259 lines
6.8 KiB
259 lines
6.8 KiB
// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code
// * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch
// *
// * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// * (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
// maindialog.h
#ifndef _MAINDIALOG_H_
#define _MAINDIALOG_H_
class CInstanceManager;
class CRobotMain;
class CEvent;
class CD3DEngine;
class CInterface;
class CWindow;
class CControl;
class CParticule;
class CCamera;
class CSound;
enum Phase;
enum CameraType;
#define USERLISTMAX 100
#define MAXSCENE 1000
typedef struct
char numTry;
char bPassed;
typedef struct
int face; // face
int glasses; // glasses
D3DCOLORVALUE colorHair; // hair color
D3DCOLORVALUE colorCombi; // spacesuit volor
D3DCOLORVALUE colorBand; // strips color
class CMainDialog
CMainDialog(CInstanceManager* iMan);
BOOL EventProcess(const Event &event);
void ChangePhase(Phase phase);
void SetSceneRead(char* name);
void SetStackRead(char* name);
void SetSceneName(char* name);
void SetSceneRank(int rank);
char* RetSceneRead();
char* RetStackRead();
char* RetSceneName();
int RetSceneRank();
char* RetSceneDir();
BOOL RetSceneSoluce();
char* RetSavegameDir();
char* RetPublicDir();
BOOL RetTooltip();
BOOL RetGlint();
BOOL RetSoluce4();
BOOL RetMovies();
BOOL RetNiceReset();
BOOL RetHimselfDamage();
void SetUserDir(char *base, int rank);
void BuildSceneName(char *filename, char *base, int rank);
void BuildResumeName(char *filename, char *base, int rank);
char* RetFilesDir();
void StartAbort();
void StartDeleteObject();
void StartDeleteGame(char *gamer);
void StartQuit();
void StartDialog(FPOINT dim, BOOL bFire, BOOL bOK, BOOL bCancel);
void FrameDialog(float rTime);
void StopDialog();
BOOL IsDialog();
void StartSuspend();
void StopSuspend();
void SetupMemorize();
void SetupRecall();
BOOL ReadGamerInfo();
BOOL WriteGamerInfo();
void SetGamerInfoTry(int rank, int numTry);
int RetGamerInfoTry(int rank);
void SetGamerInfoPassed(int rank, BOOL bPassed);
BOOL RetGamerInfoPassed(int rank);
BOOL NextMission();
void WriteGamerPerso(char *gamer);
void ReadGamerPerso(char *gamer);
void SetGamerFace(char *gamer, int face);
int RetGamerFace(char *gamer);
int RetGamerFace();
int RetGamerGlasses();
BOOL RetGamerOnlyHead();
float RetPersoAngle();
D3DCOLORVALUE RetGamerColorHair();
D3DCOLORVALUE RetGamerColorCombi();
D3DCOLORVALUE RetGamerColorBand();
void AllMissionUpdate();
void ShowSoluceUpdate();
void GlintMove();
void FrameParticule(float rTime);
void NiceParticule(FPOINT mouse, BOOL bPress);
void ReadNameList();
void UpdateNameList();
void UpdateNameEdit();
void UpdateNameControl();
void UpdateNameFace();
void NameSelect();
void NameCreate();
void NameDelete();
void UpdatePerso();
void CameraPerso();
void FixPerso(int rank, int index);
void ColorPerso();
void DefPerso();
BOOL IsIOReadScene();
void IOReadName();
void IOReadList();
void IOUpdateList();
void IODeleteScene();
BOOL IOWriteScene();
BOOL IOReadScene();
int RetChapPassed();
void UpdateSceneChap(int &chap);
void UpdateSceneList(int chap, int &sel);
void UpdateSceneResume(int rank);
void UpdateDisplayDevice();
void UpdateDisplayMode();
void ChangeDisplay();
void UpdateApply();
void UpdateSetupButtons();
void ChangeSetupButtons();
void ChangeSetupQuality(int quality);
void UpdateKey();
void ChangeKey(EventMsg event);
CInstanceManager* m_iMan;
CRobotMain* m_main;
CEvent* m_event;
CD3DEngine* m_engine;
CInterface* m_interface;
CParticule* m_particule;
CCamera* m_camera;
CSound* m_sound;
Phase m_phase; // copy of CRobotMain
Phase m_phaseSetup; // tab selected
Phase m_phaseTerm; // phase trainer/scene/proto
float m_phaseTime;
GamerPerso m_perso; // perso: description
GamerPerso m_persoCopy; // perso: copy for cancellation
int m_persoTab; // perso: tab selected
float m_persoAngle; // perso: angle of presentation
char m_sceneDir[_MAX_FNAME]; // scene folder\
char m_savegameDir[_MAX_FNAME]; // savegame folder\
char m_publicDir[_MAX_FNAME]; // program folder\
char m_userDir[_MAX_FNAME]; // user folder\
char m_filesDir[_MAX_FNAME]; // case files\
int m_index; // 0..4
int m_chap[10]; // selected chapter (0..8)
int m_sel[10]; // chosen mission (0..98)
int m_maxList;
int m_accessChap;
char m_sceneRead[100]; // name of the scene to read
char m_stackRead[100]; // name of the scene to read
char m_sceneName[20]; // name of the scene to play
int m_sceneRank; // rank of the scene to play
BOOL m_bSceneSoluce; // shows the solution
BOOL m_bSimulSetup; // adjustment during the game
BOOL m_accessEnable;
BOOL m_accessMission;
BOOL m_accessUser;
BOOL m_bDeleteGamer;
int m_userTotal;
char m_userList[USERLISTMAX][100];
int m_shotDelay; // number of frames before copy
char m_shotName[100]; // generate a file name
int m_setupSelDevice;
int m_setupSelMode;
BOOL m_setupFull;
BOOL m_bTooltip; // tooltips to be displayed?
BOOL m_bGlint; // reflections on buttons?
BOOL m_bRain; // rain in the interface?
BOOL m_bSoluce4; // solutions in program 4?
BOOL m_bMovies; // cinematics?
BOOL m_bNiceReset; // for CTaskReset
BOOL m_bHimselfDamage; // for shots
BOOL m_bCameraScroll; // for CCamera
BOOL m_bCameraInvertX; // for CCamera
BOOL m_bCameraInvertY; // for CCamera
BOOL m_bEffect; // for CCamera
FPOINT m_glintMouse;
float m_glintTime;
int m_loadingCounter;
BOOL m_bDialog; // this dialogue?
BOOL m_bDialogFire; // setting on fire?
BOOL m_bDialogDelete;
FPOINT m_dialogPos;
FPOINT m_dialogDim;
float m_dialogParti;
float m_dialogTime;
BOOL m_bInitPause;
CameraType m_initCamera;
int m_partiPhase[10];
float m_partiTime[10];
FPOINT m_partiPos[10];
SceneInfo m_sceneInfo[MAXSCENE];
#endif //_MAINDIALOG_H_