592 lines
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592 lines
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* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
* Copyright (C) 2001-2015, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses
* \file CBotDll.h
* \brief Library for interpretation of CBOT language
#pragma once
// Modules inlcude
#include "resource.h"
#include "CBotEnums.h"
// Local include
// Global include
#include <stdio.h>
#include <map>
#include <cstring>
#define CBOTVERSION 104
// forward declaration of needed classes
class CBotToken; // program turned into "tokens
class CBotStack; // for the execution stack
class CBotClass; // class of object
class CBotInstr; // instruction to be executed
class CBotFunction; // user functions
class CBotVar; // variables
class CBotVarClass; // instance of class
class CBotVarPointer; // pointer to an instance of class
class CBotCall; // functions
class CBotCallMethode; // methods
class CBotDefParam; // parameter list
class CBotCStack; // stack
// Variables management
//n = not implemented yet
// for SetUserPtr when deleting an object
// \TODO define own types to distinct between different states of objects
#define OBJECTDELETED (reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1))
// value set before initialization
#define OBJECTCREATED (reinterpret_cast<void*>(-2))
/** \brief CBotTypResult class to define the complete type of a result*/
class CBotTypResult
* \brief CBotTypResult constructor for simple types (CBotTypInt to CBotTypString)
* \param type type of created result, see CBotType
CBotTypResult(int type);
// for simple types (CBotTypInt à CBotTypString)
CBotTypResult(int type, const char* name);
// for pointer types and intrinsic classes
CBotTypResult(int type, CBotClass* pClass);
// for the instance of a class
CBotTypResult(int type, CBotTypResult elem);
// for arrays of variables
CBotTypResult(const CBotTypResult& typ);
// for assignments
// for default
int GetType(int mode = 0) const;
// returns type CBotType* as a result
void SetType(int n);
// modifies a type
CBotClass* GetClass() const;
// makes the pointer to the class (for CBotTypClass, CBotTypPointer)
int GetLimite() const;
// returns limit size of table (CBotTypArray)
void SetLimite(int n);
// set limit to the table
void SetArray(int* max );
// set limits for a list of dimensions (arrays of arrays)
CBotTypResult& GetTypElem() const;
// returns type of array elements (CBotTypArray)
// rend le type des éléments du tableau (CBotTypArray)
bool Compare(const CBotTypResult& typ) const;
// compares whether the types are compatible
bool Eq(int type) const;
// compare type
CBotTypResult& operator=(const CBotTypResult& src);
// copy a complete type in another
int m_type;
CBotTypResult* m_pNext; // for the types of type
CBotClass* m_pClass; // for the derivatives of class
int m_limite; // limits of tables
friend class CBotVarClass;
friend class CBotVarPointer;
// to define a result as output, using for example
// to return a simple Float
return CBotTypResult( CBotTypFloat );
// to return a string array
return CBotTypResult( CBotTypArray, CBotTypResult( CBotTypString ) );
// to return un array of array of "point" class
CBotTypResult typPoint( CBotTypIntrinsic, "point" );
CBotTypResult arrPoint( CBotTypArray, typPoint );
return CBotTypResult( CBotTypArray, arrPoint );
// Error Handling of compilation and execution
// Here are the list of errors that can be returned by the module
// for compilation
#define CBotErrOpenPar 5000 // missing the opening parenthesis
#define CBotErrClosePar 5001 // missing the closing parenthesis
#define CBotErrNotBoolean 5002 // expression must be a boolean
#define CBotErrUndefVar 5003 // undeclared variable
#define CBotErrBadLeft 5004 // assignment impossible ( 5 = ... )
#define CBotErrNoTerminator 5005 // semicolon expected
#define CBotErrCaseOut 5006 // case outside a switch
// CBotErrNoTerm 5007, plus utile
#define CBotErrCloseBlock 5008 // missing " } "
#define CBotErrElseWhitoutIf 5009 // else without matching if
#define CBotErrOpenBlock 5010 // missing " { "
#define CBotErrBadType1 5011 // wrong type for the assignment
#define CBotErrRedefVar 5012 // redefinition of the variable
#define CBotErrBadType2 5013 // Two operands are incompatible
#define CBotErrUndefCall 5014 // routine undefined
#define CBotErrNoDoubleDots 5015 // " : " expected
// CBotErrWhile 5016, plus utile
#define CBotErrBreakOutside 5017 // break outside of a loop
#define CBotErrUndefLabel 5019 // label udnefined
#define CBotErrLabel 5018 // label ne peut se mettre ici (label can not get here)
#define CBotErrNoCase 5020 // missing " case "
#define CBotErrBadNum 5021 // expected number
#define CBotErrVoid 5022 // " void " not possible here
#define CBotErrNoType 5023 // type declaration expected
#define CBotErrNoVar 5024 // variable name expected
#define CBotErrNoFunc 5025 // expected function name
#define CBotErrOverParam 5026 // too many parameters
#define CBotErrRedefFunc 5027 // this function already exists
#define CBotErrLowParam 5028 // not enough parameters
#define CBotErrBadParam 5029 // wrong types of parameters
#define CBotErrNbParam 5030 // wrong number of parameters
#define CBotErrUndefItem 5031 // element does not exist in the class
#define CBotErrUndefClass 5032 // variable is not a class
#define CBotErrNoConstruct 5033 // no appropriate constructor
#define CBotErrRedefClass 5034 // class already exists
#define CBotErrCloseIndex 5035 // " ] " expected
#define CBotErrReserved 5036 // reserved word (for a DefineNum)
#define CBotErrBadNew 5037 // wrong setting for new
#define CBotErrOpenIndex 5038 // " [ " expected
#define CBotErrBadString 5039 // expected string
#define CBotErrBadIndex 5040 // wrong index type "[ false ]"
#define CBotErrPrivate 5041 // protected item
#define CBotErrNoPublic 5042 // missing word "public"
// here is the list of errors that can be returned by the module
// for the execution
#define CBotErrZeroDiv 6000 // division by zero
#define CBotErrNotInit 6001 // uninitialized variable
#define CBotErrBadThrow 6002 // throw a negative value
#define CBotErrNoRetVal 6003 // function did not return results
#define CBotErrNoRun 6004 // Run() without active function
#define CBotErrUndefFunc 6005 // calling a function that no longer exists
#define CBotErrNotClass 6006 // this class does not exist
#define CBotErrNull 6007 // null pointer
#define CBotErrNan 6008 // calculation with a NAN
#define CBotErrOutArray 6009 // index out of array
#define CBotErrStackOver 6010 // stack overflow
#define CBotErrDeletedPtr 6011 // pointer to an object destroyed
#define CBotErrFileOpen 6012 // cannot open the file
#define CBotErrNotOpen 6013 // channel not open
#define CBotErrRead 6014 // error while reading
#define CBotErrWrite 6015 // writing error
// other values may be returned
// for example exceptions returned by external routines
// and " throw " with any number.
* \brief CBotString Class used to work on strings
class CBotString
* \brief CBotString Default constructor.
* \brief CBotString
* \param p
CBotString(const char* p);
* \brief CBotString
* \param p
CBotString(const CBotString& p);
* \brief CBotString Destructor.
* \brief Empty Clear the internal string.
void Empty();
* \brief IsEmpty Check if the string is empty.
* \return True if the sting is empty false otherwise.
bool IsEmpty() const;
* \brief GetLength Get the string length.
* \return The size of the string.
int GetLength();
* \brief Find Find the position of a character in a string starting from
* the beginning of the string.
* \param c The character to find.
* \return The position of the character or -1 if the character was not
* found.
* \see ReverseFind(const char c)
int Find(const char c);
* \brief Find Find the position of a string in a string starting from the
* beginning of the string.
* \param lpsz The string to find.
* \return The position of the string or -1 if the string was not
* found.
* \see ReverseFind(const char* lpsz)
int Find(const char* lpsz);
* \brief Find Find the position of a character in a string starting from
* the end of the string.
* \param c The character to find.
* \return The position of the character or -1 if the character was not
* found.
* \see Find(const char c)
int ReverseFind(const char c);
* \brief Find Find the position of a string in a string starting from the
* end of the string.
* \param lpsz The string to find.
* \return The string of the character or -1 if the string was not
* found.
* \see Find(const char* lpsz)
int ReverseFind(const char* lpsz);
* \brief LoadString Load the string associate with the id.
* \param id The id to load.
* \return True if the id exist false otherwise.
bool LoadString(unsigned int id);
* \brief Mid Return a part of a string from a starting index and until
* the end of the string with a limited size.
* \param nFirst The start index of the character in the string.
* \param lg The size limit. Default value is 2000.
* \return The exctracted string.
CBotString Mid(int start, int lg=-1);
* \brief Left Return a part of a string starting from the left.
* \param nCount The number of character to retreive.
* \return The exctracted string.
CBotString Left(int nCount) const;
* \brief Right Return a part of a string starting from the right.
* \param nCount The number of character to retreive.
* \return The exctracted string.
CBotString Right(int nCount) const;
* \brief Compare Compare a given string to an other.
* \param lpsz The string to compare.
* \return 0 if the two string matches. Less than 0 if the current
* string is less than lpsz. Greater than 0 if the current
* string is greater than lpsz.
int Compare(const char* lpsz) const;
* \brief MakeUpper Uppercase the string.
void MakeUpper();
* \brief MakeLower Lowercase the string.
void MakeLower();
* @brief CStr Convert the CBotString to a C string.
* @return A C string string.
const char* CStr() const;
* \brief Overloaded oprators to work on CBotString classes
const CBotString& operator=(const CBotString& stringSrc);
const CBotString& operator=(const char ch);
const CBotString& operator=(const char* pString);
CBotString operator+(const CBotString& str);
const CBotString& operator+=(const char ch);
const CBotString& operator+=(const CBotString& str);
bool operator==(const CBotString& str);
bool operator==(const char* p);
bool operator!=(const CBotString& str);
bool operator!=(const char* p);
bool operator>(const CBotString& str);
bool operator>(const char* p);
bool operator>=(const CBotString& str);
bool operator>=(const char* p);
bool operator<(const CBotString& str);
bool operator<(const char* p);
bool operator<=(const CBotString& str);
bool operator<=(const char* p);
operator const char*() const; // as a C string
//! \brief Pointer to string
char* m_ptr;
//! \brief Length of the string
int m_lg;
//! \brief Keeps the string corresponding to keyword ID
static const std::map<EID, const char *> s_keywordString;
* \brief MapIdToString Maps given ID to its string equivalent.
* \param id Provided identifier.
* \return String if found, else NullString.
static const char * MapIdToString(EID id);
// Class used to array management
class CBotStringArray : public CBotString
int m_nSize; // number of elements
int m_nMaxSize; // reserved size
CBotString* m_pData; // ^data
void SetSize(int nb);
int GetSize();
void Add(const CBotString& str);
CBotString& operator[](int nIndex);
CBotString& ElementAt(int nIndex);
// routines for file management (* FILE)
FILE* fOpen(const char* name, const char* mode);
int fClose(FILE* filehandle);
size_t fWrite(const void *buffer, size_t elemsize, size_t length, FILE* filehandle);
size_t fRead(void *buffer, size_t elemsize, size_t length, FILE* filehandle);
#if 0
(**) Note:
To define an external function, proceed as follows:
a) define a routine for compilation
this routine receive list of parameters (no values)
and either returns a result type (CBotTyp... or 0 = void)
or an error number
b) define a routine for the execution
this routine receive list of parameters (with valeurs),
a variable to store the result (according to the given type at compile time)
For example, a routine which calculates the mean of a parameter list */
int cMean(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotString& ClassName)
if ( pVar == nullptr ) return 6001; // there is no parameter!
while ( pVar != nullptr )
if ( pVar->GetType() > CBotTypDouble ) return 6002; // this is not a number
pVar = pVar -> GetNext();
return CBotTypFloat; // the type of the result may depend on the parameters!
bool rMean(CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception)
float total = 0;
int nb = 0;
while (pVar != nullptr)
total += pVar->GetValFloat();
pVar = pVar->GetNext();
pResult->SetValFloat(total/nb); // returns the mean value
return true; // operation fully completed
// Examples of use
// Definition classes and functions
// define the global class CPoint
// --------------------------------
m_pClassPoint = new CBotClass("CPoint", nullptr);
// adds the component ".x"
m_pClassPoint->AddItem("x", CBotTypResult(CBotTypFloat));
// adds the component ".y"
m_pClassPoint->AddItem("y", CBotTypResult(CBotTypFloat));
// the player can then use the instructions
// CPoint position; position.x = 12; position.y = -13.6
// define class CColobotObject
// --------------------------------
// This class manages all the objects in the world of COLOBOT
// the "main" user program belongs to this class
m_pClassObject = new CBotClass("CColobotObject", m_pClassBase);
// adds the component ".position"
m_pClassObject->AddItem("position", m_pClassPoint);
// adds the component ".type"
m_pClassObject->AddItem("type", CBotTypResult(CBotTypShort));
// adds a definition of constant
m_pClassObject->AddConst("ROBOT", CBotTypShort, 1); // ROBOT equivalent to the value 1
// adds the FIND routine
m_pClassObject->AddFunction( rCompFind, rDoFind );
// the player can now use the instructions
// CColobotObject chose; chose = FIND( ROBOT )
// define class CColobotRobot derived from CColobotObject
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// programs "main" associated with robots as a part of this class
m_pClassRobot = new CBotClass("CColobotRobot", m_pClassObject);
// add routine GOTO
m_pClassRobot->AddFunction( rCompGoto, rDoGoto );
// the player can now use
// GOTO( FIND ( ROBOT ) );
// creates an instance of the class Robot
// ------------------------------------
// for example a new robot which has just been manufactured
CBotVar* m_pMonRobot = new CBotVar("MonRobot", m_pClassRobot);
// compiles the program by hand for this robot
// ------------------------------------------
CString LeProgramme( "void main() {GOTO(0, 0); return 0;}" );
if ( !m_pMonRobot->Compile( LeProgramme ) ) {error handling ...};
// build a stack for interpreter
// --------------------------------------
CBotStack* pStack = new CBotStack(nullptr);
// executes the main program
// -------------------------
while( false = m_pMonRobot->Execute( "main", pStack ))
// program suspended
// could be pass a handle to another (safeguarding pstack for the robot one)
// programme "main" finished !
// routine that implements the GOTO (CPoint pos)
bool rDoGoto( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& exception )
if (pVar->GetType() != CBotTypeClass ||
pVar->IsElemOfClas("CPoint") ) { exception = 6522; return false; )
// the parameter is not the right class?
// in fact the control is done to the routine of compilation
m_PosToGo.Copy( pVar ); // keeps the target position (object type CBotVar)
// or so
CBotVar* temp;
temp = pVar->GetItem("x"); // is necessary for the object of type CPoint
ASSERT (temp != nullptr && temp->GetType() == CBotTypFloat);
m_PosToGo.x = temp->GetValFloat();
temp = pVar->GetItem("y"); // is necessary for the object of type CPoint
ASSERT (temp != nullptr && temp->GetType() == CBotTypFloat);
m_PosToGo.y = temp->GetValFloat();
return (m_CurentPos == m_PosToGo); // makes true if the position is reached
// returns false if one had wait yet