
1184 lines
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// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code
// * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX& EPSITEC SA,
// * Copyright (C) 2012, Polish Portal of Colobot (PPC)
// *
// * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// * (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program. If not, see
// engine.h
#pragma once
#include "common/event.h"
#include "graphics/core/color.h"
#include "graphics/core/material.h"
#include "graphics/core/texture.h"
#include "graphics/core/vertex.h"
#include "math/intpoint.h"
#include "math/intsize.h"
#include "math/matrix.h"
#include "math/point.h"
#include "math/size.h"
#include "math/vector.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
class CApplication;
class CInstanceManager;
class CObject;
class CSoundInterface;
namespace Gfx {
class CDevice;
class CLightManager;
class CText;
class CParticle;
class CWater;
class CCloud;
class CLightning;
class CPlanet;
class CTerrain;
\enum EngineTriangleType
\brief Type of triangles drawn for engine objects */
enum EngineTriangleType
//! Triangles
//! Surfaces
\struct EngineTriangle
\brief A triangle drawn by the graphics engine */
struct EngineTriangle
//! Triangle vertices
Gfx::VertexTex2 triangle[3];
//! Material
Gfx::Material material;
//! Render state (TODO: ?)
int state;
//! 1st texture
Gfx::Texture tex1;
//! 2nd texture
Gfx::Texture tex2;
state = 0;
\enum EngineObjectType
\brief Class of graphics engine object */
enum EngineObjectType
//! Object doesn't exist
//! Terrain
//! Fixed object
//! Moving object
//! Part of a moving object
//! Fixed object type quartz
//! Fixed object type metal
\struct EngineObject
\brief Object drawn by the graphics engine */
struct EngineObject
//! If true, the object is drawn
bool visible;
//! If true, object is behind the 2D interface
bool drawWorld;
//! If true, the shape is before the 2D interface
bool drawFront;
//! Number of triangles
int totalTriangles;
//! Type of object
Gfx::EngineObjectType type;
//! Transformation matrix
Math::Matrix transform;
//! Distance view - origin (TODO: ?)
float distance;
//! Bounding box min (origin 0,0,0 always included)
Math::Vector bboxMin;
//! bounding box max (origin 0,0,0 always included)
Math::Vector bboxMax;
//! Radius of the sphere at the origin
float radius;
//! Rank of the associated shadow
int shadowRank;
//! Transparency of the object [0, 1]
float transparency;
visible = false;
drawWorld = false;
drawFront = false;
totalTriangles = 0;
distance = 0.0f;
radius = 0.0f;
shadowRank = 0;
transparency = 0.0f;
struct EngineObjLevel1;
struct EngineObjLevel2;
struct EngineObjLevel3;
struct EngineObjLevel4;
struct EngineObjLevel5;
\struct EngineObjLevel5
\brief Tier 5 of object tree */
struct EngineObjLevel5
Gfx::Material material;
int state;
Gfx::EngineTriangleType type;
std::vector<Gfx::VertexTex2> vertices;
state = 0;
\struct EngineObjLevel4
\brief Tier 4 of object tree */
struct EngineObjLevel4
int reserved;
std::vector<Gfx::EngineObjLevel5> up;
Gfx::EngineObjLevel3* down;
reserved = 0;
\struct EngineObjLevel3
\brief Tier 3 of object tree */
struct EngineObjLevel3
float min;
float max;
std::vector<Gfx::EngineObjLevel4> up;
Gfx::EngineObjLevel2* down;
min = max = 0.0f;
\struct EngineObjLevel2
\brief Tier 2 of object tree */
struct EngineObjLevel2
int objRank;
std::vector<Gfx::EngineObjLevel3> up;
Gfx::EngineObjLevel1* down;
objRank = 0;
\struct EngineObjLevel1
\brief Tier 1 of object tree */
struct EngineObjLevel1
Gfx::Texture tex1;
Gfx::Texture tex2;
std::vector<Gfx::EngineObjLevel2> up;
EngineObjLevel1() {}
\struct EngineShadowType
\brief Type of shadow drawn by the graphics engine */
enum EngineShadowType
//! Normal shadow
//! TODO: ?
\struct EngineShadow
\brief Shadow drawn by the graphics engine */
struct EngineShadow
//! If true, shadow is invisible (object being carried for example)
bool hide;
//! Rank of the associated object
int objRank;
//! Type of shadow
Gfx::EngineShadowType type;
//! Position of the shadow
Math::Vector pos;
//! Normal to the terrain
Math::Vector normal;
//! Angle of the shadow
float angle;
//! Radius of the shadow
float radius;
//! Intensity of the shadow
float intensity;
//! Height from the ground
float height;
hide = false;
objRank = 0;
angle = radius = intensity = height = 0.0f;
\struct EngineGroundSpot
\brief A spot (large shadow) drawn on the ground by the graphics engine */
struct EngineGroundSpot
//! Color of the shadow
Gfx::Color color;
//! Min altitude
float min;
//! Max altitude
float max;
//! Transition area
float smooth;
//! Position for the shadow
Math::Vector pos;
//! Radius of the shadow
float radius;
//! Position of the shadow drawn
Math::Vector drawPos;
//! Radius of the shadow drawn
float drawRadius;
min = max = smooth = radius = drawRadius = 0.0f;
\enum EngineGroundMarkPhase
\brief Phase of life of an EngineGroundMark */
enum EngineGroundMarkPhase
//! Null phase
//! Increase
//! Fixed
//! Decrease
\struct EngineGroundMark
\brief A mark on ground drawn by the graphics engine */
struct EngineGroundMark
//! If true, draw mark
bool draw;
//! Phase of life
Gfx::EngineGroundMarkPhase phase;
//! Times for 3 life phases
float delay[3];
//! Fixed time
float fix;
//! Position for marks
Math::Vector pos;
//! Radius of marks
float radius;
//! Color intensity
float intensity;
//! Draw position for marks
Math::Vector drawPos;
//! Radius for marks
float drawRadius;
//! Draw intensity for marks
float drawIntensity;
//! X dimension of table
int dx;
//! Y dimension of table
int dy;
//! Pointer to the table
char* table;
draw = false;
delay[0] = delay[1] = delay[2] = 0.0f;
fix = radius = intensity = drawRadius = drawIntensity = 0.0f;
dx = dy = 0;
table = NULL;
\enum EngineTextureMapping
\brief Type of texture mapping
enum EngineTextureMapping
\enum EngineRenderState
\brief Render state of graphics engine
States are used for settings certain modes, for instance texturing and blending.
The enum is a bitmask and some of the states can be OR'd together. */
enum EngineRenderState
//! Normal opaque materials
//! The transparent texture (black = no)
//! The transparent texture (white = no)
//! The transparent diffuse color
//! Texture wrap
//! Texture borders with solid color
//! Light texture (ambient max)
//! Double black texturing
//! Double white texturing
//! Part 1 (no change in. MOD!)
ENG_RSTATE_PART1 = (1<<8),
//! Part 2
ENG_RSTATE_PART2 = (1<<9),
//! Part 3
ENG_RSTATE_PART3 = (1<<10),
//! Part 4
ENG_RSTATE_PART4 = (1<<11),
//! Double-sided face
ENG_RSTATE_2FACE = (1<<12),
//! Image using alpha channel
//! Always use 2nd floor texturing
//! Causes the fog
ENG_RSTATE_FOG = (1<<15),
//! The transparent color (black = no)
//! The transparent color (white = no)
//! Mode for rendering text
\enum EngineMouseType
\brief Type of mouse cursor displayed in-game */
enum EngineMouseType
//! Normal cursor (arrow)
//! Busy
//! Edit (I-beam)
//! Hand
//! Small cross
//! TODO: ?
//! Crossed out sign
//! Resize
//! Resize horizontally
//! Resize vertically
//! Resize diagonally bottom-left to top-right
//! Resize diagonally top-left to bottom-right
//! Scroll to the left
//! Scroll to the right
//! Scroll up
//! Scroll down
//! Larger crosshair
//! Number of items in enum
\struct EngineMouse
\brief Information about mouse cursor */
struct EngineMouse
//! Index of texture element for 1st image
int icon1;
//! Index of texture element for 2nd image
int icon2;
//! Shadow texture part
int iconShadow;
//! Mode to render 1st image in
Gfx::EngineRenderState mode1;
//! Mode to render 2nd image in
Gfx::EngineRenderState mode2;
//! Hot point
Math::Point hotPoint;
EngineMouse(int icon1 = -1, int icon2 = -1, int iconShadow = -1,
Gfx::EngineRenderState mode1 = Gfx::ENG_RSTATE_NORMAL,
Gfx::EngineRenderState mode2 = Gfx::ENG_RSTATE_NORMAL,
Math::Point hotPoint = Math::Point())
this->icon1 = icon1;
this->icon2 = icon2;
this->iconShadow = iconShadow;
this->mode1 = mode1;
this->mode2 = mode2;
this->hotPoint = hotPoint;
\class CEngine
\brief The graphics engine
This is the main class for graphics engine. It is responsible for drawing the 3D scene,
setting various render states, and facilitating the drawing of 2D interface.
It uses a lower-level CDevice object which is implementation-independent core engine.
\section Objecs Engine objects
The 3D scene is composed of objects which are basically collections of triangles forming
a surface or simply independent triangles in space. Objects are stored in the engine
as a tree structure which is composed of 5 tiers (EngineObjLevel1, EngineObjLevel2 and so on).
Each tier stores some data about object triangle, like textures or materials used.
Additional information on objects stored are in EngineObject structure.
Each object is uniquely identified by its rank.
class CEngine
CEngine(CInstanceManager* iMan, CApplication* app);
//! Returns the last error encountered
std::string GetError();
//! Sets the device to be used
void SetDevice(Gfx::CDevice* device);
//! Returns the current device
Gfx::CDevice* GetDevice();
//! Sets the terrain object
void SetTerrain(Gfx::CTerrain* terrain);
//! Returns the text rendering engine
CText* GetText();
//! Performs the initialization; must be called after device was set
bool Create();
//! Frees all resources before exit
void Destroy();
//! Resets some states and flushes textures after device was changed (e.g. resoulution changed)
void ResetAfterDeviceChanged();
//! Called once per frame, the call is the entry point for rendering
void Render();
//! Processes incoming event
bool ProcessEvent(const Event& event);
//! Called once per frame, the call is the entry point for animating the scene
void FrameMove(float rTime);
//! Evolved throughout the game
void StepSimulation(float rTime);
//! Initialize timestamps at the beginning of animation
void TimeInit();
//! Suspend animation
void TimeEnterGel();
//! Resume animation
void TimeExitGel();
//! Returns the relative time since last animation update
float TimeGet();
//! Writes a screenshot containing the current frame
bool WriteScreenShot(const std::string& fileName, int width, int height);
//! Reads settings from INI
bool ReadSettings();
//! Writes settings to INI
bool WriteSettings();
//! Management of game pause mode
void SetPause(bool pause);
bool GetPause();
//! Management of lock for the duration of movie sequence
void SetMovieLock(bool lock);
bool GetMovieLock();
//! Management of displaying statistic information
void SetShowStats(bool show);
bool GetShowStats();
//! Enables/disables rendering
void SetRenderEnable(bool enable);
//! Returns current size of viewport window
Math::IntSize GetWindowSize();
//! Returns the last size of viewport window
Math::IntSize GetLastWindowSize();
//! Converts window coords to interface coords
/** Conversion of the position of the mouse from window coords to interface coords:
- x: 0=left, 1=right
- y: 0=down, 1=up */
Math::Point WindowToInterfaceCoords(Math::IntPoint pos);
//! Converts interface coords to window coords
Math::IntPoint InterfaceToWindowCoords(Math::Point pos);
//! Converts window size to interface size
Math::Size WindowToInterfaceSize(Math::IntSize size);
//! Converts interface size to window size
Math::IntSize InterfaceToWindowSize(Math::Size size);
//! Returns the name of directory with textures
std::string GetTextureDir();
//! Increments the triangle counter for the current frame
void AddStatisticTriangle(int nb);
//! Returns the number of triangles in current frame
int GetStatisticTriangle();
/* *************** Object management *************** */
int CreateObject();
void FlushObject();
bool DeleteObject(int objRank);
bool SetDrawWorld(int objRank, bool draw);
bool SetDrawFront(int objRank, bool draw);
bool AddTriangle(int objRank, Gfx::VertexTex2* vertex, int nb, const Gfx::Material& mat,
int state, std::string texName1, std::string texName2,
float min, float max, bool globalUpdate);
bool AddSurface(int objRank, Gfx::VertexTex2* vertex, int nb, const Gfx::Material& mat,
int state, std::string texName1, std::string texName2,
float min, float max, bool globalUpdate);
bool AddQuick(int objRank, const Gfx::EngineObjLevel5& buffer,
std::string texName1, std::string texName2,
float min, float max, bool globalUpdate);
Gfx::EngineObjLevel5* SearchTriangle(int objRank, const Gfx::Material& mat,
int state, std::string texName1, std::string texName2,
float min, float max);
void ChangeLOD();
bool ChangeSecondTexture(int objRank, const std::string& texName2);
int GetTotalTriangles(int objRank);
int GetTriangles(int objRank, float min, float max, Gfx::EngineTriangle* buffer, int size, float percent);
bool GetBBox(int objRank, Math::Vector& min, Math::Vector& max);
bool ChangeTextureMapping(int objRank, const Gfx::Material& mat, int state,
const std::string& texName1, const std::string& texName2,
float min, float max, Gfx::EngineTextureMapping mode,
float au, float bu, float av, float bv);
bool TrackTextureMapping(int objRank, const Gfx::Material& mat, int state,
const std::string& texName1, const std::string& texName2,
float min, float max, Gfx::EngineTextureMapping mode,
float pos, float factor, float tl, float ts, float tt);
bool SetObjectTransform(int objRank, const Math::Matrix& transform);
bool GetObjectTransform(int objRank, Math::Matrix& transform);
bool SetObjectType(int objRank, Gfx::EngineObjectType type);
Gfx::EngineObjectType GetObjectType(int objRank);
bool SetObjectTransparency(int objRank, float value);
bool ShadowCreate(int objRank);
void ShadowDelete(int objRank);
bool SetObjectShadowHide(int objRank, bool hide);
bool SetObjectShadowType(int objRank, Gfx::EngineShadowType type);
bool SetObjectShadowPos(int objRank, const Math::Vector& pos);
bool SetObjectShadowNormal(int objRank, const Math::Vector& n);
bool SetObjectShadowAngle(int objRank, float angle);
bool SetObjectShadowRadius(int objRank, float radius);
bool SetObjectShadowIntensity(int objRank, float intensity);
bool SetObjectShadowHeight(int objRank, float h);
float GetObjectShadowRadius(int objRank);
//! Lists the ranks of objects and subobjects selected
void SetHighlightRank(int* rankList);
//! Returns the highlighted rectangle
bool GetHighlight(Math::Point& p1, Math::Point& p2);
void GroundSpotFlush();
int GroundSpotCreate();
void GroundSpotDelete(int rank);
bool SetObjectGroundSpotPos(int rank, const Math::Vector& pos);
bool SetObjectGroundSpotRadius(int rank, float radius);
bool SetObjectGroundSpotColor(int rank, const Gfx::Color& color);
bool SetObjectGroundSpotMinMax(int rank, float min, float max);
bool SetObjectGroundSpotSmooth(int rank, float smooth);
int GroundMarkCreate(Math::Vector pos, float radius,
float delay1, float delay2, float delay3,
int dx, int dy, char* table);
bool GroundMarkDelete(int rank);
//! Updates the state after creating objects
void Update();
/* *************** Mode setting *************** */
//! Sets the current rendering state
void SetState(int state, const Gfx::Color& color = Gfx::Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
//! Sets the current material
void SetMaterial(const Gfx::Material& mat);
//! Specifies the location and direction of view
void SetViewParams(const Math::Vector& eyePt, const Math::Vector& lookatPt,
const Math::Vector& upVec, float eyeDistance);
Gfx::Texture CreateTexture(const std::string& texName,
const Gfx::TextureCreateParams& params);
Gfx::Texture CreateTexture(const std::string& texName);
void DestroyTexture(const std::string& texName);
bool LoadTexture(const std::string& name, int stage = 0);
bool LoadAllTextures();
bool SetTexture(const std::string& name, int stage = 0);
//! Border management (distance limits) depends of the resolution (LOD = level-of-detail)
void SetLimitLOD(int rank, float limit);
float GetLimitLOD(int rank, bool last=false);
//! Defines of the distance field of vision
void SetTerrainVision(float vision);
//! Management of camera angle
0.75 = normal
1.50 = wide-angle */
void SetFocus(float focus);
float GetFocus();
//! Management of the global mode of marking
void SetGroundSpot(bool mode);
bool GetGroundSpot();
//! Management of the global mode of shading
void SetShadow(bool mode);
bool GetShadow();
//! Management of the global mode of contamination
void SetDirty(bool mode);
bool GetDirty();
//! Management of the global mode of horizontal fog patches
void SetFog(bool mode);
bool GetFog();
//! Indicates whether it is possible to give a color SetState
bool GetStateColor();
//! Management of the global mode of secondary texturing
void SetSecondTexture(int texNum);
int GetSecondTexture();
//! Management of view mode
void SetRankView(int rank);
int GetRankView();
//! Whether to draw the world
void SetDrawWorld(bool draw);
//! Whether to draw the world on the interface
void SetDrawFront(bool draw);
//! Ambient color management
void SetAmbientColor(const Gfx::Color& color, int rank = 0);
Gfx::Color GetAmbientColor(int rank = 0);
//! Color management under water
void SetWaterAddColor(const Gfx::Color& color);
Gfx::Color GetWaterAddColor();
//! Management of the fog color
void SetFogColor(const Gfx::Color& color, int rank = 0);
Gfx::Color GetFogColor(int rank = 0);
//! Management of the depth of field.
/** Beyond this distance, nothing is visible.
Shortly (according SetFogStart), one enters the fog. */
void SetDeepView(float length, int rank = 0, bool ref=false);
float GetDeepView(int rank = 0);
//! Management the start of fog.
/** With 0.0, the fog from the point of view (fog max).
With 1.0, the fog from the depth of field (no fog). */
void SetFogStart(float start, int rank = 0);
float GetFogStart(int rank = 0);
//! Management of the background image to use
void SetBackground(const std::string& name, Gfx::Color up = Gfx::Color(), Gfx::Color down = Gfx::Color(),
Gfx::Color cloudUp = Gfx::Color(), Gfx::Color cloudDown = Gfx::Color(),
bool full = false, bool quarter = false);
void GetBackground(std::string& name, Gfx::Color& up, Gfx::Color& down,
Gfx::Color& cloudUp, Gfx::Color& cloudDown,
bool& full, bool& quarter);
//! Specifies the foreground image
void SetForegroundImageName(const std::string& name);
//! Specifies whether to draw the foreground
void SetOverFront(bool front);
//! Sets the foreground overlay color
void SetOverColor(const Gfx::Color& color = Gfx::Color(), int mode = ENG_RSTATE_TCOLOR_BLACK);
//! Management of the particle density
void SetParticleDensity(float value);
float GetParticleDensity();
//! Adapts particle factor according to particle density
float ParticleAdapt(float factor);
//! Management of the distance of clipping.
void SetClippingDistance(float value);
float GetClippingDistance();
//! Management of objects detals.
void SetObjectDetail(float value);
float GetObjectDetail();
//! The amount of management objects gadgets
void SetGadgetQuantity(float value);
float GetGadgetQuantity();
//! Management the quality of textures
void SetTextureQuality(int value);
int GetTextureQuality();
//! Management mode of toto
void SetTotoMode(bool present);
bool GetTotoMode();
//! Management the mode of foreground
void SetLensMode(bool present);
bool GetLensMode();
//! Management the mode of water
void SetWaterMode(bool present);
bool GetWaterMode();
void SetLightingMode(bool present);
bool GetLightingMode();
//! Management the mode of sky
void SetSkyMode(bool present);
bool GetSkyMode();
//! Management the mode of background
void SetBackForce(bool present);
bool GetBackForce();
//! Management the mode of planets
void SetPlanetMode(bool present);
bool GetPlanetMode();
//! Managing the mode of dynamic lights.
void SetLightMode(bool present);
bool GetLightMode();
// TODO: move to more appropriate class ?
//! Management of the indentation mode while editing (CEdit)
void SetEditIndentMode(bool autoIndent);
bool GetEditIndentMode();
// TODO: move to more appropriate class ?
//! Management of tab indent when editing (CEdit)
void SetEditIndentValue(int value);
int GetEditIndentValue();
//! Management of game speed
void SetSpeed(float speed);
float GetSpeed();
//! Management of precision of robot tracks
void SetTracePrecision(float factor);
float GetTracePrecision();
//! Management of mouse cursor visibility
void SetMouseVisible(bool show);
bool GetMouseVisible();
//! Management of mouse cursor position
void SetMousePos(Math::Point pos);
Math::Point GetMousePos();
//! Management of mouse cursor type
void SetMouseType(Gfx::EngineMouseType type);
Gfx::EngineMouseType GetMouseType();
//! Returns the view matrix
const Math::Matrix& GetMatView();
//! Returns the camera center point
Math::Vector GetEyePt();
//! Returns the camera target point
Math::Vector GetLookatPt();
//! Returns the horizontal direction angle of view
float GetEyeDirH();
//! Returns the vertical direction angle of view
float GetEyeDirV();
//! Indicates whether a point is visible
bool IsVisiblePoint(const Math::Vector& pos);
//! Resets the projection matrix after changes
void UpdateMatProj();
//! Updates the scene after a change of parameters
void ApplyChange();
//! Prepares the interface for 3D scene
void Draw3DScene();
//! Draws the user interface over the scene
void DrawInterface();
//! Updates the textures used for drawing ground spot
void UpdateGroundSpotTextures();
//! Draws shadows
void DrawShadow();
//! Draws the gradient background
void DrawBackground();
//! Draws the gradient background
void DrawBackgroundGradient(const Gfx::Color& up, const Gfx::Color& down);
//! Draws a portion of the image background
void DrawBackgroundImageQuarter(Math::Point p1, Math::Point p2, const std::string& name);
//! Draws the image background
void DrawBackgroundImage();
//! Draws all the planets
void DrawPlanet();
//! Draws the image foreground
void DrawForegroundImage();
//! Draws the foreground color
void DrawOverColor();
//! Draws the rectangle of the object highlighted
void DrawHighlight();
//! Draws the mouse cursor
void DrawMouse();
//! Draw part of mouse cursor sprite
void DrawMouseSprite(Math::Point pos, Math::Point dim, int icon);
//! Tests whether the given object is visible
bool IsVisible(int objRank);
//! Detects whether an object is affected by the mouse
bool DetectBBox(int objRank, Math::Point mouse);
//! Compute and return the 2D box on screen of any object
bool GetBBox2D(int objRank, Math::Point& min, Math::Point& max);
//! Detects the target object that is selected with the mouse
/** Returns the rank of the object or -1. */
int DetectObject(Math::Point mouse);
//! Detects whether the mouse is in a triangle.
bool DetectTriangle(Math::Point mouse, Gfx::VertexTex2* triangle, int objRank, float& dist);
//! Transforms a 3D point (x, y, z) in 2D space (x, y, -) of the window
/** The coordinated p2D.z gives the distance. */
bool TransformPoint(Math::Vector& p2D, int objRank, Math::Vector p3D);
//! Calculates the distances between the viewpoint and the origin of different objects
void ComputeDistance();
//! Updates all the geometric parameters of objects
void UpdateGeometry();
CInstanceManager* m_iMan;
CApplication* m_app;
CSoundInterface* m_sound;
Gfx::CDevice* m_device;
Gfx::CText* m_text;
Gfx::CLightManager* m_lightMan;
Gfx::CParticle* m_particle;
Gfx::CWater* m_water;
Gfx::CCloud* m_cloud;
Gfx::CLightning* m_lightning;
Gfx::CPlanet* m_planet;
Gfx::CTerrain* m_terrain;
//! Last encountered error
std::string m_error;
//! Whether to show stats (FPS, etc)
bool m_showStats;
int m_blackSrcBlend[2];
int m_blackDestBlend[2];
int m_whiteSrcBlend[2];
int m_whiteDestBlend[2];
int m_diffuseSrcBlend[2];
int m_diffuseDestBlend[2];
int m_alphaSrcBlend[2];
int m_alphaDestBlend[2];
Math::Matrix m_matProj;
Math::Matrix m_matLeftView;
Math::Matrix m_matRightView;
Math::Matrix m_matView;
float m_focus;
Math::Matrix m_matWorldInterface;
Math::Matrix m_matProjInterface;
Math::Matrix m_matViewInterface;
long m_baseTime;
long m_stopTime;
float m_absTime;
float m_lastTime;
float m_speed;
bool m_pause;
bool m_render;
bool m_movieLock;
//! Current size of viewport window
Math::IntSize m_size;
//! Previous size of viewport window
Math::IntSize m_lastSize;
std::vector<Gfx::EngineObjLevel1> m_objectTree;
std::vector<Gfx::EngineObject> m_objects;
std::vector<Gfx::EngineShadow> m_shadow;
std::vector<Gfx::EngineGroundSpot> m_groundSpot;
Gfx::EngineGroundMark m_groundMark;
Math::Vector m_eyePt;
Math::Vector m_lookatPt;
float m_eyeDirH;
float m_eyeDirV;
int m_rankView;
Gfx::Color m_ambientColor[2];
Gfx::Color m_backColor[2];
Gfx::Color m_fogColor[2];
float m_deepView[2];
float m_fogStart[2];
Gfx::Color m_waterAddColor;
int m_statisticTriangle;
bool m_updateGeometry;
int m_alphaMode;
bool m_stateColor;
bool m_forceStateColor;
bool m_groundSpotVisible;
bool m_shadowVisible;
bool m_dirty;
bool m_fog;
bool m_firstGroundSpot;
int m_secondTexNum;
std::string m_backgroundName;
Gfx::Color m_backgroundColorUp;
Gfx::Color m_backgroundColorDown;
Gfx::Color m_backgroundCloudUp;
Gfx::Color m_backgroundCloudDown;
bool m_backgroundFull;
bool m_backgroundQuarter;
bool m_overFront;
Gfx::Color m_overColor;
int m_overMode;
std::string m_foregroundImageName;
bool m_drawWorld;
bool m_drawFront;
float m_limitLOD[2];
float m_particleDensity;
float m_clippingDistance;
float m_lastClippingDistance;
float m_objectDetail;
float m_lastObjectDetail;
float m_terrainVision;
float m_gadgetQuantity;
int m_textureQuality;
bool m_totoMode;
bool m_lensMode;
bool m_waterMode;
bool m_skyMode;
bool m_backForce;
bool m_planetMode;
bool m_lightMode;
bool m_editIndentMode;
int m_editIndentValue;
float m_tracePrecision;
int m_highlightRank[100];
bool m_highlight;
Math::Point m_highlightP1;
Math::Point m_highlightP2;
int m_lastState;
Gfx::Color m_lastColor;
char m_lastTexture[2][50];
Gfx::Material m_lastMaterial;
std::string m_texPath;
Gfx::TextureCreateParams m_defaultTexParams;
std::map<std::string, Gfx::Texture> m_texNameMap;
std::map<Gfx::Texture, std::string> m_revTexNameMap;
Gfx::EngineMouse m_mice[Gfx::ENG_MOUSE_COUNT];
Gfx::Texture m_miceTexture;
Math::Point m_mouseSize;
Gfx::EngineMouseType m_mouseType;
Math::Point m_mousePos;
bool m_mouseVisible;
}; // namespace Gfx