; test file for SimpleIni whitespace = ok nosection=ok NOSECTION=still ok [standard] foo=foo1 standard-1=foo 日本語=ok1 [Standard] Foo=foo2 standard-2=foo 日本語=ok2 [ Whitespace ] a= [ whitespace in section name ] whitespace in key name = whitespace in value name ; comments ; more comments invalid =invalid ====invalid [Japanese] nihongo = 日本語 日本語 = 日本語 [日本語] nihongo = 日本語 日本語 = 日本語 [] more=no section name [MultiLine] single = This is a single line. multi = <<<MULTI This is a multi-line value. It continues until the MULTI tag is found on a line by itself with no whitespace before or after it. This value will be returned to the user with all newlines and whitespace. MULTI