Piotr Dziwinski
Documentation update
- updated Doxyfile
- added/changed file, dir and namespace descriptions
- fixed some errors in doxygen tags
2012-08-11 18:39:16 +02:00 |
Piotr Dziwinski
Render mode setting, refactoring
- finished SetState in CEngine
- refactored Size and IntSize back to Point and IntPoint
- other minor changes in CEngine
2012-08-11 17:17:04 +02:00 |
Piotr Dziwinski
Font rendering
- implemented rest of CText interface excluding some minor features
2012-08-06 20:20:50 +02:00 |
Piotr Dziwinski
Basic font rendering
- added basic font rendering
- minor refactoring & fixes
2012-08-03 23:23:13 +02:00 |
Piotr Dziwinski
Change of paths in src/graphics
- moved abstract core to src/graphics/core
- moved proper graphics engine to src/graphics/engine
2012-07-26 22:26:19 +02:00 |