538 lines
18 KiB
538 lines
18 KiB
* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
* Copyright (C) 2001-2023, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses
#include "object/task/tasktake.h"
#include "graphics/engine/engine.h"
#include "graphics/engine/terrain.h"
#include "graphics/engine/water.h"
#include "level/robotmain.h"
#include "math/geometry.h"
#include "object/object_manager.h"
#include "object/old_object.h"
#include "object/interface/slotted_object.h"
#include "object/interface/transportable_object.h"
#include "object/motion/motionhuman.h"
#include "physics/physics.h"
#include "sound/sound.h"
// Object's constructor.
CTaskTake::CTaskTake(COldObject* object) : CForegroundTask(object)
m_arm = TTA_NEUTRAL;
assert(m_object->MapPseudoSlot(CSlottedObject::Pseudoslot::CARRYING) >= 0);
// Object's destructor.
// Management of an event.
bool CTaskTake::EventProcess(const Event &event)
float a, g, cirSpeed;
if ( m_engine->GetPause() ) return true;
if ( event.type != EVENT_FRAME ) return true;
if ( m_bError ) return false;
if ( m_bTurn ) // preliminary rotation?
a = m_object->GetRotationY();
g = m_angle;
cirSpeed = Math::Direction(a, g)*2.0f;
if ( cirSpeed > 1.0f ) cirSpeed = 1.0f;
if ( cirSpeed < -1.0f ) cirSpeed = -1.0f;
m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(cirSpeed); // turns left / right
return true;
m_progress += event.rTime*m_speed; // others advance
m_physics->SetMotorSpeed(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // immobile!
return true;
// Assigns the goal was achieved.
Error CTaskTake::Start()
m_height = 0.0f;
m_step = 0;
m_progress = 0.0f;
float iAngle = m_object->GetRotationY();
iAngle = Math::NormAngle(iAngle); // 0..2*Math::PI
float oAngle = iAngle;
m_bError = true; // operation impossible
if ( !m_physics->GetLand() )
glm::vec3 pos = m_object->GetPosition();
float h = m_water->GetLevel(m_object);
if ( pos.y < h ) return ERR_MANIP_WATER; // impossible under water
ObjectType type = m_object->GetType();
if ( type != OBJECT_HUMAN &&
type != OBJECT_TECH ) return ERR_WRONG_BOT;
m_physics->SetMotorSpeed(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
if (m_object->GetSlotContainedObjectOpt(CSlottedObject::Pseudoslot::CARRYING) != nullptr)
m_order = TTO_DEPOSE;
m_order = TTO_TAKE;
if ( m_order == TTO_TAKE )
glm::vec3 pos = m_object->GetPosition();
float h = m_water->GetLevel(m_object);
if ( pos.y < h ) return ERR_MANIP_WATER; // impossible under water
int otherSlotNum = -1;
CObject* other = SearchFriendObject(oAngle, 1.5f, Math::PI*0.50f, otherSlotNum);
CSlottedObject* otherAsSlotted = dynamic_cast<CSlottedObject*>(other);
assert(other == nullptr || otherSlotNum >= 0);
if (other != nullptr && otherAsSlotted->GetSlotContainedObject(otherSlotNum) != nullptr)
CObject* power = otherAsSlotted->GetSlotContainedObject(otherSlotNum);
type = power->GetType();
if ( type == OBJECT_URANIUM ) return ERR_MANIP_RADIO;
//? m_camera->StartCentering(m_object, Math::PI*0.3f, -Math::PI*0.1f, 0.0f, 0.8f);
m_arm = TTA_FRIEND;
other = SearchTakeObject(oAngle, 1.5f, Math::PI*0.45f);
if ( other == nullptr ) return ERR_MANIP_NIL;
type = other->GetType();
if ( type == OBJECT_URANIUM ) return ERR_MANIP_RADIO;
//? m_camera->StartCentering(m_object, Math::PI*0.3f, 99.9f, 0.0f, 0.8f);
m_arm = TTA_FFRONT;
m_main->HideDropZone(other); // hides buildable area
if ( m_order == TTO_DEPOSE )
//? speed = m_physics->GetMotorSpeed();
//? if ( speed.x != 0.0f ||
//? speed.z != 0.0f ) return ERR_MANIP_MOTOR;
int otherSlotNum = -1;
CObject* other = SearchFriendObject(oAngle, 1.5f, Math::PI*0.50f, otherSlotNum);
CSlottedObject* otherAsSlotted = dynamic_cast<CSlottedObject*>(other);
assert(other == nullptr || otherSlotNum >= 0);
if (other != nullptr && otherAsSlotted->GetSlotContainedObject(otherSlotNum) == nullptr)
//? m_camera->StartCentering(m_object, Math::PI*0.3f, -Math::PI*0.1f, 0.0f, 0.8f);
m_arm = TTA_FRIEND;
if ( !IsFreeDeposeObject(glm::vec3(2.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) ) return ERR_MANIP_OCC;
//? m_camera->StartCentering(m_object, Math::PI*0.3f, 99.9f, 0.0f, 0.8f);
m_arm = TTA_FFRONT;
m_bTurn = true; // preliminary rotation necessary
m_angle = oAngle; // angle was reached
m_physics->SetFreeze(true); // it does not move
m_bError = false; // ok
return ERR_OK;
// Indicates whether the action is finished.
Error CTaskTake::IsEnded()
if ( m_engine->GetPause() ) return ERR_CONTINUE;
if ( m_bError ) return ERR_STOP;
if ( m_bTurn ) // preliminary rotation?
float angle = m_object->GetRotationY();
angle = Math::NormAngle(angle); // 0..2*Math::PI
if ( Math::TestAngle(angle, m_angle-Math::PI*0.01f, m_angle+Math::PI*0.01f) )
m_bTurn = false; // rotation ended
if ( m_arm == TTA_FFRONT )
m_motion->SetAction(MHS_TAKE, 0.2f); // will decrease
if ( m_arm == TTA_FRIEND )
if ( m_height <= 3.0f )
m_motion->SetAction(MHS_TAKEOTHER, 0.2f); // will decrease
m_motion->SetAction(MHS_TAKEHIGH, 0.2f); // will decrease
m_progress = 0.0f;
m_speed = 1.0f/0.6f;
if ( m_progress < 1.0f ) return ERR_CONTINUE;
m_progress = 0.0f;
m_step ++;
if ( m_order == TTO_TAKE )
if ( m_step == 1 )
if ( TransporterTakeObject() )
if ( m_arm == TTA_FRIEND &&
m_object->GetSlotContainedObjectReq(CSlottedObject::Pseudoslot::CARRYING)->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::PowerContainer) )
m_sound->Play(SOUND_POWEROFF, m_object->GetPosition());
m_motion->SetAction(MHS_UPRIGHT, 0.4f); // gets up
m_progress = 0.0f;
m_speed = 1.0f/0.8f;
m_camera->StopCentering(m_object, 0.8f);
if ( m_order == TTO_DEPOSE )
if ( m_step == 1 )
CObject* cargo = m_object->GetSlotContainedObjectReq(CSlottedObject::Pseudoslot::CARRYING);
if ( m_arm == TTA_FRIEND &&
cargo->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::PowerContainer) )
m_sound->Play(SOUND_POWERON, m_object->GetPosition());
if ( cargo != nullptr && m_cargoType == OBJECT_METAL && m_arm == TTA_FFRONT )
m_main->ShowDropZone(cargo, m_object); // shows buildable area
m_motion->SetAction(-1); // gets up
m_progress = 0.0f;
m_speed = 1.0f/0.4f;
m_camera->StopCentering(m_object, 0.8f);
return ERR_STOP;
// Suddenly ends the current action.
bool CTaskTake::Abort()
m_camera->StopCentering(m_object, 0.8f);
m_physics->SetFreeze(false); // is moving again
return true;
// Seeks the object to take in front.
CObject* CTaskTake::SearchTakeObject(float &angle,
float dLimit, float aLimit)
CObject *pBest;
glm::vec3 iPos, oPos;
float min, iAngle, bAngle, a, distance;
iPos = m_object->GetPosition();
iAngle = m_object->GetRotationY();
iAngle = Math::NormAngle(iAngle); // 0..2*Math::PI
min = 1000000.0f;
pBest = nullptr;
bAngle = 0.0f;
for (CObject* pObj : CObjectManager::GetInstancePointer()->GetAllObjects())
if ( !pObj->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Transportable) ) continue;
if (IsObjectBeingTransported(pObj)) continue;
if ( pObj->GetLock() ) continue;
if ( pObj->GetScaleY() != 1.0f ) continue;
oPos = pObj->GetPosition();
distance = glm::distance(oPos, iPos);
if ( distance >= 4.0f-dLimit &&
distance <= 4.0f+dLimit )
angle = Math::RotateAngle(oPos.x-iPos.x, iPos.z-oPos.z); // CW !
if ( Math::TestAngle(angle, iAngle-aLimit, iAngle+aLimit) )
a = fabs(angle-iAngle);
if ( a > Math::PI ) a = Math::PI*2.0f-a;
if ( a < min )
min = a;
pBest = pObj;
bAngle = angle;
angle = bAngle;
return pBest;
// Seeks the robot on which you want take or put a battery.
CObject* CTaskTake::SearchFriendObject(float &angle,
float dLimit, float aLimit,
int &slotNumOut)
if (m_object->GetCrashSphereCount() == 0) return nullptr;
auto crashSphere = m_object->GetFirstCrashSphere();
glm::vec3 iPos = crashSphere.sphere.pos;
float iRad = crashSphere.sphere.radius;
float iAngle = m_object->GetRotationY();
iAngle = Math::NormAngle(iAngle); // 0..2*Math::PI
for (CObject* pObj : CObjectManager::GetInstancePointer()->GetAllObjects())
if ( pObj == m_object ) continue; // yourself?
if (!pObj->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Slotted)) continue;
CSlottedObject *obj = dynamic_cast<CSlottedObject*>(pObj);
int slotNum = obj->GetNumSlots();
for (int slot = 0; slot < slotNum; slot++)
CObject *objectInSlot = obj->GetSlotContainedObject(slot);
if (objectInSlot != nullptr && (objectInSlot->GetLock() || objectInSlot->GetScaleY() != 1.0f))
float objectAngleOffsetLimit = obj->GetSlotAcceptanceAngle(slot);
if (objectAngleOffsetLimit == 0)
continue; // slot isn't take-able
glm::mat4 mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0);
glm::vec3 worldSlotPos = Math::Transform(mat, obj->GetSlotPosition(slot));
// The robot must be in the correct angle relative to the slot (it can't be on the other side of the object)
float angleFromObjectToRobot = Math::RotateAngle(iPos.x-worldSlotPos.x, worldSlotPos.z-iPos.z); // CW !
float objectIdealAngle = Math::NormAngle(pObj->GetRotationY() + obj->GetSlotAngle(slot));
if ( Math::TestAngle(angleFromObjectToRobot, objectIdealAngle - objectAngleOffsetLimit, objectIdealAngle + objectAngleOffsetLimit) )
float distance = fabs(glm::distance(worldSlotPos, iPos)-(iRad + 1.0f));
// The robot must be close enough to the slot
if ( distance <= dLimit )
// The slot must be in the correct position relative to the robot (the robot must be facing towards the slot, not sideways or away)
angle = Math::RotateAngle(worldSlotPos.x-iPos.x, iPos.z-worldSlotPos.z); // CW !
if ( Math::TestAngle(angle, iAngle-aLimit, iAngle+aLimit) )
glm::vec3 powerPos = obj->GetSlotPosition(slot);
m_height = powerPos.y;
slotNumOut = slot;
return pObj;
return nullptr;
// Takes the object in front.
bool CTaskTake::TransporterTakeObject()
if (m_arm == TTA_FFRONT) // takes on the ground in front?
//? cargo = SearchTakeObject(angle, 1.5f, Math::PI*0.04f);
float angle = 0.0f;
CObject* cargo = SearchTakeObject(angle, 1.5f, Math::PI*0.15f); //OK 1.9
if (cargo == nullptr) return false; // nothing to take ?
m_cargoType = cargo->GetType();
dynamic_cast<CTransportableObject&>(*cargo).SetTransporterPart(4); // takes with the hand
//? cargo->SetPosition(glm::vec3(2.2f, -1.0f, 1.1f));
cargo->SetPosition(glm::vec3(1.7f, -0.5f, 1.1f));
m_object->SetSlotContainedObjectReq(CSlottedObject::Pseudoslot::CARRYING, cargo); // takes
if (m_arm == TTA_FRIEND) // takes friend's battery?
float angle = 0.0f;
int otherSlotNum = -1;
CObject* other = SearchFriendObject(angle, 1.5f, Math::PI*0.04f, otherSlotNum);
if (other == nullptr) return false;
CSlottedObject* otherAsSlotted = dynamic_cast<CSlottedObject*>(other);
assert(otherSlotNum >= -1);
CObject* cargo = otherAsSlotted->GetSlotContainedObject(otherSlotNum);
if (cargo == nullptr) return false; // the other does not have a battery?
m_cargoType = cargo->GetType();
otherAsSlotted->SetSlotContainedObject(otherSlotNum, nullptr);
dynamic_cast<CTransportableObject&>(*cargo).SetTransporterPart(4); // takes with the hand
//? cargo->SetPosition(glm::vec3(2.2f, -1.0f, 1.1f));
cargo->SetPosition(glm::vec3(1.7f, -0.5f, 1.1f));
m_object->SetSlotContainedObjectReq(CSlottedObject::Pseudoslot::CARRYING, cargo); // takes
return true;
// Deposes the object taken.
bool CTaskTake::TransporterDeposeObject()
if ( m_arm == TTA_FFRONT ) // deposes on the ground in front?
CObject* cargo = m_object->GetSlotContainedObjectReq(CSlottedObject::Pseudoslot::CARRYING);
if (cargo == nullptr) return false; // does nothing?
m_cargoType = cargo->GetType();
glm::mat4 mat = cargo->GetWorldMatrix(0);
glm::vec3 pos = Math::Transform(mat, glm::vec3(-0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
cargo->FloorAdjust(); // plate well on the ground
m_object->SetSlotContainedObjectReq(CSlottedObject::Pseudoslot::CARRYING, nullptr); // deposit
if ( m_arm == TTA_FRIEND ) // deposes battery on friends?
float angle = 0.0f;
int otherSlotNum = -1;
CObject* other = SearchFriendObject(angle, 1.5f, Math::PI*0.04f, otherSlotNum);
if (other == nullptr) return false;
CSlottedObject* otherAsSlotted = dynamic_cast<CSlottedObject*>(other);
assert(otherSlotNum >= 0);
CObject* cargo = otherAsSlotted->GetSlotContainedObject(otherSlotNum);
if (cargo != nullptr) return false; // the other already has a battery?
cargo = m_object->GetSlotContainedObjectReq(CSlottedObject::Pseudoslot::CARRYING);
if (cargo == nullptr) return false;
m_cargoType = cargo->GetType();
otherAsSlotted->SetSlotContainedObject(otherSlotNum, cargo);
dynamic_cast<CTransportableObject&>(*cargo).SetTransporterPart(0); // carried by the base
m_object->SetSlotContainedObjectReq(CSlottedObject::Pseudoslot::CARRYING, nullptr); // deposit
return true;
// Seeks if a location allows to deposit an object.
bool CTaskTake::IsFreeDeposeObject(glm::vec3 pos)
glm::mat4 mat = m_object->GetWorldMatrix(0);
glm::vec3 iPos = Math::Transform(mat, pos);
for (CObject* pObj : CObjectManager::GetInstancePointer()->GetAllObjects())
if ( pObj == m_object ) continue;
if ( !pObj->GetDetectable() ) continue; // inactive?
if (IsObjectBeingTransported(pObj)) continue;
for (const auto& crashSphere : pObj->GetAllCrashSpheres())
if ( glm::distance(iPos, crashSphere.sphere.pos)-(crashSphere.sphere.radius+1.0f) < 1.0f )
return false; // location occupied
return true; // location free