# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #[=======================================================================[.rst: FindOpenAL ---------- Finds Open Audio Library (OpenAL). This module defines ``OPENAL_LIBRARY OPENAL_FOUND``, if false, do not try to link to OpenAL ``OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR``, where to find the headers. ``$OPENALDIR`` is an environment variable that would correspond to the ``./configure --prefix=$OPENALDIR`` used in building OpenAL. Created by Eric Wing. This was influenced by the ``FindSDL.cmake`` module. Modified by Mateusz PrzybyĆ <matt@przybyl.io>. #]=======================================================================] # This makes the presumption that you are include al.h like # #include "al.h" # and not # #include <AL/al.h> # The reason for this is that the latter is not entirely portable. # Windows/Creative Labs does not by default put their headers in AL/ and # OS X uses the convention <OpenAL/al.h>. # # For Windows, Creative Labs seems to have added a registry key for their # OpenAL 1.1 installer. I have added that key to the list of search paths, # however, the key looks like it could be a little fragile depending on # if they decide to change the 1.00.0000 number for bug fix releases. # Also, they seem to have laid down groundwork for multiple library platforms # which puts the library in an extra subdirectory. Currently there is only # Win32 and I have hardcoded that here. This may need to be adjusted as # platforms are introduced. # The OpenAL 1.0 installer doesn't seem to have a useful key I can use. # I do not know if the Nvidia OpenAL SDK has a registry key. # # For OS X, remember that OpenAL was added by Apple in 10.4 (Tiger). # To support the framework, I originally wrote special framework detection # code in this module which I have now removed with CMake's introduction # of native support for frameworks. # In addition, OpenAL is open source, and it is possible to compile on Panther. # Furthermore, due to bugs in the initial OpenAL release, and the # transition to OpenAL 1.1, it is common to need to override the built-in # framework. # Per my request, CMake should search for frameworks first in # the following order: # ~/Library/Frameworks/OpenAL.framework/Headers # /Library/Frameworks/OpenAL.framework/Headers # /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenAL.framework/Headers # # On OS X, this will prefer the Framework version (if found) over others. # People will have to manually change the cache values of # OPENAL_LIBRARY to override this selection or set the CMake environment # CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH to modify the search paths. find_path(OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR al.h HINTS ENV OPENALDIR PATH_SUFFIXES include/AL include/OpenAL include AL OpenAL PATHS ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /opt [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Creative\ Labs\\OpenAL\ 1.1\ Software\ Development\ Kit\\1.00.0000;InstallDir] ) if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) set(_OpenAL_ARCH_DIR libs/Win64) else() set(_OpenAL_ARCH_DIR libs/Win32) endif() find_library(OPENAL_LIBRARY NAMES OpenAL al openal OpenAL32 HINTS ENV OPENALDIR PATH_SUFFIXES libx32 lib64 lib libs64 libs ${_OpenAL_ARCH_DIR} PATHS ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /opt [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Creative\ Labs\\OpenAL\ 1.1\ Software\ Development\ Kit\\1.00.0000;InstallDir] ) unset(_OpenAL_ARCH_DIR) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(OpenAL DEFAULT_MSG OPENAL_LIBRARY OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(OPENAL_LIBRARY OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR) # Export targets # Note: OpenAL exports targets itself by OpenALConfig.cmake, # However, the file is not for some reason provided in packages in some Linux distros, e.g. Ubuntu 18.04 # Hence this Find*.cmake file. if(OpenAL_FOUND AND NOT TARGET OpenAL::OpenAL) add_library(OpenAL::OpenAL UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(OpenAL::OpenAL PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${OPENAL_LIBRARY}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) endif()