name: Linter on: [push, pull_request] jobs: lint: # it's easiest if it matches the version that was used to build colobot-lint, newer versions don't have llvm-3.6-dev in repo... runs-on: ubuntu-16.04 env: CC: /usr/lib/llvm-3.6/bin/clang CXX: /usr/lib/llvm-3.6/bin/clang++ CLANG_PREFIX: /usr/lib/llvm-3.6 steps: - name: Download Colobot dependencies run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential cmake libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsndfile1-dev libvorbis-dev libogg-dev libpng-dev libglew-dev libopenal-dev libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-regex-dev libphysfs-dev gettext git po4a vorbis-tools librsvg2-bin xmlstarlet - name: Download colobot-lint dependencies run: sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends clang-3.6 libtinyxml2.6.2v5 - run: mkdir -p /tmp/colobot-lint - name: Download colobot-lint uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v2 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} repo: colobot/colobot-lint branch: master workflow: build.yml workflow_conclusion: success name: colobot-lint path: /tmp/colobot-lint/archive - name: Unpack colobot-lint working-directory: /tmp/colobot-lint run: | # Workaround for Clang not finding system headers mkdir ./bin mv ./archive/build/colobot-lint ./bin/ chmod +x ./bin/colobot-lint ln -s ${CLANG_PREFIX}/lib ./lib # Unpack HtmlReport tar -zxf ./archive/build/html_report.tar.gz # Clean up rm -r ./archive - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Create build directory run: cmake -E make_directory build - name: Run CMake working-directory: build run: cmake -DCOLOBOT_LINT_BUILD=1 -DTESTS=1 -DTOOLS=1 -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1 .. - name: Run linter shell: bash run: | set -e +x WORKSPACE="$GITHUB_WORKSPACE" COLOBOT_DIR="$WORKSPACE" COLOBOT_BUILD_DIR="$WORKSPACE/build" COLOBOT_LINT_REPORT_FILE="$WORKSPACE/build/colobot_lint_report.xml" cd "/tmp/colobot-lint" find "$WORKSPACE" \( -wholename "$COLOBOT_DIR/src/*.cpp" \ -or -wholename "$COLOBOT_DIR/test/unit/*.cpp" \ -or -wholename "$COLOBOT_BUILD_DIR/fake_header_sources/src/*.cpp" \ -or -wholename "$COLOBOT_BUILD_DIR/fake_header_sources/test/unit/*.cpp" \) \ -exec ./bin/colobot-lint \ -verbose \ -output-format xml \ -output-file "$COLOBOT_LINT_REPORT_FILE" \ -p "$COLOBOT_BUILD_DIR" \ -project-local-include-path "$COLOBOT_DIR/src" -project-local-include-path "$COLOBOT_BUILD_DIR/src" \ -license-template-file "$COLOBOT_DIR/LICENSE-HEADER.txt" \ {} + - name: Upload results (XML) uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: XML results path: build/colobot_lint_report.xml - name: Generate HTML report shell: bash run: /tmp/colobot-lint/HtmlReport/ --xml-report "build/colobot_lint_report.xml" --output-dir "build/html_report" - name: Upload results (HTML) uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: HTML results path: build/html_report - name: Generate GitHub annotations JSON and process check result shell: python run: | import os import sys import json import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET OVERALL_STABLE_RULES=[ "class naming", "code block placement", "compile error", # "compile warning", # "enum naming", # "function naming", "header file not self-contained", # "implicit bool cast", # "include style", # "inconsistent declaration parameter name", "license header", # "naked delete", # "naked new", # "old style function", "old-style null pointer", # "possible forward declaration", "undefined function", # "uninitialized field", # "uninitialized local variable", # "unused forward declaration", # "variable naming", "whitespace", ] STABLE_RULES_WITHOUT_CBOT=[ "class naming", "code block placement", "compile error", "compile warning", # "enum naming", # "function naming", "header file not self-contained", # "implicit bool cast", "include style", "inconsistent declaration parameter name", "license header", "naked delete", "naked new", # "old style function", "old-style null pointer", # "possible forward declaration", "undefined function", "uninitialized field", # "uninitialized local variable", "unused forward declaration", # "variable naming", "whitespace", ] def we_care_about(file_name, type): if 'CBot' in file_name: return type in OVERALL_STABLE_RULES else: return type in STABLE_RULES_WITHOUT_CBOT results = ET.parse('build/colobot_lint_report.xml') annotations = [] stable_annotations = [] for error in results.find('errors').findall('error'): location = error.find('location') file_name = os.path.relpath(location.get('file'), os.environ['GITHUB_WORKSPACE']) line_num = int(location.get('line')) type = error.get('id') severity = error.get('severity') msg = error.get('msg') gh_severity = 'warning' if severity == 'error': gh_severity = 'failure' elif severity == 'information': gh_severity = 'notice' annotation = { 'path': file_name, 'start_line': line_num, 'end_line': line_num, 'annotation_level': gh_severity, 'title': type, 'message': msg } annotations.append(annotation) if we_care_about(file_name, type): # don't send the unstable rules to github at all as there are way too many of them and it would overload the API rate limit stable_annotations.append(annotation) print('{}:{}: [{}] {}'.format(file_name, line_num, type, msg)) summary = 'colobot-lint found {} issues'.format(len(stable_annotations)) all_ok = len(stable_annotations) == 0 print('Conclusion: {}'.format(summary)) with open("build/annotations.json", "w") as f: json.dump(annotations, f, indent=4) with open("build/stable_annotations.json", "w") as f: json.dump(stable_annotations, f, indent=4) sys.exit(0 if all_ok else 1) - name: Upload results (JSON) uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: JSON results path: | build/annotations.json build/stable_annotations.json if: ${{ always() }}