t// 3) idź do elektrowni i naładuj je\n"
"\t\tstation = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(PowerStation);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(station.position); // idź tam\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( load.energyLevel < 1 )\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // poczekaj aż się naładuje\n"
"\t\t// 4) wróć do wieży obronnej\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(tower.position); // idź do wieży\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // zostaw ogniwo elektryczne\n"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:44 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:46 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:8 ../E/9_terranova.txt:24
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/7_CollectTitanium3>CollectTitanium3</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:43 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:7 ../E/9_terranova.txt:23
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/8_ServiceTower1>ServiceTower1</a></code>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/9_terranova.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "According to the data transmitted by the satellite, our engineers have developed two programs. The first one guides the <a object|botshld>shielder bot</a> through the narrow valley north close to the place where the key has been located. You can follow it without fearing any attack:"
msgstr "Zgodnie z danymi dostarczonymi przez satelitę, nasi inżynierowie napisali dwa programy. Pierwszy z nich prowadzi <a object|botshld>robota osłaniacza</a> przez wąską dolinę na północ, w pobliże klucza. Możesz za nim iść nie obawiając się żadnego ataku:"
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/9_terranova.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::Outward()\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(1,15); // activate the shield\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(6,160); // go close to the key\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(0,15); // deactivate the shield\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::Outward()\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(1,15); // uaktywnij osłonę\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(6,160); // podejdź do klucza\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(0,15); // wyłącz osłonę\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/9_terranova.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "The second program guides the <a object|botshld>shielder bot</a> back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a>:"
msgstr "Drugi program kieruje <a object|botshld>robota osłaniacza</a> z powrotem do <a object|base>statku kosmicznego</a>:"
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/9_terranova.txt:13
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::Return()\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(1,15); // activate the shield\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(8,60); // go to the spaceship\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(0,15); // deactivate the shield\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::Return()\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(1,15); // uaktywnij osłonę\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(8,60); // wróć na statek kosmiczny\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(0,15); // wyłącz osłonę\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below is a program that has been developed by our engineers."
msgstr "Poniżej znajdziesz jeden z programów napisanych przez naszych inżynierów."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "It instructs the <a object|botshld>shielder</a> to follow and protect the <a object|botphaz>phazer</a>."
msgstr "Poleca on <a object|botshld>osłaniaczowi</a> śledzenie i ochronę <a object|botphaz>działa fazowego</a>."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::FollowPhazer()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about phazer\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>point</a> dest; // position where to go\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>float</a> dist; // distance to phazer\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PhazerShooter</a>);\n"
"\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item == null )\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|message>message</a>(\"No phazer found\");\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|return>return</a>; // stop the program\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(1, 25); // activate the shield\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( true ) // repeat forever\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(PhazerShooter);// look for phazer\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item == null ) break;\n"
"\t\tdist = <a cbot|dist>distance</a>(item.position, position);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( dist < 5 )\n"
"\t\t{ // if closer than 5 m:\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // wait\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>else</a> // otherwise:\n"
"\t\t{ // Calculate a position 5 m before the phazer\n"
"\t\t\tdest.x = (item.position.x-position.x)*((dist-5)/dist)+position.x;\n"
"\t\t\tdest.y = (item.position.y-position.y)*((dist-5)/dist)+position.y;\n"
"\t\t\tdest.z = (item.position.z-position.z)*((dist-5)/dist)+position.z;\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(dest, 0, 1, 1); // and go there\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::FollowPhazer()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informacje o dziale fazowym\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>point</a> dest; // pozycja docelowa\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>float</a> dist; // odległość do działa fazowego\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PhazerShooter</a>);\n"
"\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item == null )\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|message>message</a>(\"Nie znaleziono działa fazowego\");\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|return>return</a>; // zatrzymaj program\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(1, 25); // aktywuj osłonę\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( true ) // powtarzaj w nieskończoność\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(PhazerShooter);// znajdź działo fazowe\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item == null ) break;\n"
"\t\tdist = <a cbot|dist>distance</a>(item.position, position);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( dist < 5 )\n"
"\t\t{ // jeśli jest bliżej niż 5 m:\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // czekaj\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>else</a> // w przeciwnym przypadku:\n"
"\t\t{ // Oblicz pozycję 5 m przed działem fazowym\n"
"\t\t\tdest.x = (item.position.x-position.x)*((dist-5)/dist)+position.x;\n"
"\t\t\tdest.y = (item.position.y-position.y)*((dist-5)/dist)+position.y;\n"
"\t\t\tdest.z = (item.position.z-position.z)*((dist-5)/dist)+position.z;\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(dest, 0, 1, 1); // i idź tam\n"