/* * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code * Copyright (C) 2001-2023, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam * http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include "ui/screen/screen_mod_list.h" #include "common/config.h" #include "app/app.h" #include "app/modman.h" #include "common/logger.h" #include "common/restext.h" #include "common/stringutils.h" #include "common/resources/resourcemanager.h" #include "common/system/system.h" #include "level/robotmain.h" #include "math/func.h" #include "sound/sound.h" #include "ui/controls/button.h" #include "ui/controls/edit.h" #include "ui/controls/interface.h" #include "ui/controls/label.h" #include "ui/controls/list.h" #include "ui/controls/window.h" #include <algorithm> namespace Ui { CScreenModList::CScreenModList(CMainDialog* dialog, CModManager* modManager) : m_dialog(dialog), m_modManager(modManager) { } void CScreenModList::CreateInterface() { CWindow* pw; CEdit* pe; CLabel* pl; CButton* pb; CList* pli; glm::vec2 pos, ddim; std::string name; // Display the window pos.x = 0.10f; pos.y = 0.10f; ddim.x = 0.80f; ddim.y = 0.80f; pw = m_interface->CreateWindows(pos, ddim, 12, EVENT_WINDOW5); pw->SetClosable(true); GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_TITLE_MODS, name); pw->SetName(name); pos.x = 0.10f; pos.y = 0.40f; ddim.x = 0.50f; ddim.y = 0.50f; pw->CreateGroup(pos, ddim, 5, EVENT_INTERFACE_GLINTl); // orange corner pos.x = 0.40f; pos.y = 0.10f; ddim.x = 0.50f; ddim.y = 0.50f; pw->CreateGroup(pos, ddim, 4, EVENT_INTERFACE_GLINTr); // blue corner // Display the list of mods pos.x = ox+sx*3; pos.y = oy+sy*10.5f; ddim.x = dim.x*7.5f; ddim.y = dim.y*0.6f; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_LIST, name); pl = pw->CreateLabel(pos, ddim, 0, EVENT_LABEL11, name); pl->SetTextAlign(Gfx::TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); pos.y = oy+sy*6.7f; ddim.y = dim.y*4.6f; ddim.x = dim.x*6.5f; pli = pw->CreateList(pos, ddim, 0, EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_LIST); pli->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); pli->SetState(STATE_EXTEND); // Displays the mod details pos.x = ox+sx*9.5f; pos.y = oy+sy*10.5f; ddim.x = dim.x*7.5f; ddim.y = dim.y*0.6f; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_DETAILS, name); pl = pw->CreateLabel(pos, ddim, 0, EVENT_LABEL12, name); pl->SetTextAlign(Gfx::TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); pos.y = oy+sy*6.7f; ddim.y = dim.y*4.3f; ddim.x = dim.x*6.5f; pe = pw->CreateEdit(pos, ddim, 0, EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_DETAILS); pe->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); pe->SetMaxChar(500); pe->SetEditCap(false); // just to see pe->SetHighlightCap(true); pos = pli->GetPos(); ddim = pli->GetDim(); // Displays the mod summary pos.x = ox+sx*3; pos.y = oy+sy*5.4f; ddim.x = dim.x*6.5f; ddim.y = dim.y*0.6f; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_SUMMARY, name); pl = pw->CreateLabel(pos, ddim, 0, EVENT_LABEL13, name); pl->SetTextAlign(Gfx::TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); pos.x = ox+sx*3; pos.y = oy+sy*3.6f; ddim.x = dim.x*13.4f; ddim.y = dim.y*1.9f; pe = pw->CreateEdit(pos, ddim, 0, EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_SUMMARY); pe->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); pe->SetMaxChar(500); pe->SetEditCap(false); // just to see pe->SetHighlightCap(true); // Apply button pos.x = ox+sx*13.75f; pos.y = oy+sy*2; ddim.x = dim.x*2.0f; ddim.y = dim.y*1; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_INTERFACE_MODS_APPLY); pb->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); // Display the enable/disable button pos.x -= dim.x*2.3f; ddim.x = dim.x*2.0f; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_ENABLE_OR_DISABLE); pb->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); // Display the move up button pos.x -= dim.x*0.8f; pos.y = oy+sy*2.48; ddim.x = dim.x*0.5; ddim.y = dim.y*0.5; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, 49, EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_MOVE_UP); pb->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); // Display the move down button pos.y = oy+sy*2; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, 50, EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_MOVE_DOWN); pb->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); // Display the refresh button pos.x -= dim.x*1.3f; pos.y = oy+sy*2; ddim.x = dim.x*1; ddim.y = dim.y*1; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, 87, EVENT_INTERFACE_MODS_REFRESH); pb->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); // Display the open website button pos.x -= dim.x*1.3f; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, 40, EVENT_INTERFACE_WORKSHOP); pb->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); // Display the open directory button pos.x -= dim.x*1.3f; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, 57, EVENT_INTERFACE_MODS_DIR); pb->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); // Back button pos.x = ox+sx*3; ddim.x = dim.x*4; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_INTERFACE_BACK); pb->SetState(STATE_SHADOW); FindMods(); UpdateAll(); // Background SetBackground("textures/interface/interface.png"); CreateVersionDisplay(); } bool CScreenModList::EventProcess(const Event &event) { CWindow* pw; CList* pl; const std::string workshopUrl = "https://www.moddb.com/games/colobot-gold-edition"; const std::string modDir = CResourceManager::GetSaveLocation() + "/mods"; auto systemUtils = CSystemUtils::Create(); // platform-specific utils Mod const * mod; pw = static_cast<CWindow*>(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if (pw == nullptr) return false; if (event.type == pw->GetEventTypeClose() || event.type == EVENT_INTERFACE_BACK || (event.type == EVENT_KEY_DOWN && event.GetData<KeyEventData>()->key == KEY(ESCAPE))) { if (m_modManager->Changes()) { m_dialog->StartQuestion(RT_DIALOG_CHANGES_QUESTION, true, true, false, [this]() { ApplyChanges(); CloseWindow(); }, [this]() { CloseWindow(); }); } else { CloseWindow(); } return false; } switch( event.type ) { case EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_LIST: pl = static_cast<CList*>(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_LIST)); if (pl == nullptr) break; m_modSelectedIndex = pl->GetSelect(); UpdateModSummary(); UpdateModDetails(); UpdateEnableDisableButton(); UpdateUpDownButtons(); break; case EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_ENABLE_OR_DISABLE: mod = &m_modManager->GetMod(m_modSelectedIndex); if (mod->enabled) { m_modManager->DisableMod(m_modSelectedIndex); } else { m_modManager->EnableMod(m_modSelectedIndex); } UpdateModList(); UpdateEnableDisableButton(); UpdateApplyButton(); break; case EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_MOVE_UP: m_modSelectedIndex = m_modManager->MoveUp(m_modSelectedIndex); UpdateModList(); UpdateUpDownButtons(); UpdateApplyButton(); break; case EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_MOVE_DOWN: m_modSelectedIndex = m_modManager->MoveDown(m_modSelectedIndex); UpdateModList(); UpdateUpDownButtons(); UpdateApplyButton(); break; case EVENT_INTERFACE_MODS_REFRESH: // Apply any changes before refresh so that the config file // is better synchronized with the state of the game case EVENT_INTERFACE_MODS_APPLY: ApplyChanges(); UpdateAll(); // Start playing the main menu music again if (!m_app->GetSound()->IsPlayingMusic()) { m_app->GetSound()->PlayMusic("music/Intro1.ogg", false); m_app->GetSound()->CacheMusic("music/Intro2.ogg"); } break; case EVENT_INTERFACE_MODS_DIR: if (!systemUtils->OpenPath(modDir)) { std::string title, text; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_DIALOG_OPEN_PATH_FAILED_TITLE, title); GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_DIALOG_OPEN_PATH_FAILED_TEXT, text); // Workaround for Windows: the label skips everything after the first \\ character std::string modDirWithoutBackSlashes = modDir; std::replace(modDirWithoutBackSlashes.begin(), modDirWithoutBackSlashes.end(), '\\', '/'); m_dialog->StartInformation(title, title, StrUtils::Format(text.c_str(), modDirWithoutBackSlashes.c_str())); } break; case EVENT_INTERFACE_WORKSHOP: if (!systemUtils->OpenWebsite(workshopUrl)) { std::string title, text; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_DIALOG_OPEN_WEBSITE_FAILED_TITLE, title); GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_DIALOG_OPEN_WEBSITE_FAILED_TEXT, text); m_dialog->StartInformation(title, title, StrUtils::Format(text.c_str(), workshopUrl.c_str())); } break; default: return true; } return false; } void CScreenModList::FindMods() { m_modManager->FindMods(); if (m_modManager->CountMods() != 0) { m_modSelectedIndex = glm::clamp(m_modSelectedIndex, static_cast<size_t>(0), m_modManager->CountMods() - 1); } } void CScreenModList::ApplyChanges() { m_modManager->SaveMods(); m_modManager->ReloadMods(); } void CScreenModList::CloseWindow() { m_main->ChangePhase(PHASE_MAIN_MENU); } void CScreenModList::UpdateAll() { UpdateModList(); UpdateModDetails(); UpdateModSummary(); UpdateEnableDisableButton(); UpdateApplyButton(); UpdateUpDownButtons(); } void CScreenModList::UpdateModList() { CWindow* pw = static_cast<CWindow*>(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if (pw == nullptr) return; CList* pl = static_cast<CList*>(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_LIST)); if (pl == nullptr) return; pl->Flush(); if (m_modManager->CountMods() == 0) { return; } const auto& mods = m_modManager->GetMods(); for (size_t i = 0; i < mods.size(); ++i) { const auto& mod = mods[i]; const auto& name = mod.data.displayName; pl->SetItemName(i, name); pl->SetCheck(i, mod.enabled); pl->SetEnable(i, true); } pl->SetSelect(m_modSelectedIndex); pl->ShowSelect(false); } void CScreenModList::UpdateModDetails() { CWindow* pw = static_cast<CWindow*>(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if (pw == nullptr) return; CEdit* pe = static_cast<CEdit*>(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_DETAILS)); if (pe == nullptr) return; if (m_modManager->CountMods() == 0) { pe->SetText("No information"); return; } std::string details{}; const auto& mod = m_modManager->GetMod(m_modSelectedIndex); const auto data = mod.data; details += "\\b;" + data.displayName + '\n'; std::string authorFieldName; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_AUTHOR_FIELD_NAME, authorFieldName); details += "\\s;" + authorFieldName + " "; if (!data.author.empty()) { details += data.author; } else { std::string unknownAuthor; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_UNKNOWN_AUTHOR, unknownAuthor); details += unknownAuthor; } details += '\n'; details += '\n'; if (!data.version.empty()) { std::string versionFieldName; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_VERSION_FIELD_NAME, versionFieldName); details += "\\t;" + versionFieldName + '\n' + data.version + '\n'; } if (!data.website.empty()) { std::string websiteFieldName; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_WEBSITE_FIELD_NAME, websiteFieldName); details += "\\t;" + websiteFieldName + '\n' + data.website + '\n'; } std::string changesFieldName; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_CHANGES_FIELD_NAME, changesFieldName); details += "\\t;" + changesFieldName + '\n'; if (!data.changes.empty()) { for (const auto& change : data.changes) { details += change + '\n'; } } else { std::string noChanges; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_NO_CHANGES, noChanges); details += noChanges; } pe->SetText(details); pe->SetFirstLine(0); } void CScreenModList::UpdateModSummary() { CWindow* pw = static_cast<CWindow*>(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if (pw == nullptr) return; CEdit* pe = static_cast<CEdit*>(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_SUMMARY)); if (pe == nullptr) return; std::string noSummary; GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_NO_SUMMARY, noSummary); if (m_modManager->CountMods() == 0) { pe->SetText(noSummary); return; } const auto& mod = m_modManager->GetMod(m_modSelectedIndex); if (!mod.data.summary.empty()) { pe->SetText(mod.data.summary); } else { pe->SetText(noSummary); } } void CScreenModList::UpdateEnableDisableButton() { CWindow* pw = static_cast<CWindow*>(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if (pw == nullptr) return; CButton* pb = static_cast<CButton*>(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_ENABLE_OR_DISABLE)); if (pb == nullptr) return; std::string buttonName{}; if (m_modManager->CountMods() == 0) { pb->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); // Set some default name GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_ENABLE, buttonName); pb->SetName(buttonName); return; } const auto& mod = m_modManager->GetMod(m_modSelectedIndex); if (mod.enabled) { GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_DISABLE, buttonName); pb->SetName(buttonName); } else { GetResource(RES_TEXT, RT_MOD_ENABLE, buttonName); pb->SetName(buttonName); } } void CScreenModList::UpdateApplyButton() { CWindow* pw = static_cast<CWindow*>(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if (pw == nullptr) return; CButton* pb = static_cast<CButton*>(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_MODS_APPLY)); if (pb == nullptr) return; if (m_modManager->Changes()) { pb->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); } else { pb->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); } } void CScreenModList::UpdateUpDownButtons() { CWindow* pw = static_cast<CWindow*>(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW5)); if (pw == nullptr) return; CButton* pb_up = static_cast<CButton*>(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_MOVE_UP)); if (pb_up == nullptr) return; CButton* pb_down = static_cast<CButton*>(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_INTERFACE_MOD_MOVE_DOWN)); if (pb_down == nullptr) return; if (m_modManager->CountMods() == 0) { pb_up->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); pb_down->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); return; } if (m_modSelectedIndex == 0) { pb_up->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); } else { pb_up->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); } if (m_modSelectedIndex >= m_modManager->CountMods() - 1) { pb_down->ClearState(STATE_ENABLE); } else { pb_down->SetState(STATE_ENABLE); } } } // namespace Ui