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* \namespace Gfx::ModelInput
* \brief Functions related to model loading
* \namespace Gfx::ModelOutput
* \brief Functions related to model saving
* \page models Models
* Model formats and associated issues are described briefly for graphics designers and developers.
* \section format Model format
* \todo Update for the new model format
* Colobot models are basically a collection of triangles with some associated data.
* <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">In the code, the class Gfx::CModel (src/graphics/model/model.h)
* is responsible for reading/writing model files.</span> Each triangle of model contains the information
* as stored in Gfx::ModelTriangle struct defined in model_triangle.h header, that is:
* * 3 triangle points (coordinates, normals, UV texture coordinates for 2 textures)
* * material (ambient, diffuse, specular colors)
* * file names for 1st and 2nd texture (or, for 2nd texture - variable flag)
* * rendering state
* * <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">min and max values of LOD (= level of details)</span>
* \subsection textures Textures
* 1st texture is always static - the assigned image name.
* 2nd texture can be set explicitly in 2nd texture name, with variable flag set to false.
* It is then static as 1st texture.
* But if variable flag is set, the texture will be applied dynamically by the graphics engine.
* It will be one of dirtyXX.png textures, depending on current setup.
* \subsection renderstates Rendering states
* Rendering state is one of Gfx::CEngine's rendering states, that is a mask of enum Gfx::EngineRenderState values
* from src/graphics/engine/engine.h.
* For most purposes, the default render (Gfx::ENG_RSTATE_NORMAL = 0) state will be sufficient.
* This state enables regular one-texture rendering.
* To use 2nd texture, set one of Gfx::ENG_RSTATE_DUAL_BLACK or Gfx::ENG_RSTATE_DUAL_WHITE states.
* Other states, enabling specific behavior may be used in rare cases.
* \subsection lod Min and max LOD
* <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">LOD is used to display different model triangles based
* on distance to viewer. The given triangle will only be displayed if the distance is within bounds [min, max].</span>
* <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">For now, use standard definitions of min and max which
* fall into 3 categories:</span>
* * <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">min = 0, max = 100 - max detail</span>
* * <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">min = 100, max = 200 - medium detail</span>
* * <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">min = 200, max = 1 000 000 - low detail</span>
* \section fileformats File formats
* There are currently 3 file formats recognized by Gfx::ModelInput and Gfx::ModelOutput:
* * old binary format (in 3 versions, though mostly only the 3rd one is used) - this is the format
* of original model files; it is deprecated now and will be removed in the future
* * new text format - preferred for now, as it is easy to handle and convert to other formats as necessary
* * new binary format - contains the same information as new text format
* \section blenderimport Import/export in Blender
* The plugin to import and export models in Blender is contained in \p tools/
* To use it, install it as per instructions [on Blender wiki](
* It will register new menu entries under File -> Import and File -> Export. Import is always active, but to export,
* you have to select a mesh object first.
* Textures are loaded from the same directory as the model file.
* Additional data like state, variable texture flag and min and max LOD can be given as user attributes.
* If you have any problems, please contact \b piotrdz on ICC forum or IRC channels.