/* * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code * Copyright (C) 2001-2014, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam * http://epsiteс.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include "script/cmdtoken.h" #include "common/global.h" #include "object/drive_type.h" #include "object/tool_type.h" #include #include // TODO: Remove these functions // Skips spaces. char* SkipSpace(char *line) { while ( *line == ' ' ) { line ++; } return line; } std::string GetCmd(char* line) { line = SkipSpace(line); int len = 0; for(char* x = line; *x != 0 && *x != ' ' && *x != '\t' && *x != '\n'; x++, len++); return std::string(line, len); } // Checks if a line contains a command. bool Cmd(char *line, const char *token) { char* p; line = SkipSpace(line); p = strstr(line, token); if(p != line) return false; // command at the beginning? unsigned int len = 0; for(char* x = p; *x != 0 && *x != ' ' && *x != '\t' && *x != '\n'; x++, len++); if(len != strlen(token)) return false; // ends with space? return true; } // Seeking an operator. char* SearchOp(char *line, const char *op) { char opeq[50]; char* p; strcpy(opeq, " "); strcat(opeq, op); strcat(opeq, "="); p = strstr(line, opeq); if ( p == 0 ) // not found? { return line+strlen(line); // point zero terminator } return p+strlen(opeq); // after the point "=" } // Seeks the argument. char* SearchArg(char *line, int rank) { int i; char c; for ( i=0 ; i= '0' && *p <= '9' ) { n *= 16; n += (*p++)-'0'; continue; } if ( *p >= 'a' && *p <= 'f' ) { n *= 16; n += (*p++)-'a'+10; continue; } break; } } else // integer? { sscanf(p, "%d", &n); } return n; } // Reads a float number. float GetFloat(char *line, int rank, float def) { char* p; float n = 0.0f; p = SearchArg(line, rank); if ( *p == 0 ) return def; sscanf(p, "%f", &n); return n; } // Reads a string. void GetString(char *line, int rank, char *buffer) { char* p; p = SearchArg(line, rank); *buffer = 0; if ( *p++ != '"' ) return; while ( p[0] != 0 ) { if ( p[0] == '"' && p[1] == '"' ) { *buffer++ = *p++; p++; continue; } if ( p[0] == '"' ) break; *buffer++ = *p++; } *buffer = 0; } // Returns the type of an object. ObjectType GetTypeObject(char *line, int rank, ObjectType def) { char* p; p = SearchArg(line, rank); if ( *p == 0 ) return def; if ( Cmd(p, "All" ) ) return OBJECT_NULL; if ( Cmd(p, "Portico" ) ) return OBJECT_PORTICO; if ( Cmd(p, "SpaceShip" ) ) return OBJECT_BASE; if ( Cmd(p, "PracticeBot" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEwt; if ( Cmd(p, "WingedGrabber" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEfa; if ( Cmd(p, "TrackedGrabber" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEta; if ( Cmd(p, "WheeledGrabber" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEwa; if ( Cmd(p, "LeggedGrabber" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEia; if ( Cmd(p, "WingedShooter" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEfc; if ( Cmd(p, "TrackedShooter" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEtc; if ( Cmd(p, "WheeledShooter" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEwc; if ( Cmd(p, "LeggedShooter" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEic; if ( Cmd(p, "WingedOrgaShooter" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEfi; if ( Cmd(p, "TrackedOrgaShooter") ) return OBJECT_MOBILEti; if ( Cmd(p, "WheeledOrgaShooter") ) return OBJECT_MOBILEwi; if ( Cmd(p, "LeggedOrgaShooter" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEii; if ( Cmd(p, "WingedSniffer" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEfs; if ( Cmd(p, "TrackedSniffer" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEts; if ( Cmd(p, "WheeledSniffer" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEws; if ( Cmd(p, "LeggedSniffer" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEis; if ( Cmd(p, "Thumper" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILErt; if ( Cmd(p, "PhazerShooter" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILErc; if ( Cmd(p, "Recycler" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILErr; if ( Cmd(p, "Shielder" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILErs; if ( Cmd(p, "Subber" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEsa; if ( Cmd(p, "TargetBot" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEtg; if ( Cmd(p, "Scribbler" ) ) return OBJECT_MOBILEdr; if ( Cmd(p, "PowerSpot" ) ) return OBJECT_MARKPOWER; if ( Cmd(p, "TitaniumSpot" ) ) return OBJECT_MARKSTONE; if ( Cmd(p, "UraniumSpot" ) ) return OBJECT_MARKURANIUM; if ( Cmd(p, "PlatinumSpot" ) ) return OBJECT_MARKURANIUM; if ( Cmd(p, "KeyASpot" ) ) return OBJECT_MARKKEYa; if ( Cmd(p, "KeyBSpot" ) ) return OBJECT_MARKKEYb; if ( Cmd(p, "KeyCSpot" ) ) return OBJECT_MARKKEYc; if ( Cmd(p, "KeyDSpot" ) ) return OBJECT_MARKKEYd; if ( Cmd(p, "WayPoint" ) ) return OBJECT_WAYPOINT; if ( Cmd(p, "BlueFlag" ) ) return OBJECT_FLAGb; if ( Cmd(p, "RedFlag" ) ) return OBJECT_FLAGr; if ( Cmd(p, "GreenFlag" ) ) return OBJECT_FLAGg; if ( Cmd(p, "YellowFlag" ) ) return OBJECT_FLAGy; if ( Cmd(p, "VioletFlag" ) ) return OBJECT_FLAGv; if ( Cmd(p, "PowerCell" ) ) return OBJECT_POWER; if ( Cmd(p, "FuelCellPlant" ) ) return OBJECT_NUCLEAR; if ( Cmd(p, "FuelCell" ) ) return OBJECT_ATOMIC; if ( Cmd(p, "NuclearCell" ) ) return OBJECT_ATOMIC; if ( Cmd(p, "TitaniumOre" ) ) return OBJECT_STONE; if ( Cmd(p, "UraniumOre" ) ) return OBJECT_URANIUM; if ( Cmd(p, "PlatinumOre" ) ) return OBJECT_URANIUM; if ( Cmd(p, "Titanium" ) ) return OBJECT_METAL; if ( Cmd(p, "OrgaMatter" ) ) return OBJECT_BULLET; if ( Cmd(p, "BlackBox" ) ) return OBJECT_BBOX; if ( Cmd(p, "KeyA" ) ) return OBJECT_KEYa; if ( Cmd(p, "KeyB" ) ) return OBJECT_KEYb; if ( Cmd(p, "KeyC" ) ) return OBJECT_KEYc; if ( Cmd(p, "KeyD" ) ) return OBJECT_KEYd; if ( Cmd(p, "TNT" ) ) return OBJECT_TNT; if ( Cmd(p, "Scrap1" ) ) return OBJECT_SCRAP1; if ( Cmd(p, "Scrap2" ) ) return OBJECT_SCRAP2; if ( Cmd(p, "Scrap3" ) ) return OBJECT_SCRAP3; if ( Cmd(p, "Scrap4" ) ) return OBJECT_SCRAP4; if ( Cmd(p, "Scrap5" ) ) return OBJECT_SCRAP5; if ( Cmd(p, "Mine" ) ) return OBJECT_BOMB; if ( Cmd(p, "Firework" ) ) return OBJECT_WINFIRE; if ( Cmd(p, "Bag" ) ) return OBJECT_BAG; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery0" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT0; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery1" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT1; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery2" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT2; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery3" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT3; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery4" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT4; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery5" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT5; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery6" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT6; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery7" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT7; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery8" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT8; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery9" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT9; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery10" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT10; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery11" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT11; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery12" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT12; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery13" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT13; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery14" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT14; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery15" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT15; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery16" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT16; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery17" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT17; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery18" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT18; if ( Cmd(p, "Greenery19" ) ) return OBJECT_PLANT19; if ( Cmd(p, "Tree0" ) ) return OBJECT_TREE0; if ( Cmd(p, "Tree1" ) ) return OBJECT_TREE1; if ( Cmd(p, "Tree2" ) ) return OBJECT_TREE2; if ( Cmd(p, "Tree3" ) ) return OBJECT_TREE3; if ( Cmd(p, "Tree4" ) ) return OBJECT_TREE4; if ( Cmd(p, "Tree5" ) ) return OBJECT_TREE5; if ( Cmd(p, "Mushroom1" ) ) return OBJECT_MUSHROOM1; if ( Cmd(p, "Mushroom2" ) ) return OBJECT_MUSHROOM2; if ( Cmd(p, "Home" ) ) return OBJECT_HOME1; if ( Cmd(p, "Derrick" ) ) return OBJECT_DERRICK; if ( Cmd(p, "BotFactory" ) ) return OBJECT_FACTORY; if ( Cmd(p, "PowerStation" ) ) return OBJECT_STATION; if ( Cmd(p, "Converter" ) ) return OBJECT_CONVERT; if ( Cmd(p, "RepairCenter" ) ) return OBJECT_REPAIR; if ( Cmd(p, "Destroyer" ) ) return OBJECT_DESTROYER; if ( Cmd(p, "DefenseTower" ) ) return OBJECT_TOWER; if ( Cmd(p, "AlienNest" ) ) return OBJECT_NEST; if ( Cmd(p, "ResearchCenter" ) ) return OBJECT_RESEARCH; if ( Cmd(p, "RadarStation" ) ) return OBJECT_RADAR; if ( Cmd(p, "ExchangePost" ) ) return OBJECT_INFO; if ( Cmd(p, "PowerPlant" ) ) return OBJECT_ENERGY; if ( Cmd(p, "AutoLab" ) ) return OBJECT_LABO; if ( Cmd(p, "NuclearPlant" ) ) return OBJECT_NUCLEAR; if ( Cmd(p, "PowerCaptor" ) ) return OBJECT_PARA; if ( Cmd(p, "Vault" ) ) return OBJECT_SAFE; if ( Cmd(p, "Houston" ) ) return OBJECT_HUSTON; if ( Cmd(p, "Target1" ) ) return OBJECT_TARGET1; if ( Cmd(p, "Target2" ) ) return OBJECT_TARGET2; if ( Cmd(p, "StartArea" ) ) return OBJECT_START; if ( Cmd(p, "GoalArea" ) ) return OBJECT_END; if ( Cmd(p, "AlienQueen" ) ) return OBJECT_MOTHER; if ( Cmd(p, "AlienEgg" ) ) return OBJECT_EGG; if ( Cmd(p, "AlienAnt" ) ) return OBJECT_ANT; if ( Cmd(p, "AlienSpider" ) ) return OBJECT_SPIDER; if ( Cmd(p, "AlienWasp" ) ) return OBJECT_BEE; if ( Cmd(p, "AlienWorm" ) ) return OBJECT_WORM; if ( Cmd(p, "WreckBotw1" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINmobilew1; if ( Cmd(p, "WreckBotw2" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINmobilew2; if ( Cmd(p, "WreckBott1" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINmobilet1; if ( Cmd(p, "WreckBott2" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINmobilet2; if ( Cmd(p, "WreckBotr1" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINmobiler1; if ( Cmd(p, "WreckBotr2" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINmobiler2; if ( Cmd(p, "RuinBotFactory" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINfactory; if ( Cmd(p, "RuinDoor" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINdoor; if ( Cmd(p, "RuinSupport" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINsupport; if ( Cmd(p, "RuinRadar" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINradar; if ( Cmd(p, "RuinConvert" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINconvert; if ( Cmd(p, "RuinBaseCamp" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINbase; if ( Cmd(p, "RuinHeadCamp" ) ) return OBJECT_RUINhead; if ( Cmd(p, "Barrier0" ) ) return OBJECT_BARRIER0; if ( Cmd(p, "Barrier1" ) ) return OBJECT_BARRIER1; if ( Cmd(p, "Barrier2" ) ) return OBJECT_BARRIER2; if ( Cmd(p, "Barrier3" ) ) return OBJECT_BARRIER3; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen0" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN0; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen1" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN1; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen2" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN2; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen3" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN3; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen4" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN4; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen5" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN5; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen6" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN6; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen7" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN7; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen8" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN8; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen9" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN9; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen10" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN10; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen11" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN11; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen12" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN12; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen13" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN13; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen14" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN14; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen15" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN15; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen16" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN16; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen17" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN17; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen18" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN18; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen19" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN19; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen20" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN20; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen21" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN21; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen22" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN22; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen23" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN23; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen24" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN24; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen25" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN25; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen26" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN26; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen27" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN27; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen28" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN28; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen29" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN29; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen30" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN30; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen31" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN31; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen32" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN32; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen33" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN33; if ( Cmd(p, "Stone" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN34; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen35" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN35; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen36" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN36; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen37" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN37; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen38" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN38; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen39" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN39; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen40" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN40; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen41" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN41; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen42" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN42; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen43" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN43; if ( Cmd(p, "Teen44" ) ) return OBJECT_TEEN44; if ( Cmd(p, "Quartz0" ) ) return OBJECT_QUARTZ0; if ( Cmd(p, "Quartz1" ) ) return OBJECT_QUARTZ1; if ( Cmd(p, "Quartz2" ) ) return OBJECT_QUARTZ2; if ( Cmd(p, "Quartz3" ) ) return OBJECT_QUARTZ3; if ( Cmd(p, "MegaStalk0" ) ) return OBJECT_ROOT0; if ( Cmd(p, "MegaStalk1" ) ) return OBJECT_ROOT1; if ( Cmd(p, "MegaStalk2" ) ) return OBJECT_ROOT2; if ( Cmd(p, "MegaStalk3" ) ) return OBJECT_ROOT3; if ( Cmd(p, "MegaStalk4" ) ) return OBJECT_ROOT4; if ( Cmd(p, "MegaStalk5" ) ) return OBJECT_ROOT5; if ( Cmd(p, "ApolloLEM" ) ) return OBJECT_APOLLO1; if ( Cmd(p, "ApolloJeep" ) ) return OBJECT_APOLLO2; if ( Cmd(p, "ApolloFlag" ) ) return OBJECT_APOLLO3; if ( Cmd(p, "ApolloModule" ) ) return OBJECT_APOLLO4; if ( Cmd(p, "ApolloAntenna" ) ) return OBJECT_APOLLO5; if ( Cmd(p, "Me" ) ) return OBJECT_HUMAN; if ( Cmd(p, "Tech" ) ) return OBJECT_TECH; if ( Cmd(p, "MissionController" ) ) return OBJECT_CONTROLLER; return def; } // Returns the name of an object type. const char* GetTypeObject(ObjectType type) { if ( type == OBJECT_PORTICO ) return "Portico"; if ( type == OBJECT_BASE ) return "SpaceShip"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEwt ) return "PracticeBot"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEfa ) return "WingedGrabber"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEta ) return "TrackedGrabber"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEwa ) return "WheeledGrabber"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEia ) return "LeggedGrabber"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEfc ) return "WingedShooter"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEtc ) return "TrackedShooter"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEwc ) return "WheeledShooter"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEic ) return "LeggedShooter"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEfi ) return "WingedOrgaShooter"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEti ) return "TrackedOrgaShooter"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEwi ) return "WheeledOrgaShooter"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEii ) return "LeggedOrgaShooter"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEfs ) return "WingedSniffer"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEts ) return "TrackedSniffer"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEws ) return "WheeledSniffer"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEis ) return "LeggedSniffer"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILErt ) return "Thumper"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILErc ) return "PhazerShooter"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILErr ) return "Recycler"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILErs ) return "Shielder"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEsa ) return "Subber"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEtg ) return "TargetBot"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOBILEdr ) return "Scribbler"; if ( type == OBJECT_MARKPOWER ) return "PowerSpot"; if ( type == OBJECT_MARKSTONE ) return "TitaniumSpot"; if ( type == OBJECT_MARKURANIUM ) return "UraniumSpot"; if ( type == OBJECT_MARKKEYa ) return "KeyASpot"; if ( type == OBJECT_MARKKEYb ) return "KeyBSpot"; if ( type == OBJECT_MARKKEYc ) return "KeyCSpot"; if ( type == OBJECT_MARKKEYd ) return "KeyDSpot"; if ( type == OBJECT_WAYPOINT ) return "WayPoint"; if ( type == OBJECT_FLAGb ) return "BlueFlag"; if ( type == OBJECT_FLAGr ) return "RedFlag"; if ( type == OBJECT_FLAGg ) return "GreenFlag"; if ( type == OBJECT_FLAGy ) return "YellowFlag"; if ( type == OBJECT_FLAGv ) return "VioletFlag"; if ( type == OBJECT_POWER ) return "PowerCell"; if ( type == OBJECT_ATOMIC ) return "NuclearCell"; if ( type == OBJECT_STONE ) return "TitaniumOre"; if ( type == OBJECT_URANIUM ) return "UraniumOre"; if ( type == OBJECT_METAL ) return "Titanium"; if ( type == OBJECT_BULLET ) return "OrgaMatter"; if ( type == OBJECT_BBOX ) return "BlackBox"; if ( type == OBJECT_KEYa ) return "KeyA"; if ( type == OBJECT_KEYb ) return "KeyB"; if ( type == OBJECT_KEYc ) return "KeyC"; if ( type == OBJECT_KEYd ) return "KeyD"; if ( type == OBJECT_TNT ) return "TNT"; if ( type == OBJECT_SCRAP1 ) return "Scrap1"; if ( type == OBJECT_SCRAP2 ) return "Scrap2"; if ( type == OBJECT_SCRAP3 ) return "Scrap3"; if ( type == OBJECT_SCRAP4 ) return "Scrap4"; if ( type == OBJECT_SCRAP5 ) return "Scrap5"; if ( type == OBJECT_BOMB ) return "Mine"; if ( type == OBJECT_WINFIRE ) return "Firework"; if ( type == OBJECT_BAG ) return "Bag"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT0 ) return "Greenery0"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT1 ) return "Greenery1"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT2 ) return "Greenery2"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT3 ) return "Greenery3"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT4 ) return "Greenery4"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT5 ) return "Greenery5"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT6 ) return "Greenery6"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT7 ) return "Greenery7"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT8 ) return "Greenery8"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT9 ) return "Greenery9"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT10 ) return "Greenery10"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT11 ) return "Greenery11"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT12 ) return "Greenery12"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT13 ) return "Greenery13"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT14 ) return "Greenery14"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT15 ) return "Greenery15"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT16 ) return "Greenery16"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT17 ) return "Greenery17"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT18 ) return "Greenery18"; if ( type == OBJECT_PLANT19 ) return "Greenery19"; if ( type == OBJECT_TREE0 ) return "Tree0"; if ( type == OBJECT_TREE1 ) return "Tree1"; if ( type == OBJECT_TREE2 ) return "Tree2"; if ( type == OBJECT_TREE3 ) return "Tree3"; if ( type == OBJECT_TREE4 ) return "Tree4"; if ( type == OBJECT_TREE5 ) return "Tree5"; if ( type == OBJECT_MUSHROOM1 ) return "Mushroom1"; if ( type == OBJECT_MUSHROOM2 ) return "Mushroom2"; if ( type == OBJECT_HOME1 ) return "Home"; if ( type == OBJECT_DERRICK ) return "Derrick"; if ( type == OBJECT_FACTORY ) return "BotFactory"; if ( type == OBJECT_STATION ) return "PowerStation"; if ( type == OBJECT_CONVERT ) return "Converter"; if ( type == OBJECT_REPAIR ) return "RepairCenter"; if ( type == OBJECT_DESTROYER ) return "Destroyer"; if ( type == OBJECT_TOWER ) return "DefenseTower"; if ( type == OBJECT_NEST ) return "AlienNest"; if ( type == OBJECT_RESEARCH ) return "ResearchCenter"; if ( type == OBJECT_RADAR ) return "RadarStation"; if ( type == OBJECT_INFO ) return "ExchangePost"; if ( type == OBJECT_ENERGY ) return "PowerPlant"; if ( type == OBJECT_LABO ) return "AutoLab"; if ( type == OBJECT_NUCLEAR ) return "NuclearPlant"; if ( type == OBJECT_PARA ) return "PowerCaptor"; if ( type == OBJECT_SAFE ) return "Vault"; if ( type == OBJECT_HUSTON ) return "Houston"; if ( type == OBJECT_TARGET1 ) return "Target1"; if ( type == OBJECT_TARGET2 ) return "Target2"; if ( type == OBJECT_START ) return "StartArea"; if ( type == OBJECT_END ) return "GoalArea"; if ( type == OBJECT_MOTHER ) return "AlienQueen"; if ( type == OBJECT_EGG ) return "AlienEgg"; if ( type == OBJECT_ANT ) return "AlienAnt"; if ( type == OBJECT_SPIDER ) return "AlienSpider"; if ( type == OBJECT_BEE ) return "AlienWasp"; if ( type == OBJECT_WORM ) return "AlienWorm"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINmobilew1 ) return "WreckBotw1"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINmobilew2 ) return "WreckBotw2"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINmobilet1 ) return "WreckBott1"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINmobilet2 ) return "WreckBott2"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINmobiler1 ) return "WreckBotr1"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINmobiler2 ) return "WreckBotr2"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINfactory ) return "RuinBotFactory"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINdoor ) return "RuinDoor"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINsupport ) return "RuinSupport"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINradar ) return "RuinRadar"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINconvert ) return "RuinConvert"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINbase ) return "RuinBaseCamp"; if ( type == OBJECT_RUINhead ) return "RuinHeadCamp"; if ( type == OBJECT_BARRIER0 ) return "Barrier0"; if ( type == OBJECT_BARRIER1 ) return "Barrier1"; if ( type == OBJECT_BARRIER2 ) return "Barrier2"; if ( type == OBJECT_BARRIER3 ) return "Barrier3"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN0 ) return "Teen0"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN1 ) return "Teen1"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN2 ) return "Teen2"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN3 ) return "Teen3"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN4 ) return "Teen4"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN5 ) return "Teen5"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN6 ) return "Teen6"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN7 ) return "Teen7"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN8 ) return "Teen8"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN9 ) return "Teen9"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN10 ) return "Teen10"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN11 ) return "Teen11"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN12 ) return "Teen12"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN13 ) return "Teen13"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN14 ) return "Teen14"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN15 ) return "Teen15"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN16 ) return "Teen16"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN17 ) return "Teen17"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN18 ) return "Teen18"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN19 ) return "Teen19"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN20 ) return "Teen20"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN21 ) return "Teen21"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN22 ) return "Teen22"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN23 ) return "Teen23"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN24 ) return "Teen24"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN25 ) return "Teen25"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN26 ) return "Teen26"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN27 ) return "Teen27"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN28 ) return "Teen28"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN29 ) return "Teen29"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN30 ) return "Teen30"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN31 ) return "Teen31"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN32 ) return "Teen32"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN33 ) return "Teen33"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN34 ) return "Stone"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN35 ) return "Teen35"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN36 ) return "Teen36"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN37 ) return "Teen37"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN38 ) return "Teen38"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN39 ) return "Teen39"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN40 ) return "Teen40"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN41 ) return "Teen41"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN42 ) return "Teen42"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN43 ) return "Teen43"; if ( type == OBJECT_TEEN44 ) return "Teen44"; if ( type == OBJECT_QUARTZ0 ) return "Quartz0"; if ( type == OBJECT_QUARTZ1 ) return "Quartz1"; if ( type == OBJECT_QUARTZ2 ) return "Quartz2"; if ( type == OBJECT_QUARTZ3 ) return "Quartz3"; if ( type == OBJECT_ROOT0 ) return "MegaStalk0"; if ( type == OBJECT_ROOT1 ) return "MegaStalk1"; if ( type == OBJECT_ROOT2 ) return "MegaStalk2"; if ( type == OBJECT_ROOT3 ) return "MegaStalk3"; if ( type == OBJECT_ROOT4 ) return "MegaStalk4"; if ( type == OBJECT_ROOT5 ) return "MegaStalk5"; if ( type == OBJECT_APOLLO1 ) return "ApolloLEM"; if ( type == OBJECT_APOLLO2 ) return "ApolloJeep"; if ( type == OBJECT_APOLLO3 ) return "ApolloFlag"; if ( type == OBJECT_APOLLO4 ) return "ApolloModule"; if ( type == OBJECT_APOLLO5 ) return "ApolloAntenna"; if ( type == OBJECT_HUMAN ) return "Me"; if ( type == OBJECT_TECH ) return "Tech"; if ( type == OBJECT_CONTROLLER ) return "MissionController"; return ""; } // Returns the type of water. Gfx::WaterType GetTypeWater(char *line, int rank, Gfx::WaterType def) { char* p; p = SearchArg(line, rank); if ( *p == 0 ) return def; if ( Cmd(p, "NULL" ) ) return Gfx::WATER_NULL; if ( Cmd(p, "TT" ) ) return Gfx::WATER_TT; if ( Cmd(p, "TO" ) ) return Gfx::WATER_TO; if ( Cmd(p, "CT" ) ) return Gfx::WATER_CT; if ( Cmd(p, "CO" ) ) return Gfx::WATER_CO; return def; } // Returns the type of terrain. Gfx::EngineObjectType GetTypeTerrain(char *line, int rank, Gfx::EngineObjectType def) { char* p; p = SearchArg(line, rank); if ( *p == 0 ) return def; if ( Cmd(p, "Terrain" ) ) return Gfx::ENG_OBJTYPE_TERRAIN; if ( Cmd(p, "Object" ) ) return Gfx::ENG_OBJTYPE_FIX; if ( Cmd(p, "Quartz" ) ) return Gfx::ENG_OBJTYPE_QUARTZ; if ( Cmd(p, "Metal" ) ) return Gfx::ENG_OBJTYPE_METAL; return def; } // Returns the type of a building. int GetBuild(char *line, int rank) { char* p; p = SearchArg(line, rank); if ( *p == 0 ) return 0; if ( Cmd(p, "BotFactory" ) ) return BUILD_FACTORY; if ( Cmd(p, "Derrick" ) ) return BUILD_DERRICK; if ( Cmd(p, "Converter" ) ) return BUILD_CONVERT; if ( Cmd(p, "RadarStation" ) ) return BUILD_RADAR; if ( Cmd(p, "PowerPlant" ) ) return BUILD_ENERGY; if ( Cmd(p, "NuclearPlant" ) ) return BUILD_NUCLEAR; if ( Cmd(p, "FuelCellPlant" ) ) return BUILD_NUCLEAR; if ( Cmd(p, "PowerStation" ) ) return BUILD_STATION; if ( Cmd(p, "RepairCenter" ) ) return BUILD_REPAIR; if ( Cmd(p, "DefenseTower" ) ) return BUILD_TOWER; if ( Cmd(p, "ResearchCenter") ) return BUILD_RESEARCH; if ( Cmd(p, "AutoLab" ) ) return BUILD_LABO; if ( Cmd(p, "PowerCaptor" ) ) return BUILD_PARA; if ( Cmd(p, "ExchangePost" ) ) return BUILD_INFO; if ( Cmd(p, "Destroyer" ) ) return BUILD_DESTROYER; if ( Cmd(p, "FlatGround" ) ) return BUILD_GFLAT; if ( Cmd(p, "Flag" ) ) return BUILD_FLAG; return 0; } // Returns the type of search. int GetResearch(char *line, int rank) { char* p; p = SearchArg(line, rank); if ( *p == 0 ) return 0; if ( Cmd(p, "TRACKER" ) ) return RESEARCH_TANK; if ( Cmd(p, "WINGER" ) ) return RESEARCH_FLY; if ( Cmd(p, "THUMPER" ) ) return RESEARCH_THUMP; if ( Cmd(p, "SHOOTER" ) ) return RESEARCH_CANON; if ( Cmd(p, "TOWER" ) ) return RESEARCH_TOWER; if ( Cmd(p, "PHAZER" ) ) return RESEARCH_PHAZER; if ( Cmd(p, "SHIELDER") ) return RESEARCH_SHIELD; if ( Cmd(p, "ATOMIC" ) ) return RESEARCH_ATOMIC; if ( Cmd(p, "iPAW" ) ) return RESEARCH_iPAW; if ( Cmd(p, "iGUN" ) ) return RESEARCH_iGUN; if ( Cmd(p, "RECYCLER") ) return RESEARCH_RECYCLER; if ( Cmd(p, "SUBBER" ) ) return RESEARCH_SUBM; if ( Cmd(p, "SNIFFER" ) ) return RESEARCH_SNIFFER; return 0; } // Returns the type of pyrotechnic effect. Gfx::PyroType GetPyro(char *line, int rank) { char* p; p = SearchArg(line, rank); if ( *p == 0 ) return Gfx::PT_NULL; if ( Cmd(p, "FRAGt" ) ) return Gfx::PT_FRAGT; if ( Cmd(p, "FRAGo" ) ) return Gfx::PT_FRAGO; if ( Cmd(p, "FRAGw" ) ) return Gfx::PT_FRAGW; if ( Cmd(p, "EXPLOt" ) ) return Gfx::PT_EXPLOT; if ( Cmd(p, "EXPLOo" ) ) return Gfx::PT_EXPLOO; if ( Cmd(p, "EXPLOw" ) ) return Gfx::PT_EXPLOW; if ( Cmd(p, "SHOTt" ) ) return Gfx::PT_SHOTT; if ( Cmd(p, "SHOTh" ) ) return Gfx::PT_SHOTH; if ( Cmd(p, "SHOTm" ) ) return Gfx::PT_SHOTM; if ( Cmd(p, "SHOTw" ) ) return Gfx::PT_SHOTW; if ( Cmd(p, "EGG" ) ) return Gfx::PT_EGG; if ( Cmd(p, "BURNt" ) ) return Gfx::PT_BURNT; if ( Cmd(p, "BURNo" ) ) return Gfx::PT_BURNO; if ( Cmd(p, "SPIDER" ) ) return Gfx::PT_SPIDER; if ( Cmd(p, "FALL" ) ) return Gfx::PT_FALL; if ( Cmd(p, "RESET" ) ) return Gfx::PT_RESET; if ( Cmd(p, "WIN" ) ) return Gfx::PT_WIN; if ( Cmd(p, "LOST" ) ) return Gfx::PT_LOST; return Gfx::PT_NULL; } // Returns the type of camera. Gfx::CameraType GetCamera(char *line, int rank) { char* p; p = SearchArg(line, rank); if ( *p == 0 ) return Gfx::CAM_TYPE_NULL; if ( Cmd(p, "BACK" ) ) return Gfx::CAM_TYPE_BACK; if ( Cmd(p, "PLANE" ) ) return Gfx::CAM_TYPE_PLANE; if ( Cmd(p, "ONBOARD" ) ) return Gfx::CAM_TYPE_ONBOARD; if ( Cmd(p, "FIX" ) ) return Gfx::CAM_TYPE_FIX; return Gfx::CAM_TYPE_NULL; } // Returns the name of a camera. const char* GetCamera(Gfx::CameraType type) { if ( type == Gfx::CAM_TYPE_ONBOARD ) return "ONBOARD"; if ( type == Gfx::CAM_TYPE_FIX ) return "FIX"; return "BACK"; } // Returns the type of drive. DriveType GetDrive(char *line, int rank) { char* p; p = SearchArg(line, rank); if ( *p == 0 ) return DriveType::Other; if ( Cmd(p, "Wheeled" ) ) return DriveType::Wheeled; if ( Cmd(p, "Tracked" ) ) return DriveType::Tracked; if ( Cmd(p, "Winged" ) ) return DriveType::Winged; if ( Cmd(p, "Legged" ) ) return DriveType::Legged; return DriveType::Other; } // Returns the name of a drive. const char* GetDrive(DriveType type) { if ( type == DriveType::Wheeled ) return "Wheeled"; if ( type == DriveType::Tracked ) return "Tracked"; if ( type == DriveType::Winged ) return "Winged"; if ( type == DriveType::Legged ) return "Legged"; return "Other"; } // Returns the type of tool. ToolType GetTool(char *line, int rank) { char* p; p = SearchArg(line, rank); if ( *p == 0 ) return ToolType::Other; if ( Cmd(p, "Grabber" ) ) return ToolType::Grabber; if ( Cmd(p, "Sniffer" ) ) return ToolType::Sniffer; if ( Cmd(p, "Shooter" ) ) return ToolType::Shooter; if ( Cmd(p, "OrgaShooter" ) ) return ToolType::OrganicShooter; return ToolType::Other; } // Returns the name of a tool. const char* GetTool(ToolType type) { if ( type == ToolType::Grabber ) return "Grabber"; if ( type == ToolType::Sniffer ) return "Sniffer"; if ( type == ToolType::Shooter ) return "Shooter"; if ( type == ToolType::OrganicShooter ) return "OrgaShooter"; return "Other"; } // Returns an integer. int OpInt(char *line, const char *op, int def) { line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) return def; return GetInt(line, 0, def); } // Returns a float number. float OpFloat(char *line, const char *op, float def) { line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) return def; return GetFloat(line, 0, def); } // Returns a string. void OpString(char *line, const char *op, char *buffer) { line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) { buffer[0] = 0; } else { GetString(line, 0, buffer); } } // Returns the type of an object. ObjectType OpTypeObject(char *line, const char *op, ObjectType def) { line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) return def; return GetTypeObject(line, 0, def); } // Returns the type of a water. Gfx::WaterType OpTypeWater(char *line, const char *op, Gfx::WaterType def) { line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) return def; return GetTypeWater(line, 0, def); } // Returns the type of a terrain. Gfx::EngineObjectType OpTypeTerrain(char *line, const char *op, Gfx::EngineObjectType def) { line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) return def; return GetTypeTerrain(line, 0, def); } // Returns the type of research. int OpResearch(char *line, const char *op) { line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) return 0; return GetResearch(line, 0); } // Returns the type of pyrotechnic effect. Gfx::PyroType OpPyro(char *line, const char *op) { line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) return Gfx::PT_NULL; return GetPyro(line, 0); } // Returns the type of camera. Gfx::CameraType OpCamera(char *line, const char *op) { line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) return Gfx::CAM_TYPE_NULL; return GetCamera(line, 0); } // Returns the type of drive. DriveType OpDrive(char *line, const char *op) { line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) return DriveType::Other; return GetDrive(line, 0); } // Returns the type of tool. ToolType OpTool(char *line, const char *op) { line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) return ToolType::Other; return GetTool(line, 0); } // Returns the type of a building. int OpBuild(char *line, const char *op) { line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) return 0; return GetBuild(line, 0); } // Returns a position in the XZ plane (top view). Math::Vector OpPos(char *line, const char *op) { Math::Vector pos; line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) { pos = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); return pos; } pos.x = GetFloat(line, 0, 0.0f); pos.y = 0.0f; pos.z = GetFloat(line, 1, 0.0f); return pos; } // Returns a direction. Math::Vector OpDir(char *line, const char *op) { Math::Vector dir; line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) { dir = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); return dir; } dir.x = GetFloat(line, 0, 0.0f); dir.y = GetFloat(line, 1, 0.0f); dir.z = GetFloat(line, 2, 0.0f); return dir; } // Reads a color (-1 .. 1). Gfx::Color OpColor(char *line, const char *op, Gfx::Color def) { Gfx::Color color; line = SearchOp(line, op); if ( *line == 0 ) return def; color.r = GetFloat(line, 0, 0.0f); color.g = GetFloat(line, 1, 0.0f); color.b = GetFloat(line, 2, 0.0f); color.a = GetFloat(line, 3, 0.0f); return color; }