Minor changes
- moved mainpage src/doc/docmain.doc.txt to src/app/main.cpp - removed old modfile modules from src/common - removed Snd namespace in engine.hdev-ui
@ -690,8 +690,7 @@ INPUT_ENCODING = UTF-8
# *.f90 *.f *.for *.vhd *.vhdl
# *.f90 *.f *.for *.vhd *.vhdl
*.cpp \
# The RECURSIVE tag can be used to turn specify whether or not subdirectories
# The RECURSIVE tag can be used to turn specify whether or not subdirectories
# should be searched for input files as well. Possible values are YES and NO.
# should be searched for input files as well. Possible values are YES and NO.
@ -24,6 +24,42 @@
#include "common/restext.h"
#include "common/restext.h"
/* Doxygen main page */
Doxygen documentation of Colobot project
\section Intro Introduction
The source code released by Epitec was sparsely documented. This documentation, written from scratch,
will aim to describe the various components of the code.
Currently, the only documented classes are the ones written from scratch or the old ones rewritten to match the new code.
In time, the documentation will be extended to cover every major part of the code.
\section Structure Code structure
The source code was split from the original all-in-one directory to subdirectories, each containing one major part of the project.
The current layout is this:
- src/CBot - separate library with CBot language
- src/app - class CApplication and everything concerned with SDL plus other system-dependent code such as displaying a message box, finding files, etc.
- src/common - shared structs, enums, defines, etc.; should not have any external dependencies
- src/graphics/common - interface of graphics engine (CEngine) and device (CDevice), without concrete implementation, shared structs such as Vertex, Material, etc., “effects” classes: CCamera, CLight, CParticle that will use the graphics engine interface
- src/graphics/opengl - concrete implementation of CEngine and CDevice classes in OpenGL: CGLEngine and CGLDevice
- src/graphics/d3d - in (far) future - perhaps a newer implementation in DirectX (9? 10?)
- src/math - mathematical structures and functions
- src/object - non-graphical game engine, that is robots, buildings, etc.; dependent only on interface of graphics engine, not on concrete implementation
- src/ui - 2D user interface (menu, buttons, check boxes, etc.); also without dependencies to concrete implementation of graphics engine
- src/sound - sound and music engine written using fmod library
- src/physics - physics engine
- src/script - link with the CBot library
- src/metafile - separate program for packing data files to .dat format
//! Entry point to the program
//! Entry point to the program
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
@ -1,695 +0,0 @@
// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code
// * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch
// *
// * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// * (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
// modfile.cpp
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <d3d.h>
#include "common/struct.h"
#include "math/geometry.h"
#include "old/d3dengine.h"
#include "old/d3dmath.h"
#include "common/language.h"
#include "common/event.h"
#include "common/misc.h"
#include "common/iman.h"
#include "old/math3d.h"
#include "common/modfile.h"
const int MAX_VERTICES = 2000;
// Object's constructor.
CModFile::CModFile(CInstanceManager* iMan)
m_iMan = iMan;
m_engine = (CD3DEngine*)m_iMan->SearchInstance(CLASS_ENGINE);
m_triangleUsed = 0;
m_triangleTable = (ModelTriangle*)malloc(sizeof(ModelTriangle)*MAX_VERTICES);
ZeroMemory(m_triangleTable, sizeof(ModelTriangle)*MAX_VERTICES);
// Object's destructor.
// Creates a triangle in the internal structure.
bool CModFile::CreateTriangle(Math::Vector p1, Math::Vector p2, Math::Vector p3,
float min, float max)
Math::Vector n;
int i;
if ( m_triangleUsed >= MAX_VERTICES )
OutputDebugString("ERROR: CreateTriangle::Too many triangles\n");
return false;
i = m_triangleUsed++;
ZeroMemory(&m_triangleTable[i], sizeof(ModelTriangle));
m_triangleTable[i].bUsed = true;
m_triangleTable[i].bSelect = false;
n = Math::NormalToPlane(p3, p2, p1);
m_triangleTable[i].p1 = D3DVERTEX2( p1, n);
m_triangleTable[i].p2 = D3DVERTEX2( p2, n);
m_triangleTable[i].p3 = D3DVERTEX2( p3, n);
m_triangleTable[i].material.diffuse.r = 1.0f;
m_triangleTable[i].material.diffuse.g = 1.0f;
m_triangleTable[i].material.diffuse.b = 1.0f; // white
m_triangleTable[i].material.ambient.r = 0.5f;
m_triangleTable[i].material.ambient.g = 0.5f;
m_triangleTable[i].material.ambient.b = 0.5f;
m_triangleTable[i].min = min;
m_triangleTable[i].max = max;
return true;
// Reads a DXF file.
bool CModFile::ReadDXF(char *filename, float min, float max)
FILE* file = NULL;
char line[100];
int command, rankSommet, nbSommet, nbFace;
Math::Vector table[MAX_VERTICES];
bool bWaitNbSommet;
bool bWaitNbFace;
bool bWaitSommetX;
bool bWaitSommetY;
bool bWaitSommetZ;
bool bWaitFaceX;
bool bWaitFaceY;
bool bWaitFaceZ;
float x,y,z;
int p1,p2,p3;
file = fopen(filename, "r");
if ( file == NULL ) return false;
m_triangleUsed = 0;
rankSommet = 0;
bWaitNbSommet = false;
bWaitNbFace = false;
bWaitSommetX = false;
bWaitSommetY = false;
bWaitSommetZ = false;
bWaitFaceX = false;
bWaitFaceY = false;
bWaitFaceZ = false;
while ( fgets(line, 100, file) != NULL )
sscanf(line, "%d", &command);
if ( fgets(line, 100, file) == NULL ) break;
if ( command == 66 )
bWaitNbSommet = true;
if ( command == 71 && bWaitNbSommet )
bWaitNbSommet = false;
sscanf(line, "%d", &nbSommet);
if ( nbSommet > MAX_VERTICES ) nbSommet = MAX_VERTICES;
rankSommet = 0;
bWaitNbFace = true;
//? sprintf(s, "Waiting for %d sommets\n", nbSommet);
//? OutputDebugString(s);
if ( command == 72 && bWaitNbFace )
bWaitNbFace = false;
sscanf(line, "%d", &nbFace);
bWaitSommetX = true;
//? sprintf(s, "Waiting for %d faces\n", nbFace);
//? OutputDebugString(s);
if ( command == 10 && bWaitSommetX )
bWaitSommetX = false;
sscanf(line, "%f", &x);
bWaitSommetY = true;
if ( command == 20 && bWaitSommetY )
bWaitSommetY = false;
sscanf(line, "%f", &y);
bWaitSommetZ = true;
if ( command == 30 && bWaitSommetZ )
bWaitSommetZ = false;
sscanf(line, "%f", &z);
nbSommet --;
if ( nbSommet >= 0 )
Math::Vector p(x,z,y); // permutation of Y and Z!
table[rankSommet++] = p;
bWaitSommetX = true;
//? sprintf(s, "Sommet[%d]=%f;%f;%f\n", rankSommet, p.x,p.y,p.z);
//? OutputDebugString(s);
bWaitFaceX = true;
if ( command == 71 && bWaitFaceX )
bWaitFaceX = false;
sscanf(line, "%d", &p1);
if ( p1 < 0 ) p1 = -p1;
bWaitFaceY = true;
if ( command == 72 && bWaitFaceY )
bWaitFaceY = false;
sscanf(line, "%d", &p2);
if ( p2 < 0 ) p2 = -p2;
bWaitFaceZ = true;
if ( command == 73 && bWaitFaceZ )
bWaitFaceZ = false;
sscanf(line, "%d", &p3);
if ( p3 < 0 ) p3 = -p3;
nbFace --;
if ( nbFace >= 0 )
CreateTriangle( table[p3-1], table[p2-1], table[p1-1], min,max );
bWaitFaceX = true;
//? sprintf(s, "Face=%d;%d;%d\n", p1,p2,p3);
//? OutputDebugString(s);
return true;
struct InfoMOD
int rev;
int vers;
int total;
int reserve[10];
// Change nom.bmp to nom.tga
void ChangeBMPtoTGA(char *filename)
char* p;
p = strstr(filename, ".bmp");
if ( p != 0 ) strcpy(p, ".tga");
// Reads a MOD file.
bool CModFile::AddModel(char *filename, int first, bool bEdit, bool bMeta)
FILE* file;
InfoMOD info;
float limit[2];
int i, nb, err;
char* p;
if ( m_engine->RetDebugMode() )
bMeta = false;
if ( bMeta )
p = strchr(filename, '\\');
if ( p == 0 )
err = g_metafile.Open("ceebot2.dat", filename);
err = g_metafile.Open("colobot2.dat", filename);
err = g_metafile.Open("ceebot2.dat", p+1);
err = g_metafile.Open("colobot2.dat", p+1);
if ( err != 0 ) bMeta = false;
if ( !bMeta )
file = fopen(filename, "rb");
if ( file == NULL ) return false;
if ( bMeta )
g_metafile.Read(&info, sizeof(InfoMOD));
fread(&info, sizeof(InfoMOD), 1, file);
nb = info.total;
m_triangleUsed += nb;
if ( info.rev == 1 && info.vers == 0 )
OldModelTriangle1 old;
for ( i=first ; i<m_triangleUsed ; i++ )
if ( bMeta )
g_metafile.Read(&old, sizeof(OldModelTriangle1));
fread(&old, sizeof(OldModelTriangle1), 1, file);
ZeroMemory(&m_triangleTable[i], sizeof(ModelTriangle));
m_triangleTable[i].bUsed = old.bUsed;
m_triangleTable[i].bSelect = old.bSelect;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.x = old.p1.x;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.y = old.p1.y;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.z = old.p1.z;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.nx = old.p1.nx;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.ny = old.p1.ny;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.nz = old.p1.nz;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.tu = old.p1.tu;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.tv = old.p1.tv;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.x = old.p2.x;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.y = old.p2.y;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.z = old.p2.z;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.nx = old.p2.nx;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.ny = old.p2.ny;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.nz = old.p2.nz;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.tu = old.p2.tu;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.tv = old.p2.tv;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.x = old.p3.x;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.y = old.p3.y;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.z = old.p3.z;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.nx = old.p3.nx;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.ny = old.p3.ny;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.nz = old.p3.nz;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.tu = old.p3.tu;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.tv = old.p3.tv;
m_triangleTable[i].material = old.material;
strcpy(m_triangleTable[i].texName, old.texName);
m_triangleTable[i].min = old.min;
m_triangleTable[i].max = old.max;
else if ( info.rev == 1 && info.vers == 1 )
OldModelTriangle2 old;
for ( i=first ; i<m_triangleUsed ; i++ )
if ( bMeta )
g_metafile.Read(&old, sizeof(OldModelTriangle2));
fread(&old, sizeof(OldModelTriangle2), 1, file);
ZeroMemory(&m_triangleTable[i], sizeof(ModelTriangle));
m_triangleTable[i].bUsed = old.bUsed;
m_triangleTable[i].bSelect = old.bSelect;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.x = old.p1.x;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.y = old.p1.y;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.z = old.p1.z;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.nx = old.p1.nx;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.ny = old.p1.ny;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.nz = old.p1.nz;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.tu = old.p1.tu;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.tv = old.p1.tv;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.x = old.p2.x;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.y = old.p2.y;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.z = old.p2.z;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.nx = old.p2.nx;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.ny = old.p2.ny;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.nz = old.p2.nz;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.tu = old.p2.tu;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.tv = old.p2.tv;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.x = old.p3.x;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.y = old.p3.y;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.z = old.p3.z;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.nx = old.p3.nx;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.ny = old.p3.ny;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.nz = old.p3.nz;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.tu = old.p3.tu;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.tv = old.p3.tv;
m_triangleTable[i].material = old.material;
strcpy(m_triangleTable[i].texName, old.texName);
m_triangleTable[i].min = old.min;
m_triangleTable[i].max = old.max;
m_triangleTable[i].state = old.state;
m_triangleTable[i].reserve2 = old.reserve2;
m_triangleTable[i].reserve3 = old.reserve3;
m_triangleTable[i].reserve4 = old.reserve4;
if ( bMeta )
g_metafile.Read(m_triangleTable+first, sizeof(ModelTriangle)*nb);
fread(m_triangleTable+first, sizeof(ModelTriangle), nb, file);
for ( i=first ; i<m_triangleUsed ; i++ )
if ( !bEdit )
limit[0] = m_engine->RetLimitLOD(0); // frontier AB as config
limit[1] = m_engine->RetLimitLOD(1); // frontier BC as config
// Standard frontiers -> config.
for ( i=first ; i<m_triangleUsed ; i++ )
if ( m_triangleTable[i].min == 0.0f &&
m_triangleTable[i].max == 100.0f ) // resolution A ?
m_triangleTable[i].max = limit[0];
else if ( m_triangleTable[i].min == 100.0f &&
m_triangleTable[i].max == 200.0f ) // resolution B ?
m_triangleTable[i].min = limit[0];
m_triangleTable[i].max = limit[1];
else if ( m_triangleTable[i].min == 200.0f &&
m_triangleTable[i].max == 1000000.0f ) // resolution C ?
m_triangleTable[i].min = limit[1];
if ( bMeta )
return true;
// Reads a MOD file.
bool CModFile::ReadModel(char *filename, bool bEdit, bool bMeta)
m_triangleUsed = 0;
return AddModel(filename, 0, bEdit, bMeta);
// Writes a MOD file.
bool CModFile::WriteModel(char *filename)
FILE* file;
InfoMOD info;
if ( m_triangleUsed == 0 ) return false;
file = fopen(filename, "wb");
if ( file == NULL ) return false;
ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(InfoMOD));
info.rev = 1;
info.vers = 2;
info.total = m_triangleUsed;
fwrite(&info, sizeof(InfoMOD), 1, file);
fwrite(m_triangleTable, sizeof(ModelTriangle), m_triangleUsed, file);
return true;
// Creates the object in the 3D engine.
bool CModFile::CreateEngineObject(int objRank, int addState)
#if 0
char texName2[20];
int texNum, i, state;
for ( i=0 ; i<m_triangleUsed ; i++ )
if ( !m_triangleTable[i].bUsed ) continue;
state = m_triangleTable[i].state;
texName2[0] = 0;
if ( m_triangleTable[i].texNum2 != 0 )
if ( m_triangleTable[i].texNum2 == 1 )
texNum = m_engine->RetSecondTexture();
texNum = m_triangleTable[i].texNum2;
if ( texNum >= 1 && texNum <= 10 )
state = m_triangleTable[i].state|D3DSTATEDUALb;
if ( texNum >= 11 && texNum <= 20 )
state = m_triangleTable[i].state|D3DSTATEDUALw;
sprintf(texName2, "dirty%.2d.bmp", texNum);
m_engine->AddTriangle(objRank, &m_triangleTable[i].p1, 3,
m_triangleTable[i].texName, texName2,
m_triangleTable[i].max, false);
return true;
char texName1[20];
char texName2[20];
int texNum, i, state;
for ( i=0 ; i<m_triangleUsed ; i++ )
if ( !m_triangleTable[i].bUsed ) continue;
state = m_triangleTable[i].state;
strcpy(texName1, m_triangleTable[i].texName);
texName2[0] = 0;
if ( strcmp(texName1, "plant.tga") == 0 )
if ( m_triangleTable[i].texNum2 != 0 )
if ( m_triangleTable[i].texNum2 == 1 )
texNum = m_engine->RetSecondTexture();
texNum = m_triangleTable[i].texNum2;
if ( texNum >= 1 && texNum <= 10 )
state |= D3DSTATEDUALb;
if ( texNum >= 11 && texNum <= 20 )
state |= D3DSTATEDUALw;
sprintf(texName2, "dirty%.2d.tga", texNum);
m_engine->AddTriangle(objRank, &m_triangleTable[i].p1, 3,
texName1, texName2,
m_triangleTable[i].max, false);
return true;
// Performs a mirror according to Z.
void CModFile::Mirror()
int i;
for ( i=0 ; i<m_triangleUsed ; i++ )
t = m_triangleTable[i].p1;
m_triangleTable[i].p1 = m_triangleTable[i].p2;
m_triangleTable[i].p2 = t;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.z = -m_triangleTable[i].p1.z;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.z = -m_triangleTable[i].p2.z;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.z = -m_triangleTable[i].p3.z;
m_triangleTable[i].p1.nz = -m_triangleTable[i].p1.nz;
m_triangleTable[i].p2.nz = -m_triangleTable[i].p2.nz;
m_triangleTable[i].p3.nz = -m_triangleTable[i].p3.nz;
// Returns the pointer to the list of triangles.
void CModFile::SetTriangleUsed(int total)
m_triangleUsed = total;
int CModFile::RetTriangleUsed()
return m_triangleUsed;
int CModFile::RetTriangleMax()
ModelTriangle* CModFile::RetTriangleList()
return m_triangleTable;
// Returns the height according to a position (x - z);
float CModFile::RetHeight(Math::Vector pos)
Math::Vector p1, p2, p3;
float limit;
int i;
limit = 5.0f;
for ( i=0 ; i<m_triangleUsed ; i++ )
if ( !m_triangleTable[i].bUsed ) continue;
if ( fabs(pos.x-m_triangleTable[i].p1.x) < limit &&
fabs(pos.z-m_triangleTable[i].p1.z) < limit )
return m_triangleTable[i].p1.y;
if ( fabs(pos.x-m_triangleTable[i].p2.x) < limit &&
fabs(pos.z-m_triangleTable[i].p2.z) < limit )
return m_triangleTable[i].p2.y;
if ( fabs(pos.x-m_triangleTable[i].p3.x) < limit &&
fabs(pos.z-m_triangleTable[i].p3.z) < limit )
return m_triangleTable[i].p3.y;
return 0.0f;
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code
// * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch
// *
// * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// * (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
// modfile.h
#pragma once
#include "math/vector.h"
#include "old/d3dengine.h"
class CInstanceManager;
struct OldModelTriangle1
char bUsed; // true -> using
char bSelect; // true -> selected
D3DMATERIAL7 material;
char texName[20];
float min;
float max;
}; // length = 196 bytes
struct OldModelTriangle2
char bUsed; // true -> used
char bSelect; // true -> selected
D3DMATERIAL7 material;
char texName[20];
float min;
float max;
long state;
short reserve1;
short reserve2;
short reserve3;
short reserve4;
struct ModelTriangle
char bUsed; // true -> used
char bSelect; // true -> selected
D3DMATERIAL7 material;
char texName[20];
float min;
float max;
long state;
short texNum2;
short reserve2;
short reserve3;
short reserve4;
}; // length = 208 bytes
class CModFile
CModFile(CInstanceManager* iMan);
bool ReadDXF(char *filename, float min, float max);
bool AddModel(char *filename, int first, bool bEdit=false, bool bMeta=true);
bool ReadModel(char *filename, bool bEdit=false, bool bMeta=true);
bool WriteModel(char *filename);
bool CreateEngineObject(int objRank, int addState=0);
void Mirror();
void SetTriangleUsed(int total);
int RetTriangleUsed();
int RetTriangleMax();
ModelTriangle* RetTriangleList();
float RetHeight(Math::Vector pos);
bool CreateTriangle(Math::Vector p1, Math::Vector p2, Math::Vector p3, float min, float max);
CInstanceManager* m_iMan;
CD3DEngine* m_engine;
ModelTriangle* m_triangleTable;
int m_triangleUsed;
@ -35,10 +35,7 @@
class CApplication;
class CApplication;
class CInstanceManager;
class CInstanceManager;
class CObject;
class CObject;
namespace Snd {
class CSound;
class CSound;
namespace Gfx {
namespace Gfx {
@ -614,7 +611,7 @@ protected:
Gfx::CLightning* m_lightning;
Gfx::CLightning* m_lightning;
Gfx::CPlanet* m_planet;
Gfx::CPlanet* m_planet;
Gfx::CTerrain* m_terrain;
Gfx::CTerrain* m_terrain;
Snd::CSound* m_sound;
CSound* m_sound;
bool m_wasInit;
bool m_wasInit;
std::string m_error;
std::string m_error;
Reference in New Issue