/* * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code * Copyright (C) 2001-2015, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam * http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #pragma once enum EID { ID_IF = 2000, ID_ELSE, ID_WHILE, ID_DO, ID_FOR, ID_BREAK, ID_CONTINUE, ID_SWITCH, ID_CASE, ID_DEFAULT, ID_TRY, ID_THROW, ID_CATCH, ID_FINALLY, ID_TXT_AND, ID_TXT_OR, ID_TXT_NOT, ID_RETURN, ID_CLASS, ID_EXTENDS, ID_SYNCHO, ID_NEW, ID_PUBLIC, ID_EXTERN, ID_STATIC, ID_PROTECTED, ID_PRIVATE, ID_INT, ID_FLOAT, ID_BOOLEAN, ID_STRING, ID_VOID, ID_BOOL, ID_TRUE = 2200, ID_FALSE, ID_NULL, ID_NAN, ID_OPENPAR = 2300, ID_CLOSEPAR, ID_OPBLK, ID_CLBLK, ID_SEP, ID_COMMA, ID_DOTS, ID_DOT, ID_OPBRK, ID_CLBRK, ID_DBLDOTS, ID_LOGIC, ID_ADD, ID_SUB, ID_MUL, ID_DIV, ID_ASS, ID_ASSADD, ID_ASSSUB, ID_ASSMUL, ID_ASSDIV, ID_ASSOR, ID_ASSAND, ID_ASSXOR, ID_ASSSL, ID_ASSSR, ID_ASSASR, ID_SL, ID_SR, ID_ASR, ID_INC, ID_DEC, ID_LO, ID_HI, ID_LS, ID_HS, ID_EQ, ID_NE, ID_AND, ID_XOR, ID_OR, ID_LOG_AND, ID_LOG_OR, ID_LOG_NOT, ID_NOT, ID_MODULO, ID_POWER, ID_ASSMODULO, TX_UNDEF = 4000, TX_NAN }; // TODO: refactor & change to enum! // Compile errors #define TX_OPENPAR 5000 #define TX_CLOSEPAR 5001 #define TX_NOTBOOL 5002 #define TX_UNDEFVAR 5003 #define TX_BADLEFT 5004 #define TX_ENDOF 5005 #define TX_OUTCASE 5006 #define TX_CLOSEBLK 5008 #define TX_ELSEWITHOUTIF 5009 #define TX_OPENBLK 5010 #define TX_BADTYPE 5011 #define TX_REDEFVAR 5012 #define TX_BAD2TYPE 5013 #define TX_UNDEFCALL 5014 #define TX_MISDOTS 5015 #define TX_WHILE 5016 #define TX_BREAK 5017 #define TX_LABEL 5018 #define TX_NOLABEL 5019 #define TX_NOCASE 5020 #define TX_BADNUM 5021 #define TX_VOID 5022 #define TX_NOTYP 5023 #define TX_NOVAR 5024 #define TX_NOFONC 5025 #define TX_OVERPARAM 5026 #define TX_REDEF 5027 #define TX_LOWPARAM 5028 #define TX_BADPARAM 5029 #define TX_NUMPARAM 5030 #define TX_NOITEM 5031 #define TX_DOT 5032 #define TX_NOCONST 5033 #define TX_REDEFCLASS 5034 #define TX_CLBRK 5035 #define TX_RESERVED 5036 #define TX_BADNEW 5037 #define TX_BADSTRING 5039 #define TX_BADINDEX 5040 #define TX_PRIVATE 5041 #define TX_NOPUBLIC 5042 // Runtime errors #define TX_DIVZERO 6000 #define TX_NOTINIT 6001 #define TX_BADTHROW 6002 #define TX_NORUN 6004 #define TX_NOCALL 6005 #define TX_NOCLASS 6006 #define TX_NULLPT 6007 #define TX_OPNAN 6008 #define TX_OUTARRAY 6009 #define TX_STACKOVER 6010 #define TX_DELETEDPT 6011 // Max errors #define TX_MAX 6012