Optimize use of textures in text rendering, closes #215
@ -3296,13 +3296,15 @@ void CParticle::DrawParticleText(int i)
CharTexture tex = m_engine->GetText()->GetCharTexture(static_cast<UTF8Char>(m_particle[i].text), FONT_COURIER, FONT_SIZE_BIG*2.0f);
if (tex.id == 0) return;
m_device->SetTexture(0, tex.id);
m_engine->SetState(ENG_RSTATE_TTEXTURE_ALPHA, IntensityToColor(m_particle[i].intensity));
m_particle[i].texSup.x = 0.0f;
m_particle[i].texSup.y = 0.0f;
m_particle[i].texInf.x = static_cast<float>(tex.charSize.x) / static_cast<float>(tex.texSize.x);
m_particle[i].texInf.y = static_cast<float>(tex.charSize.y) / static_cast<float>(tex.texSize.y);
Math::IntPoint fontTextureSize = m_engine->GetText()->GetFontTextureSize();
m_particle[i].texSup.x = static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.x) / fontTextureSize.x;
m_particle[i].texSup.y = static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.y) / fontTextureSize.y;
m_particle[i].texInf.x = static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.x + tex.charSize.x) / fontTextureSize.x;
m_particle[i].texInf.y = static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.y + tex.charSize.y) / fontTextureSize.y;
m_particle[i].color = Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
@ -53,6 +53,16 @@ struct MultisizeFont
: fileName(fn) {}
* \struct FontTexture
* \brief Single texture filled with character textures
struct FontTexture
unsigned int id = 0;
Math::IntPoint tileSize;
int freeSlots = 0;
* \struct CachedFont
@ -81,6 +91,7 @@ struct CachedFont
const Math::IntPoint REFERENCE_SIZE(800, 600);
const Math::IntPoint FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE(256, 256);
} // anonymous namespace
@ -152,16 +163,18 @@ std::string CText::GetError()
void CText::FlushCache()
for (auto& fontTexture : m_fontTextures)
Texture tex;
tex.id = fontTexture.id;
for (auto& multisizeFont : m_fonts)
for (auto& cachedFont : multisizeFont.second->fonts)
for (auto& charTexture : cachedFont.second->cache)
Texture tex;
tex.id = charTexture.second.id;
@ -926,27 +939,32 @@ void CText::DrawCharAndAdjustPos(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, Math::P
CharTexture tex = GetCharTexture(ch, font, size);
Math::Point charSize = m_engine->WindowToInterfaceSize(tex.charSize);
Math::Point texSize = m_engine->WindowToInterfaceSize(tex.texSize);
Math::Point charInterfaceSize = m_engine->WindowToInterfaceSize(tex.charSize);
Math::Point texInterfaceSize = m_engine->WindowToInterfaceSize(tex.tileSize);
Math::Point p1(pos.x, pos.y + charSize.y - texSize.y);
Math::Point p2(pos.x + texSize.x, pos.y + charSize.y);
Math::Point p1(pos.x, pos.y + charInterfaceSize.y - texInterfaceSize.y);
Math::Point p2(pos.x + texInterfaceSize.x, pos.y + charInterfaceSize.y);
Math::Point texCoord1(static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.x) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.x,
static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.y) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.y);
Math::Point texCoord2(static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.x + tex.tileSize.x) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.x,
static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.y + tex.tileSize.y) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.y);
Math::Vector n(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); // normal
Vertex quad[4] =
Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(0.0f, 1.0f)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(0.0f, 0.0f)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(1.0f, 1.0f)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(1.0f, 0.0f))
Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(texCoord1.x, texCoord2.y)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p1.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(texCoord1.x, texCoord1.y)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p1.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(texCoord2.x, texCoord2.y)),
Vertex(Math::Vector(p2.x, p2.y, 0.0f), n, Math::Point(texCoord2.x, texCoord1.y))
m_device->SetTexture(0, tex.id);
m_device->DrawPrimitive(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, quad, 4, color);
pos.x += charSize.x * width;
pos.x += charInterfaceSize.x * width;
@ -1000,57 +1018,6 @@ CachedFont* CText::GetOrOpenFont(FontType font, float size)
return m_lastCachedFont;
CharTexture CText::CreateCharTexture(UTF8Char ch, CachedFont* font)
CharTexture texture;
SDL_Surface* textSurface = nullptr;
SDL_Color white = {255, 255, 255, 0};
char str[] = { ch.c1, ch.c2, ch.c3, '\0' };
textSurface = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font->font, str, white);
if (textSurface == nullptr)
m_error = "TTF_Render error";
return texture;
int w = Math::NextPowerOfTwo(textSurface->w);
int h = Math::NextPowerOfTwo(textSurface->h);
SDL_Surface* textureSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00,
0x000000ff, 0xff000000);
SDL_BlitSurface(textSurface, nullptr, textureSurface, nullptr);
ImageData data;
data.surface = textureSurface;
TextureCreateParams createParams;
createParams.format = TEX_IMG_RGBA;
createParams.filter = TEX_FILTER_NEAREST;
createParams.mipmap = false;
Texture tex = m_device->CreateTexture(&data, createParams);
data.surface = nullptr;
if (! tex.Valid())
m_error = "Texture create error";
texture.id = tex.id;
texture.texSize = Math::IntPoint(textureSurface->w, textureSurface->h);
texture.charSize = Math::IntPoint(textSurface->w, textSurface->h);
return texture;
CharTexture CText::GetCharTexture(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size)
CachedFont* cf = GetOrOpenFont(font, size);
@ -1076,5 +1043,116 @@ CharTexture CText::GetCharTexture(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size)
return tex;
Math::IntPoint CText::GetFontTextureSize()
CharTexture CText::CreateCharTexture(UTF8Char ch, CachedFont* font)
CharTexture texture;
SDL_Surface* textSurface = nullptr;
SDL_Color white = {255, 255, 255, 0};
char str[] = { ch.c1, ch.c2, ch.c3, '\0' };
textSurface = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font->font, str, white);
if (textSurface == nullptr)
m_error = "TTF_Render error";
return texture;
Math::IntPoint tileSize(Math::NextPowerOfTwo(textSurface->w),
FontTexture* fontTexture = GetOrCreateFontTexture(tileSize);
if (fontTexture == nullptr)
m_error = "Texture create error";
texture.id = fontTexture->id;
texture.charPos = GetNextTilePos(*fontTexture);
texture.charSize = Math::IntPoint(textSurface->w, textSurface->h);
texture.tileSize = tileSize;
ImageData imageData;
imageData.surface = textSurface;
Texture tex;
tex.id = texture.id;
m_device->UpdateTexture(tex, texture.charPos, &imageData, TEX_IMG_RGBA);
imageData.surface = nullptr;
return texture;
FontTexture* CText::GetOrCreateFontTexture(Math::IntPoint tileSize)
for (auto& fontTexture : m_fontTextures)
if (fontTexture.tileSize == tileSize && fontTexture.freeSlots > 0)
return &fontTexture;
FontTexture newFontTexture = CreateFontTexture(tileSize);
if (newFontTexture.id == 0)
return nullptr;
return &m_fontTextures.back();
FontTexture CText::CreateFontTexture(Math::IntPoint tileSize)
SDL_Surface* textureSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.x, FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.y, 32,
0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000);
ImageData data;
data.surface = textureSurface;
TextureCreateParams createParams;
createParams.format = TEX_IMG_RGBA;
createParams.filter = TEX_FILTER_NEAREST;
createParams.mipmap = false;
Texture tex = m_device->CreateTexture(&data, createParams);
data.surface = nullptr;
FontTexture fontTexture;
fontTexture.id = tex.id;
fontTexture.tileSize = tileSize;
int horizontalTiles = FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.x / tileSize.x;
int verticalTiles = FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.y / tileSize.y;
fontTexture.freeSlots = horizontalTiles * verticalTiles;
return fontTexture;
Math::IntPoint CText::GetNextTilePos(const FontTexture& fontTexture)
int horizontalTiles = FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.x / fontTexture.tileSize.x;
int verticalTiles = FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.y / fontTexture.tileSize.y;
int totalTiles = horizontalTiles * verticalTiles;
int tileNumber = totalTiles - fontTexture.freeSlots;
int verticalTileIndex = tileNumber / horizontalTiles;
int horizontalTileIndex = tileNumber % horizontalTiles;
return Math::IntPoint(horizontalTileIndex * fontTexture.tileSize.x,
verticalTileIndex * fontTexture.tileSize.y);
} // namespace Gfx
@ -191,13 +191,15 @@ struct UTF8Char
struct CharTexture
unsigned int id = 0;
Math::IntPoint texSize;
Math::IntPoint charPos;
Math::IntPoint charSize;
Math::IntPoint tileSize;
// Definition is private - in text.cpp
struct CachedFont;
struct MultisizeFont;
struct FontTexture;
* \enum SpecialChar
@ -307,10 +309,14 @@ public:
UTF8Char TranslateSpecialChar(int specialChar);
CharTexture GetCharTexture(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size);
Math::IntPoint GetFontTextureSize();
CachedFont* GetOrOpenFont(FontType font, float size);
CharTexture CreateCharTexture(UTF8Char ch, CachedFont* font);
FontTexture* GetOrCreateFontTexture(Math::IntPoint tileSize);
FontTexture CreateFontTexture(Math::IntPoint tileSize);
Math::IntPoint GetNextTilePos(const FontTexture& fontTexture);
void DrawString(const std::string &text, std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator format,
std::vector<FontMetaChar>::iterator end,
@ -331,6 +337,7 @@ protected:
int m_tabSize;
std::map<FontType, std::unique_ptr<MultisizeFont>> m_fonts;
std::vector<FontTexture> m_fontTextures;
FontType m_lastFontType;
int m_lastFontSize;
Reference in New Issue