// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. // motion.cpp #include <stdio.h> #include "object/motion/motion.h" #include "common/iman.h" #include "script/cmdtoken.h" // Object's constructor. CMotion::CMotion(CInstanceManager* iMan, CObject* object) { m_iMan = iMan; m_iMan->AddInstance(CLASS_MOTION, this, 100); m_engine = (CD3DEngine*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_ENGINE); m_light = (CLight*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_LIGHT); m_particule = (CParticule*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_PARTICULE); m_terrain = (CTerrain*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_TERRAIN); m_water = (CWater*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_WATER); m_camera = (CCamera*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_CAMERA); m_main = (CRobotMain*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_MAIN); m_sound = (CSound*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_SOUND); m_object = object; m_physics = 0; m_brain = 0; m_actionType = -1; m_actionTime = 0.0f; m_progress = 0.0f; m_linVibration = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); m_cirVibration = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); m_inclinaison = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } // Object's destructor. CMotion::~CMotion() { m_iMan->DeleteInstance(CLASS_MOTION, this); } // Deletes the object. void CMotion::DeleteObject(bool bAll) { } void CMotion::SetPhysics(CPhysics* physics) { m_physics = physics; } void CMotion::SetBrain(CBrain* brain) { m_brain = brain; } // Creates. bool CMotion::Create(Math::Vector pos, float angle, ObjectType type, float power) { return true; } // Management of an event. bool CMotion::EventProcess(const Event &event) { Math::Vector pos, dir; float time; if ( m_object->GetType() != OBJECT_TOTO && m_engine->GetPause() ) return true; if ( event.event != EVENT_FRAME ) return true; m_progress += event.rTime*m_actionTime; if ( m_progress > 1.0f ) m_progress = 1.0f; // (*) pos = m_object->GetPosition(0); if ( pos.y < m_water->GetLevel(m_object) ) // underwater? { time = event.rTime*3.0f; // everything is slower } else { time = event.rTime*10.0f; } dir = m_object->GetLinVibration(); dir.x = Math::Smooth(dir.x, m_linVibration.x, time); dir.y = Math::Smooth(dir.y, m_linVibration.y, time); dir.z = Math::Smooth(dir.z, m_linVibration.z, time); m_object->SetLinVibration(dir); dir = m_object->GetCirVibration(); dir.x = Math::Smooth(dir.x, m_cirVibration.x, time); dir.y = Math::Smooth(dir.y, m_cirVibration.y, time); dir.z = Math::Smooth(dir.z, m_cirVibration.z, time); m_object->SetCirVibration(dir); dir = m_object->GetInclinaison(); dir.x = Math::Smooth(dir.x, m_inclinaison.x, time); dir.y = Math::Smooth(dir.y, m_inclinaison.y, time); dir.z = Math::Smooth(dir.z, m_inclinaison.z, time); m_object->SetInclinaison(dir); return true; } // (*) Avoids the bug of ants returned by the thumper and // whose abdomen grown to infinity! // Start an action. Error CMotion::SetAction(int action, float time) { m_actionType = action; m_actionTime = 1.0f/time; m_progress = 0.0f; return ERR_OK; } // Geturns the current action. int CMotion::GetAction() { return m_actionType; } // Specifies a special parameter. bool CMotion::SetParam(int rank, float value) { return false; } float CMotion::GetParam(int rank) { return 0.0f; } // Saves all parameters of the object. bool CMotion::Write(char *line) { char name[100]; if ( m_actionType == -1 ) return false; sprintf(name, " mType=%d", m_actionType); strcat(line, name); sprintf(name, " mTime=%.2f", m_actionTime); strcat(line, name); sprintf(name, " mProgress=%.2f", m_progress); strcat(line, name); return false; } // Restores all parameters of the object. bool CMotion::Read(char *line) { m_actionType = OpInt(line, "mType", -1); m_actionTime = OpFloat(line, "mTime", 0.0f); m_progress = OpFloat(line, "mProgress", 0.0f); return false; } // Getes the linear vibration. void CMotion::SetLinVibration(Math::Vector dir) { m_linVibration = dir; } Math::Vector CMotion::GetLinVibration() { return m_linVibration; } // Getes the circular vibration. void CMotion::SetCirVibration(Math::Vector dir) { m_cirVibration = dir; } Math::Vector CMotion::GetCirVibration() { return m_cirVibration; } // Getes the tilt. void CMotion::SetInclinaison(Math::Vector dir) { m_inclinaison = dir; } Math::Vector CMotion::GetInclinaison() { return m_inclinaison; }