/* * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code * Copyright (C) 2001-2023, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam * http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include "graphics/engine/lightman.h" #include "common/logger.h" #include "graphics/core/device.h" #include "graphics/engine/engine.h" #include "math/geometry.h" #include #include // Graphics module namespace namespace Gfx { void LightProgression::Init(float value) { starting = value; ending = value; current = value; progress = 0.0f; speed = 100.0f; } void LightProgression::Update(float rTime) { if (speed < 100.0f) { if (progress < 1.0f) { progress += speed * rTime; if (progress > 1.0f) progress = 1.0f; } current = starting + progress * (ending - starting); } else { current = ending; } } void LightProgression::SetTarget(float value) { starting = current; ending = value; progress = 0.0f; } CLightManager::CLightManager(CEngine* engine) { m_device = nullptr; m_engine = engine; m_time = 0.0f; } CLightManager::~CLightManager() { m_device = nullptr; m_engine = nullptr; } void CLightManager::SetDevice(CDevice* device) { m_device = device; m_lightMap = std::vector(8, -1); } void CLightManager::DebugDumpLights() { CLogger* l = GetLogger(); l->Debug("Dynamic lights:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_dynLights.size() ); ++i) { const DynamicLight& dynLight = m_dynLights[i]; if (!dynLight.used) continue; int deviceLight = -1; for (int j = 0; j < static_cast( m_lightMap.size() ); ++j) { if (m_lightMap[j] == i) { deviceLight = j; break; } } l->Debug(" light %d\n", i); l->Debug(" enabled = %s\n", dynLight.enabled ? "true" : "false"); l->Debug(" priority = %d\n", dynLight.priority); l->Debug(" device light = %d\n", deviceLight); l->Debug(" light:\n"); const Light& light = dynLight.light; std::string str; l->Debug(" type = %d\n", light.type); str = light.ambient.ToString(); l->Debug(" ambient = %s\n", str.c_str()); str = light.diffuse.ToString(); l->Debug(" diffuse = %s\n", str.c_str()); str = light.specular.ToString(); l->Debug(" specular = %s\n", str.c_str()); str = Math::ToString(light.position); l->Debug(" position = %s\n", str.c_str()); str = Math::ToString(light.direction); l->Debug(" direction = %s\n", str.c_str()); l->Debug(" attenuation0 = %f\n", light.attenuation0); l->Debug(" attenuation1 = %f\n", light.attenuation1); l->Debug(" attenuation2 = %f\n", light.attenuation2); l->Debug(" spotAngle = %f\n", light.spotAngle); l->Debug(" spotIntensity = %f\n", light.spotIntensity); l->Debug(" intensity: %f\n", dynLight.intensity.current); l->Debug(" color: %f %f %f\n", dynLight.colorRed.current, dynLight.colorGreen.current, dynLight.colorBlue.current); l->Debug(" includeType: %d\n", dynLight.includeType); l->Debug(" excludeType: %d\n", dynLight.excludeType); } } void CLightManager::FlushLights() { m_dynLights.clear(); } /** Returns the index of light created. */ int CLightManager::CreateLight(LightPriority priority) { int index = 0; for (; index < static_cast( m_dynLights.size() ); index++) { if (! m_dynLights[index].used) break; } if (index == static_cast(m_dynLights.size())) m_dynLights.push_back(DynamicLight()); m_dynLights[index] = DynamicLight(); m_dynLights[index].rank = index; m_dynLights[index].used = true; m_dynLights[index].enabled = true; m_dynLights[index].priority = priority; m_dynLights[index].includeType = ENG_OBJTYPE_NULL; m_dynLights[index].excludeType = ENG_OBJTYPE_NULL; m_dynLights[index].light.type = LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL; m_dynLights[index].light.diffuse = Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); m_dynLights[index].light.ambient = Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); m_dynLights[index].light.position = glm::vec3(-100.0f, 100.0f, -100.0f); m_dynLights[index].light.direction = glm::vec3( 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); m_dynLights[index].intensity.Init(1.0f); // maximum m_dynLights[index].colorRed.Init(0.5f); m_dynLights[index].colorGreen.Init(0.5f); m_dynLights[index].colorBlue.Init(0.5f); // gray return index; } bool CLightManager::DeleteLight(int lightRank) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; m_dynLights[lightRank].used = false; return true; } bool CLightManager::SetLight(int lightRank, const Light &light) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; m_dynLights[lightRank].light = light; m_dynLights[lightRank].colorRed.Init(m_dynLights[lightRank].light.diffuse.r); m_dynLights[lightRank].colorGreen.Init(m_dynLights[lightRank].light.diffuse.g); m_dynLights[lightRank].colorBlue.Init(m_dynLights[lightRank].light.diffuse.b); return true; } bool CLightManager::GetLight(int lightRank, Light &light) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; light = m_dynLights[lightRank].light; return true; } bool CLightManager::SetLightEnabled(int lightRank, bool enabled) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; m_dynLights[lightRank].enabled = enabled; return true; } bool CLightManager::SetLightPriority(int lightRank, LightPriority priority) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; m_dynLights[lightRank].priority = priority; return true; } bool CLightManager::SetLightIncludeType(int lightRank, EngineObjectType type) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; m_dynLights[lightRank].includeType = type; return true; } bool CLightManager::SetLightExcludeType(int lightRank, EngineObjectType type) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; m_dynLights[lightRank].excludeType = type; return true; } bool CLightManager::SetLightPos(int lightRank, const glm::vec3 &pos) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; m_dynLights[lightRank].light.position = pos; return true; } glm::vec3 CLightManager::GetLightPos(int lightRank) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); return m_dynLights[lightRank].light.position; } bool CLightManager::SetLightDir(int lightRank, const glm::vec3 &dir) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; m_dynLights[lightRank].light.direction = dir; return true; } glm::vec3 CLightManager::GetLightDir(int lightRank) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); return m_dynLights[lightRank].light.direction; } bool CLightManager::SetLightIntensitySpeed(int lightRank, float speed) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; m_dynLights[lightRank].intensity.speed = speed; return true; } bool CLightManager::SetLightIntensity(int lightRank, float value) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; m_dynLights[lightRank].intensity.SetTarget(value); return true; } float CLightManager::GetLightIntensity(int lightRank) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return 0.0f; return m_dynLights[lightRank].intensity.current; } bool CLightManager::SetLightColorSpeed(int lightRank, float speed) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; m_dynLights[lightRank].colorRed.speed = speed; m_dynLights[lightRank].colorGreen.speed = speed; m_dynLights[lightRank].colorBlue.speed = speed; return true; } bool CLightManager::SetLightColor(int lightRank, const Color &color) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return false; m_dynLights[lightRank].colorRed.SetTarget(color.r); m_dynLights[lightRank].colorGreen.SetTarget(color.g); m_dynLights[lightRank].colorBlue.SetTarget(color.b); return true; } Color CLightManager::GetLightColor(int lightRank) { if ( (lightRank < 0) || (lightRank >= static_cast( m_dynLights.size() )) ) return Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); Color color; color.r = m_dynLights[lightRank].colorRed.current; color.g = m_dynLights[lightRank].colorGreen.current; color.b = m_dynLights[lightRank].colorBlue.current; return color; } void CLightManager::AdaptLightColor(const Color &color, float factor) { for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_dynLights.size() ); i++) { if (! m_dynLights[i].used) continue; Color value; value.r = m_dynLights[i].colorRed.current; value.g = m_dynLights[i].colorGreen.current; value.b = m_dynLights[i].colorBlue.current; value.r += color.r * factor; value.g += color.g * factor; value.b += color.b * factor; m_dynLights[i].colorRed.Init(value.r); m_dynLights[i].colorGreen.Init(value.g); m_dynLights[i].colorBlue.Init(value.b); } UpdateLights(); } void CLightManager::UpdateProgression(float rTime) { if (m_engine->GetPause()) return; m_time += rTime; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_dynLights.size() ); i++) { if (! m_dynLights[i].used) continue; m_dynLights[i].intensity.Update(rTime); m_dynLights[i].colorRed.Update(rTime); m_dynLights[i].colorGreen.Update(rTime); m_dynLights[i].colorBlue.Update(rTime); if (m_dynLights[i].includeType == ENG_OBJTYPE_QUARTZ) { m_dynLights[i].light.direction.x = sinf(1.0f * (m_time + i*Math::PI*0.5f)); m_dynLights[i].light.direction.z = cosf(1.1f * (m_time + i*Math::PI*0.5f)); m_dynLights[i].light.direction.y = -1.0f + 0.5f * cosf((m_time + i*Math::PI*0.5f)*2.7f); } if (m_dynLights[i].includeType == ENG_OBJTYPE_METAL) { glm::vec3 dir = m_engine->GetEyePt() - m_engine->GetLookatPt(); float angle = Math::RotateAngle(dir.x, dir.z); angle += Math::PI * 0.5f * i; m_dynLights[i].light.direction.x = sinf(2.0f * angle); m_dynLights[i].light.direction.z = cosf(2.0f * angle); } } } void CLightManager::UpdateLights() { for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_dynLights.size() ); i++) { if (! m_dynLights[i].used) continue; bool enabled = m_dynLights[i].enabled; if (Math::IsZero(m_dynLights[i].intensity.current)) enabled = false; if (enabled) { float value = m_dynLights[i].colorRed.current * m_dynLights[i].intensity.current; m_dynLights[i].light.diffuse.r = value; value = m_dynLights[i].colorGreen.current * m_dynLights[i].intensity.current; m_dynLights[i].light.diffuse.g = value; value = m_dynLights[i].colorBlue.current * m_dynLights[i].intensity.current; m_dynLights[i].light.diffuse.b = value; } else { m_dynLights[i].light.diffuse.r = 0.0f; m_dynLights[i].light.diffuse.g = 0.0f; m_dynLights[i].light.diffuse.b = 0.0f; } } } void CLightManager::UpdateDeviceLights(EngineObjectType type) { for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_lightMap.size() ); ++i) m_lightMap[i] = -1; std::vector sortedLights = m_dynLights; CLightsComparator lightsComparator(m_engine->GetEyePt(), type); std::sort(sortedLights.begin(), sortedLights.end(), lightsComparator); int lightMapIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( sortedLights.size() ); i++) { if (! sortedLights[i].used) continue; if (! sortedLights[i].enabled) continue; if (sortedLights[i].intensity.current == 0.0f) continue; bool enabled = true; if (sortedLights[i].includeType != ENG_OBJTYPE_NULL) enabled = (sortedLights[i].includeType == type); if (sortedLights[i].excludeType != ENG_OBJTYPE_NULL) enabled = (sortedLights[i].excludeType != type); if (enabled) { m_lightMap[lightMapIndex] = sortedLights[i].rank; ++lightMapIndex; } if (lightMapIndex >= static_cast( m_lightMap.size() )) break; } for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_lightMap.size() ); ++i) { int rank = m_lightMap[i]; if (rank != -1) { Light light = m_dynLights[rank].light; //m_device->SetLight(i, light); //m_device->SetLightEnabled(i, true); } else { //m_device->SetLightEnabled(i, false); } } } // ----------- CLightManager::CLightsComparator::CLightsComparator(glm::vec3 eyePos, EngineObjectType objectType) { m_eyePos = eyePos; m_objectType = objectType; } float CLightManager::CLightsComparator::GetLightWeight(const DynamicLight& dynLight) { if (dynLight.priority == LIGHT_PRI_HIGHEST) return -1.0f; bool enabled = true; if (!dynLight.used || !dynLight.enabled || dynLight.intensity.current == 0.0f) enabled = false; else if (dynLight.includeType != ENG_OBJTYPE_NULL) enabled = dynLight.includeType == m_objectType; else if (dynLight.excludeType != ENG_OBJTYPE_NULL) enabled = dynLight.excludeType != m_objectType; return enabled ? ( glm::length(dynLight.light.position - m_eyePos) * dynLight.priority ) : 10000.0f; } bool CLightManager::CLightsComparator::operator()(const DynamicLight& left, const DynamicLight& right) { float leftWeight = GetLightWeight(left); float rightWeight = GetLightWeight(right); return leftWeight < rightWeight; } } // namespace Gfx