/* * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code * Copyright (C) 2001-2014, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam * http://epsiteс.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include "app/app.h" #if defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS) #include "app/system_windows.h" #elif defined(PLATFORM_LINUX) #include "app/system_linux.h" #else #include "app/system_other.h" #endif #include "app/system_mock.h" #include using testing::_; using testing::InSequence; using testing::Return; struct FakeSystemTimeStamp : public SystemTimeStamp { FakeSystemTimeStamp(int uid) : uid(uid), time(0) {} int uid; long long time; }; class CApplicationWrapper : public CApplication { public: virtual Event CreateUpdateEvent() OVERRIDE { return CApplication::CreateUpdateEvent(); } }; class ApplicationUT : public testing::Test { protected: ApplicationUT(); virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE; virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE; void NextInstant(long long diff); SystemTimeStamp* CreateTimeStamp(); void DestroyTimeStamp(SystemTimeStamp *stamp); void CopyTimeStamp(SystemTimeStamp *dst, SystemTimeStamp *src); void GetCurrentTimeStamp(SystemTimeStamp *stamp); long long TimeStampExactDiff(SystemTimeStamp *before, SystemTimeStamp *after); void TestCreateUpdateEvent(long long relTimeExact, long long absTimeExact, float relTime, float absTime, long long relTimeReal, long long absTimeReal); protected: CApplicationWrapper* app; CSystemUtilsMock* systemUtils; private: int m_stampUid; long long m_currentTime; }; ApplicationUT::ApplicationUT() : m_stampUid(0) , m_currentTime(0) {} void ApplicationUT::SetUp() { systemUtils = new CSystemUtilsMock(); ON_CALL(*systemUtils, CreateTimeStamp()).WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &ApplicationUT::CreateTimeStamp)); ON_CALL(*systemUtils, DestroyTimeStamp(_)).WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &ApplicationUT::DestroyTimeStamp)); ON_CALL(*systemUtils, CopyTimeStamp(_, _)).WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &ApplicationUT::CopyTimeStamp)); ON_CALL(*systemUtils, GetCurrentTimeStamp(_)).WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &ApplicationUT::GetCurrentTimeStamp)); ON_CALL(*systemUtils, TimeStampExactDiff(_, _)).WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &ApplicationUT::TimeStampExactDiff)); EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, CreateTimeStamp()).Times(3 + PCNT_MAX*2); app = new CApplicationWrapper(); } void ApplicationUT::TearDown() { EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, DestroyTimeStamp(_)).Times(3 + PCNT_MAX*2); delete app; app = nullptr; delete systemUtils; systemUtils = nullptr; } SystemTimeStamp* ApplicationUT::CreateTimeStamp() { return new FakeSystemTimeStamp(++m_stampUid); } void ApplicationUT::DestroyTimeStamp(SystemTimeStamp *stamp) { delete static_cast(stamp); } void ApplicationUT::CopyTimeStamp(SystemTimeStamp *dst, SystemTimeStamp *src) { *static_cast(dst) = *static_cast(src); } void ApplicationUT::GetCurrentTimeStamp(SystemTimeStamp *stamp) { static_cast(stamp)->time = m_currentTime; } long long ApplicationUT::TimeStampExactDiff(SystemTimeStamp *before, SystemTimeStamp *after) { return static_cast(after)->time - static_cast(before)->time; } void ApplicationUT::NextInstant(long long diff) { m_currentTime += diff; } void ApplicationUT::TestCreateUpdateEvent(long long relTimeExact, long long absTimeExact, float relTime, float absTime, long long relTimeReal, long long absTimeReal) { { InSequence seq; EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, CopyTimeStamp(_, _)); EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, GetCurrentTimeStamp(_)); EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, TimeStampExactDiff(_, _)).Times(2); } Event event = app->CreateUpdateEvent(); EXPECT_EQ(EVENT_FRAME, event.type); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(relTime, event.rTime); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(relTime, app->GetRelTime()); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(absTime, app->GetAbsTime()); EXPECT_EQ(relTimeExact, app->GetExactRelTime()); EXPECT_EQ(absTimeExact, app->GetExactAbsTime()); EXPECT_EQ(relTimeReal, app->GetRealRelTime()); EXPECT_EQ(absTimeReal, app->GetRealAbsTime()); } TEST_F(ApplicationUT, UpdateEventTimeCalculation_SimulationSuspended) { app->SuspendSimulation(); Event event = app->CreateUpdateEvent(); EXPECT_EQ(EVENT_NULL, event.type); } TEST_F(ApplicationUT, UpdateEventTimeCalculation_NormalOperation) { // 1st update long long relTimeExact = 1111; long long absTimeExact = relTimeExact; float relTime = relTimeExact / 1e9f; float absTime = absTimeExact / 1e9f; long long relTimeReal = relTimeExact; long long absTimeReal = absTimeExact; NextInstant(relTimeReal); TestCreateUpdateEvent(relTimeExact, absTimeExact, relTime, absTime, relTimeReal, absTimeReal); // 2nd update relTimeExact = 2222; absTimeExact += relTimeExact; relTime = relTimeExact / 1e9f; absTime = absTimeExact / 1e9f; relTimeReal = relTimeExact; absTimeReal = absTimeExact; NextInstant(relTimeReal); TestCreateUpdateEvent(relTimeExact, absTimeExact, relTime, absTime, relTimeReal, absTimeReal); } TEST_F(ApplicationUT, UpdateEventTimeCalculation_NegativeTimeOperation) { // 1st update long long relTimeExact = 2222; long long absTimeExact = relTimeExact; float relTime = relTimeExact / 1e9f; float absTime = absTimeExact / 1e9f; long long relTimeReal = relTimeExact; long long absTimeReal = absTimeExact; NextInstant(relTimeReal); TestCreateUpdateEvent(relTimeExact, absTimeExact, relTime, absTime, relTimeReal, absTimeReal); // 2nd update NextInstant(-1111); { InSequence seq; EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, CopyTimeStamp(_, _)); EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, GetCurrentTimeStamp(_)); EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, TimeStampExactDiff(_, _)).Times(2); } Event event = app->CreateUpdateEvent(); EXPECT_EQ(EVENT_NULL, event.type); } TEST_F(ApplicationUT, UpdateEventTimeCalculation_ChangingSimulationSpeed) { EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, GetCurrentTimeStamp(_)); app->SetSimulationSpeed(2.0f); // 1st update -- speed 2x long long relTimeReal = 100; long long absTimeReal = relTimeReal; long long relTimeExact = relTimeReal*2; long long absTimeExact = absTimeReal*2; float relTime = relTimeExact / 1e9f; float absTime = absTimeExact / 1e9f; NextInstant(relTimeReal); TestCreateUpdateEvent(relTimeExact, absTimeExact, relTime, absTime, relTimeReal, absTimeReal); // 2nd update -- speed 2x relTimeReal = 200; absTimeReal += relTimeReal; relTimeExact = relTimeReal*2; absTimeExact += relTimeReal*2; relTime = relTimeExact / 1e9f; absTime = absTimeExact / 1e9f; NextInstant(relTimeReal); TestCreateUpdateEvent(relTimeExact, absTimeExact, relTime, absTime, relTimeReal, absTimeReal); // 3rd update -- speed 4x EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, GetCurrentTimeStamp(_)); app->SetSimulationSpeed(4.0f); relTimeReal = 300; absTimeReal += relTimeReal; relTimeExact = relTimeReal*4; absTimeExact += relTimeReal*4; relTime = relTimeExact / 1e9f; absTime = absTimeExact / 1e9f; NextInstant(relTimeReal); TestCreateUpdateEvent(relTimeExact, absTimeExact, relTime, absTime, relTimeReal, absTimeReal); // 4th update -- speed 1x EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, GetCurrentTimeStamp(_)); app->SetSimulationSpeed(1.0f); relTimeReal = 400; absTimeReal += relTimeReal; relTimeExact = relTimeReal; absTimeExact += relTimeReal; relTime = relTimeExact / 1e9f; absTime = absTimeExact / 1e9f; NextInstant(relTimeReal); TestCreateUpdateEvent(relTimeExact, absTimeExact, relTime, absTime, relTimeReal, absTimeReal); } TEST_F(ApplicationUT, UpdateEventTimeCalculation_SuspendingAndResumingSimulation) { // 1st update -- simulation enabled long long relTimeReal = 1000; long long absTimeReal = relTimeReal; long long relTimeExact = relTimeReal; long long absTimeExact = absTimeReal; float relTime = relTimeExact / 1e9f; float absTime = absTimeExact / 1e9f; NextInstant(relTimeReal); TestCreateUpdateEvent(relTimeExact, absTimeExact, relTime, absTime, relTimeReal, absTimeReal); // 2nd update -- simulation suspended app->SuspendSimulation(); long long suspensionTime = 5000; NextInstant(suspensionTime); // 3rd update -- simulation resumed { InSequence seq; EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, GetCurrentTimeStamp(_)); EXPECT_CALL(*systemUtils, CopyTimeStamp(_, _)); } app->ResumeSimulation(); relTimeReal = 200; absTimeReal += relTimeReal; relTimeExact = relTimeReal; absTimeExact += relTimeReal; relTime = relTimeExact / 1e9f; absTime = absTimeExact / 1e9f; NextInstant(relTimeReal); TestCreateUpdateEvent(relTimeExact, absTimeExact, relTime, absTime, relTimeReal, absTimeReal); }