272 lines
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272 lines
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// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code
// * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch
// *
// * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// * (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
// camera.h
#ifndef _CAMERA_H_
#define _CAMERA_H_
#include "d3dengine.h"
#include "struct.h"
class CInstanceManager;
class CD3DEngine;
class CTerrain;
class CWater;
class CObject;
enum CameraType
CAMERA_NULL = 0, // camera undefined
CAMERA_FREE = 1, // camera free (never in principle)
CAMERA_EDIT = 2, // camera while editing a program
CAMERA_ONBOARD = 3, // camera on board a robot
CAMERA_BACK = 4, // camera behind a robot
CAMERA_FIX = 5, // static camera following robot
CAMERA_EXPLO = 6, // camera steady after explosion
CAMERA_SCRIPT = 7, // camera during a film script
CAMERA_INFO = 8, // camera for displaying information
CAMERA_VISIT = 9, // visit instead of an error
CAMERA_DIALOG = 10, // camera for dialogue
CAMERA_PLANE = 11, // static camera height
enum CameraSmooth
CS_NONE = 0, // sharp
CS_NORM = 1, // normal
CS_HARD = 2, // hard
CS_SPEC = 3, // special
enum CenteringPhase
CP_NULL = 0,
CP_WAIT = 2,
CP_STOP = 3,
enum CameraEffect
CE_NULL = 0, // no effect
CE_TERRAFORM = 1, // digging in
CE_CRASH = 2, // Vehicle driving is severely
CE_EXPLO = 3, // explosion
CE_SHOT = 4, // not mortal shot
CE_VIBRATION = 5, // vibration during construction
CE_PET = 6, // spleen reactor
enum OverEffect
OE_NULL = 0, // no effect
OE_BLOOD = 1, // flash red
OE_FADEINw = 2, // white -> nothing
OE_FADEOUTw = 3, // nothing -> white
OE_FADEOUTb = 4, // nothing -> blue
OE_BLITZ = 5, // lightning
class CCamera
CCamera(CInstanceManager* iMan);
BOOL EventProcess(const Event &event);
void Init(D3DVECTOR eye, D3DVECTOR lookat, float delay);
void SetObject(CObject* object);
CObject* RetObject();
void SetType(CameraType type);
CameraType RetType();
void SetSmooth(CameraSmooth type);
CameraSmooth RetSmoth();
void SetDist(float dist);
float RetDist();
void SetFixDirection(float angle);
float RetFixDirection();
void SetRemotePan(float value);
float RetRemotePan();
void SetRemoteZoom(float value);
float RetRemoteZoom();
void StartVisit(D3DVECTOR goal, float dist);
void StopVisit();
void RetCamera(D3DVECTOR &eye, D3DVECTOR &lookat);
BOOL StartCentering(CObject *object, float angleH, float angleV, float dist, float time);
BOOL StopCentering(CObject *object, float time);
void AbortCentering();
void FlushEffect();
void StartEffect(CameraEffect effect, D3DVECTOR pos, float force);
void FlushOver();
void SetOverBaseColor(D3DCOLORVALUE color);
void StartOver(OverEffect effect, D3DVECTOR pos, float force);
void FixCamera();
void SetScriptEye(D3DVECTOR eye);
void SetScriptLookat(D3DVECTOR lookat);
void SetEffect(BOOL bEnable);
void SetCameraScroll(BOOL bScroll);
void SetCameraInvertX(BOOL bInvert);
void SetCameraInvertY(BOOL bInvert);
float RetMotorTurn();
D3DMouse RetMouseDef(FPOINT pos);
BOOL EventMouseMove(const Event &event);
void EventMouseWheel(int dir);
BOOL EventFrame(const Event &event);
BOOL EventFrameFree(const Event &event);
BOOL EventFrameEdit(const Event &event);
BOOL EventFrameDialog(const Event &event);
BOOL EventFrameBack(const Event &event);
BOOL EventFrameFix(const Event &event);
BOOL EventFrameExplo(const Event &event);
BOOL EventFrameOnBoard(const Event &event);
BOOL EventFrameInfo(const Event &event);
BOOL EventFrameVisit(const Event &event);
BOOL EventFrameScript(const Event &event);
void SetViewTime(const D3DVECTOR &vEyePt, const D3DVECTOR &vLookatPt, float rTime);
BOOL IsCollision(D3DVECTOR &eye, D3DVECTOR lookat);
BOOL IsCollisionBack(D3DVECTOR &eye, D3DVECTOR lookat);
BOOL IsCollisionFix(D3DVECTOR &eye, D3DVECTOR lookat);
D3DVECTOR ExcludeTerrain(D3DVECTOR eye, D3DVECTOR lookat, float &angleH, float &angleV);
D3DVECTOR ExcludeObject(D3DVECTOR eye, D3DVECTOR lookat, float &angleH, float &angleV);
void SetViewParams(const D3DVECTOR &eye, const D3DVECTOR &lookat, const D3DVECTOR &up);
void EffectFrame(const Event &event);
void OverFrame(const Event &event);
CInstanceManager* m_iMan;
CD3DEngine* m_engine;
CTerrain* m_terrain;
CWater* m_water;
CameraType m_type; // the type of camera (CAMERA *)
CameraSmooth m_smooth; // type of smoothing
CObject* m_cameraObj; // object linked to the camera
float m_eyeDistance; // distance between the eyes
float m_initDelay; // time of initial centering
D3DVECTOR m_actualEye; // current eye
D3DVECTOR m_actualLookat; // aim current
D3DVECTOR m_finalEye; // final eye
D3DVECTOR m_finalLookat; // aim final
D3DVECTOR m_normEye; // normal eye
D3DVECTOR m_normLookat; // aim normal
float m_focus;
BOOL m_bRightDown;
FPOINT m_rightPosInit;
FPOINT m_rightPosCenter;
FPOINT m_rightPosMove;
D3DVECTOR m_eyePt; // CAMERA_FREE: eye
float m_directionH; // CAMERA_FREE: horizontal direction
float m_directionV; // CAMERA_FREE: vertical direction
float m_heightEye; // CAMERA_FREE: height above the ground
float m_heightLookat; // CAMERA_FREE: height above the ground
float m_speed; // CAMERA_FREE: speed of movement
float m_backDist; // CAMERA_BACK: distance
float m_backMin; // CAMERA_BACK: distance minimal
float m_addDirectionH; // CAMERA_BACK: additional direction
float m_addDirectionV; // CAMERA_BACK: additional direction
BOOL m_bTransparency;
float m_fixDist; // CAMERA_FIX: distance
float m_fixDirectionH; // CAMERA_FIX: direction
float m_fixDirectionV; // CAMERA_FIX: direction
D3DVECTOR m_visitGoal; // CAMERA_VISIT: target position
float m_visitDist; // CAMERA_VISIT: distance
float m_visitTime; // CAMERA_VISIT: relative time
CameraType m_visitType; // CAMERA_VISIT: initial type
float m_visitDirectionH; // CAMERA_VISIT: direction
float m_visitDirectionV; // CAMERA_VISIT: direction
float m_editHeight; // CAMERA_EDIT: height
float m_remotePan;
float m_remoteZoom;
FPOINT m_mousePos;
float m_mouseDirH;
float m_mouseDirV;
float m_mouseMarging;
float m_motorTurn;
CenteringPhase m_centeringPhase;
float m_centeringAngleH;
float m_centeringAngleV;
float m_centeringDist;
float m_centeringCurrentH;
float m_centeringCurrentV;
float m_centeringTime;
float m_centeringProgress;
CameraEffect m_effectType;
D3DVECTOR m_effectPos;
float m_effectForce;
float m_effectProgress;
D3DVECTOR m_effectOffset;
OverEffect m_overType;
float m_overForce;
float m_overTime;
D3DCOLORVALUE m_overColorBase;
D3DCOLORVALUE m_overColor;
int m_overMode;
float m_overFadeIn;
float m_overFadeOut;
D3DVECTOR m_scriptEye;
D3DVECTOR m_scriptLookat;
BOOL m_bEffect; // shocks if explosion?
BOOL m_bCameraScroll; // scroll in the edges?
BOOL m_bCameraInvertX; // X inversion in the edges?
BOOL m_bCameraInvertY; // Y inversion in the edges?
#endif //_CAMERA_H_