/* * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code * Copyright (C) 2001-2016, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam * http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #pragma once #include "CBot/CBotDefines.h" #include "CBot/CBotTypResult.h" #include "CBot/CBotEnums.h" #include "CBot/CBotUtils.h" #include namespace CBot { class CBotVarClass; class CBotInstr; class CBotClass; class CBotToken; /** * \brief A CBot variable * * \nosubgrouping */ class CBotVar : public CBotLinkedList { public: //! \name Creation / destruction //@{ /** * \brief Constructor. Do not call directly, use CBotVar::Create() */ CBotVar(); /** * \brief Constructor. Do not call directly, use CBotVar::Create() */ CBotVar(const CBotToken& name); /** * \brief Destructor. Do not call directly, use CBotVar::Destroy() */ virtual ~CBotVar(); /** * \brief Creates a new variable from a type described by CBotTypResult * \param name Variable name * \param type Variable type */ static CBotVar* Create(const std::string& name, CBotTypResult type); /** * \brief Creates a new variable of a given class type * * This is equivalent to: * \code * CBotVar::Create(name, CBotTypResult(CBotTypClass, pClass)) * \endcode * * \param name Variable name * \param pClass Class type */ static CBotVar* Create(const std::string& name, CBotClass* pClass); /** * \brief Creates a new variable of a given type * * This is equivalent to: * \code * CBotVar::Create(name, CBotTypResult(type)) * \endcode * * \param name Variable name token * \param type Variable type */ static CBotVar* Create(const CBotToken& name, CBotType type); /** * \brief Create a new variable of a given type described by CBotTypResult * \param name Variable name token * \param type Variable type */ static CBotVar* Create(const CBotToken& name, CBotTypResult type); /** * \brief Create a new variable of a given type of given class instance * * This is equivalent to: * \code * Create(name, CBotTypResult(type, pClass)) * \endcode * * \param name Variable name * \param type Variable type * \param pClass Class * \return */ static CBotVar* Create(const std::string& name, CBotType type, CBotClass* pClass); /** * \brief Create a new variable of the same type and name as another one * * Contents of the variable are NOT copied. * * \param pVar other variable to take type and name from */ static CBotVar* Create(CBotVar* pVar); /** * \brief Destroy a variable * \param var variable to be destroyed */ static void Destroy(CBotVar* var); //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * \brief Associates an unique identifier to class instance * * Used only by classes * * \param UniqId New unique identifier * \see SetUniqNum() for another identifier, used for all variable types */ virtual void SetIdent(long UniqId); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name User pointer //@{ /** * \brief Set a custom pointer associated with this variable * \param pUser custom pointer to set */ void SetUserPtr(void* pUser); /** * \brief Returns the custom pointer associated with this variable * \return A pointer set with SetUserPtr() */ void* GetUserPtr(); //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name Variable name and type //@{ /** * \brief Returns the name of the variable * \return The name of the variable, empty string if unknown */ std::string GetName(); /** * \brief SetName Changes the name of the variable * \param name New name */ void SetName(const std::string& name); /** * \brief Returns the CBotToken this variable is associated with * * This token is either passed in CBotVar::Create() or created from name string */ CBotToken* GetToken(); /** * \brief Mode for GetType() and GetTypResult() */ enum class GetTypeMode { NORMAL = 0, CLASS_AS_POINTER = 1, CLASS_AS_INTRINSIC = 2, }; /** * \brief GetType Returns the base type of the variable (::CBotType) * \param mode Mode, see GetTypeMode enum */ CBotType GetType(GetTypeMode mode = GetTypeMode::NORMAL); /** * \brief Returns the complete type of the variable (CBotTypResult) * \param mode Mode, see GetTypeMode enum */ CBotTypResult GetTypResult(GetTypeMode mode = GetTypeMode::NORMAL); /** * \brief Change type of this variable * \param type new type */ void SetType(CBotTypResult& type); /** * \brief Set class this variable is instance of * * Used by instance variables, NOT class members */ virtual void SetClass(CBotClass* pClass); /** * \brief Return class this variable is instance of * * Used by instance variables, NOT class members */ virtual CBotClass* GetClass(); //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name Initialization status //@{ /** * \brief Variable initialization status * * \see GetInit() */ enum class InitType : int { UNDEF = 0, //!< the variable value is currently not defined DEF = 1, //!< the variable value is defined IS_POINTER = 2, //!< the variable value is as a pointer IS_NAN = 999 //!< the variable value is NAN }; /** * \brief Changes variable init status * \param initType New init status */ void SetInit(InitType initType); /** * \brief Returns the current init state of the variable */ InitType GetInit() const; /** * \brief Checks if the variable is currently "undefined" * \see InitType::UNDEF */ bool IsUndefined() const { return GetInit() == InitType::UNDEF; } /** * \brief Checks if the variable is currently "defined" * \see InitType::DEF */ bool IsDefined() const { return GetInit() == InitType::DEF; } /** * \brief Checks if the variable is currently NAN * \return InitType::NAN */ bool IsNAN() const { return GetInit() == InitType::IS_NAN; } //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name Class member properties //@{ /** * \brief Marks the variable as "static" * * Useful only for class members * * \param bStatic static or not */ void SetStatic(bool bStatic); /** * \brief Checks if the variable is static * * Useful only for class members * * \return true for static variables */ bool IsStatic(); /** * \enum ProtectionLevel * \brief Class member protection level (public/protected/private) */ enum class ProtectionLevel { Public = 0, //!< public variable ReadOnly = 1, //!< read only (can't be set from CBot, only from the engine) Protected = 2, //!< protected Private = 3 //!< private }; /** * \brief Sets variable protection level * * Useful only for class members * * \param mPrivate New protection level */ void SetPrivate(ProtectionLevel mPrivate); /** * \brief Checks if the variable is accessible at the given protection level * * This means that the variable protection level is greater or equal to given level * * \param level Protection level to check access at */ bool IsPrivate(ProtectionLevel level = ProtectionLevel::Protected); /** * \brief Get variable protection level * \return Variable protection level */ ProtectionLevel GetPrivate(); /** * \brief Check if a variable belongs to a class with a given name * * Works correctly with inheritance. * * \param name Class name to check * \return true if this variable name matches any member of given class or any of the parent classes */ bool IsElemOfClass(const std::string& name); //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * \brief Called after constructor has been called * * This is used internally by the engine to mark the constructor as called. * * This allows the destructor to be called later. */ virtual void ConstructorSet(); /** * \brief If this is a static class variable, return the static var from the class * \return Static variable from CBotClass instance if this variable is static, or this otherwise */ CBotVar* GetStaticVar(); /** * \brief Call the class update function * * \param pUser User pointer to pass to the update function * \see CBotClass::SetUpdateFunc() */ virtual void Update(void* pUser); /** * \brief Set unique identifier of this variable * Note: For classes, this is unique within the class only - see CBotClass:AddItem * \param n New identifier */ void SetUniqNum(long n); /** * \brief Return unique identifier of this variable * Note: For classes, this is unique within the class only - see CBotClass:AddItem * \return unique identifier * \see SetUniqNum() */ long GetUniqNum(); /** * \brief Generate next unique identifier * * Used by both variables (CBotVar) and functions (CBotFunction) */ static long NextUniqNum(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name Class / array member access //@{ /** * \brief Returns class member by name * \param name Name of member to get * \return CBotVar representing the class member */ virtual CBotVar* GetItem(const std::string& name); /** * \brief Returns class member by unique ID * \param nIdent Unique ID of the class member to return * \return CBotVar representing the class member * \see GetUniqNum() */ virtual CBotVar* GetItemRef(int nIdent); /** * \brief Returns element of the array by index * * TODO: Appears to be also implemented in CBotVarClass, but I'm not sure what is it used for there. Looks like CBotVarArray stores data internally in CBotVarClass or something like that. Needs futher investigation. * * \param index Index of the element to get * \param grow true to grow the array automatically if the index is out of range * \return CBotVar representing the array element, or nullptr on error (for example going out of range) */ virtual CBotVar* GetItem(int index, bool grow = false); /** * \brief Return all elements of this variable as a linked list. Works for both classes and arrays. * \return CBotVar representing the first object in the linked list. Use CBotVar::GetNext() to access next ones. */ virtual CBotVar* GetItemList(); //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * \name Value management * * Always make sure that the variable has correct type before calling these functions! * * Some variable types have multiple getters/setters and do automatic conversion. * * Using one that is not implemented will result in a failed assertion. */ //@{ operator int(); operator float(); operator std::string(); void operator=(const CBotVar& var); void operator=(int x); void operator=(float x); void operator=(const std::string &x); /** * \brief Set the value * \param var Another variable to copy value from */ void SetVal(CBotVar* var); /** * \brief Copy from another variable * \param pSrc Variable to copy from * \param bName true if you want to also copy the name */ virtual void Copy(CBotVar* pSrc, bool bName = true); /** * \brief Set value as an integer * * This one should be used for boolean values, too * * \param val New value * \param name Used when you assign a constant value - makes the value appear as "name" instead of number in the debugger */ virtual void SetValInt(int val, const std::string& name = ""); /** * \brief Set value as float * \param val New value */ virtual void SetValFloat(float val); /** * \brief Set value as string * \param val New value */ virtual void SetValString(const std::string& val); /** * \brief Get value as integer * \return Current value */ virtual int GetValInt(); /** * \brief Get value as float * \return Current value */ virtual float GetValFloat(); /** * \brief Get value as string * * This one is supported by most types of variables. * * Automatically converts the value to string if needed. * * \return Current value */ virtual std::string GetValString(); /** * \brief Set value for pointer types * \param p Variable to point to */ virtual void SetPointer(CBotVar* p); /** * \brief Get value for pointer types * \return Variable that this variable points to */ virtual CBotVarClass* GetPointer(); //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * \name Math operations * * All these functions operate on the "left" variable, taking "right" as the argument. * * The C++ equivalent would be the +=, -=, *=, /= etc. operations */ //@{ //! \brief Addition virtual void Add(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief Subtraction virtual void Sub(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief Multiplication virtual void Mul(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief Division virtual CBotError Div(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief Modulo (remainder of division) virtual CBotError Modulo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief Power virtual void Power(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name Comparation functions //@{ //! \brief left < right virtual bool Lo(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief left > right virtual bool Hi(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief left <= right virtual bool Ls(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief left >= right virtual bool Hs(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief left == right virtual bool Eq(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief left != right virtual bool Ne(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * \name Logical or bitwise functions * * Can be either depending on variable type. * * For boolean, those are logical functions, for int they are bitwise. */ //! \brief left && right or left & right virtual void And(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief left || right or left | right virtual void Or(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief left ^ right (also for boolean!) virtual void XOr(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //!\brief !this or ~this virtual void Not(); //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name Bitwise shift //@{ //! \brief left >> right virtual void ASR(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief left >>> right /** * This is unsigned shift to right */ virtual void SR(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //! \brief left << right virtual void SL(CBotVar* left, CBotVar* right); //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name Negation / increment / decrement //@{ //! \brief -this virtual void Neg(); //! \brief ++this virtual void Inc(); //! \brief --this virtual void Dec(); //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name Save / restore state //@{ /** * \brief Save common variable header (name, type, etc.) * \param pf file pointer * \return false on write error */ virtual bool Save0State(FILE* pf); /** * \brief Save variable data * * Overriden in child classes * * \param pf file pointer * \return false on write error */ virtual bool Save1State(FILE* pf); /** * \brief Restore variable * \param pf file pointer * \param[out] pVar Pointer to recieve the variable * \return false on read error */ static bool RestoreState(FILE* pf, CBotVar* &pVar); //@} protected: //! The corresponding token, defines the variable name CBotToken* m_token; //! Type of value. CBotTypResult m_type; //! Initialization status InitType m_binit; //! Corresponding this element (TODO: ?) CBotVarClass* m_pMyThis; //! User pointer if specified /** * \see SetUserPtr() * \see GetUserPtr() */ void* m_pUserPtr; //! true if the variable is static (for classes) bool m_bStatic; //! Element protection level - public, protected or private (for classes) ProtectionLevel m_mPrivate; //! Expression describing initial value CBotInstr* m_InitExpr; //! Expression describing array limit CBotInstr* m_LimExpr; //! Identifier /** * \see SetUniqNum() * \see GetUniqNum() */ long m_ident; //! TODO: ? static long m_identcpt; friend class CBotStack; friend class CBotCStack; friend class CBotInstrCall; friend class CBotProgram; friend class CBotClass; friend class CBotVarClass; friend class CBotVarPointer; friend class CBotVarArray; }; } // namespace CBot