Removed some unused code
@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code
// * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA,
// *
// * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// * (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program. If not, see
// definition of methods for class FILE
// Static variables
static CBotClass* m_pClassFILE;
static CBotProgram* m_pFuncFile;
static int m_CompteurFileOpen = 0;
// Prepares a file name.
void PrepareFilename(CBotString &filename) //DD!
int pos;
pos = filename.ReverseFind('\\');
if ( pos > 0 )
filename = filename.Mid(pos+1); // remove the records (files)??
pos = filename.ReverseFind('/');
if ( pos > 0 )
filename = filename.Mid(pos+1); // also those with /
pos = filename.ReverseFind(':');
if ( pos > 0 )
filename = filename.Mid(pos+1); // also removes the drive letter C:
filename = CBotString("files\\") + filename;
// constructor of the class
// gets the filename as a parameter
// execution
bool rfconstruct (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception)
CBotString mode;
// accepts no parameters
if ( pVar == NULL ) return true;
// must be a string
if ( pVar->GetType() != CBotTypString ) { Exception = CBotErrBadString; return false; }
CBotString filename = pVar->GetValString();
PrepareFilename(filename); //DR
// there may be a second parameter
pVar = pVar->GetNext();
if ( pVar != NULL )
// recovers the mode
mode = pVar->GetValString();
if ( mode != "r" && mode != "w" ) { Exception = CBotErrBadParam; return false; }
// no third parameter, only two or one possible
if ( pVar->GetNext() != NULL ) { Exception = CBotErrOverParam; return false; }
// save the file name
pVar = pThis->GetItem("filename");
if ( ! mode.IsEmpty() )
// open the called file
FILE* pFile = fopen( filename, mode );
if ( pFile == NULL ) { Exception = CBotErrFileOpen; return false; }
m_CompteurFileOpen ++;
// save the handle of file
pVar = pThis->GetItem("handle");
return true;
// compilation
CBotTypResult cfconstruct (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* &pVar)
// accepts no parameters
if ( pVar == NULL ) return CBotTypResult( 0 );
// must be a string
if ( pVar->GetType() != CBotTypString )
return CBotTypResult( CBotErrBadString );
// there may be a second parameter
pVar = pVar->GetNext();
if ( pVar != NULL )
// must be a string
if ( pVar->GetType() != CBotTypString )
return CBotTypResult( CBotErrBadString );
// no third parameter
if ( pVar->GetNext() != NULL ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrOverParam );
// le r<>sultat est de type void (constructeur)
return CBotTypResult( 0 );
// destructor of the class
// execution
bool rfdestruct (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception)
// retrieves the element "handle"
pVar = pThis->GetItem("handle");
// not open? no problem
if ( pVar->GetInit() != IS_DEF) return true;
FILE* pFile= (FILE*)pVar->GetValInt();
m_CompteurFileOpen --;
return true;
// FILE :: open method
// get the r / w mode as a parameter
// execution
bool rfopen (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception)
// there must be a parameter
if ( pVar == NULL ) { Exception = CBotErrLowParam; return false; }
// must be a string
if ( pVar->GetType() != CBotTypString ) { Exception = CBotErrBadString; return false; }
// there may be a second parameter
if ( pVar->GetNext() != NULL )
// in this case the first parameter is the file name
CBotString filename = pVar->GetValString();
PrepareFilename(filename); //DR
// saves the file name
CBotVar* pVar2 = pThis->GetItem("filename");
// next parameter is the mode
pVar = pVar -> GetNext();
CBotString mode = pVar->GetValString();
if ( mode != "r" && mode != "w" ) { Exception = CBotErrBadParam; return false; }
// No third parameter
if ( pVar->GetNext() != NULL ) { Exception = CBotErrOverParam; return false; }
// retrieves the element "handle"
pVar = pThis->GetItem("handle");
// which must not be initialized
if ( pVar->GetInit() == IS_DEF) { Exception = CBotErrFileOpen; return false; }
// contains filename
pVar = pThis->GetItem("filename");
CBotString filename = pVar->GetValString();
PrepareFilename(filename); //DD! (if the name was assigned by h.filename = "...";
// open requsted file
FILE* pFile = fopen( filename, mode );
if ( pFile == NULL ) //DR
pResult->SetValInt(false); //DR
return true; //DR
m_CompteurFileOpen ++;
// saves the handle of file
pVar = pThis->GetItem("handle");
pResult->SetValInt(true); //DR
return true;
// compilation
CBotTypResult cfopen (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* &pVar)
// there must be a parameter
if ( pVar == NULL ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrLowParam );
// must be a string
if ( pVar->GetType() != CBotTypString )
return CBotTypResult( CBotErrBadString );
// there may be a second parameter
pVar = pVar->GetNext();
if ( pVar != NULL )
// must be a string
if ( pVar->GetType() != CBotTypString )
return CBotTypResult( CBotErrBadString );
// no third parameter
if ( pVar->GetNext() != NULL ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrOverParam );
// the result is of type bool
return CBotTypResult(CBotTypBoolean); //DR
// FILE :: close method
// execution
bool rfclose (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception)
// it should not be any parameter
if ( pVar != NULL ) return CBotErrOverParam;
// retrieves the element "handle"
pVar = pThis->GetItem("handle");
if ( pVar->GetInit() != IS_DEF) { Exception = CBotErrNotOpen; return false; }
FILE* pFile= (FILE*)pVar->GetValInt();
m_CompteurFileOpen --;
return true;
// compilation
CBotTypResult cfclose (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* &pVar)
// it should not be any parameter
if ( pVar != NULL ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrOverParam );
// function returns a result "void"
return CBotTypResult( 0 );
// FILE :: writeln method
// execution
bool rfwrite (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception)
// there must be a parameter
if ( pVar == NULL ) { Exception = CBotErrLowParam; return false; }
// must be a string
if ( pVar->GetType() != CBotTypString ) { Exception = CBotErrBadString; return false; }
CBotString param = pVar->GetValString();
//retrieves the element "handle"
pVar = pThis->GetItem("handle");
if ( pVar->GetInit() != IS_DEF) { Exception = CBotErrNotOpen; return false; }
FILE* pFile= (FILE*)pVar->GetValInt();
int res = fputs(param+CBotString("\n"), pFile);
// on error throws an exception
if ( res < 0 ) { Exception = CBotErrWrite; return false; }
return true;
// compilation
CBotTypResult cfwrite (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* &pVar)
// there must be a parameter
if ( pVar == NULL ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrLowParam );
// must be a string
if ( pVar->GetType() != CBotTypString ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrBadString );
// no other parameter
if ( pVar->GetNext() != NULL ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrOverParam );
// function returns "void" result
return CBotTypResult( 0 );
// FILE :: readln method
// execution
bool rfread (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception)
// there shouldn't be any parameter
if ( pVar != NULL ) { Exception = CBotErrOverParam; return false; }
//retrieves the element "handle"
pVar = pThis->GetItem("handle");
if ( pVar->GetInit() != IS_DEF) { Exception = CBotErrNotOpen; return false; }
FILE* pFile= (FILE*)pVar->GetValInt();
char chaine[2000];
int i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2000 ; i++ ) chaine[i] = 0;
fgets(chaine, 1999, pFile);
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2000 ; i++ ) if (chaine[i] == '\n') chaine[i] = 0;
// on error throws an exception
if ( ferror(pFile) ) { Exception = CBotErrRead; return false; }
pResult->SetValString( chaine );
return true;
// compilation
CBotTypResult cfread (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* &pVar)
// there shouldn't be any parameter
if ( pVar != NULL ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrOverParam );
// function return "string" result
return CBotTypResult( CBotTypString );
// FILE :: readln method
// execution
bool rfeof (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception)
// there shouldn't be any parameter
if ( pVar != NULL ) { Exception = CBotErrOverParam; return false; }
// retrieves the element "handle"
pVar = pThis->GetItem("handle");
if ( pVar->GetInit() != IS_DEF) { Exception = CBotErrNotOpen; return false; }
FILE* pFile= (FILE*)pVar->GetValInt();
pResult->SetValInt( feof( pFile ) );
return true;
// compilation
CBotTypResult cfeof (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* &pVar)
// there shouldn't be any parameter
if ( pVar != NULL ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrOverParam );
// function return boolean result
return CBotTypResult( CBotTypBoolean );
void InitClassFILE()
// creates a class for file management
// the usage is as follows:
// file canal( "NomFichier.txt" )
// "r" ); // open reading
// s = canal.readln( ); // reads a line
// canal.close(); // closes the file
// create class FILE
m_pClassFILE = new CBotClass("file", NULL);
// add the component ".filename"
m_pClassFILE->AddItem("filename", CBotTypString);
// add the component ".handle"
m_pClassFILE->AddItem("handle", CBotTypInt, PR_PRIVATE);
// define a constructor and destructor
m_pClassFILE->AddFunction("file", rfconstruct, cfconstruct );
m_pClassFILE->AddFunction("~file", rfdestruct, NULL );
// defined associated methods
m_pClassFILE->AddFunction("open", rfopen, cfopen );
m_pClassFILE->AddFunction("close", rfclose, cfclose );
m_pClassFILE->AddFunction("writeln", rfwrite, cfwrite );
m_pClassFILE->AddFunction("readln", rfread, cfread );
m_pClassFILE->AddFunction("eof", rfeof, cfeof );
m_pFuncFile = new CBotProgram( );
CBotStringArray ListFonctions;
m_pFuncFile->Compile( "public file openfile(string name, string mode) {return new file(name, mode);}", ListFonctions);
m_pFuncFile->SetIdent(-2); // restoreState as a special identifier for this function
@ -3603,199 +3603,6 @@ char* SkipNum(char *p)
return p;
//! Conversion of units
void CRobotMain::Convert()
char* base = m_dialog->GetSceneName();
int rank = m_dialog->GetSceneRank();
//TODO change line to string
char line[500];
std::string tempLine;
m_dialog->BuildSceneName(tempLine, base, rank);
strcpy(line, tempLine.c_str());
FILE* file = fopen(line, "r");
if (file == NULL) return;
strcpy(line+strlen(line)-4, ".new");
FILE* fileNew = fopen(line, "w");
if (fileNew == NULL) return;
char lineNew[500];
char s[200];
while (fgets(line, 500, file) != NULL)
strcpy(lineNew, line);
if (Cmd(line, "DeepView"))
char* p = strstr(line, "air=");
if (p != 0)
float value = OpFloat(line, "air", 500.0f);
value /= g_unit;
p[0] = 0;
p = SkipNum(p+4);
strcpy(lineNew, line);
strcat(lineNew, "air=");
sprintf(s, "%.2f", value);
strcat(lineNew, s);
strcat(lineNew, " ");
strcat(lineNew, p);
strcpy(line, lineNew);
p = strstr(line, "water=");
if (p != 0)
float value = OpFloat(line, "water", 100.0f);
value /= g_unit;
p[0] = 0;
p = SkipNum(p+6);
strcpy(lineNew, line);
strcat(lineNew, "water=");
sprintf(s, "%.2f", value);
strcat(lineNew, s);
strcat(lineNew, " ");
strcat(lineNew, p);
strcpy(line, lineNew);
if (Cmd(line, "TerrainGenerate"))
char* p = strstr(line, "vision=");
if (p != 0)
float value = OpFloat(line, "vision", 500.0f);
value /= g_unit;
p[0] = 0;
p = SkipNum(p+7);
strcpy(lineNew, line);
strcat(lineNew, "vision=");
sprintf(s, "%.2f", value);
strcat(lineNew, s);
strcat(lineNew, " ");
strcat(lineNew, p);
if (Cmd(line, "CreateObject") ||
Cmd(line, "CreateSpot"))
char* p = strstr(line, "pos=");
if (p != 0)
Math::Vector pos = OpPos(line, "pos");
pos.x /= g_unit;
pos.y /= g_unit;
pos.z /= g_unit;
p[0] = 0;
p = SkipNum(p+4);
p = SkipNum(p+1);
strcpy(lineNew, line);
strcat(lineNew, "pos=");
sprintf(s, "%.2f", pos.x);
strcat(lineNew, s);
strcat(lineNew, ";");
sprintf(s, "%.2f", pos.z);
strcat(lineNew, s);
strcat(lineNew, " ");
strcat(lineNew, p);
if (Cmd(line, "EndMissionTake") || Cmd(line, "AudioChange"))
char* p = strstr(line, "pos=");
if (p != 0)
Math::Vector pos = OpPos(line, "pos");
pos.x /= g_unit;
pos.y /= g_unit;
pos.z /= g_unit;
p[0] = 0;
p = SkipNum(p+4);
p = SkipNum(p+1);
strcpy(lineNew, line);
strcat(lineNew, "pos=");
sprintf(s, "%.2f", pos.x);
strcat(lineNew, s);
strcat(lineNew, ";");
sprintf(s, "%.2f", pos.z);
strcat(lineNew, s);
strcat(lineNew, " ");
strcat(lineNew, p);
strcpy(line, lineNew);
p = strstr(line, "dist=");
if (p != 0)
float value = OpFloat(line, "dist", 32.0f);
value /= g_unit;
p[0] = 0;
p = SkipNum(p+5);
strcpy(lineNew, line);
strcat(lineNew, "dist=");
sprintf(s, "%.2f", value);
strcat(lineNew, s);
strcat(lineNew, " ");
strcat(lineNew, p);
strcpy(line, lineNew);
if (Cmd(line, "Camera"))
char* p = strstr(line, "pos=");
if (p != 0)
Math::Vector pos = OpPos(line, "pos");
pos.x /= g_unit;
pos.y /= g_unit;
pos.z /= g_unit;
p[0] = 0;
p = SkipNum(p+4);
p = SkipNum(p+1);
strcpy(lineNew, line);
strcat(lineNew, "pos=");
sprintf(s, "%.2f", pos.x);
strcat(lineNew, s);
strcat(lineNew, ";");
sprintf(s, "%.2f", pos.z);
strcat(lineNew, s);
strcat(lineNew, " ");
strcat(lineNew, p);
strcpy(line, lineNew);
p = strstr(line, "h=");
if (p != 0)
float value = OpFloat(line, "h", 32.0f);
value /= g_unit;
p[0] = 0;
p = SkipNum(p+2);
strcpy(lineNew, line);
strcat(lineNew, "h=");
sprintf(s, "%.2f", value);
strcat(lineNew, s);
strcat(lineNew, " ");
strcat(lineNew, p);
strcpy(line, lineNew);
fputs(lineNew, fileNew);
//! Load the scene for the character
void CRobotMain::ScenePerso()
@ -392,7 +392,6 @@ protected:
bool EventObject(const Event &event);
void InitEye();
void Convert();
void CreateScene(bool soluce, bool fixScene, bool resetObject);
Math::Vector LookatPoint(Math::Vector eye, float angleH, float angleV, float length);
Reference in New Issue