
284 lines
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* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
* Copyright (C) 2001-2016, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
* \file ui/controls/edit.h
* \brief CEdit class
#pragma once
#include "ui/controls/control.h"
#include <memory>
namespace Ui
class CScroll;
//! maximum number of characters in CBOT edit
const int EDITSTUDIOMAX = 20000;
//! maximum total number of lines
const int EDITLINEMAX = 1000;
//! max number of levels preserves
const int EDITHISTORYMAX = 50;
//! max number of successive undo
const int EDITUNDOMAX = 20;
struct EditUndo
//! original text
std::vector<char> text;
//! length of the text
int len = 0;
//! offset cursor
int cursor1 = 0;
//! offset cursor
int cursor2 = 0;
//! the first line displayed.
int lineFirst = 0;
enum OperUndo
//! special operation
//! inserting characters
//! deleting characters
struct ImageLine
//! name of the image (without icons/)
std::string name;
//! vertical offset (v texture)
float offset = 0.0f;
//! height of the part (dv texture)
float height = 0.0f;
//! width
float width = 0.0f;
struct HyperLink
//! text file name (without help/)
std::string name;
//! name of the marker
std::string marker;
struct HyperMarker
//! name of the marker
std::string name;
//! position in the text
int pos = 0;
struct HyperHistory
//! full file name text
std::string filename;
//! rank of the first displayed line
int firstLine = 0;
class CEdit : public CControl
CEdit ();
virtual ~CEdit();
bool Create(Math::Point pos, Math::Point dim, int icon, EventType eventType) override;
void SetPos(Math::Point pos) override;
void SetDim(Math::Point dim) override;
bool EventProcess(const Event &event) override;
void Draw() override;
void SetText(const char *text, bool bNew=true);
void GetText(char *buffer, int max);
char* GetText();
int GetTextLength();
bool ReadText(std::string filename, int addSize=0);
bool WriteText(std::string filename);
void SetMaxChar(int max);
int GetMaxChar();
void SetEditCap(bool bMode);
bool GetEditCap();
void SetHighlightCap(bool bEnable);
bool GetHighlightCap();
void SetInsideScroll(bool bInside);
bool GetInsideScroll();
void SetSoluceMode(bool bSoluce);
bool GetSoluceMode();
void SetGenericMode(bool bGeneric);
bool GetGenericMode();
void SetAutoIndent(bool bMode);
bool GetAutoIndent();
void SetCursor(int cursor1, int cursor2);
void GetCursor(int &cursor1, int &cursor2);
void SetFirstLine(int rank);
int GetFirstLine();
void ShowSelect();
void SetDisplaySpec(bool bDisplay);
bool GetDisplaySpec();
void SetMultiFont(bool bMulti);
bool GetMultiFont();
bool Cut();
bool Copy(bool memorize_cursor = false);
bool Paste();
bool Undo();
void HyperFlush();
void HyperHome(std::string filename);
bool HyperTest(EventType event);
bool HyperGo(EventType event);
void SetFontSize(float size) override;
bool ClearFormat();
bool SetFormat(int cursor1, int cursor2, int format);
void SendModifEvent();
bool IsLinkPos(Math::Point pos);
void MouseDoubleClick(Math::Point mouse);
void MouseClick(Math::Point mouse);
void MouseMove(Math::Point mouse);
void MouseRelease(Math::Point mouse);
int MouseDetect(Math::Point mouse);
void MoveAdjust();
void HyperJump(std::string name, std::string marker);
bool HyperAdd(std::string filename, int firstLine);
void DrawImage(Math::Point pos, std::string name, float width, float offset, float height, int nbLine);
void DrawBack(Math::Point pos, Math::Point dim);
void DrawHorizontalGradient(Math::Point pos, Math::Point dim, Gfx::Color color1, Gfx::Color color2);
void DrawColor(Math::Point pos, Math::Point dim, Gfx::Color color);
void FreeImage();
void Scroll(int pos, bool bAdjustCursor);
void Scroll();
void MoveChar(int move, bool bWord, bool bSelect);
void MoveLine(int move, bool bWord, bool bSelect);
void MoveHome(bool bWord, bool bSelect);
void MoveEnd(bool bWord, bool bSelect);
void ColumnFix();
void Insert(char character);
void InsertOne(char character);
void Delete(int dir);
void DeleteOne(int dir);
int IndentCompute();
int IndentTabCount();
void IndentTabAdjust(int number);
bool Shift(bool bLeft);
bool MinMaj(bool bMaj);
void Justif();
int GetCursorLine(int cursor);
void UndoFlush();
void UndoMemorize(OperUndo oper);
bool UndoRecall();
void UpdateScroll();
void SetFocus(CControl* control) override;
void UpdateFocus(); // Start/stop text input mode, this toggles the on-screen keyboard
void GetIndentedText(std::ostream& stream, unsigned int start, unsigned int end);
std::unique_ptr<CScroll> m_scroll; // vertical scrollbar on the right
int m_maxChar; // max length of the buffer m_text
std::vector<char> m_text; // text (without zero terminator)
std::vector<Gfx::FontMetaChar> m_format; // format characters
int m_len; // length used in m_text
int m_cursor1; // offset cursor
int m_cursor2; // offset cursor
bool m_bMulti; // true -> multi-line
bool m_bEdit; // true -> editable
bool m_bHilite; // true -> hilitable
bool m_bInsideScroll; // true -> lift as part
bool m_bDisplaySpec; // true -> displays the special characters
bool m_bMultiFont; // true -> more fonts possible
bool m_bSoluce; // true -> shows the links-solution
bool m_bGeneric; // true -> generic that defile
bool m_bAutoIndent; // true -> automatic indentation
float m_lineHeight; // height of a row
float m_lineAscent; // height above the baseline
float m_lineDescent; // height below the baseline
int m_lineVisible; // total number of viewable lines
int m_lineFirst; // the first line displayed
int m_lineTotal; // number lines used (in m_lineOffset)
int m_lineOffset[EDITLINEMAX];
char m_lineIndent[EDITLINEMAX];
std::vector<ImageLine> m_image;
std::vector<HyperLink> m_link;
std::vector<HyperMarker> m_marker;
int m_historyTotal;
int m_historyCurrent;
HyperHistory m_history[EDITHISTORYMAX];
float m_time; // absolute time
float m_timeBlink;
float m_timeLastClick;
float m_timeLastScroll;
Math::Point m_mouseFirstPos;
Math::Point m_mouseLastPos;
float m_column;
bool m_bCapture;
bool m_bUndoForce;
OperUndo m_undoOper;
EditUndo m_undo[EDITUNDOMAX];