954 lines
28 KiB
954 lines
28 KiB
* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
* Copyright (C) 2001-2016, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses
#include "CBot/CBotStack.h"
#include "CBot/CBotClass.h"
#include "CBot/CBotInstr/CBotFunction.h"
#include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarPointer.h"
#include "CBot/CBotVar/CBotVarClass.h"
#include "CBot/CBotFileUtils.h"
#include "CBot/CBotUtils.h"
#include "CBot/CBotExternalCall.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
namespace CBot
const int DEFAULT_TIMER = 100;
int CBotStack::m_initimer = DEFAULT_TIMER;
int CBotStack::m_timer = 0;
CBotVar* CBotStack::m_retvar = nullptr;
CBotError CBotStack::m_error = CBotNoErr;
int CBotStack::m_start = 0;
int CBotStack::m_end = 0;
std::string CBotStack::m_labelBreak="";
void* CBotStack::m_pUser = nullptr;
CBotStack* CBotStack::AllocateStack()
CBotStack* p;
long size = sizeof(CBotStack);
size *= (MAXSTACK+10);
// request a slice of memory for the stack
p = static_cast<CBotStack*>(malloc(size));
// completely empty
memset(p, 0, size);
p->m_block = BlockVisibilityType::BLOCK;
m_timer = m_initimer; // sets the timer at the beginning
CBotStack* pp = p;
int i;
for ( i = 0 ; i< 10 ; i++ )
pp->m_bOver = true;
pp ++;
m_error = CBotNoErr; // avoids deadlocks because m_error is static
return p;
void CBotStack::Delete()
if (m_next != nullptr) m_next->Delete();
if (m_next2 != nullptr) m_next2->Delete();
if (m_prev != nullptr)
if ( m_prev->m_next == this )
m_prev->m_next = nullptr; // removes chain
if ( m_prev->m_next2 == this )
m_prev->m_next2 = nullptr; // removes chain
delete m_var;
delete m_listVar;
CBotStack* p = m_prev;
bool bOver = m_bOver;
// clears the freed block
memset(this, 0, sizeof(CBotStack));
m_bOver = bOver;
if ( p == nullptr )
free( this );
// routine improved
CBotStack* CBotStack::AddStack(CBotInstr* instr, BlockVisibilityType bBlock)
if (m_next != nullptr)
return m_next; // included in an existing stack
CBotStack* p = this;
p ++;
while ( p->m_prev != nullptr );
m_next = p; // chain an element
p->m_block = bBlock;
p->m_instr = instr;
p->m_prog = m_prog;
p->m_step = 0;
p->m_prev = this;
p->m_state = 0;
p->m_call = nullptr;
p->m_func = IsFunction::NO;
p->m_callFinished = false;
return p;
CBotStack* CBotStack::AddStackExternalCall(CBotExternalCall* instr, BlockVisibilityType bBlock)
if (m_next != nullptr)
return m_next; // included in an existing stack
CBotStack* p = AddStack(nullptr, bBlock);
p->m_call = instr;
p->m_func = IsFunction::EXTERNAL_CALL;
return p;
CBotStack* CBotStack::AddStack2(BlockVisibilityType bBlock)
if (m_next2 != nullptr)
m_next2->m_prog = m_prog; // special avoids RestoreStack2
return m_next2; // included in an existing stack
CBotStack* p = this;
p ++;
while ( p->m_prev != nullptr );
m_next2 = p; // chain an element
p->m_prev = this;
p->m_block = bBlock;
p->m_prog = m_prog;
p->m_step = 0;
return p;
CBotStack::BlockVisibilityType CBotStack::GetBlock()
return m_block;
bool CBotStack::Return(CBotStack* pfils)
if ( pfils == this ) return true; // special
if (m_var != nullptr) delete m_var; // value replaced?
m_var = pfils->m_var; // result transmitted
pfils->m_var = nullptr; // not to destroy the variable
if (m_next != nullptr)
// releases the stack above
m_next = nullptr;
if (m_next2 != nullptr)
// also the second stack (catch)
m_next2 = nullptr;
return IsOk(); // interrupted if error
bool CBotStack::ReturnKeep(CBotStack* pfils)
if ( pfils == this ) return true; // special
if (m_var != nullptr) delete m_var; // value replaced?
m_var = pfils->m_var; // result transmitted
pfils->m_var = nullptr; // not to destroy the variable
return IsOk(); // interrupted if error
bool CBotStack::StackOver()
if (!m_bOver) return false;
m_error = CBotErrStackOver;
return true;
void CBotStack::Reset()
m_timer = m_initimer; // resets the timer
m_error = CBotNoErr;
// m_start = 0;
// m_end = 0;
CBotStack* CBotStack::RestoreStack(CBotInstr* instr)
if (m_next != nullptr)
m_next->m_instr = instr; // reset (if recovery after )
m_next->m_prog = m_prog;
return m_next; // included in an existing stack
return nullptr;
CBotStack* CBotStack::RestoreStackEOX(CBotExternalCall* instr)
CBotStack* p = RestoreStack();
p->m_call = instr;
return p;
// routine for execution step by step
bool CBotStack::IfStep()
if ( m_initimer > 0 || m_step++ > 0 ) return false;
return true;
bool CBotStack::BreakReturn(CBotStack* pfils, const std::string& name)
if ( m_error>=0 ) return false; // normal output
if ( m_error==CBotError(-3) ) return false; // normal output (return current)
if (!m_labelBreak.empty() && (name.empty() || m_labelBreak != name))
return false; // it's not for me
m_error = CBotNoErr;
return Return(pfils);
bool CBotStack::IfContinue(int state, const std::string& name)
if ( m_error != CBotError(-2) ) return false;
if (!m_labelBreak.empty() && (name.empty() || m_labelBreak != name))
return false; // it's not for me
m_state = state; // where again?
m_error = CBotNoErr;
if (m_next != nullptr) m_next->Delete(); // purge above stack
return true;
void CBotStack::SetBreak(int val, const std::string& name)
m_error = static_cast<CBotError>(-val); // reacts as an Exception
m_labelBreak = name;
if (val == 3) // for a return
m_retvar = m_var;
m_var = nullptr;
// gives on the stack value calculated by the last CBotReturn
bool CBotStack::GetRetVar(bool bRet)
if (m_error == CBotError(-3))
if ( m_var ) delete m_var;
m_var = m_retvar;
m_retvar = nullptr;
m_error = CBotNoErr;
return true;
return bRet; // interrupted by something other than return
CBotVar* CBotStack::FindVar(CBotToken*& pToken, bool bUpdate)
CBotStack* p = this;
std::string name = pToken->GetString();
while (p != nullptr)
CBotVar* pp = p->m_listVar;
while ( pp != nullptr)
if (pp->GetName() == name)
if ( bUpdate )
return pp;
pp = pp->m_next;
p = p->m_prev;
return nullptr;
CBotVar* CBotStack::FindVar(const std::string& name)
CBotStack* p = this;
while (p != nullptr)
CBotVar* pp = p->m_listVar;
while ( pp != nullptr)
if (pp->GetName() == name)
return pp;
pp = pp->m_next;
p = p->m_prev;
return nullptr;
CBotVar* CBotStack::FindVar(long ident, bool bUpdate)
CBotStack* p = this;
while (p != nullptr)
CBotVar* pp = p->m_listVar;
while ( pp != nullptr)
if (pp->GetUniqNum() == ident)
if ( bUpdate )
return pp;
pp = pp->m_next;
p = p->m_prev;
return nullptr;
CBotVar* CBotStack::FindVar(CBotToken& pToken, bool bUpdate)
CBotToken* pt = &pToken;
return FindVar(pt, bUpdate);
CBotVar* CBotStack::CopyVar(CBotToken& pToken, bool bUpdate)
CBotVar* pVar = FindVar(pToken, bUpdate);
if ( pVar == nullptr) return nullptr;
CBotVar* pCopy = CBotVar::Create(pVar);
return pCopy;
bool CBotStack::SetState(int n, int limite)
m_state = n;
m_timer--; // decrement the timer
return ( m_timer > limite ); // interrupted if timer pass
bool CBotStack::IncState(int limite)
m_timer--; // decrement the timer
return ( m_timer > limite ); // interrupted if timer pass
void CBotStack::SetError(CBotError n, CBotToken* token)
if (n != CBotNoErr && m_error != CBotNoErr) return; // does not change existing error
m_error = n;
if (token != nullptr)
m_start = token->GetStart();
m_end = token->GetEnd();
void CBotStack::ResetError(CBotError n, int start, int end)
m_error = n;
m_start = start;
m_end = end;
void CBotStack::SetPosError(CBotToken* token)
m_start = token->GetStart();
m_end = token->GetEnd();
void CBotStack::SetTimer(int n)
m_initimer = n;
int CBotStack::GetTimer()
return m_initimer;
bool CBotStack::Execute()
CBotExternalCall* instr = nullptr; // the most highest instruction
CBotStack* pile;
CBotStack* p = this;
while (p != nullptr)
if ( p->m_next2 != nullptr ) break;
if ( p->m_call != nullptr )
instr = p->m_call;
pile = p->m_prev ;
p = p->m_next;
if ( instr == nullptr ) return true; // normal execution request
if (!instr->Run(nullptr, pile)) return false; // resume interrupted execution
if (pile->m_next != nullptr) pile->m_next->Delete();
pile->m_callFinished = true;
return true;
// puts on the stack pointer to a variable
void CBotStack::SetVar( CBotVar* var )
if (m_var) delete m_var; // replacement of a variable
m_var = var;
// puts on the stack a copy of a variable
void CBotStack::SetCopyVar( CBotVar* var )
if (m_var) delete m_var; // replacement of a variable
m_var = CBotVar::Create("", var->GetTypResult(CBotVar::GetTypeMode::CLASS_AS_INTRINSIC));
m_var->Copy( var );
CBotVar* CBotStack::GetVar()
return m_var;
long CBotStack::GetVal()
if (m_var == nullptr) return 0;
return m_var->GetValInt();
void CBotStack::AddVar(CBotVar* pVar)
CBotStack* p = this;
// returns to the father element
while (p != nullptr && p->m_block == BlockVisibilityType::INSTRUCTION) p = p->m_prev;
if ( p == nullptr ) return;
CBotVar** pp = &p->m_listVar;
while ( *pp != nullptr ) pp = &(*pp)->m_next;
*pp = pVar; // added after
void CBotStack::SetProgram(CBotProgram* p)
m_prog = p;
m_func = IsFunction::YES;
CBotProgram* CBotStack::GetProgram(bool bFirst)
if ( ! bFirst ) return m_prog;
CBotStack* p = this;
while ( p->m_prev != nullptr ) p = p->m_prev;
return p->m_prog;
void* CBotStack::GetUserPtr()
return m_pUser;
void CBotStack::SetUserPtr(void* user)
m_pUser = user;
bool CBotStack::ExecuteCall(long& nIdent, CBotToken* token, CBotVar** ppVar, const CBotTypResult& rettype)
int res;
// first looks by the identifier
res = m_prog->GetExternalCalls()->DoCall(nullptr, nullptr, ppVar, this, rettype);
if (res >= 0) return res;
res = CBotFunction::DoCall(m_prog, m_prog->GetFunctions(), nIdent, "", ppVar, this, token);
if (res >= 0) return res;
// if not found (recompile?) seeks by name
nIdent = 0;
res = m_prog->GetExternalCalls()->DoCall(token, nullptr, ppVar, this, rettype);
if (res >= 0) return res;
res = CBotFunction::DoCall(m_prog, m_prog->GetFunctions(), nIdent, token->GetString(), ppVar, this, token);
if (res >= 0) return res;
SetError(CBotErrUndefFunc, token);
return true;
void CBotStack::RestoreCall(long& nIdent, CBotToken* token, CBotVar** ppVar)
if (m_next == nullptr) return;
if (m_prog->GetExternalCalls()->RestoreCall(token, nullptr, ppVar, this))
CBotFunction::RestoreCall(m_prog->GetFunctions(), nIdent, token->GetString(), ppVar, this);
void CBotStack::GetRunPos(std::string& functionName, int& start, int& end)
CBotProgram* prog = m_prog; // Current program
CBotInstr* funct = nullptr; // function found
CBotInstr* instr = nullptr; // the highest intruction
CBotStack* p = this;
while (p->m_next != nullptr)
if ( p->m_instr != nullptr ) instr = p->m_instr;
if (p->m_func == IsFunction::YES && p->m_instr != nullptr ) funct = p->m_instr;
if ( p->m_next->m_prog != prog ) break ;
if (p->m_next2 && p->m_next2->m_state != 0) p = p->m_next2 ;
else p = p->m_next;
if ( p->m_instr != nullptr ) instr = p->m_instr;
if (p->m_func == IsFunction::YES && p->m_instr != nullptr ) funct = p->m_instr;
if ( funct == nullptr ) return;
CBotToken* t = funct->GetToken();
functionName = t->GetString();
// if ( p->m_instr != nullptr ) instr = p->m_instr;
t = instr->GetToken();
start = t->GetStart();
end = t->GetEnd();
CBotVar* CBotStack::GetStackVars(std::string& functionName, int level)
CBotProgram* prog = m_prog; // current program
functionName = "";
// back the stack in the current module
CBotStack* p = this;
while (p->m_next != nullptr)
if ( p->m_next->m_prog != prog ) break ;
if (p->m_next2 && p->m_next2->m_state != 0) p = p->m_next2 ;
else p = p->m_next;
// Now p is the highest element on the stack
// descends upon the elements of block
while ( p != nullptr && p->m_block == BlockVisibilityType::INSTRUCTION) p = p->m_prev;
// Now p is on the beggining of the top block (with local variables)
while ( p != nullptr && level++ < 0 )
p = p->m_prev;
while ( p != nullptr && p->m_block == BlockVisibilityType::INSTRUCTION) p = p->m_prev;
// Now p is on the block "level"
if ( p == nullptr ) return nullptr;
// search the name of the current function
CBotStack* pp = p;
while ( pp != nullptr )
if (pp->m_func == IsFunction::YES) break;
pp = pp->m_prev;
if ( pp == nullptr || pp->m_instr == nullptr ) return nullptr;
CBotToken* t = pp->m_instr->GetToken();
functionName = t->GetString();
return p->m_listVar;
bool CBotStack::SaveState(FILE* pf)
if (m_next2 != nullptr)
if (!WriteWord(pf, 2)) return false; // a marker of type (m_next2)
if (!m_next2->SaveState(pf)) return false; // saves the next element
if (!WriteWord(pf, 1)) return false; // a marker of type (m_next)
if (!WriteWord(pf, static_cast<unsigned short>(m_block))) return false;
if (!WriteWord(pf, m_state)) return false;
if (!WriteWord(pf, 0)) return false; // for backwards combatibility (m_bDontDelete)
if (!WriteWord(pf, m_step)) return false;
if (!SaveVars(pf, m_var)) return false; // current result
if (!SaveVars(pf, m_listVar)) return false; // local variables
if (m_next != nullptr)
if (!m_next->SaveState(pf)) return false; // saves the next element
if (!WriteWord(pf, 0)) return false; // terminator
return true;
bool SaveVars(FILE* pf, CBotVar* pVar)
while (pVar != nullptr)
if (!pVar->Save0State(pf)) return false; // common header
if (!pVar->Save1State(pf)) return false; // saves the data
pVar = pVar->GetNext();
return WriteWord(pf, 0); // terminator
bool CBotStack::RestoreState(FILE* pf, CBotStack* &pStack)
unsigned short w;
if (pStack != this) pStack = nullptr;
if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false;
if ( w == 0 ) return true; // 0 - terminator
if (pStack == nullptr) pStack = AddStack();
if ( w == 2 ) // 2 - m_next2
if (!pStack->RestoreState(pf, pStack->m_next2)) return false;
if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false;
pStack->m_block = static_cast<BlockVisibilityType>(w);
if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false;
if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false; // backwards compatibility (m_bDontDelete)
if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false;
pStack->m_step = w;
if (!CBotVar::RestoreState(pf, pStack->m_var)) return false; // temp variable
if (!CBotVar::RestoreState(pf, pStack->m_listVar)) return false;// local variables
return pStack->RestoreState(pf, pStack->m_next);
bool CBotVar::Save0State(FILE* pf)
if (!WriteWord(pf, 100+static_cast<int>(m_mPrivate)))return false; // private variable?
if (!WriteWord(pf, m_bStatic))return false; // static variable?
if (!WriteWord(pf, m_type.GetType()))return false; // saves the type (always non-zero)
if (m_type.Eq(CBotTypPointer) && GetPointer() != nullptr)
if (GetPointer()->m_bConstructor) // constructor was called?
if (!WriteWord(pf, (2000 + static_cast<unsigned short>(m_binit)) )) return false;
return WriteString(pf, m_token->GetString()); // and variable name
if (!WriteWord(pf, static_cast<unsigned short>(m_binit))) return false; // variable defined?
return WriteString(pf, m_token->GetString()); // and variable name
bool CBotVar::RestoreState(FILE* pf, CBotVar* &pVar)
unsigned short w, wi, prv, st;
float ww;
std::string name, s;
delete pVar;
pVar = nullptr;
CBotVar* pNew = nullptr;
CBotVar* pPrev = nullptr;
while ( true ) // retrieves a list
if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false; // private or type?
if ( w == 0 ) return true;
std::string defnum;
if ( w == 200 )
if (!ReadString(pf, defnum)) return false; // number with identifier
if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false; // type
prv = 100; st = 0;
if ( w >= 100 )
prv = w;
if (!ReadWord(pf, st)) return false; // static
if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false; // type
if ( w == CBotTypClass ) w = CBotTypIntrinsic; // necessarily intrinsic
if (!ReadWord(pf, wi)) return false; // init ?
bool bConstructor = false;
if (w == CBotTypPointer && wi >= 2000)
wi -= 2000;
bConstructor = true;
CBotVar::InitType initType = static_cast<CBotVar::InitType>(wi);
if (!ReadString(pf, name)) return false; // variable name
CBotToken token(name, std::string());
bool isClass = false;
switch (w)
case CBotTypInt:
case CBotTypBoolean:
pNew = CBotVar::Create(token, w); // creates a variable
if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false;
pNew->SetValInt(static_cast<short>(w), defnum);
case CBotTypFloat:
pNew = CBotVar::Create(token, w); // creates a variable
if (!ReadFloat(pf, ww)) return false;
case CBotTypString:
pNew = CBotVar::Create(token, w); // creates a variable
if (!ReadString(pf, s)) return false;
// returns an intrinsic object or element of an array
case CBotTypIntrinsic:
isClass = true;
case CBotTypArrayBody:
CBotTypResult r;
long id;
if (!ReadType(pf, r)) return false; // complete type
if (!ReadLong(pf, id) ) return false;
// if (!ReadString(pf, s)) return false;
CBotVar* p = nullptr;
if ( id ) p = CBotVarClass::Find(id) ;
pNew = new CBotVarClass(token, r); // directly creates an instance
// attention cptuse = 0
if ( !RestoreState(pf, (static_cast<CBotVarClass*>(pNew))->m_pVar)) return false;
if (isClass && p == nullptr) // set id for each item in this instance
CBotVar* pVars = pNew->GetItemList();
CBotVar* pv = pNew->GetClass()->GetVar();
while (pVars != nullptr && pv != nullptr)
pVars->m_ident = pv->m_ident;
pv = pv->GetNext();
pVars = pVars->GetNext();
if ( p != nullptr )
delete pNew;
pNew = p; // resume known element
case CBotTypPointer:
case CBotTypNullPointer:
if (!ReadString(pf, s)) return false; // name of the class
CBotTypResult ptrType(w, s);
pNew = CBotVar::Create(token, ptrType);// creates a variable
// CBotVarClass* p = nullptr;
long id;
ReadLong(pf, id);
// if ( id ) p = CBotVarClass::Find(id); // found the instance (made by RestoreInstance)
// returns a copy of the original instance
CBotVar* pInstance = nullptr;
if ( !CBotVar::RestoreState( pf, pInstance ) ) return false;
(static_cast<CBotVarPointer*>(pNew))->SetPointer( pInstance ); // and point over
if (bConstructor) pNew->ConstructorSet(); // constructor was called
if (ptrType.Eq(CBotTypPointer)) pNew->SetType(ptrType); // keep pointer type
// if ( p != nullptr ) (static_cast<CBotVarPointer*>(pNew))->SetPointer( p ); // rather this one
case CBotTypArrayPointer:
CBotTypResult r;
if (!ReadType(pf, r)) return false;
pNew = CBotVar::Create(token, r); // creates a variable
// returns a copy of the original instance
CBotVar* pInstance = nullptr;
if ( !CBotVar::RestoreState( pf, pInstance ) ) return false;
(static_cast<CBotVarPointer*>(pNew))->SetPointer( pInstance ); // and point over
if ( pPrev != nullptr ) pPrev->m_next = pNew;
if ( pVar == nullptr ) pVar = pNew;
pNew->m_binit = initType; // pNew->SetInit(wi);
pPrev = pNew;
return true;
bool CBotStack::IsCallFinished()
return m_callFinished;
} // namespace CBot