612 lines
17 KiB
612 lines
17 KiB
* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
* Copyright (C) 2001-2015, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses
// Modules inlcude
#include "CBot.h"
#include "CBotCall.h"
#include "CBotStack.h"
#include "CBotClass.h"
#include "CBotUtils.h"
#include "CBotInstr/CBotFunction.h"
#include "StringFunctions.cpp"
// Local include
// Global include
#include <stdio.h>
m_Prog = nullptr;
m_pRun = nullptr;
m_pClass = nullptr;
m_pStack = nullptr;
m_pInstance = nullptr;
m_ErrorCode = 0;
m_Ident = 0;
CBotProgram::CBotProgram(CBotVar* pInstance)
m_Prog = nullptr;
m_pRun = nullptr;
m_pClass = nullptr;
m_pStack = nullptr;
m_pInstance = pInstance;
m_ErrorCode = 0;
m_Ident = 0;
// delete m_pClass;
m_pClass = nullptr;
delete m_Prog;
delete m_pStack;
bool CBotProgram::Compile( const char* program, CBotStringArray& ListFonctions, void* pUser )
int error = 0;
// delete m_pClass;
m_pClass->Purge(); // purge the old definitions of classes
// but without destroying the object
m_pClass = nullptr;
delete m_Prog; m_Prog= nullptr;
m_ErrorCode = 0;
// transforms the program in Tokens
CBotToken* pBaseToken = CBotToken::CompileTokens(program, error);
if ( pBaseToken == nullptr ) return false;
CBotCStack* pStack = new CBotCStack(nullptr);
CBotToken* p = pBaseToken->GetNext(); // skips the first token (separator)
pStack->SetBotCall(this); // defined used routines
// first made a quick pass just to take the headers of routines and classes
while ( pStack->IsOk() && p != nullptr && p->GetType() != 0)
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SEP) ) continue; // semicolons lurking
if ( p->GetType() == ID_CLASS ||
( p->GetType() == ID_PUBLIC && p->GetNext()->GetType() == ID_CLASS ))
CBotClass* nxt = CBotClass::Compile1(p, pStack);
if (m_pClass == nullptr ) m_pClass = nxt;
else m_pClass->AddNext(nxt);
CBotFunction* next = CBotFunction::Compile1(p, pStack, nullptr);
if (m_Prog == nullptr ) m_Prog = next;
else m_Prog->AddNext(next);
if ( !pStack->IsOk() )
m_ErrorCode = pStack->GetError(m_ErrorStart, m_ErrorEnd);
delete m_Prog;
m_Prog = nullptr;
delete pBaseToken;
return false;
// CBotFunction* temp = nullptr;
CBotFunction* next = m_Prog; // rewind the list
p = pBaseToken->GetNext(); // returns to the beginning
while ( pStack->IsOk() && p != nullptr && p->GetType() != 0 )
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SEP) ) continue; // semicolons lurking
if ( p->GetType() == ID_CLASS ||
( p->GetType() == ID_PUBLIC && p->GetNext()->GetType() == ID_CLASS ))
m_bCompileClass = true;
CBotClass::Compile(p, pStack); // completes the definition of the class
m_bCompileClass = false;
CBotFunction::Compile(p, pStack, next);
if (next->IsExtern()) ListFonctions.Add(next->GetName()/* + next->GetParams()*/);
next->m_pProg = this; // keeps pointers to the module
next = next->Next();
// delete m_Prog; // the list of first pass
// m_Prog = temp; // list of the second pass
if ( !pStack->IsOk() )
m_ErrorCode = pStack->GetError(m_ErrorStart, m_ErrorEnd);
delete m_Prog;
m_Prog = nullptr;
delete pBaseToken;
delete pStack;
return (m_Prog != nullptr);
bool CBotProgram::Start(const char* name)
delete m_pStack;
m_pStack = nullptr;
m_pRun = m_Prog;
while (m_pRun != nullptr)
if ( m_pRun->GetName() == name ) break;
m_pRun = m_pRun->m_next;
if ( m_pRun == nullptr )
m_ErrorCode = TX_NORUN;
return false;
m_pStack = CBotStack::FirstStack();
m_pStack = new CBotStack(nullptr); // creates an execution stack
m_pStack->SetBotCall(this); // bases for routines
return true; // we are ready for Run ()
bool CBotProgram::GetPosition(const char* name, int& start, int& stop, CBotGet modestart, CBotGet modestop)
CBotFunction* p = m_Prog;
while (p != nullptr)
if ( p->GetName() == name ) break;
p = p->m_next;
if ( p == nullptr ) return false;
p->GetPosition(start, stop, modestart, modestop);
return true;
bool CBotProgram::Run(void* pUser, int timer)
bool ok;
if (m_pStack == nullptr || m_pRun == nullptr) goto error;
m_ErrorCode = 0;
m_pStack->Reset(pUser); // empty the possible previous error, and resets the timer
if ( timer >= 0 ) m_pStack->SetTimer(timer);
m_pStack->SetBotCall(this); // bases for routines
// resumes execution on the top of the stack
ok = m_pStack->Execute();
if ( ok )
#ifdef _DEBUG
CBotVar* ppVar[3];
ppVar[0] = CBotVar::Create("aa", CBotTypInt);
ppVar[1] = CBotVar::Create("bb", CBotTypInt);
ppVar[2] = nullptr;
ok = m_pRun->Execute(ppVar, m_pStack, m_pInstance);
// returns to normal execution
ok = m_pRun->Execute(nullptr, m_pStack, m_pInstance);
ok = m_pRun->Execute(nullptr, m_pStack, m_pInstance);
// completed on a mistake?
if (!ok && !m_pStack->IsOk())
m_ErrorCode = m_pStack->GetError(m_ErrorStart, m_ErrorEnd);
delete m_pStack;
m_pStack = nullptr;
return true; // execution is finished!
if ( ok ) m_pRun = nullptr; // more function in execution
return ok;
m_ErrorCode = TX_NORUN;
return true;
void CBotProgram::Stop()
delete m_pStack;
m_pStack = nullptr;
m_pRun = nullptr;
bool CBotProgram::GetRunPos(const char* &FunctionName, int &start, int &end)
FunctionName = nullptr;
start = end = 0;
if (m_pStack == nullptr) return false;
m_pStack->GetRunPos(FunctionName, start, end);
return true;
CBotVar* CBotProgram::GetStackVars(const char* &FunctionName, int level)
FunctionName = nullptr;
if (m_pStack == nullptr) return nullptr;
return m_pStack->GetStackVars(FunctionName, level);
void CBotProgram::SetTimer(int n)
CBotStack::SetTimer( n );
int CBotProgram::GetError()
return m_ErrorCode;
void CBotProgram::SetIdent(long n)
m_Ident = n;
long CBotProgram::GetIdent()
return m_Ident;
bool CBotProgram::GetError(int& code, int& start, int& end)
code = m_ErrorCode;
start = m_ErrorStart;
end = m_ErrorEnd;
return code > 0;
bool CBotProgram::GetError(int& code, int& start, int& end, CBotProgram* &pProg)
code = m_ErrorCode;
start = m_ErrorStart;
end = m_ErrorEnd;
pProg = this;
return code > 0;
CBotString CBotProgram::GetErrorText(int code)
CBotString TextError;
TextError.LoadString( code );
if (TextError.IsEmpty())
char buf[100];
sprintf(buf, "Exception numéro %d.", code);
TextError = buf;
return TextError;
CBotFunction* CBotProgram::GetFunctions()
return m_Prog;
bool CBotProgram::AddFunction(const char* name,
bool rExec (CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception, void* pUser),
CBotTypResult rCompile (CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser))
// stores pointers to the two functions
return CBotCall::AddFunction(name, rExec, rCompile);
bool ReadWord(FILE* pf, unsigned short& w)
size_t lg;
lg = fread(&w, sizeof( unsigned short ), 1, pf );
return (lg == 1);
bool ReadFloat(FILE* pf, float& w)
size_t lg;
lg = fread(&w, sizeof( float ), 1, pf );
return (lg == 1);
bool WriteLong(FILE* pf, long w)
size_t lg;
lg = fwrite(&w, sizeof( long ), 1, pf );
return (lg == 1);
bool ReadLong(FILE* pf, long& w)
size_t lg;
lg = fread(&w, sizeof( long ), 1, pf );
return (lg == 1);
bool ReadString(FILE* pf, CBotString& s)
unsigned short w;
char buf[1000];
size_t lg1, lg2;
if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false;
lg1 = w;
lg2 = fread(buf, 1, lg1, pf );
buf[lg2] = 0;
s = buf;
return (lg1 == lg2);
bool WriteType(FILE* pf, CBotTypResult type)
int typ = type.GetType();
if ( typ == CBotTypIntrinsic ) typ = CBotTypClass;
if ( !WriteWord(pf, typ) ) return false;
if ( typ == CBotTypClass )
CBotClass* p = type.GetClass();
if ( !WriteString(pf, p->GetName()) ) return false;
if ( type.Eq( CBotTypArrayBody ) ||
type.Eq( CBotTypArrayPointer ) )
if ( !WriteWord(pf, type.GetLimite()) ) return false;
if ( !WriteType(pf, type.GetTypElem()) ) return false;
return true;
bool ReadType(FILE* pf, CBotTypResult& type)
unsigned short w, ww;
if ( !ReadWord(pf, w) ) return false;
if ( type.Eq( CBotTypIntrinsic ) )
type = CBotTypResult( w, "point" );
if ( type.Eq( CBotTypClass ) )
CBotString s;
if ( !ReadString(pf, s) ) return false;
type = CBotTypResult( w, s );
if ( type.Eq( CBotTypArrayPointer ) ||
type.Eq( CBotTypArrayBody ) )
CBotTypResult r;
if ( !ReadWord(pf, ww) ) return false;
if ( !ReadType(pf, r) ) return false;
type = CBotTypResult( w, r );
return true;
bool rSizeOf( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& ex, void* pUser )
if ( pVar == nullptr ) return TX_LOWPARAM;
int i = 0;
pVar = pVar->GetItemList();
while ( pVar != nullptr )
pVar = pVar->GetNext();
return true;
CBotTypResult cSizeOf( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser )
if ( pVar == nullptr ) return CBotTypResult( TX_LOWPARAM );
if ( pVar->GetType() != CBotTypArrayPointer )
return CBotTypResult( TX_BADPARAM );
return CBotTypResult( CBotTypInt );
bool CBotProgram::DefineNum(const char* name, long val)
return CBotToken::DefineNum(name, val);
bool CBotProgram::SaveState(FILE* pf)
if (!WriteWord( pf, CBOTVERSION)) return false;
if ( m_pStack != nullptr )
if (!WriteWord( pf, 1)) return false;
if (!WriteString( pf, m_pRun->GetName() )) return false;
if (!m_pStack->SaveState(pf)) return false;
if (!WriteWord( pf, 0)) return false;
return true;
bool CBotProgram::RestoreState(FILE* pf)
unsigned short w;
CBotString s;
if (!ReadWord( pf, w )) return false;
if ( w != CBOTVERSION ) return false;
if (!ReadWord( pf, w )) return false;
if ( w == 0 ) return true;
if (!ReadString( pf, s )) return false;
Start(s); // point de reprise
delete m_pStack;
m_pStack = nullptr;
// retrieves the stack from the memory
// uses a nullptr pointer (m_pStack) but it's ok like that
if (!m_pStack->RestoreState(pf, m_pStack)) return false;
m_pStack->SetBotCall(this); // bases for routines
// restored some states in the stack according to the structure
m_pRun->RestoreState(nullptr, m_pStack, m_pInstance);
return true;
int CBotProgram::GetVersion()
void CBotProgram::Init()
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrZeroDiv", TX_DIVZERO); // division by zero
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNotInit", TX_NOTINIT); // uninitialized variable
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrBadThrow", TX_BADTHROW); // throw a negative value
//CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNoRetVal", 6003); // function did not return results // TODO: Not used. I'm pretty sure not returning a value crashes the game :P
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNoRun", TX_NORUN); // active Run () without a function // TODO: Is this actually a runtime error?
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrUndefFunc", TX_NOCALL); // Calling a function that no longer exists
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrUndefClass", TX_NOCLASS); // Class no longer exists
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNullPointer", TX_NULLPT); // Attempted to use a null pointer
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNan", TX_OPNAN); // Can't do operations on nan
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrOutOfBounds", TX_OUTARRAY); // Attempted access out of bounds of an array
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrStackOverflow", TX_STACKOVER); // Stack overflow
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrDeletedObject", TX_DELETEDPT); // Attempted to use deleted object
CBotProgram::AddFunction("sizeof", rSizeOf, cSizeOf );
void CBotProgram::Free()
CBotToken::Free() ;
CBotCall ::Free() ;
CBotClass::Free() ;