// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code
// * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch
// * Copyright (C) 2012, Polish Portal of Colobot (PPC)
// *
// * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// * (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program. If not, see  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

 * \file graphics/engine/text.h
 * \brief Text rendering - CText class

#pragma once

#include "math/point.h"

#include <vector>
#include <map>

class CInstanceManager;

// Graphics module namespace
namespace Gfx {

class CEngine;
class CDevice;

//! Standard small font size
const float FONT_SIZE_SMALL = 10.0f;
//! Standard big font size
const float FONT_SIZE_BIG = 15.0f;

 * \enum TextAlign
 * \brief Type of text alignment
enum TextAlign

/* Font meta char constants */

//! Type used for font character metainfo
typedef short FontMetaChar;

 * \enum FontType
 * \brief Type of font
 * Bitmask in lower 4 bits (mask 0x00f)
enum FontType
    //! Flag for bold font subtype
    FONT_BOLD       = 0x04,
    //! Flag for italic font subtype
    FONT_ITALIC     = 0x08,

    //! Default colobot font used for interface
    FONT_COLOBOT    = 0x00,
    //! Alias for bold colobot font
    //! Alias for italic colobot font

    //! Courier (monospace) font used mainly in code editor (only regular & bold)
    FONT_COURIER    = 0x01,
    //! Alias for bold courier font

    // 0x02 left for possible another font

    //! Pseudo-font loaded from textures for buttons, icons, etc.
    FONT_BUTTON     = 0x03,

 * \enum FontTitle
 * \brief Size of font title
 * Used internally by CEdit
 * Bitmask in 2 bits left shifted 4 (mask 0x030)
enum FontTitle
    FONT_TITLE_BIG       = 0x01 << 4,
    FONT_TITLE_NORM      = 0x02 << 4,
    FONT_TITLE_LITTLE    = 0x03 << 4,

 * \enum FontHighlight
 * \brief Type of color highlight for text
 * Bitmask in 3 bits left shifted 6 (mask 0x1c0)
enum FontHighlight
    FONT_HIGHLIGHT_NONE      = 0x00 << 6,
    FONT_HIGHLIGHT_LINK      = 0x01 << 6,
    FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN     = 0x02 << 6,
    FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TYPE      = 0x03 << 6,
    FONT_HIGHLIGHT_CONST     = 0x04 << 6,
    FONT_HIGHLIGHT_REM       = 0x05 << 6,
    FONT_HIGHLIGHT_KEY       = 0x06 << 6,
    FONT_HIGHLIGHT_TABLE     = 0x07 << 6,

 * \enum FontMask
 * \brief Masks in FontMetaChar for different attributes
enum FontMask
    //! Mask for FontType
    FONT_MASK_FONT  = 0x00f,
    //! Mask for FontTitle
    FONT_MASK_TITLE = 0x030,
    //! Mask for FontHighlight
    //! Mask for image bit (TODO: not used?)
    FONT_MASK_IMAGE = 0x200

 * \struct UTF8Char
 * \brief UTF-8 character in font cache
 * Only 3-byte chars are supported
struct UTF8Char
    char c1, c2, c3;
    // Padding for 4-byte alignment
    // It also seems to fix some problems reported by valgrind
    char pad;

    explicit UTF8Char(char ch1 = '\0', char ch2 = '\0', char ch3 = '\0')
        : c1(ch1), c2(ch2), c3(ch3), pad('\0') {}

    inline bool operator<(const UTF8Char &other) const
        if (c1 < other.c1)
            return true;
        else if (c1 > other.c1)
            return false;

        if (c2 < other.c2)
            return true;
        else if (c2 > other.c2)
            return false;

        return c3 < other.c3;

    inline bool operator==(const UTF8Char &other) const
        return c1 == other.c1 && c2 == other.c2 && c3 == other.c3;

 * \struct CharTexture
 * \brief Texture of font character
struct CharTexture
    unsigned int id;
    Math::Point texSize;
    Math::Point charSize;

    CharTexture() : id(0) {}

// Definition is private - in text.cpp
struct CachedFont;

 * \struct MultisizeFont
 * \brief Font with multiple possible sizes
struct MultisizeFont
    std::string fileName;
    std::map<int, CachedFont*> fonts;

    MultisizeFont(const std::string &fn)
        : fileName(fn) {}

 * \class CText
 * \brief Text rendering engine
 * CText is responsible for drawing text in 2D interface. Font rendering is done using
 * textures generated by SDL_ttf from TTF font files.
 * All functions rendering text are divided into two types:
 * - single font - function takes a single FontType argument that (along with size)
 *   determines the font to be used for all characters,
 * - multi-font - function takes the text as one argument and a std::vector of FontMetaChar
 *   with per-character formatting information (font, highlights and some other info used by CEdit)
 * All font rendering is done in UTF-8.
class CText
    CText(CInstanceManager *iMan, CEngine* engine);

    //! Sets the device to be used
    void        SetDevice(CDevice *device);

    //! Returns the last encountered error
    std::string GetError();

    //! Initializes the font engine; must be called after SetDevice()
    bool        Create();
    //! Frees resources before exit
    void        Destroy();

    //! Flushes cached textures
    void        FlushCache();

    //! Draws text (multi-format)
    void        DrawText(const std::string &text, std::map<unsigned int, FontMetaChar> &format,
                         float size, Math::Point pos, float width, TextAlign align,
                         int eol);
    //! Draws text (one font)
    void        DrawText(const std::string &text, FontType font,
                         float size, Math::Point pos, float width, TextAlign align,
                         int eol);

    //! Calculates dimensions for text (multi-format)
    void        SizeText(const std::string &text, std::map<unsigned int, FontMetaChar> &format,
                         float size, Math::Point pos, TextAlign align,
                         Math::Point &start, Math::Point &end);
    //! Calculates dimensions for text (one font)
    void        SizeText(const std::string &text, FontType font,
                         float size, Math::Point pos, TextAlign align,
                         Math::Point &start, Math::Point &end);

    //! Returns the ascent font metric
    float       GetAscent(FontType font, float size);
    //! Returns the descent font metric
    float       GetDescent(FontType font, float size);
    //! Returns the height font metric
    float       GetHeight(FontType font, float size);

    //! Returns width of string (multi-format)
    float       GetStringWidth(const std::string &text,
                               std::map<unsigned int, FontMetaChar> &format, float size);
    //! Returns width of string (single font)
    float       GetStringWidth(const std::string &text, FontType font, float size);
    //! Returns width of single character
    float       GetCharWidth(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, float offset);

    //! Justifies a line of text (multi-format)
    int         Justify(const std::string &text, std::map<unsigned int, FontMetaChar> &format,
                        float size, float width);
    //! Justifies a line of text (one font)
    int         Justify(const std::string &text, FontType font, float size, float width);

    //! Returns the most suitable position to a given offset (multi-format)
    int         Detect(const std::string &text, std::map<unsigned int, FontMetaChar> &format,
                       float size, float offset);
    //! Returns the most suitable position to a given offset (one font)
    int         Detect(const std::string &text, FontType font, float size, float offset);

    CachedFont* GetOrOpenFont(FontType type, float size);
    CharTexture CreateCharTexture(UTF8Char ch, CachedFont* font);

    void        DrawString(const std::string &text, std::map<unsigned int, FontMetaChar> &format,
                           float size, Math::Point pos, float width, int eol);
    void        DrawString(const std::string &text, FontType font,
                           float size, Math::Point pos, float width, int eol);
    void        DrawHighlight(FontHighlight hl, Math::Point pos, Math::Point size);
    void        DrawCharAndAdjustPos(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, Math::Point &pos);
    void        StringToUTFCharList(const std::string &text, std::vector<UTF8Char> &chars);

    CInstanceManager* m_iMan;
    CEngine*       m_engine;
    CDevice*       m_device;

    std::string  m_error;
    float        m_defaultSize;

    std::map<FontType, MultisizeFont*> m_fonts;

    FontType     m_lastFontType;
    int          m_lastFontSize;
    CachedFont*  m_lastCachedFont;

} // namespace Gfx