# Some functions for use with colobot-lint ## # This adds a new target with generated fake source files that include single header files # It is a workaround for how CMake and Clang handle header files in compilation database # And we need that to check each header file in the project exactly once, the same as .cpp modules # Note: This is modifying an existing target by adding fake source files. ## macro(add_fake_header_sources subdir the_target) set(all_fake_header_src_files "") set(fake_headers_src_dir ${colobot_BINARY_DIR}/fake_header_sources) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${fake_headers_src_dir}) get_target_property(the_target_sources ${the_target} SOURCES) foreach(source_file IN LISTS the_target_sources) string(REGEX MATCH [[^.*\.h$]] is_header_file ${source_file}) if(is_header_file) file(RELATIVE_PATH header_file ${colobot_SOURCE_DIR} ${colobot_SOURCE_DIR}/${subdir}/${source_file}) string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.h$" ".cpp" fake_header_src_file "${fake_headers_src_dir}/${header_file}") get_filename_component(fake_header_src_dir ${fake_header_src_file} PATH) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${fake_header_src_dir}) file(WRITE ${fake_header_src_file} "#include \"${header_file}\"\n\n") target_sources(${the_target} PRIVATE ${fake_header_src_file}) target_include_directories(${the_target} PUBLIC ${colobot_SOURCE_DIR}) endif() endforeach() endmacro()