Removed old CBot-related files
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
for managing instances of a class.
the object being created with CBotVar :: Create (name, pClasse)
is to keep as is, outside the vars on the stack
we need another type of variable to keep the pointers
For example CBotTypPtClass
The instance of the class must have a usage count
which is the number of class object to which they refer CBotTypPtClass.
The counter is decremented when the pointer is destroyed,
be deleted when there is more pointers.
In the case of robots, Daniel creates an instance of class "Object"
and can return pointers to this proceeding by routines such FindRobot ()
Object FindRobot (int n) {}
pResult in this case is a pointer CBotTypPtClass
when he found the robot concerned, it must make
pResult-> SetPointeur (InstanceDeLaClassObject);
this operation increments the reference
when the robot is destroyed, the instance of the Object class corresponding
is also destroyed.
if there are pointers to that object, and we planted the risk
Solution 1:
not keep the pointer to the object directly, but
an index into a table of pointers
Solution 2:
not destroy the object when there imédiatement pointers
but marked as virtually destroyed
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
float [ ] TEST2 ( int [ ] param )
float [ ] z;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sizeof( param ) ; i++ ) try { z [i] = param [i] / 3; }
return z;
extern public void T()
int a [4];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) a[i] = 4*i;
a [2] = 22;
float [] b ;
b = TEST2 ( a ) ;
show ( a, b );
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
object object :: TT ( int n )
object XX = radar();
if ( n == 0 ) return null;
while ( null == XX ) XX = radar();
return XX;
extern void object::Attack( )
show ( TT ( 0 ) ) ;
show ( TT ( 1 ) ) ;
int list[];
int i;
object p;
float dist, prox;
point dest;
boolean advance = true;
TEST(0); // ne stoppe pas si erreur
// while ( F () != 0 ) F(1);
i = 0;
list[i++] = WingedGrabber;
list[i++] = TrackedGrabber;
list[i++] = WheeledGrabber;
list[i++] = LeggedGrabber;
list[i++] = WingedShooter;
list[i++] = TrackedShooter;
list[i++] = WheeledShooter;
list[i++] = LeggedShooter;
list[i++] = WingedOrgaShooter;
list[i++] = TrackedOrgaShooter;
list[i++] = WheeledOrgaShooter;
list[i++] = LeggedOrgaShooter;
list[i++] = WingedSniffer;
list[i++] = TrackedSniffer;
list[i++] = WheeledSniffer;
list[i++] = LeggedSniffer;
list[i++] = Thumper;
list[i++] = PhazerShooter;
list[i++] = Recycler;
list[i++] = Shielder;
list[i++] = Subber;
list[i++] = Me;
list[i++] = 3333;
list[i++] = 3334;
list[i++] = 3335;
list[i++] = 3336;
list[i++] = 3337;
list[i++] = 3338;
list[i++] = 3339;
list[i++] = 3331;
list[i++] = 3332;
list[i++] = 3330;
list[i++] = 1111;
list[i++] = 1112;
while ( true )
p = radar(list, 0, 360, 0, 1000);
if ( p == null )
dist = F(p.position, position);
if ( dist <= 40 && !advance )
advance = true;
//? if ( RetBaseDistance() > 20 )
prox = dist-(5+F()*5);
if ( prox < 5 ) prox = 5;
dest.x = (position.x-p.position.x)*prox/dist + p.position.x;
dest.y = (position.y-p.position.y)*prox/dist + p.position.y;
dest.z = (position.z-p.position.z)*prox/dist + p.position.z;
advance = false;
// Calcule la distance jusqu'à la base.
float object::RetBaseDistance()
object p;
float dist;
p = radar(4444, 0, 360, 0, 1000);
if ( p == null ) return 1000;
dist = F(p.position, position);
return dist;
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
public extern void object :: ESSAI()
if ( true )
object x = null ;
while ( x == null ) x = radar();
show ( x.position ) ;
TEST(5, x);
if ( x == null ) show ( "DELETED" );
show ( x.position ) ;
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
class MaClass
int a = 1 ;
MaClass pointeur ;
MaClass next = null ;
CPoint autre = new CPoint( 1 , 1 ) ;
extern public void Test ( )
MaClass x () ;
|||| = new MaClass ( ) ;
println ( x ) ;
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
class MaClass
int t = 12;
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Voici encore du texte
et une seconde ligne
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
public extern void Nop()
while ( true ) {}
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
void object :: T ( )
show ( position ) ;
public extern void object :: POS()
for ( int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++ )
if ( i == 2 ) TEST ( 12 ) ;
// show ( position );
T ( ) ;
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
public extern int T ( float n )
return n * 1.1;
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
int T ( int z )
return 45 + z ;
class toto
int val = 3 ;
int x = 3 * 3 ;
void toto( int n )
{ val = n + 3 ; }
int retval ( int param )
{ int r = val + param + x ;
val = param ;
return r ; }
public extern void object :: Chose( )
int z [ 6 ];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; ) z [ i++ ] = 3 - i ;
show ( z ) ;
// test des tableaux
int [ ] a [ 3 ] ;
// a = null;
if ( a == null ) show ( "NULL" );
a [ 2 / 2 ] [ 2 ]= 5 ;
int [ ] b ; b = a [1] ;
b [ 0 ] = -4;
a [ 4 / 2 ] [ 1 ]= 1 ;
show ( a , b ) ;
return ;
toto chose = new toto (5 ) ;
toto truc = chose ;
show ( chose, chose.retval( 100 ) ,
truc, truc.retval (40 ) ) ;
point A = new
point ( 4 * 4 , 2 ) ;
show ( A ) ;
show ( T ( 1 ) , T ( 3.7 ) ) ;
point A ( 3, 4 ) ,
B = A ;
int n = -4;
show ( n );
show ( A, B ) ;
boolean a = false;
boolean b = a or true;
if ( not a and b ) ;
// test try
float x = nan ; int z = 0 ;
try {
// throw ( 3 * 4 + 33 ) ;
int zz ; goto ( 12 ) ; z = 1 ; z = 0 / 0 ; z = 2 ;
catch ( 45 + 0 * 6000 )
show( "Exception 6000", z ) ;
catch ( x == 0 ) { show( "x nul" ) ; }
finally { show ( "fini" ) ; }
show ( "continue" );
// test des if
int a = 3;
if ( a == 3 ) show ( "33");
else show ( "44");
if ( a != 3 ) show ( "333");
else show ( "444");
int a = 0;
// test break
while ( true )
while ( true )
if ( a == 2 ) continue;
if ( a == 3 ) break deux;
show ( a ) ;
if ( a == 5 ) break un;
show ( "DEUX" );
// test switch
int a = 0;
switch ( a )
case 1 : show( "un" ) ; break;
case 2 : show( "deux" ) ; // break;
case 3 : show( "trois" ) ; break;
case 4 : show( "quatre" ) ; // break;
default : show( "par défaut" ) ;
// test boucle while
float z = 3.3;
while ( z > 0 )
{ show ( z-- ) ; }
// test boucle do
float y = 3.3;
do { int x = 0; show(y); y++; } while ( y < 7 ) ;
// test boucle for
int j = -7; show ( j );
for ( int ii = 3, j = 31; ii < 6 ; ++ii, j = j -3 )
j = 10 * j;
show ( ii, j );
// déclarations de variables
int a; int b = 3; int c = 4*b, d = 1, e;
float x; float y = 3.3; float z = y / 2, u = 1, v;
boolean t; boolean tt = true or false; boolean ttt = false, tttt = true, t5;
string s; string ss = "hello"; string s2 = ss + " plus", s3 = "s3", s4;
show( b, c, d );
show( y, z, u );
show( tt, ttt, tttt );
show( ss, s2, s3 );
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
extern public void toto()
print( "hello" ) ;
print( fac(5) );
print( t() ) ;
public int fac(int n)
if ( n<2 ) return 1;
return n * fac(n-1);
point t()
point a(1,2);
return a;
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
class CPoint2
float x, y;
void CPoint2(float x, float y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public extern void T ( )
CPoint2 X( 12, 33 ), Y ( -4, 4/3 );
print ( X, Y ) ;
public extern void Hello ( )
println ( "Hello" );
public extern void test ( int n )
for ( int i = n; i>0 ; i--) print (i);
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
public extern void Test ()
for ( int x = 100000; x>0 ; x-- ) { }
float MaRoutine( CPoint A, CPoint B )
A.x -= B.x ; // distance en x
A.y -= B.y ; // distance en y
A.x *= A.x; // carré de la distance
A.y += A.y; // carré de la distance
println ( A, B ) ;
return ( A.x + A.y ) ;
public extern void TestAB ( )
CPoint A(3, 5) ;
CPoint B(4, -2);
println ( A, B ) ;
MaRoutine( A, B ) ;
println ( A, B ) ;
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
extern public void TestNull ()
CPoint pointeur = null;
try {
pointeur.x = 4; }
catch ( 6007 ) {}
pointeur = new CPoint(1,2);
print ( pointeur.x, pointeur.y,
pointeur );
pointeur.x = 5;
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
// routine de Daniel qui plante après RestoreState
extern void object::Attack( )
int list[], i;
object p;
float dist, prox;
point nav1, nav2, dest;
boolean advance = true;
i = 0;
list[i++] = WingedGrabber;
list[i++] = TrackedGrabber;
list[i++] = WheeledGrabber;
list[i++] = LeggedGrabber;
list[i++] = WingedShooter;
list[i++] = TrackedShooter;
list[i++] = WheeledShooter;
list[i++] = LeggedShooter;
list[i++] = WingedOrgaShooter;
list[i++] = TrackedOrgaShooter;
list[i++] = WheeledOrgaShooter;
list[i++] = LeggedOrgaShooter;
list[i++] = WingedSniffer;
list[i++] = TrackedSniffer;
list[i++] = WheeledSniffer;
list[i++] = LeggedSniffer;
list[i++] = Thumper;
list[i++] = PhazerShooter;
list[i++] = Recycler;
list[i++] = Shielder;
list[i++] = Subber;
list[i++] = Me;
nav1.x = 1;//cmdline(0);
nav1.y = 1;//cmdline(1);
nav2.x = 2;//cmdline(2);
nav2.y = 2;//cmdline(3);
while ( true )
while ( true )
// ennemi à proximité ?
p = radar(list, 0, 360, 0, 40);
if ( p == null ) break;
// lui tire dessus
// se promène vers le point A
while ( true )
// ennemi à proximité ?
p = radar(list, 0, 360, 0, 40);
if ( p == null ) break;
// lui tire dessus
// se promène vers le point B
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
class ESSAI
int x = 0;
static int nb = 3;
static int [ ] array ;
void Put( int val)
array[ nb ] = val;
// this.nb++;
this.nb = this.nb + 1;
show(nb, array);
int Get( )
show("out", nb, array);
return array[ nb ] ;
extern public void T()
ESSAI t1 ( ) ;
ESSAI t2 ( ) ;
t1.Put( 11 ); t1.Put( 12 ); t2.Put( 13 );
show ( t1.Get(), t2.Get(), t2.Get() ) ;
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
extern public void TSTR()
string s = "C'est un essai";
print ( s, strlen(s), strleft(s, 3), strright(s,3), strmid(s, 2), strmid(s,2,3), strfind(s, "un"), strfind(s, "sdgfld") );
show ( strupper(s), strlower(s) );
s = "123.45" ;
print ( strval(s) );
string sub = strright("abcdef", 2); // sub vaut "ef###", # étant un caractère bizarre quelconque
show (sub);
int pos = strfind("abcdef", "xy"); // pos vaut -1. Pourquoi pas nan ?
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
public extern void tp()
int a [4], b[];
a [ 0 ] = 8 ;
b = T ( a ) ;
show ( a, b );
int[] T ( int[] Z )
for ( int i = 0; i < 4 ; i++ ) Z[ i ] = i * i ;
return Z;
@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
object radarGuepe(point orig, float dist)
int i;
object pr, r;
float mindist;
i = 0;
mindist = 1000;
while (i<30)
pr = radar(i);
if (pr != null)
if (F(orig, pr.position) < mindist and pr.category == AlienWasp and pr.altitude > 3)
mindist = distance(orig, pr.position);
r = pr;
i = i+1;
if (mindist < dist) return(r); else return(null);
class Guepe
point pos;
void cherche(point orig, float dist)
object p;
point o;
p = radarGuepe(orig, dist);
while (p == null)
p = radarGuepe(orig, dist);
pos.x = p.position.x;
pos.y = p.position.y;
pos.z = p.position.z;
//o = p.position;
//vitessex = (p.position.x - o.x)/0.1;
//vitessey = (p.position.y - o.y)/0.1;
//vitessez = (p.position.z - o.z)/0.1;
void tire(point orig, float orient)
//float t = 3; //temps d'anticipation
float angle;
point cible;
cible.x = pos.x;// + t*vitessex;
cible.y = pos.y;// + t*vitessey;
cible.z = pos.z;// + t*vitessez;
if (cible.x == 0) angle = 90; else
angle = atan(cible.y / cible.x);
if (cible.x < 0) angle = angle + 180;
angle = angle - orient;
if (angle > 180) angle = angle - 360;
if (angle < -180) angle = angle + 360;
angle = atan((cible.z-orig.z) / distance2d(orig, cible));
extern void object::Fourmi6()
Guepe guepe = new Guepe();
while (true)
guepe.cherche(position, 50);
guepe.tire(position, orientation);
object radarGuepe(point orig, float dist)
int i;
object pr, r;
float mindist;
i = 0;
mindist = 1000;
while (i<30)
pr = radar(i);
if (pr != null)
if (F(orig, pr.position) < mindist and pr.category == AlienWasp and pr.altitude > 3)
mindist = distance(orig, pr.position);
r = pr;
i = i+1;
if (mindist < dist) return(r); else return(null);
class Guepe
point pos;
void cherche(point orig, float dist)
object p;
point o;
p = radarGuepe(orig, dist);
while (p == null)
p = radarGuepe(orig, dist);
pos.x = p.position.x;
pos.y = p.position.y;
pos.z = p.position.z;
//o = p.position;
//vitessex = (p.position.x - o.x)/0.1;
//vitessey = (p.position.y - o.y)/0.1;
//vitessez = (p.position.z - o.z)/0.1;
void tire(point orig, float orient)
//float t = 3; //temps d'anticipation
float angle;
point cible;
cible.x = pos.x;// + t*vitessex;
cible.y = pos.y;// + t*vitessey;
cible.z = pos.z;// + t*vitessez;
if (cible.x == 0) angle = 90; else
angle = atan(cible.y / cible.x);
if (cible.x < 0) angle = angle + 180;
angle = angle - orient;
if (angle > 180) angle = angle - 360;
if (angle < -180) angle = angle + 360;
angle = atan((cible.z-orig.z) / distance2d(orig, cible));
extern void object::Fourmi6()
Guepe guepe = new Guepe();
while (true)
guepe.cherche(position, 50);
guepe.tire(position, orientation);
object radarGuepe(point orig, float dist)
int i;
object pr, r;
float mindist;
i = 0;
mindist = 1000;
while (i<30)
pr = radar(i);
if (pr != null)
if (F(orig, pr.position) < mindist and pr.category == AlienWasp and pr.altitude > 3)
mindist = distance(orig, pr.position);
r = pr;
i = i+1;
if (mindist < dist) return(r); else return(null);
class Guepe
point pos;
void cherche(point orig, float dist)
object p;
point o;
p = radarGuepe(orig, dist);
while (p == null)
p = radarGuepe(orig, dist);
pos.x = p.position.x;
pos.y = p.position.y;
pos.z = p.position.z;
//o = p.position;
//vitessex = (p.position.x - o.x)/0.1;
//vitessey = (p.position.y - o.y)/0.1;
//vitessez = (p.position.z - o.z)/0.1;
void tire(point orig, float orient)
//float t = 3; //temps d'anticipation
float angle;
point cible;
cible.x = pos.x;// + t*vitessex;
cible.y = pos.y;// + t*vitessey;
cible.z = pos.z;// + t*vitessez;
if (cible.x == 0) angle = 90; else
angle = atan(cible.y / cible.x);
if (cible.x < 0) angle = angle + 180;
angle = angle - orient;
if (angle > 180) angle = angle - 360;
if (angle < -180) angle = angle + 360;
angle = atan((cible.z-orig.z) / distance2d(orig, cible));
extern void object::Fourmi6()
Guepe guepe = new Guepe();
while (true)
guepe.cherche(position, 50);
guepe.tire(position, orientation);
public extern void TestTableau ()
int tableau [ 12 ] ;
point array[ 12 ] [ 14 ] ;
point zéro ( 1, 2 ) ;
point a = zéro ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) array[ i ] [ i ]= zéro ;
array[ 5 ] [3 ] . x =1.5 ;
array[ 2 ] [ 2 ] . y = array[ 5 ] [ 5 ] . x ;
array[ 4 ] = array [ 2 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) for ( int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) println ( i, j, array [ i ] [ j ] ) ;
show( zéro, a, array );
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
public extern void object::Bug()
point a;
a = position;
float d=dist(a, position);
float dist(point a, point b)
return a.x-b.x;
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
extern public void main()
show(fact(30)) ;
public int fact(int n)
return (fact(n-1)*n) ;
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
public extern void ccc()
int a;
a = 0 ;
if ( a == 0 );
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
enum JourDeLaSemaine {
lundi = 1,
dimanche = 0 }
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
extern public int Fibo( int n, boolean b )
if ( n < 2 ) return n;
int a = Fibo(n-1, b) + Fibo(n-2, false);
if ( b ) print (n + "=" + a);
return a;
extern public void t()
Fibo( 23, true);
extern public void tt()
// cette routine n'est évidemment pas du tout obtimisée
// c'est même un très mauvais exemple de programmation récursive
// pour un test de durée, Fibo(23, true) prend
// en mode Debug 67 secondes
// en mode Release 8 secondes
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
class CLASS22
static int nb = 2;
void T22 ( ) { nb = nb / 0 ; }
public extern void object :: TEST()
switch ( 1 )
case 1:
file h();
||||"Mon Fichier.txt", "r");
show ( h.filename, h.handle );
h.filename = "xx";
h.handle = 1 ;
case 2:
file h("Mon Fichier.txt");
case 3:
file h("Mon Fichier.txt", "r");
case 4:
file h();
h.filename = "Mon Fichier.txt";
case 5:
file h = fileopen( "Mon 2Fichier.txt", "r" );
file h( ) ;
h.filename = "Test.h";
|||| ( "r" );
file pf ( "Mon Fichier.txt" ) ;
pf . open ( "w" ) ;
pf . writeln ( "Voici encore du texte" ) ;
pf . writeln ( "et une seconde ligne" ) ;
pf . close( );
pf . open ( "r" ) ;
while ( not pf . eof( ) )
string s = pf . readln ( );
show ( s );
pf.close( );
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
void tf()
file h;
h.handle += 1 ;
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
class Z
static int x = 0;
private int y;
void T( )
// autorisé ici
y = x ;
this.y = this.x ;
x = y ;
this.x = this.y ;
extern public void test()
Z a();
3 * a.x; // autorisé
//vu 3 * a.y; // interdit
//vu a.y = 3; // interdit ici
a.x = 1; // autorisé
show ( a );
show ( a );
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
public extern void TestIntrinsic()
point a ( 1, 2 );
print (a);
a.x = 3;
a.y = 4;
point b = a;
println ( b.x, b.y, b ) ;
if ( b == a ) b.y = 0;
println (a,b);
if ( b != a ) b.y = a.y;
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
class t {
point p;
void object :: toto()
show ( Position ) ;
extern public void object :: XX()
int test [];
test [ 9999 ] = 3;
toto () ;
object test ;
test = this. Radar();
do {
test = this.Radar();
} while ( test == null );
t test [ 4 ];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) test [ i ] = new t();
test [ 3 ] .p.x = 2;
show ( test );
int a = nan;
show ( a ) ;
a = TypeMarkPath;
show ( a, a++, --a ) ;
if ( a != nan ) a += 1 ;
a = TypeMarkPath;
float q = a ;
show ( a, q ) ;
a += ++a;
show ( a ) ;
boolean i = false;
if ( i == true ) {}
object p;
if ( p == null) { p = p ; }
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
extern void Toto()
for ( int i = 0 ; i<1000; i++)
int j = 1;
if (i==55) TEST(12);
// Nouveau();
int toto[4];
point Z[3];
Z[1].x = 11; Z[1].y = 12;
toto[2] = 12;
toto[1] = nan;
// point test, autre(2,3) ;
// object titi = Radar();
TEST ( 1 ) ;
toto[0] = 11;
TEST ( 2 ) ;
toto[6] = 0;
extern void object::Nouveau()
point a;
a = np(Position);
point np(point b)
point c;
c.x = b.y;
c.y = b.x;
return c ;
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
class Guepet
float a;
float b;
void init()
a = 12.34;
b = 56.78;
extern void object::Fourmi6()
Guepet guepe =new Guepet();
show("test "+guepe.a+" "+guepe.b);
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
class Guepet
float a;
float b;
void init()
a = 12.34;
b = 56.78;
object x = radar(123);
show("radar "+x.position.x);
show("C'est fait");
extern void object::Fourmi6()
Guepet guepe=new Guepet();
show("test "+guepe.a+" "+guepe.b);
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
extern public void main()
// goto( 3, 4 );
while( true )
try { goto (12) ; }
catch( FF( ) )
{ show( "ko"); }
boolean FF()
return false;
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
extern public void xxx ()
CPoint test = null ;
if ( test == null ) show ( "NULL" );
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
extern public void xx ()
CPoint pointeur, test = null ;
pointeur = new CPoint ( 3, 4 );
if ( test == null ) show ( "NULL" );
CPoint pp = pointeur;
show( pointeur , pp );
pp.x = 33.3;
if ( pointeur.x != pp.x ) 0/0;
pp = new CPoint();
// pointeur = pp;
show( pointeur , pp );
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
class Guepet
point pos;
float t = 0.1;
void init()
pos.x = 12.123;
pos.y = 34.345;
extern void object::Fourmi6()
Guepet guepe=new Guepet();
show ( guepe );
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
extern public void x ()
show ( 3 ** 4 );
float z = 1e-3;
show ( z );
CPoint b ( 4,5 );
show ( b );
CPoint a ( ) ;
a.x = 21; a.y = 12;
show ( a ) ;
CPoint test = new CPoint ( 1,1 );
test = new CPoint ( 2, 2 );
show ( test );
// crée un objet et retourne son pointeur
CPoint newcpoint()
CPoint p = new CPoint ( 3, 3 );
return p;
extern public void y ()
CPoint test = newcpoint();
println ( test );
dontmodif( test );
println ( test );
// ne doit pas modifier l'objet en paramčtre
void dontmodif ( CPoint pp )
pp.x = 5;
pp.y = 2;
println ( pp, pp.x, pp.y );
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
extern public void X()
point A [ ] ;
A[5] = new point (2,3);
int val = A[5].x++ + --A[5].y;
show ( A, val );
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
extern void object::Bug( )
try{ int a = 44 ; a = 12 / 0 ; }
catch(6000) { int b = 4 ; }
finally { int z = 1 ; }
// tp ( A, B );
/* int a = 4, b = 2, c = nan;
float x, y = 3/2, z = nan;
boolean i, j = false, k = true;
string s, ss = "xyz";
while ( false )
object left, right;
left = Radar(TypeMarkPath, -45, 120, 100);
right = Radar(TypeMarkPath, 45, 120, 100);
if ( left == null && right == null )
int t = fact ( 4 ) ;*/
void tp( point a , point b )
a.x += b.x;
int fact( int n )
if ( n < 2 ) return n;
return n * fact ( n - 1 ) ;
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
extern void object::Solution( )
show ( "Solution " + Position );
void object::Carré(float côté)
show ( "Carré " + Position );
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
extern public void x()
float a= 1, b = 2;
a = b * ( 2 + 2 );
print (a);
a += 4;
print (a);
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
extern public void object::TEST23()
T.T22( ) ;
show( position );
show( this.position );
// T22();
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
extern public int testmw( int a)
boolean b = true ;
if (b)
return 1 ;
return a ; 0 * testmw(a-1) ;
public int Fibo2 ( int n )
print ( " bof " );
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
extern void object :: TEST22 ( )
show( position );
show( this.position );
public void object :: T22()
show( position );
show( this.position );
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
extern public void T() { T1(); }
public void T1()
show( "T1" );
public void T2()
show( "T2" );
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
extern public void TT()
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
extern public void zz()
MaClass TOTO ();
show (TOTO);
Reference in New Issue