Updated README and INSTALL files
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ To cross-compile Colobot using MXE:
5. `make` should now compile the game with the resulting executable as `colobot.exe`.
The exe is linked against all libraries *statically*, so there are no dependencies
on external DLLs. However, the resulting binary will be huge with all these libraries,
so you might want to do: `strip bin/colobot.exe`.
so you might want to do: `strip colobot.exe`.
6. If you want to create a Colobot installer, you need to additionally build 'nsis'
in MXE. Then you can create the NSIS installer that way:
@ -3,15 +3,40 @@
## Source and data files
Colobot source files can be downloaded from Github repository (https://github.com/colobot/colobot). You can either download
the repository as a ZIP archive, or, clone the repository using git or a GUI frontent for git.
the repository as a ZIP archive, or, clone the repository using git or a GUI frontend for git.
Make sure that once you download/clone the repository, you have the neeeded data files in `data/` subdirectory.These files
Make sure that once you download/clone the repository, you have the needed data files in `data/` subdirectory.These files
are provided as git submodule, hosted at a separate Github repository (https://github.com/colobot/colobot-data).
If you don't have them, you can either download the repository manually and unpack its content into `data/` or,
if you're working with git cloned repository, `git submodule update --init` will download the data submodule repository.
## Compiling on Windows
## Important notes
It is highly recommended that while compiling, you do an out-of-source build, that is create a separate directory where all build files
will be created. This isolates the generated CMake files and makes it easy to clean them (simply remove the build directory)
as CMake lacks "make clean" command.
As of 0.1.2-alpha, running the game with source data directory is no longer supported as the data files
are now generated to support multiple languages. You have to perform installation, at least of the data files, to a destination
directory. If you fail to do that, and try to run the game with source data directory, the game will run, but you will not be able to access
any of the missions.
## Compilation
### Compiling on Windows
The recommended way of compiling for Windows is using Linux in a cross-compilation environment called MXE.
This is the way our build bot service (http://colobot.info/files/compiled.php) prepares the release packages.
You can also try to compile with MSYS/MinGW but this is more difficult.
#### Cross-compiling using MXE
MXE (M cross environment, http://mxe.cc/) is a very good cross-compiling framework, complete with a suite of libraries
that make it extremely easy to port applications to Win32. It runs on pretty much any *nix flavor and generates generic,
statically linked Win32 binaries. More information is available in
[INSTALL-MXE.md](https://github.com/colobot/colobot/blob/master/INSTALL-MXE.md) file.
#### Compiling with MSYS/MinGW
@ -19,47 +44,53 @@ If you like challenges ;-), you can try to compile Colobot directly under MSYS/M
You need to manually compile about 20 packages and resolve many problems. Fortunately, the developers took pity on you,
and provide a download package containing all the necessary libraries and tools.
To use this package, you must first install a vanilla MSYS/MinGW enviromnent. To do this, download and run
To use this package, you must first install a vanilla MSYS/MinGW environment. To do this, download and run
mingw-get installer (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/Installer/mingw-get-inst/).
When installing, select **all** possible packages in the installer.
Next, download the development package available at Colobot site (http://colobot.info/) and unpack the files
from the archive to MinGW directory. This should provide a working environment, including CMake and
Next, download the development package available at Colobot site (http://colobot.info/files/ - files named msys-devpack-*)
and unpack the files from the archive to MinGW directory. This should provide a working environment, including CMake and
all necessary packages. However, make sure you get the right package. There are slight changes between GCC 4.6 and 4.7,
especially with boost library which will result in build failure or error in runtime.
To compile Colobot, `cd` to directory with sources and run:
$ cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
and then:
Once you have installed the development package, run the MSYS shell. This shell works as a hybrid *nix/Windows environment,
so you have regular bash commands but can specify paths using Windows syntax: "C:\some\path", CRLF is the endline separator and so forth.
CMake should automatically detect this build environment and use the Windows options to compile.
To compile colobot, change the directory to where you have downloaded the source files:
$ cd "C:\path\to\colobot\sources"
It is recommended that you create a build directory:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
Then you have to configure CMake. You should specify the following options:
$ cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\some\directory" ..
where "C:\some\directory" is the directory you want to run colobot from. It can be a proper installation path if you want
to install it in system, or some temporary directory like "..\colobot-temporary-install" if you just want to try the game.
You can also skip this argument and use the default install path: "C:\Program Files\colobot".
Make sure you specify "MSYS Makefiles" as the CMake generator because otherwise, the default for Windows is to use MSVC nmake
and it will not work.
Then to compile:
$ make
Everything should compile just fine. If you see any errors, it most likely means missing libraries or invalid installation.
Warnings may occur, but are mostly harmless.
You'll get the binary `colobot.exe`, which you can run directly, pointing it to the data directory:
$ colobot.exe -datadir ./data
You can also install Colobot in your system using
Now you need to perform the installation:
$ make install
The default install path is `C:\Program Files\colobot`, but you can change it by adding `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\your\path"`
to CMake arguments.
You should get all files ready to use under the installation prefix you specified. Run `colobot.exe` and enjoy the game.
See also "Hints and notes" below on some useful advice.
### Compiling on Linux
#### Cross-compiling using MXE
Since there are so many Linux flavors, it is difficult to write generic instructions. However, here is the general gist of what
you will need to compile colobot.
MXE (http://mxe.cc/) is a very good cross-compiling framework, complete with a suite of libraries
that make it extremely easy to port applications to Win32. It runs on pretty much any *nix flavor and generates generic,
statically linked Win32 binaries. More information is available in INSTALL-MXE.md file.
## Compiling on Linux
Depending on your distribution, you'll need to install different packages, so here's just an outline, the details will
be different for different distros:
* recent compiler (GCC >= 4.6 or a newer clang) since we are using some features of C++11.
* CMake >= 2.8.
You will need:
* recent compiler (GCC >= 4.6 or a newer clang) since we are using some features of C++11
* CMake >= 2.8
* Boost >= 1.51 (header files + components: filesystem and regex)
* SDL >= 1.2.10
* SDL_image >= 1.2
@ -71,45 +102,66 @@ be different for different distros:
* libvorbis >= 1.3.2
* libogg >= 1.3.0
* OpenAL (OpenAL-Soft) >= 1.13
* po4a >= 0.45 (to generate translated data files)
Instructions for compiling are universal:
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
$ make
Make sure you install the packages along with header files (often distributed in separate *-dev packages). If you miss any requirements,
CMake should warn you.
To compile colobot, run your favorite shell and change the directory to where you downloaded colobot source files:
$ cd /path/to/colobot/sources
It is recommended that you create a build directory:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
Now to configure CMake:
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/some/prefix ..
where "/some/prefix" is installation prefix where you want to put the game files. It could be a proper installation directory
if you want to install colobot in the system or simply temporary directory like "/tmp/colobot-temporary-install" if you just want to try it.
You can also use clang as the compiler. In that case, before issuing cmake, set the following variables:
$ export CC=clang CXX=clang++
Then to compile:
$ make
Everything should compile just fine. If you see any errors, it most likely means missing libraries. Warnings may occur,
but are mostly harmless.
You'll get the binary in `bin/colobot`, which you can run directly, pointing it to the data directory:
$ bin/colobot -datadir ./data
To install colobot in the system, you can run:
Now you need to install the game files:
$ make install
The default installation path is `/usr/local/` but you can change it by adding `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/your/custom/path"`
to CMake arguments.
You can now run the game from the prefix you specified. Note that colobot binary is installed in `games/` subdirectory.
So if you provided prefix "/some/prefix", you can run:
$ /some/prefix/games/colobot
See also "Hints and notes" below on some useful advice.
### Compiling on MacOS X
As of 0.1.2-alpha, we have added MacOS X support. See [INSTALL-MacOSX.md](https://github.com/colobot/colobot/blob/master/INSTALL-MacOSX.md)
file for details.
## Other platforms
The code isn't particularly tied to any compiler or platform, so in theory it should work on any platform provided you have
the required libraries there. Also, other compilers than currently supported GCC >= 4.6 and Clang may happen to work with our code.
If you can, please try to compile the code on your platform and let us know how it goes.
## Compiling on other platforms
## Error reports and debugging
We haven't checked other platforms yet but the code isn't particularly tied to any compiler or platform, so in theory
it should work. If you can, please try to compile the code on your platform and let us know how it goes.
Before reporting errors, please make sure you compile the dev branch to make sure that the issue is not yet fixed there. Also, search the
existing issues (https://github.com/colobot/colobot/issues) to check if a similar error has not been already reported.
## Hints and notes
CMake has a very useful feature - out-of-source builds - using a separate directory for the output of CMake and compiler.
This way, you can keep clean the directory with your source files. Example of use (starting from directory with sources):
$ mkdir build/
$ cd build/
$ cmake ../
$ make
If you want to submit debug reports, please use special Debug and Dev builds (`-DDEV_BUILD=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug`)
If you want to submit error reports, please use special Debug and Dev builds (add `-DDEV_BUILD=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug` to CMake arguments)
and run the game in debug mode and with logging on higher level (commandline arguments: `-loglevel debug`).
Also, `-help` will give full list of available arguments.
## Language support
In order to run colobot in different language, you need to run with fully installed data files.
If you run a system with locale settings set to your language, colobot should auto-detect it and use appropriate language. If that does not happen,
you can force a specific language using option `-language xx` where xx is language code like `en` or `de`. `-help` will show all possible settings.
## Help
If you encounter any problems, you can get help at our forum or IRC channels.
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
Welcome to the Colobot project code repository
This is official repository for the open-source Colobot project developed by Polish Portal of Colobot (PPC; in Polish: Polski Portal Colobota) with the official site at: http://colobot.info/.
This is official repository for the open-source Colobot project developed by Polish Portal of Colobot (PPC; in Polish: Polski Portal Colobota) with the official site at: [colobot.info](http://colobot.info/joomla).
The source code contained here was released by Epsitec -- the original creator of the game -- on open source (GPLv3) license. The code was given and the rights granted specifically to PPC community in March 2012. Since then, we have been developing the game further.
More information for developers (in English) can be found on the [developer wiki](https://colobot.info/wiki/Dev:Main_Page) or [our forum](http://colobot.info/forum/). However, the freshest source of information is our IRC channels (see below).
More information for developers (in English) can be found on the [developer wiki](http://colobot.info/w/Dev:Main_Page) or (in Polish) [our forum](http://colobot.info/forum/). However, the freshest source of information is our IRC channels (see below).
This repository contains only the source code of the project. The game requires also data files which are now provided as git submodule and are hosted in [separate repository](https://github.com/colobot/colobot-data).
@ -17,14 +17,23 @@ The original version of the game, as released to us by Epsitec, is available as
We are now working on refreshed and updated version of original game, codename Colobot Gold and this is the version currently hosted in this repository. The goal is to rewrite the game engine to be multi-platform, refresh the graphics, include some enhancements and refactor the code to make the game easier to modify.
The project at this point is in alpha stage - the game is mostly playable, both on Windows and Linux, and most major bugs have been corrected. However, there is still a lot of work to be done. We are now working steadily towards subsequent beta releases, correcting other bugs and introducing enhancements and new features. There is a lot of work ahead and we will gladly accept any and all help.
The project at this point is in alpha stage - the game is mostly playable, both on Windows and Linux, and most major bugs have been corrected. We are now working steadily towards subsequent beta releases, correcting other bugs and introducing enhancements and new features. There is a lot of work ahead and we will gladly accept any and all help.
In the future, we will begin development on a new installment in the Colobot series, codename Colobot 2. We have many ideas for the new game and we are still discussing them. Generally, the development of this version will begin only after finishing Colobot Gold (it will be probably hosted in another repository, forked off the Colobot Gold code).
## Download packages
We provide compiled packages of most recent versions using an [automated build bot service](http://colobot.info/files/compiled.php). Available versions include packages for Windows and Linux in both Release and Debug configurations.
On some Linux distributions there are also distribution packages available:
* Debian Sid (unstable): http://packages.debian.org/sid/colobot
* Arch Linux (AUR): https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/colobot-gold
## Compiling and running the game
For these instructions see INSTALL.md file.
If you want to compile colobot yourself, see [INSTALL.md](https://github.com/colobot/colobot/blob/master/INSTALL.md) file.
## Contact
@ -41,11 +50,11 @@ If you want to help in the project, please contact us on our IRC channels or [ou
Witamy w repozytorium projektu Colobot
To jest oficjalne repozytorium z kodem projektu open-source Colobot rozwijanego przez Polski Portal Colobota (PPC; po angielsku: Polish Portal of Colobot) z oficjalną stroną: http://colobot.info/.
To jest oficjalne repozytorium z kodem projektu open-source Colobot rozwijanego przez Polski Portal Colobota (PPC; po angielsku: Polish Portal of Colobot) z oficjalną stroną: [colobot.info](http://colobot.info/joomla/?lang=pl).
Kod źródłowy zawarty tutaj został wydany przez Epsitec -- oryginalnego twórcę gry -- na otwartej licencji (GPLv3). Kod został wydany i prawa nadane specjalnie dla społeczności PPC w marcu 2012. Od tamtej pory, zajmowaliśmy się dalszym rozwojem gry.
Więcej informacji dla developerów projektu (po angielsku) można znaleźć na [wiki dla developerów](http://colobot.info/wiki/Dev:Main_Page) lub [naszym forum](http://colobot.info/forum/). Jednak źródłem najświeższych informacji są nasze kanały IRC (patrz niżej).
Więcej informacji dla developerów projektu (po angielsku) można znaleźć na [wiki dla developerów](htt://colobot.info/w/Dev:Main_Page) lub (po polsku) na [naszym forum](http://colobot.info/forum/). Jednak źródłem najświeższych informacji są nasze kanały IRC (patrz niżej).
To repozytorium zawiera jedynie kod źródłowy projektu. Gra wymaga jeszcze plików danych, które są teraz udostępniane jako submoduł gita i hostowane w [osobnym repozytorium]((https://github.com/colobot/colobot-data).
@ -56,20 +65,30 @@ Oryginalna wersja gry, jaka została udostępniona nam przez Epsitec, jest dost
Obecnie pracujemy nad odświeżoną i uaktualnioną wersją oryginalnej gry, którą nazywamy Colobot Gold i jest to wersja obecnie dostępna w tym repozytorium. Celem tego projektu jest przepisanie silnika gry na wersję wieloplatformową, odświeżenie grafiki, dodanie pewnych usprawnień i zrefaktorowanie kodu tak, by dało się łatwiej modyfikować grę.
W tym momencie, gra jest w stadium alpha - gra jest w większości grywalna, pod Windowsem i Linuksem i większość poważnych bugów została poprawiona. Jednakże, jest nadal sporo pracy do zrobienia. Teraz systematycznie pracujemy do kolejnych wydań w fazie beta, poprawiając pozostałe bugi i wprowadzając usprawnienia i nowe funkcje. Jest sporo pracy przed nami i chętnie przyjmiemy pomoc w jakielkolwiek formie.
W tym momencie, gra jest w stadium alpha - gra jest w większości grywalna, pod Windowsem i Linuksem i większość poważnych bugów została poprawiona. Teraz systematycznie pracujemy do kolejnych wydań w fazie beta, poprawiając pozostałe bugi i wprowadzając usprawnienia i nowe funkcje. Jest sporo pracy przed nami i chętnie przyjmiemy pomoc w jakiejkolwiek formie.
W przyszłości, planujemy rozpocząć prace nad nową częścią z serii Colobot, pod nazwą Colobot 2.Mamy wiele pomysłów na nową grę i nadal dyskutujemy nad nimi. Ogólnie, rozwój tej wersji zacznie się po skończeniu wersji Colobot Gold (prawdopodobnie będzie hostowane w osobnym repozytorium, sforkowanym z kodu Colobot Gold).
W przyszłości, planujemy rozpocząć prace nad nową częścią z serii Colobot, pod nazwą Colobot 2. Mamy wiele pomysłów na nową grę i nadal dyskutujemy nad nimi. Ogólnie, rozwój tej wersji zacznie się po skończeniu wersji Colobot Gold (prawdopodobnie będzie hostowane w osobnym repozytorium, sforkowanym z kodu Colobot Gold).
## Paczki do pobrania
Udostępniamy gotowe skompilowane paczki z ostatnich wersji używając [automatycznego build bota](http://colobot.info/files/compiled.php?lang=pl). Dostępne są paczki dla Windowsa i Linuksa w konfiguracjach Release i Debug.
Dla niektórych dystrybucji Linuksa, dostępne są pakiety danej dystrybucji:
* Debian Sid (unstable): http://packages.debian.org/sid/colobot
* Arch Linux (AUR): https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/colobot-gold
## Kompilacja i uruchomienie gry
Instrukcje te znajdują się w pliku INSTALL.md (po angielsku).
Jeżeli chcesz sam skompilować colobota, zobacz plik [INSTALL.md](https://github.com/colobot/colobot/blob/master/INSTALL.md) (po angielsku).
## Kontakt
Jeżeli chcesz pomóc w projekcie, prosimy o kontakt na naszych kanałach IRC lub [naszym forum](http://colobot.info/forum/).
### Kanały IRC
* [#colobot on pirc.pl](irc://pirc.pl#colobot) polski;
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5d2cf83612a6072c4c952a3b9ad16d0aae05ab12
Subproject commit 5641495ff106199c1e564a4b60d3fca6bbf948a3
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ ParseArgsStatus CApplication::ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[])
GetLogger()->Message(" -debug modes enable debug modes (more info printed in logs; see code for reference of modes)\n");
GetLogger()->Message(" -runscene sceneNNN run given scene on start\n");
GetLogger()->Message(" -loglevel level set log level to level (one of: trace, debug, info, warn, error, none)\n");
GetLogger()->Message(" -language lang set language (one of: en, de, fr, pl)\n");
GetLogger()->Message(" -language lang set language (one of: en, de, fr, pl, ru)\n");
GetLogger()->Message(" -datadir path set custom data directory path\n");
GetLogger()->Message(" -game modid run mod\n");
GetLogger()->Message(" -langdir path set custom language directory path\n");
Reference in New Issue