/* * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code * Copyright (C) 2001-2018, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam * http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include "ui/screen/screen_setup_display.h" #include "common/config.h" #include "app/app.h" #include "common/restext.h" #include "common/settings.h" #include "common/stringutils.h" #include "graphics/engine/camera.h" #include "ui/controls/button.h" #include "ui/controls/check.h" #include "ui/controls/interface.h" #include "ui/controls/label.h" #include "ui/controls/list.h" #include "ui/controls/window.h" namespace Ui { CScreenSetupDisplay::CScreenSetupDisplay() : m_setupSelMode{0}, m_setupFull{false} { } void CScreenSetupDisplay::SetActive() { m_tab = PHASE_SETUPd; } void CScreenSetupDisplay::CreateInterface() { CWindow* pw; CLabel* pl; CList* pli; CCheck* pc; CButton* pb; Math::Point pos, ddim; std::string name; CScreenSetup::CreateInterface(); pw = static_cast(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if ( pw == nullptr ) return; std::vector modes; m_app->GetVideoResolutionList(modes); for (auto it = modes.begin(); it != modes.end(); ++it) { if (it->x == m_app->GetVideoConfig().size.x && it->y == m_app->GetVideoConfig().size.y) { m_setupSelMode = it - modes.begin(); break; } } m_setupFull = m_app->GetVideoConfig().fullScreen; pos.x = ox+sx*3; pos.y = oy+sy*9; ddim.x = dim.x*6; ddim.y = dim.y*1; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_SETUP_MODE, name); pl = pw->CreateLabel(pos, ddim, 0, EVENT_LABEL2, name); pl->SetTextAlign(Gfx::TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); m_setupFull = m_app->GetVideoConfig().fullScreen; pos.x = ox+sx*3; pos.y = oy+sy*5.2f; ddim.x = dim.x*6; ddim.y = dim.y*4.5f; pli = pw->CreateList(pos, ddim, 0, EVENT_LIST2); pli->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); UpdateDisplayMode(); ddim.x = dim.x*4; ddim.y = dim.y*0.5f; pos.x = ox+sx*3; pos.y = oy+sy*4.1f; pc = pw->CreateCheck(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_INTERFACE_FULL); pc->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); pc->SetState(STATE_CHECK, m_setupFull); ddim.x = dim.x*6; ddim.y = dim.y*1; pos.x = ox+sx*10; pos.y = oy+sy*2; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_INTERFACE_APPLY); pb->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); UpdateApply(); } bool CScreenSetupDisplay::EventProcess(const Event &event) { if (!CScreenSetup::EventProcess(event)) return false; CWindow* pw; CCheck* pc; CButton* pb; switch( event.type ) { case EVENT_LIST2: UpdateApply(); break; case EVENT_INTERFACE_FULL: pw = static_cast(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if ( pw == nullptr ) break; pc = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_FULL)); if ( pc == nullptr ) break; if ( pc->TestState(STATE_CHECK) ) { pc->ClearState(STATE_CHECK); } else { pc->SetState(STATE_CHECK); } UpdateApply(); break; case EVENT_INTERFACE_APPLY: pw = static_cast(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if ( pw == nullptr ) break; pb = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_APPLY)); if ( pb == nullptr ) break; pb->ClearState(STATE_PRESS); pb->ClearState(STATE_HILIGHT); ChangeDisplay(); UpdateApply(); break; default: return true; } return false; } // Updates the list of modes. static int GCD(int a, int b) { return (b == 0) ? a : GCD(b, a%b); } static Math::IntPoint AspectRatio(Math::IntPoint resolution) { int gcd = GCD(resolution.x, resolution.y); return Math::IntPoint(static_cast(resolution.x) / gcd, static_cast(resolution.y) / gcd); } void CScreenSetupDisplay::UpdateDisplayMode() { CWindow* pw; CList* pl; pw = static_cast(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if ( pw == nullptr ) return; pl = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_LIST2)); if ( pl == nullptr ) return; pl->Flush(); std::vector modes; m_app->GetVideoResolutionList(modes); int i = 0; std::stringstream mode_text; for (Math::IntPoint mode : modes) { mode_text.str(""); Math::IntPoint aspect = AspectRatio(mode); mode_text << mode.x << "x" << mode.y << " [" << aspect.x << ":" << aspect.y << "]"; pl->SetItemName(i++, mode_text.str()); } pl->SetSelect(m_setupSelMode); pl->ShowSelect(false); } // Change the graphics mode. void CScreenSetupDisplay::ChangeDisplay() { CWindow* pw; CList* pl; CCheck* pc; bool bFull; pw = static_cast(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if ( pw == nullptr ) return; pl = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_LIST2)); if ( pl == nullptr ) return; m_setupSelMode = pl->GetSelect(); pc = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_FULL)); if ( pc == nullptr ) return; bFull = pc->TestState(STATE_CHECK); m_setupFull = bFull; std::vector modes; m_app->GetVideoResolutionList(modes); Gfx::DeviceConfig config = m_app->GetVideoConfig(); config.size = modes[m_setupSelMode]; config.fullScreen = bFull; m_settings->SaveResolutionSettings(config); m_app->ChangeVideoConfig(config); } // Updates the "apply" button. void CScreenSetupDisplay::UpdateApply() { CWindow* pw; CButton* pb; CList* pl; CCheck* pc; int sel2; bool bFull; pw = static_cast(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if ( pw == nullptr ) return; pb = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_APPLY)); pl = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_LIST2)); if ( pl == nullptr ) return; sel2 = pl->GetSelect(); pc = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_FULL)); bFull = pc->TestState(STATE_CHECK); if ( sel2 == m_setupSelMode && bFull == m_setupFull ) { pb->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); } else { pb->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); } } } // namespace Ui