227 lines
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227 lines
6.7 KiB
// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code
// * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch
// *
// * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// * (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
* \file object/brain.h
* \brief CBrain - dispatches commands to objects
#pragma once
#include "common/event.h"
#include "common/misc.h"
#include "object/object.h"
#include "object/task/taskmanip.h"
#include "object/task/taskflag.h"
#include "object/task/taskshield.h"
class CObject;
class CPhysics;
class CMotion;
class CTaskManager;
class CScript;
class CRobotMain;
class CSoundInterface;
namespace Ui {
class CStudio;
class CInterface;
class CWindow;
namespace Gfx {
class CEngine;
class CTerrain;
class CWater;
class CCamera;
class CParticle;
} /* Gfx */
const int BRAINMAXSCRIPT = 10;
enum TraceOper
TO_STOP = 0, // stop
TO_ADVANCE = 1, // advance
TO_RECEDE = 2, // back
TO_TURN = 3, // rotate
TO_PEN = 4, // color change
struct TraceRecord
TraceOper oper;
float param;
class CBrain
CBrain(CObject* object);
void DeleteObject(bool bAll=false);
void SetPhysics(CPhysics* physics);
void SetMotion(CMotion* motion);
bool EventProcess(const Event &event);
bool CreateInterface(bool bSelect);
bool Write(char *line);
bool Read(char *line);
bool IsBusy();
void SetActivity(bool bMode);
bool GetActivity();
bool IsProgram();
bool ProgramExist(int rank);
void RunProgram(int rank);
int FreeProgram();
int GetProgram();
void StopProgram();
void StopTask();
void StopSecondaryTask();
bool IntroduceVirus();
void SetActiveVirus(bool bActive);
bool GetActiveVirus();
void SetScriptRun(int rank);
int GetScriptRun();
void SetScriptName(int rank, char *name);
char* GetScriptName(int rank);
void SetSoluceName(char *name);
char* GetSoluceName();
bool SendProgram(int rank, const char* buffer);
bool ReadSoluce(char* filename);
bool ReadProgram(int rank, const char* filename);
bool GetCompile(int rank);
bool WriteProgram(int rank, char* filename);
bool ReadStack(FILE *file);
bool WriteStack(FILE *file);
Error StartTaskTake();
Error StartTaskManip(TaskManipOrder order, TaskManipArm arm);
Error StartTaskFlag(TaskFlagOrder order, int rank);
Error StartTaskBuild(ObjectType type);
Error StartTaskSearch();
Error StartTaskTerraform();
Error StartTaskPen(bool down, int color);
Error StartTaskRecover();
Error StartTaskShield(TaskShieldMode mode);
Error StartTaskFire(float delay);
Error StartTaskFireAnt(Math::Vector impact);
Error StartTaskSpiderExplo();
Error StartTaskGunGoal(float dirV, float dirH);
Error StartTaskReset(Math::Vector goal, Math::Vector angle);
void UpdateInterface(float rTime);
void UpdateInterface();
bool EventFrame(const Event &event);
void StartEditScript(int rank, char* name);
void StopEditScript(bool bCancel);
Error EndedTask();
void GroundFlat();
void ColorFlag(int color);
void UpdateScript(Ui::CWindow *pw);
int GetSelScript();
void BlinkScript(bool bEnable);
void CheckInterface(Ui::CWindow *pw, EventType event, bool bState);
void EnableInterface(Ui::CWindow *pw, EventType event, bool bState);
void DeadInterface(Ui::CWindow *pw, EventType event, bool bState);
void DefaultEnter(Ui::CWindow *pw, EventType event, bool bState=true);
void TraceRecordStart();
void TraceRecordFrame();
void TraceRecordStop();
bool TraceRecordOper(TraceOper oper, float param);
bool TraceRecordPut(char *buffer, int max, TraceOper oper, float param);
Gfx::CEngine* m_engine;
Gfx::CTerrain* m_terrain;
Gfx::CWater* m_water;
Gfx::CCamera* m_camera;
Gfx::CParticle* m_particle;
CObject* m_object;
CPhysics* m_physics;
CMotion* m_motion;
Ui::CInterface* m_interface;
CRobotMain* m_main;
Ui::CStudio* m_studio;
CSoundInterface* m_sound;
CTaskManager* m_primaryTask;
CTaskManager* m_secondaryTask;
CScript* m_script[BRAINMAXSCRIPT];
int m_selScript; // rank of the selected script
int m_program; // rank of the executed program / -1
bool m_bActivity;
bool m_bBurn;
bool m_bActiveVirus;
int m_scriptRun;
char m_scriptName[BRAINMAXSCRIPT][50];
char m_soluceName[50];
EventType m_buttonAxe;
EventType m_manipStyle;
EventType m_defaultEnter;
EventType m_interfaceEvent[100];
CObject* m_antTarget;
CObject* m_beeBullet;
float m_beeBulletSpeed;
Math::Vector m_startPos;
float m_time;
float m_burnTime;
float m_lastUpdateTime;
float m_lastHumanTime;
float m_lastSpiderTime;
float m_lastWormTime;
float m_lastBulletTime;
float m_lastAlarmTime;
int m_soundChannelAlarm;
int m_flagColor;
bool m_bTraceRecord;
TraceOper m_traceOper;
Math::Vector m_tracePos;
float m_traceAngle;
int m_traceColor;
int m_traceRecordIndex;
TraceRecord* m_traceRecordBuffer;