/* * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code * Copyright (C) 2001-2014, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam * http://epsiteс.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ /** * \file object/old_object.h * \brief COldObject - legacy CObject code */ #pragma once #include "object/object.h" #include "object/interface/carrier_object.h" #include "object/interface/controllable_object.h" #include "object/interface/interactive_object.h" #include "object/interface/jostleable_object.h" #include "object/interface/movable_object.h" #include "object/interface/power_container_object.h" #include "object/interface/powered_object.h" #include "object/interface/programmable_object.h" #include "object/interface/task_executor_object.h" #include "object/interface/transportable_object.h" // The father of all parts must always be the part number zero! const int OBJECTMAXPART = 40; struct ObjectPart { bool bUsed; int object; // number of the object in CEngine int parentPart; // number of father part int masterParti; // master canal of the particle Math::Vector position; Math::Vector angle; Math::Vector zoom; bool bTranslate; bool bRotate; bool bZoom; Math::Matrix matTranslate; Math::Matrix matRotate; Math::Matrix matTransform; Math::Matrix matWorld; }; enum TraceOper { TO_STOP = 0, // stop TO_ADVANCE = 1, // advance TO_RECEDE = 2, // back TO_TURN = 3, // rotate TO_PEN = 4, // color change }; struct TraceRecord { TraceOper oper; float param; }; namespace Ui { class CObjectInterface; } class COldObject : public CObject, public CInteractiveObject, public CTransportableObject, public CTaskExecutorObject, public CProgrammableObject, public CJostleableObject, public CCarrierObject, public CPoweredObject, public CMovableObject, public CControllableObject, public CPowerContainerObject { friend class CObjectFactory; friend class CObjectManager; protected: void DeleteObject(bool bAll=false); void SetPhysics(std::unique_ptr physics); void SetProgrammable(bool programmable); void SetMotion(std::unique_ptr motion); void SetAuto(std::unique_ptr automat); void SetShowLimitRadius(float radius); void SetOption(int option); void SetJostlingSphere(const Math::Sphere& sphere); public: COldObject(int id); // should only be called by CObjectFactory ~COldObject(); void Simplify() override; bool ExplodeObject(ExplosionType type, float force, float decay=1.0f) override; bool EventProcess(const Event& event) override; void UpdateMapping(); void DeletePart(int part) override; void SetObjectRank(int part, int objRank); int GetObjectRank(int part) override; void SetObjectParent(int part, int parent); void SetType(ObjectType type) override; const char* GetName(); int GetOption() override; void Write(CLevelParserLine* line) override; void Read(CLevelParserLine* line) override; void SetDrawFront(bool bDraw) override; int GetShadowLight(); int GetEffectLight(); void SetShieldRadius(float radius); float GetShieldRadius() override; void SetFloorHeight(float height); void FloorAdjust() override; void SetLinVibration(Math::Vector dir) override; Math::Vector GetLinVibration(); void SetCirVibration(Math::Vector dir) override; Math::Vector GetCirVibration(); void SetTilt(Math::Vector dir); Math::Vector GetTilt() override; void SetPartPosition(int part, const Math::Vector &pos); Math::Vector GetPartPosition(int part) const; void SetPartRotation(int part, const Math::Vector &angle); Math::Vector GetPartRotation(int part) const; void SetPartRotationY(int part, float angle); void SetPartRotationX(int part, float angle); void SetPartRotationZ(int part, float angle); float GetPartRotationY(int part); float GetPartRotationX(int part); float GetPartRotationZ(int part); void SetPartScale(int part, float zoom); void SetPartScale(int part, Math::Vector zoom); Math::Vector GetPartScale(int part) const; void SetPartScaleX(int part, float zoom); float GetPartScaleX(int part); void SetPartScaleY(int part, float zoom); float GetPartScaleY(int part); void SetPartScaleZ(int part, float zoom); float GetPartScaleZ(int part); void SetTrainer(bool bEnable) override; bool GetTrainer() override; void SetToy(bool bEnable); bool GetToy(); void SetManual(bool bManual); bool GetManual(); void SetMasterParticle(int part, int parti) override; void SetPower(CObject* power) override; CObject* GetPower() override; void SetCargo(CObject* cargo) override; CObject* GetCargo() override; void SetTransporter(CObject* transporter) override; CObject* GetTransporter() override; void SetTransporterPart(int part) override; void SetCmdLine(unsigned int rank, float value); float GetCmdLine(unsigned int rank) override; Math::Matrix* GetRotateMatrix(int part); Math::Matrix* GetWorldMatrix(int part) override; void SetViewFromHere(Math::Vector &eye, float &dirH, float &dirV, Math::Vector &lookat, Math::Vector &upVec, Gfx::CameraType type) override; Character* GetCharacter() override; float GetAbsTime(); void SetEnergyLevel(float level) override; float GetEnergyLevel() override; float GetCapacity() override; bool IsRechargeable() override; void SetShield(float level) override; float GetShield() override; void SetRange(float delay) override; float GetRange() override; void SetTransparency(float value) override; void SetFixed(bool bFixed) override; bool GetFixed() override; Math::Sphere GetJostlingSphere() const override; bool JostleObject(float force) override; void SetVirusMode(bool bEnable) override; bool GetVirusMode() override; void SetCameraType(Gfx::CameraType type) override; Gfx::CameraType GetCameraType() override; void SetCameraDist(float dist) override; float GetCameraDist() override; void SetCameraLock(bool lock) override; bool GetCameraLock() override; void SetHighlight(bool highlight) override; void SetSelect(bool select, bool bDisplayError = true) override; bool GetSelect() override; void SetSelectable(bool bMode); bool GetSelectable() override; void SetActivity(bool activity) override; bool GetActivity() override; void SetVisible(bool bVisible); void SetCheckToken(bool bMode); bool GetCheckToken(); void SetMagnifyDamage(float factor) override; float GetMagnifyDamage() override; void SetParam(float value) override; float GetParam() override; void SetExploding(bool bExplo) override; bool IsExploding() override; void SetBurn(bool bBurn) override; bool GetBurn() override; void SetDead(bool bDead) override; bool GetDead() override; bool GetRuin() override; bool GetActive() override; void SetGunGoalV(float gunGoal); void SetGunGoalH(float gunGoal); float GetGunGoalV(); float GetGunGoalH(); float GetShowLimitRadius() override; void CreateSelectParticle(); CPhysics* GetPhysics() override; CMotion* GetMotion() override; CAuto* GetAuto() override; void SetDefRank(int rank) override; int GetDefRank() override; bool CreateShadowCircle(float radius, float intensity, Gfx::EngineShadowType type = Gfx::ENG_SHADOW_NORM); bool CreateShadowLight(float height, Gfx::Color color); bool CreateEffectLight(float height, Gfx::Color color); void FlatParent() override; void SetInfoReturn(float value); float GetInfoReturn() override; void SetPosition(const Math::Vector& pos) override; Math::Vector GetPosition() const override; void SetRotation(const Math::Vector& rotation) override; Math::Vector GetRotation() const override; using CObject::SetScale; // SetScale(float) version void SetScale(const Math::Vector& scale) override; Math::Vector GetScale() const override; Error StartTaskTake() override; Error StartTaskManip(TaskManipOrder order, TaskManipArm arm) override; Error StartTaskFlag(TaskFlagOrder order, int rank) override; Error StartTaskBuild(ObjectType type) override; Error StartTaskSearch() override; Error StartTaskDeleteMark() override; Error StartTaskTerraform() override; Error StartTaskRecover() override; Error StartTaskFire(float delay) override; Error StartTaskFireAnt(Math::Vector impact) override; Error StartTaskSpiderExplo() override; Error StartTaskPen(bool down, TraceColor color = TraceColor::Default) override; Error StartTaskWait(float time) override; Error StartTaskAdvance(float length) override; Error StartTaskTurn(float angle) override; Error StartTaskGoto(Math::Vector pos, float altitude, TaskGotoGoal goalMode, TaskGotoCrash crashMode) override; Error StartTaskInfo(const char *name, float value, float power, bool bSend) override; Error StartTaskShield(TaskShieldMode mode, float delay = 1000.0f) override; Error StartTaskGunGoal(float dirV, float dirH) override; bool IsForegroundTask() override; bool IsBackgroundTask() override; CTaskManager* GetForegroundTask() override; CTaskManager* GetBackgroundTask() override; void StopForegroundTask() override; void StopBackgroundTask() override; void UpdateInterface(); bool IsProgram() override; void RunProgram(Program* program) override; int GetProgram() override; void StopProgram() override; bool IntroduceVirus() override; void SetActiveVirus(bool bActive) override; bool GetActiveVirus() override; void SetScriptRun(Program* rank) override; Program* GetScriptRun() override; void SetSoluceName(char *name) override; char* GetSoluceName() override; bool ReadSoluce(char* filename) override; bool ReadProgram(Program* program, const char* filename) override; bool GetCompile(Program* program) override; bool WriteProgram(Program* program, const char* filename) override; bool ReadStack(FILE *file) override; bool WriteStack(FILE *file) override; Program* AddProgram() override; void AddProgram(std::unique_ptr program) override; void RemoveProgram(Program* program) override; Program* CloneProgram(Program* program) override; std::vector>& GetPrograms() override; int GetProgramCount() override; Program* GetProgram(int index) override; Program* GetOrAddProgram(int index) override; int GetProgramIndex(Program* program) override; //! Start recording trace void TraceRecordStart() override; //! Stop recording trace and generate CBot program void TraceRecordStop() override; //! Returns true if trace recording is in progress bool IsTraceRecord() override; protected: bool EventFrame(const Event &event); void VirusFrame(float rTime); void PartiFrame(float rTime); void InitPart(int part); void UpdateTotalPart(); int SearchDescendant(int parent, int n); void UpdateEnergyMapping(); bool UpdateTransformObject(int part, bool bForceUpdate); bool UpdateTransformObject(); void UpdateSelectParticle(); void TransformCrashSphere(Math::Sphere &crashSphere) override; void TransformCameraCollisionSphere(Math::Sphere& collisionSphere) override; Error EndedTask(); //! Save current status to recording buffer void TraceRecordFrame(); //! Save this operation to recording buffer bool TraceRecordOper(TraceOper oper, float param); //! Convert this recording operation to CBot instruction bool TraceRecordPut(std::stringstream& buffer, TraceOper oper, float param); protected: Gfx::CEngine* m_engine; Gfx::CLightManager* m_lightMan; Gfx::CTerrain* m_terrain; Gfx::CCamera* m_camera; Gfx::CParticle* m_particle; CRobotMain* m_main; CSoundInterface* m_sound; std::unique_ptr m_physics; std::unique_ptr m_motion; std::unique_ptr m_auto; std::unique_ptr m_objectInterface; std::string m_name; // name of the object Character m_character; // characteristic int m_option; // option int m_shadowLight; // number of light from the shadows float m_shadowHeight; // height of light from the shadows int m_effectLight; // number of light effects float m_effectHeight; // height of light effects Math::Vector m_linVibration; // linear vibration Math::Vector m_cirVibration; // circular vibration Math::Vector m_tilt; // tilt CObject* m_power; // battery used by the vehicle CObject* m_cargo; // object transported CObject* m_transporter; // object with the latter int m_transporterLink; // part float m_energy; // energy contained (if battery) float m_lastEnergy; float m_shield; // shield float m_range; // flight range float m_transparency; // transparency (0..1) float m_aTime; float m_shotTime; // time since last shot bool m_bVirusMode; // virus activated/triggered float m_virusTime; // lifetime of the virus float m_lastVirusParticle; bool m_bSelect; // object selected bool m_bSelectable; // selectable object bool m_bCheckToken; // object with audited tokens bool m_bVisible; // object active but undetectable bool m_bExplo; bool m_bCargo; bool m_bBurn; bool m_bDead; bool m_bFlat; bool m_bTrainer; // drive vehicle (without remote) bool m_bToy; // toy key bool m_bManual; // manual control (Scribbler) bool m_bFixed; bool m_bClip; float m_showLimitRadius; float m_gunGoalV; float m_gunGoalH; Gfx::CameraType m_cameraType; float m_cameraDist; bool m_bCameraLock; int m_defRank; float m_magnifyDamage; float m_param; int m_team; Math::Sphere m_jostlingSphere; float m_shieldRadius; int m_totalPart; ObjectPart m_objectPart[OBJECTMAXPART]; int m_partiSel[4]; float m_infoReturn; std::vector m_cmdLine; bool m_activity; std::unique_ptr m_foregroundTask; std::unique_ptr m_backgroundTask; std::vector> m_program; Program* m_currentProgram; bool m_bActiveVirus; Program* m_scriptRun; char m_soluceName[50]; EventType m_buttonAxe; float m_time; float m_burnTime; bool m_traceRecord; TraceOper m_traceOper; Math::Vector m_tracePos; float m_traceAngle; TraceColor m_traceColor; int m_traceRecordIndex; std::unique_ptr m_traceRecordBuffer; };