/* * This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code * Copyright (C) 2001-2016, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam * http://epsitec.ch; http://colobot.info; http://github.com/colobot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include "ui/debug_menu.h" #include "app/app.h" #include "common/event.h" #include "common/stringutils.h" #include "graphics/engine/lightning.h" #include "graphics/engine/terrain.h" #include "level/robotmain.h" #include "object/object.h" #include "object/object_manager.h" #include "sound/sound.h" #include "ui/controls/button.h" #include "ui/controls/check.h" #include "ui/controls/interface.h" #include "ui/controls/label.h" #include "ui/controls/window.h" #include namespace Ui { CDebugMenu::CDebugMenu(CRobotMain* main, Gfx::CEngine* engine, CObjectManager* objMan, CSoundInterface* sound) { m_main = main; m_interface = m_main->GetInterface(); m_engine = engine; m_objMan = objMan; m_sound = sound; } CDebugMenu::~CDebugMenu() { } void CDebugMenu::ToggleInterface() { if (!IsActive()) { CreateInterface(); CLabel* pl = m_interface->CreateLabel(Math::Point(0.0f, 0.9f), Math::Point(1.0f, 0.1f), -1, EVENT_LABEL19, "??"); pl->SetFontType(Gfx::FONT_COURIER); } else { m_interface->DeleteControl(EVENT_LABEL19); DestroyInterface(); } } const Math::Point dim = Math::Point(33.0f/640.0f, 33.0f/480.0f); const float ox = 3.0f/640.0f, oy = 3.0f/480.0f; const float /*sx = 33.0f/640.0f,*/ sy = 33.0f/480.0f; void CDebugMenu::CreateInterface() { CWindow* pw = m_interface->CreateWindows(Math::Point(), Math::Point(), 0, EVENT_WINDOW7); Math::Point pos, ddim; CCheck* pc; CButton* pb; ddim.x = 4*dim.x+4*ox; ddim.y = 222.0f/480.0f; pos.x = 1.0f-ddim.x; pos.y = oy+sy*3.0f; pw->CreateGroup(pos, ddim, 6, EVENT_WINDOW7); ddim.x = ddim.x - 4*ox; ddim.y = dim.y*0.5f; pos.x += 2*ox; pos.y = oy+sy*9.0f; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_DBG_SPAWN_OBJ); pb->SetName("Spawn object"); pos.y -= ddim.y; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_DBG_TELEPORT); pb->SetName("Teleport"); pos.y -= ddim.y; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_DBG_LIGHTNING); pb->SetName("Lightning"); pos.y -= 0.048f; pc = pw->CreateCheck(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_DBG_STATS); pc->SetName("Display stats"); pos.y -= 0.048f; pos.y -= 0.048f; pc = pw->CreateCheck(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_DBG_RESOURCES); pc->SetName("Underground resources"); pos.y -= 0.048f; pc = pw->CreateCheck(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_DBG_GOTO); pc->SetName("Render goto() path"); pos.y -= 0.048f; pc = pw->CreateCheck(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_DBG_CRASHSPHERES); pc->SetName("Render crash spheres"); pos.y -= 0.048f; pc = pw->CreateCheck(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_DBG_LIGHTS); pc->SetName("Render dynamic lights"); pos.y -= 0.048f; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_DBG_LIGHTS_DUMP); pb->SetName("Dump lights to log"); UpdateInterface(); } void CDebugMenu::CreateSpawnInterface() { CWindow* pw = m_interface->CreateWindows(Math::Point(), Math::Point(), 0, EVENT_WINDOW7); Math::Point pos, ddim; CButton* pb; ddim.x = 4*dim.x+4*ox; ddim.y = 222.0f/480.0f; pos.x = 1.0f-ddim.x; pos.y = oy+sy*3.0f; pw->CreateGroup(pos, ddim, 6, EVENT_WINDOW7); ddim.x = ddim.x - 4*ox; ddim.y = dim.y*0.5f; pos.x += 2*ox; pos.y = oy+sy*9.0f; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_SPAWN_CANCEL); pb->SetName("Cancel"); pos.y -= ddim.y; pos.y -= dim.y; pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 128+8, EVENT_SPAWN_ME); pos.x += dim.x; pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 128+9, EVENT_SPAWN_WHEELEDGRABBER); pos.x += dim.x; pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 128+15, EVENT_SPAWN_WHEELEDSHOOTER); pos.x += dim.x; pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 128+19, EVENT_SPAWN_PHAZERSHOOTER); pos.x -= 3*dim.x; pos.y -= dim.y; pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 128+32, EVENT_SPAWN_BOTFACTORY); pos.x += dim.x; pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 128+34, EVENT_SPAWN_CONVERTER); pos.x += dim.x; pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 128+33, EVENT_SPAWN_DERRICK); pos.x += dim.x; pw->CreateButton(pos, dim, 128+36, EVENT_SPAWN_POWERSTATION); pos.x -= 3*dim.x; pos.y -= ddim.y; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_SPAWN_TITANIUM); pb->SetName("Titanium"); pos.y -= ddim.y; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_SPAWN_TITANIUMORE); pb->SetName("TitaniumOre"); pos.y -= ddim.y; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_SPAWN_URANIUMORE); pb->SetName("UraniumOre"); pos.y -= ddim.y; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_SPAWN_POWERCELL); pb->SetName("PowerCell"); pos.y -= ddim.y; pb = pw->CreateButton(pos, ddim, -1, EVENT_SPAWN_NUCLEARCELL); pb->SetName("NuclearCell"); } const std::map SPAWN_TYPES = { {EVENT_SPAWN_ME, OBJECT_HUMAN}, {EVENT_SPAWN_WHEELEDGRABBER, OBJECT_MOBILEwa}, {EVENT_SPAWN_WHEELEDSHOOTER, OBJECT_MOBILEwc}, {EVENT_SPAWN_PHAZERSHOOTER, OBJECT_MOBILErc}, {EVENT_SPAWN_BOTFACTORY, OBJECT_FACTORY}, {EVENT_SPAWN_CONVERTER, OBJECT_CONVERT}, {EVENT_SPAWN_DERRICK, OBJECT_DERRICK}, {EVENT_SPAWN_POWERSTATION, OBJECT_STATION}, {EVENT_SPAWN_TITANIUM, OBJECT_METAL}, {EVENT_SPAWN_TITANIUMORE, OBJECT_STONE}, {EVENT_SPAWN_URANIUMORE, OBJECT_URANIUM}, {EVENT_SPAWN_POWERCELL, OBJECT_POWER}, {EVENT_SPAWN_NUCLEARCELL, OBJECT_ATOMIC}, }; void CDebugMenu::UpdateInterface() { CCheck* pc; CButton* pb; CWindow* pw = static_cast(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW7)); if (pw == nullptr) return; pb = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DBG_LIGHTNING)); if (pb != nullptr) { pb->SetName(m_lightningActive ? "Disable lightning" : "Lightning"); } pb = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DBG_TELEPORT)); if (pb != nullptr) { pb->SetName(m_teleportActive ? "Abort teleport" : "Teleport"); } pc = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DBG_STATS)); if (pc != nullptr) { pc->SetState(STATE_CHECK, m_engine->GetShowStats()); } pc = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DBG_RESOURCES)); if (pc != nullptr) { pc->SetState(STATE_CHECK, m_engine->GetDebugResources()); } pc = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DBG_GOTO)); if (pc != nullptr) { pc->SetState(STATE_CHECK, m_engine->GetDebugGoto()); } pc = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DBG_CRASHSPHERES)); if (pc != nullptr) { pc->SetState(STATE_CHECK, m_main->GetDebugCrashSpheres()); } pc = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(EVENT_DBG_LIGHTS)); if (pc != nullptr) { pc->SetState(STATE_CHECK, m_engine->GetDebugLights()); } for (const auto& it : SPAWN_TYPES) { pb = static_cast(pw->SearchControl(it.first)); if (pb != nullptr) { pb->SetState(STATE_ENABLE, it.second != m_spawningType); } } } void CDebugMenu::DestroyInterface() { m_interface->DeleteControl(EVENT_WINDOW7); m_spawningType = OBJECT_NULL; } bool CDebugMenu::EventProcess(const Event &event) { switch (event.type) { case EVENT_DBG_STATS: m_engine->SetShowStats(!m_engine->GetShowStats()); UpdateInterface(); break; case EVENT_DBG_SPAWN_OBJ: DestroyInterface(); CreateSpawnInterface(); break; case EVENT_DBG_TELEPORT: if (!m_teleportActive) { if (m_main->GetSelect() != nullptr) m_teleportActive = true; else m_sound->Play(SOUND_CLICK); } else { m_teleportActive = false; } UpdateInterface(); break; case EVENT_DBG_LIGHTNING: m_lightningActive = !m_lightningActive; UpdateInterface(); break; case EVENT_DBG_RESOURCES: m_engine->SetDebugResources(!m_engine->GetDebugResources()); UpdateInterface(); break; case EVENT_DBG_GOTO: m_engine->SetDebugGoto(!m_engine->GetDebugGoto()); UpdateInterface(); break; case EVENT_DBG_CRASHSPHERES: m_main->SetDebugCrashSpheres(!m_main->GetDebugCrashSpheres()); UpdateInterface(); break; case EVENT_DBG_LIGHTS: m_engine->SetDebugLights(!m_engine->GetDebugLights()); UpdateInterface(); break; case EVENT_DBG_LIGHTS_DUMP: m_engine->DebugDumpLights(); break; case EVENT_SPAWN_CANCEL: DestroyInterface(); CreateInterface(); break; case EVENT_SPAWN_ME: case EVENT_SPAWN_WHEELEDGRABBER: case EVENT_SPAWN_WHEELEDSHOOTER: case EVENT_SPAWN_PHAZERSHOOTER: case EVENT_SPAWN_BOTFACTORY: case EVENT_SPAWN_CONVERTER: case EVENT_SPAWN_DERRICK: case EVENT_SPAWN_POWERSTATION: case EVENT_SPAWN_TITANIUM: case EVENT_SPAWN_TITANIUMORE: case EVENT_SPAWN_URANIUMORE: case EVENT_SPAWN_POWERCELL: case EVENT_SPAWN_NUCLEARCELL: m_spawningType = SPAWN_TYPES.at(event.type); UpdateInterface(); break; case EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN: if (event.GetData()->button == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) { if (m_lightningActive) { return !HandleLightning(event.mousePos); } if (m_teleportActive) { return !HandleTeleport(event.mousePos); } if (m_spawningType != OBJECT_NULL) { return !HandleSpawnObject(m_spawningType, event.mousePos); } } break; case EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE: if (m_spawningType != OBJECT_NULL || m_teleportActive || m_lightningActive) { return false; } break; case EVENT_FRAME: HandleFrameUpdate(event); break; case EVENT_KEY_DOWN: if (event.GetData()->key == KEY(c) && (event.kmodState & KMOD_CTRL) != 0) { if (IsActive()) { return !HandleCopy(event.mousePos); } } default: break; } return true; } bool CDebugMenu::HandleSpawnObject(ObjectType type, Math::Point mousePos) { Math::Vector pos; if (m_engine->DetectObject(mousePos, pos, true) == -1) { m_sound->Play(SOUND_CLICK, 1.0f, 0.5f); return false; } ObjectCreateParams params; params.pos = pos; params.type = type; params.power = 100.0f; m_objMan->CreateObject(params); // Update shortcuts in the upper-left corner m_main->CreateShortcuts(); m_sound->Play(SOUND_RADAR, 2.0f, 1.5f); return true; } bool CDebugMenu::HandleLightning(Math::Point mousePos) { Math::Vector pos; if (m_engine->DetectObject(mousePos, pos, true) == -1) { m_sound->Play(SOUND_CLICK, 1.0f, 0.5f); return false; } m_engine->GetLightning()->StrikeAtPos(pos); return true; } bool CDebugMenu::HandleTeleport(Math::Point mousePos) { CObject* select = m_main->GetSelect(); Math::Vector pos; if (m_engine->DetectObject(mousePos, pos, true) == -1 || !m_engine->GetTerrain()->AdjustToFloor(pos) || select == nullptr) { m_sound->Play(SOUND_CLICK, 1.0f, 0.5f); m_teleportActive = false; UpdateInterface(); return false; } select->SetPosition(pos); m_sound->Play(SOUND_BUILD, 4.0f, 0.75f); m_sound->Play(SOUND_BUILD, pos, 4.0f, 0.75f); m_teleportActive = false; UpdateInterface(); return true; } void CDebugMenu::HandleFrameUpdate(const Event &event) { std::string str = "-"; Math::Vector pos; int obj; if ((obj = m_engine->DetectObject(event.mousePos, pos, true)) != -1) str = StrUtils::Format("pos=% 3.2f; % 3.2f height=% 3.2f objId=% 4d", pos.x, pos.z, pos.y, obj); CLabel* pl = static_cast(m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_LABEL19)); if (pl == nullptr) return; pl->SetName(str.c_str()); } bool CDebugMenu::HandleCopy(Math::Point mousePos) { Math::Vector pos; if (m_engine->DetectObject(mousePos, pos, true) == -1) { m_sound->Play(SOUND_CLICK, 1.0f, 0.5f); return false; } std::string str = StrUtils::Format("pos=%.2f;%.2f", pos.x, pos.z); GetLogger()->Debug("%s\n", str.c_str()); SDL_SetClipboardText(str.c_str()); return true; } bool CDebugMenu::IsActive() { return m_interface->SearchControl(EVENT_WINDOW7) != nullptr; } }