562 lines
14 KiB
562 lines
14 KiB
* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
* Copyright (C) 2001-2014, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* http://epsiteс.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses
// Managing Tokens
// the text of a program is first transformed
// into a sequence of tokens for easy interpretation
// it will only treat the case as an error
// where there is an illegal character in a string
#include "CBot.h"
#include <cstdarg>
CBotStringArray CBotToken::m_ListKeyWords;
int CBotToken::m_ListIdKeyWords[200];
CBotStringArray CBotToken::m_ListKeyDefine;
long CBotToken::m_ListKeyNums[MAXDEFNUM];
//! contructors
m_next = NULL;
m_prev = NULL;
m_type = TokenTypVar; // at the beginning a default variable type
m_IdKeyWord = -1;
CBotToken::CBotToken(const CBotToken* pSrc)
m_next = NULL;
m_prev = NULL;
m_type = 0;
m_IdKeyWord = 0;
m_start = 0;
m_end = 0;
if ( pSrc != NULL )
m_type = pSrc->m_type;
m_IdKeyWord = pSrc->m_IdKeyWord;
m_Text = pSrc->m_Text;
m_Sep = pSrc->m_Sep;
m_start = pSrc->m_start;
m_end = pSrc->m_end;
CBotToken::CBotToken(const CBotString& mot, const CBotString& sep, int start, int end)
m_Text = mot; // word (mot) found as token
m_Sep = sep; // separator
m_next = NULL;
m_prev = NULL;
m_start = start;
m_end = end;
m_type = TokenTypVar; // at the beginning a default variable type
m_IdKeyWord = -1;
CBotToken::CBotToken(const char* mot, const char* sep)
m_Text = mot;
if ( sep != NULL ) m_Sep = sep;
m_next = NULL;
m_prev = NULL;
m_type = TokenTypVar; // at the beginning a default variable type
m_IdKeyWord = -1;
delete m_next; // recursive
m_next = NULL;
void CBotToken::Free()
const CBotToken& CBotToken::operator=(const CBotToken& src)
delete m_next;
m_next = NULL;
m_prev = NULL;
m_Text = src.m_Text;
m_Sep = src.m_Sep;
m_type = src.m_type;
m_IdKeyWord = src.m_IdKeyWord;
m_start = src.m_start;
m_end = src.m_end;
return *this;
int CBotToken::GetType()
if (this == NULL) return 0;
if (m_type == TokenTypKeyWord) return m_IdKeyWord;
return m_type;
long CBotToken::GetIdKey()
return m_IdKeyWord;
CBotToken* CBotToken::GetNext()
if (this == NULL) return NULL;
return m_next;
CBotToken* CBotToken::GetPrev()
if (this == NULL) return NULL;
return m_prev;
void CBotToken::AddNext(CBotToken* p)
CBotToken* n = new CBotToken(p);
CBotToken* pt = this;
while ( pt->m_next != NULL ) pt = pt->m_next;
pt->m_next = n;
n->m_prev = pt;
CBotString& CBotToken::GetString()
return m_Text;
CBotString& CBotToken::GetSep()
return m_Sep;
void CBotToken::SetString(const char* name)
m_Text = name;
int CBotToken::GetStart()
if (this == NULL) return -1;
return m_start;
int CBotToken::GetEnd()
if (this == NULL) return -1;
return m_end;
void CBotToken::SetPos(int start, int end)
m_start = start;
m_end = end;
bool CharInList(const char c, const char* list)
int i = 0;
while (true)
if (c == list[i++]) return true;
if (list[i] == 0) return false;
bool Char2InList(const char c, const char cc, const char* list)
int i = 0;
while (true)
if (c == list[i++] &&
cc == list[i++]) return true;
if (list[i] == 0) return false;
static char sep1[] = " \r\n\t,:()[]{}-+*/=;><!~^|&%.";
static char sep2[] = " \r\n\t"; // only separators
static char sep3[] = ",:()[]{}-+*/=;<>!~^|&%."; // operational separators
static char num[] = "0123456789"; // point (single) is tested separately
static char hexnum[] = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef";
static char nch[] = "\"\r\n\t"; // forbidden in chains
//static char* duo = "+=-=*=/===!=<=>=++--///**/||&&"; // double operators
// looking for the next token in a sentence
// do not start with separators
// which are made in the previous token
CBotToken* CBotToken::NextToken(char* &program, int& error, bool first)
CBotString mot; // the word which is found
CBotString sep; // separators that are after
char c;
bool stop = first;
if (*program == 0) return NULL;
c = *(program++); // next character
if (!first)
mot = c; // built the word
c = *(program++); // next character
// special case for strings
if ( mot[0] == '\"' )
while (c != 0 && !CharInList(c, nch))
if ( c == '\\' )
c = *(program++); // next character
if ( c == 'n' ) c = '\n';
if ( c == 'r' ) c = '\r';
if ( c == 't' ) c = '\t';
mot += c;
c = *(program++);
if ( c == '\"' )
mot += c; // string is complete
c = *(program++); // next character
stop = true;
// special case for numbers
if ( CharInList(mot[0], num ))
bool bdot = false; // found a point?
bool bexp = false; // found an exponent?
char* liste = num;
if (mot[0] == '0' && c == 'x') // hexadecimal value?
mot += c;
c = *(program++); // next character
liste = hexnum;
while (c != 0 && CharInList(c, liste))
cc: mot += c;
c = *(program++); // next character
if ( liste == num ) // not for hexadecimal
if ( !bdot && c == '.' ) { bdot = true; goto cc; }
if ( !bexp && ( c == 'e' || c == 'E' ) )
bexp = true;
mot += c;
c = *(program++); // next character
if ( c == '-' ||
c == '+' ) goto cc;
goto cw;
stop = true;
if (CharInList(mot[0], sep3)) // an operational separator?
CBotString motc = mot;
while (motc += c, c != 0 && GetKeyWords(motc)>0) // operand seeks the longest possible
mot += c; // build the word
c = *(program++); // next character
stop = true;
while (true)
if (stop || c == 0 || CharInList(c, sep1))
if (!first && mot.IsEmpty()) return NULL; // end of the analysis
while (CharInList(c, sep2))
sep += c; // after all the separators
c = *(program++);
if (c == '/' && *program == '/') // comment on the heap?
while( c != '\n' && c != 0 )
sep += c;
c = *(program++); // next character
goto bis;
if (c == '/' && *program == '*') // comment on the heap?
while( c != 0 && (c != '*' || *program != '/'))
sep += c;
c = *(program++); // next character
if ( c != 0 )
sep += c;
c = *(program++); // next character
sep += c;
c = *(program++); // next character
goto bis;
CBotToken* token = new CBotToken(mot, sep);
if (CharInList( mot[0], num )) token->m_type = TokenTypNum;
if (mot[0] == '\"') token->m_type = TokenTypString;
if (first) token->m_type = 0;
token->m_IdKeyWord = GetKeyWords(mot);
if (token->m_IdKeyWord > 0) token->m_type = TokenTypKeyWord;
else GetKeyDefNum(mot, token) ; // treats DefineNum
return token;
mot += c; // built the word
c = *(program++); // next character
CBotToken* CBotToken::CompileTokens(const char* program, int& error)
CBotToken *nxt, *prv, *tokenbase;
char* p = const_cast<char*> ( program);
int pos = 0;
error = 0;
prv = tokenbase = NextToken(p, error, true);
if (tokenbase == NULL) return NULL;
tokenbase->m_start = pos;
pos += tokenbase->m_Text.GetLength();
tokenbase->m_end = pos;
pos += tokenbase->m_Sep.GetLength();
char* pp = p;
while (NULL != (nxt = NextToken(p, error)))
prv->m_next = nxt; // added after
nxt->m_prev = prv;
prv = nxt; // advance
nxt->m_start = pos;
/* pos += nxt->m_Text.GetLength(); // chain may be shorter (BOA deleted)
nxt->m_end = pos;
pos += nxt->m_Sep.GetLength();*/
pos += (p - pp); // total size
nxt->m_end = pos - nxt->m_Sep.GetLength();
pp = p;
// adds a token as a terminator
// ( useful for the previous )
nxt = new CBotToken();
nxt->m_type = 0;
prv->m_next = nxt; // added after
nxt->m_prev = prv;
return tokenbase;
void CBotToken::Delete(CBotToken* pToken)
delete pToken;
// search if a word is part of the keywords
int CBotToken::GetKeyWords(const char* w)
int i;
int l = m_ListKeyWords.GetSize();
if (l == 0)
LoadKeyWords(); // takes the list for the first time
l = m_ListKeyWords.GetSize();
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
if (m_ListKeyWords[i] == w) return m_ListIdKeyWords[ i ];
return -1;
bool CBotToken::GetKeyDefNum(const char* w, CBotToken* &token)
int i;
int l = m_ListKeyDefine.GetSize();
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
if (m_ListKeyDefine[i] == w)
token->m_IdKeyWord = m_ListKeyNums[i];
token->m_type = TokenTypDef;
return true;
return false;
/// \todo Fixme Figure out how this should work.
// recreates the list of keywords and its IDs basing on some resources
// defines of TokenKey.. are in CBotDll.h
void CBotToken::LoadKeyWords()
CBotString s;
int i, n = 0;
i = TokenKeyWord; //start with keywords of the language
while (s.LoadString(i))
m_ListIdKeyWords[n++] = i++;
i = TokenKeyDeclare; //keywords of declarations
while (s.LoadString(i))
m_ListIdKeyWords[n++] = i++;
i = TokenKeyVal; //keywords of values
while (s.LoadString(i))
m_ListIdKeyWords[n++] = i++;
i = TokenKeyOp; //operators
while (s.LoadString(i))
m_ListIdKeyWords[n++] = i++;
bool CBotToken::DefineNum(const char* name, long val)
int i;
int l = m_ListKeyDefine.GetSize();
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
if (m_ListKeyDefine[i] == name) return false;
if ( i == MAXDEFNUM ) return false;
m_ListKeyDefine.Add( name );
m_ListKeyNums[i] = val;
return true;
bool IsOfType(CBotToken* &p, int type1, int type2)
if (p->GetType() == type1 ||
p->GetType() == type2 )
p = p->GetNext();
return true;
return false;
// Same with any number of arguments
// There must be a zero as the last argument
bool IsOfTypeList(CBotToken* &p, int type1, ...)
int i = type1;
int max = 20;
int type = p->GetType();
va_list marker;
va_start( marker, type1 ); /* Initialize variable arguments. */
while (true)
if (type == i)
p = p->GetNext();
va_end( marker ); /* Reset variable arguments. */
return true;
if (--max == 0 || 0 == (i = va_arg( marker, int)))
va_end( marker ); /* Reset variable arguments. */
return false;