 * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2023, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
 * http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses

#pragma once

#include "graphics/model/model_triangle.h"

namespace Gfx

                      Deprecated enums/magic values

 * \enum ModelLODLevel
 * \brief Old level-of-detail enum
 * @deprecated
enum class ModelLODLevel
    Constant = -1, //!< triangle is always visible, no matter at what distance
    Low      =  1, //!< triangle is visible at farthest distance (lowest quality)
    Medium   =  2, //!< triangle is visible at medium distance (medium quality)
    High     =  4  //!< triangle is visible at closest distance (highest quality)

 * \enum ModelRenderState
 * \brief Old render state enum (values copied from EngineRenderState)
 * @deprecated
enum class ModelRenderState
    Part1         = 256,  //!< old ENG_RSTATE_PART1
    Part2         = 512,  //!< old ENG_RSTATE_PART2
    Part3         = 1024, //!< old ENG_RSTATE_PART3
    TwoFace       = 4096, //!< old ENG_RSTATE_2FACE
    Alpha         = 8192  //!< old ENG_RSTATE_ALPHA

//! Legacy material structure
struct LegacyMaterial
    //! Diffuse color
    Color diffuse;
    //! Ambient color
    Color ambient;
    //! Specular color
    Color specular;

    bool operator==(const LegacyMaterial& mat) const
        return diffuse == mat.diffuse && ambient == mat.ambient && specular == mat.specular;

    bool operator!=(const LegacyMaterial& mat) const
        return !operator==(mat);

                     New model formats

 * \struct ModelHeaderV1AndV2
 * \brief Header for new model file version 1 and 2
struct ModelHeaderV1AndV2
    //! File version (1, 2, ...)
    int version = 0;
    //! Total number of triangles
    int totalTriangles = 0;

 * \struct ModelTriangleV1AndV2
 * \brief Triangle of new model file version 1 and 2
struct ModelTriangleV1AndV2
    //! 1st vertex
    Vertex3D  p1;
    //! 2nd vertex
    Vertex3D  p2;
    //! 3rd vertex
    Vertex3D  p3;
    //! Name of 1st texture
    std::string tex1Name;
    //! Name of 2nd texture
    std::string tex2Name;
    //! If true, 2nd texture will be taken from current engine setting
    bool variableTex2 = true;
    //! LOD level (only version 1)
    ModelLODLevel lodLevel = ModelLODLevel::Constant;
    //! Rendering state to be set
    int state = 0;

 * \struct ModelHeaderV3
 * \brief Header for new model file version 3
struct ModelHeaderV3
    //! File version (1, 2, ...)
    int version = 0;
    //! Total number of crash spheres
    int totalCrashSpheres = 0;
    //! Whether model has shadow spot
    bool hasShadowSpot = false;
    //! Whether model has camera collision sphere
    bool hasCameraCollisionSphere = false;
    //! Total number of meshes
    int totalMeshes = 0;

 * \struct ModelMeshHeaderV3
 * \brief Header for mesh saved in new model file version 3
struct ModelMeshHeaderV3
    //! Total number of triangles
    int totalTriangles = 0;
    //! Mesh name
    std::string name;
    //! Parent mesh name
    std::string parentName;
    //! Mesh position
    glm::vec3 position = { 0, 0, 0 };
    //! Mesh rotation
    glm::vec3 rotation = { 0, 0, 0 };
    //! Mesh scale
    glm::vec3 scale = { 1, 1, 1 };

 * \struct ModelTriangleV3
 * \brief Mesh triangle saved in new model file version 3
 * NOTE: this is newest version, always same as ModelTriangle struct.
struct ModelTriangleV3 : ModelTriangle {};

                      Deprecated formats

 * \struct OldModelHeader
 * \brief Old Colobot binary model header info
 * @deprecated
struct OldModelHeader
    //! Revision number
    int revision = 0;
    //! Version number
    int version = 0;
    //! Total number of triangles
    int totalTriangles = 0;
    //! Reserved area
    int reserved[10] = {};

 * \struct OldModelTriangleV1
 * \brief Old Colobot binary model file version 1
 * @deprecated
struct OldModelTriangleV1
    char used = 0;
    char selected = 0;
    Vertex3D p1;
    Vertex3D p2;
    Vertex3D p3;
    char texName[21] = {'\0'};
    float min = 0;
    float max = 0;

 * \struct OldModelTriangleV2
 * \brief Old Colobot binary model file version 2
 * @deprecated
struct OldModelTriangleV2
    char used = 0;
    char selected = 0;
    Vertex3D p1;
    Vertex3D p2;
    Vertex3D p3;
    char texName[21] = {'\0'};
    float min = 0.0f;
    float max = 0.0f;
    long state = 0;
    short reserved1 = 0;
    short reserved2 = 0;
    short reserved3 = 0;
    short reserved4 = 0;

 * \struct OldModelTriangleV3
 * \brief Old Colobot binary model file version 3
 * @deprecated
struct OldModelTriangleV3
    char used = 0;
    char selected = 0;
    Vertex3D p1;
    Vertex3D p2;
    Vertex3D p3;
    char texName[21] = {'\0'};
    float min = 0.0f;
    float max = 0.0f;
    long state = 0;
    short texNum2 = 0;
    short reserved2 = 0;
    short reserved3 = 0;
    short reserved4 = 0;

} // namespace Gfx