Use this type for variables that contain the characteristics of an object, be it a bot, a building, some raw material, an enemy, etc. Here are all properties of an object:
\c;\l;point\u cbot\point; object.velocity \n;Velocity of the object
Also, some objects have additional methods (instructions). See them in \l;the main list\u cbot; in the \c;"Instructions specific for some objects" section.
Position of the object on the planet, in meters. The coordinates \c;x\n; and \c;y\n; correspond to the location on a map, the \c;z\n; coordinate corresponds to the altitude above (respectively below) sea level.
Orientation of the object, in degrees. The orientation tells you what direction the object is facing. An orientation of \c;0\n; corresponds to an object facing eastwards, thus following the positive \c;x\n; axis. The orientation is measured counterclockwise.
Forward/backward angle of the robot. A pitch of \c;0\n; means that the bot is standing on flat ground. A positive inclination means that it is facing upwards, a negative inclination means that it is facing downwards.
Left/right angle of the bot, in degrees. A positive value means that the bot is leaning to the left side, a negative value means that it is leaning to the right side.
Energy level, between 0 and 1. A normal \l;power cell\u object\power; that is fully charged returns the value \c;1\n;. A \l;nuclear power cell\u object\atomic; never returns a value higher than 1, it just lasts longer. Attention: The energy level of a bot is always zero, because the energy is not contained in the bot, but in the power cell. To know the energy level of the power cell of a bot, you must write \c;energyCell.energyLevel\n;.
Shield level of a robot or building. A level \c;1\n; indicates that the shield is still perfect. Every time that the bot or building gets a bullet or collides with another object, the shield level decreases. When the level reaches \c;0\n;, the next bullet or collision will destroy the bot or building.
Bots can re-energize their shield on a \l;repair center\u object\repair;. The shield of a building is repaired if it lays inside the protection sphere of a \l;shielder\u object\botshld;.
Temperature of the jet of \l;winged bots\u object\botgj;. \c;0\n; corresponds to a cold jet. When used, the temperature increases progressively. When it reaches the value \c;1\n;, the jet is overheated and stops working, until it cooled down a little.
The \c;z\n; coordinate of the position indicates the altitude above sea level, whereas the \c;altitude\n; indicates the height above ground. This value is meaningful only for \l;winged bots\u object\botgj; and for \l;wasps\u object\wasp;. For all other objects, this value is zero.
The age of the object in seconds since it's creation.
This information is special, because it returns the information about another object, in this case the power pack. This means that energyCell contains all the characteristics of a normal object, for example \c;category\n; (PowerCell or NuclearCell), \c;position\n; (the position of the cell), etc.
If you want to know the energy level of a robot, you must not check \c;energyLevel\n;, but \c;energyCell.energyLevel\n;.
If the bot has bot no power cell, \c;energyCell\n; returns \c;null\n;.
This information also returns the description of a whole object: the description of the object carried by a \l;grabber\u object\botgr;. If it carries nothing, \c;load\n; returns \c;null\n;.