// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // gestion de chaine // basé sur le CString de MFC // mais moins complet #include "CBot.h" #include #include #include /// TODO need to be implemented to be able to load library // HINSTANCE CBotString::m_hInstance = (HINSTANCE)LoadLibrary("libCbot.dll"); // how to retrieve it otherwise ?? CBotString::CBotString() { m_ptr = NULL; // chaine vide m_lg = 0; } CBotString::~CBotString() { if (m_ptr != NULL) free(m_ptr); } CBotString::CBotString(const char* p) { m_lg = strlen( p ); m_ptr = NULL; if (m_lg>0) { m_ptr = (char*)malloc(m_lg+1); strcpy(m_ptr, p); } } CBotString::CBotString(const CBotString& srcString) { m_lg = srcString.m_lg; m_ptr = NULL; if (m_lg>0) { m_ptr = (char*)malloc(m_lg+1); strcpy(m_ptr, srcString.m_ptr); } } int CBotString::GivLength() { if ( m_ptr == NULL ) return 0; return strlen( m_ptr ); } CBotString CBotString::Left(int nCount) const { char chaine[2000]; int i; for (i = 0; i < m_lg && i < nCount && i < 1999; i++) { chaine[i] = m_ptr[i]; } chaine[i] = 0 ; return CBotString( chaine ); } CBotString CBotString::Right(int nCount) const { char chaine[2000]; int i = m_lg - nCount; if ( i < 0 ) i = 0; int j; for ( j = 0 ; i < m_lg && i < 1999; i++) { chaine[j++] = m_ptr[i]; } chaine[j] = 0 ; return CBotString( chaine ); } CBotString CBotString::Mid(int nFirst, int nCount) const { char chaine[2000]; int i; for ( i = nFirst; i < m_lg && i < 1999 && i <= nFirst + nCount; i++) { chaine[i] = m_ptr[i]; } chaine[i] = 0 ; return CBotString( chaine ); } CBotString CBotString::Mid(int nFirst) const { char chaine[2000]; int i; for ( i = nFirst; i < m_lg && i < 1999 ; i++) { chaine[i] = m_ptr[i]; } chaine[i] = 0 ; return CBotString( chaine ); } int CBotString::Find(const char c) { int i; for (i = 0; i < m_lg; i++) { if (m_ptr[i] == c) return i; } return -1; } int CBotString::Find(const char * lpsz) { int i, j; int l = strlen(lpsz); for (i = 0; i <= m_lg-l; i++) { for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { if (m_ptr[i+j] != lpsz[j]) goto bad; } return i; bad:; } return -1; } int CBotString::ReverseFind(const char c) { int i; for (i = m_lg-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (m_ptr[i] == c) return i; } return -1; } int CBotString::ReverseFind(const char * lpsz) { int i, j; int l = strlen(lpsz); for (i = m_lg-l; i >= 0; i--) { for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { if (m_ptr[i+j] != lpsz[j]) goto bad; } return i; bad:; } return -1; } CBotString CBotString::Mid(int start, int lg) { CBotString res; if (start >= m_lg) return res; if ( lg < 0 ) lg = m_lg - start; char* p = (char*)malloc(m_lg+1); strcpy(p, m_ptr+start); p[lg] = 0; res = p; free(p); return res; } void CBotString::MakeUpper() { int i; for ( i = 0; i < m_lg && i < 1999 ; i++) { char c = m_ptr[i]; if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) m_ptr[i] = c - 'a' + 'A'; } } void CBotString::MakeLower() { int i; for ( i = 0; i < m_lg && i < 1999 ; i++) { char c = m_ptr[i]; if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ) m_ptr[i] = c - 'A' + 'a'; } } #define MAXSTRING 256 bool CBotString::LoadString(unsigned int id) { char buffer[MAXSTRING]; /// \TODO implement loading strings from resources. Figure out how to do it // m_lg = ::LoadString( m_hInstance, id, buffer, MAXSTRING ); if (m_ptr != NULL) free(m_ptr); m_ptr = NULL; if (m_lg > 0) { m_ptr = (char*)malloc(m_lg+1); strcpy(m_ptr, buffer); return true; } return false; } const CBotString& CBotString::operator=(const CBotString& stringSrc) { if (m_ptr != NULL) free(m_ptr); m_lg = stringSrc.m_lg; m_ptr = NULL; if (m_lg > 0) { m_ptr = (char*)malloc(m_lg+1); strcpy(m_ptr, stringSrc.m_ptr); } return *this; } CBotString operator+(const CBotString& string, const char * lpsz) { CBotString s ( string ); s += lpsz; return s; } const CBotString& CBotString::operator+(const CBotString& stringSrc) { char* p = (char*)malloc(m_lg+stringSrc.m_lg+1); strcpy(p, m_ptr); char* pp = p + m_lg; strcpy(pp, stringSrc.m_ptr); if (m_ptr != NULL) free(m_ptr); m_ptr = p; m_lg += stringSrc.m_lg; return *this; } const CBotString& CBotString::operator=(const char ch) { if (m_ptr != NULL) free(m_ptr); m_lg = 1; m_ptr = (char*)malloc(2); m_ptr[0] = ch; m_ptr[1] = 0; return *this; } const CBotString& CBotString::operator=(const char* pString) { if (m_ptr != NULL) free(m_ptr); m_ptr = NULL; if ( pString != NULL ) { m_lg = strlen(pString); if (m_lg != 0) { m_ptr = (char*)malloc(m_lg+1); strcpy(m_ptr, pString); } } return *this; } const CBotString& CBotString::operator+=(const char ch) { char* p = (char*)malloc(m_lg+2); if (m_ptr!=NULL) strcpy(p, m_ptr); p[m_lg++] = ch; p[m_lg] = 0; if (m_ptr != NULL) free(m_ptr); m_ptr = p; return *this; } const CBotString& CBotString::operator+=(const CBotString& str) { char* p = (char*)malloc(m_lg+str.m_lg+1); strcpy(p, m_ptr); char* pp = p + m_lg; strcpy(pp, str.m_ptr); m_lg = m_lg + str.m_lg; if (m_ptr != NULL) free(m_ptr); m_ptr = p; return *this; } bool CBotString::operator==(const CBotString& str) { return Compare(str) == 0; } bool CBotString::operator==(const char* p) { return Compare(p) == 0; } bool CBotString::operator!=(const CBotString& str) { return Compare(str) != 0; } bool CBotString::operator!=(const char* p) { return Compare(p) != 0; } bool CBotString::operator>(const CBotString& str) { return Compare(str) > 0; } bool CBotString::operator>(const char* p) { return Compare(p) > 0; } bool CBotString::operator>=(const CBotString& str) { return Compare(str) >= 0; } bool CBotString::operator>=(const char* p) { return Compare(p) >= 0; } bool CBotString::operator<(const CBotString& str) { return Compare(str) < 0; } bool CBotString::operator<(const char* p) { return Compare(p) < 0; } bool CBotString::operator<=(const CBotString& str) { return Compare(str) <= 0; } bool CBotString::operator<=(const char* p) { return Compare(p) <= 0; } bool CBotString::IsEmpty() const { return (m_lg == 0); } void CBotString::Empty() { if (m_ptr != NULL) free(m_ptr); m_ptr = NULL; m_lg = 0; } static char emptyString[] = {0}; CBotString::operator const char * () const { if (this == NULL || m_ptr == NULL) return emptyString; return m_ptr; } int CBotString::Compare(const char * lpsz) const { char* p = m_ptr; if (lpsz == NULL) lpsz = emptyString; if (m_ptr == NULL) p = emptyString; return strcmp(p, lpsz); // wcscmp } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // tableaux de chaines CBotStringArray::CBotStringArray() { m_pData = NULL; m_nSize = m_nMaxSize = 0; } CBotStringArray::~CBotStringArray() { SetSize(0); // détruit les données ! } int CBotStringArray::GivSize() { return m_nSize; } void CBotStringArray::Add(const CBotString& str) { SetSize(m_nSize+1); m_pData[m_nSize-1] = str; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // routines utilitaires static inline void ConstructElement(CBotString* pNewData) { memset(pNewData, 0, sizeof(CBotString)); } static inline void DestructElement(CBotString* pOldData) { pOldData->~CBotString(); } static inline void CopyElement(CBotString* pSrc, CBotString* pDest) { *pSrc = *pDest; } static void ConstructElements(CBotString* pNewData, int nCount) { while (nCount--) { ConstructElement(pNewData); pNewData++; } } static void DestructElements(CBotString* pOldData, int nCount) { while (nCount--) { DestructElement(pOldData); pOldData++; } } static void CopyElements(CBotString* pDest, CBotString* pSrc, int nCount) { while (nCount--) { *pDest = *pSrc; ++pDest; ++pSrc; } } // sélect la taille du tableau void CBotStringArray::SetSize(int nNewSize) { if (nNewSize == 0) { // shrink to nothing DestructElements(m_pData, m_nSize); delete[] (unsigned char *)m_pData; m_pData = NULL; m_nSize = m_nMaxSize = 0; } else if (m_pData == NULL) { // create one with exact size m_pData = (CBotString*) new unsigned char[nNewSize * sizeof(CBotString)]; ConstructElements(m_pData, nNewSize); m_nSize = m_nMaxSize = nNewSize; } else if (nNewSize <= m_nMaxSize) { // it fits if (nNewSize > m_nSize) { // initialize the new elements ConstructElements(&m_pData[m_nSize], nNewSize-m_nSize); } else if (m_nSize > nNewSize) // destroy the old elements DestructElements(&m_pData[nNewSize], m_nSize-nNewSize); m_nSize = nNewSize; } else { // otherwise, grow array int nGrowBy; { // heuristically determine growth when nGrowBy == 0 // (this avoids heap fragmentation in many situations) nGrowBy = std::min(1024, std::max(4, m_nSize / 8)); } int nNewMax; if (nNewSize < m_nMaxSize + nGrowBy) nNewMax = m_nMaxSize + nGrowBy; // granularity else nNewMax = nNewSize; // no slush CBotString* pNewData = (CBotString*) new unsigned char[nNewMax * sizeof(CBotString)]; // copy new data from old memcpy(pNewData, m_pData, m_nSize * sizeof(CBotString)); // construct remaining elements ConstructElements(&pNewData[m_nSize], nNewSize-m_nSize); // Ret rid of old stuff (note: no destructors called) delete[] (unsigned char *)m_pData; m_pData = pNewData; m_nSize = nNewSize; m_nMaxSize = nNewMax; } } CBotString& CBotStringArray::operator[](int nIndex) { return ElementAt(nIndex); } CBotString& CBotStringArray::ElementAt(int nIndex) { return m_pData[nIndex]; }