name: Linter upload results # Upload linter results after succesful linter run # This is done in a separate workflow to safely use the read-write GitHub token # See on: workflow_run: workflows: ["Linter"] types: - completed jobs: lint_upload: runs-on: ubuntu-16.04 steps: - run: pip install requests - name: Download linter results uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v2 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} workflow: lint.yml run_id: ${{ }} name: JSON results path: results - name: Send linter results to GitHub shell: python env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} RUN_ID: ${{ }} run: | import os import json import requests # Load the results from the lint job artifact with open("results/stable_annotations.json", "r") as f: annotations = json.load(f) summary = 'colobot-lint found {} issues'.format(len(annotations)) # None of the available actions seem to do what I want, they all do stupid things like adding another check... let's just do it manually # GitHub also doesn't seem to provide you with the check suite or check run ID, so we have to get it from the action ID via the API s = requests.Session() s.headers.update({ 'Authorization': 'token ' + os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN'], 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.antiope-preview+json' # Annotations are still technically a preview feature of the API }) action_run = s.get(os.environ['GITHUB_API_URL'] + "/repos/" + os.environ['GITHUB_REPOSITORY'] + "/actions/runs/" + os.environ['RUN_ID']).json() check_suite = s.get(action_run['check_suite_url']).json() check_suite_runs = s.get(check_suite['check_runs_url']).json() check_run = check_suite_runs['check_runs'][0] # NOTE: This assumes that the 'lint' job is the first one in the workflow. You could find it by name if you really wanted. # Annotations have to be sent in batches of 50 first = True while first or len(annotations) > 0: first = False to_send = annotations[:50] annotations = annotations[50:] data = { 'output': { 'title': summary, 'summary': summary, 'annotations': to_send } } r = s.patch(check_run['url'], json=data) r.raise_for_status()