
2071 lines
42 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Language: fr_FR\n"
"X-Source-Language: en_US\n"
msgid "Colobot rules!"
msgstr "Colobot est super!"
msgid "Colobot Gold"
msgstr "Colobot Gold"
msgid "SatCom"
msgstr "SatCom"
msgid "Maximize"
msgstr "Taille maximale"
msgid "Minimize"
msgstr "Taille réduite"
msgid "Normal size"
msgstr "Taille normale"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer"
msgid "Program editor"
msgstr "Edition du programme"
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nouveau"
msgid "Player"
msgstr "Joueur"
msgid "New ..."
msgstr "Nouveau ..."
msgid " or "
msgstr " ou "
msgid "COLOBOT"
msgstr "COLOBOT"
msgid "Programming exercises"
msgstr "Programmation"
msgid "Challenges"
msgstr "Défis"
msgid "Missions"
msgstr "Missions"
msgid "Free game"
msgstr "Jeu libre"
msgid "User levels"
msgstr "Niveaux supplémentaires"
msgid "Prototypes"
msgstr "Prototypes"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Options"
msgid "Player's name"
msgstr "Nom du joueur"
msgid "Customize your appearance"
msgstr "Personnalisation de votre apparence"
msgid "Save the current mission"
msgstr "Enregistrement de la mission en cours"
msgid "Load a saved mission"
msgstr "Chargement d'une mission enregistrée"
msgid " Chapters:"
msgstr " Liste des chapitres :"
msgid " Planets:"
msgstr " Liste des plančtes :"
msgid " User levels:"
msgstr " Niveaux supplémentaires :"
msgid " Exercises in the chapter:"
msgstr " Liste des exercices du chapitre :"
msgid " Challenges in the chapter:"
msgstr " Liste des défis du chapitre :"
msgid " Missions on this planet:"
msgstr " Liste des missions du chapitre :"
msgid " Free game on this planet:"
msgstr " Liste des jeux libres du chapitre :"
msgid " Missions on this level:"
msgstr " Missions du niveau :"
msgid " Prototypes on this planet:"
msgstr " Liste des prototypes du chapitre :"
msgid " Free game on this chapter:"
msgstr " Liste des jeux libres du chapitre :"
msgid " Summary:"
msgstr " Résumé :"
msgid " Drivers:"
msgstr " Pilotes :"
msgid " Resolution:"
msgstr " Résolutions :"
msgid "1) First click on the key you want to redefine."
msgstr "1) Cliquez d'abord sur la touche ŕ redéfinir."
msgid "2) Then press the key you want to use instead."
msgstr "2) Appuyez ensuite sur la nouvelle touche souhaitée."
msgid "Face type:"
msgstr "Type de visage :"
msgid "Eyeglasses:"
msgstr "Lunettes :"
msgid "Hair color:"
msgstr "Couleur des cheveux :"
msgid "Suit color:"
msgstr "Couleur de la combinaison :"
msgid "Strip color:"
msgstr "Couleur des bandes :"
msgid "Do you want to quit COLOBOT ?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous quitter COLOBOT ?"
msgid "Quit\\Quit COLOBOT"
msgstr "Quitter\\Quitter COLOBOT"
msgid "Quit the mission?"
msgstr "Quitter la mission ?"
msgid "Abort\\Abort the current mission"
msgstr "Abandonner\\Abandonner la mission en cours"
msgid "Continue\\Continue the current mission"
msgstr "Continuer\\Continuer la mission en cours"
msgid "Continue\\Continue the game"
msgstr "Continuer\\Continuer de jouer"
msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment détruire le bâtiment sélectionné ?"
msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games? "
msgstr "Voulez-vous détruire les sauvegardes de %s ?"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Détruire"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
msgid "LOADING"
msgid "Keyword help(\\key cbot;)"
msgstr "Aide sur le mot-clé (\\key cbot;)"
msgid "Compilation ok (0 errors)"
msgstr "Compilation ok (0 erreur)"
msgid "Program finished"
msgstr "Programme terminé"
msgid "\\b;List of objects\n"
msgstr "\\b;Listes des objets\n"
msgid "\\b;Robots\n"
msgstr "\\b;Listes des robots\n"
msgid "\\b;Buildings\n"
msgstr "\\b;Listes des bâtiments\n"
msgid "\\b;Moveable objects\n"
msgstr "\\b;Listes des objets transportables\n"
msgid "\\b;Aliens\n"
msgstr "\\b;Listes des ennemis\n"
msgid "\\c; (none)\\n;\n"
msgstr "\\c; (aucun)\\n;\n"
msgid "\\b;Error\n"
msgstr "\\b;Erreur\n"
msgid ""
"The list is only available if a \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; is "
msgstr "Liste non disponible sans \\l;radar\\u object\\radar;.\n"
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Ouvrir"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Enregistrer"
msgid "Folder: %s"
msgstr "Dossier: %s"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nom:"
msgid "Folder:"
msgstr "Dans:"
msgid "Private\\Private folder"
msgstr "Privé\\Dossier privé"
msgid "Public\\Common folder"
msgstr "Public\\Dossier commun ŕ tous les joueurs"
msgid "Developed by :"
msgstr "Développé par :"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid " "
msgstr " "
msgid "Recorder"
msgstr "Enregistreur"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "D'accord"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Suivant"
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Précédent"
msgid "Menu (\\key quit;)"
msgstr "Menu (\\key quit;)"
msgid "Exercises\\Programming exercises"
msgstr "Programmation\\Exercices de programmation"
msgid "Challenges\\Programming challenges"
msgstr "Défis\\Défis de programmation"
msgid "Missions\\Select mission"
msgstr "Missions\\La grande aventure"
msgid "Free game\\Free game without a specific goal"
msgstr "Jeu libre\\Jeu libre sans but précis"
msgid "User\\User levels"
msgstr "Suppl.\\Niveaux supplémentaires"
msgid "Proto\\Prototypes under development"
msgstr "Proto\\Prototypes en cours d'élaboration"
msgid "New player\\Choose player's name"
msgstr "Autre joueur\\Choix du nom du joueur"
msgid "Options\\Preferences"
msgstr "Options\\Réglages"
msgid "Restart\\Restart the mission from the beginning"
msgstr "Recommencer\\Recommencer la mission au début"
msgid "Save\\Save the current mission "
msgstr "Enregistrer\\Enregistrer la mission en cours"
msgid "Load\\Load a saved mission"
msgstr "Charger\\Charger une mission enregistrée"
msgid "\\Return to COLOBOT"
msgstr "\\Retourner dans COLOBOT"
msgid "<< Back \\Back to the previous screen"
msgstr "<< Retour \\Retour au niveau précédent"
msgid "Play\\Start mission!"
msgstr "Jouer ...\\Démarrer l'action!"
msgid "Device\\Driver and resolution settings"
msgstr "Affichage\\Pilote et résolution d'affichage"
msgid "Graphics\\Graphics settings"
msgstr "Graphique\\Options graphiques"
msgid "Game\\Game settings"
msgstr "Jeu\\Options de jouabilité"
msgid "Controls\\Keyboard, joystick and mouse settings"
msgstr "Commandes\\Touches du clavier"
msgid "Sound\\Music and game sound volume"
msgstr "Son\\Volumes bruitages & musiques"
msgid "Unit"
msgstr "Unité"
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Résolution"
msgid "Full screen\\Full screen or window mode"
msgstr "Plein écran\\Plein écran ou fenętré"
msgid "Apply changes\\Activates the changed settings"
msgstr "Appliquer les changements\\Active les changements effectués"
msgid "Robbie\\Your assistant"
msgstr "Robbie\\Votre assistant"
msgid "Shadows\\Shadows on the ground"
msgstr "Ombres\\Ombres projetées au sol"
msgid "Marks on the ground\\Marks on the ground"
msgstr "Marques sur le sol\\Marques dessinées sur le sol"
msgid "Dust\\Dust and dirt on bots and buildings"
msgstr "Salissures\\Salissures des robots et bâtiments"
msgid "Fog\\Fog"
msgstr "Brouillard\\Nappes de brouillard"
msgid "Sunbeams\\Sunbeams in the sky"
msgstr "Rayons du soleil\\Rayons selon l'orientation"
msgid "Sky\\Clouds and nebulae"
msgstr "Ciel\\Ciel et nuages"
msgid "Planets and stars\\Astronomical objects in the sky"
msgstr "Plančtes et étoiles\\Motifs mobiles dans le ciel"
msgid "Dynamic lighting\\Mobile light sources"
msgstr "Lumičres dynamiques\\Eclairages mobiles"
msgid "Number of particles\\Explosions, dust, reflections, etc."
msgstr "Quantité de particules\\Explosions, poussičres, reflets, etc."
msgid "Depth of field\\Maximum visibility"
msgstr "Profondeur de champ\\Distance de vue maximale"
msgid "Details\\Visual quality of 3D objects"
msgstr "Détails des objets\\Qualité des objets en 3D"
msgid "Textures\\Quality of textures "
msgstr "Qualité des textures\\Qualité des images"
msgid "Num of decorative objects\\Number of purely ornamental objects"
msgstr "Nb d'objets décoratifs\\Qualité d'objets non indispensables"
msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface"
msgstr "Particules dans l'interface\\Pluie de particules"
msgid "Reflections on the buttons \\Shiny buttons"
msgstr "Reflets sur les boutons\\Boutons brillants"
msgid "Help balloons\\Explain the function of the buttons"
msgstr "Bulles d'aide\\Bulles explicatives"
msgid "Film sequences\\Films before and after the missions"
msgstr "Séquences cinématiques\\Films avant ou aprčs une mission"
msgid "Exit film\\Film at the exit of exercises"
msgstr "Retour animé\\Retour animé dans les exercices"
msgid "Friendly fire\\Your shooting can damage your own objects "
msgstr "Dégâts ŕ soi-męme\\Vos tirs infligent des dommages ŕ vos unités"
msgid "Scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left border"
msgstr ""
"Défilement dans les bords\\Défilement lorsque la souris touches les bords "
"gauche ou droite"
msgid "Mouse inversion X\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the X axis"
msgstr ""
"Inversion souris X\\Inversion de la rotation lorsque la souris touche un bord"
msgid "Mouse inversion Y\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the Y axis"
msgstr ""
"Inversion souris Y\\Inversion de la rotation lorsque la souris touche un bord"
msgid "Quake at explosions\\The screen shakes at explosions"
msgstr "Secousses lors d'explosions\\L'écran vibre lors d'une explosion"
msgid "Mouse shadow\\Gives the mouse a shadow"
msgstr "Souris ombrée\\Jolie souris avec une ombre"
msgid "Automatic indent\\When program editing"
msgstr "Indentation automatique\\Pendant l'édition d'un programme"
msgid "Big indent\\Indent 2 or 4 spaces per level defined by braces"
msgstr "Grande indentation\\Indente avec 2 ou 4 espaces"
msgid "Access to solutions\\Show program \"4: Solution\" in the exercises"
msgstr "Accčs aux solutions\\Programme \"4: Solution\" dans les exercices"
msgid "Standard controls\\Standard key functions"
msgstr "Tout réinitialiser\\Remet toutes les touches standards"
msgid "Turn left\\turns the bot to the left"
msgstr "Tourner ŕ gauche\\Moteur ŕ gauche"
msgid "Turn right\\turns the bot to the right"
msgstr "Tourner ŕ droite\\Moteur ŕ droite"
msgid "Forward\\Moves forward"
msgstr "Avancer\\Moteur en avant"
msgid "Backward\\Moves backward"
msgstr "Reculer\\Moteur en arričre"
msgid "Climb\\Increases the power of the jet"
msgstr "Monter\\Augmenter la puissance du réacteur"
msgid "Descend\\Reduces the power of the jet"
msgstr "Descendre\\Diminuer la puissance du réacteur"
msgid "Change camera\\Switches between onboard camera and following camera"
msgstr "Changement de caméra\\Autre de point de vue"
msgid "Previous object\\Selects the previous object"
msgstr "Sélection précédente\\Sélectionne l'objet précédent"
msgid ""
"Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)"
msgstr "Action standard\\Action du bouton avec le cadre rouge"
msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward"
msgstr "Caméra plus proche\\Avance la caméra"
msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward"
msgstr "Caméra plus loin\\Recule la caméra"
msgid "Next object\\Selects the next object"
msgstr "Sélectionner l'objet suivant\\Sélectionner l'objet suivant"
msgid "Select the astronaut\\Selects the astronaut"
msgstr "Sélectionner le cosmonaute\\Sélectionner le cosmonaute"
msgid "Quit\\Quit the current mission or exercise"
msgstr "Quitter la mission en cours\\Terminer un exercice ou une mssion"
msgid "Instructions\\Shows the instructions for the current mission"
msgstr "Instructions mission\\Marche ŕ suivre"
msgid "Programming help\\Gives more detailed help with programming"
msgstr "Instructions programmation\\Explication sur la programmation"
msgid "Key word help\\More detailed help about key words"
msgstr "Instructions mot-clé\\Explication sur le mot-clé"
msgid "Origin of last message\\Shows where the last message was sent from"
msgstr "Montrer le lieu d'un message\\Montrer le lieu du dernier message"
msgid "Speed 1.0x\\Normal speed"
msgstr "Vitesse 1.0x\\Vitesse normale"
msgid "Speed 1.5x\\1.5 times faster"
msgstr "Vitesse 1.5x\\Une fois et demi plus rapide"
msgid "Speed 2.0x\\Double speed"
msgstr "Vitesse 2.0x\\Deux fois plus rapide"
msgid "Speed 3.0x\\Three times faster"
msgstr "Vitesse 3.0x\\Trois fois plus rapide"
msgid "Sound effects:\\Volume of engines, voice, shooting, etc."
msgstr "Bruitages :\\Volume des moteurs, voix, etc."
msgid "Background sound :\\Volume of audio tracks on the CD"
msgstr "Fond sonore :\\Volume des pistes audio du CD"
msgid "3D sound\\3D positioning of the sound"
msgstr "Bruitages 3D\\Positionnement sonore dans l'espace"
msgid "Lowest\\Minimum graphic quality (highest frame rate)"
msgstr "Mini\\Qualité minimale (+ rapide)"
msgid "Normal\\Normal graphic quality"
msgstr "Normal\\Qualité standard"
msgid "Highest\\Highest graphic quality (lowest frame rate)"
msgstr "Maxi\\Haute qualité (+ lent)"
msgid "Mute\\No sound"
msgstr "Silencieux\\Totalement silencieux"
msgid "Normal\\Normal sound volume"
msgstr "Normal\\Niveaux normaux"
msgid "Use a joystick\\Joystick or keyboard"
msgstr "Utilise un joystick\\Joystick ou clavier"
msgid ""
"Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
msgstr "Accčs ŕ la solution\\Donne la solution"
msgid "\\New player name"
msgstr "\\Nom du joueur ŕ créer"
msgid "OK\\Choose the selected player"
msgstr "D'accord\\Choisir le joueur"
msgid "Cancel\\Keep current player name"
msgstr "Annuler\\Conserver le joueur actuel"
msgid "Delete player\\Deletes the player from the list"
msgstr "Supprimer le joueur\\Supprimer le joueur de la liste"
msgid "Player name"
msgstr "Nom du joueur"
msgid "Save\\Saves the current mission"
msgstr "Enregistrer\\Enregistrer la mission en cours"
msgid "Load\\Loads the selected mission"
msgstr "Charger\\Charger la mission sélectionnée"
msgid "List of saved missions"
msgstr "Liste des missions enregistrées"
msgid "Filename:"
msgstr "Nom du fichier :"
msgid "Mission name"
msgstr "Nom de la mission"
msgid "Photography"
msgstr "Vue de la mission"
msgid "Delete\\Deletes the selected file"
msgstr "Supprimer\\Supprime l'enregistrement sélectionné"
msgid "Appearance\\Choose your appearance"
msgstr "Aspect\\Choisir votre aspect"
msgid "Standard\\Standard appearance settings"
msgstr "Standard\\Remet les couleurs standards"
msgid "Head\\Face and hair"
msgstr "Tęte\\Visage et cheveux"
msgid "Suit\\Astronaut suit"
msgstr "Corps\\Combinaison"
msgid "\\Turn left"
msgstr "\\Rotation ŕ gauche"
msgid "\\Turn right"
msgstr "\\Rotation ŕ droite"
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Rouge"
msgid "Green"
msgstr "Vert"
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Bleu"
msgid "\\Face 1"
msgstr "\\Visage 1"
msgid "\\Face 4"
msgstr "\\Visage 4"
msgid "\\Face 3"
msgstr "\\Visage 3"
msgid "\\Face 2"
msgstr "\\Visage 2"
msgid "\\No eyeglasses"
msgstr "\\Pas de lunettes"
msgid "\\Eyeglasses 1"
msgstr "\\Lunettes 1"
msgid "\\Eyeglasses 2"
msgstr "\\Lunettes 2"
msgid "\\Eyeglasses 3"
msgstr "\\Lunettes 3"
msgid "\\Eyeglasses 4"
msgstr "\\Lunettes 4"
msgid "\\Eyeglasses 5"
msgstr "\\Lunettes 5"
msgid "Previous selection (\\key desel;)"
msgstr "Sélection précédente (\\key desel;)"
msgid "Turn left (\\key left;)"
msgstr "Tourne ŕ gauche (\\key left;)"
msgid "Turn right (\\key right;)"
msgstr "Tourne ŕ droite (\\key right;)"
msgid "Forward (\\key up;)"
msgstr "Avance (\\key up;)"
msgid "Backward (\\key down;)"
msgstr "Recule (\\key down;)"
msgid "Up (\\key gup;)"
msgstr "Monte (\\key gup;)"
msgid "Down (\\key gdown;)"
msgstr "Descend (\\key gdown;)"
msgid "Grab or drop (\\key action;)"
msgstr "Prend ou dépose (\\key action;)"
msgid " front"
msgstr "..devant"
msgid "..behind"
msgstr "..derričre"
msgid "..power cell"
msgstr "..pile"
msgid "Instructions for the mission (\\key help;)"
msgstr "Instructions sur la mission (\\key help;)"
msgid "Take off to finish the mission"
msgstr "Décolle pour terminer la mission"
msgid "Build a derrick"
msgstr "Construit un derrick"
msgid "Build a power station"
msgstr "Construit une station"
msgid "Build a bot factory"
msgstr "Construit une fabrique de robots"
msgid "Build a repair center"
msgstr "Construit un centre de réparation"
msgid "Build a converter"
msgstr "Construit un convertisseur"
msgid "Build a defense tower"
msgstr "Construit une tour"
msgid "Build a research center"
msgstr "Construit un centre de recherches"
msgid "Build a radar station"
msgstr "Construit un radar"
msgid "Build a power cell factory"
msgstr "Construit une fabrique de piles"
msgid "Build an autolab"
msgstr "Construit un laboratoire"
msgid "Build a nuclear power plant"
msgstr "Construit une centrale nucléaire"
msgid "Build a lightning conductor"
msgstr "Construit un paratonnerre"
msgid "Build a exchange post"
msgstr "Construit une borne d'information"
msgid "Show if the ground is flat"
msgstr "Montre si le sol est plat"
msgid "Plant a flag"
msgstr "Pose un drapeau de couleur"
msgid "Remove a flag"
msgstr "Enlčve un drapeau"
msgid "\\Blue flags"
msgstr "\\Drapeaux bleus"
msgid "\\Red flags"
msgstr "\\Drapeaux rouges"
msgid "\\Green flags"
msgstr "\\Drapeaux verts"
msgid "\\Yellow flags"
msgstr "\\Drapeaux jaunes"
msgid "\\Violet flags"
msgstr "\\Drapeaux violets"
msgid "Build a winged grabber"
msgstr "Fabrique un déménageur volant"
msgid "Build a tracked grabber"
msgstr "Fabrique un déménageur ŕ chenilles"
msgid "Build a wheeled grabber"
msgstr "Fabrique un déménageur ŕ roues"
msgid "Build a legged grabber"
msgstr "Fabrique un déménageur ŕ pattes"
msgid "Build a winged shooter"
msgstr "Fabrique un shooter volant"
msgid "Build a tracked shooter"
msgstr "Fabrique un shooter ŕ chenilles"
msgid "Build a wheeled shooter"
msgstr "Fabrique un shooter ŕ roues"
msgid "Build a legged shooter"
msgstr "Fabrique un shooter ŕ pattes"
msgid "Build a winged orga shooter"
msgstr "Fabrique un orgaShooter volant"
msgid "Build a tracked orga shooter"
msgstr "Fabrique un orgaShooter ŕ chenilles"
msgid "Build a wheeled orga shooter"
msgstr "Fabrique un orgaShooter ŕ roues"
msgid "Build a legged orga shooter"
msgstr "Fabrique un orgaShooter ŕ pattes"
msgid "Build a winged sniffer"
msgstr "Fabrique un renifleur volant"
msgid "Build a tracked sniffer"
msgstr "Fabrique un renifleur ŕ chenilles"
msgid "Build a wheeled sniffer"
msgstr "Fabrique un renifleur ŕ roues"
msgid "Build a legged sniffer"
msgstr "Fabrique un renifleur ŕ pattes"
msgid "Build a thumper"
msgstr "Fabrique un robot secoueur"
msgid "Build a phazer shooter"
msgstr "Fabrique un robot phazer"
msgid "Build a recycler"
msgstr "Fabrique un robot recycleur"
msgid "Build a shielder"
msgstr "Fabrique un robot bouclier"
msgid "Build a subber"
msgstr "Fabrique un robot sous-marin"
msgid "Run research program for tracked bots"
msgstr "Recherche les chenilles"
msgid "Run research program for winged bots"
msgstr "Recherche les robots volants"
msgid "Run research program for thumper"
msgstr "Recherche le secoueur"
msgid "Run research program for shooter"
msgstr "Recherche le canon shooter"
msgid "Run research program for defense tower"
msgstr "Recherche la tour de défense"
msgid "Run research program for phazer shooter"
msgstr "Recherche le canon phazer"
msgid "Run research program for shielder"
msgstr "Recherche le bouclier"
msgid "Run research program for nuclear power"
msgstr "Recherche le nucléaire"
msgid "Run research program for legged bots"
msgstr "Recherche les pattes"
msgid "Run research program for orga shooter"
msgstr "Recherche le canon orgaShooter"
msgid "Return to start"
msgstr "Remet au départ"
msgid "Sniff (\\key action;)"
msgstr "Cherche (\\key action;)"
msgid "Thump (\\key action;)"
msgstr "Secoue (\\key action;)"
msgid "Shoot (\\key action;)"
msgstr "Tir (\\key action;)"
msgid "Recycle (\\key action;)"
msgstr "Recycle (\\key action;)"
msgid "Extend shield (\\key action;)"
msgstr "Déploie le bouclier (\\key action;)"
msgid "Withdraw shield (\\key action;)"
msgstr "Stoppe le bouclier (\\key action;)"
msgid "Shield radius"
msgstr "Rayon du bouclier"
msgid "Execute the selected program"
msgstr "Exécute le programme sélectionné"
msgid "Edit the selected program"
msgstr "Edite le programme sélectionné"
msgid "\\SatCom on standby"
msgstr "\\Mettre le SatCom en veille"
msgid "Destroy the building"
msgstr "Démolit le bâtiment"
msgid "Energy level"
msgstr "Niveau d'énergie"
msgid "Shield level"
msgstr "Niveau du bouclier"
msgid "Jet temperature"
msgstr "Température du réacteur"
msgid "Still working ..."
msgstr "Travail en cours ..."
msgid "Number of insects detected"
msgstr "Nombre d'insectes détectés"
msgid "Transmitted information"
msgstr "Informations diffusées"
msgid "Compass"
msgstr "Boussole"
msgid "Mini-map"
msgstr "Mini-carte"
msgid "Zoom mini-map"
msgstr "Zoom mini-carte"
msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)"
msgstr "Caméra (\\key camera;)"
msgid "Camera to left"
msgstr "Caméra ŕ gauche"
msgid "Camera to right"
msgstr "Caméra ŕ droite"
msgid "Camera nearest"
msgstr "Caméra plus proche"
msgid "Camera awayest"
msgstr "Caméra plus loin"
msgid "Help about selected object"
msgstr "Instructions sur la sélection"
msgid "Show the solution"
msgstr "Donne la solution"
msgid "Switch bots <-> buildings"
msgstr "Permute robots <-> bâtiments"
msgid "Show the range"
msgstr "Montre le rayon d'action"
msgid "\\Raise the pencil"
msgstr "\\Relčve le crayon"
msgid "\\Use the black pencil"
msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon noir"
msgid "\\Use the yellow pencil"
msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon jaune"
msgid "\\Use the orange pencil"
msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon orange"
msgid "\\Use the red pencil"
msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon rouge"
msgid "\\Use the purple pencil"
msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon violet"
msgid "\\Use the blue pencil"
msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon bleu"
msgid "\\Use the green pencil"
msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon vert"
msgid "\\Use the brown pencil"
msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon brun"
msgid "\\Start recording"
msgstr "\\Démarre l'enregistrement"
msgid "\\Stop recording"
msgstr "\\Stoppe l'enregistrement"
msgid "Show the place"
msgstr "Montre l'endroit"
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Continuer"
msgid "Command line"
msgstr "Console de commande"
msgid "Game speed"
msgstr "Vitesse du jeu"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Page précédente"
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Page suivante"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Page initiale"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copier"
msgid "Size 1"
msgstr "Taille 1"
msgid "Size 2"
msgstr "Taille 2"
msgid "Size 3"
msgstr "Taille 3"
msgid "Size 4"
msgstr "Taille 4"
msgid "Size 5"
msgstr "Taille 5"
msgid "Instructions from Houston"
msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
msgid "Dictionnary"
msgstr "Dictionnaire anglais-français"
msgid "Satellite report"
msgstr "Rapport du satellite"
msgid "Programs dispatched by Houston"
msgstr "Programmes envoyés par Houston"
msgid "List of objects"
msgstr "Liste des objets"
msgid "Programming help"
msgstr "Aide ŕ la programmation"
msgid "Solution"
msgstr "Solution"
msgid "OK\\Close program editor and return to game"
msgstr "D'accord\\Compiler le programme"
msgid "Cancel\\Cancel all changes"
msgstr "Annuler\\Annuler toutes les modifications"
msgid "Open (Ctrl+o)"
msgstr "Ouvrir (Ctrl+o)"
msgid "Save (Ctrl+s)"
msgstr "Enregistrer (Ctrl+s)"
msgid "Undo (Ctrl+z)"
msgstr "Annuler (Ctrl+z)"
msgid "Cut (Ctrl+x)"
msgstr "Couper (Ctrl+x)"
msgid "Copy (Ctrl+c)"
msgstr "Copier (Ctrl+c)"
msgid "Paste (Ctrl+v)"
msgstr "Coller (Ctrl+v)"
msgid "Font size"
msgstr "Taille des caractčres"
msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)"
msgstr "Instructions (\\key help;)"
msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)"
msgstr "Aide ŕ la programmation (\\key prog;)"
msgid "Compile"
msgstr "Compiler"
msgid "Execute/stop"
msgstr "Démarrer/stopper"
msgid "Pause/continue"
msgstr "Pause/continuer"
msgid "One step"
msgstr "Un pas"
msgid "Gantry crane"
msgstr "Portique"
msgid "Spaceship"
msgstr "Vaisseau spatial"
msgid "Derrick"
msgstr "Derrick"
msgid "Bot factory"
msgstr "Fabrique de robots"
msgid "Repair center"
msgstr "Centre de réparation"
msgid "Destroyer"
msgstr "Destructeur"
msgid "Power station"
msgstr "Station de recharge"
msgid "Converts ore to titanium"
msgstr "Conversion minerai en titanium"
msgid "Defense tower"
msgstr "Tour de défense"
msgid "Nest"
msgstr "Nid"
msgid "Research center"
msgstr "Centre de recherches"
msgid "Radar station"
msgstr "Radar"
msgid "Information exchange post"
msgstr "Borne d'information"
msgid "Disintegrator"
msgstr "Désintégrateur"
msgid "Power cell factory"
msgstr "Fabrique de piles"
msgid "Autolab"
msgstr "Laboratoire de matičres organiques"
msgid "Nuclear power station"
msgstr "Centrale nucléaire"
msgid "Lightning conductor"
msgstr "Paratonnerre"
msgid "Vault"
msgstr "Coffre-fort"
msgid "Houston Mission Control"
msgstr "Centre de contrôle"
msgid "Target"
msgstr "Cible"
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Départ"
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "But"
msgid "Titanium ore"
msgstr "Minerai de titanium"
msgid "Uranium ore"
msgstr "Minerai d'uranium"
msgid "Organic matter"
msgstr "Matičre organique"
msgid "Titanium"
msgstr "Titanium"
msgid "Power cell"
msgstr "Pile normale"
msgid "Nuclear power cell"
msgstr "Pile nucléaire"
msgid "Black box"
msgstr "Boîte noire"
msgid "Key A"
msgstr "Clé A"
msgid "Key B"
msgstr "Clé B"
msgid "Key C"
msgstr "Clé C"
msgid "Key D"
msgstr "Clé D"
msgid "Explosive"
msgstr "Explosif"
msgid "Fixed mine"
msgstr "Mine fixe"
msgid "Survival kit"
msgstr "Sac de survie"
msgid "Checkpoint"
msgstr "Indicateur"
msgid "Blue flag"
msgstr "Drapeau bleu"
msgid "Red flag"
msgstr "Drapeau rouge"
msgid "Green flag"
msgstr "Drapeau vert"
msgid "Yellow flag"
msgstr "Drapeau jaune"
msgid "Violet flag"
msgstr "Drapeau violet"
msgid "Energy deposit (site for power station)"
msgstr "Emplacement pour station"
msgid "Uranium deposit (site for derrick)"
msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (uranium)"
msgid "Found key A (site for derrick)"
msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (clé A)"
msgid "Found key B (site for derrick)"
msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (clé B)"
msgid "Found key C (site for derrick)"
msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (clé C)"
msgid "Found key D (site for derrick)"
msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (clé D)"
msgid "Titanium deposit (site for derrick)"
msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (titanium)"
msgid "Practice bot"
msgstr "Robot d'entraînement"
msgid "Winged grabber"
msgstr "Robot déménageur"
msgid "Tracked grabber"
msgstr "Robot déménageur"
msgid "Wheeled grabber"
msgstr "Robot déménageur"
msgid "Legged grabber"
msgstr "Robot déménageur"
msgid "Winged shooter"
msgstr "Robot shooter"
msgid "Tracked shooter"
msgstr "Robot shooter"
msgid "Wheeled shooter"
msgstr "Robot shooter"
msgid "Legged shooter"
msgstr "Robot shooter"
msgid "Winged orga shooter"
msgstr "Robot orgaShooter"
msgid "Tracked orga shooter"
msgstr "Robot orgaShooter"
msgid "Wheeled orga shooter"
msgstr "Robot orgaShooter"
msgid "Legged orga shooter"
msgstr "Robot orgaShooter"
msgid "Winged sniffer"
msgstr "Robot renifleur"
msgid "Tracked sniffer"
msgstr "Robot renifleur"
msgid "Wheeled sniffer"
msgstr "Robot renifleur"
msgid "Legged sniffer"
msgstr "Robot renifleur"
msgid "Thumper"
msgstr "Robot secoueur"
msgid "Phazer shooter"
msgstr "Robot phazer"
msgid "Recycler"
msgstr "Robot recycleur"
msgid "Shielder"
msgstr "Robot bouclier"
msgid "Subber"
msgstr "Robot sous-marin"
msgid "Target bot"
msgstr "Cible d'entraînement"
msgid "Drawer bot"
msgstr "Robot dessinateur"
msgid "Engineer"
msgstr "Technicien"
msgid "Robbie"
msgstr "Robbie"
msgid "Alien Queen"
msgstr "Pondeuse"
msgid "Ant"
msgstr "Fourmi"
msgid "Spider"
msgstr "Araignée"
msgid "Wasp"
msgstr "Guępe"
msgid "Worm"
msgstr "Ver"
msgid "Egg"
msgstr "Oeuf"
msgid "Wreckage"
msgstr "Epave de robot"
msgid "Ruin"
msgstr "Bâtiment en ruine"
msgid "Waste"
msgstr "Déchet"
msgid "Spaceship ruin"
msgstr "Epave de vaisseau spatial"
msgid "Remains of Apollo mission"
msgstr "Vestige d'une mission Apollo"
msgid "Lunar Roving Vehicle"
msgstr "Lunar Roving Vehicle"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erreur"
msgid "Unknown command"
msgstr "Commande inconnue"
msgid "Inappropriate bot"
msgstr "Robot inadapté"
msgid "Impossible when flying"
msgstr "Impossible en vol"
msgid "Already carrying something"
msgstr "Porte déjŕ quelque chose"
msgid "Nothing to grab"
msgstr "Rien ŕ prendre"
msgid "Impossible when moving"
msgstr "Impossible en mouvement"
msgid "Place occupied"
msgstr "Emplacement occupé"
msgid "No other robot"
msgstr "Pas d'autre robot"
msgid "You can not carry a radioactive object"
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas transporter un objet radioactif"
msgid "You can not carry an object under water"
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas transporter un objet sous l'eau"
msgid "Nothing to drop"
msgstr "Rien ŕ déposer"
msgid "Impossible under water"
msgstr "Impossible sous l'eau"
msgid "Not enough energy"
msgstr "Pas assez d'énergie"
msgid "Titanium too far away"
msgstr "Titanium trop loin"
msgid "Titanium too close"
msgstr "Titanium trop proche"
msgid "No titanium around"
msgstr "Titanium inexistant"
msgid "Ground not flat enough"
msgstr "Sol pas assez plat"
msgid "Flat ground not large enough"
msgstr "Sol plat pas assez grand"
msgid "Too close to space ship"
msgstr "Trop proche du vaisseau spatial"
msgid "Too close to a building"
msgstr "Trop proche d'un bâtiment"
msgid "Ground inappropriate"
msgstr "Terrain inadapté"
msgid "Building too close"
msgstr "Bâtiment trop proche"
msgid "Object too close"
msgstr "Objet trop proche"
msgid "Nothing to recycle"
msgstr "Rien ŕ recycler"
msgid "No more energy"
msgstr "Plus d'énergie"
msgid "Error in instruction move"
msgstr "Déplacement impossible"
msgid "Object not found"
msgstr "Objet n'existe pas"
msgid "Goto: inaccessible destination"
msgstr "Chemin introuvable"
msgid "Goto: destination occupied"
msgstr "Destination occupée"
msgid "No titanium ore to convert"
msgstr "Pas de minerai de titanium ŕ convertir"
msgid "No ore in the subsoil"
msgstr "Pas de minerai en sous-sol"
msgid "No energy in the subsoil"
msgstr "Pas d'énergie en sous-sol"
msgid "No power cell"
msgstr "Pas de pile"
msgid "Inappropriate cell type"
msgstr "Pas le bon type de pile"
msgid "Research program already performed"
msgstr "Recherche déjŕ effectuée"
msgid "Not enough energy yet"
msgstr "Pas encore assez d'énergie"
msgid "No titanium to transform"
msgstr "Pas de titanium ŕ transformer"
msgid "Transforms only titanium"
msgstr "Ne transforme que le titanium"
msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object "
msgstr "Portes bloquées par un robot ou un objet"
msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off "
msgstr "Vous devez embarquer pour pouvoir décoller"
msgid "Nothing to analyze"
msgstr "Rien ŕ analyser"
msgid "Analyzes only organic matter"
msgstr "N'analyse que la matičre organique"
msgid "Analysis already performed"
msgstr "Analyse déjŕ effectuée"
msgid "Not yet enough energy"
msgstr "Pas encore assez d'énergie"
msgid "No uranium to transform"
msgstr "Pas d'uranium ŕ transformer"
msgid "Transforms only uranium"
msgstr "Ne transforme que l'uranium"
msgid "No titanium"
msgstr "Pas de titanium"
msgid "No information exchange post within range"
msgstr "Pas trouvé de borne d'information"
msgid "Program infected by a virus"
msgstr "Un programme est infecté par un virus"
msgid "Infected by a virus, temporarily out of order"
msgstr "Infecté par un virus, ne fonctionne plus temporairement"
msgid "Impossible when swimming"
msgstr "Impossible en nageant"
msgid "Impossible when carrying an object"
msgstr "Impossible en portant un objet"
msgid "Too many flags of this color (maximum 5)"
msgstr "Trop de drapeaux de cette couleur (maximum 5)"
msgid "Too close to an existing flag"
msgstr "Trop proche d'un drapeau existant"
msgid "No flag nearby"
msgstr "Aucun drapeau ŕ proximité"
msgid ""
"The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)"
msgstr ""
"La misssion n'est pas terminée (appuyez sur \\key help; pour plus de détails)"
msgid "Bot destroyed"
msgstr "Robot détruit"
msgid "Building destroyed"
msgstr "Bâtiment détruit"
msgid "Can not create this, there are too many objects"
msgstr "Création impossible, il y a trop d'objets"
msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
msgstr "Il manque \"%s\" dans le programme"
msgid "Do not use in this exercise"
msgstr "Interdit dans cet exercice"
msgid "Building completed"
msgstr "Bâtiment terminé"
msgid "Titanium available"
msgstr "Titanium disponible"
msgid "Research program completed"
msgstr "Recherche terminée"
msgid "Plans for tracked robots available "
msgstr "Fabrication d'un robot ŕ chenilles possible"
msgid "You can fly with the keys (\\key gup;) and (\\key gdown;)"
msgstr ""
"Il est possible de voler avec les touches (\\key gup;) et (\\key gdown;)"
msgid "Plans for thumper available"
msgstr "Fabrication d'un robot secoueur possible"
msgid "Plans for shooter available"
msgstr "Fabrication de robots shooter possible"
msgid "Plans for defense tower available"
msgstr "Construction d'une tour de défense possible"
msgid "Plans for phazer shooter available"
msgstr "Fabrication d'un robot phazer possible"
msgid "Plans for shielder available"
msgstr "Fabrication d'un robot bouclier possible"
msgid "Plans for nuclear power plant available"
msgstr "Construction d'une centrale nucléaire possible"
msgid "New bot available"
msgstr "Nouveau robot disponible"
msgid "Analysis performed"
msgstr "Analyse terminée"
msgid "Power cell available"
msgstr "Pile disponible"
msgid "Nuclear power cell available"
msgstr "Pile nucléaire disponible"
msgid "You found a usable object"
msgstr "Vous avez trouvé un objet utilisable"
msgid "Found a site for power station"
msgstr "Emplacement pour station trouvé"
msgid "Found a site for a derrick"
msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick trouvé"
msgid "<<< Well done, mission accomplished >>>"
msgstr "<<< Bravo, mission terminée >>>"
msgid "<<< Sorry, mission failed >>>"
msgstr "<<< Désolé, mission échouée >>>"
msgid "Current mission saved"
msgstr "Enregistrement effectué"
msgid "Checkpoint crossed"
msgstr "Indicateur atteint"
msgid "Alien Queen killed"
msgstr "Pondeuse mortellement touchée"
msgid "Ant fatally wounded"
msgstr "Fourmi mortellement touchée"
msgid "Wasp fatally wounded"
msgstr "Guępe mortellement touchée"
msgid "Worm fatally wounded"
msgstr "Ver mortellement touché"
msgid "Spider fatally wounded"
msgstr "Araignée mortellement touchée"
msgid "Press \\key help; to read instructions on your SatCom"
msgstr "Consultez votre SatCom en appuyant sur \\key help;"
msgid "Opening bracket missing"
msgstr "Il manque une parenthčse ouvrante"
msgid "Closing bracket missing "
msgstr "Il manque une parenthčse fermante"
msgid "The expression must return a boolean value"
msgstr "L'expression doit ętre un boolean"
msgid "Variable not declared"
msgstr "Variable non déclarée"
msgid "Assignment impossible"
msgstr "Assignation impossible"
msgid "Semicolon terminator missing"
msgstr "Terminateur point-virgule non trouvé"
msgid "Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\""
msgstr "Instruction \"case\" hors d'un bloc \"switch\""
msgid "Instructions after the final closing brace"
msgstr "Instructions aprčs la fin"
msgid "End of block missing"
msgstr "Il manque la fin du bloc"
msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\" "
msgstr "Instruction \"else\" sans \"if\" correspondant"
msgid "Opening brace missing "
msgstr "Début d'un bloc attendu"
msgid "Wrong type for the assignment"
msgstr "Mauvais type de résultat pour l'assignation"
msgid "A variable can not be declared twice"
msgstr "Redéfinition d'une variable"
msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible "
msgstr "Les deux opérandes ne sont pas de types compatibles"
msgid "Unknown function"
msgstr "Routine inconnue"
msgid "Sign \" : \" missing"
msgstr "Séparateur \" : \" attendu"
msgid "Keyword \"while\" missing"
msgstr "Manque le mot \"while\""
msgid "Instruction \"break\" outside a loop"
msgstr "Instruction \"break\" en dehors d'une boucle"
msgid "A label must be followed by \"for\", \"while\", \"do\" or \"switch\""
msgstr ""
"Un label ne peut se placer que devant un \"for\", un \"while\", un \"do\" ou "
"un \"switch\""
msgid "This label does not exist"
msgstr "Cette étiquette n'existe pas"
msgid "Instruction \"case\" missing"
msgstr "Manque une instruction \"case\""
msgid "Number missing"
msgstr "Un nombre est attendu"
msgid "Void parameter"
msgstr "Paramčtre void"
msgid "Type declaration missing"
msgstr "Déclaration de type attendu"
msgid "Variable name missing"
msgstr "Nom d'une variable attendu"
msgid "Function name missing"
msgstr "Nom de la fonction attendu"
msgid "Too many parameters"
msgstr "Trop de paramčtres"
msgid "Function already exists"
msgstr "Cette fonction existe déjŕ"
msgid "Parameters missing "
msgstr "Pas assez de paramčtres"
msgid "No function with this name accepts this kind of parameter"
msgstr "Aucune fonction de ce nom n'accepte ce(s) type(s) de paramčtre(s)"
msgid "No function with this name accepts this number of parameters"
msgstr "Aucune fonction de ce nom n'accepte ce nombre de paramčtres"
msgid "This is not a member of this class"
msgstr "Cet élément n'existe pas dans cette classe"
msgid "This object is not a member of a class"
msgstr "L'objet n'est pas une instance d'une classe"
msgid "Appropriate constructor missing"
msgstr "Il n'y a pas de constructeur approprié"
msgid "This class already exists"
msgstr "Cette classe existe déjŕ"
msgid "\" ] \" missing"
msgstr "\" ] \" attendu"
msgid "Reserved keyword of CBOT language"
msgstr "Ce mot est réservé"
msgid "Bad argument for \"new\""
msgstr "Mauvais argument pour \"new\""
msgid "\" [ \" expected"
msgstr "\" [ \" attendu"
msgid "String missing"
msgstr "Une chaîne de caractčre est attendue"
msgid "Incorrect index type"
msgstr "Mauvais type d'index"
msgid "Private element"
msgstr "Elément protégé"
msgid "Public required"
msgstr "Public requis"
msgid "Dividing by zero"
msgstr "Division par zéro"
msgid "Variable not initialized"
msgstr "Variable non initialisée"
msgid "Negative value rejected by \"throw\""
msgstr "Valeur négative refusée pour \"throw\""
msgid "The function returned no value "
msgstr "La fonction n'a pas retourné de résultat"
msgid "No function running"
msgstr "Pas de fonction en exécution"
msgid "Calling an unknown function"
msgstr "Appel d'une fonction inexistante"
msgid "This class does not exist"
msgstr "Cette classe n'existe pas"
msgid "Unknown Object"
msgstr "Objet n'existe pas"
msgid "Operation impossible with value \"nan\""
msgstr "Opération sur un \"nan\""
msgid "Access beyond array limit"
msgstr "Accčs hors du tableau"
msgid "Stack overflow"
msgstr "Débordement de la pile"
msgid "Illegal object"
msgstr "Objet inaccessible"
msgid "Can't open file"
msgstr "Ouverture du fichier impossible"
msgid "File not open"
msgstr "Le fichier n'est pas ouvert"
msgid "Read error"
msgstr "Erreur ŕ la lecture"
msgid "Write error"
msgstr "Erreur ŕ l'écriture"
msgid "< none >"
msgstr "< aucune >"
msgid "Arrow left"
msgstr "Flčche Gauche"
msgid "Arrow right"
msgstr "Flčche Droite"
msgid "Arrow up"
msgstr "Flčche Haut"
msgid "Arrow down"
msgstr "Flčche Bas"
msgid "Control-break"
msgstr "Control-break"
msgid "<--"
msgstr "<--"
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Tab"
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Clear"
msgid "Enter"
msgstr "Entrée"
msgid "Shift"
msgstr "Shift"
msgid "Ctrl"
msgstr "Ctrl"
msgid "Alt"
msgstr "Alt"
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "Pause"
msgid "Caps Lock"
msgstr "Caps Lock"
msgid "Esc"
msgstr "Esc"
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Espace"
msgid "Page Up"
msgstr "Page Up"
msgid "Page Down"
msgstr "Page Down"
msgid "End"
msgstr "End"
msgid "Home Key"
msgstr "Home"
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Select"
msgid "Execute"
msgstr "Execute"
msgid "Print Scrn"
msgstr "Print Scrn"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Insert"
msgid "Delete Key"
msgstr "Delete"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Help"
msgid "Left Windows"
msgstr "Left Windows"
msgid "Right Windows"
msgstr "Right Windows"
msgid "Application key"
msgstr "Application key"
msgid "NumPad 0"
msgstr "NumPad 0"
msgid "NumPad 1"
msgstr "NumPad 1"
msgid "NumPad 2"
msgstr "NumPad 2"
msgid "NumPad 3"
msgstr "NumPad 3"
msgid "NumPad 4"
msgstr "NumPad 4"
msgid "NumPad 5"
msgstr "NumPad 5"
msgid "NumPad 6"
msgstr "NumPad 6"
msgid "NumPad 7"
msgstr "NumPad 7"
msgid "NumPad 8"
msgstr "NumPad 8"
msgid "NumPad 9"
msgstr "NumPad 9"
msgid "NumPad *"
msgstr "NumPad *"
msgid "NumPad +"
msgstr "NumPad +"
msgid "NumPad sep"
msgstr "NumPad sep"
msgid "NumPad -"
msgstr "NumPad -"
msgid "NumPad ."
msgstr "NumPad ."
msgid "NumPad /"
msgstr "NumPad /"
msgid "F1"
msgstr "F1"
msgid "F2"
msgstr "F2"
msgid "F3"
msgstr "F3"
msgid "F4"
msgstr "F4"
msgid "F5"
msgstr "F5"
msgid "F6"
msgstr "F6"
msgid "F7"
msgstr "F7"
msgid "F8"
msgstr "F8"
msgid "F9"
msgstr "F9"
msgid "F10"
msgstr "F10"
msgid "F11"
msgstr "F11"
msgid "F12"
msgstr "F12"
msgid "F13"
msgstr "F13"
msgid "F14"
msgstr "F14"
msgid "F15"
msgstr "F15"
msgid "F16"
msgstr "F16"
msgid "F17"
msgstr "F17"
msgid "F18"
msgstr "F18"
msgid "F19"
msgstr "F19"
msgid "F20"
msgstr "F20"
msgid "Num Lock"
msgstr "Num Lock"
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Scroll"
msgid "Attn"
msgstr "Attn"
msgid "CrSel"
msgstr "CrSel"
msgid "ExSel"
msgstr "ExSel"
msgid "Erase EOF"
msgstr "Erase EOF"
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Play"
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "Zoom"
msgid "PA1"
msgstr "PA1"
msgid "Button 1"
msgstr "Bouton 1"
msgid "Button 2"
msgstr "Bouton 2"
msgid "Button 3"
msgstr "Bouton 3"
msgid "Button 4"
msgstr "Bouton 4"
msgid "Button 5"
msgstr "Bouton 5"
msgid "Button 6"
msgstr "Bouton 6"
msgid "Button 7"
msgstr "Bouton 7"
msgid "Button 8"
msgstr "Bouton 8"
msgid "Button 9"
msgstr "Bouton 9"
msgid "Button 10"
msgstr "Bouton 10"
msgid "Button 11"
msgstr "Bouton 11"
msgid "Button 12"
msgstr "Bouton 12"
msgid "Button 13"
msgstr "Bouton 13"
msgid "Button 14"
msgstr "Bouton 14"
msgid "Button 15"
msgstr "Bouton 15"
msgid "Button 16"
msgstr "Bouton 16"
msgid "Button 17"
msgstr "Bouton 17"
msgid "Button 18"
msgstr "Bouton 18"
msgid "Button 19"
msgstr "Bouton 19"
msgid "Button 20"
msgstr "Bouton 20"
msgid "Button 21"
msgstr "Bouton 21"
msgid "Button 22"
msgstr "Bouton 22"
msgid "Button 23"
msgstr "Bouton 23"
msgid "Button 24"
msgstr "Bouton 24"
msgid "Button 25"
msgstr "Bouton 25"
msgid "Button 26"
msgstr "Bouton 26"
msgid "Button 27"
msgstr "Bouton 27"
msgid "Button 28"
msgstr "Bouton 28"
msgid "Button 29"
msgstr "Bouton 29"
msgid "Button 30"
msgstr "Bouton 30"
msgid "Button 31"
msgstr "Bouton 31"
msgid "Button 32"
msgstr "Bouton 32"
msgid "Wheel up"
msgstr "Molette haut"
msgid "Wheel down"
msgstr "Molette bas"