/* * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code * Copyright (C) 2001-2021, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam * http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include "object/task/taskgoto.h" #include "common/event.h" #include "common/global.h" #include "common/image.h" #include "common/make_unique.h" #include "graphics/engine/terrain.h" #include "graphics/engine/water.h" #include "math/geometry.h" #include "object/object_manager.h" #include "object/old_object.h" #include "object/interface/transportable_object.h" #include "object/subclass/base_alien.h" #include "physics/physics.h" #include const float FLY_DIST_GROUND = 80.0f; // minimum distance to remain on the ground const float FLY_DEF_HEIGHT = 50.0f; // default flying height // Settings that define goto() accuracy: const float BM_DIM_STEP = 5.0f; // Size of one pixel on the bitmap. Setting 5 means that 5x5 square (in game units) will be represented by 1 px on the bitmap. Decreasing this value will make a bigger bitmap, and may increase accuracy. TODO: Check how it actually impacts goto() accuracy const float BEAM_ACCURACY = 5.0f; // higher value = more accurate, but slower const float SAFETY_MARGIN = 0.5f; // Smallest distance between two objects. Smaller = less "no route to destination", but higher probability of collisions between objects. // Changing SAFETY_MARGIN (old value was 4.0f) seems to have fixed many issues with goto(). TODO: maybe we could make it even smaller? Did changing it introduce any new bugs? // Object's constructor. CTaskGoto::CTaskGoto(COldObject* object) : CForegroundTask(object) { m_bmArray = nullptr; } // Object's destructor. CTaskGoto::~CTaskGoto() { BitmapClose(); if (m_engine->GetDebugGoto() && m_object->GetSelect()) m_engine->SetDebugGotoBitmap(std::move(nullptr)); } // Management of an event. bool CTaskGoto::EventProcess(const Event &event) { Math::Vector pos, goal; Math::Point rot, repulse; float a, g, dist, linSpeed, cirSpeed, h, hh, factor, dir; Error ret; if ( event.type != EVENT_FRAME ) return true; if (m_engine->GetDebugGoto()) { auto AdjustPoint = [&](Math::Vector p) -> Math::Vector { m_terrain->AdjustToFloor(p); p.y += 2.0f; return p; }; std::vector debugLine; if (m_bmTotal > 0) { Gfx::Color color = Gfx::Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); for (int i = 0; i < m_bmTotal; i++) { if (i > m_bmIndex-1) color = Gfx::Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); debugLine.push_back(Gfx::VertexCol(AdjustPoint(m_bmPoints[i]), color)); } m_engine->AddDebugGotoLine(debugLine); debugLine.clear(); } Gfx::Color color = Gfx::Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); debugLine.push_back(Gfx::VertexCol(m_object->GetPosition(), color)); debugLine.push_back(Gfx::VertexCol(AdjustPoint(m_bmTotal > 0 && m_bmIndex <= m_bmTotal && m_phase != TGP_BEAMSEARCH ? m_bmPoints[m_bmIndex] : m_goal), color)); m_engine->AddDebugGotoLine(debugLine); if (m_object->GetSelect() && m_bmChanged) { if (m_bmArray != nullptr) { std::unique_ptr debugImage = MakeUnique(Math::IntPoint(m_bmSize, m_bmSize)); debugImage->Fill(Gfx::IntColor(255, 255, 255, 255)); for (int x = 0; x < m_bmSize; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < m_bmSize; y++) { bool a = BitmapTestDot(0, x, y); bool b = BitmapTestDot(1, x, y); if (a || b) { Gfx::Color c = Gfx::Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); if (b) c = Gfx::Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); debugImage->SetPixel(Math::IntPoint(x, y), c); } } } m_engine->SetDebugGotoBitmap(std::move(debugImage)); } m_bmChanged = false; } } if ( m_engine->GetPause() ) return true; // Momentarily stationary object (ant on the back)? CBaseAlien* alien = dynamic_cast(m_object); if ( alien != nullptr && alien->GetFixed() ) { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); // stops the advance m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation return true; } if ( m_error != ERR_OK ) return false; if ( m_bWorm ) { WormFrame(event.rTime); } if ( m_phase == TGP_BEAMLEAK ) // leak? { m_leakTime += event.rTime; pos = m_object->GetPosition(); rot.x = m_leakPos.x-pos.x; rot.y = m_leakPos.z-pos.z; dist = Math::Point(rot.x, rot.y).Length(); if (dist != 0) { rot.x /= dist; rot.y /= dist; } a = m_object->GetRotationY(); g = Math::RotateAngle(rot.x, -rot.y); // CW ! a = Math::Direction(a, g)*1.0f; cirSpeed = a; if ( cirSpeed > 1.0f ) cirSpeed = 1.0f; if ( cirSpeed < -1.0f ) cirSpeed = -1.0f; a = Math::NormAngle(a); if ( a > Math::PI*0.5f && a < Math::PI*1.5f ) { linSpeed = 1.0f; // obstacle behind -> advance cirSpeed = -cirSpeed; } else { linSpeed = -1.0f; // obstacle in front -> back } if ( m_bLeakRecede ) { linSpeed = -1.0f; cirSpeed = 0.0f; } m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(cirSpeed); // turns left / right m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(linSpeed); // advance return true; } if ( m_phase == TGP_BEAMSEARCH ) // search path? { if ( m_bmStep == 0 ) { // Frees the area around the departure. BitmapClearCircle(m_object->GetPosition(), BM_DIM_STEP*1.8f); } pos = m_object->GetPosition(); if ( m_bmCargoObject == nullptr ) { goal = m_goal; dist = 0.0f; } else { goal = m_goalObject; dist = TAKE_DIST+2.0f; if ( m_bmCargoObject->GetType() == OBJECT_BASE ) dist = 12.0f; } ret = BeamSearch(pos, goal, dist); if ( ret == ERR_OK ) { if ( m_physics->GetLand() ) m_phase = TGP_BEAMWCOLD; else m_phase = TGP_BEAMGOTO; m_bmIndex = 0; m_bmWatchDogPos = m_object->GetPosition(); m_bmWatchDogTime = 0.0f; } if ( ret == ERR_GOTO_IMPOSSIBLE || ret == ERR_GOTO_ITER ) { m_error = ret; return false; } return true; } if ( m_phase == TGP_BEAMWCOLD ) // expects cooled reactor? { return true; } if ( m_phase == TGP_BEAMUP ) // off? { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedY(1.0f); // up return true; } if ( m_phase == TGP_BEAMGOTO ) // goto dot list? (?) { if ( m_physics->GetCollision() ) // collision? { m_physics->SetCollision(false); // there's more } pos = m_object->GetPosition(); if ( m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) && m_altitude == 0.0f ) { if ( m_physics->GetLand() ) { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedY(0.0f); } else { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedY(-1.0f); } } if ( m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) && m_altitude > 0.0f ) { goal = m_bmPoints[m_bmIndex]; goal.y = pos.y; h = m_terrain->GetHeightToFloor(goal, true, true); dist = Math::DistanceProjected(pos, goal); if ( dist != 0.0f ) // anticipates? { linSpeed = m_physics->GetLinMotionX(MO_REASPEED); linSpeed /= m_physics->GetLinMotionX(MO_ADVSPEED); goal.x = pos.x + (goal.x-pos.x)*linSpeed*20.0f/dist; goal.z = pos.z + (goal.z-pos.z)*linSpeed*20.0f/dist; } goal.y = pos.y; hh = m_terrain->GetHeightToFloor(goal, true, true); h = Math::Min(h, hh); linSpeed = 0.0f; if ( h < m_altitude-1.0f ) { linSpeed = 0.2f+((m_altitude-1.0f)-h)*0.1f; // up if ( linSpeed > 1.0f ) linSpeed = 1.0f; } if ( h > m_altitude+1.0f ) { linSpeed = -0.2f; // down } m_physics->SetMotorSpeedY(linSpeed); } rot.x = m_bmPoints[m_bmIndex].x-pos.x; rot.y = m_bmPoints[m_bmIndex].z-pos.z; dist = Math::Point(rot.x, rot.y).Length(); rot.x /= dist; rot.y /= dist; a = m_object->GetRotationY(); g = Math::RotateAngle(rot.x, -rot.y); // CW ! cirSpeed = Math::Direction(a, g)*2.0f; if ( cirSpeed > 1.0f ) cirSpeed = 1.0f; if ( cirSpeed < -1.0f ) cirSpeed = -1.0f; if ( dist < 4.0f ) cirSpeed *= dist/4.0f; // so close -> turns less if ( m_bmIndex == m_bmTotal ) // last point? { linSpeed = dist/(m_physics->GetLinStopLength()*1.5f); if ( linSpeed > 1.0f ) linSpeed = 1.0f; } else { linSpeed = 1.0f; // dark without stopping } linSpeed *= 1.0f-(1.0f-0.3f)*fabs(cirSpeed); //? if ( dist < 20.0f && fabs(cirSpeed) >= 0.5f ) if ( fabs(cirSpeed) >= 0.2f ) { linSpeed = 0.0f; // turns first, then advance } dist = Math::DistanceProjected(pos, m_bmWatchDogPos); if ( dist < 1.0f && linSpeed != 0.0f ) { m_bmWatchDogTime += event.rTime; } else { m_bmWatchDogTime = 0.0f; m_bmWatchDogPos = pos; } if ( m_bmWatchDogTime >= 1.0f ) // immobile for a long time? { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); // stops the advance m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation BeamStart(); // we start all return true; } m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(cirSpeed); // turns left / right m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(linSpeed); // advance return true; } if ( m_phase == TGP_BEAMDOWN ) // landed? { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedY(-0.5f); // tomb return true; } if ( m_phase == TGP_LAND ) // landed? { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedY(-0.5f); // tomb return true; } if ( m_goalMode == TGG_EXPRESS ) { if ( m_crashMode == TGC_HALT ) { if ( m_physics->GetCollision() ) // collision? { m_physics->SetCollision(false); // there's more m_error = ERR_STOP; return true; } } pos = m_object->GetPosition(); if ( m_altitude > 0.0f ) { h = m_terrain->GetHeightToFloor(pos, true, true); linSpeed = 0.0f; if ( h < m_altitude ) { linSpeed = 0.1f; // up } if ( h > m_altitude ) { linSpeed = -0.2f; // down } m_physics->SetMotorSpeedY(linSpeed); } rot.x = m_goal.x-pos.x; rot.y = m_goal.z-pos.z; a = m_object->GetRotationY(); g = Math::RotateAngle(rot.x, -rot.y); // CW ! cirSpeed = Math::Direction(a, g)*1.0f; if ( cirSpeed > 1.0f ) cirSpeed = 1.0f; if ( cirSpeed < -1.0f ) cirSpeed = -1.0f; m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(cirSpeed); // turns left / right m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(1.0f); // advance return true; } if ( m_phase != TGP_TURN && m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) && m_altitude > 0.0f ) { pos = m_object->GetPosition(); dist = Math::DistanceProjected(m_goal, pos); factor = (dist-20.0f)/20.0f; if ( factor < 0.0f ) factor = 0.0f; if ( factor > 1.0f ) factor = 1.0f; h = m_terrain->GetHeightToFloor(m_object->GetPosition(), true, true); linSpeed = 0.0f; if ( h < (m_altitude-0.5f)*factor && factor == 1.0f ) { linSpeed = 0.1f; // up } if ( h > m_altitude*factor ) { linSpeed = -0.2f; // down } ComputeFlyingRepulse(dir); linSpeed += dir*0.2f; m_physics->SetMotorSpeedY(linSpeed); } if ( m_phase == TGP_ADVANCE ) // going towards the goal? { if ( m_physics->GetCollision() ) // collision? { m_physics->SetCollision(false); // there's more m_time = 0.0f; m_phase = TGP_CRWAIT; return true; } pos = m_object->GetPosition(); rot.x = m_goal.x-pos.x; rot.y = m_goal.z-pos.z; dist = Math::Point(rot.x, rot.y).Length(); rot.x /= dist; rot.y /= dist; ComputeRepulse(repulse); rot.x += repulse.x*2.0f; rot.y += repulse.y*2.0f; a = m_object->GetRotationY(); g = Math::RotateAngle(rot.x, -rot.y); // CW ! cirSpeed = Math::Direction(a, g)*1.0f; //? if ( m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) && //? m_physics->GetLand() ) // flying on the ground? //? { //? cirSpeed *= 4.0f; // more fishing //? } if ( cirSpeed > 1.0f ) cirSpeed = 1.0f; if ( cirSpeed < -1.0f ) cirSpeed = -1.0f; dist = Math::DistanceProjected(m_goal, pos); linSpeed = dist/(m_physics->GetLinStopLength()*1.5f); //? if ( m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) && //? m_physics->GetLand() ) // flying on the ground? //? { //? linSpeed *= 8.0f; // more fishing //? } if ( linSpeed > 1.0f ) linSpeed = 1.0f; linSpeed *= 1.0f-(1.0f-0.3f)*fabs(cirSpeed); if ( dist < 20.0f && fabs(cirSpeed) >= 0.5f ) { linSpeed = 0.0f; // turns first, then advance } m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(cirSpeed); // turns left / right m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(linSpeed); // advance } if ( m_phase == TGP_TURN || // turns to the object? m_phase == TGP_CRTURN || // turns after collision? m_phase == TGP_CLTURN ) // turns after collision? { a = m_object->GetRotationY(); g = m_angle; cirSpeed = Math::Direction(a, g)*1.0f; if ( cirSpeed > 1.0f ) cirSpeed = 1.0f; if ( cirSpeed < -1.0f ) cirSpeed = -1.0f; m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(cirSpeed); // turns left / right } if ( m_phase == TGP_CRWAIT || // waits after collision? m_phase == TGP_CLWAIT ) // waits after collision? { m_time += event.rTime; m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); // stops the advance m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation } if ( m_phase == TGP_CRADVANCE ) // advance after collision? { if ( m_physics->GetCollision() ) // collision? { m_physics->SetCollision(false); // there's more m_time = 0.0f; m_phase = TGP_CLWAIT; return true; } m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.5f); // advance mollo } if ( m_phase == TGP_CLADVANCE ) // advance after collision? { if ( m_physics->GetCollision() ) // collision? { m_physics->SetCollision(false); // there's more m_time = 0.0f; m_phase = TGP_CRWAIT; return true; } m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.5f); // advance mollo } if ( m_phase == TGP_MOVE ) // final advance? { m_bmTimeLimit -= event.rTime; m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(1.0f); } return true; } // Sought a target for the worm. CObject* CTaskGoto::WormSearch(Math::Vector &impact) { Math::Vector iPos = m_object->GetPosition(); float min = 1000000.0f; CObject* best = nullptr; for (CObject* obj : CObjectManager::GetInstancePointer()->GetAllObjects()) { ObjectType oType = obj->GetType(); if ( oType != OBJECT_MOBILEfa && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEta && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEwa && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEia && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEfb && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEtb && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEwb && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEib && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEfc && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEtc && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEwc && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEic && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEfi && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEti && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEwi && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEii && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEfs && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEts && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEws && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEis && oType != OBJECT_MOBILErt && oType != OBJECT_MOBILErc && oType != OBJECT_MOBILErr && oType != OBJECT_MOBILErs && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEsa && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEtg && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEft && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEtt && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEwt && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEit && oType != OBJECT_MOBILErp && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEst && oType != OBJECT_MOBILEdr && oType != OBJECT_DERRICK && oType != OBJECT_STATION && oType != OBJECT_FACTORY && oType != OBJECT_REPAIR && oType != OBJECT_DESTROYER && oType != OBJECT_CONVERT && oType != OBJECT_TOWER && oType != OBJECT_RESEARCH && oType != OBJECT_RADAR && oType != OBJECT_INFO && oType != OBJECT_ENERGY && oType != OBJECT_LABO && oType != OBJECT_NUCLEAR && oType != OBJECT_PARA && oType != OBJECT_SAFE && oType != OBJECT_HUSTON ) continue; if ( obj->GetVirusMode() ) continue; // object infected? if (obj->GetCrashSphereCount() == 0) continue; Math::Vector oPos = obj->GetFirstCrashSphere().sphere.pos; float distance = Math::DistanceProjected(oPos, iPos); if (distance < min) { min = distance; best = obj; } } if ( best == nullptr ) return nullptr; impact = best->GetPosition(); return best; } // Contaminate objects near the worm. void CTaskGoto::WormFrame(float rTime) { CObject* pObj; Math::Vector impact, pos; float dist; m_wormLastTime += rTime; if ( m_wormLastTime >= 0.5f ) { m_wormLastTime = 0.0f; pObj = WormSearch(impact); if ( pObj != nullptr ) { pos = m_object->GetPosition(); dist = Math::Distance(pos, impact); if ( dist <= 15.0f ) { pObj->SetVirusMode(true); // bam, infected! } } } } // Assigns the goal was achieved. // "dist" is the distance that needs to go far to make a deposit or object. Error CTaskGoto::Start(Math::Vector goal, float altitude, TaskGotoGoal goalMode, TaskGotoCrash crashMode) { Math::Vector pos; CObject* target; ObjectType type; float dist; int x, y; type = m_object->GetType(); if ( goalMode == TGG_DEFAULT ) { goalMode = TGG_STOP; if ( type == OBJECT_MOTHER || type == OBJECT_ANT || type == OBJECT_SPIDER || type == OBJECT_WORM ) { goalMode = TGG_EXPRESS; } } if ( crashMode == TGC_DEFAULT ) { //? crashMode = TGC_RIGHTLEFT; crashMode = TGC_BEAM; if ( type == OBJECT_MOTHER || type == OBJECT_ANT || type == OBJECT_SPIDER || type == OBJECT_WORM || type == OBJECT_BEE ) { crashMode = TGC_HALT; } } m_altitude = altitude; m_goalMode = goalMode; m_crashMode = crashMode; m_goalObject = goal; m_goal = goal; m_bTake = false; m_phase = TGP_ADVANCE; m_error = ERR_OK; m_try = 0; m_bmCargoObject = nullptr; m_bmFinalMove = 0.0f; pos = m_object->GetPosition(); dist = Math::DistanceProjected(pos, m_goal); if ( dist < 10.0f && m_crashMode == TGC_BEAM ) { m_crashMode = TGC_RIGHTLEFT; } m_bWorm = false; if ( type == OBJECT_WORM ) { m_bWorm = true; m_wormLastTime = 0.0f; } m_bApprox = false; if ( type == OBJECT_HUMAN || type == OBJECT_TECH || type == OBJECT_MOTHER || type == OBJECT_ANT || type == OBJECT_SPIDER || type == OBJECT_BEE || type == OBJECT_WORM || type == OBJECT_MOBILErt || type == OBJECT_MOBILErc || type == OBJECT_MOBILErr || type == OBJECT_MOBILErs || type == OBJECT_MOBILErp ) { m_bApprox = true; } if ( !m_bApprox && m_crashMode != TGC_BEAM ) { target = SearchTarget(goal, 1.0f); if ( target != nullptr ) { m_goal = target->GetPosition(); dist = 0.0f; if ( !AdjustBuilding(m_goal, 1.0f, dist) ) { dist = 0.0f; AdjustTarget(target, m_goal, dist); } m_bTake = true; // object was taken on arrival (final rotation) } } m_lastDistance = 1000.0f; m_physics->SetCollision(false); if ( m_crashMode == TGC_BEAM ) // with the algorithm of rays? { target = SearchTarget(goal, 1.0f); if ( target != nullptr ) { m_goal = target->GetPosition(); dist = 4.0f; if ( AdjustBuilding(m_goal, 1.0f, dist) ) { m_bmFinalMove = dist; } else { dist = 4.0f; if ( AdjustTarget(target, m_goal, dist) ) { m_bmCargoObject = target; // cargo on the ground } else { m_bmFinalMove = dist; } } m_bTake = true; // object was taken on arrival (final rotation) } if ( m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) && m_altitude == 0.0f ) { pos = m_object->GetPosition(); dist = Math::DistanceProjected(pos, m_goal); if ( dist > FLY_DIST_GROUND ) // over 20 meters? { m_altitude = FLY_DEF_HEIGHT; // default altitude } } BeamStart(); if ( m_bmCargoObject == nullptr ) { x = static_cast((m_goal.x+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); y = static_cast((m_goal.z+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); if ( BitmapTestDot(0, x, y) ) // arrival occupied? { m_error = ERR_GOTO_BUSY; return m_error; } } } return ERR_OK; } // Indicates whether the action is finished. Error CTaskGoto::IsEnded() { Math::Vector pos; float limit, angle = 0.0f, h, level; volatile float dist; //fix for issue #844 if ( m_engine->GetPause() ) return ERR_CONTINUE; if ( m_error != ERR_OK ) return m_error; pos = m_object->GetPosition(); if ( m_phase == TGP_BEAMLEAK ) // leak? { if ( m_leakTime >= m_leakDelay ) { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); // stops the advance m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation BeamInit(); m_phase = TGP_BEAMSEARCH; // will seek the path } return ERR_CONTINUE; } if ( m_phase == TGP_BEAMSEARCH ) // search path? { return ERR_CONTINUE; } if ( m_phase == TGP_BEAMWCOLD ) // expects cool reactor? { if ( m_altitude != 0.0f && (m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::JetFlying) && dynamic_cast(m_object)->GetReactorRange() < 1.0f) ) return ERR_CONTINUE; m_phase = TGP_BEAMUP; } if ( m_phase == TGP_BEAMUP ) // off? { if ( m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) && m_altitude > 0.0f ) { level = m_terrain->GetFloorLevel(pos, true, true); h = level+m_altitude-20.0f; limit = m_terrain->GetFlyingMaxHeight(); if ( h > limit ) h = limit; if ( pos.y < h-1.0f ) return ERR_CONTINUE; m_physics->SetMotorSpeedY(0.0f); // stops the ascent } m_phase = TGP_BEAMGOTO; } if ( m_phase == TGP_BEAMGOTO ) // goto dot list ? { if ( m_altitude != 0.0f && (m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::JetFlying) && dynamic_cast(m_object)->GetReactorRange() < 0.1f) ) // overheating? { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); // stops the advance m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation m_physics->SetMotorSpeedY(-1.0f); // tomb m_phase = TGP_BEAMWCOLD; return ERR_CONTINUE; } if ( m_physics->GetLand() ) // on the ground? { limit = 1.0f; } else // in flight? { limit = 2.0f; if ( m_bmIndex < m_bmTotal ) limit *= 2.0f; // intermediate point } if ( m_bApprox ) limit = 2.0f; if ( fabs(pos.x - m_bmPoints[m_bmIndex].x) < limit && fabs(pos.z - m_bmPoints[m_bmIndex].z) < limit ) { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); // stops the advance m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation m_bmIndex = BeamShortcut(); if ( m_bmIndex > m_bmTotal ) { m_phase = TGP_BEAMDOWN; } } } if ( m_phase == TGP_BEAMDOWN ) // landed? { if ( m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) && m_altitude > 0.0f ) { if ( !m_physics->GetLand() ) return ERR_CONTINUE; m_physics->SetMotorSpeedY(0.0f); // stops the descent m_altitude = 0.0f; m_phase = TGP_BEAMGOTO; // advance finely on the ground to finish m_bmIndex = m_bmTotal; return ERR_CONTINUE; } if ( m_bTake ) { m_angle = Math::RotateAngle(m_goalObject.x-pos.x, pos.z-m_goalObject.z); m_phase = TGP_TURN; } else { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); // stops the advance m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation return ERR_STOP; } } if ( m_goalMode == TGG_EXPRESS ) { dist = Math::DistanceProjected(m_goal, pos); float margin = 10.0f; if ( m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) ) margin = 20.0f; if ( dist < margin && dist > m_lastDistance ) { return ERR_STOP; } m_lastDistance = dist; } if ( m_phase == TGP_ADVANCE ) // going towards the goal? { if ( m_physics->GetLand() ) limit = 0.1f; // on the ground else limit = 1.0f; // flying if ( m_bApprox ) limit = 2.0f; if ( fabs(pos.x - m_goal.x) < limit && fabs(pos.z - m_goal.z) < limit ) { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); // stops the advance m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation m_phase = TGP_LAND; } } if ( m_phase == TGP_LAND ) // landed? { if ( m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) && m_altitude > 0.0f ) { if ( !m_physics->GetLand() ) return ERR_CONTINUE; m_physics->SetMotorSpeedY(0.0f); } if ( m_bTake ) { m_angle = Math::RotateAngle(m_goalObject.x-pos.x, pos.z-m_goalObject.z); m_phase = TGP_TURN; } else { return ERR_STOP; } } if ( m_phase == TGP_TURN ) // turns to the object? { angle = Math::NormAngle(m_object->GetRotationY()); limit = 0.02f; if ( m_bApprox ) limit = 0.10f; if ( fabs(angle-m_angle) < limit ) { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation if ( m_bmFinalMove == 0.0f ) return ERR_STOP; m_bmFinalPos = m_object->GetPosition(); m_bmFinalDist = m_physics->GetLinLength(m_bmFinalMove); m_bmTimeLimit = m_physics->GetLinTimeLength(fabs(m_bmFinalMove))*1.5f; if ( m_bmTimeLimit < 0.5f ) m_bmTimeLimit = 0.5f; m_phase = TGP_MOVE; } } if ( m_phase == TGP_CRWAIT ) // waits after collision? { if ( m_crashMode == TGC_HALT ) { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); // stops the advance m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation m_error = ERR_UNKNOWN; return m_error; } if ( m_time >= 1.0f ) { if ( m_crashMode == TGC_RIGHTLEFT || m_crashMode == TGC_RIGHT ) angle = Math::PI/2.0f; // 90 deegres to the right else angle = -Math::PI/2.0f; // 90 deegres to the left m_angle = Math::NormAngle(m_object->GetRotationY()+angle); m_phase = TGP_CRTURN; //? m_phase = TGP_ADVANCE; } } if ( m_phase == TGP_CRTURN ) // turns after collision? { angle = Math::NormAngle(m_object->GetRotationY()); limit = 0.1f; if ( fabs(angle-m_angle) < limit ) { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation m_pos = pos; m_phase = TGP_CRADVANCE; } } if ( m_phase == TGP_CRADVANCE ) // advance after collision? { if ( Math::Distance(pos, m_pos) >= 5.0f ) { m_phase = TGP_ADVANCE; } } if ( m_phase == TGP_CLWAIT ) // waits after collision? { if ( m_time >= 1.0f ) { if ( m_crashMode == TGC_RIGHTLEFT ) angle = -Math::PI; if ( m_crashMode == TGC_LEFTRIGHT ) angle = Math::PI; if ( m_crashMode == TGC_RIGHT ) angle = Math::PI/2.0f; if ( m_crashMode == TGC_LEFT ) angle = -Math::PI/2.0f; m_angle = Math::NormAngle(m_object->GetRotationY()+angle); m_phase = TGP_CLTURN; } } if ( m_phase == TGP_CLTURN ) // turns after collision? { angle = Math::NormAngle(m_object->GetRotationY()); limit = 0.1f; if ( fabs(angle-m_angle) < limit ) { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation m_pos = pos; m_phase = TGP_CLADVANCE; } } if ( m_phase == TGP_CLADVANCE ) // advance after collision? { if ( Math::Distance(pos, m_pos) >= 10.0f ) { m_phase = TGP_ADVANCE; m_try ++; } } if ( m_phase == TGP_MOVE ) // final advance? { if ( m_bmTimeLimit <= 0.0f ) { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); // stops Abort(); return ERR_STOP; } dist = Math::Distance(m_bmFinalPos, m_object->GetPosition()); if ( dist < m_bmFinalDist ) return ERR_CONTINUE; m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); // stops the advance return ERR_STOP; } return ERR_CONTINUE; } // Tries the object is the target position. CObject* CTaskGoto::SearchTarget(Math::Vector pos, float margin) { //return CObjectManager::GetInstancePointer()->FindNearest(nullptr, pos, OBJECT_NULL, margin/g_unit); /* * TODO: FindNearest() can't be used here. Reverted to code from before 4fef3af9ef1fbe61a0c4c3f5c176f56257428efb * * The reason is that in the case of multiple objects being placed at the same position, * this function needs to return the last one in order of creation. FindNearest() does the opposite. * * Whoever designed goto() so that it has to guess which object the user wants based only on position - thanks * for making it so confusing :/ * * This works well enough assuming that portable objects from the level file are always created after the objects * they are placed on, for example BlackBox is created after GoalArea, TitaniumOre is created after Converter etc. * This is probably required anyway to prevent them from sinking into the ground. * * User-created objects don't make a difference because there is no way you can place them precisely enough * for floats to compare with ==. * * See issue #732 */ CObject* pBest = nullptr; float min = 1000000.0f; for ( CObject* pObj : CObjectManager::GetInstancePointer()->GetAllObjects() ) { if ( !pObj->GetActive() ) continue; if ( IsObjectBeingTransported(pObj) ) continue; // object transtorted? Math::Vector oPos = pObj->GetPosition(); float dist = Math::DistanceProjected(pos, oPos); if ( dist <= margin && dist <= min ) { min = dist; pBest = pObj; } } return pBest; } // Adjusts the target as a function of the object. // Returns true if it is cargo laying on the ground, which can be approached from any site. bool CTaskGoto::AdjustTarget(CObject* pObj, Math::Vector &pos, float &distance) { ObjectType type; Math::Matrix* mat; Math::Vector goal; float dist, suppl; type = m_object->GetType(); if ( type == OBJECT_BEE || type == OBJECT_WORM ) { pos = pObj->GetPosition(); return false; // single approach } type = pObj->GetType(); if ( pObj->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Transportable) || type == OBJECT_RUINmobilew1 || // TODO: CRecoverableObject? type == OBJECT_RUINmobilew2 || type == OBJECT_RUINmobilet1 || type == OBJECT_RUINmobilet2 || type == OBJECT_RUINmobiler1 || type == OBJECT_RUINmobiler2 ) { pos = m_object->GetPosition(); goal = pObj->GetPosition(); dist = Math::Distance(goal, pos); pos = (pos-goal)*(TAKE_DIST+distance)/dist + goal; return true; // approach from all sites } if ( type == OBJECT_BASE ) { pos = m_object->GetPosition(); goal = pObj->GetPosition(); dist = Math::Distance(goal, pos); pos = (pos-goal)*(TAKE_DIST+distance)/dist + goal; return true; // approach from all sites } if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEfa || type == OBJECT_MOBILEta || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwa || type == OBJECT_MOBILEia || type == OBJECT_MOBILEfb || type == OBJECT_MOBILEtb || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwb || type == OBJECT_MOBILEib || type == OBJECT_MOBILEfs || type == OBJECT_MOBILEts || type == OBJECT_MOBILEws || type == OBJECT_MOBILEis || type == OBJECT_MOBILEfc || type == OBJECT_MOBILEtc || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwc || type == OBJECT_MOBILEic || type == OBJECT_MOBILEfi || type == OBJECT_MOBILEti || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwi || type == OBJECT_MOBILEii || type == OBJECT_MOBILErt || type == OBJECT_MOBILErc || type == OBJECT_MOBILErr || type == OBJECT_MOBILErs || type == OBJECT_MOBILEsa || type == OBJECT_MOBILEtg || type == OBJECT_MOBILEft || type == OBJECT_MOBILEtt || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwt || type == OBJECT_MOBILEit || type == OBJECT_MOBILErp || type == OBJECT_MOBILEst || type == OBJECT_MOBILEdr ) { assert(pObj->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Powered)); pos = dynamic_cast(*pObj).GetPowerPosition(); pos.x -= TAKE_DIST+TAKE_DIST_OTHER+distance; mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); pos = Transform(*mat, pos); return false; // single approach } if ( GetHotPoint(pObj, goal, true, distance, suppl) ) { pos = goal; distance += suppl; return false; // single approach } pos = pObj->GetPosition(); distance = 0.0f; return false; // single approach } // If you are on an object produced by a building (ore produced by derrick), // changes the position by report the building. bool CTaskGoto::AdjustBuilding(Math::Vector &pos, float margin, float &distance) { for (CObject* obj : CObjectManager::GetInstancePointer()->GetAllObjects()) { if ( !obj->GetActive() ) continue; if (IsObjectBeingTransported(obj)) continue; Math::Vector oPos; float suppl = 0.0f; if ( !GetHotPoint(obj, oPos, false, 0.0f, suppl) ) continue; float dist = Math::DistanceProjected(pos, oPos); if ( dist <= margin ) { GetHotPoint(obj, pos, true, distance, suppl); distance += suppl; return true; } } return false; } // Returns the item or product or pose is something on a building. bool CTaskGoto::GetHotPoint(CObject *pObj, Math::Vector &pos, bool bTake, float distance, float &suppl) { ObjectType type; Math::Matrix* mat; pos = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); suppl = 0.0f; type = pObj->GetType(); if ( type == OBJECT_DERRICK ) { mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); pos.x += 8.0f; if ( bTake && distance != 0.0f ) suppl = 4.0f; if ( bTake ) pos.x += TAKE_DIST+distance+suppl; pos = Transform(*mat, pos); return true; } if ( type == OBJECT_CONVERT ) { mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); pos.x += 0.0f; if ( bTake && distance != 0.0f ) suppl = 4.0f; if ( bTake ) pos.x += TAKE_DIST+distance+suppl; pos = Transform(*mat, pos); return true; } if ( type == OBJECT_RESEARCH ) { mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); pos.x += 10.0f; if ( bTake && distance != 0.0f ) suppl = 2.5f; if ( bTake ) pos.x += TAKE_DIST+TAKE_DIST_OTHER+distance+suppl; pos = Transform(*mat, pos); return true; } if ( type == OBJECT_ENERGY ) { mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); pos.x += 6.0f; if ( bTake && distance != 0.0f ) suppl = 6.0f; if ( bTake ) pos.x += TAKE_DIST+TAKE_DIST_OTHER+distance; pos = Transform(*mat, pos); return true; } if ( type == OBJECT_TOWER ) { mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); pos.x += 5.0f; if ( bTake && distance != 0.0f ) suppl = 4.0f; if ( bTake ) pos.x += TAKE_DIST+TAKE_DIST_OTHER+distance+suppl; pos = Transform(*mat, pos); return true; } if ( type == OBJECT_LABO ) { mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); pos.x += 6.0f; if ( bTake && distance != 0.0f ) suppl = 6.0f; if ( bTake ) pos.x += TAKE_DIST+TAKE_DIST_OTHER+distance; pos = Transform(*mat, pos); return true; } if ( type == OBJECT_NUCLEAR ) { mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); pos.x += 22.0f; if ( bTake && distance != 0.0f ) suppl = 4.0f; if ( bTake ) pos.x += TAKE_DIST+TAKE_DIST_OTHER+distance+suppl; pos = Transform(*mat, pos); return true; } if ( type == OBJECT_FACTORY ) { mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); pos.x += 4.0f; if ( bTake && distance != 0.0f ) suppl = 6.0f; if ( bTake ) pos.x += TAKE_DIST+distance+suppl; pos = Transform(*mat, pos); return true; } if ( type == OBJECT_STATION ) { mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); pos.x += 4.0f; if ( bTake && distance != 0.0f ) suppl = 4.0f; if ( bTake ) pos.x += distance; pos = Transform(*mat, pos); return true; } if ( type == OBJECT_REPAIR ) { mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); pos.x += 4.0f; if ( bTake && distance != 0.0f ) suppl = 4.0f; if ( bTake ) pos.x += distance; pos = Transform(*mat, pos); return true; } if ( type == OBJECT_PARA && m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) ) { mat = pObj->GetWorldMatrix(0); if ( bTake && distance != 0.0f ) suppl = 20.0f; if ( bTake ) pos.x += distance+suppl; pos = Transform(*mat, pos); return true; } suppl = 0.0f; return false; } // Seeks an object too close that he must flee. bool CTaskGoto::LeakSearch(Math::Vector &pos, float &delay) { if (!m_physics->GetLand()) return false; // in flight? Math::Sphere crashSphere = m_object->GetFirstCrashSphere().sphere; float min = 100000.0f; CObject* obstacle = nullptr; Math::Sphere obstacleCrashSphere; for (CObject* obj : CObjectManager::GetInstancePointer()->GetAllObjects()) { if ( obj == m_object ) continue; if ( !obj->GetDetectable() ) continue; if (IsObjectBeingTransported(obj)) continue; for (const auto& objCrashSphere : obj->GetAllCrashSpheres()) { float dist = Math::DistanceProjected(crashSphere.pos, objCrashSphere.sphere.pos); if (dist < min) { min = dist; obstacleCrashSphere = objCrashSphere.sphere; obstacle = obj; } } } if (min > crashSphere.radius + obstacleCrashSphere.radius + 4.0f) return false; m_bLeakRecede = false; float dist = 4.0f; float dir = 1.0f; if (obstacle->GetType() == OBJECT_FACTORY) { dist = 16.0f; dir = -1.0f; m_bLeakRecede = true; // simply recoils } pos = obstacleCrashSphere.pos; delay = m_physics->GetLinTimeLength(dist, dir); return true; } // Calculates the force of repulsion due to obstacles. // The vector length rendered is between 0 and 1. void CTaskGoto::ComputeRepulse(Math::Point &dir) { ObjectType iType, oType; Math::Point repulse; float gDist, add, addi, fac, dist; bool bAlien; dir.x = 0.0f; dir.y = 0.0f; // The worm goes everywhere and through everything! iType = m_object->GetType(); if ( iType == OBJECT_WORM || iType == OBJECT_CONTROLLER ) return; auto firstCrashSphere = m_object->GetFirstCrashSphere(); Math::Vector iPos = firstCrashSphere.sphere.pos; float iRadius = firstCrashSphere.sphere.radius; gDist = Math::Distance(iPos, m_goal); add = m_physics->GetLinStopLength()*1.1f; // braking distance fac = 2.0f; if ( iType == OBJECT_MOBILEwa || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEwb || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEwc || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEwi || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEws || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEwt ) // wheels? { add = 5.0f; fac = 1.5f; } if ( iType == OBJECT_MOBILEta || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEtb || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEtc || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEti || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEts || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEtt || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEdr ) // caterpillars? { add = 4.0f; fac = 1.5f; } if ( iType == OBJECT_MOBILEfa || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEfb || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEfc || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEfi || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEfs || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEft ) // flying? { if ( m_physics->GetLand() ) { add = 5.0f; fac = 1.5f; } else { add = 10.0f; fac = 1.5f; } } if ( iType == OBJECT_MOBILEia || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEib || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEic || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEii || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEis || iType == OBJECT_MOBILEit ) // legs? { add = 4.0f; fac = 1.5f; } if ( iType == OBJECT_BEE ) // wasp? { if ( m_physics->GetLand() ) { add = 3.0f; fac = 1.5f; } else { add = 5.0f; fac = 1.5f; } } bAlien = false; if ( iType == OBJECT_MOTHER || iType == OBJECT_ANT || iType == OBJECT_SPIDER || iType == OBJECT_BEE || iType == OBJECT_WORM ) { bAlien = true; } for (CObject* pObj : CObjectManager::GetInstancePointer()->GetAllObjects()) { if ( pObj == m_object ) continue; if (IsObjectBeingTransported(pObj)) continue; oType = pObj->GetType(); if ( oType == OBJECT_WORM ) continue; if ( bAlien ) { if ( pObj->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Transportable) || oType == OBJECT_BOMB || (oType >= OBJECT_PLANT0 && oType <= OBJECT_PLANT19 ) || (oType >= OBJECT_MUSHROOM1 && oType <= OBJECT_MUSHROOM2 ) ) continue; } addi = add; if ( iType == OBJECT_BEE && oType == OBJECT_BEE ) { addi = 2.0f; // between wasps, do not annoy too much } for (const auto& crashSphere : pObj->GetAllCrashSpheres()) { Math::Vector oPos = crashSphere.sphere.pos; float oRadius = crashSphere.sphere.radius; if ( oPos.y-oRadius > iPos.y+iRadius ) continue; if ( oPos.y+oRadius < iPos.y-iRadius ) continue; dist = Math::Distance(oPos, m_goal); if ( dist <= 1.0f ) continue; // on purpose? oRadius += iRadius+addi; dist = Math::DistanceProjected(oPos, iPos); if ( dist > gDist ) continue; // beyond the goal? if ( dist <= oRadius ) { repulse.x = iPos.x-oPos.x; repulse.y = iPos.z-oPos.z; dist = powf(dist/oRadius, fac); dist = 0.2f-0.2f*dist; repulse.x *= dist; repulse.y *= dist; dir.x += repulse.x; dir.y += repulse.y; } } } } // Calculates the force of vertical repulsion according to barriers. // The vector length is made​between -1 and 1. void CTaskGoto::ComputeFlyingRepulse(float &dir) { auto firstCrashSphere = m_object->GetFirstCrashSphere(); Math::Vector iPos = firstCrashSphere.sphere.pos; float iRadius = firstCrashSphere.sphere.radius; float add = 0.0f; float fac = 1.5f; dir = 0.0f; for (CObject* pObj : CObjectManager::GetInstancePointer()->GetAllObjects()) { if ( pObj == m_object ) continue; if (IsObjectBeingTransported(pObj)) continue; ObjectType oType = pObj->GetType(); if ( oType == OBJECT_WORM ) continue; for (const auto& crashSphere : pObj->GetAllCrashSpheres()) { Math::Vector oPos = crashSphere.sphere.pos; float oRadius = crashSphere.sphere.radius; oRadius += iRadius+add; float dist = Math::DistanceProjected(oPos, iPos); if ( dist <= oRadius ) { float repulse = iPos.y-oPos.y; dist = powf(dist/oRadius, fac); dist = 0.2f-0.2f*dist; repulse *= dist; dir += repulse; } } } if ( dir < -1.0f ) dir = -1.0f; if ( dir > 1.0f ) dir = 1.0f; } // Among all of the following, seek if there is one allowing to go directly to the crow flies. // If yes, skip all the unnecessary intermediate points. int CTaskGoto::BeamShortcut() { int i; for ( i=m_bmTotal ; i>=m_bmIndex+2 ; i-- ) // tries from the last { if ( BitmapTestLine(m_bmPoints[m_bmIndex], m_bmPoints[i], 0.0f, false) ) { return i; // bingo, found } } return m_bmIndex+1; // simply goes to the next } // That's the big start. void CTaskGoto::BeamStart() { Math::Vector min, max; BitmapOpen(); BitmapObject(); min = m_object->GetPosition(); max = m_goal; if ( min.x > max.x ) Math::Swap(min.x, max.x); if ( min.z > max.z ) Math::Swap(min.z, max.z); min.x -= 10.0f*BM_DIM_STEP; min.z -= 10.0f*BM_DIM_STEP; max.x += 10.0f*BM_DIM_STEP; max.z += 10.0f*BM_DIM_STEP; BitmapTerrain(min, max); if ( LeakSearch(m_leakPos, m_leakDelay) ) { m_phase = TGP_BEAMLEAK; // must first leak m_leakTime = 0.0f; } else { m_physics->SetMotorSpeedX(0.0f); // stops the advance m_physics->SetMotorSpeedZ(0.0f); // stops the rotation BeamInit(); m_phase = TGP_BEAMSEARCH; // will seek the path } } // Initialization before the first BeamSearch. void CTaskGoto::BeamInit() { int i; for ( i=0 ; i 20.0f ) step = 20.0f; nbIter = 200; // in order not to lower the framerate m_bmIterCounter = 0; return BeamExplore(start, start, goal, goalRadius, 165.0f*Math::PI/180.0f, 22, step, 0, nbIter); } // prevPos: previous position // curPos: current position // goalPos: position that seeks to achieve // angle: angle to the goal we explores // nbDiv: number of subdivisions being done with angle // step length of a step // i number of recursions made // nbIter maximum number of iterations you have the right to make before temporarily interrupt Error CTaskGoto::BeamExplore(const Math::Vector &prevPos, const Math::Vector &curPos, const Math::Vector &goalPos, float goalRadius, float angle, int nbDiv, float step, int i, int nbIter) { Math::Vector newPos; Error ret; int iDiv, iClear, iLar; iLar = 0; if ( i >= MAXPOINTS ) return ERR_GOTO_ITER; // too many recursions m_bmTotal = i; if ( m_bmIter[i] == -1 ) { m_bmIter[i] = 0; if ( i == 0 ) { m_bmPoints[i] = curPos; } else { if ( !BitmapTestLine(prevPos, curPos, angle/nbDiv, true) ) return ERR_GOTO_IMPOSSIBLE; m_bmPoints[i] = curPos; if ( Math::DistanceProjected(curPos, goalPos)-goalRadius <= step ) { if ( goalRadius == 0.0f ) { newPos = goalPos; } else { newPos = BeamPoint(curPos, goalPos, 0, Math::DistanceProjected(curPos, goalPos)-goalRadius); } if ( BitmapTestLine(curPos, newPos, angle/nbDiv, false) ) { m_bmPoints[i+1] = newPos; m_bmTotal = i+1; return ERR_OK; } } } } if ( iLar >= m_bmIter[i] ) { newPos = BeamPoint(curPos, goalPos, 0, step); ret = BeamExplore(curPos, newPos, goalPos, goalRadius, angle, nbDiv, step, i+1, nbIter); if ( ret != ERR_GOTO_IMPOSSIBLE ) return ret; m_bmIter[i] = iLar+1; for ( iClear=i+1 ; iClear<=MAXPOINTS ; iClear++ ) m_bmIter[iClear] = -1; m_bmIterCounter ++; if ( m_bmIterCounter >= nbIter ) return ERR_CONTINUE; } iLar ++; for ( iDiv=1 ; iDiv<=nbDiv ; iDiv++ ) { if ( iLar >= m_bmIter[i] ) { newPos = BeamPoint(curPos, goalPos, angle*iDiv/nbDiv, step); ret = BeamExplore(curPos, newPos, goalPos, goalRadius, angle, nbDiv, step, i+1, nbIter); if ( ret != ERR_GOTO_IMPOSSIBLE ) return ret; m_bmIter[i] = iLar+1; for ( iClear=i+1 ; iClear<=MAXPOINTS ; iClear++ ) m_bmIter[iClear] = -1; m_bmIterCounter ++; if ( m_bmIterCounter >= nbIter ) return ERR_CONTINUE; } iLar ++; if ( iLar >= m_bmIter[i] ) { newPos = BeamPoint(curPos, goalPos, -angle*iDiv/nbDiv, step); ret = BeamExplore(curPos, newPos, goalPos, goalRadius, angle, nbDiv, step, i+1, nbIter); if ( ret != ERR_GOTO_IMPOSSIBLE ) return ret; m_bmIter[i] = iLar+1; for ( iClear=i+1 ; iClear<=MAXPOINTS ; iClear++ ) m_bmIter[iClear] = -1; m_bmIterCounter ++; if ( m_bmIterCounter >= nbIter ) return ERR_CONTINUE; } iLar ++; } return ERR_GOTO_IMPOSSIBLE; } // Is a right "start-goal". Calculates the point located at the distance "step" // from the point "start" and an angle "angle" with the right. Math::Vector CTaskGoto::BeamPoint(const Math::Vector &startPoint, const Math::Vector &goalPoint, float angle, float step) { Math::Vector resPoint; float goalAngle; goalAngle = Math::RotateAngle(goalPoint.x-startPoint.x, goalPoint.z-startPoint.z); resPoint.x = startPoint.x + cosf(goalAngle+angle)*step; resPoint.z = startPoint.z + sinf(goalAngle+angle)*step; resPoint.y = 0.0f; return resPoint; } // Tests if a path along a straight line is possible. bool CTaskGoto::BitmapTestLine(const Math::Vector &start, const Math::Vector &goal, float stepAngle, bool bSecond) { Math::Vector pos, inc; float dist, step; float distNoB2; int i, max, x, y; if ( m_bmArray == nullptr ) return true; dist = Math::DistanceProjected(start, goal); if ( dist == 0.0f ) return true; step = BM_DIM_STEP*0.5f; inc.x = (goal.x-start.x)*step/dist; inc.z = (goal.z-start.z)*step/dist; pos = start; if ( bSecond ) { x = static_cast((pos.x+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); y = static_cast((pos.z+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); BitmapSetDot(1, x, y); // puts the flag as the starting point } max = static_cast(dist/step); if ( max == 0 ) max = 1; distNoB2 = BM_DIM_STEP*sqrtf(2.0f)/sinf(stepAngle); for ( i=0 ; i((pos.x+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); y = static_cast((pos.z+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); if ( bSecond ) { if ( i > 2 && BitmapTestDot(1, x, y) ) return false; if ( step*(i+1) > distNoB2 && i < max-2 ) { BitmapSetDot(1, x, y); } } if ( BitmapTestDot(0, x, y) ) return false; } return true; } // Adds the objects in the bitmap. void CTaskGoto::BitmapObject() { auto firstCrashSphere = m_object->GetFirstCrashSphere(); float iRadius = firstCrashSphere.sphere.radius; for (CObject* pObj : CObjectManager::GetInstancePointer()->GetAllObjects()) { ObjectType type = pObj->GetType(); if ( pObj == m_object ) continue; if ( pObj == m_bmCargoObject ) continue; if (IsObjectBeingTransported(pObj)) continue; float h = m_terrain->GetFloorLevel(pObj->GetPosition(), false); if ( m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) && m_altitude > 0.0f ) { h += m_altitude; } for (const auto& crashSphere : pObj->GetAllCrashSpheres()) { Math::Vector oPos = crashSphere.sphere.pos; float oRadius = crashSphere.sphere.radius; if ( m_object->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Flying) && m_altitude > 0.0f ) // flying? { if ( oPos.y-oRadius > h+8.0f || oPos.y+oRadius < h-8.0f ) continue; } else // crawling? { if ( oPos.y-oRadius > h+8.0f ) continue; } if ( type == OBJECT_PARA ) oRadius -= 2.0f; BitmapSetCircle(oPos, oRadius+iRadius+SAFETY_MARGIN); } } } // Adds a section of land in the bitmap. void CTaskGoto::BitmapTerrain(const Math::Vector &min, const Math::Vector &max) { int minx, miny, maxx, maxy; minx = static_cast((min.x+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); miny = static_cast((min.z+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); maxx = static_cast((max.x+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); maxy = static_cast((max.z+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); BitmapTerrain(minx, miny, maxx, maxy); } // Adds a section of land in the bitmap. void CTaskGoto::BitmapTerrain(int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy) { ObjectType type; Math::Vector p; float aLimit, angle, h; int x, y; bool bAcceptWater, bFly; if ( minx > maxx ) Math::Swap(minx, maxx); if ( miny > maxy ) Math::Swap(miny, maxy); if ( minx < 0 ) minx = 0; if ( miny < 0 ) miny = 0; if ( maxx > m_bmSize-1 ) maxx = m_bmSize-1; if ( maxy > m_bmSize-1 ) maxy = m_bmSize-1; if ( minx > m_bmMinX ) minx = m_bmMinX; if ( miny > m_bmMinY ) miny = m_bmMinY; if ( maxx < m_bmMaxX ) maxx = m_bmMaxX; if ( maxy < m_bmMaxY ) maxy = m_bmMaxY; if ( minx >= m_bmMinX && maxx <= m_bmMaxX && miny >= m_bmMinY && maxy <= m_bmMaxY ) return; aLimit = 20.0f*Math::PI/180.0f; bAcceptWater = false; bFly = false; type = m_object->GetType(); if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEwa || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwb || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwc || type == OBJECT_MOBILEws || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwi || type == OBJECT_MOBILEwt || type == OBJECT_MOBILEtg ) // wheels? { aLimit = 20.0f*Math::PI/180.0f; } if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEta || type == OBJECT_MOBILEtb || type == OBJECT_MOBILEtc || type == OBJECT_MOBILEti || type == OBJECT_MOBILEts ) // caterpillars? { aLimit = 35.0f*Math::PI/180.0f; } if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILErt || type == OBJECT_MOBILErc || type == OBJECT_MOBILErr || type == OBJECT_MOBILErs || type == OBJECT_MOBILErp ) // large caterpillars? { aLimit = 35.0f*Math::PI/180.0f; } if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEsa || type == OBJECT_MOBILEst ) // submarine caterpillars? { aLimit = 35.0f*Math::PI/180.0f; bAcceptWater = true; } if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEdr ) // designer caterpillars? { aLimit = 35.0f*Math::PI/180.0f; } if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEfa || type == OBJECT_MOBILEfb || type == OBJECT_MOBILEfc || type == OBJECT_MOBILEfs || type == OBJECT_MOBILEfi || type == OBJECT_MOBILEft ) // flying? { aLimit = 15.0f*Math::PI/180.0f; bFly = true; } if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEia || type == OBJECT_MOBILEib || type == OBJECT_MOBILEic || type == OBJECT_MOBILEis || type == OBJECT_MOBILEii ) // insect legs? { aLimit = 60.0f*Math::PI/180.0f; } for ( y=miny ; y<=maxy ; y++ ) { for ( x=minx ; x<=maxx ; x++ ) { if ( x >= m_bmMinX && x <= m_bmMaxX && y >= m_bmMinY && y <= m_bmMaxY ) continue; p.x = x*BM_DIM_STEP-1600.0f; p.z = y*BM_DIM_STEP-1600.0f; if ( bFly ) // flying robot? { h = m_terrain->GetFloorLevel(p, true); if ( h >= m_terrain->GetFlyingMaxHeight()-5.0f ) { BitmapSetDot(0, x, y); } continue; } if ( !bAcceptWater ) // not going underwater? { h = m_terrain->GetFloorLevel(p, true); if ( h < m_water->GetLevel()-2.0f ) // under water (*)? { //? BitmapSetDot(0, x, y); BitmapSetCircle(p, BM_DIM_STEP*1.0f); continue; } } angle = m_terrain->GetFineSlope(p); if ( angle > aLimit ) { BitmapSetDot(0, x, y); } } } m_bmMinX = minx; m_bmMinY = miny; m_bmMaxX = maxx; m_bmMaxY = maxy; // expanded rectangular area } // (*) Accepts that a robot is 50cm under water, for example Tropica 3! // Opens an empty bitmap. bool CTaskGoto::BitmapOpen() { BitmapClose(); m_bmSize = static_cast(3200.0f/BM_DIM_STEP); m_bmArray = MakeUniqueArray(m_bmSize*m_bmSize/8*2); m_bmChanged = true; m_bmOffset = m_bmSize/2; m_bmLine = m_bmSize/8; m_bmMinX = m_bmSize; // non-existent rectangular area m_bmMinY = m_bmSize; m_bmMaxX = 0; m_bmMaxY = 0; return true; } // Closes the bitmap. bool CTaskGoto::BitmapClose() { m_bmArray.reset(); m_bmChanged = true; return true; } // Puts a circle in the bitmap. void CTaskGoto::BitmapSetCircle(const Math::Vector &pos, float radius) { float d, r; int cx, cy, ix, iy; cx = static_cast((pos.x+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); cy = static_cast((pos.z+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); r = radius/BM_DIM_STEP; for ( iy=cy-static_cast(r) ; iy<=cy+static_cast(r) ; iy++ ) { for ( ix=cx-static_cast(r) ; ix<=cx+static_cast(r) ; ix++ ) { d = Math::Point(static_cast(ix-cx), static_cast(iy-cy)).Length(); if ( d > r ) continue; BitmapSetDot(0, ix, iy); } } } // Removes a circle in the bitmap. //TODO this method is almost same as above one void CTaskGoto::BitmapClearCircle(const Math::Vector &pos, float radius) { float d, r; int cx, cy, ix, iy; cx = static_cast((pos.x+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); cy = static_cast((pos.z+1600.0f)/BM_DIM_STEP); r = radius/BM_DIM_STEP; for ( iy=cy-static_cast(r) ; iy<=cy+static_cast(r) ; iy++ ) { for ( ix=cx-static_cast(r) ; ix<=cx+static_cast(r) ; ix++ ) { d = Math::Point(static_cast(ix-cx), static_cast(iy-cy)).Length(); if ( d > r ) continue; BitmapClearDot(0, ix, iy); } } } // Makes a point in the bitmap. // x:y: 0..m_bmSize-1 void CTaskGoto::BitmapSetDot(int rank, int x, int y) { if ( x < 0 || x >= m_bmSize || y < 0 || y >= m_bmSize ) return; m_bmArray[rank*m_bmLine*m_bmSize + m_bmLine*y + x/8] |= (1<= m_bmSize || y < 0 || y >= m_bmSize ) return; m_bmArray[rank*m_bmLine*m_bmSize + m_bmLine*y + x/8] &= ~(1<= m_bmSize || y < 0 || y >= m_bmSize ) return false; if ( x < m_bmMinX || x > m_bmMaxX || y < m_bmMinY || y > m_bmMaxY ) { BitmapTerrain(x-10,y-10, x+10,y+10); // remade a layer } return m_bmArray[rank*m_bmLine*m_bmSize + m_bmLine*y + x/8] & (1<