 * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2023, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
 * http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses

 * \file object/old_object.h
 * \brief COldObject - legacy CObject code

#pragma once

#include "common/event.h"

#include "object/object.h"

#include "object/implementation/power_container_impl.h"
#include "object/implementation/program_storage_impl.h"
#include "object/implementation/programmable_impl.h"
#include "object/implementation/task_executor_impl.h"

#include "object/interface/controllable_object.h"
#include "object/interface/flying_object.h"
#include "object/interface/interactive_object.h"
#include "object/interface/jet_flying_object.h"
#include "object/interface/jostleable_object.h"
#include "object/interface/movable_object.h"
#include "object/interface/power_container_object.h"
#include "object/interface/programmable_object.h"
#include "object/interface/ranged_object.h"
#include "object/interface/shielded_auto_regen_object.h"
#include "object/interface/slotted_object.h"
#include "object/interface/task_executor_object.h"
#include "object/interface/trace_drawing_object.h"
#include "object/interface/transportable_object.h"

// The father of all parts must always be the part number zero!
const int OBJECTMAXPART         = 40;

struct ObjectPart
    bool         bUsed = false;
    int          object = -1;         // number of the object in CEngine
    int          parentPart = -1;     // number of father part
    int          masterParti = -1;        // master canal of the particle
    glm::vec3    position = { 0, 0, 0 };
    glm::vec3    angle = { 0, 0, 0 };
    glm::vec3    zoom = { 0, 0, 0 };
    bool         bTranslate = false;
    bool         bRotate = false;
    bool         bZoom = false;
    glm::mat4    matTranslate;
    glm::mat4    matRotate;
    glm::mat4    matTransform;
    glm::mat4    matWorld;

namespace Ui
class CObjectInterface;

namespace Gfx
enum class EngineShadowType : unsigned char;

class COldObject : public CObject,
                   public CInteractiveObject,
                   public CTransportableObject,
                   public CTaskExecutorObjectImpl,
                   public CProgramStorageObjectImpl,
                   public CProgrammableObjectImpl,
                   public CJostleableObject,
                   public CSlottedObject,
                   public CJetFlyingObject,
                   public CControllableObject,
                   public CPowerContainerObjectImpl,
                   public CRangedObject,
                   public CTraceDrawingObject,
                   public CShieldedAutoRegenObject
    friend class CObjectFactory;
    friend class CObjectManager;

    void        DeleteObject(bool bAll=false);
    void        SetProgrammable();
    void        SetMovable(std::unique_ptr<CMotion> motion, std::unique_ptr<CPhysics> physics);
    void        SetAuto(std::unique_ptr<CAuto> automat);
    void        SetOption(int option);
    void        SetJostlingSphere(const Math::Sphere& jostlingSphere);

    COldObject(int id); // should only be called by CObjectFactory

    void        Simplify() override;

    bool        DamageObject(DamageType type, float force = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), CObject* killer = nullptr) override;
    void        DestroyObject(DestructionType type, CObject* killer = nullptr) override;

    bool EventProcess(const Event& event) override;
    void        UpdateMapping();

    void        DeletePart(int part) override;
    void        SetObjectRank(int part, int objRank);
    int         GetObjectRank(int part) override;
    void        SetObjectParent(int part, int parent);
    void        SetType(ObjectType type) override;
    const char* GetName();
    int         GetOption() override;

    void        Write(CLevelParserLine* line) override;
    void        Read(CLevelParserLine* line) override;

    void        SetDrawFront(bool bDraw) override;

    int         GetShadowLight();

    void        SetFloorHeight(float height);
    void        FloorAdjust() override;

    void        SetLinVibration(glm::vec3 dir) override;
    glm::vec3   GetLinVibration();
    void        SetCirVibration(glm::vec3 dir) override;
    glm::vec3   GetCirVibration();
    void        SetTilt(glm::vec3 dir);
    glm::vec3   GetTilt() override;

    void        SetPartPosition(int part, const glm::vec3 &pos);
    glm::vec3   GetPartPosition(int part) const;

    void        SetPartRotation(int part, const glm::vec3 &angle);
    glm::vec3   GetPartRotation(int part) const;
    void        SetPartRotationY(int part, float angle);
    void        SetPartRotationX(int part, float angle);
    void        SetPartRotationZ(int part, float angle);
    float       GetPartRotationY(int part);
    float       GetPartRotationX(int part);
    float       GetPartRotationZ(int part);

    void        SetPartScale(int part, float zoom);
    void        SetPartScale(int part, glm::vec3 zoom);
    glm::vec3   GetPartScale(int part) const;
    void        SetPartScaleX(int part, float zoom);
    float       GetPartScaleX(int part);
    void        SetPartScaleY(int part, float zoom);
    float       GetPartScaleY(int part);
    void        SetPartScaleZ(int part, float zoom);
    float       GetPartScaleZ(int part);

    void        SetTrainer(bool bEnable) override;
    bool        GetTrainer() override;
    bool        GetPlusTrainer();

    void        SetToy(bool bEnable);
    bool        GetToy();

    void        SetManual(bool bManual);
    bool        GetManual();

    void        SetMasterParticle(int part, int parti) override;

    void        SetTransporter(CObject* transporter) override;
    CObject*    GetTransporter() override;
    void        SetTransporterPart(int part) override;

    glm::mat4   GetRotateMatrix(int part);
    glm::mat4   GetWorldMatrix(int part) override;

    void        AdjustCamera(glm::vec3 &eye, float &dirH, float &dirV,
                             glm::vec3 &lookat, glm::vec3 &upVec,
                             Gfx::CameraType type) override;

    Character*  GetCharacter() override;

    float       GetAbsTime();

    float       GetCapacity() override;

    bool        IsRechargeable() override;

    void        SetShield(float level) override;
    float       GetShield() override;

    void        SetRange(float delay) override;
    float       GetRange() override;

    void        SetReactorRange(float reactorRange) override;
    float       GetReactorRange() override;

    void        SetGhostMode(bool enabled) override;

    Math::Sphere GetJostlingSphere() const override;
    bool        JostleObject(float force) override;

    void        SetVirusMode(bool bEnable) override;
    bool        GetVirusMode() override;

    void        SetCameraType(Gfx::CameraType type) override;
    Gfx::CameraType  GetCameraType() override;
    void        SetCameraLock(bool lock) override;
    bool        GetCameraLock() override;

    void        SetHighlight(bool highlight) override;

    void        SetSelect(bool select, bool bDisplayError = true) override;
    bool        GetSelect() override;

    void        SetSelectable(bool bMode);
    bool        GetSelectable() override;

    void        SetUnderground(bool underground);

    void        SetCheckToken(bool bMode);
    bool        GetCheckToken();

    void        SetMagnifyDamage(float factor) override;
    float       GetMagnifyDamage() override;

    void        SetDamaging(bool damaging) override;
    bool        IsDamaging()  override;

    void        SetDying(DeathType deathType) override;
    DeathType   GetDying() override;
    bool        IsDying() override;

    bool        GetActive() override;
    bool        GetDetectable() override;

    void        SetGunGoalV(float gunGoal);
    void        SetGunGoalH(float gunGoal);
    float       GetGunGoalV();
    float       GetGunGoalH();

    float       GetShowLimitRadius() override;

    void        CreateSelectParticle();

    CPhysics*   GetPhysics() override;
    CMotion*    GetMotion() override;
    CAuto*      GetAuto() override;

    bool        CreateShadowCircle(float radius, float intensity, Gfx::EngineShadowType type = {});
    bool        CreateShadowLight(float height, Gfx::Color color);

    void        FlatParent() override;

    void        SetPosition(const glm::vec3& pos) override;
    glm::vec3   GetPosition() const override;

    void        SetRotation(const glm::vec3& rotation) override;
    glm::vec3   GetRotation() const override;

    using CObject::SetScale; // SetScale(float) version
    void        SetScale(const glm::vec3& scale) override;
    glm::vec3   GetScale() const override;

    void        UpdateInterface() override;

    void        StopProgram() override;

    bool        GetTraceDown() override;
    void        SetTraceDown(bool down) override;
    TraceColor  GetTraceColor() override;
    void        SetTraceColor(TraceColor color) override;
    float       GetTraceWidth() override;
    void        SetTraceWidth(float width) override;

    bool        IsRepairable() override;
    float       GetShieldFullRegenTime() override;

    float       GetLightningHitProbability() override;

    void        SetBulletWall(bool bulletWall);
    bool        IsBulletWall() override;

    // CSlottedObject
    int MapPseudoSlot(Pseudoslot pseudoslot) override;
    int GetNumSlots() override;
    glm::vec3 GetSlotPosition(int slotNum) override;
    float GetSlotAngle(int slotNum) override;
    float GetSlotAcceptanceAngle(int slotNum) override;
    CObject *GetSlotContainedObject(int slotNum) override;
    void SetSlotContainedObject(int slotNum, CObject *object) override;
    // Helper for CSlottedObject initialization
    void SetPowerPosition(const glm::vec3& powerPosition);

    bool        EventFrame(const Event &event);
    void        VirusFrame(float rTime);
    void        PartiFrame(float rTime);
    void        InitPart(int part);
    void        UpdateTotalPart();
    int         SearchDescendant(int parent, int n);
    void        UpdateEnergyMapping();
    bool        UpdateTransformObject(int part, bool bForceUpdate);
    bool        UpdateTransformObject();
    void        UpdateSelectParticle();
    void        TransformCrashSphere(Math::Sphere &crashSphere) override;
    void TransformCameraCollisionSphere(Math::Sphere& collisionSphere) override;

     * \brief Check if given object type should be selectable by default
     * \note This is a default value for the selectable= parameter and can still be overriden in the scene file or using the \a selectinsect cheat
    static bool IsSelectableByDefault(ObjectType type);

     * \brief Check if given object type should have bulletWall enabled by default
     * \note This is a default value for the bulletWall= parameter and can still be overriden in the scene file
    static bool IsBulletWallByDefault(ObjectType type);

    Gfx::CEngine*       m_engine;
    Gfx::CLightManager* m_lightMan;
    Gfx::CTerrain*      m_terrain;
    Gfx::CCamera*       m_camera;
    Gfx::CParticle*     m_particle;
    CRobotMain*         m_main;
    CSoundInterface*    m_sound;

    std::unique_ptr<CPhysics> m_physics;
    std::unique_ptr<CMotion> m_motion;
    std::unique_ptr<CAuto> m_auto;
    std::unique_ptr<Ui::CObjectInterface> m_objectInterface;

    std::string  m_name;         // name of the object
    Character   m_character;            // characteristic
    int     m_option;           // option
    int     m_shadowLight;          // number of light from the shadows
    float       m_shadowHeight;         // height of light from the shadows
    glm::vec3    m_linVibration;         // linear vibration
    glm::vec3    m_cirVibration;         // circular vibration
    glm::vec3    m_tilt;          // tilt
    CObject*    m_power;            // battery used by the vehicle
    glm::vec3   m_powerPosition;
    CObject*    m_cargo;             // object transported
    CObject*    m_transporter;            // object with the latter
    int     m_transporterLink;            // part
    float       m_lastEnergy;
    float       m_shield;           // shield
    float       m_range;            // flight range
    float       m_aTime;
    float       m_shotTime;         // time since last shot
    bool        m_bVirusMode;           // virus activated/triggered
    float       m_virusTime;            // lifetime of the virus
    float       m_lastVirusParticle;
    bool        m_bSelect;          // object selected
    bool        m_bSelectable;          // selectable object
    bool        m_bCheckToken;          // object with audited tokens
    bool        m_underground;         // object active but undetectable
    bool        m_damaging;
    float       m_damageTime;
    DeathType   m_dying;
    bool        m_bFlat;
    bool        m_bTrainer;         // drive vehicle (without remote)
    bool        m_bToy;             // toy key
    bool        m_bManual;          // manual control (Scribbler)
    float       m_gunGoalV;
    float       m_gunGoalH;
    Gfx::CameraType  m_cameraType;
    bool        m_bCameraLock;
    float       m_magnifyDamage;

    Math::Sphere m_jostlingSphere;
    float       m_shieldRadius;

    int         m_totalPart;
    ObjectPart  m_objectPart[OBJECTMAXPART];

    int         m_partiSel[4];

    EventType   m_buttonAxe;

    float       m_time;
    float       m_burnTime;

    float       m_reactorRange;

    bool        m_traceDown;
    TraceColor  m_traceColor;
    float       m_traceWidth;

    bool        m_bulletWall = false;

    bool        m_hasCargoSlot;
    bool        m_hasPowerSlot;