279 lines
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279 lines
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// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code
// * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch
// *
// * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// * (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
// taskmanager.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
#include "object/task/taskmanager.h"
#include "common/iman.h"
#include "object/task/taskwait.h"
#include "object/task/taskadvance.h"
#include "object/task/taskturn.h"
#include "object/task/tasktake.h"
#include "object/task/taskbuild.h"
#include "object/task/tasksearch.h"
#include "object/task/taskterraform.h"
#include "object/task/taskpen.h"
#include "object/task/taskrecover.h"
#include "object/task/taskinfo.h"
#include "object/task/taskfire.h"
#include "object/task/taskfireant.h"
#include "object/task/taskgungoal.h"
#include "object/task/taskspiderexplo.h"
#include "object/task/taskreset.h"
// Object's constructor.
CTaskManager::CTaskManager(CInstanceManager* iMan, CObject* object)
m_iMan = iMan;
m_iMan->AddInstance(CLASS_TASKMANAGER, this, 100);
m_task = 0;
m_object = object;
m_bPilot = false;
// Object's destructor.
delete m_task;
// Waits for a while.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskWait(float time)
m_task = new CTaskWait(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskWait*)m_task)->Start(time);
// Advance straight ahead a certain distance.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskAdvance(float length)
m_task = new CTaskAdvance(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskAdvance*)m_task)->Start(length);
// Turns through an certain angle.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskTurn(float angle)
m_task = new CTaskTurn(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskTurn*)m_task)->Start(angle);
// Reaches a given position.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskGoto(Math::Vector pos, float altitude, TaskGotoGoal goalMode, TaskGotoCrash crashMode)
m_task = new CTaskGoto(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskGoto*)m_task)->Start(pos, altitude, goalMode, crashMode);
// Move the manipulator arm.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskTake()
m_task = new CTaskTake(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskTake*)m_task)->Start();
// Move the manipulator arm.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskManip(TaskManipOrder order, TaskManipArm arm)
m_task = new CTaskManip(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskManip*)m_task)->Start(order, arm);
// Puts or removes a flag.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskFlag(TaskFlagOrder order, int rank)
m_task = new CTaskFlag(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskFlag*)m_task)->Start(order, rank);
// Builds a building.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskBuild(ObjectType type)
m_task = new CTaskBuild(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskBuild*)m_task)->Start(type);
// Probe the ground.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskSearch()
m_task = new CTaskSearch(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskSearch*)m_task)->Start();
// Reads an information terminal.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskInfo(const char *name, float value, float power, bool bSend)
m_task = new CTaskInfo(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskInfo*)m_task)->Start(name, value, power, bSend);
// Terraforms the ground.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskTerraform()
m_task = new CTaskTerraform(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskTerraform*)m_task)->Start();
// Changes the pencil.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskPen(bool bDown, int color)
m_task = new CTaskPen(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskPen*)m_task)->Start(bDown, color);
// Recovers a ruin.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskRecover()
m_task = new CTaskRecover(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskRecover*)m_task)->Start();
// Deploys the shield.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskShield(TaskShieldMode mode, float delay)
if ( mode == TSM_UP )
m_task = new CTaskShield(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskShield*)m_task)->Start(mode, delay);
if ( mode == TSM_DOWN && m_task != 0 )
return ((CTaskShield*)m_task)->Start(mode, delay);
if ( mode == TSM_UPDATE && m_task != 0 )
return ((CTaskShield*)m_task)->Start(mode, delay);
// Shoots.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskFire(float delay)
m_bPilot = true;
m_task = new CTaskFire(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskFire*)m_task)->Start(delay);
// Shoots with the ant.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskFireAnt(Math::Vector impact)
m_task = new CTaskFireAnt(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskFireAnt*)m_task)->Start(impact);
// Adjusts higher.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskGunGoal(float dirV, float dirH)
m_task = new CTaskGunGoal(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskGunGoal*)m_task)->Start(dirV, dirH);
// Suicide of the spider.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskSpiderExplo()
m_task = new CTaskSpiderExplo(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskSpiderExplo*)m_task)->Start();
// Reset.
Error CTaskManager::StartTaskReset(Math::Vector goal, Math::Vector angle)
m_task = new CTaskReset(m_iMan, m_object);
return ((CTaskReset*)m_task)->Start(goal, angle);
// Management of an event.
bool CTaskManager::EventProcess(const Event &event)
if ( m_task == 0 ) return false;
return m_task->EventProcess(event);
// Indicates whether the action is finished.
Error CTaskManager::IsEnded()
if ( m_task == 0 ) return ERR_GENERIC;
return m_task->IsEnded();
// Indicates whether the action is pending.
bool CTaskManager::IsBusy()
if ( m_task == 0 ) return false;
return m_task->IsBusy();
// Indicates whether it is possible to control the robot
// during the execution of the current task.
bool CTaskManager::IsPilot()
return m_bPilot;
// Suddenly ends the current action.
bool CTaskManager::Abort()
if ( m_task == 0 ) return false;
return m_task->Abort();