When controlling the robot through programming, the gun can be also turned left or right by turning the whole robot with the instruction \c;\l;turn\u cbot\turn;\n;.
Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun upward. For shooters and orga shooters, the angle must range from \c;-20\n; to \c;+20\n; degrees. For phazer shooters, the angle must range from \c;-20\n; to \c;45\n; degrees.
Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. The angle must range from \c;-40\n; to \c;+40\n; degrees for all shooters. This parameter is optional: if no value is provided, then \c;x = 0\n;.